October 25, 2017

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October 25, 2017


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1168 Hwy 71 S • Mena, AR 71953 • 479-243-9600 ...............................................................................................................................................................................

Your DAILY News Sources: KENA 104.1 FM & MyPulseNews.com

Junior & Senior Ladycats Crowned District Champs

The Mena Junior Ladycat and the Senior Ladycat volleyball teams were both crowned District Champions last week in tournament play. With the Senior Ladycats District win, they will move on to 4A state competition this week in Batesville. Mena is the number one seed in the tournament, and were set to face number four seed arrisbur in the first round of lay on uesday ctober For more on the unior and enior Ladycats see a e of this edition

Fire Engulfs Mobile National Merit Home; Family Award Bestowed to Loses Everything Local VFW Post BY MELANIE WADE • news@mypulsenews.com

BY MELANIE WADE • news@mypulsenews.com

A mobile home was lost to fire Wednesday morning, October , 0 7, in Mena. olk County’s 9 Dispatch received a call and paged out the Mena Fire Department at 9 0 a.m. to respond

The local branch of the eterans of Foreign Wars, commonly known as the FW, received a national award recently for their hardwork and dedication to a particular pro ect. The Frank C. Bainum



Blazes Erupt in Two-Vehicle Collision

New Family Health & Walk-In Clinic Now Open

BY MELANIE WADE • news@mypulsenews.com

BY LEANN DILBECK• editor@mypulsenews.com

A two-vehicle accident at the unction of Highways 7 and caused both to erupt into flames and backed up Mena’s busy afterschool traffic as well on Wednesday afternoon, October ,

A new family health and walk-in clinic is now open in Mena in the former A Clinic building on Hwy 7 North next to Arvest Bank. First Care Family Health and Walk- n Clinic is one of locations


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479-394-2298 T ru s t ed S inc e 1 9 7 9



. .October . . . . . . . .25, . . . .2017 .................................................................................................................. Weekly Publication

City Provides Aid to Water Utility on North Morgan Project

E x pands

C it y Hal l R enovat ions

BY MELANIE WADE • news@mypulsenews.com


ena C it y C ou ncil held a special called meet ing on T hu rsday , O ct ober 1 9 , 2 0 1 7 , at noon, t o discu ss a fu nding req u est from Mena W at er and S ewer D epart ment and also an addit ional proj ect in t he cu rrent renova t ions t o C it y H all. Charles itman, Manager for Mena Water tilities, explained to the council that additional funding is needed t o complet e a sewer line proj ect in order for const ru ct ion on N ort h Morgan S t reet , which will run from Holly Harshman Elementary to Hwy. 7 next to Mena Ford, to begin. The North Morgan S t reet proj ect has been in t he works for seve ral ye ars. Mena C it y C ou ncil had approve d an init ial cost of t he proj ect , howeve r, since so many ye ars have passed wit hou t t he st at e beginning t he proj ect , prices have increased and t he original bid almost t ripled. S ince t he increase was not ed last spring, Mena C it y C ou ncil and Mena P u blic S chools have been worki ng wit h st at e archit ect s t o lower cost , and also hope to add a traffic light at the intersection, once the road is built. I n t he meant ime, P it man and crew cont inu e t o work on t heir port ion of t he proj ect bu t have been slowed by a large bed of rock t hat lays beneat h t he su rface where t hey are t ryi ng t o lay t he new lines. P it man said t hat t he original lines meander t hrou gh adj acent propert ies bu t need t o be move d. “We have been hammering on rock for five months now. t took us four months to do ,300 feet [ in rock] , where it t ook t hree weeks t o do 1 , 0 0 0 feet [ before hit t ing rock] , ” P it man t old t he cou ncil. Hitting the large rock shelf has caused them to rent equipment at a rate of approximately $ 0,000 per month, versus the original equipment estimate of $ ,000 per month. The rented equipment has sped u p t he process some, bu t it is st ill t aki ng a large amou nt of t ime, and creat ing ove rt ime for worke rs. C ou ncil member Ja mes E arl T u rner said he t ried his rock bu st ing eq u ipment at t he sit e and alt hou gh it worke d, it was ve ry slow going, and cou ldn’t reach t he dept h needed. T u rner said t he eq u ipment being rent ed is wort h t he cost . H e added, “ W e discu ssed doing this pro ect even if we don’t do North Morgan Street because of the benefits of flow. “ W e creat ed t he N ort h Morgan proj ect , ” said C ou ncil member Andy B rown. “ I t hink we shou ld reimbu rse t hem for t he cost . ” I n order t o reimbu rse t he S ewer D epart ment for t he increased cost and labor wages, City Council voted to transfer $ 0,000 to the Sewer Department from their portion of the special county tax. The original estimate for the sewer line pro ect was $ 30,000, with the City providing $3 ,000 and the rest coming from t he S ewer D epart ment . As for t he N ort h Morgan S t reet proj ect const ru ct ion, t he C it y is await ing proposed cost savi ngs from t he Arka nsas H ighway C ommission and t he addition of a traffic light to the plans. Also at t he meet ing, C ou ncil members heard a req u est t o add an addit ional proj ect to the ongoing renovations at City Hall. That original pro ect was estimated at $ , , CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

Hunter Computerized 4-Wheel Alignment & Wheel Balancing Tires • Brakes • Custom Exhaust • Shocks & Struts Hours: Mon.-Fri. • 8am-5:30pm 1500 Hwy 71 South, Mena

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Veteran’s Day Activities Scheduled Across the County BY MELANIE WADE • news@mypulsenews.com


et erans will be celebrat ed on N ove mber 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 in downt own Mena wit h a parade t hat will begin on N ort h Mena S t reet . O rganizer L inda Jo hnson, C ommandant of V F W P ost # 4 4 5 1 , is encou raging ev eryone to participate including individuals, military organizations, fire and police depart ment s, schools, mot orcycl e clu bs, car clu bs, et c. T he V et eran’s D ay P arade will begin at 1 0 a. m. on N ove mber 1 1 t h. I nt erest ed part ies t hat wou ld like t o part icipat e are encou raged t o call Jo hnson by N ove mber 3 rd t o regist er at 9 5 6 - 2 4 1 - 2 6 3 3 . T here will be t rophies awarded t o t he t op t hree ent ries. F ollowing t he parade, a V et eran’s D ay Memorial S ervi ce will he held at t he Mena E lks L odge on H wy . 3 7 5 E ast . V et erans and t heir families will also be honored wit h a lu ncheon for t he fou rt h ye ar in a row by local bu sinesses on N ove mber 1 1 t h at 1 1 a. m. at t he H ist oric Armory on D eQ u een S t reet in Mena. T he lu ncheon is free t o ve t erans and t heir families. O n t he menu t his ye ar are bu rgers and brat s with all the fixins’. L ocal schools are also host ing special programs for t he ve t erans of t he area. Mena Middle S chool E AS T will host a program on N ove mber 3 rd at t he Mena H igh S chool P erforming Art s C ent er at 1 : 3 0 p. m. C ossast ot R ive r H igh S chool E AS T st u dent s will host a program at W icke s E lement ary on N ove mber 8 t h.


October 25, 2017

Weekly Publication



Hampton Aviation Growing & Expanding

BY LEANN DILBECK • editor@mypulsenews.com

Hampton Aviation hosted a luncheon for community leaders Tuesday, October 24, to announce that the company continues “growing and expanding” as President Larry Davis explained. The company opened a third hangar recently that has expanded their work area to over 65,000 s.f. designed with an extensive list of aircraft in mind. Davis added that the company serves government contracts as well as the private sector. Hampton Aviation employs 40 people with an annual payroll of $1.3 million. he Mena olk County Chamber of Commerce as in attendance and held a ribbon cuttin in honor of the com any’s ro th citin their stability and ositi e economic im act to the local community. [PHOTO SUBMITTED]

January 6, 2016

5th Annual BBQ Fundraiser Relay for Life to Host Movie Night in Friday, October 27 • 10am - 2pm

$5 Meal Includes: BBQ Pork Sandwich, Chips, Dessert, Bottled Water

BBQ Meat in Bulk: $10/Pound

A Non-Profit 501(c)3 organization.

(Bulk by advance order only) Cooking provided by Jim Stroope

All proceeds go to assisting pre-approved cancer patients in need of help.

the Park P

olk C ou nt y R elay for L ife will host Movi e N ight in t he P ark on Sa t u rday night , O ctober th, as a fundraiser to aid in their fight against cancer. Hocus ocus will be the family friendly movie that entertains all ages. Hocus ocus is the 993 cult classic, st arring B et t e Midler, S arah Je ssica P arke r, and K at hy N aj imi, t hat follows t he vi llainou s t rio of wit ches, who are inadve rt ent ly resu rrect ed by a t eenager in S alem, Massachu setts. re-sale tickets are available now for $4 each at Cruizzers, nion Bank, Healthy Connections, Tyson, Mena Regional Health System, or any Relay for Life team member. Tickets at the gate will be $ each. There will be $ concessions available. Gates open on Saturday at p.m. Bring your own lawn chairs and blankets. All proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society.

. . October . . . . . . . . 25, . . . .2017 ..................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication

Mobile Home Fire


to a structure fire at 0 Edwards Street. The home was fully engulfed when firefighters arrived on the scene. Mena Fire Department had eleven personnel on scene and their quick work quenched the flames shortly however, the home was deemed a complete loss. Assistant Fire Chief Charles Hankins said the fire is believed to have started in the center of the home around the living room kitchen area. No one was at home when the fire began. The family of the home, which included a man, woman, and little boy, have lost all of their belongings and also lost their family dog, their cat, and their family rat. “We had our rat for two years and he was like Riley’s baby. think that is what is making this the hardest clothes are replaceable it’s the loss of life,” said resident, Courtney Bledsoe. She admitted feeling lost over the loss of their home and animals. “We’ve never been in a situation like this so we don’t know where to go from here. We’ve lost everything.” While her home was burning, Bledsoe’s boyfriend, James Murchinson, who works as a logger, was in the woods and couldn’t get home quickly. “James was at work and was ust standing there watching our house burn. really appreciate the police chief, he talked to me the whole time while was watching my house burn. He called a pastor to help us and it went from there. We wouldn’t be getting half the help we are if he hadn’t been there. was lost and didn’t know where to go and he pushed me the direction needed to go.” f you would like to assist the family, you can make a donation to James Murchinson or Courtney Bledsoe at nion Bank. f you have clothes or other items to donate, you can call Courtney 479- 34- 3 . Clothing sizes are James - size 3 x 3 eans, L shirts, size 9 shoe Courtney – size 4 eans, shirts, size 9 shoes Riley – little boy size eans, size 4- shirts size shoes.

First Care


operated by HealthStar, which was established in April 000, and now includes physicians, 3 Advanced ractice Nurse ractitioners, speech pathology, and a licensed professional counselor for behavioral health. Services now offered at First Care Family Health and Walk- n Clinic in Mena include identification and management of acute and chronic illness as well as urgent care walk-in with extended hours. The clinic is open Monday through Friday from a.m. until p.m. and also on Saturday from 9 a.m. until p.m. The public is invited to a grand opening celebration at their location on 70 Hwy 7 North Friday, October 7, from 30 a.m. until 30 p.m. The Mena olk County Chamber of Commerce will welcome the clinic into membership with a ribbon cutting at 30 a.m. and KENA 04. will be broadcasting during the celebration with catering provided by Chicollo’s. Additional services offered at First Care Family Health and Walk- n Clinic include health prevention and maintenance for adults and children, health and wellness exam for adults and children, including Medicare nitial reventive hysical Exams E and Medicare Manufacturer Annual Wellness isits MAW , DOT physicals, school physicals, hormone therapy for of Quality CNC Parts men and women, weight management, immunizations, spirometry, holter monitoring, onside digital radiology, laboratory services, ECG testing, and allergy in ection management. LICENSED RESIDENTIAL HealthStar Clinics are also staffed with a full-time pharmacist and nurse practitioners AND COMMERCIAL are on call after hours, 4 7. They are also currently working toward all clinics receiving CONTRACTOR National Committee for uality Assurance Certification NC A for atient Centered Medical Home CMH accreditation. The local First Care Family Health and Walk- n Clinic is also affiliated with Med Spa located in Hot Springs, Ark. that offers facials, acne facials, Bacial, Dermaplaning treatment facials, chemical peels, waxing, tinting, cellular regeneration with microneedling, uvederm, volume, Kybella, and coolsculpting.

479.394.4248 104 Port Arthur Avenue Mena, AR 71953-3344

Elks Members & Guests

Elks Halloween Dance 479-394-4535 Open 7 Days a Week

Like us on Facebook!

$5 Cover Charge for Dance

Saturday, October 28 8 pm - 1 am

Costume Contest with Cash Prizes Music Provided by MS Soundworks




JAMES EARL TURNER (479) 234-6244 ERIC TURNER (479) 243-5549

October 25, 2017




at 1706 Hwy 71 N • Mena, AR 71953

Clinic Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-6pm & Saturday 9am-5pm

HealthStar Physician’s Clinics: First Care Family Health & Walk-In Mena Hamilton West Family Medical Hot Springs West Gate Family Medicine Hot Springs Lake Hamilton Family Medicine Hot Springs Med Spa 1661 Hot Springs Glenwood Family Medicine Glenwood Fountain Lake Family Medicine Fountain Lake HealthStar Women’s Services First Care Walk-In Clinic Hot Springs HealthStar Neurology



••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CHAMBER RIBBON CUTTING


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CATERING BY



• Identification and Management of Acute and Chronic Illness • Urgent Care Walk-In • Health Prevention and Maintenance for Adults and Children • Health and Wellness Exam for Adults and Children, including Medicare • Initial Preventive Physical Exams (IPPE) and Medicare Annual Wellness Visits (MAWV) • DOT Physicals • School Physicals • Hormone Therapy for Men and Women • Weight Management • Immunizations • Spirometry • Holter Monitoring • On-Site Digital Radiology • Laboratory Services • ECG Testing • Allergy Injection Management

Health Star Clinics have a full time Pharmacist on staff. Nurse Practitioners are on call after hours 24/7. We are working toward all clinics receiving National Committee for Quality Assurance Certification (NCQA) for Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Accreditation. We are participating in DEEP training to better provide Diabetic Education to our patients. Licensed Professional Counselor for behavioral health.


. . October . . . . . . . . 25, . . . .2017 ..................................................................................................................



VFW Award


P ost # 4 4 5 1 was t he lead sponsor for bringing T he W all T hat H eals, a t rave ling replica of t he V iet nam Memorial W all in W ashingt on, D . C . , t o Mena last spring. T he eve nt allowed t hou sands of vi sit ors from sev eral st at es t o honor t hose who gave t he u lt imat e sacrifice during the ietnam War, and a chance t o vi ew t he memorial wit hou t req u iring t rave l t o W ashingt on, D . C . I t also honored t he commemorat ion of t he 5 0 t h Annive rsary of t he V iet nam W ar and gave ve t erans of t he war a chance t o begin t heir healing process. T he effort s of V F W P ost # 4 4 5 1 garnered a N at ional V F W Merit Award - t he second highest award a post can be best owed. L inda J ohnson, C ommandant of P ost # 4 4 5 1 , at t ended a ceremony in Ja ck sonvi lle, Arka nsas t o receive t he plaq u e. “ W e were q u it e su rprised and honored, ” said Jo hnson.

City Council


Weekly Publication


C arolyn Ann Mills, age 7 7 , of Mena Arka nsas, died F riday , O ct ober 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 at T he O aks in Mena. S he was born on T hu rsday , Au gu st 1 , 1 9 4 0 t o R oya l and L eena H oneyw ell in W at seka , I llinois. S he is preceded in deat h by her parent s, t wo brot hers, P au l and B ob H oneyw ell, and one dau ght er, R egina C leary . S he is su rvi ve d by t hree sons, Ant hony D ebnar and Jo seph D ebnar, bot h of Anchorage, Alaska , and Mat t hew D ebnar and wife Je ssi of Mena, Arka nsas; seve n grandchildren, Mist y , Jo hn, Je nnifer, Amber, P ayt on, S edona, and S irena; eight great - grandchildren, B realyn , H adleigh, W esson, D aniel Mat t hew, E zeki el, S ava nnah, S ophia, and O livi a; t hree brot hers, L ee and D avi d H oneyw ell bot h of Arizona, and D on H oney well of N ort h C arolina; one sist er, R u t h C ou ncil of C alifornia; as well as a host of nieces, nephews, friends, and chu rch family . Carolyn was married for years and raised 4 children whom she dearly love d. S he is remembered for baki ng bread daily , servi ng as an act ive den mot her for her sons, and alway s doing for others. She volunteered at the fire department in C hu giak, Alaska as an E MT , a dispat cher, and ambu lance drive r. S he was a secret ary in pe-

according t o t he winning bid, su bmit t ed by MS B I , I nc. , of Mena. P aint ing is ongoing at t his t ime, howeve r, a new idea has been lau nched, and one t hat will bring t he bu ilding closer t o it s original glory , and a ke y reason why t he bu ilding is list ed on t he N at ional R egist er of H ist oric P laces. Alt hou gh C it y H all has eleva t ed ceilings, a ‘ drop ceiling’ was inst alled seve ral ye ars ago, which lowered t he height , and cau sed a decrease in light ing. T he C it y H all ent ry t hat welcomes it s vi sit ors has long been hidden in t he dark wit h only t wo light s in t he large area. T he new idea, which was approve d by C it y C ou ncil on T hu rsday , is t o remove the drop ceiling in the entry to allow natural light from the large second floor windows to pour in. Officials cited the more welcoming atmosphere, as well as eliminating the need for additional lighting fixtures. A fresh coat of paint will also be applied to the top floor area that is uncovered. The pro ect is expected to cost approximately $ ,000 to $ 0,000. The next regular meeting of Mena City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, November 1 4 , 2 0 1 7 , at 6 p. m. inside Mena C it y H all.

PCDC’s (Resale Store) CHRISTMAS BLITZ Friday, November 3, 2017 • 9am - 5:30pm

The store will close at

Live Music Entertainment: 1pm on November 2nd to prepare for this Children’s Ouachita Strings beginning at 9am annual event. PCDC Carolers will perform at 1:15pm

Hourly Door Prizes from 10-4

201 S. Morrow, Mena, AR

Come and enjoy some music, shop for some home decor, Christmas goodies and get signed up for your chance to win a door prize.

t roleu m operat ions in P ru dhoe B ay , Alaska for a nu mber of ye ars. S he ret ired from t he U nive rsit y of Anchorage, where she worke d as a secret ary in t he P sych ology D epart ment . C arolyn was a G odly woman and ve ry act ive in C herry H ill B apt ist C hu rch. S he t au ght S u nday S chool, sang in t he choir, and serve d as C hu rch S ecret ary . E ve ryo ne who met her was drawn t o her wonderfu l smile and her lau gh! S he was ve ry love d and will be missed. Memorial servi ce will be held T hu rsday , O ct ober 2 6 , 2 0 1 7 at T he C herry H ill B apt ist C hu rch at 00 pm with Brother Grant Geiger officiating. C remat ion servi ces are ent ru st ed t o Bo wser F amily F u neral H ome in Mena, Arka nsas. n lieu of flowers memorial contributions can be sent t o C herry H ill B apt ist C hu rch care of 4 1 1 P olk 7 2 , Mena, AR 7 1 9 5 3 . O nline gu est book: www. bowserffh. com

CURTIS HOUSTON CALLAHAN C u rt is H ou st on C allahan died peacefu lly of leu ke mia at t he home of his son and dau ght er- in- law on F riday , October 0, 0 7. He was 4 years old. He was born May , 933 in otter, Arka nsas t o H erman and D elia C allahan. H e was a ve t eran of t he K orean W ar era and was honorably discharged from t he U S Army in


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October 25, 2017

Weekly Publication



1 9 5 3 . H e married G eraldine P iearcy in 1 9 5 6 and t hey raised fou r children on t he same farm he was raised. As a yo u ng man, he worke d in t he t imber indu st ry in C olorado, W yo ming, and Arka nsas. Aft er all t he children were born, he raised chick ens and cat t le. I n 1 9 8 5 , he ret ired from farming and spent t he nex t seve n ye ars work ing at R ich Mou nt ain Manor nu rsing home, which he love d becau se of his penchant for caring for t he sick and elderly . T he last 1 0 ye ars of his worki ng life was wit h t he P olk C ou nt y R oad D epart ment . C u rt is had a rich social life. H e and his friends held cou rt most mornings at McD onald’s. I f t he docke t was fu ll, t hey resu med at noon. H e enj oye d vi sit ing t he sick, whet her friend or st ranger, and was honored t o be a pallbearer at nu merou s friends’ depart u res. C u rt is cou ld t ell a great and animat ed st ory . I f he t old a st ory abou t a dog, t he list ener cou ld see t he dog’s t ail wag. H e ke pt his ki ds ent ert ained wit h his odd idioms and colorfu l speech. “ N o. N o. N - O , N o! ” “ D on’t argu e wit h her. I f she says it ’s cold in Au gu st , yo u bet t er st art shive ring. ” He en oyed life his flowers where others might notice the weeds, he only saw the flowers animals he still mourned his beloved Jack Russell Tippy’s passing and his daily walk he cont inu ed his walki ng cu st om despit e short ness of breat h and pain t o t he last week of his life) . Diagnosed with leukemia in June, he continu ed t o enj oy life. H e ke pt his wicke d sense of hu mor and his many eccent ric habit s. H e maint ained t he appet it e of a t eenage boy u p t o his last week. But his illness did provide one benefit lot s of q u alit y t ime wit h his ki ds. T hey will be foreve r grat efu l t o G od for t hat privi lege. H e was preceded in deat h by his parent s, H erman and D elia C allahan, his brot her, C orky , and his belove d one- ye ar- old dau ght er, D ebbie. H e is su rvi ve d by his son and dau ght er- inlaw, Michael and Lawana of Hatfield his three dau ght ers and t heir hu sbands, D iane and S t eve Schultz of West Fork, Arkansas, Stacie and Jimmy P ineda of B oone, N ort h C arolina, and V alerie and G ordon D yks t ra of B rit ish C olu mbia, C anada; 1 6 grandchildren, 2 5 great grandchildren, and his dear friend, D ee R obert s. H is fu neral wit h milit ary honors was T u esday , O ct ober 2 4 at 2 : 0 0 p. m. at t he B owser F amily

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Funeral Home Chapel with astor Donnie Jewell officiating. isitation was Monday, October 3 from 6 - 8 p. m. at B owser F amily F u neral H ome in Mena.

MURRAY DONALD THOMPSON Mr. Mu rray D onald “ D on” or “ M. D . ” T hompson, passed away S u nday , O ct ober 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 at his home. Don was born on July 9, 1 9 2 9 t o E dward D ou glas T hompson and D essie May P ot t ridge in B at es, Arka nsas du ring t he G reat D epression. T he family went t o O regon t o work the fields picking fruit and beans. They then move d t o V isalia, C alifornia where D on went t o work for C ampbell’s D airy , milki ng cows and ru nning a door t o door milk rou t e. H is passion was always playi ng mu sic and he did so six night s a week, inclu ding playi ng wit h B u ck O wens on T he Cousin Herb show on television in Bakersfield, C alifornia. Among t he ot her not able mu sicians Don played with were Johnny Cash, Earnest Tubb, Jenny Shepherd, and the present band of t he lat e Merle H aggard consist ed of D on’s former bandmembers. Aft er C ampbell’s D airy move d t o Mena, Arka nsas in 1 9 6 1 , D on began worki ng wit h t hem again in 1 9 6 7 and cont inu ed t here for t he next 2 0 ye ars. H e also worke d for Moran’s F oodland in t he produ ce depart ment before ret iring, along wit h his wife, B obbie S u e B oot h, who worke d in t he meat depart ment . D on st ill playe d mu sic eve ry week in and arou nd Mena, inclu ding t he American L egion. G ene L ance was D on’s bassman and fu nnym an for ove r 3 5 ye ars, as well as a close friend. O t her friends and bandmat es t hat formed his grou p, The Talimena Drive, included Lloyd Schoolfield as his lead gu it arist , and t heir band was t he best arou nd. T o all t he gu ys who playe d in t he band, we, his sons, say a heart felt “ t hanks” . T o all of D ad’s friends and followers who went t o all of his dances and pu t u p wit h his bragging, we say “ t hank yo u all” . “ W e love yo u dad! I gu ess yo u ’re play ing for Jesus now Make Him get up and dance ” D on is su rvi ve d by wife, B obbie B oot h T hompson; sons, E ddie D onald T hompson and wife Janice of Hatfield, Arkansas, Michael Dale T hompson and wife N iecee of B arling, Arka nsas; st ep- son, Aldridge C lay B oot h of P ine R idge, Arka nsas; brot her, S t eve T hompson of B art lesvi lle, O kl ahoma, D eway ne T hompson of F t . S mit h, Arka nsas; sist ers, D elores T olbert of F aye t t evi lle, Arka nsas, G eneva C ook, and K at hy S osa of F t . S mit h, Arka nsas; grandchildren, H eat her G renier of Mena, Arka nsas, C ory T hompson of Mena, Ark ansas, S hast a R eichard of V an B u ren, Arka nsas; great - grandchildren, D avi d and S arah Grenier of Mena, Arkansas, Jackson and Grant T hompson of Mena, Arka nsas, E ast on and T ennison R eichard of V an B u ren, Arka nsas. H e was preceded in deat h by his parent s, E dward and D essie T hompson, a son, D avi d L ee T hompson, a dau ght er, S haron C ochrane, a brot her, D ale T hompson, and his belove d st ep- mot her, B eat rice “ B ea” T hompson. G rave side servi ces were T hu rsday , O ct ober

1 9 , 2 0 1 7 at 2 : 0 0 p. m. in P ine R idge C emet ery with Brother Lynn Chiles officiating. isitation was general. Arrangement s are u nder t he direct ion of t he B easley W ood F u neral H ome.

MURIEL JOYCE HUGHES Muriel Joyce Hughes, age 9 1 , of Mena, Arka nsas passed away T hu rsday , O ct ober 1 9 , 2 0 1 7 in Mena. S he was born in W innipeg, Manit oba, C anada on N ove mber 2 4 , 1 9 2 5 t o the late Joseph Trinder and the late Sylvia Gray T rinder. S he was married t o t he lat e W illiam Gordon Hughes until his passing in 99 . Joyce love d all ki nds of sport s and doing crossword pu zzles. Also enj oye d playi ng B ingo and going shopping wit h family and friends. S he was a lov ing and ki nd mot her, grandmot her, sist er, and friend t o all who kn ew her. S he is su rvi ve d by sons, B ill H u ghes and wife Ann of Mena, Arkansas, John Hughes and wife B arbara of L as V egas, N eva da; grandchildren: Jennifer Gore of Hot Springs, Arkansas, Shelly Alst on of Mena, Arka nsas, L yn da G ay of L as V egas, N eva da, C hrist y S chneider of L as V egas, N eva da, V aleri S wit zer of T acoma, W ashingt on; eleve n great - grandchildren and fou r great - great grandchildren sister-in-law, Miffie ngram of ict oria, B rit ish C olu mbia, C anada; and nu merou s nieces and nephews. S he was preceded in deat h by her parent s, Joseph Trinder and Sylvia Gray Trinder, her husband, W illiam G ordon H u ghes, brot hers, R ay T rinder and S t an T rinder, and sist er, Mildred B eryl E aki n. V isit at ion was S at u rday , O ct ober 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 from 5 : 0 0 - 8 : 0 0 p. m. at B easley W ood F u neral H ome of Mena. Arrangement s are u nder t he direct ion of t he B easley W ood F u neral H ome of Mena. Mrs. H u ghes was sent for cremat ion. O nline obit u ary at www. beasleyw oodfu neralhome. com

NORMA JEAN PRICE N orma Jean rice, age 70, of Mena, Arka nsas passed away T hu rsday , O ct ober 1 9 , 2 0 1 7 in Mena. She was born January , 1 9 4 7 in W icke s, Arka nsas t o the late Melvin Wilcher and the late Bessie Jo B ingham W ilcher. S he was married t o S herman P rice. N orma was a hairdresser for many ye ars, ru nning her own shop and was co-o wner and operat or of t he family bu siness, P rice Mobile H omes. N orma enj oye d worki ng in her flower gardens and loved her “Little Ladies” from her B eau t y shop at W icke s. O ne of her favo rit e t hings t o do, wit h her dau ght er was cooki ng family dinners as she was a wonderfu l cook. N orma love d t he C olorado R ocki es, especially t he q u aki ng Aspens in t he au t u mn. S he enj oye d t rave ling and most of all, spending t ime wit h her family . N orma was a lovi ng wife, mot her, nimmie, sist er, au nt and friend and will be missed by all who kn ew her.

S he is su rvi ve d by hu sband, S herman P rice of t he home; dau ght er, K rist i L ee P rice of Mena, Arka nsas; grandson, K arson B arham C rawford of Mena, Arka nsas; brot hers, L arry W ilcher and wife S u san of W icke s, Arka nsas, R oger W ilcher and wife El len of Arka delphia, Arka nsas; and sist er, K at hy P rice B ake r and hu sband D ood of W icke s, Arka nsas. S he was preceded in deat h by her parent s, Melvi n and B essie W ilcher, grandson, P rice K rist opher C rawford, brot her- in- law, L eon P rice, S r. , and her in- laws, Millard and Effie rice. F u neral S ervi ces will be S u nday , O ct ober 2 2 , 2 0 1 7 , at 2 : 0 0 p. m. at W icke s P ent ecost al C hu rch of G od in W icke s, Arka nsas wit h B rot her Mark Lyle and Brother Ron Tilley officiating. I nt erment will follow in t he C ryst al H ill C emet ery in W icke s, Arka nsas u nder t he direct ion of t he B easley W ood F u neral H ome of Mena. allbearers will be Kris Crawford, Jerry Sanders, B ill Meador, D al W hit e, Mit chell T idwell, Mike W ilcox, and R ob McMellon. H onorary pallbearers will be P hilip H ensley , David Maddox, Jason Sullivan, Eric Sullivan, S cot t S u lliva n, Melvi n S u lliva n, T rent S mit h, D ale W hit e, G eoffrey W ilcher, and S helt on B ohlman.


January 6, 2016

Mrs. S hirley S immons R u ssell, age 7 2 , of Mena, Arka nsas passed away S at u rday , O ct ober 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 in Mt . I da, Arka nsas. S hirley was born on D ecember 1 , 1 9 4 4 in C yr il, O kl ahoma t o O scar S immons and C lau dean Ph illips S immons. S he was married to James Russell and was a truck driver hauling live st ock for many ye ars. S hirley was ve ry art ist ic; she enj oye d paint ing and was a lovi ng homemake r. S he enj oye d cooki ng for her family and friends and was an exce llent seamst ress. S he at t ended C herry H ill Met hodist C hu rch and most of all love d her family . S he will be dearly missed by all. S he was a lovi ng and ki nd wife, mot her, sist er, grandmot her and friend t o all who kn ew her. S he is su rvi ve d by hu sband of t went y- seve n years, James Russell of Mena, Arkansas sons, L ewis C ozzi and wife H eat her of L os B anas, California, James Cozzi and wife Jennifer of L os B anas, C alifornia; dau ght ers, K rissi Arbu ru a and hu sband D on of L os B anas, C alifornia, Lorna Russell-Hoobler of Bakersfield, California, Michelle R oss and hu sband T ravi s of Mena, Arkansas, Sherry Russell of Bakersfield, California; t hirt een grandchildren, t hree brot hers; and six sist ers. S he was preceded in deat h by her parent s, O scar and C lau dean S immons. Memorial servi ce will be T hu rsday , O ct ober 2 6 , 2 0 1 7 , 1 0 : 0 0 a. m. at B easley W ood C hapel with Deborah Head officiating under the direct ion of B easley W ood F u neral H ome of Mena. O nline obit u ary at www. beasleyw oodfu neralhome. com



October 25, 2017

Weekly Publication



Holly Harshman Elem. Looks to Create Difference Makers

E ” at H olly H arshman E lement ary S chool are empowering each and eve ry st u dent t o be a # differencemake r. S t u dent s are recognized by ot her st u dent s, teachers and staff. School officials said, “WE are witnessing incredible moments every day . S omet imes it may be helping an inj u red friend. S omet imes it ’s grabbing a backp ack for a class mat e wit h fu ll hands. N o act of ki ndness is t oo small. W E want t o impress u pon ou r st u dent s t hat t hey can change t he world. W E all have t he power wit hin u s! ” A poem, t it led D ifferent by Micah T yl er B egnau d / K yl e L ee describes: “ I wanna be different . I wanna be changed. ‘ T il all of me is gone. And all t hat remains. Oh is a fire so bright, The whole world can see. That there’s something different. So come and be different . I j u st wanna be different . S o cou ld Y ou be different I n me” S ept ember # differencemake rs are: 5 t h G rade: L ainee G arret t , S ean S u lliva n, Je ssica S mu drick, E mily D odson, C ooper P lu nke t t , P at rick S penser, Alexi a S immons, D yl an W hit ehead, D orian K night , Au rora Mu ns, C lara W hit e, Ja den R obert s, Arya na O rt iz, C hloie D ollarhyd e, T ori W eidler, B loe H ooper, C onner L aF ollet t e, D ako t a V an F leet , H adyn W ells, Alexi s C legg, L exi e K eomou ngK hou ne, S cot t ie G ragg, Ja ney S medley , K aielor H ast ey , C olt on Q u ebedeau x, Marlenne C ecillio, S ean S u lliva n, K inley H all, K arley S harp, Jo rden D avi s, T aliya h D eF renchi, McK enzie K night en, G racie N ash, Abi K oppein. 4 t h G rade: K ennet h T homlinson. S t aff ( N ot P ict u red) : H ollie Mont gomery , 5 t h G rade L it eracy: Miss Mary , B elove d V olu nt eer G randmot her.


WES Announces Star Students W

icke s E lement ary S chool has annou nced t heir “ S ept ember S t ar S t u dent s. ” P ict u red are: B ack R ow ( L - R ) : Z achary McC ormick, Ju st in B ell, Ja yl ee P ollard, L andrey R ichardson, T homas G oet hals, Jo han O rt ega; Middle R ow ( L - R ) : N at han U gart e, Adileni H errera, L J B lackm on, Y eshle C ampu zano, Je rry Ant onio; F ront R ow ( L - R ) : K evi n Marru fo, S ant ana H ernandez, Ja ke S peight , P arke r S u lliv an, R emingt on W iner, B ent ley D eat on.


Fun for ALL Ages! More Info: 479-394-3880 Follow us on Facebook

Chameleon Arts • Mena Art Gallery American Artisans Eatery & Gallery Skyline Cafe • The Mercantile Ouachita Little Theatre • The Fair Lady 4 Winds Trading Post Whitley Lind Photography


ReMax • Brodix • Washburn’s Home Furnishings • Union Bank of Mena Sterling Machinery • Aleshire Electric Mena Star • UARM Sanctified Graphics and Design Support for OAC is provided, in part, by the Arkansas Arts Council, an agency of the Department of Arkansas Heritage, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

October 25, 2017

Weekly Publication


POLK COUNTY BIRTHS Flourish Women’s Conference to be Held in Mena AT MENA


BY MELANIE WADE • news@mypulsenews.com

Danielle Cocke and Aldair Fonseca, of Dierks, are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on October 17th. Brittney Meador and Russell Boyd, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on October 17th. Katherine Hansen and Kenny Brock, of Mena, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on October 18th.




women’s conference will soon be held in Mena and organizers hope that the event will make women ‘flourish’ in their daily lives – hence the name, Flourish Women’s Conference. “Flourish is a two-day event for the ‘next generation female’ to be equipped, encouraged, empowered, and inspired to flourish where they are planted and become all that God created them to be,” said Anna Buckley, one of the many organizers of the event. Flourish will be held on November 3rd & 4th at The Crossing Church in Mena. Registration is $30 at the door and includes sessions for both days, lunch on Saturday, in-depth small groups Saturday afternoon, and child care if needed. Autumn Dawson from ROAR Church in Texarkana will be the guest speaker. Dawson pastors alongside her husband at ROAR and, Buckley says, “is a dynamic speaker who loves Jesus fiercely. We believe she will bless and encourage you to walk in God’s will for your life. This event has the potential to change your life, 5 keyyour facts about Prostate Cancer: strengthen walk with the Lord, and give you life-long friendships that you never 1. Affects 1 in every 6 men knew you needed. We love you. We believe in you. We are praying for you,” Buckley added.2. Deadlier than breast cancer 3. Detectable in early stages Events begin on man’s Friday, November 3, at 7 p.m. and will continue on Saturday 4. NOT an old disease beginning at 9NOT a.m. 5. Does go away if you avoid Mikatesting. Harry,Gentlemen: another organizer of the event We encourage you to getsaid, “We believe every woman is a PSA blood test. God-designed, purpose intended, significant, and lavishly loved by the King of the Autumn Dawson of ROAR Church in Texarkana universe. No matter your age, your status, your style, or whether you think you have ill ser e as the Flourish omen’s Conference it all together or not, you are welcome at Flourish.” guest speaker.

January 6, 2016




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. . October . . . . . . . . 25, . . . .2017 ..................................................................................................................


Weekly Publication

Thursday, 10/26 • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 10:30 a.m. – Gator & Friends will be performing at The Mena Senior Center. • 11:30 a.m. – Rotary Club of Mena/ Polk County will meet at Papa’s Mexican Café. Contact Sue Cavner at 2345844 or Linda Rowe at 234-2575 for more info. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - The Cove Branch of the Polk County Library is open. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. - The Sonlighters in Action Card Shop will be open at 3671 Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. • 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Salvation Army Family Store helps families with utilities. • 3:00 p.m. – Cove Branch Library hosts Cossatot River Park Interpreter Shelly Flanary to speak about changes that fall brings. • 5:00 p.m. - 9th Street Ministries will have a free dinner and fellowship in the 9th Street Ministries building.


• MENA NORTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST TRUNK OR TREAT will be held on October 31 from 4 – 6 p.m. • MENA FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH will host Trunk or Treat on October 31 from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. in their parking lot. • CHRISTIAN MOTORCYCLISTS ASSOCIATION Mena Chapter is having annual Chili Cookoff, Bake Sale, and Auction on Saturday, November 4, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Grace Bible Church. Rain or shine. All donations go to CMA’s Run for the Son.

• 5:30 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Women’s Meeting at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy, 71, S., Mena. 479-216-4606 or 479-243-0297. • 5:30 p.m. – Weight Watchers meets at Dallas Avenue Baptist Church Family Life Center. Call 479-234-2297 for more information. • 6:00 p.m. – Live Country, Bluegrass and Gospel music in the Daisy Room at Janssen Ave Florist. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479216-4606 or 479-243-0297. Friday, 10/27 • 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Road tests are given at the Morrow Street Housing Authority Community Room unless the roads are wet. Written tests are given at 1:00 p.m. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. – PCDC Board of Directors will meet in the MRHS Conference Room A. • 12:00 p.m. – The Lions Meetings are held in the Lions Club House on Highway 71 South. • 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. - Gator & Friends will play at The American Legion in Acorn, admission $6. Potluck and 50-50 drawing, with door prizes. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479216-4606 or 479-243-0297. Saturday, 10/28 • 7:00 a.m. until sold out – The Polk County Farmer’s Market is open next to the Mena Depot. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 11:00 a.m. – Ink Volunteer Fire Department BBQ Brisket Plates and Pulled Pork Sandwiches Fundraiser at Holly Springs Homestead. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Fibers Arts Group meets at Mena Art Gallery. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping

Block, 1159 Hwy 71 S., Mena. 479243-0297 or 479-216-4606. Sunday, 10/29 • 2:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479216-4606 or 479-243-0297. • 3:00 p.m. – Worship service is held at Sulpher Springs Church. • 5:00 p.m. – United Methodist Youth Group at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. Monday, 10/30 • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library will be open. • 6:00 p.m. – PCVO Bingo at American Legion Building, Hwy 71 N., Acorn. • 6:30 p.m. – Boy Scouts of America Troop 92 meets at First United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479216-4606 or 479-243-0297. Tuesday, 10/31 • 8:00 a.m. – The Reynolds Gardner Community Men’s Breakfast at the First United Methodist Church in Mena. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Polk County Family Mission is open in the 9th Street Ministries Building. • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – “Art Day” at Mena Art Gallery, 607 Mena St. Bring your current project and work with other artists. • 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – The Sonlighters in Action Card Shop will be open at 3671 Highway 8 West, one mile from Louise Durham. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Hatfield Branch Library will be open. • 5:00 p.m. - T.O.P.S. will meet in the Union Bank Community Room for weigh-ins, followed by a meeting. • 6:00 p.m. – Country and Gospel music is played at the Polk County Housing Authority Community Room. • 7:00 p.m. – Al-Anon for the families of addicts and alcoholics meets at the ABC club. • 7:00 p.m. – Dallas Valley RVFD will meet for training at the Fire House. • 7:00 p.m. – Acorn Fire & Rescue

will meet at the Fire Department. • 8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at First United Methodist Church, 9th & Port Arthur. 479-2342887 or 479-234-3043. Wednesday, 11/1 • 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Humane Society of the Ouachitas is open at 366 Polk Road 50. • 12:00 p.m. - The Emergency warning sirens will be tested in Hatfield, Wickes, Grannis, Vandervoort, Cove, and Mena. • 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – The Cove Branch Library is open. • 5:45 p.m. – The Mena First United Methodist Church Kidz will meet. • 6:00 p.m. – Warriors for Christ will meet at the Southside Church of God. • 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Regeneration Youth Ministries meets at Mena Church of God Hwy 88 East. • 6:15 p.m. – Dallas Avenue Baptist Church offers Discovery Kids – Kindergarten Thru 5th Grade; Collide Youth Ministry – 6th Thru 12th Grades; and Adult Bible Study. • 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Trek and Varsity for Middle and High School students at Grace Bible Church, 1911 Hwy 71 N. Mena. All Area Middle and High School students are welcome. • 7:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous at the ABC Club across from Chopping Block, 1159 Hwy 71, S., Mena. 479216-4606 or 479-243-0297. • 7:00 p.m. – Inquiry Classes into the Catholic Faith will be held in the St. Thomas House at St. Agnes Catholic Church, 203 8th Street, and continue through Easter 2018. No cost or obligation, anyone interested is invited. Call 479-394-1017 for more information.

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October 25, 2017



MaKenzie Goss


Taylor Heifner Brickie Sachs

12 10

Mercedes Mowdy Corinne Branson Kimberly Strasner Sarah Sharp Abbi McCarroll Lexi Dilbeck Reese Rogers Addy Prewett Addie Wood Brooke Goss Tiger: Sarah Wallace

10 10 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7



Gilchrist Tractor Inc. Good Luck

Brickie Sachs & Acorn Cheerleaders!

Go Tigers!

2642 Hwy. 71 N., Mena, AR 71953

(479) 243-9494

Open Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-Noon

Proud of our

Tiger Cheerleader! Show them your Spirit, Lexi Faith! We Love You! Mom, Dad, & Dustin



October 25, 2017

October 25, 2017

Acorn Basketball Schedule 10/27/17 • 5:30

12/15/17 • 5:30

10/28/17 • 5:00

12/18/17 • 5:00

10/30/17 • 5:30

1/9/18 • 5:30

vs Bergman (SRS) Acorn Classic • Home Game

vs Kirby (SRS) Home Game

vs Caddo Hills* (SRS) Home Game

vs Hartford (SRS) Away Game

Dylan Hayner Cross Hughes Mason Stout Joshua Swint Leo Jacinto Zak Abbott Noah Stout

2 11 12 21 25 30 44

12 12 11 11 11 11 11

Brady Lyle Jeremiah Swint Nathan Cottman Jacob Moore Mathew Chaney Jack Young Malichiah Hicks Jordan Ward Brody Webb

1 4 10 13 20 23

10 10 10 10 10 10

Acorn @ Oden 6:30 KENA

Acorn & Mt. Ida 5:30 KENA

vs Mt. Vernon-Emola (SG) Away Game

Kirby @ Acorn 6:30 KENA

1/16/18 • 5:30

1/20/18 • 4:00 1/23/18 • 4:00

32 33 34

10 10 10

Mena Indoor (479) 216-3584

Go Tigers!

Good Luck, Kendra & Rin Branson! Tues - Friday 10am - 5pm Saturday - 10am - 4pm Closed Sunday and Monday 909 Mena Street

vs Mt. Ida* (SRS) Home Game

vs Scranton (SRS) Away Game

11/28/17 • 5:30

vs Horatio (JB, SRS) Away Game

1/26/18 • 5:30

vs Mineral Springs* (SRS) Away Game

1/30/18 • 5:00

12/5/17 • 5:30

vs Ouachita* (SRS) Away Game

vs Dierks* (SRS) Away Game

2/6/18 • 5:30

12/12/17 • 5:30 vs Oden (JG, SRS) Away Game


vs Oden* (JB, SRS) Home Game

11/7/17 • 5:30

11/20/17 • 5:30



Cutter @ Acorn 6:00 KQOR

vs Umpire (SRS) SG - Home Game SB - Away Game



vs Umpire* (SRS) Away Game

1/12/18 • 5:30

vs Caddo Hills (SRS) Away Game



Cossatot @ Acorn Umpire @ Acorn 6:30 KENA 6:30 KENA

Mt. Ida @ Acorn 6:00 KQOR

10/31/17 • 5:30

vs Cutter Morning Star (SRS) Home Game

Pulse Multi-Media Stations

Oden @ Acorn 6:30 KENA

vs Kirby* (SRS) Away Game

vs Mt. Ida* (SRS) Away Game







Broadcasting Sponsors UA Rich Mountain Union Bank of Mena Farm Bureau Freedom Pharmacy Curt’s Tires & Mufflers Gilchrist Tractor Walmart Supercenter


Faith Hill Tori Barrett Makayla Anderson Braxlie Strother Sydney Crawford

# Grade 5 21 3 25 30



Good Luck Tigers! 3357 Hwy 71 N 394-1394


Broadcasting Schedule

Acorn @ Umpire 6:30 KENA

vs Cossatot River (JG, SRS) Away Game

11/17/17 • 5:00


Good Luck

Acorn Tigers & Lady Tigers! 710 4th Street • Mena, AR Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 am-6 pm Sat. • 9 am -12:30 pm Sun. • Closed

GOAcorn Tigers! 1171 Hwy 71 S, Mena 479-385-2151

12 12 11 11 11

Kendra Branson Meghan Vaughn Gracie Hill Sophie Jackson Lexi Powell Makenna Goss

33 35 10 23 32 41

11 11 10 10 10 10

Don’t forget to tune-in to 104.1 KENA & 105.3 KQOR or stream online at MyPulseNews.com to cheer on your Acorn Tigers from home!

. .October . . . . . . . . 25, . . . .2017 ..................................................................................................................




Weekly Publication

Lady Tigers Cruise In Season Opener

BY EASTON LEONARD • eastonsports@yahoo.com

n T u esday , O ct ober 1 7 t h, t he Acorn L ady T igers baske t ball t eam hosted the Ouachita Lady Warriors to kickoff their season at

home. The Lady Tigers tipped off in their home white erseys, as Ouachita sported their green uniforms. Acorn scored the first two points of the afternoon, and didn’t dare take a look back. After the Lady Warriors scored a two point bucket to make the score -7, the Lady Tigers ended the first quarter on a 3- run, t o make t he score 2 4 - 9 going int o t he second period. T he L ady T igers continued to extend their lead in the second quarter, as Acorn outscored the Lady Warriors 9- 3, to take a 43- lead into halftime. Sophie Jackson led the Lady Tigers with points at halftime, while Emily McBay led Ouachita with 9 points. The game didn’t change much in the third quarter, as Acorn scored the first six points and went on to barely outscore the Lady Warriors , to take a -3 lead into the final quarter of play. n the fourth quarter, the Lady Tigers defense held Ouachita to only eight points, as Acorn extended their lead to twenty-eight, and won the game by a score of 74-4 . Emily McBay led the Ouachita Lady Warriors in scoring with points, as Maci Davis followed with points, G eorgia D avi s 9 point s, H aley L angley 6 point s, and S idney K u y ke ndall 2 point s. Sophie Jackson led the Lady Tigers of Acorn with 34 points, while Faith Hill scored 9 points, Tori Barrett 0 points, Lexi owell points, Sydney Crawford points, and Braxlie Strother point. O n Monday , O ct ober 2 3 rd, t he L ady T igers t rave led t o C ou nt y L ine, bu t will be back at home against C ossat ot on O ct ober 3 0 t h.

of Mena, AR, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on October 28, 2017. On Sunday, October 29th, there will be a reception from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm at the Chopping Block Restaurant. Friends and family are invited to drop by to congratulate the couple.

Ladycats Win District BY EASTON LEONARD eastonsports@yahoo.com Tournament T he past week, t he Mena L adyca t s senior high vo lley ball t eam compet ed in t heir respect ed D ist rict T ou rnament at F ou nt ain L ake . n the their first game of the tournament, the Ladycats took on Arkadelphia and defeated the Lady Badgers in three set s, 3 - 0 ( 2 5 - 1 2 , 2 5 - 1 6 , 2 5 - 1 7 ) , t o move ont o t he D ist rict S emi- F inals. I n t he S emi- F inals, t he L adyca t s mat ched u p against t he home t eam and t op seed F ou nt ain L ake L ady C obras. C oach Lyle’s team took on the challenge and defeated Fountain Lake in four sets, 3- , - , - , - 3 , to move ont o t he D ist rict C hampionship game. The Mena Ladycats took on the Booneville Ladycats in t he C hampionship game, and swept t hem in t hree set s, 3 - 0 ( 2 5 - 2 0 , 2 5 - 1 3 , 2 5 - 1 9 ) , t o win t he D ist rict C hampionship. W it h t heir D ist rict T ou rnament C hampionship win, t he L adyca t s will now move on t o compet e in t he 4 A S t at e V olley ball tournament at Southside Batesville this week. O n T u esday , O ct ober 2 4 t h, t he L adyca t s t ook on t he Harrisburg Lady Hornets in the first round of the tournament. F or t he lat est news and u pdat es, t u ne int o K E N A 1 0 4 . 1 F M or vi sit MyP u lseN ews. com.

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October 25, 2017



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. .October . . . . . . . . 25, . . . .2017 ..................................................................................................................




Weekly Publication

Tigers Demolish Ouachita To BY EASTON LEONARD Kickoff Season eastonsports@yahoo.com

he Acorn T igers senior high baske t ball t eam st art ed off t heir season wit h a bang on T u esday , O ct ober 1 7 t h, against t he O u achit a W arriors. Acorn sport ed t heir new whit e t ops and blu e short s u niforms t o ki cko ff t he game, as t he W arriors wore t heir away green u niforms. The Tigers won the tipoff and scored the first four point s of t he game, before going on t o ou t score Ouachita 7- in the first quarter, to take a six point lead into the second. n the second quarter, Leo Jacinto knocked down six three pointers for


Wilson & Medlin Finish Runner-Up In BY EASTON LEONARD State Tennis Tournament eastonsports@yahoo.com

In the Class 4A State Tennis Semi-Finals, on October 17, a pair of polished Mena High School tennis competitors, Zeb Wilson and Payton Medlin, took on Krappier and Westerman of Fountain Lake, and defeated the Cobras to move on to the championship ame n the finals ame the Rally-Cats took on Nathan and Kyle Hudson of Pottsville, but fell just short to the Apaches, to finish tate unner ith their runner u finish Wilson and Medlin qualify for the Arkansas Overall State Tennis Tournament. Congratulations to both Wilson and Medlin, along with Coach Powell, on a spectacular 2017 season and a very good performance in the 4A State Tennis Tournament.

“THANK YOU" to the community and businesses who so proudly support us!

Thank you to the following businesses and individuals for helping us make our annual Vandervoort Fall Festival such a success: Walmart for donating pumpkins and mums for decorations/ door priz es and a $ 2 5 gift card as a priz e

Samantha Sellers for decorating the gym and making sure everything was set up.

LeAnn Johnson for decorating the stage for the coronation.

CRHS East Students for creating signs for our F all F estival.

CRHS Teachers of Tomorrow (TOTS) for

volunteering to help decorate and volunteering to help run games the night of the fall festival.

Mary Lowery for hand painting all of our decorations and games and for donating a beautiful hand painted Cossatot River Eagles sign as one of our raffle priz es. Tim Walston for taking pictures during the F all F estival and the coronation.

Tina Jewell for all of her behind the scenes work on the coronation. All VES Teachers for keeping up with their student’ s ticket sales. And last but not least, thank you to our community for attending, purchasing raffle tickets, and continuing to support this tradition and our students.

Cossatot River School District with campuses at Vandervoort, Wickes, & Umpire


October 25, 2017



Cossatot River School District Report to the Public Our mission is for the district's students, parents and communities to work together to ensure student success. A supportive environment will be cultivated at all schools to provide opportunities for all students to gain the knowledge necessary to become productive citizens in an ever-changing world.

Overall Goals of the District

• Improve test scores and academic achievement with all students • Continue to provide teachers meeting the Arkansas Qualified Teacher status and quality staff while supporting teachers on ALPs as they move to completion of the requirements to meet qualified status • Create a safe and supportive learning environment at all campuses • Engage parents and communities in the overall process of student learning


Cossatot River School District schools all had approved accreditation status in the 2016-17 school year. All accreditation questions were resolved with approval of the Arkansas Department of Education.

District Achievement

2017-2018 School Year is a transition year, waiting on school law to be passed in order for improvement statuses to be published. There are no schools within the district that have been identified as needing intensive improvement. Cossatot River School District acknowledges that all schools can use improvement and efforts are made accordingly to increase achievement and growth in all areas.

School Board

All school board members completed the required hours of training for the 2016 calendar year. Trainings are scheduled and members are in the process of completing 2017 requirements.

Federal Programs/ACSIP

ACSIP is available for review on the district website www.cossatot.us under State Required Information. In this same area of the website the Parental Involvement Plans are available for review.

Policies and Handbooks

Policies and Student Handbooks are available on the district website under State Required Information. School Reports Umpire School: K-6 has an enrollment of 64 students, with 1 new faculty member. Grades 7-12 have an enrollment of 69 with 3 new faculty members. 2 teachers are on ALPs—1 for Special Education and 1 for 3rd-4th grade. The principal is on an ALCP. Goals for the 2017-18 school year are to improve and get training on Istation and other assessment programs while approving results of ACT Aspire across the curriculum. • Van-Cove Elementary has an enrollment of 228 with 3 new staff members. Goals for the 2017-18 school year are to provide opportunities for ALL students to grow intellectually and become academically proficient on Istation and the ACT Aspire assessment. Van-Cove Elementary will ensure the highest standards and a safe enviroement to continue to help ALL students to strive to reach their full potential. • Wickes Elementary has an enrollment of 336 with 5 new staff members. Goals for the 2017-18 school year are to partner with students, families, staff, and the community to address unique learning needs for each student. Wickes Elementary wants to provide a safe, healthy environment for students, families, staff, and community. • Cossatot River High School has an enrollment of 413 with1 new staff member. Goals for the 2017-2018 school year are to improve literacy and math scores, work on improving writing skills for testing, and increase college and career readiness in all students.


Cossatot River School District



October 25, 2017

Congratulations to the winners of the 2017 Pulse Halloween Coloring Contest! JAZLYN ELDER (0-4 WINNER)



Chamber Announces Daylight Trick or Treat


(11-13 WINNER)

As many cities and communities across the United States have made the move to provide safer Halloween activities for their youth, Polk County is no exception. Local communities have long provided the safety net of daylight trick or treat options, bringing light to the dark activity, and giving parents a sigh of relief to know where their children’s candy comes from and is safe to eat. Here are three of the county’s premier events for the season. This year marks the 31st anniversary of the Downtown Mena Merchants Daylight Trick-or-Treat. In 1986 Steve Blair, owner of Cash Saver, located on South Mena Street, where Sear’s Hometown Store is currently, started the event with help from Wyonna Abbot, owner of Coast to Coast, and other south side Mena merchants. The event as we know it today has over 1,000 children participating. This year the Downtown Mena Merchants Daylight Trick or Treat will be held on Halloween, Tuesday, October 31st, from MEDIA 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. on Mena Street and Sherwood Avenue. MULTIThe town of Hatfield will host their Daylight Trick or Treat on Tuesday, October 31st, from 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. as well. Participating Hatfield merchants will hand out candy. An event will Kess’ Korner also be held in Hatfield City Park and is hosted by Hatfield businesses and churches. Rich Mountain Electric Cooperative, operative, Inc. Vandervoort Picnic Association will host their annual Auto Repair Center, LLC Trunk or Treat event at the Vandervoort Picnic Grounds on Tuesday, October 31st, at 6 p.m. They invite local businessbranding iron BBQ & Steakhouse es and individuals to set up with them and hand out candy. The Ole Farm House There will be a costume contest as well.

Halloween Coloring Contest Sponsors Mena Water Utilities

Sears Hometown Store


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 Acorn, t o help ext end t heir lead t o ninet een going int o halft ime, wit h t he score 4 4 - 2 5 . L eo Ja cint o led t he T igers wit h 2 1 point s at halft ime, as T it u s McB ay led O u achit a wit h 1 2 point s. T o st art off t he t hird q u art er, t he T igers went on a 1 0 - 3 ru n, forcing O u achit a t o call a t imeou t j u st a few minu t es int o t he half. Acorn went on t o ou t score t he W arriors 3 1 - 1 7 , t o t ake a 7 5 - 4 2 lead into the final quarter of play. O nly t en point s of t ot al offense from bot h t eams was scored in t he fou rt h, as t he T igers held t o win by t hirt y- t hree, 8 0 - 4 7 . O n Monday , O ct ober 2 3 rd, t he T igers t rave led t o C ou nt y L ine, bu t will be back at home against C ossat ot on O ct ober 3 0 t h.

Bearcats Struggle in Nashville






October 25, 2017 ................................................................................................................................ Weekly Publication

riday night , O ct ober 2 0 t h, t he Mena B earcat s ( 3 - 5 , 0 - 5 ) senior high foot ball t eam t rave led t o N ashvi lle t o t ake on t he S crappers ( 5 - 3 , 3 - 2 ) , wit h t heir t op offensive and defensive playe r, Ju st in D ean, on t he sidelines du e t o an inj u ry . Mena won t he opening coin t oss and deferred t o receive t he ball t o st art t he second half. C hrist ian L u a’s opening ki cko ff for t he B earcat s was returned from the five yard line by Nashville’s Ty ettway to t heir own t went y ya rd line, where t he S crappers t ook ove r for their first offensive possession. I n a minu t e and t en seconds, on fou r plays, t he S crappers drove down to the Mena five yard line, where number twenty, Carmallias Marrison, ran in for a five yard Nashville T ou chdown. T he S crappers made t heir point - aft er- at t empt , to make the score 7-0, with still 0 0 left in the first quarter. T he B earcat s t ook ove r on t heir own eight een ya rd line for their first possession, but after ust five quick plays, PHOTO COURTESY OF DUNSON PHOTOGRAPHY Mena was forced t o pu nt t he ball back t o t he S crappers. Just five plays into the Scrappers’ next possession, following t he Mena pu nt , N ashvi lle drove down t o t he B earcat s’ t welve ya rd line, where nu mber fou rt een, T yl er H anson, ran in for a t welve ya rd Scrappers’ touchdown. And after a made point-after-attempt, the Scrappers led 4-0 with 7 left in the first quarter of play. Nashville forced the Bearcats to go three-and-out on their next offensive possession, to get the ball back via a punt on their own forty-five yard line. The Scrappers drove to the Mena thirty-five yard line, where number six, Trent Harris, ran thirty-five yards for another Nashville

January 6, 2016


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. .October . . . . . . . . 25, . . . .2017 ..................................................................................................................



Weekly Publication



t ou chdown. T he S crappers nailed t heir point - aft er- at t empt , t o make the score -0 with 3 3 left in the first q u art er. G oing int o t he second q u art er, bot h t eams st aye d scoreless u nt il t he 8 : 0 4 mark, when nu mber t went y , C armillias Morrison, ran in seve n ya rds for a S crappers’ t ou chdown, t o make t he score 2 8 - 0 aft er a made point - aft er- at t empt . B ot h t eams were forced t o pu nt on t heir next possessions, bu t on Mena’s sixt h, C arson C annon’s pass was int ercept ed by t he S crappers, who ret u rned t he ball t o t heir own eight een ya rd line. A few plays lat er, Nashville’s Tyler Hanson completed a fifty yard touchdown pass to Ty ettway, making the score 3 -0 after a made point-after-attempt, with 3 left in the first half. T he S crappers forced Mena t o pu nt ye t again on t heir seve nt h offensive possession, t o give N ashvi lle the ball back at the Bearcats’ thirty-six yard line via a punt. On the first play of Nashville’s eight offensive possession, Trent Harris ran thirty-five yards to the Mena one yard line, and one play later ran into the end zone for a one y ard t ou chdown, t o make t he score 4 2 - 0 aft er a made point - aft er- at t empt , wit h 1 : 2 2 left in t he second q u art er. O n Mena’s last possession before halft ime, anot her C arson C annon pass was int ercept ed by t he S crappers as t he second q u art er clock exp ired. Maki ng t he score 4 2 - 0 , in favo r of N ashvi lle, at halft ime.


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2 0 1 7 . T he accident occu rred at 3 : 1 3 p. m. Mena olice D epart ment arrive d on t he scene at 3 : 1 4 p. m. and dispat ched t he Mena F ire D epart ment du e t o t he fires. Angela H anson, age 4 4 of N ashvi lle, Ark. , was drivi ng nort hbou nd on H wy . 7 1 in a 2 0 1 3 N issan Alt ima when 6 9 - ye ar old James flaum, of Mena, pulled into the path of Hanson. flaum was t rave ling west bou nd on H wy . 8 8 in a 1 9 9 2 C hevy pick- u p truck. When the vehicles collided, flaum was e ected and landed approximately 40-feet away, according to the report filed at the Mena olice Department. Each vehicle spun around before coming to rest and catching fire. Mena Fire personnel extinguished the flames. Both drivers were treated for non-serious in uries and discharged from t he local hospit al.

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Corner of 4th St. & Hwy 71

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479-394-5589 479-394-2907 1510A Hwy. 71N, Mena


October 25, 2017

Weekly Publication



Knights of Columbus – Serving Community and Family T



he K night s of C olu mbu s was fou nded in 1 8 8 2 by F at her Michael J . McG iv ney , assist ant past or of S t . Mary ’s C hu rch in N ew H av en, C onn. B ased on t he principles of charity, patriotism, unity and fraternity, the Order remains the world’s foremost Catholic fraternal benefit society. The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. S ocial and int ellect u al fellowship is promot ed among members and t heir families t hrou gh edu cat ional, charit able, religiou s, social welfare, war relief and pu blic relief works. T he O rder has helped families obt ain economic secu rit y and st abilit y t hrou gh it s life insu rance, annu it y and long- t erm care programs, and has cont ribu t ed t ime and energy worldwide t o serv ice in commu nit ies. T he local Monsieu r AP G allagher C hapt er 7 2 5 8 was chart ered in 1 9 7 9 wit h 3 0 members, of which t wo are st ill liv ing, R u dy F u rr and W ay ne G ahr. C u rrent ly , t he chapt er has approx imat ely 7 0 members. T he local chapt er is part of t he I nt ernat ional O rder of T he K night s of C olu mbu s t hat has grown from sev eral members in one cou ncil t o 1 5 , 3 4 2 cou ncils and 1 . 9 million members t hrou ghou t t he U nit ed S t at es, C anada, t he P hilippines, Mex ico, P oland, t he D ominican Republic, uerto Rico, anama, the Bahamas, the irgin slands, Cuba, Guatemala, Guam, Saipan, Lithuania, kraine, and South K orea. T he local chapt er has been holding an annu al fu ndraiser for indiv idu als wit h int ellect u al disabilit ies, and oft en referred t o as t he “Tootsie Roll Drive”, that benefits CDC for over 0 years. n the last 0 years, the chapter has raised over $ 0,000 for CDC. The local Knights also hold various other fundraisers throughout the year including spaghetti dinners, fish fries, and Oktoberfest that enable them to assist with Special Olympics, Elks Christmas Food Baskets, Fresh Start regnancy Resource Center, St. Agnes Food Baskets, and other various Catholic ministries. The group also sponsors two seminarians each year. I n 2 0 1 6 , t he K night s of C olu mbu s set a new all- t ime nat ional record for t he 1 8 t h consecu t iv e y ear. C harit able donat ions increased from $ 7 million in 0 to a new total of $ 77, 00, 73 in 0 and the highest level of charitable service in 0 , v olu nt eering more t han 7 5 million hou rs of serv ice. T he G rand K night of t he local chapt er is P hilip F erence, D epu t y G rand K night J ohn G olding, T reasu rer Av el Mendoza, F inancial Secretary Mark Adams. The group meets the first and third Tuesdays at the Knights of Columbus Hall located at 04 th Street. Membership is open to C at holic men 1 8 y ears of age or older.

January 6, 2016


On November 7, 1967, Richard and Joyce Hansen were joined in marriage in Mena, AR. Please join their friends and family to celebrate their 50th anniversary on Saturday, November 4! An anniversary celebration will be held at First Christian Church, 1010 Port Arthur from 2:00-4:00 PM. All are invited to come share in the celebration. No gifts, please, but cards can be sent to: P.O. Box 506, Mena, AR 71953.

Senior Allstars

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Whitley Cline Guard

Bailey Turner Percussion

Danielle Clegg Guard



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October 25, 2017

Weekly Publication


The following information was received from Polk County law enforcement agencies. The charges against those arrested are allegations and the cases are still pending in the courts. Individuals charged and whose names appear in this column may submit documentation to us at a later date that the charges have been dismissed, or that they have been found innocent, and we will include that information in this space in a timely manner.

Mena Police Department October 15, 2017 Report was made of a local man harassing an acquaintance. The suspect was located and advised to stop the harassment. He agreed. A local man reported that his former girlfriend and her current boyfriend were harassing him. Case is pending. October 16, 2017 Sheila Akers, 39, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding felony warrant for failure to pay. Dennis Stinson, 39, and Paula Kay Schuller, 47, both of Mena, were charged with disorderly conduct after a call from a local woman. Crystal Ducote, 40, of Mena was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. A Mena woman reported that she had been pushed down by an acquaintance. Case is pending. A local woman made a complaint against her neighbor stating that he is sending her inappropriate texts. Case is pending interview of suspect and further investigation. October 17, 2017 Isaac Cain, 24, of Mena was arrested on an outstanding felony warrant. October 18, 2017 Report was made of a counterfeit $20.00 bill being taken at a local fast food restaurant. Case is pending. October 19, 2017 John Dozier, 42, of Mena was charged with public intoxication after a traffic stop.

October 20, 2017 A local couple reported that their kitchen window had been broken, possibly by a BB gun. Case is pending location and interview of suspects. A local man reported that someone had stolen cash from his nightstand while he was away from his house. Case is pending. October 21, 2017 No reports on file. olk County heriff’s e artment October 16, 2017 Traffic stop on Highway 71 South near Cove led to the arrest of Wesley J. Crump, 25, of Mena, on Charges of DWI and Careless/Prohibited Driving. Report of a disturbance on Polk 614 near Mena. Deputies responded. Report from a Mena woman that a juvenile family member had not returned when they were supposed to. Deputy contacted juvenile and they were returned to the custody of a parent/guardian. Report from a business on Highway 71 South in Cove of problems with a customer led to the arrest of Elizabeth A. Seman, 47, of Cove, on a Charge of Theft of Property and a Warrant for Failure to Comply with a Court Order. Arrested was Robert D. Hill, 44, of Mena, on a Warrant for Manufacture of a Schedule VI Controlled Substance. Report from complainant on Polk 286 near Hatfield of being harassed by an ac uaintance. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s ffice for further consideration. Report from complainant on Polk 107 near Acorn of being harassed by an acquaintance. Information has been provided to the Prosecuting Attorney’s ffice for further consideration. Report from complainant on Polk 283 near Hatfield of being harassed by an ac uaintance. Report from complainant on Polk 31 near Hatfield of the theft of electrical supplies, valued at $226.82. Investigation continues.

T he M ena Advertising and Promotion Commission wants to remind all businesses doing business in the City of M ena which serve prepared food, including food trucks and catering services, or provide lodging for less than 30 days at a time that they are obligated to collect and remit the City A & P Tax.

Report from complainant on Polk 402 near Hatfield of the theft of a game camera, valued at $130.00. nvestigation continues. Arrested was Michael C. Martin, 33, of Mena, on a Warrant for Probation Violation. Arrested by an officer with the Grannis Police Department was Daniel R. Whisenhunt, 30, of Gillham, on Charges of DW , Speeding, and Possession of a Schedule I/II Controlled Substance. October 17, 2017 Report from complainant on Polk 177 near Mena of the theft of a drill, valued at $250.00. Investigation continues. Report from complainant on Polk 121 near Mena of the theft of a water meter, valued at $250.00. The meter was later located and returned to the owner. Report from complainant on Polk 72 near Cherry Hill of the break-in and theft of three AT s and tools, all valued at $11,500.00. nvestigation continues. Report of $50.00 in damage to a bus seat led to a 14-year-old male being issued a Juvenile Citation for Criminal Mischief 1st Degree. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian. October 18, 2017 Arrested was Justin R. Simpson, 40, of

Arrested was Michael E. Trivette, 26, of Mena, on a Warrant for Delivery of Methamphetamine or Cocaine. Report of a disturbance on Polk 55 near Board Camp. Deputies responded. The suspect was advised to leave and not return to the property. October 20, 2017 Report of $40.00 in damages to a bus seat led to a 14-year-old male being issued a Juvenile Citation for Criminal Mischief 1st Degree. The juvenile was released to the custody of a parent/guardian.

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Mena, on two Warrants for Failure to Appear and a Sequoyah County, Oklahoma Warrant. October 19, 2017 Report from complainant on Horseshoe Lane near Potter of the theft of vehicle accessories, valued at $80.00. The items were located and returned to the owner. Report from complainant on Highway 8 East near Board Camp of the break-in and theft of tools, all valued at $1,600.00. nvestigation continues. Report from complainant on Horseshoe Lane near Potter led to a Citation for Failure to Vacate being issued to Scott J. Emry, 42, of Mena.

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PHONE: 479-243-9600 FAX: 479-243-9603 1168 Hwy 71 South, Mena

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UP TO 20 WORDS - $4 PER WEEK, $0.25 EACH ADDITIONAL WORD • BORDER $1 • ALL CLASSIFIEDS MUST BE PREPAID. Ad deadline is 12 p.m. on Monday. Payment is due with ad. Publishing and distributing 8,000 copies weekly.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October . . . . . . . . 25, . . . .2017 .....


House Cleaning and more. Call Winnie Cotter at 234-3418. 11/1 For Sale – 4 truck tires $100 235-85-16. Meter Loop & Breaker $50. Ford V-8 Catalytic Converter $100. 36” Like New Oval Leaded Door unit $105. Reese 5th Wheel $250. 4 2x4 drop ceiling uorescent lights. $15/each or $50 all four. Richard in Mena 417-699-2574 10/25 aniel’s Car entry and Painting, home repair, decks, privacy fences, fence rows, underpinning, etc. Also lawn and garden work. Call 479-216-1101 or 479-2162299. 11/15

January 6, 2016

For Sale: 1979 IH 4300 350 Cummins, 13 SP OD Hendrickson, Good Tires. $7,500 OBO. Call 479-234-1357 10/25

J&L Café – Sherwood Ave. Next to book store. Breakfast lunch specials – sandwiches. Mon-Wed 8am-3pm. Fri-Sat-Sun 8am-3pm. Closed Thurs. Soon Salad Bar & Soup. 11/15 Clean and comfortable housing since 1969, J. Ray & Maria’s MH Park and Rentals. Hwy 71 North, Mena, AR. 479216-3085 TFN For Sale: 1995 Red. 4x4 Tahoe LT. 5.7 Liter 8 cyl. engine. 2nd owner non smoker. Runs good. Good leather. Clean vehicle. Good tires. $5,800 OBO. Call 479234-1357. 10/25 J&N Dozer- Trackhoe, Backhoe, Dump Truck, Ponds, Pads, Clearing, Roads, Hauling, Rich Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Shale, Gravel. Dozer operator Randy Egger, over 30 years’ experience. We appreciate your Business! Call 479-234-1357 TFN Dugan Lawn Care Fall and Winter services. Shrub and hedged trimming, ower bed cleanup, leaf clean up gutter clean out, brush hogging, light driveway repair, property cleanup, and light tree removal. Residential and commercial services. 479-394-2699. TFN



P 7 302

2017 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab 4x4

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MSRP $ 50,1 50 Gentry Discount -$ 3,7 09 Consumer Cash -$ 1 ,000 Inc. Cash -$ 1 ,000 Chevy Bonus -$ 3,2 50 Chevy Bonus -$ 7 50 Chevy Bonus -$ 500 Chevy T rade -$ 1 ,000

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Must trade a 9 9 or newer Chevy.

P 7 31 3

2017 Chevy Silverado 2500 LT High Country Crew Cab

Gentry Price:


Must trade a 9 9 or newer Chevy.

P 7 31 4

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MSRP $ 2 4 ,1 4 0 Gentry Discount -$ 1 ,2 7 2 % OF F -$ 4 ,09 5

M7 063

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2017 Chevy Trax

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2017 Chevy Cruz

2018 Chevy Equinox

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Gentry Price:

Must trade a 9 9 or newer Chevy.

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October 25, 2017

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J7 2 37

Gentry Price:


www.GentryChevyInc.com entry hevrolet 801 West Collin Raye Dr. De Queen, AR 1-800-649-9929

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