Spring Lawn Section

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March 22, 2017



More information inside (StatePoint) A stunning lawn is the trademark of most proud homeowners. After all, the front yard is the first thing visitors and passersby see. But achieving and maintaining the perfect landscape can be time consuming without the right tools. Want more of your weekends back? Experts say achieving professional-level results in less time starts with the equipment you u s e t o d o t h e j o b . Ta k e s t o c k o f t h e t o o l s i n y o u r g a r a g e o r s h e d . Ar e t h e y u p t o t h e t a s k ? If y o u ’ r e s p e n d i n g t o o m u c h t i m e o n t h e y a r d , it m a y b e tim e to m a k e s o m e k e y u p g r a d e s . The right lawnmower for example, “is not just an investment in the beauty of your property, it’s an investment in your quality of life,” says Judy Altmaier, general manager of Exmark, a leading manufacturer of mowers and other lawn equipment. “A faster mower m e a n s m o r e fr e e tim e , p la in a n d s im p le .” With that principle in mind, here are a few insights about what to look for when replacing an older mower with a new, more effic ie n t m o d e l. • Maneuverability: Between trees, flower beds and other landscape features, a mower should be easy to maneuver so you can m o w c lo s e r a n d s p e n d le s s tim e w ith th e tr im m e r. • Quality of cut: Not all mowers offer the same quality of cut. When choosing a new mower, take this factor into consideration, as well as the type of lawn and grass you have. • Durability: A durable mower will include features such as welded, fabricated cutting decks, commercial engines and heavy-duty w e ld e d , tu b u la r s te e l u n ib o d y fr a m e s . For quick guidance, consider taking a cue from those who make a living by being more efficient in the yard – landscape profess io n a ls . “These days, it’s safe to say that zero-turn riding mowers have become the tool of choice among landscape professionals,” says Al t m a i e r . This season, give yourself more time and energy to enjoy the yard you so painstakingly maintain.

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