October 21, 2015 Stay Connected!
1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600
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Wildfire Danger Keeping Firefighters Busy
BY MELANIE BUCK Wildfire danger remains “high” to “extreme,” as issued by the National Weather Service, in the local area and has firefighters on stand-by mode for quick dispatch and response to potential threats. Due to the rapid response of volunteer firefighters, a grass fire was extinguished before it reached an acre in size. Volunteers from Acorn and Ink Fire Departments responded to
4Oth Annual CMA Changing of the Colors Rally SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT INSIDE THIS ISSUE
Westerman Promoting Tourism in 4th District BY MELANIE BUCK Bruce Westerman, the United States Congressman for Arkansas’ Fourth District, spent last week on his ‘Touring the Fourth District Tour’ and Queen Wilhelmina was included on his list. Westerman said he “believes tourism is an important part of the district’s economy” and his tour will “highlight the natural beauty found across the fourth district.” He hopes to remind constituents of the wonderful sites so close to home and also shine a light on tourism in the Fourth District for individuals across Arkansas and in surrounding states. CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
Fall Clean-Up Announced
City Council Hears from Dept. Heads BY MELANIE BUCK The City of Mena has announced their annual Fall CleanUp dates and City Council approved an ordinance for a lotsplit subdivision. The City of Mena’s 12th Annual Fall Clean-Up is scheduled to begin on Monday, October 26. Only yard waste items will be picked up. Due to state law, the City cannot pick up construction debris and lumber. The city asks that you place items at the curbside prior to October 26th to insure they will be collected. CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
Local highways will be thundering with thousands of devoted bikers making their annual trek for the 40th Annual CMA Changing of the Colors Rally this week! SEE PAGES 15-26 INSIDE THIS ISSUE FEATURING THE HISTORY OF THIS NOW GLOBAL MINISTRY! The Chamber of Commerce is hosting their 2nd annual Ouachita Fall Foliage Festival this Saturday. COMPLETE SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES ON PAGE 17 INSIDE THIS ISSUE!
1020 MENA ST. MENA, AR 71953 | SINCE 1939 Mon-Fri 8:30 to 6:00 • Sat 9:00 - 3:00 (479) 394-4332 • (888) 394-4332