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Folk and Fiber Arts Show call for entries

Mena Art Gallery is pleased to announce their next Folk & Fiber Show, running from March 18 -Apr. 28. They are looking for local artists to enter and encourage entries from people who may not have participated in the past. An awards reception will be held Saturday, March 25, 1–3 p.m.

This show is open to all members and non-members ages 14-plus. Work includes all handmade art. Entries must be original and the artist’s own work. No kits or prints will be accepted. All 2-dimensional

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sale (NFS) work will be accepted. Please contact the Gallery for the official Rules with details on framing, labels, commission fees, etc. The Rules are also available on our website under Folk & Fiber Show.

MAG Guidelines

Folk Art is marked by such attributes as highly decorative design, bright bold colors, flattened perspective, and strong forms in simple arrangements. Unlike more sophisticated art, folk art tends to make use of and 3-dimensional mediums will be accepted.

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The Polk County Pulse is the area’s premiere and fastest growing news publication. The Polk County Pulse is FREE and published weekly on Wednesdays, with a distribution of 8,000 and an estimated readership of 10,000. MyPulseNews.com has hundreds of visitors daily and KENA and KQOR have thousands of listeners hourly.

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Work will be accepted for entry on Saturday, March 18 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Please contact the Gallery if you need to make other arrangements.

Entry Fees

Rather than paying an entry fee for each piece, a one-time fee allows you to enter as many pieces as we have room for — Members $10 and Non-Members $15.

All entries must be for sale. No not for natural substances like wood, straw, clay and so on. It may include basket weaving, doll-making, enameling, furniture-making, wood-turning, pottery, leatherwork, metalwork, knife-making, mosaic art, jewelry-making, toy-making, papier-mâché, etc. Painting may also be in the form of decorative embellishment on other objects, such as textiles, glass, or wood. Our definition of folk art for this show is broad and inclusive.

Fiber Art may include crochet, knitting, embroidery, felt-making, lace-making, mac-

Email: NEWS@MYPULSENEWS.COM rame, carpet-weaving, tapestry and quilts, etc. Free-standing sculptures made of textiles are also acceptable for this show.

Cash prizes


First $100 $100

Second $75 $75

Third $50 $50

People’s Choice $25 $25

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