November 11, 2015

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November 11, 2015


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Attorney General Rutledge Hosts Mena Roundtable

Celebrating Second Chances

Four new graduates serve as model examples of the benefits of an intense rehabilitation program

BY LEANN DILBECK Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge was in Mena Monday and met with community leaders as part of her ‘Rutledge Roundtables.’ Mena was the 61st roundtable CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Burr Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

BY MELANIE BUCK Alicia Burr will spend the next ten years in the Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) following a string of probation violations. The honor-


Polk County Hunters Feeding the Hungry L-R: Jamee Goodner, Jamie Romine, Krishna Turner, Robert Lanman with the Honorable Judge Jerry Ryan BY MELANIE BUCK There are many who complain or have lost faith in the justice system. However, as proved in Polk County Circuit Court last week, there are programs that rehabilitate offenders to become productive members of society and stand as a testiment to those that think addiction can’t be conquered. Prosecuting Attorney Andy Riner praises the graduates because he sees what they accomplish during their most tryCONTINUED ON PAGE 10-11

BY MELANIE BUCK As hunters hit the woods this deer season, T-N-L Meat Processing would like to remind everyone to help support Arkansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry (AHFH). T-N-L Processing has been involved with the program for seven years and owners Troy and Ginger Lunsford are more than happy about the support they have received from the commuCONTINUED ON PAGE 9

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November 11, 2015

Rutledge Roundtable

Weekly Publication


organized by her office in various parts of the state that allows General Rutledge to hear direct from Arkansans. The EPA’s recent enactment of the Waters of the U.S., banking scams, the new open carry legislation, among others, were all areas of concern expressed by Monday’s roundtable attendees which included the City and County government officials, the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, RMCC administration, and members of the local law enforcement. [PHOTO BY LEANN DILBECK]

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Fresh Start’s ‘Come Grow With Us’ Banquet Raises Over $5,000 in Pledges

BY CANDACE RINER Fresh Start Pregnancy Resource Center held their First Annual Fundraising Banquet on Thursday, November 5, at the Ouachita Center. Over 200 people were in attendance for an evening of encouragement and fellowship. Fresh Start raised over $5,000 in pledges and one-time contributions to help further the outreach of the ministry. The purpose of the banquet was to make the community more aware of the ministry and to share with others. Fresh Start was pleased with the turnout on such a stormy evening and a great reception from the community. Those in attendance learned more about the ministry of Fresh Start to women and men in Polk County and caught the vision from their Founder, Jeanne Jordan. A former client gave her testimony about how the ministry of Fresh Start helped her at a very critical time in her life and throughout her pregnancy. Pregnancy Center Director, Elizabeth Beasley gave a ministry report of the great things that have happened and how God has blessed the ministry and those who have been served this past year. Guest speaker Ashley Rainey Escue delivered an uplifting message of life, sharing she and her husband’s journey with adoption, fostering, and parenting their children and others they have received into their home and hearts. The ministry extends their appreciation to all who attended and gave generously and to those who gave so much time and service to make the event possible, and to Jason Goodner for catering the meal. Fresh Start is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. They are located in the rock house at 1308 Hwy. 71 N, in Mena, next door to Miner’s A & B Tire and across from Sun Country Inn. They can be contacted at 479394-1186. Fresh Start’s Board of Directors are: Chair, Chris Daniel; Vice Chair, Pam Gross; Secretary, Susan Rowell; Treasurer, Ronda Lambert; Events Chair, Candace Riner; and Administrative Assistant, Debra Lambrecht. For more information about Fresh Start and how to partner with them, visit their website at and on Facebook at to keep up with other special events they are planning as well as other news and updates.

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November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication


Polk County Coroner Brian Bowser has announced he will be seeking his fourth term in office. “I want to thank the citizens of Polk County for allowing me to serve you as your Coroner for the last 6 years and ask for your continued support in the upcoming primary election.” “I have enjoyed working with all the different agencies and families I served in our county. I feel we have a good working relationship and I hope to continue serving the citizens of Polk County as Coroner. Thank you for your support and vote.”

For a complete list of candidate filings, see page 19 inside this issue or online @

Thursday, November 19 11am - 1pm

Milham Announces Candidacy for Polk County Sheriff

SUBMITTED A third candidate and 4th generation Polk County resident, Tim Milham, has announced his intent to run for the office of Polk County Sheriff. “I am a lifelong citizen of Polk County and the fourth generation of my family to call Polk County home. I have been married to Tara Ferguson Milham for 25 years and we have three children & two grandchildren together. We attend Dallas Avenue Baptist Church and have been active members for the past 25 years. We live on a cattle farm here in Polk County and we started a small business in the last year downtown on Mena Street, Shoe Craze.” Milham continued, “I have 17 years experience in law enforcement. I started my career after being hired by Sheriff Mike Oglesby in 1992. I later moved to Fort Smith, AR so that my wife could complete her nursing degree and I went to work as a Detention Deputy for Sebastian County Sheriff Office. I then later returned to Polk County and eventually went to work for the Mena Police Department in 1997. I was there until 2010 and was a Sergeant for the last several years there.” Milham added, “I’m also a Registered Nurse and am currently the Director of Nursing for Ouachita Regional Hospice. I started in this position in 2011 and I have thoroughly enjoyed my work serving the people of Polk County in this capacity. I am asking for the privilege to continue my service to the citizens of Polk County as your Sheriff. If elected I will uphold the hometown values that we enjoy here in Polk County and always strive to uphold the office of Sheriff to the highest standards.” For a complete list of candidate filings for the 2016 primary, please see pages 19 inside this issue.

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Bowser Announces Intent to Seek ReElection for Coroner


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Page 4 Weekly Publication

Sex Offenders Sentenced to Prison for Failure to Register BY MELANIE BUCK

Two men were sentenced to serve time in Arkansas Department of Corrections on Monday after failing to comply with sex offender registration laws. Tomas Blume, age 21, was sentenced to ten years in ADC after failing multiple times to keep in contact with probation officers, pay fines and costs, lead a law abiding life, and failure to register as a sex offender. Blume was recently released from ADC after being sentenced to one year for failure to comply with sex offender registration in Sevier County, Arkansas. He is a level 3 sex offender who was previously convicted of two counts of sexual assault in the second degree. Brian Guinn, age 22, was sentenced to two years in ADC after failure to comply with the sex and child offender registration act. Guinn had failed to report a change of address. Guinn is a level 2 sex offender who was previously convicted of sexual solicitation/ indecent exposure. Both men were remanded by the Polk County Sheriff’s Department, awaiting an opening in the Arkansas Department of Corrections.

The local chapter of Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and their Auxiliary presented Mena Walmart Supercenter 67 with a plaque in recognition of Walmart’s continued support. Pictured are, l to r: Myron Green, DAV Senior Vice Commander, William Verdier, Co-Manager of Walmart 67, Linda Flint, Customer Service Manager of Walmart 67, and Don Martin, DAV Secretary Adjutant.

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November 11, 2015

November 11, 2015


Page 5


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Page 6


November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

12th Annual Community Nativity Festival Planned

Thanksgiving Deadline to Contribute Set for Exhibit

submitted The Community Nativity Festival will again be a prominent event of Mena’s Christmas festivities. It will feature a display of more than 300 family nativity sets - also called manger scenes, cribs (England), krippe (Germany), creches (France), presepio (Italy), nacimiento (Spain), szopka (Poland), and a host of other names around the world. Illustrating the stories of Jesus’ birth at Bethlehem, the sets include figures of the Holy Family, with various combinations of angels, shepherds, magi (wise men), local visitors, and attendant animals. Small family nativities like these have been a part of Christmas celebrations in private homes since the 1700’s. Although a number major churches and museums around the world have permanent collections, the Mena display is a bit different, as it is neither permanent nor based on the collection of a single individual, church or institution. All the sets are lent by local families - of all denominations - who bring them in for a few days to share as a Christmas gift to their neighbors. It is an independent cooperative and volunteer effort, with lenders and workers from many different churches. Our oldest lenders have been in their 90’s, the youngest only 3, with one family providing sets from 3 generations of collectors. The display includes exhibits from many different countries (many with the costumes, accessories, and animals of the local culture). Some are mass-produced, others professionally hand-carved or hand-painted, still others lovingly crafted at home. They range in age from vintage pieces of the 1940’s to the newest collectibles, and in complexity from single pieces to those with dozens of separate figures. Materials include metal, stone, glass, crystal, porcelain, paper-mache, pottery, clay, resin, wood, wax, felt, fabric, and paper. The smallest figures are about 1/4” tall, the largest about 2 feet tall. The Festival, which also features refreshments and seasonal music, began in 2003 at Christ Episcopal Church, moved later to Trinity Lutheran, and again in 2010 to larger quarters at the Fellowship Hall at First Presbyterian Church. It will be open to the public Friday through Sunday during the first two weekends in December - Fridays and Saturdays from 10 am to 5 pm, Sundays from 1 pm to 4 pm, and on Saturday evening December 5 after the Parade until 8 pm. Anyone wishing to lend a set for display this year is invited to contact the Community Nativity Festival Committee for an exhibit form.: Carol Schulz 479-243-0905; Frances Smith 479-243-0260 or 234-0978; Colleen Amidei 630-746-8903 Forms are also available online at The committee needs to receive the sets by Thanksgiving. They will be available for pick-up by December 17, in time to be displayed in your own home for Christmas.

St. Agnes Soup Buffet Saturday, Nov 14 11 am - 2 pm Soup, Breads, Drink & Dessert

St. Agnes Parish Hall 109 8th Street, Mena

Stolen Truck Found in Washington County, Suspect Apprehended

BY MELANIE BUCK A truck that was reported stolen from the owners’ yard while the residents were inside on Tuesday night has been found. Authorities in Washington County, Arkansas arrested 65-year old Wallace D. Kasinger, of Stillwater, Oklahoma, around 8:30 Wednesday night for DWI, Careless Driving, and Theft by Receiving following a one-vehicle accident. Washington County Authorities contacted the Polk County Sheriff’s Department after discovering the truck that Kasinger was driving had been stolen from Polk County. According to police reports, Kevin and Camilia Wolfenbarger said they saw their truck leaving their driveway at approximately 7:40 p.m. Tuesday night. The Wolfenbargers thought their son, Nick, who had just left their home, had the truck and were not alarmed, at first. However, after contacting Nick, they discovered he did not have the truck and it had, in fact, been stolen. Upon Polk County Deputy Seth Smith’s arrival, Nick reported that when he left, just minutes before the truck was stolen, he observed a man walking down the road near their home. The man was described as wearing a black shirt and black pants, with a mullet-style haircut and facial hair. Polk County Chief Deputy Scott Sawyer said they suspected Kasinger all along. According to Sawyer, Kasinger had been arrested by the Grannis Police Department on October 31st for DWI. Kasinger was then released on Monday, November 2, the day before the truck was stolen. The truck, a 2014 black Dodge Ram, was also carrying several tools belonging to the owner, including ladders, electrician tools, and company and personal checks. It is unknown at this time whether any of those items have been recovered. Formal charges are pending in Polk County.

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Page 7

November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Burr Sentenced



able Judge Jerry Ryan handed down the sentence on Monday in Polk County Circuit Court after listening to testimony from several witnesses in the probation revocation hearing. The term was set for 20 years in ADC, with 10 years being suspended. The sentencing follows a case where Burr was previously convicted in Polk County Circuit Court when she pled “no contest” to Arson {5-38-301}, a Class A Felony, three counts of Aggravated Assault {5-13-204}, a Class D Felony, and Criminal Mischief in the First Degree {5-38-203a1}, a Class D Felony, in June 2014. The original case stemmed from a “suspicious” house fire in 2012 at a home on Westmoreland Drive off Hwy 375S that was owned by Michael White, where Telina Dedmond and her family resided. Burr was sentenced by then Polk County Circuit Court Judge J.W. Looney in August 2014 to ten years probation with more than twenty conditions. Any violation to the conditions of probation could cause any part of the full sentence to be imposed. One of the felonies Burr was charged with carries a 30-year sentence. Looney also ordered full restitution to be paid to the victims. In addition to probation and restitution, Burr was also required to surrender herself to the Polk County Jail every other weekend for a period 8 months following sentencing, which was increased during one of her probation violations to include an additional 120 days. However, after repeatedly violating the conditions of her probation, Burr was brought back to court several times. Probation Officer Frank Gibson was the first to testify at the hearing. Gibson said Burr violated at least seven of her conditions, some of them multiple times. Condition 2 required that Burr lead a law-abiding life; however she was arrested in February 2015 for disorderly conduct in Sevier County. Condition 3 requires that she report as directed to her probation officer. Gibson testified that on several occasions, Burr either missed her appointments with him, counselors, and appointments to take substance abuse tests. Undergoing medical, psychiatric, and substance abuse exams was a term of condition 12. Burr was said to have been dismissed from group counseling sessions for non-compliance and failure to report. As part of condition 13, Burr was not allowed to have relationships with other convicted felons. However, around March 2015, she began dating a convicted felon, J.J. Johnson, before receiving permission from Gibson. Burr and Johnson did gain permission to date and marry in July 2015, but later divorced in October 2015. Twice, Burr tested positive for drugs, which violated condition 16; to refrain from the use or possession of drugs. She also tested positive for alcohol on several occasions, violating condition 21. Officer Gibson stated during his testimony, “Probation is a sentence by the court to help get their life together and to set right their wrongs and to not take that seriously is a slap in the face to the court.” Burr testified on her own behalf and said that many violations were results of an alleged volatile relationship with Johnson, her now ex-husband. When asked why she remained in the relationship, Burr said that Johnson was the only support she had. “I had meltdown relationship issues. There were so many things going on. I was trying to move but I can’t get a job until I move and I can’t move until I get a job. It’s too much. I don’t have a support system,” testified Burr. As part of her defense, Burr and her mother, Loretta Cogburn, argued that both of Burr’s ex-husbands were allegedly trying to set her up to fail drug tests. Burr’s defense attorney, Bob Keeter, asked the court to postponed the hearing to allow time to subpoena alleged text messages between both ex-husbands that Keeter said would prove conspiracy. The motion was denied by the court, citing, even if that were true, there were enough other conditions violated that it wouldn’t lessen punishment. Also while on the stand, Burr said, “I wish I had gotten here a lot sooner because 2103 Cordie Dr. 3 Bdr. 2 Ba. Sits on 1 and 1/2 acre lot in I promised this court that I would. Until you get to that ‘aha’ moment, you just don’t understand, and I didn’t get to that ‘aha’ moment until I was already in trouble. I’m Mena city limits. Double car attached garage , double car ashamed.” detached garage/workshop with power. Large living room During sentencing, Judge Ryan said, “I have heard a lot of excuses but not reasons. It’s inexcusable. I think you’re more concerned about you than anybody.” ,kitchen, and master bedroom. Formal dining, and laundry Burr was immediately remanded into custody and will await an opening in the Arroom. New to house since purchased in 2007, roof, air and kansas Department of Corrections.

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Page 8

November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

2nd Annual Ouachita Art Celebration

The 2nd annual Ouachita Art Celebration showcased Mena’s budding downtown arts district on Saturday. Local citizens as well as visitors from abroad filled Mena Street as crafters, artisans, actors, and fashion divas displayed, demonstrated, and performed. Music could be heard for blocks as event-goers filled up on special made treats and enjoyed some early Christmas shopping.

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November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Hunters Feeding the Hungry



nity for such a worthy cause. AHFH is a program that began in 2000 to distribute donated meats to food banks around the state. The program works in conjunction with meat processors around the state who ask their patrons to donate their processed meats to help feed the hungry. Approximately 3 million meals have been given to the state’s hungry since its inception. Hunters who wish to donate to the program can visit T-N-L at 527 Polk 71, 12 miles east of Mena off of Hwy. 88E. Hunters can donate part or all of their deer by simply telling the processor how much would you like to donate. “Some folks will say, ‘I’ll donate 5 packages of ground meat’ while others donate the whole deer,” said Lunsford. Most processors ask that you at least skin the deer and, if possible, ‘quarter’ the deer as well. AHFH not only accepts venison, they also take pork, beef, hog (domestic and wild), lamb, and goat to distribute. Lunsford reported that donations were down a bit last year, bringing in just 360 pounds. In 2014, Lunsford took in just under 400 lbs. of venison for donations to several local food banks. “As far as this program goes, the greatest thing is that it stays local,” Lunsford stated. His biggest year was in 2012 when more than 600 lbs. was donated through his processing plant. The Arkansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry needs about $100,000 per year to fund the program across the state. Besides food donations, they also accept monetary donations through their website, or by mail at P.O. Box 55303, Little Rock, AR 72215-5303. Lunsford said, “A lot of people have begun giving just a package or two after it’s been processed, anything helps.” T-N-L Meat Processing is the only processor in the region that represents the program. Lunsford humbly added, “I know it’s better to give than to receive.”

Airport’s 40-Year Master Plan Nearing Final Phases for FAA


BY LEANN DILBECK The Mena Airport Commission held a meeting open to the public Monday to hear any concerns regarding the 40-year Master Plan, including the expansion to the east side of Runway 09-27, the only project in the

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plan that will affect citizens outside of current airport holdings. Greg Shipley of Morrison Shipley, who has consulted Mena Airport throughout the process, had large-scale aerial photos and topographical renderings of the affected areas.

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Betty Smith, who owns the property to the east of the proposed expansion, spoke to commissioners regarding noise, but of greater concern were drainage issues caused by flooding on County Road 44 since the construction of the 09-27. Airport Attorney Commissioner Danny Thrailkill offered to speak to the County Judge regarding the issue but Smith’s grandson, Jacob Miller, explained that the issue wouldn’t be resolved with deeper ditches. Miller explained the family is losing a couple of inches all along the fence line of a hay meadow that borders the road every time it rains due to erosion since the construction of runway 09-27. Following the public meeting, the commission moved into their regular monthly meeting. Besides routine business, the commission heard from Shipley who stated that no formal concerns were submitted during the public meeting and therefore, the commis-

sion could proceed with filing their 40-year Master Plan to the FAA for final approval. Shipley said that he expected the approval process by all parties could be “wrapped up by the end of the year.” The project will enable the Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport to remain compliant with FAA standards over the next several decades. Part of the plan will allow for larger aircraft to land at the facilities, bringing more commerce to the community.

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Page 10

November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication


Drug Court


ing times. “Our whole community should celebrate when a probationer completes drug court. A drug court graduate is equipped with the tools necessary to overcome drug addiction, but they must continue to make the right choices after they leave the program. It has been very rewarding for me to see some of our graduates and active participants overcome their addiction and become productive members of our community. What I really enjoy is when I see the drug court members who used to avoid me because we used to be on opposite paths.” The Drug Court Program in Polk County is not the easiest road, but to four recent graduates of the program, it was the best road for them, and they and their support group, could not be more proud of the accomplishment of moving from the road to destruction to the road of recovery. On Wednesday, November 4, Jamee Goodner, Robert Lanham, Jamie Romine, and Krishna Turner received their certificates for graduating Drug Court, with smiles that filled the room. Turner graduated with honors from the program because she had no violations during her term, which is almost unheard of according to Probation Officer Brittany Quinn. Quinn is the only drug court officer in Polk and Montgomery counties and has worked very closely with the program for five years. The Drug Court Program is a strict outpatient substance abuse program that was created to curb substance addiction that often leads to other crimes. “The Drug Court Program is for anyone that has a substance abuse issue. They come with an array of different charges, a lot of theft, fraudulent use of a credit card, forgery, with drug problems,” said Quinn. She explained that candidates have counseling twice a week, around 80 hours per year of supervised community service, and have to report for color of the day, which is how they do random drug testing. They are also required to gain employment if they are able and they all have conditions of probation that they must also follow. Quinn explained, “It’s intensive outpatient and for someone that’s been abusing drugs for a long period of time, they can’t just stop and we don’t give up on them. Most of the ones we get are on probation for at least four years and most of them it takes the majority of their probation to complete.” For some, like Turner, it just takes once. “It’s easy if you can just stay clean. It’s a very good program if you just do it and you have support. Steven [Free] and Brittany are pretty amazing people,” said Turner. Turner began taking pills at the age of 15 and started methamphetamine at the age of 18, which led to trouble with the law. “I have a two year old and my grandmother has custody of her because I was so messed up. I’m in the process of getting her back.” Turner also has a three-month old son. Turner entered the drug court program on October 7, 2014 and found out she was pregnant with her son just one month later. “I found out that I was pregnant and that made it even tougher because if you fail a drug test while pregnant, you get sent off [to prison] until the baby is born.” Turner attributes much of her success to her support system. “I had help from Travis, my fiancé, my mom, my dad and step-mom, and both of my grandmas, Jackie Turner and Mildred Sherrouse, who drove me for every trip to town, whether it be to report for color of the day, counseling, or court. Barbara and Charles Murphy helped me a lot too.” Turner is well pleased with her accomplishment that was gained with honors, “It feels great to be clean. I don’t have to worry about anyone stealing my stuff or getting poisoned. I have a family and they are very supportive. It feels a lot better than not knowing where you’re going to be the next day. I don’t want to find out what prison is like, I just want to stay clean.” CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

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Page 11

November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Drug Court



Quinn said about Turner, “Krishna is a self-determined, single mother. She has been diligent in seeking recovery by attending all group and individual sessions and expressing honesty in her communications. Krishna has not let the definition of addict become a self-fulfilling prophecy but has changed that definition to a recovering addict. This is shown in the fact that she has remained substance free throughout the program. Krishna has been a role model for others in the program. She exemplifies the hope of recovery that is available to all individuals who willingly seek it.” Turner’s fellow graduates also spoke of what the program has done for them. Jamee Goodner said, “Drug Court has been a very good program for me. It forced me to pick myself up and deal with life head on…sober! I am very grateful and so is my family.” Adding some advice, Goodner quoted Shannon L. Alder, “Forget what hurt you in the past, but never forget what it taught you!” “Drug Court has taught me to face my problems myself, using my own inner strength. Running away from my problems has only brought greater heartache,” said graduate, Robert Lanham. Lanham lives by a quote from Boba Fett, “You can run, but you will only die tired.” Jamie Romine added, “The drug court program has helped me a lot. I’ve learned a lot of life lessons the hard way. If not for drug court I would probably be dead by overdose. The people are great! I am going to miss Steven and Brittany; they’re awesome. This program has taught me to be happy and sober at the same time. I now love life!” “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” –William Churchill, added Romine. Brittany Quinn said of the program, “It’s cheaper for the county for them to go through drug court. They’re supervised and it reduces theft and things. Most of them get clean to a level where the theft and stuff stops and it helps people in the community get clean. When they start using and become addicted other things start to happen and this keeps them clean.” For over two decades, Drug Courts have led the charge towards a more humane, cost effective justice system. Research demonstrates that Drug Courts provide a highly effective alternative to incarceration for individuals whose involvement in the criminal justice system is rooted in serious addiction to drugs and alcohol. By keeping drug-addicted offenders out of jail and in treatment, Drug Courts have been proven to reduce drug abuse and crime while saving money. Statistics show that 75% of Adult Criminal Drug Court graduates never see another pair of handcuffs. Drug Courts significantly reduce crime as much as 45% more than other sentencing options and produce cost savings ranging from $3,000 to $13,000 per client. These cost savings reflect reduced prison costs, reduced revolving-door arrests and trials, and reduced victimization. Drug Courts are also six times more likely to keep offenders in treatment long enough for them to get better, parents in Drug Court are twice as likely to go to treatment and complete it, and Family re-unification rates are 50% higher for Drug Court participants. Riner said, “The drug court program takes a unique approach for the criminal justice system. It provides the court system with a community based treatment option for eligible, non-violent drug offenders. In drug court, the public defender, prosecuting attorney, drug court staff, and circuit judge work together to become a treatment team. Although we sometimes disagree on how to approach an issue, we all work together for the good of the program and its participants.” As an added bonus incentive, upon graduation, Judge Ryan reduced each graduates’ amount of fees and costs left on their case. Goodner and Turner each received a $2,000 waiver and Lanham and Romine each received $1,000 waivers. Judge Jerry Ryan is proud of what the Drug Court Program has done for its participants and the County. “There seems to be a pervasive attitude in our county that the legal system fails to help our citizens who are addicted to illegal drugs. Here are the examples that prove that our court will not fail our citizens who reach out for help with their addiction. Through a combination of the guidance of their drug court personnel, their will power, determination and perseverance, these graduates have been able to overcome the addition that was destroying their lives and in doing so, have set an example for all to follow - that there is no limit to the human spirit. We are all very proud of the graduates,” said Judge Ryan.

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Page 12


November 11, 2015

Injured Bald Eagle in Need of Costly Surgery

BY MELANIE BUCK A juvenile bald eagle was hit by a car at Cossatot River State Park last Friday and is in need of surgery. Rehabilitator Tommy Young of the Arkansas Native Plant and Wildlife Center said that it will take more than $1,000 to fix the endangered animal. The two and a half year old female bald eagle’s pelvic girdle is broken and needs x-rays and at minimum, two steel plates and two titanium pins to repair the injury. Young would like to be able to perform surgery and rehabilitate the eagle to be ready for release in time for his 80,000th release celebration, set for the end of the year. Young most recently released two hawks and two owls at the Visitor’s Center at the base of Rich Mountain bringing his total within four of his goal. If you would like to help in any way, make a donation, or sponsor an animal, contact Tommy Young at 479-437-3750.

Mena Water Utility Halts ‘Hog Jaw’ Project

BY MELANIE BUCK A project that has been in the formative phase for several years has been deemed financially unfeasible for both consumers and the utility, said Mena Water Utilities Manager Charles Pitman. What was dubbed as the Hog Jaw project, would have supplied water to the community of Hog Jaw, which is south of the Ouachita River at Pencil Bluff and to an area off of Polk Road 42 and Big Fork. The area reaches into Montgomery County. In 2008, an account for expenses was formed and Mena Water looked at how they could supply water to that area, took aerial photographs and land surveys for topography, roads, easements, etc. They also identified the area to serve and then needed to confirm people that were interested in having water services. In total, 98 customers signed a form committing to have a meter set and paying for it if the line came that way. Pitman explained that with such low numbers, each consumer’s monthly bill would be a minimum of $56, before any water usage. “It could not be a cheap service due to the distance,” said Pitman. Pitman explained the conclusion to terminate the plan “was not an easy decision,” but cited several reasons: financial feasibility, health and safety, and customer service. First, Pitman noted simple math, such as the minimum monthly payment that is not feasible for many consumers. “The project just to put in water lines would be $2.8 million dollars. Also, getting our system up to par to not have so much chlorine would cost additional money that is not budgeted,” said Pitman. He explained that since the process first began, the Arkansas Department of Health CONTINUED ON PAGE 13

Weekly Publication

Page 13

November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Are you hunting for customers?


has become more strict on how chlorine is implemented in water systems. “The farther the water has to travel, the more chlorine it takes to keep it safe. Chlorine puts off a bi-product that is not safe for consumers. We have already gotten a violation a couple of years ago for too much chlorine and have an issue where we have to maintain a lower chlorination level.” Those farther customers would have a greater chance of having chlorine biproduct water. The health and safety of its consumers is always a top concern for the local utility. Another concern was the lack of quality customer service they would receive. Some lines would be at least an hour and a half from the water company; not ideal for someone with a water leak. It’s also not ideal for the company; losing a worker for a minimum of four hours to make a simple repair. Although Pitman said they would like to help the area and bring water to more consumers, it was not a sound decision for the utility as a whole. “It wasn’t an easy decision. Our main concern is to serve the citizens of the Mena area and this wasn’t going to do our existing customers any good.”



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‘Caretakers’ Convicted on Multiple Counts of Forgery BY MELANIE BUCK

A husband and wife were both sentenced in Polk County Circuit Court on Monday for charges of forgery. Micah and April Arnold were said to be ‘caretakers’ of the victim in the case. April Arnold was convicted of three counts of Forgery in the Second Degree and sentenced to six years, with the first year to be served in the Arkansas Department of Corrections and the rest to be served under supervised probation. April Arnold’s case totaled $1,980 in forged checks. Micah Arnold was convicted of one count of Theft of Property for ‘exercising unauthorized control’ of the debit card and checks of victim, David Porter, and sixteen counts of Forgery in the Second Degree. Micah Arnold’s case totaled more than $6,600 in forged checks. Micah Arnold could have faced 176 years in prison; however, Judge Ryan handed down a sentence of ten years

in ADC. Between Micah and April Arnold, the victim lost more than $14,600 in checks and debit card charges.

Page 14


November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Ruby Melton Wilcox

Ruby Melton Wilcox, age 94, of Mena, died Monday, November 2, 2015 at the Rich Mountain Nursing and Rehab in Mena. She was born on Friday, October 28, 1921, to Clump and Letha Campbell in Arkansas. Ruby loved her family and loved spending time with her son and grandchildren. She was an LPN for over 30 years and worked at the old Mena Hospital. She was a very kind and passionate person and never met a stranger. She was married to a Baptist preacher for many years and served the Lord every day. Ruby enjoyed gardening, crocheting, fishing and cooking; everyone enjoyed her cornbread and fried eggs. Ruby was a loving mother, grandmother, aunt and friend and will be greatly missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her parents; several brothers and sisters. Ruby is survived by her son, Donald Fried; her granddaughter Julie Lewis of Mena; two great grandchildren, Alban of Fort Smith and Cory of Mena; six greatgreat grandchildren, Searria, Courtney, Sequoia, and Harold all of Mena, Summer and Heavenly of Fort Smith; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. Graveside services were Friday, November 6, 2015 at 1:00 P.M. at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Big Fork. There was no visitation. Arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena. Online Guestbook:

Gladys Ruth Willis Brown Gladys Ruth Willis Brown, age 91, of Mena, passed away, Wednesday, October 28, 2015 in Rich Mountain Nursing and Rehab in Mena. She was born January 2, 1924 in Mena, Arkansas to Frank and Girtie Argo Willis and was united in marriage to Barney Brown on July 20, 1946. Gladys graduated from Cherry Hill School in 1942. She loved basketball and was co-captain of the Cherry Hill basketball team that won the 1942 Polk County Championship. After graduation she moved to Fort Worth, Texas by train and worked as a riveter building planes during World War II and continued to play basketball there on a city team. Throughout her life, she loved sports and was an avid Razorback fan. She was from a large family that played guitar, fiddle and loved to sing. In 1946, she moved back to Mena and married Barney. They were married 48 years before his death in 1994. They lived in the Cherry Hill, Yocana, and Ink area until 1968 when they moved to Mena. She was a member of Salem Baptist Church, where she had joined when the church pastor was A J Cole whom she loved and had many long discussions about denominations. Gladys felt that it was what was in your heart and your belief in God, not how you practiced your religion that mattered. She worked at Renovo Shirt Company for many years and during the 60’s she started working at Rich Mountain Nursing, in the new rehabilitation unit and she was so proud when a resident got to return to their home. Gladys was very creative and loved to make pictures out of broken glass

To the doctors and nurses at Mena Regional Health System, the staff at Peachtree, the staff at Rich Mountain Manor & Rehab and the staff at Beasley Wood Funeral Home. There is no better group to entrust a loved one than you. To all our family and friends, we can’t put into words how much it means to know you’re there. You have all helped the family through this difficult time.

Dorothy Miller, please

On behalf of the family of accept our warmest and sincerest “THANK YOU”!

and make apple head dolls. Setting around a campfire with friends and listening to their dogs run the coyotes was something else she loved. She loved to play dominoes, and the family would tell you that she was great, but she never played partners with Barney. Gladys loved being with her children and grandchildren and loved to feed them. She started a great tradition of Sunday night dinners with chocolate pie for Andy and lemon pie for Doug. She was a loving and kind Mother of two, Grandmother of seven, and Great-Grandmother of sixteen, and was very proud to be the Great-Grandmother of three sets of twins. Her cheerful smile and pretty blue eyes will be dearly missed. She is survived by her children: Kaye Hunter and husband Doug, Andy Brown and wife Teena, of Mena; her grandchildren: Ray Hunter and wife Shannon, Matt Hunter and wife Kelly, of Mena; Mark Hunter and wife Jamie, of Farmington, Ar; Scott Brown and wife Randi of Mena; Angela McBee and husband James, of Peoria, Az; Cole Brown and wife Stephanie, of Hot Springs, and Lacee Brown, of Dallas, Tx; her greatgrandchildren: Annabeth and Hattie Hunter, Jack and Tate Hunter, Alex, Avery and

Gertrude Elizabeth cox Mrs. Gertrude Elizabeth Cox, age 91, of Mena, Arkansas passed away November 8, 2015 in Mena. She was born on January 8, 1924 in Shady, Arkansas to the late Joseph D. Whisenhunt and the late Effie Cornelia Lawrence Whisenhunt. She was married to the late Hubert Cox and was a home-

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Zoey Hunter, Nora and Lia Hunter, Blake, Brenden and Brody Brown, Weston, Derek and Jason McBee, and Chanleigh Brown. Also surviving are a host of special nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, Frank and Girtie Willis, her husband, Barney Brown, her brothers, Grady, Ira, and Wesley Willis and her sisters, Reathea Poston, Pauline Raines, Rudene Miller, Eva Lou Higgins, and Jean Vogel. Funeral services were Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Salem Baptist Church with Brother Joe Cornelison and Brother Jack Schoeppey officiating. Interment was in the Rocky Cemetery under the direction of the Beasley-Wood Funeral Home.

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Page 15

November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Michael Fenwick Michael Fenwick, age 66, of Mena, died Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at the Rich Mountain Nursing and Rehab in Mena. He was born on Friday, November 12, 1948 in Ardmore, Oklahoma. Michael was a very friendly man who never met a stranger. He served his community as a volunteer fire fighter for the Ink Rural Fire Department. He worked at US Motors for 15 years. He enjoyed being with his family, especially his granddaughters, gardening and feeding the birds. God was important in his life, serving as a member of the Methodist Church in Mena. Michael was a loving husband, father, grandfather and friend and will be greatly missed by all who knew him. He is preceded in death by his brothers, Curtis Fenwick and Timothy Fenwick. Michael is survived by his wife of 37 years, Vici Fenwick of Mena; his two sons and daughter in law, Brent and Lora Fenwick of Colorado Springs, Colorado and Justin Fenwick of Mena; his daughter and son in law, Sarah and Craig Bentley of Mena; two grandchildren, Rylie and Harper Bentley of Mena and a host of other relatives and friends.

A graveside service was held Monday, November 9, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. with Jamie Cavner officiating at the Grannis Cemetery in Grannis. Visitation was Sunday, November 8, 2015 from 6-8 P.M. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel. Services are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena. In lieu of flowers memorials can be made to the Ink Rural Volunteer Fire Department C/O Jim Mabry, 123 Polk 181, Mena, Arkansas 71953 or the Rich Mountain Nursing and Rehab Activities Fund, 306 Hornbeck, Mena, Arkansas 71953. Online Guestbook:

Wanda Wood Wanda Wood, age 84, of Cove, died Sunday, October 25, 2015 at her home. She was born on Wednesday, January 14, 1931 to Arthur and Geneva Hiler Bills in rural Virginia. Wanda was a lady in every sense of the word. She loved her husband for over 65 years and raised family that she was so proud of. She enjoyed her cats and cooking for her family. Some of her favorite things to bake were pumpkin bread and Rum Cake; she also liked to make Waldorf salads. She was a member of the Eastern Star and was of the Baptist faith. Wanda also enjoyed playing the piano and making homemade dresses for little baby girls. Wanda was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, aunt and friend and will be greatly missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her parents; three brothers, Richard Bills, Billy Bills, and Arthur Bills, Jr.; one great-granddaughter, Hazel Robards. Wanda is survived by her husband of 65 years, Leland Wood of Cove; two sons, Michael Wood of Mena and Paul Wood and wife, Ali of Cove; one daughter, Teresa Love of Cove; seven grandchildren, Debra Buschman of Mena, Amye Robards of Mesquite, Texas, Lauren Hernandez of Memphis, Tennessee, Alexis Wood of Cove, Emily Bailey of Rockwall, Texas, Michael Wood III of Yokohama, Japan and Brandon Bailey of Wickes; three great-grandchildren, Colton Hunter of Mesquite, Texas, Paul Buschman III of Mena and Sarai Hernandez of Memphis, Tennessee; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services were Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel with Brother Steve Squires officiating. Ms. Wood was sent for cremation after the funeral service. Visitation was Friday, November 6, 2015 from 6-

8 P.M. at the Bowser Family Funeral Home Chapel in Mena. Online Guestbook:

Donna Faye Holliday Donna Faye Holliday, age 61, of Mena, died Monday, November 4, 2015 at her home. She was born on Saturday, January 9, 1954 to Calvin Ancil and Vesta Parson Blackwood in Mena, Arkansas. Donna loved her family and loved spending time with her son and grandchildren. She loved working in her flowerbeds and making ceramics. Donna was an excellent cook and the family loved her Swedish meatballs and beans and cornbread. Donna was a Christian and believed in the power of prayer. Donna was a loving mother, sister, grandmother, aunt and friend and will be greatly missed by all who knew her. She is preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Jerry Holliday; three brothers, James, Bill, and Jerry Blackwood; five sisters, Novalee Batten, Merlene Cook, Nadean Byrd, Vera Stroud and Linda Howard. Donna is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Danny and Lisa Holliday, of Mena; two sisters, Emaloy McCarvens, of Canadian, Texas and Jackie Nash, of Mena; her special friend, Mike Laws, of Mena; her grandsons, Shawn, Jerry, and Matt Holliday, all of Mena; three great-grandchildren, Andy Holliday of Cusick, Washington, Bentley and Bryan Holliday of Mena; three step-grandchildren, Shane and Cody James, of Mena, and Tiffany Daughtery, of Mena; one step great-granddaughter, Brooklyn Holliday, of Mena; a special little boy Mason Huffman, of Mena; several nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. Graveside service were Friday, November 6, 2015 at 10:00 P.M. at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Cove. There was no visitation. Arrangements are entrusted to Bowser Family Funeral Home in Mena. Online Guestbook:

Gail Marie Willson Gail Marie Willson, age 75, of Mena, Arkansas passed away Wednesday November

4, 2015 in Mena, She was born in Gheens, Louisiana on December 27, 1939 to the late Louis Rogers and the late Angeline Bye Rogers. She was married to Steve Willson and was a loving and kind homemaker and a retired teacher.

She enjoyed gardening, painting, and loved to read. Mrs. Willson enjoyed singing in the choir at church and living in the country. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister and friend to all who knew her. She will be dearly missed. She is survived by husband, Steve Willson of Mena, Arkansas; daughter, Sheri Smalley of Wichita, Kansas, Ambre Keys of Flippin, Arkansas, Tara Darda of Lockport, Louisiana; sons, Craig Martin of Littleton, Colorado, Mark Martin of Ft. Smith, Arkansas; eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; brothers, Kenneth Rogers of Luling, Louisiana, Roland Rogers of Milton, Florida. She was preceded in death by her parents, Louis and Angeline Rogers, and a brother, Michael Rogers. Mrs. Willson was sent for cremation under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena.


maker. Gertrude enjoyed sewing, quilting and loved taking care of her family. She was a loving and kind mother, grandmother, sister and friend to all who knew her. She is survived by sons, Garry Cox and wife Chris of Mena, Arkansas, James Cox and wife Brenda of Mena, Arkansas; grandchildren, Tonya Cox of Mena, Arkansas, Jessica Cox of Mena, Arkansas, Jason Cox of Mena, Arkansas; great-grandchildren, Latonia Siler of Mena, Arkansas, Heidi Siler of Mena, Arkansas; sister, Muriel Hendrix of Mena, Arkansas; brother, Ray Whisenhunt of Shreveport, Louisiana. She was preceded in death by her parents, Joseph and Effie Whisenhunt, her husband, Hubert Cox, and a sister, Josephine Bailey. Funeral services were Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at New Hope Baptist in Shady, Arkansas with Brother Danny Minton officiating. Interment followed in the Shady Cemetery in Shady, Arkansas under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. Pallbearers were Gene Hendrix, Dean Hendrix, Danny Hendrix, Bryon Hendrix, Jason Hendrix and Tommy Wood. Visitation was general. Online obituary:

James Steven Fuchsberger James Steven “Steve� Fuchsberger, age 56, of Ft. Smith, Arkansas passed away on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 in Alabama. Steven was born in Torrance, California on July 30, 1959 to the late James (Jim) A. Fuchsberger and Zona Priddy Fuchsberger. He was married to Julia Johnson Fuchsberger and was a truck driver by profession. Steven loved watching Nascar and enjoyed football and his dogs. He was a loving and kind husband, son, step-father, step-grandfather, brother, and friend to all who knew him. He will be dearly missed. He is survived by wife, Julia Fuchsberger of Ft. Smith, Arkansas; mother, Zona Fuchsberger of Hatfield, Arkansas; step-children, Josh Moore, Candy William, Larry Jr. Williams, Roger Powell, Wesley Powell, James Crowder, and Lynn Williams; sister, Pam Gross and husband Larry of Hatfield, Arkansas; brother, Ken Fuchsberger and wife Lisa of Mena, Arkansas; and numerous stepgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father, James (Jim) Fuchsberger, and sister, Tina Fuchsberger. Mr. Fuchsberger was sent for cremation under the direction of the Beasley Wood Funeral Home of Mena. A memorial service will be planned at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Humane Society of Mena.

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November 11, 2015


MARGO KIMP (Democrat)




TIM MILHAM (Republican)



TERRY TERRELL (Independent)







TANYA FRETZ (Independent)




JP DISTRICT 9 (Republican)


COLLIN CANNON (Republican)





Candidate filings for 2016


JOVAN THOMAS (Independent)










U.S Congress District 4











State Representative District 20









BEN FINLEY (Republican)




JIM NEUGENT (Independent)


HAROLD COOGAN (Independent)

Page 19







JOSEPH HUGHES (Independent)


(Independent) (Independent) (Independent)

DOYNE TURNER (Independent)


(Does not include municipal filings)

John Maddox

Polk County District Court Danny Thrailkill (Non Partisan Judicial)

Primary Election:

March 1

Page 20


November 11, 2015

November 11, 2015


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Page 22


November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Karlene Hooker – Connected, Spirited, Invested

BY JACLYN ROSE Karlene Hooker grew up in Hope, Arkansas, and graduated from Hope High School in 1974. The youngest of four kids, she grew up on a farm and was very active in high school athletics. Coach Hooker went on to Southern Arkansas University (SAU) where she obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education, with a minor in Biology. Throughout her college career she was a member of the SAU ladies basketball team and for one year a member of the SAU volleyball team. In 1978 she married a man from Polk County and moved to Mena. Coach Hooker hoped to start her coaching career immediately, but with no open positions she first worked as a teacher’s aide and then went to Van-Cove High School where she coached and taught history. Two years later, she moved back to Mena Public Schools as the girl’s junior high volleyball and basketball coach, as well as the assistant senior high softball coach. After eight years, Coach Hooker went to the classroom full time in order to raise her two children: Deedra, 2000 Mena High School (MHS) graduate and a current teacher’s aide at MHS, Deedra also works with the Virtual Arkansas kids and sponsors the MHS Sci Fi Club, and Brent, a 2004 MHS graduate, who, along with his wife, Sydney, recently gave Coach Hooker her first grandson. “I’ve always believed in being involved and I told my children when they were in High School that I didn’t care what they did, but that they were going to be involved in something. Brent was big into Future Farmers of America (FFA) and Deedra was big into yearbook. I always tried to make sure they were involved in something,” explained Coach Hooker. After spending several years teaching Physical Education and Health, Coach Hooker took the opportunity to coach Soccer for four years starting in 2001 and then she added bowling for eight years. All together, she has coached a total of 23 years. Currently, she teaches Biology at MHS and will retire after the 2015-2016 school year. In addition to actually coaching the student athletes at Mena Public Schools, Coach Hooker has been greatly involved in all areas of school athletics, as well as other extracurricular activities. “A big part of what I have done is officiate for volleyball. From 1978 until 2010, when I had my second knee surgery. Janice Whorton got me into that. When I quit coaching, the first time, I sat in the stands for one season of basketball and screamed and acted like the fool I was, and I finally went to Coach David Stalhler and told him I needed to keep the scorebook, that if I kept the scorebook I could be quiet, so I’ve done that since the 1980’s,” explained Coach Hooker. Additionally, when she was no longer able to officiate the volleyball games, Coach Lyle asked her to keep the volleyball scorebook. Coach Hooker has not only been a vital supporter of the MHS athletics program, but she has also contributed both time and money to many other areas of the school: the band, FFA, the theater group, the choir. In every way possible, she has supported her fellow teachers and her students. Throughout her almost four decades at Mena Public Schools, Coach Hooker has coached and taught many students and athletes, and has watched the athletic department rise in success, especially over the last few years. “I think we’ve had success over the past few years for several different reasons. The coaches we have really invest in the kids, they are involved in their lives in more than just athletics. The parents we have with this senior bunch really invested their time and money, the Mena Heat group from years ago is the core of this successful senior class. The parents had invested so much time in the kids that they really had a winning attitude. There was no doubt they would be successful, because they already knew how to win. This bunch of kids are in the National Honor Society (NHS), they are in the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), and they are good students in the classroom and good citizens in the hallway. These girls are not the mean girls, they are quality kids, whether it’s softball, volleyball, basketball. I know when the softball girls were in Dumas for a week [at the state playoffs], the coaches loaded them up and took them to church over the weekend. The coaches care about all aspects of the kids,” Coach Hooker explained. With her retirement fast approaching, Coach Hooker plans on spending her time sewing, playing with her grandbaby, and junking with her sisters in Hot Springs, and she credits the relationships she has developed with the community with what has kept her in Polk County all these years. “I think the connection I had made with people is why I decided to stay in Mena and not move back home to Hope when I had the opportunity. The year I thought about it, I looked at my class and out of 20 kids, with every one of them I had taught their mother or father or their older brother or sister. This is just home now and it has been for a long time. I enjoy the people,” said Coach Hooker.

“This is just home now

and it has been for a long time. I enjoy the people.”

y a d h b lu t C r i B Know somebody celebrating a birthday? Call 394-2800 at 7:30am Monday-Friday and wish them a Happy Birthday LIVE on the radio! Or post on the Mena Radio Facebook page and we'll read the info for you! SPONSORED BY cude construction

Page 23

November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication Paul Headings • 479-234-7553

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BY JACLYN ROSE Arkansas Bikers Aiming Towards Education, otherwise known as A.B.A.T.E., is a statewide organization that has been educating Arkansans about motorcycle awareness for the last 30 years. Currently, there are twenty-one separate districts, with the, at least ten year old, Mena district being number six. According to A.B.A.T.E., their organization serves to act as an information source concerning motorcyclist rights, issues and voter awareness, coordinate activities designed to protect individual rights of motorcyclists and sponsor motorcycle safety programs. A.B.A.T.E. works hard to create a positive image of both motorcyclists and motorcycling groups. Additionally, they are a group of philanthropists who hope to benefit the less fortunate in society through their work and charitable giving. One of the ways that A.B.A.T.E. serves its community is by teaming up with the Marine Corps League for the Toys for Tots Drive. Across the state, different districts, including the local district, have begun to spread out jars around town to collect donations. On Saturday, December 5, 2015, there will be a ride beginning at the Pentecostal Church on Highway 71 South and driving through town to Rich Mountain Community College, where they will serve a chili luncheon. “Anyone can participate in the ride, whether you are on a motorcycle, in an antique car, a regular car, this is not just for motorcycles. The only thing we ask is that everyone who rides brings one new and unwrapped toy, or a cash donation, the dollar value does not matter. The really good thing is that each gift, whether monetary or toys, are given as gifts to children right here in Polk County. We will collect all our donations and write a check to the Marine Corps League for Toys for Tots,” explained Jim Lange, current District 6 President. Those participating in the ride should arrive at the Pentecostal Church at 11 am, and “kickstands up” will be at noon. The chili lunch is at no cost, but donations are welcome. After the A.B.A.T.E. ride and luncheon, the Marine Corps League will host their telethon and the two groups will team up with the local Elks Lodge to distribute the gifts to needy children. Additionally, the local A.B.A.T.E. District will choose a family in need this Christmas and provide them waith a Christmas meal. For those hoping to make a donation, there are jars set up at local business, or you can call Lang at 479.243.3037. Once a year, A.B.A.T.E. Districts all over the state come together for a Circle the State Fundraiser that is open to all drivers, whether in a motorcycle or not. They also hold motorcycle safety courses in Little Rock. “This is a two day basic rider course that gets into the finer points of motorcycle safety. It is not just for beginners but also good for those who have been riding a long time. Anyone interested can call Sherry Wewers, State Office Manager at 501.317.1832. Additionally the local A.B.A.T.E. District works with the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, a lobbyist group who represent motorcycle riders to Congress.

“Anyone can

participate in the ride, whether you are on a motorcycle, in an antique car, a regular car, this is not just for motorcycles...”

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Page 24


November 11, 2015

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Page 25

November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Ashley Duncan and Seth Caughern, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on November 3rd. Misty Morris and Raymond Surber, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on November 3rd. Ashley Settles and Lane Garrett, of Mt. Ida, are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on November 3rd. Ariel and Matthew Townzen, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on November 3rd. Cammie and Donald Higby, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on November 5th. Kaylene Hill and Craig Pasold, of Waldron, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on November 5th. Shelbie Porges and Jonathan Mecham, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on November 6th.


Smokey Joe, a bob-tailed Siamese. Owed by Joan Childs. Please share your favorite photo of your pet. You may drop it off or mail it to: The Polk County Pulse | 1168 Hwy 71 S Mena, AR 71953 or email:

This week’s Cutest Pet Pic made possible by your friends at:

Ouachita Equine Clinic Serving all your small & large animal needs. Hours: Mon. Tues. Wed., and Fri. 8am-5pm • Closed on Thurs.


Randy J. Burgess D.V.M. 2920 Hwy. 71 N, Mena, AR 71953

Toddler Boredom Busters for the Holiday Season



(StatePoint) For many families, the holiday season means giving, celebrating, and spending time together -- but it also means chilly weather and long hours cooped up inside the house. This year, consider using the downtime to help children tap into their natural creativity. Here are some festive ways to motivate kids to engage in fun and active learning. FAMILY ROOM FORT: If the weather outside is frightful, transform the family room or den into an opportunity for adventure. Kids can use the couch, blankets and all those boxes that seem to amass during the holidays to create a fort, which makes the perfect temporary stand-in for a treehouse or outdoor clubhouse. Let kids get creative by decorating the outside of the boxes with snowflakes, snowmen and other seasonal shapes. IMAGINATIVE TOYS: Parents can ensure creativity continues long after kids unwrap their presents. Playtime is also learning time: according to Dr. Deborah Libby, Early Childhood Reading and Language Expert and VTech Expert Panel Member, “Play ideally begins early and continues throughout a child’s life, helping them learn, think, socialize, problem solve and ultimately have fun.” One great choice for sparking imaginations and building motor skills is the Go! Go! Smart Wheels Ultimate RC Speedway from VTech. With 4.5 feet of track, which incorporates features like a stunt ramp, elevator, track switches, and more, this new set inspires interactive play all year round. Kids take charge by using a remote control to zoom the RC SmartPoint Racer around the brightly-colored course, which also activates playful music and sounds to further engage little ones. Another option is VTech’s Go! Go! Smart Friends Busy Sounds Discovery Home, cleverly designed to demonstrate cause and effect relationships to toddlers. Each friend comes alive when placed on one of the house’s MagicPoint locations, through the use of talk, song, light and motion. The characters also interact with one another, teaching children how to introduce themselves and build friendships. And the Go! Go! Smart Animals Grow & Learn Farm features an electronic barn that teaches kids about colors, numbers, and plants. When toddlers roll Reggie the Rooster over each of the farm’s SmartPoint locations, they’ll hear new phrases, music and sound effects. Gadgets don’t have to mean passivity: these toys use interactive technology to occupy kids with the kind of imaginative play and creativity that furthers development and learning, long after the holidays are over. ARTS & CRAFTS: Making holiday decorations at home is a great way to get children involved in stimulating, hands-on activities. With just a few simple art supplies, they can craft their own greeting cards, create snowflake shapes that double as ornaments, or help design gingerbread houses. Such activities not only enhance fine motor skills, but also inspire kids to use their innate inventiveness. This holiday season and beyond, keep boredom at bay by encouraging kids to be creative and mentally active.


Fishing Licence One day two men were fishing when a game warden slipped up on them and asked to see their fishing licences. One of the men took off running. So the warden started chasing him. He ran after the man up and down the side of the river, thru the swamp, up the side of a mountain, the man swam across the river with the warden right behind him. Then he swam back across the river with the warden still right behind him. Finaly, after about three miles of chasing, the game warden caught up with the man, bleeding and out of breath the warden asked to see his fishing licence. The man reached in his pocket and pulled out his licence and handed it to the warden. The warden asked why did you run? The man just looked at the warden and smiled and said: ‘my friend doesn’t have a licence!’

This is our 22nd Annual

“Don’t Eat Home Alone” For the people in our community that may not have family locally or “Don’t Want to Eat Home Alone” Come join usThanksgiving day for a delicious lunch at 12 noon and great fellowship. Deliveries are limited to the shut-ins only please! If you need a ride or want to make your reservation please call by November 23rd.

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Page 26

November 11, 2015


Thursday, 11/12 • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/Polk County meets at Papa’s Mexican Café. Contact Lisa Martin at 216-3383 or Charles Pitman at 216-4882 for more information. • 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00p.m. - The Sonlighters Card Shop will be open at 3671 Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. • 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. – The First Assembly of God Distributes food at 2111 Sutherland or call 394-1229. • 5:00 p.m. - 9th Street Ministries will have a free dinner and fellowship in the 9th Street Ministries building. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meet at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Family Life Center. Call 479-234-2297 for more information. • 6:00 p.m. – Hatfield’s Lion’s Club meets at the Lions Club Field House. • 6:00 p.m. – In the Daisy Room at Janssen Ave Florist there will be Live Country, Bluegrass and Gospel music. • 6:00 p.m. – The Polk County Genealogical Society will meet in the Polk County Library. Program is Polk County Cemeteries.


• 6:30 p.m. – Mena Chapter #243, Order of the Eastern Star meets at the Masonic Temple at 701 Port Arthur. Refreshments at 6:30; meeting at 7:00 p.m. • 6:30 p.m. – Narcotic’s Anonymous meeting at Saint Agnes Church Parish Hall. • 7:00 p.m. – Polk County Genealogy Society meeting at the Polk County Library, 410 8th Street. • 7:00 p.m. – Cherry Hill Fire Department meets for a business meeting and training at the Fire Station. • 7:00 p.m. – Evangelist Bro. Mark Wesley will speak about Bible prophecy and the second coming of Jesus Christ at Faith Baptist Church 1 mile East of Watson, Oklahoma on Hwy. 4. Friday, 11/13 • 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Road tests are given At the Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room unless the roads are wet. Written tests are given at 1:00 p.m. • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 71 South. • 5:00 p.m. – ABATE (Arkansas Bikers Aiming Toward Education) will be at Sonic Drive In for anyone interested in motorcycles. You don’t have to ride or be a member. Come and enjoy the fun. • 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Dance to Don Thompson & Talimena Drive Band, American Legion, Acorn, $6.00 admission. • 7:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meeting at 812 Highway 71 South, Mena. • 7:00 p.m. – Evangelist Bro. Mark Wesley will speak about Bible prophecy and the second coming of Jesus Christ at Faith Baptist Church 1 mile East of Watson, Oklahoma on Hwy. 4. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71 S., Mena. For information call 3947396 or 216-4606. Saturday, 11/14 • 8:15 a.m. – Home Front Warriors CMA Chapter 377 Breakfast Bible Study, Lime Tree Restaurant, Public is invited. • 12:00 p.m. – The Ouachita Amateur Radio Association will have their monthly club meeting at the Limetree Inn. Testing will be available. • 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Mena Art Gallery has children’s art classes once a month on the 2nd Saturday of each month. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. • 7:00 p.m. – Holly Grove Church in Grannis will have Gospel Music. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71 S., Mena. For more info call 394-7396 or 216-4606. Sunday, 11/15 • 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71 S., Mena. For info call 394-7396 or 216-4606. • 6:30 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meeting at Saint Agnes Church Parish Hall. Monday, 11/16 • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Polk County Library, Cove Branch will be open. They will have

Weekly Publication

a free sign language class at 3:00 p.m. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. – ‘Hog Wild’ Blood Drive - Set for the Mena Community at St. Agnes Catholic Church. Anyone 16 years or older* and in good health can typically donate. • 1:00 p.m. – Polk County Sociable Seniors are a group of people over the age of 50 that like to get together and meet others, eat, laugh, and talk. Come join us for lunch at Papa’s. Hope to see you there. Diane 243-0191 • 5:00 p.m. – Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) meet at Hatfield City Hall, For more information call 870-389-6678. • 5:30 p.m. – Polk County Republican Committee monthly meeting at the Polk County Public Library, North Room. • 5:30 p.m. – Republican Party meets at Polk County Library. •6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. • 6:00 p.m. – FREE Weight Loss Warriors. Bear State Bank across from Depot. For information call 437-3560. • 6:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous meeting, 812 Hwy 71 S., Mena. • 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church, Everyone is welcome. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – AWANA Clubs meet at Grace Bible Church Highway 71 North on Monday evenings. • 6:30 p.m. – The Lady Ouachita’s meet at Bear State Bank main branch for their monthly meeting. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous 12 + 12 Study at ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71 S., Mena. For more information call 394-7396 or 216-4606. • 7:00 p.m. – Ouachita Beekeepers Association monthly meeting at Union Bank. Tuesday, 11/17 • 8:00 a.m. –Breakfast will begin at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at Mena Art Gallery, 607 Mena St. Come join other artists, from beginners to pros, working on their individual projects in the gallery classroom. For more information, call 479-394-3880. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – FREE Delicious Lunch at Vegetarian Soup Kitchen at Mena Seventh Day Adventist Church, 149 Polk 43 (Fairground Road), Mena. 479-394-7404. TakeOut available. All are welcome! • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The Sonlighters Card Shop will be open at 3671Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Hatfield Branch Library will be open. • 5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. – T.O.P.S. will meet in the Union Bank Community Room for weigh ins. Followed by a meeting from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Visitors are welcome. • 6:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous, 812 Hwy 71 S., Mena. • 6:00 p.m. – The regular Hatfield Town Council meeting is at the Town Hall in Hatfield. • 6:30 p.m. – The monthly meeting of the

Shady Fire and Rescue District 10 will be held at the Shady Community Center. • 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Bluegrass music at Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room. • 7:00 p.m. – WARE Group (Western Arkansas Railroad Enthusiasts) meet at Lime Tree Restaurant; 6:00 p.m. for dinner. For more information, call Al Pfeiffer at 386-562-6415. • 7:00 p.m. – The Dallas Valley R.V.F.D. will meet for training at the Firehouse. • 7:00 p.m. – The Acorn Fire and Rescue will meet at the Fire Department. • 7:00 p.m. – The Wickes V.F.W. Post #10484 will meet at the Wickes Community Center. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at First United Methodist Church, 9th & Port Arthur. For information, call 479-234-2887 or 479-2343043. Wednesday, 11/18 • The Emergency warning sirens will be tested in Mena, Hatfield, Cove, Vandervoort, Wickes and Grannis. • 10:00 a.m. – The First United Methodist Church Covenant Bible Study Morning Group meets. • 12:00 p.m. – Quality of Life Outreach meeting at the Branding Iron. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Polk County Library Cove Branch is open. • 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The Windy Wednesday Quilters Guild meet at the Mena First Baptist Church. For more information, call 2169041. • 5:45 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. – The Mena First United Methodist Church Kidz will meet. • 6:00 p.m. – Narcotics Anonymous Meeting, 812 Hwy 71 S., Mena. • 6:15 p.m. – Discovery Kids – Kindergarten Thru 5th Grade Collide Youth Ministry – 6th Thru 12th Grades and Adult Bible Study at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church. • 6:00 p.m. – The Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Celebrate Recovery will begin in Room 112. • 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – The Southside Church of God Warriors for Christ will meet. • 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Regeneration Youth Ministries “Regenerating this Generation” at Mena Church of God at Hwy 88 East. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students is held Wednesday evenings at Grace Bible Church, 1911 Hwy 71 N. Mena. All Area Middle and High School students are welcome. • 6:30 p.m. – Team Kids for kids ages 3 years through the 4th Grade meets at the Dallas Avenue Baptist Church. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous – Book Study, ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71 S., Mena. For info call 394-7386 or 216-4606. • 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Inquiry classes into the Catholic Faith begins in the basement of St. Agnes Catholic Church at 203 8th St. there is no cost or obligation and anyone interested is invited to attend. Call 394-1017 or 394-5655 for more information.

Page 27 Weekly Publication

November 11, 2015


Young Artist Classes at Mena Art Gallery

BY BARBARA M. TOBIAS For the past several months, Mena Art Gallery has been conducting art classes for young artists ages 13 to 17. Adults are welcome to the classes as well, and several have been coming. The cost of $2 per person covers all needed supplies. The Young Artist Class for this month will be on abstract painting. Niki Dempsey will be conducting the class on November 21 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Previous classes have been paper maché by Susan Sebren, oil painting by Jim Brace, acrylic painting by Victoria Dempsey, drawing by Lorraine Timmerman, watercolor tricks that are fun and easy by Cynthia Thanos-Wade, shaving cream cards by Gilda Meyers, and sculpting with polymer clay by Cherri Stanberry. Come join the fun!

2016 Ouachita Little Theatre Membership Kickoff

SUBMITTED Excitement is in the air as the Ouachita Little Theatre starts its recruitment for 2016 members and special donors. Judy Thompson, OLT Membership Chairman, advises that initial letters have already gone out to current OLT members urging them to once again support the theatre through their membership renewals. Thompson advises that although occasionally funding may be available for building improvements or special efforts, the funds for day-to-day operating expenses come primarily from membership donations. She notes that whether one is a season ticket holder, commercial sponsor or in one of the special donor categories, each is greatly appreciated. Marilyn Brown, who in the past has spearheaded the membership committee and continues to be an active part of this effort notes that a season ticket membership costs $40 and consists of eight admission passes and one membership vote at the annual meeting. Commercial sponsorship includes two season tickets, a business card-sized ad in all OLT programs, on the website and in the video presentation on stage before events. The cost for all of this is only $125. Mailings are currently being put together to send to those who are not current members, but have been a part of the OLT membership previously in the past ten years. Thompson notes that the official 2016 Membership Kickoff is Saturday, November 14, 4:00-6:00 PM. She invites everyone to join her and other OLT supporters at the theatre for music, refreshments and fellowship. Each 2016 membership until the end of December will receive one chance to win $100. The winning entry will be drawn December 31. Providing music for the Kickoff will be Gator & Friends, a popular local group that provides country, Cajun and gospel music. Also serving with Thompson and Brown on the membership committee are Barry Mickelson and Deborah Tennison. Thompson encourages everyone to drop by Saturday evening. She said “As we begin our 2016 membership campaign, everyone’s support is once again solicited for this valuable community asset. All our productions are priced very reasonably to allow those in Mena and the surrounding area an opportunity to enjoy live theatre. Be a part of our heart in downtown Mena and help keep ‘art’ in our heart!” For more membership information, call 243-0186.

Page 28


November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

RMCC Schedules Spring Registration Rich Mountain Community College has announced their early registration dates for the Spring 2016 semester. Priority registration will be held at RMCC from November 16th through November 20th. Current students should register on November 16th through 18th and new students should register on November 19th and 20th. Students who register early will automatically be put in a drawing for a $50 gift card to the Bookstore or Mountain Range Grill and other

prizes. For more information, contact Jared McCormick at 479-394-7622, ext. 1430 or

RMCC’s Christmas Wreath Contest RMCC encourages their students to participate in the 2015 Christmas Wreath Contest and Silent Auction! There are two options to choose from to participate. Option 1: $10 wreath space fee BYO(Bring Your Own) Wreath Package. This is where you bring your own decorated wreath in the spirit of the holiday season. (Note: if lights are used for wreath decorations, the lights must be battery powered.) Option 2: $75 (includes $10 wreath space fee) - Complete Wreath Package. This package is includes a wreath being purchased on your behalf and put on display for the contest and auction. The wreaths have started to be on display as of Monday, November 2, 2015. The judging and final silent auction bids will be on December 11, 2015. Please contact the RMCC Foundation Office to reserve a space for your wreath. The DEADLINE to sign up is TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 by 4:30 PM. If you have any questions call Tammy Young at 394-7622 ext. 1220 or Jennifer Millsaps at 394-7622 ext. 1221 or email community

RMCC Presents War Room Rich Mountain Community College is proud to present the new movie, War Room. The movie will be at the Ouachita Center on December 6, and they will have two showings. One showing is at 2 PM and another showing will be later that afternoon at 5 PM.

Mena Public School’s Breakfast Monday 11/16 Biscuit, ham slice, fruit, juice, milk Tuesday 11/17 Breakfast boats, fruit, juice, milk Wednesday 11/18 Cereal, fruit, juice, milk Thursday 11/19 Mini donuts, fruit, juice, milk Friday 11/20 Biscuits & gravy, fruit, juice, milk

Mena Public School’s Lunch Monday 11/16 Main: Pizza, corn, celery & cucumbers w/ ranch, fruit, milk; Choices: Crispito w/ cheese, corn, celery & cucumbers w/ ranch, fruit, milk, or Chef Salad Tuesday 11/17 Main: Corndogs, chips (k-8), french fries (9-12), salad, fruit, milk; Choices: Chicken sandwich, chips (k-8), french fries (9-12), lettuce, tomato, pickles, fruit, milk, or Chef Salad Wednesday 11/18 Main: Turkey & chicken dressing, green beans, baby carrots (6-12), hot roll, pumpkin pie, sliced apples, milk; Choices: Cheeseburger, chips, lettuce, tomato, pickles, green beans, pumpkin pie, sliced apples, milk, or Chef Salad Thursday 11/19 Main: Tomato soup w/ crackers, toasted cheese sandwich, celery sticks w/ ranch, cucumbers (6-12), fruit, milk; Choices: Chicken bacon ranch wrap, lettuce, tomato, steamed carrots, fruit, milk, or Chef Salad Friday 11/20 Main: Steak fingers, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, green beans, hot roll, peaches, milk; Choices: Chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, green beans, hot roll, peaches, milk, or Chef Salad Acorn School’s Breakfast Monday 11/16 NO SCHOOL Tuesday 11/17 NO SCHOOL Wednesday 11/18 Cereal, fruit, juice, milk Thursday 11/19 Mini Donuts, fruit, juice, milk; Choice: Cereal Friday 11/20 Muffins, fruit, juice, milk; Choice: Cereal

Acorn School’s Lunch Monday 11/16 NO SCHOOL Tuesday 11/17 NO SCHOOL Wednesday 11/18 Pizza, tossed salad, assorted fresh fruit, milk Thursday 11/19 Turkey with gravy, dressing, cranberry sauce, green beans, hot roll, banana pudding, milk Friday 11/20 Hamburgers, french fries, lettuce, tomato, onion, fruit, milk

Cossatot River School’s Breakfast Monday 11/16 Mini donuts, Go-Gurt, applesauce, orange juice, milk Tuesday 11/17 Biscuits & sausage, raisels, applesauce, milk Wednesday 11/18 Cereal, apple wedges, cherry juice, milk Thursday 11/19 Sausage roll, watermelon, orange juice, milk Friday 11/20 Super donut, orange wedges, apple juice, milk

Cossatot River School’s Lunch Monday 11/16 Chicken Strips, macaroni & cheese, tossed salad w/ dressing, strawberries, roll, milk Tuesday 11/17 Ham & cheese sandwich, tator tots, ranch beans, pears, milk Wednesday 11/18 Country fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, peaches, roll, milk Thursday 11/19 Soft Taco, lettuce, tomato, cheese, salsa, pinto beans, mandarin oranges, milk Friday 11/20 Chicken crispito, cheese stick, tossed salad w/ dressing, fruit cocktail, chocolate chip cookie, milk

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Page 29 Weekly Publication


Acorn Elementary Fishing Derby

November 11, 2015

SUBMITTED Approximately 250 students and 138 parents and grandparents attended Acorn School’s Fishing Derby Day on October 29, at Janssen Park. Weather was absolutely wonderful. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission had stocked the pond with about 750 hungry catfish and many of the elementary students caught their first fish. “Many dads, moms, and granddads were there to help. Mrs. Standridge’s high school students were a tremendous help. They put the hooks, lines, sinkers, and bobbers on the poles and were at the event all day to help the younger students,” said Janice Williams. Prior to the event, the students completed many activities from the HOFNOD curriculum, which included learning the external fish anatomy, casting practice, aquatic stewardship and conservation, and aquatic habitat energy pyramids. They have also scheduled a catfish dissection for upper elementary students as a follow-up. Another fishing derby is being scheduled for the spring. A $1000 grant from Wonders of Wildlife supporting the National Hunting and Fishing Day provided funding to purchase child-size rods and reels, as well as bait and tackle. Wonders of Wildlife stated, “We had 17 national sponsors helping us promote the importance of hunting, fishing, and shooting via social media, Internet, events, television and radio. Our honorary chair, Craig Morgan, lives the outdoor lifestyle and is a perfect role model to help promote NHF Day. Yamaha’s support of the Live It! Grants was a huge success. We have seen lots of press come through on NHF Day events across the nation, and could not be more excited to have been able to help each of you with your events.” For additional fishing derby photos go to

Acorn Elementary October Students of the Month SUBMITTED Ouachita River School District has announced the October Students of the Month from Acorn Elementary School. Students chosen have displayed excellent citizenship, exceptional academic effort/improvement and good attendance. Simple Simon’s Pizza, Goss Electronics, and Laark Enterprises provided lunch and games. Back Row: Gavin Strother, 5th grade; Braven Rodgers, 5th grade; Payton Davis, 4th grade; Juan Gee, 4th grade; Gabriel Lickly, 3rd grade; Tara Hart, 3rd grade. Middle Row: Kaleb Sullivan, 2nd grade; Kylee Johnson, 2nd grade; Eden Boggs, 1st grade; Taylar Kesterson, 1st grade. Bottom Row: Jaylen McQueen, Kindergarten; Shelby Rusert, Kindergarten; Payton Belcher, Kindergarten.

Acorn High School Biology Recognized as Top High School SUBMITTED Acorn High School was recognized as a Top 20 High School based on EOC Biology Achievement for 2015. Michelle McGee, Acorn High School biology teacher, and the 2015 biology students received the Outstanding Educational Performance Award for 2015 from the Office for Education Policy at the University of Arkansas. Ouachita River School District’s Acorn High School placed 16th in the Top 20 High Schools in the state of Arkansas. Pictured are: Front Row: Macey Adams, Michelle McGee, and James Looney. Back Row: Brooke Bates, Morgan Fagan, Matt Davis, and Jerry Strasner.

Page 30 Weekly Publication

Fall Carnival Top Ticket Sellers

Louise Durham would like to recognize the students that sold the most Fall Carnival raffle tickets. Â Aiden Whisenhunt was the top seller, Acelyn Butterfield came in second, and Jackson Thompson came in third.

LD Celebrates Red Ribbon Week


November 11, 2015

Louise Durham Elementary’s Super Students

November 2, 2015

November 9, 2015

Louise Durham Elementary has selected their Super Students for the week of November 2. Top: Shooter Davis, Victoria Stearman, Tristan Hansen, Andrew Erickson, Zoie Caldwell, William Conley, Elijah Robinson, Astraya Ellsworth. Middle: Cameron Burgess, Carter Quillin, Braxton Cummings, Isaac Griffin, Ivan Sanchez, Darrean Mellard, Kaylee Winsnoski. Bottom: Remi Hopper, Truett House, Levi Cummings, Abbie Clegg, Kloey McVicker.

Louise Durham Elementary has selected their Super Students for the week of November 9. Back: Damon Martin, Carter Williamson, Jaydis Patton, Drake Dollar, Kadance Jo Ferguson, Connor Davis, Olivia Perez, Kloe Hamilton, Tucker Stricklin. Middle: Jerzie Abel, Stella Smith, Sailor Stricklin. Front: Jimmie Payne, Mason Gortemiller, Kaytlynn Parkin, Marshal Williams, Zander Scheppmann, Gracie Deramus, Carter Baker. Sitting: Aiden Martin, Desirae Flores.

Page 31

November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Senior All-Stars


Lady Tigers Continue Cross Country Winning Tradition

BY MELANIE BUCK Arkansas’ State Cross Country meet was held at Oaklawn Race Track in Hot Springs last Saturday and runners from Acorn and Mena participated. Sophomore Faith Hill led the Lady Tigers to the State Runner-Up title and a 7th overall placing for Hill. Morgan Fagan came in 8th. Both Hill and Fagan qualified for the All-State Team. Freshman Kendra Branson was 14th, with Brittany Wilhite and Elzibeth Still rounding out Acorn’s top five runners. Breanna Jones, was Acorn’s 6th runner, followed by Harley Dearing, Josey Webb and Rachel Wallace. In the last 8 years the Lady Tigers have been State Champions four times and Runner-Up four times. In the senior boys division, Kenny Denley was Acorn’s top runner. Acorn finished 9th in team title. Nathan Chaney was 2nd for Acorn, followed by Troy Cearley, Logan Frost, Aaron Bissell, Dylyn Hayner and Mason Stout. Pictured left are Coach Wilsey with Faith Hill and Morgan Fagan, who will compete in the All-Star meet this Saturday.

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Vandervoort Elementary’s Perfect Attendance List

The following students are on the perfect attendence list at Vandervoort Elementary School: Kindergarten: Joseph Bennett, Kimber Hayes, Karrie Parker. Grade 1: Ayden Arthur, Jayden Broach, Flint Dickerson, Rylee Manning, Saphira McJunkins, Timmathy Parker, Lynzie Wilkinson. Grade 2: Jacob Barrett, Blane Brett, Christopher Crane, Wyatt Gunn, Maleena Hopkins, Michael Jacob Howard. Grade 3: Jennifer Arce, Taylor Burk, Landon Case, Derek Dixon, Laci Dixon, Conner LaFollette, Dillon Loving, Jenniffer Parker, Elijah Smith, Bradley Wade. Grade 4: Austin Bailey, Justin Bell, Illiana Diaz, Brodie Dickerson, Blake Evans, Madison Frachiseur, Meera Henry, Hunter Neal, Breanna Parker, Braylen Ralls, Desiree Ward. Grade 5: Chyanne Brown, Austin Caramez, Bailynn Dehart, Jessica Harris, Christopher Hoeke, Jada Howard, Braylee Jewell, Harley Loyd, Kylie Owens, Nathan Raney, Toby Watkins. Grade 6: Jaden Courtney, Bethany Harper, Alaina Hopper, Elorie Hopper, Katelynn Owens, Pack Roberts, Gracie Smith.

Page 32


November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Am I Too Old for Weight Training?

BY larry wood All of us, at some point, have probably been exposed to lifting weights, either with free weights or machine weights. This was more than likely experienced back when we were younger and participating in some form of athletics. But, as we aged, we let weight training go due to the numerous tasks of everyday living, like going to work and then coming home and taking care of the house and property. Then one day, we wake up and have a back injury, or some kind of neuromuscular problem, or the heart begins not working nearly as strong as it used to and we are left in a real predicament. Some may report to the doctor with problems of pain or spasms, or just plain ole, ‘I don’t feel good like I use to’ complaints. More and more today, doctors are referring a lot of these complaints to the physical therapy department who in turn send these patients to a qualified fitness and wellness facility that can assist in promoting wellness through exercise and nutrition, after the rehab program is complete. Guess what, in physical therapy many times the prescription from the doctor is nothing more than general strengthening for the patient, with cardiovascular care added in. With all injuries, guess what eventually happens with that patient? They participate in a strength and conditioning program. “But Larry, I am 85 years old, surely I am too old to lift weights, right?” Wrong! Do you have to pick up groceries out of your car when you get home from Wal-Mart? Do you sometimes have to move a chair to a different location in your house? How about outside, is there ever anything you do that involves pulling or pushing or picking something up and moving it like a bucket of water or dirt? If you have ever picked things up and moved them, you are lifting weights, and if you have not been strengthening your muscles you are highly susceptible for a musculoskeletal injury. I was reading an article just the other day from the American Journal of Sports Medicine that stated that it is wise for the young to participate in weightlifting to stay in shape and keep performance up in sports, but that it is imperative that people over 60 years of age participate in a strength and conditioning program. What does that mean? If you want a fully functional and enjoyable retirement you need to be exercising, which includes both strength training and cardiovascular training. Strength training allows any individual to maintain balance, coordination and a sense of security with every step they take. It also strengthens your immune system and promotes a better hormone balance in the body. Also, this is something very important, so listen close, there is a protein that has been discovered by researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital called klotho, and it has been linked to cognition in the brain. People that have low levels of klotho have trouble with memory, communication, planning and decision making. Also, these researchers are showing that strength training increases klotho levels. Are you getting more forgetful and having trouble with mental tasks that used to be very easy for you to do? Do you have trouble getting out of your chair or do your legs simply hurt for no reason? Well, this could all possibly be solved and for sure Arkansas Christian Counseling Your Preventive Healthcare Facility Beth Polo Beckel RD LD CDE helped by exercising with weights. Again, it Hope and Help, from a Christian Perspective is imperative that after 60 years of age that 479-394-7979 our local Dr. Tom MacMahon 400 F Crestwood Cir. you strength train and if you decide to do Mena, AR 71953 Licensed Professional Counselor so, please consult first with your doctor and licensed then go to someone who understands exnutrition ercise and aging, and how to best set you Your leader in preventive educator up with an exercise program that can truly healthcare, fitness training will always address your needs. We, at Ouachita Welland athletic performance training. be in one ness and Sports Center have the expertise on Mondays 10am-8pm to handle any concern that you may have Do you know how many calories you need place... (Fort Smith Central Mall office for good health & fat loss? when it can be addressed with exercise and is open Tuesday - Friday) nutrition. Trust us with your functional future As healthcare promoters, we offer the and we will show you how you can achieve only metabolic testing in the area. and improve your life. Let us help you discover your body's true calorie needs.

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Page 33

Page 34


November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Boozman Co-Sponsors Resolution Reaffirming Support of Israel in Wake of Recent Terror Attacks

Highway Funding Group has December Deadline

BY state SENATOR Larry Teague LITTLE ROCK – The deadline is approaching for the Governor’s Working Group on Highway Funding to formalize its list of ideas on how to generate revenue for highway and bridge projects. The group has been working since June, and its goal has been to come up with funding options that would raise about $160 million a year. Of that total, cities and counties would each receive 15 percent, which is the traditional distribution formula in Arkansas for highway revenues. Legislative leaders and the governor have said publicly that any highway funding proposal must be revenue neutral to gain their support. That means, it cannot be an additional new tax. Rather, it must be a transfer of existing revenue or increasing a highway-related tax while at the same time lowering a separate broad based tax. There is always a strong anti-tax sentiment among members of the legislature, and now is no exception. Any highway funding proposal that raises taxes or fees would generate vigorous opposition, from legislators and from anti-tax organizations. The working group’s deadline is in December. It has already produced a draft, which likely will not change much when the final version is issued. The draft outlines several options, some of which would be more politically difficult than others. The working group wanted to present specific plans that the governor and legislators could consider in conjunction with other government budget demands. The state Highway and Transportation Department gets the bulk of its state dollars from special revenues, specifically motor fuels taxes and fees paid by truckers. The motor fuels taxes are 21.5 cents per gallon on gasoline and 22.5 cents per gallon on diesel. The fees paid by large trucks depend on things like the type of vehicle, what kind of load it hauls and its weight. Motor fuels taxes have been a stagnating or declining source of revenue. While the cost of building and maintaining highways has risen steadily with inflation, revenue from motor fuels taxes has not gone up proportionately. In fact, most cars and trucks get better gas mileage than ever before. Last year the Highway Department’s total revenue was about $670 million, and 64 percent came from motor fuels taxes. Another 19 percent came from registration fees and almost 11 percent came from dedicated revenue generated by severance taxes. Cities and counties each receive about $87 million a year for their local road and street projects. Other allocations for street and road projects come from the $670 million brought in by the Highway Department, leaving about $426 million for maintenance and construction of the state highway system. The Highway Department also receives federal funding and revenue from bond issues approved by voters, which brought its total receipts last year to about $1.2 billion. About 3,500 people work at the department. They maintain more than 16,400 miles of highway within the state system, as well as more than 7,300 bridges. The 75 counties in Arkansas maintain more than 68,600 miles of road and more than 4,300 bridges. Cities in Arkansas maintain more than 17,500 of streets and more than 1,000 bridges.

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BY u.s. senator john boozman WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) is cosponsoring a resolution that expresses the Senate’s support and solidarity with Israel and condemns the recent wave of Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis in and around Jerusalem. “In the wake of an alarming number of terror attacks in recent weeks, our steadfast, unequivocal support for Israel must be reaffirmed. I stand with Israel, condemn these gruesome Palestinian terror attacks and urge the administration to support Israel’s efforts to protect its citizens while maintaining the status quo on the Temple Mount,” Boozman said. Over 135 Israelis have been wounded in recent terror attacks perpetrated by Palestinians armed with knives, meat cleavers, guns and cars. Ten Israelis have been killed in the attacks. The resolution, authored by U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Kelly Ayotte (RNH), expresses support and solidarity with Israel in bringing the violence to an end. It calls for resolve to help stabilize security for both Palestinians and Israelis and for all parties to immediately negotiate for long-term peace and stability without preconditions. for Editorials and Commentaries

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Page 35 Weekly Publication

I would like to express my GRATITUDE for PCDC. I cannot THANK them enough. Let me add a special thanks to all the people who donate to the Polk County Developmental Center here in Mena. No matter how great or small the donation they all find there way to someone who can use them at a price they can afford. It is like Christmas every day to see what is available at that moment. I just want to say thank you one thousand time over. I hope you will share my feelings with your readers. Barefoot Annie Letters to the Editor Policy - The Polk County Pulse reserves all rights to reject submissions. Anonymous letters are not permitted. All letters to the editor must be signed, include author’s town of residence, and be free of the threat of libel. Letters must be 300 words or less. We prefer they stay in the bounds of sensibility and good taste. We reserve the right to authenticate letters before publishing.



Dear Editor,

November 35, 2015 by michAEl reisig The lucky people are the ones who can look back on their lives and say there’s very little they would change. But they’re few and far between. The truth is, birth and death aren’t the big issues – those are mostly things you have little say over. It’s the stuff in between that matters. That’s always your choice. Your life book can read like an instruction manual for a kitchen blender, or an adventure novel by Clive Cusslar. It’s your choice. Remember, failing is a part of learning. Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t live so cautiously that you die by default – that your eulogy is so boring people draw straws to avoid having to give it. I’d rather have a life of “oh wells” than a life of “what ifs…” Our society is such that we’re always in a hurry. Half of us are born prematurely and the other half die prematurely. All the time in between seems more like a race than a jaunt. We’re constantly striving to improve our living conditions – the things around us – better houses, better cars, better jobs. We spend very little time trying to improve ourselves. Mostly we just complain… We’re such a contradictive species. We honor birth on the same level as accomplishment, as if it is some extraordinary achievement. When the lowliest of animals do the same thing. The purpose of life is not to breed blindly in mindless, momentary bliss. Adding another soul to an already overcrowded planet is not an accomplishment. The purpose is to be useful and honorable – to be discerning and compassionate, to have made some difference on this spinning ball of earth and water, and to have lived life well. Don’t live your life in the shadows of others. Don’t let the furor of other people’s dogma or opinions drown out your own inner voice. Listen to your heart, and never be afraid to take a chance. If you haven’t lived on the edge once or twice, you can never truly appreciate what you have. God gave us life, but it’s entirely up to you whether it’s a good, bad, or indifferent trip. Quit waiting for good things to come to you. Go out and find them. Finally I’m going to remind those folks long of tooth that age is relative. You can be old before your time, or idiotically young any time you want. The thing most connected to disease and lethargy is frame of mind. I’ll leave you with a quote by Jimmy Buffett, which pretty much sums it up: “I’d rather die while I’m living than live while I’m dead.” The views and opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the ownership and staff of The Polk County Pulse. Michael Reisig is a freelance writer and published author whose works are reproduced throughout the globe.


Westerman Discusses Poverty and Work Requirements

by congressman bruce westerman WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, October 28, the House Committee on the Budget hosted a hearing entitled “Restoring the Trust for America’s Most Vulnerable.” A recurring theme throughout testimony and questions was the need for work requirements for able-bodied, working age adults receiving government assistance. During questions, Congressman Bruce Westerman (AR-04) stated his support for work requirements. “I believe that getting Americans back to work and out of poverty is the main key in unlocking our economy, which is critical to rectifying our fiscal deficiencies and our out of control debt,” Westerman said. “I believe work is what we can use to pull people out of a pool of poverty. I believe our current federal policies are such that we are turning a pool into an ocean with a tide that’s pulling people further out to sea. As I travel my district and talk to employers, I get a consistent disturbing message – they have job openings that start well above minimum wage that they just can’t fill.” The problem, Westerman said, is federal policy that creates a system of dependency and does not reward work for those seeking to rise out of poverty and government assistance. “We incentivize not working to provide just enough of a net to keep individuals afloat but we’re not meeting them where they are so they can get off the net and on their feet,” Westerman said, calling attention to Medicaid expansion in Arkansas, which provides fully-subsidized health insurance to able-bodied, working age individuals with no income. A bill introduced by Westerman in February, the State Flexibility and Workforce Requirement Act of 2015 (H.R. 886), would give states flexibility to set parameters for able-bodied, working age adults receiving Medicaid. Rep. Chris Van Hollen (MD-08), ranking Democrat on the committee, said “the best anti-poverty program is a job” during Wednesday’s hearing. He called attention to past efforts that would have taken people from government assistance and not working to a job that could support a family. “Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we’ve not gotten support for some of the measures we put forward to do exactly that,” Van Hollen added. Larry Woods, executive director of the Housing Authority of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, testified about his experiences with residents receiving government assistance. Woods noted a broken federal policy which incentivizes not working and creates generational poverty. “Our current system is broken, plain and simple,” Woods said. “It’s broken because our approach is flawed. Representatives, it’s not about throwing more money at this problem. It’s not about pulling money away from this problem. It’s about implementing policies that actually provide a positive exit strategy for getting people out of the safety net. Right now, there is no exit strategy. … It is a life and expectation of entitlement that has been created. This expectation is passed on from one generation to the next.”

Page 36


November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Moments From America’s History Veteran’s Day

BY JEFF OLSON One of our country’s most important days of special recognition is Veteran’s Day, November 11th. Today, as our nation faces a multitude of changes which more than threaten to dismantle much of her fundamental character, it has never been more necessary to pause and remember a very important part of that character which is unchanging - our Veterans. On November 11th, 1921, an unknown American soldier from World War I was buried in Arlington National Cemetery in recognition of WWI veterans and in conjunction with the timing of cessation of hostilities at 11:00 am, November 11, 1918 (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month). President Warren Harding requested that: “All....citizens....indulge in a period of silent thanks to God for these...valorous lives and of supplication for His Divine mercy....on our beloved country.” Inscribed on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier are the words: “Here lies in honored glory an American soldier known but to God.” As we look forward to each new day that freedom unfolds, let us also look back, learn, and emulate the ideals that motivated those soldiers, airmen, sailors, and others: life and liberty, principle and truth; peace and prosperity; service and sacrifice. And those virtues which characterized them: courage, selflessness, honor, integrity, and love. Freedom, however, cannot be preserved by our veterans alone. Vigilance is still the price of liberty, and it will always come down to the age-old battle on the home front of good versus evil. It starts and ends with the individual citizen: the fireman; the teacher; the mechanic; the carpenter; the electrician; the plumber; the truck driver; the business man/woman - living, loving and working within family and community in concert together on a foundation of core American values. Here we can and must be unified as patriots with the will and resolve to know America’s history and heritage and to hold our government leaders to the higher standard of service and accountability that God and our Constitution require. Liberty is not a gift; it is a legacy and a decision made by each of us every day in choosing: personal responsibility over personal autonomy; self-government over selfgratification; freedom over license; initiative and self-reliance over servitude. The value and dignity of man in the eyes of God and his capacity for faith and reason have been the foundation for how George Washington described America as an experiment in “ordered liberty.” He stated that, “To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” May we thank God for those veterans of yesterday, today, and tomorrow who have stood and will continue to stand at freedom’s gate, hoping for peace, but prepared for war. May we join them in doing our part in preserving the country they have loved, lived, fought, and died for.

“To be prepared for war is one

of the most effectual means of perserving peace.” - GEORGE WASHINGTON


1. Acorn Lady Tigers Take State in Cross Country 2. Fay Jones Designed Home Damaged in Fire 3. Bearcats Advance to State Play-Offs


1. Obama Emphasizes Cooperation with China on First Stop in Asia Tour 2. Hackers Get into Database with Postal Service Employees’ Personal Data 3. New York City Doctor Declared Free of Ebola

Page 37 Weekly Publication

November 11, 2015



Countdown to Thanksgiving Dinner

by kim hughes The Thanksgiving meal is the largest many cooks prepare each year. Getting it just right, especially the turkey brings a fair amount of pressure whether or not a host is experienced with roasting one. The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) issues specific food safety recommendations on how to properly prepare a turkey to make sure yours is both delicious and safe to serve. Unsafe handling and undercooking of your turkey can lead to serious food borne illness. Turkeys may contain Salmonella and Campylobacter, harmful pathogens that are only destroyed by properly preparing and cooking a turkey. Steps to follow before cooking a turkey: · Read labels carefully. They show if the bird is fresh or frozen. If you plan to serve a fresh turkey, purchase it no more than two days before Thanksgiving. · Purchase two thermometers: a refrigerator thermometer to ensure the turkey is stored at 40 degrees or slightly below and a food thermometer to make sure the cooked turkey reaches a safe 165 degrees. · If purchasing a frozen turkey, thaw the turkey by using the microwave, the cold water method, or the refrigerator. The refrigerator method is USDA recommended. Allow 24 hours for each 4-5 pounds of turkey for thawing in the refrigerator. A thawed turkey can remain in the refrigerator for 1 or 2 days before cooking. Steps to follow when cooking a turkey: · Wash hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds before touching any food to prevent the spread of many types of infection and illness. · Do not wash the turkey. This only spreads pathogens onto kitchen surfaces. The only way to kill bacteria that causes food borne illness is to fully cook the turkey. · Keep raw turkey separated from all other foods at all times. · Use separate cutting boards, plates, and utensils when handling raw turkey to avoid cross-contamination. Wash items that have touched raw meat with soap and warm water, or place them in a dishwasher. · Cook the turkey until it reaches 165 degrees, as measured by a food thermometer. Check the turkey’s temperature by inserting the thermometer in three places: the thickest part of the breast, the innermost part of the thigh, and the innermost part of the wing. · Cover the turkey with a tent of aluminum foil and allow to sit for 30 minutes before slicing.

Page 38


November 11, 2015 The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed or that they have been found innocent and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.

Mena Police Department November 1, 2015 Derek Walker, 27, of Mena was charged with disorderly conduct, second degree assault, and terroristic threatening after officers were dispatched to an apartment in Mena. Report was taken from a local business owner regarding missing cash. Case is pending interview of suspects and further investigation. November 2, 2015 A local woman reported that she has been receiving harassing telephone calls from an unknown individual. Case is pending. November 3, 2015 Tristen Chaney, 20, of Mena was charged with theft of property (shoplifting) after officers were called to a local retail store. November 4, 2015 The mother of a 13-year-old Mena girl reported that the girl has received threatening messages on her phone from an unknown person. Case is pending. Clarence Wiseman, 70, of Mena was charged with DWI after a call to an accident on a local highway. November 5, 2015 Officers received a call from the local hospital regarding a woman believed to have been battered by her spouse. Case is pending. November 6, 2015 Joseph Gonyea, 26, of Mena was cited for driving on a suspended driver’s license. Katelyn Enyeart, 22, of Mena was arrested on three outstanding warrants for failure-to-appear and failure-to-pay from the Mena Police Department. November 7, 2015 No completed reports on file. Officers completed an additional six reports and worked seven accidents.

Weekly Publication Polk County Sheriff’s Department November 2, 2015 Traffic stop on Highway 71 North near Hatfield led to the arrest of Kenneth L. Scott, 42, of Millerton, OK, on Charges of Careless/Prohibited Driving and Fleeing, and a McCurtain County, Oklahoma Warrant. Arrested was Carrie E. Carter, 50, of Mena, on a Warrant for Probation Violation. Report from complainant on Polk 24 near Cove of goats that had been killed within their pen. Investigation continues. Arrested by a trooper with the Arkansas State Police was Gene R. Monahan, 59, of Springdale, on Charges of DWI, Careless/Prohibited Driving, Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License and Refusal to Submit. November 3, 2015 Arrested was Michael T. Ellis, 40, of Hatfield, on a Warrant for Delivery of Meth or Cocaine. Report from complainant on Polk 74 near Mena of the theft of a vehicle valued at $40,000.00. The vehicle was later located after it was involved in an accident in Washington County. Suspect is in custody in Washington County. Arrested by a trooper with the Arkansas State Police was Stephen L. Mcallister, 20, of Mena, on Charges of Possession of a Schedule VI Controlled Substance and Possession of an Instrument of Crime. Arrested was Michael J. Wester, 42, of Lockesburg, on Warrants for four counts of Theft of Property. November 4, 2015 Report from complainant on Polk 76 East near Mena of the theft of prescription medication, valued at $250.00. Arrested was Benito A. Munoz, 46, of Mena, on Charges of Possession of Firearm by Certain Persons and Hunting from Road. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Kenneth W. McCormick, 20, of Grannis, on Charges of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License. November 5, 2015 Report from walk-in complainant of being harassed by an ex-acquaintance. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further consideration. Arrested was Kenneth J. Chaney, 21, of Mena, on a Warrant for Failure to Appear.

Arrested by a trooper with the Arkansas State Police was Kerri M. Mckinnis, 48, of Mena, on Charges of DWI, Careless/Prohibited Driving and Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License. November 6, 2015 Report from walk-in complainant of problems with child custody exchange. Report of a 14-year-old Mena male being in possession of a cell phone that wasn’t his led to the youth being issued a Juvenile Citation for Theft of Property. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. Arrested by a trooper with the Arkansas State Police was Paul W. Fruen, 44, of Hatfield, on Charges of DWI-Drugs and Careless/Prohibited Driving. Arrested was Pat Sand-Barber, 35, of Mena, on a Warrant for Failure to Comply with a Court Order. November 7, 2015 Traffic stop on Highway 71 North in Mena led to the arrest of Kelly D. Shreve,

47, of Mena, on Charges of DWI-Drugs, Driving Left of Center, Faulty Equipment and No Driver’s License. November 8, 2015 Report of an accident on Highway 370 near the Board Camp community led to the arrest of Carl D. Cude, 38, of Mena, on Charges of DWI and Careless/Prohibited Driving. Report of an accident on Highway 270 near the Rich Mountain community led to Citations for Careless Driving and Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License being issued to Hannah L. White, 32, of Mena. Polk County Sheriff’s Office worked four vehicle accidents this week. Polk County Detention Center Jail Population: 22 Incarcerated Inmates; 12 Inmates currently on the Waiting List for a State Facility, of which 3 are currently out of jail on a monitoring system.

Page 39

November 11, 2015

Weekly Publication

Ad deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday. Payment is due with ad. Publishing and distributing 8,000 copies weekly.

I buy gold jewelry, scrap, dental and sterling silver. Also buying pre-1965 U. S. Silver coins, one ounce rounds and bars. Top prices paid. Check with the rest but sell to the best. Dan’s Cash –N-Gun. 100 Hwy 71 S at First TFN Street, Mena. 479-394-5515.

Professional, attentive compassionate, in-home elder care by an experienced Licensed Practical Nurse. Will also do housekeeping. Affordable rates. Excellent care. References available. Missy Cost, LPN. Call - 479-2168993. 11/25

Clean & Comfortable housing since 1969, J. Ray & Maria’s MH Park and Rentals. Hwy 71 North, Mena, AR. 479-394-1252. TFN

Two Women & a Mop – housecleaning done the way it should be. Will also detail new construction. Call 479-234-1909. 11/25

Yard mowing, weed eating, bush hogging, handyman services, power washing. Have own equipment and 11/25 tools. Call 479-216-5204. Daniel’s Carpentry and Painting. Home repair, decks, fence rows, underpinning, etc. Also lawn and garden work. Call 870-334-2068.


Squeaky Clean Mobile Dog Wash, bath, dry, nails, ears cleaned, all breeds, I will travel to you! Deanna Boyd 11/18 479-234-1866. Inside Yard Sale: Saturday, November 14 at 8:00 A.M. in the First Baptist Church fellowship hall, 811 Port Arthur. Wooden children’s chairs, toys, book racks and shelves, chalk boards, rocking horses, 100+ folding metal chairs, stove, dryer, walkers, portable potty chairs, interior doors, ceiling fans, crystal, dishes and more. 11/11

Thank you to Family and Community and Police Departments for the help of looking for Kevin Wolfenburgers truck. The truck was a total loss but he got his tools back. Thanks so much. 11/11 Inside Sale 1 mile North of Acorn Bridge on US 71 formerly Dola’s Furniture. Fri 11/13 & Sat 11/14 8 to 5 (479) 234-5345 New & used furniture, Book shelves, Coffee & end tables, bedroom suit, cabinet, futon frame, Misc. Items, lamps, pictures, DVD’s, Tapes, Books, Mason 11/11 Jars, other items. J & N Dozer - Trackhoe, Backhoe, Dumptruck, Ponds, Pads, Clearing, Roads, Hauling. Rich Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Shale, Gravel. Dozer Operator Randy Egger, over 30 years experience. We appreciate your Business! Call TFN 479-234-1357.

Get all your news updates from Your Multi-Media Giant! Visit us online at

ATTENTION Churches and Groups with Card Ministries: Stock up on Discounted Cards at Sonlighter’s Card Shop, 3671 Hwy 8 West, Tuesday and Thursday, Noon-3 p.m. (Proceeds benefit Mena Senior Center.) 12/02



MENA ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION 2016 Grant Funding Applications the Mena Advertising and Promotion Commission will be accepting requests for grant funding for advertising of annual events which meet the A &P’s funding criteria and grant guidelines for 2016. The Commission’s mission is to promote tourism to the City of Mena, and advertising should target visitors from at least 60 miles from Mena. New festivals and special events are encouraged to apply for funding. These funds are available based on the Commission’s budgetary ability and on its judgment about the event’s merits. Applications and guidelines are available at City Hall or can be downloaded from Approved requests will be awarded based on verifiable invoices presented directly to the A & P Commission. Final approval is at the sole discretion of the Mena Advertising and Promotion Commission and their decisions shall be final. Fully completed grant application should be submitted to the Mena Advertising and Promotion Commission, 520 Mena Street, Mena, AR 71953 no later than 4:00 p.m. on November 27, 2015. Submissions may also be left at City Hall. If you have any questions, please call 479-394-8355 or e-mail 11/11

Humane Society of the Ouachitas Pet of the Week for the Week of November 11, 2015

Kara is stunning! This girl has incredibly gorgeous huge golden copper eyes and muted multi-color striped fur of a Torbi. Totally beautiful! Kara is only a year old and is a lap cat. Those big eyes also help her catch mice in the dark. Kara is spayed, litter box trained and has her shots. She is a real delight, likes to be held and is affectionate. One look in those amazing eyes will convince you that Kara is your next kitty adoption!

Give us a call. You’ll be glad you did! OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: (479) 394-5682 • WEB SITE: • HSO is a NO KILL Shelter. HSO is not affiliated with any other local, state or national animal rescue organization. HSO is a 501(c)(3) organization. Please consult your tax advisor to see if your donation is tax deductible.

Page 40


Chevrolet Equinox

November 11 , 2015

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