September 9, 2015
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Wildlife Center Critically Low on Funding
Philpot Welcomes New Leadership to the Walton Foundation
BY MELANIE BUCK In August, the Walton Family Foundation announced that Mena native, Buddy Philpot, will step down after 15 years from his position as Executive Director to allow for new leadership to step in while a new long-term strategy is launched. Philpot is the son of Betty Stinnett Philpot and the late Bill Philpot. The Walton Family Foundation is a three-decade old proCONTINUED ON PAGE 5
Veterans’ Organizations to Host Recruitment Fair BY MELANIE BUCK A Veteran’s Organization Recruitment Fair, to be hosted by four different Polk County veteran’s organizations, is set to be held on Saturday, September 12. The four organizations within the County are the American Legion, Marine Corps. League, Disabled American Veterans, and Veterans of Foreign Wars. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
The Arkansas Native Plant & Wildlife Center, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, that has been preserving and rehabilitating the area’s wildlife for the last 25 years is at an all time critical low in funding. Wildlife rehabilitator, Tommy Young, has been caring for injured and orphaned wildlife for over 32 years. On an average, 2-7 people each week bring animals in to be cared for. The Center does not have any local, state, or federal funding. He solely depends on the public for donations to support the Center. The Center is located on Hwy. 270, in the Rich Mountain Community, or you can reach Tommy at 479-437-3750.
Christ Community Fellowship Prepares to Break Ground
BY MELANIE BUCK A new church is being built just outside of Mena, and their members could not be more excited to break ground on their new home site. Lance Sawyer will serve as Pastor of Christ Community Fellowship and he says of his flock,” It’s the most positive group of people I’ve ever worked with. The enthusiasm level has been high from day one.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 3-4 1020 MENA ST. MENA, AR 71953 | SINCE 1939 Mon-Fri 8:30 to 6:00 • Sat 9:00 - 3:00 (479) 394-4332 • (888) 394-4332