Poultry Entry Form

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Polk County Fair & Livestock Show P O Box 1402, Mena, Arkansas 71953 No. of entries ___ x $5 each = _______

Poultry Entry Form

Please Print Clearly: Exhibitors Name (First, Middle, & Last)

Street Address or P. O. Box Number

Entries should be submitted 1 of 2 ways: 1) At the Polk County Fairgrounds on Saturday, August 12th from 10-12 pm. After 12 pm there will be a $5 late fee charge. 2) Mailed to Polk County Fair Association, P O Box 1402, Mena AR 71953 $5 late fee if postmarked after 8-12-17

Birthdate mm/dd/yyyy

Male or Female Circle one



Telephone Number

Zip Code

Name of 4-H Club or FFA Chapter

Parent/Guardian Name (please print clearly)

Rules for Polk County Poultry Show: 1. Entries must be submitted by August 12. 2.All chickens must have had a negative Pullorum-Typhoid test prior to checking in. All chickens must enter through the back gate of the Fair Grounds between the hours of 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Tuesday of the Fair. 3. Exhibitors must be bonafide 4-H, FFA, or FHA members. 4. No miscellaneous game or mixed breeds will be accepted. 5. Exhibitors will be limited to one entry per breed per class. 6. Exhibitors should check in with the barn supervisor before chickens are placed in cages. All birds will be inspected for lice and mites. If your bird(s) are found to have lice or mites they will be disqualified and sent home. 7. Poultry will be judged on Wednesday at 4:00 pm with showmanship to follow. 8. Care, Feed, and Water will be provided by fair management. 9. Each exhibitor is responsible for removing and cleaning the ceramic crocks used with their animal during the Fair. A tub of water will be provided at the Barn for this purpose. Failure to comply may result in the loss of any prizes awarded at the Fair. 10. Entries can be single birds or a trio consisting of a rooster and two hens. 11. 4-H Pullet Chain pens must consist of three pullets. 12. Classifications – Pullet, female under one year; cockerel – Male under one year; Hen – female over one year; Rooster – male over one year; Old Trio – birds over one year; Young Trio – birds under one year; 4-H pen is three pullets. ¯ Listed on back are the Division and Class numbers. Be sure to classify your birds with the proper division for breed within the Standard Breed or Bantam Breed categories

Standard (8000 series)and Bantam (9000 series)


Classes for all Divisions – See Back for Breed Class 1


Class 2


Class 3


Class 4


Class 5

Old Trio

Class 6

Young Trio




Division 5001 – 4-H Pullet Chain Class 7

Pen of 3 pullets

EXHIBITOR ENTRY STATEMENT I have read and understand, and in consideration for being permitted to exhibit at this event, agree and consent to abide by the rules of competition, including the IAFE (International Association of Fairs and Expositions) National Code of Show Ring Ethics as stated in the Fair Catalog. A separate copy may be obtained from show organizer upon request.

Exhibitor Signature


Guardian or Parent Signature


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