Valentine Gift Guide

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Fenruary 3, 2016

BOGO 25% off sale

Valentine Date Night Special

Charm Bracelet

Gemelli Hand-made Amethyst Necklace

“Spoiled” Necklace

The Pair of Hearts Bouquet

Less than 2 weeks until Valentine’s Day!!! Come let us help you make your special someone’s Valentine extra special!

Call or come by •

10oz. Prime Rib & Jumbo Shrimp Special

Today!! Chocolate Covered Oreo Balls



February 3, 2016

February 3, 2016


2 for $30 Valentine Date Night special that includes

he countdown is on to find the per-

1 appetizer and your choice of 2 entrees from the

fect way to show your love on a day that has

menu (excluding steaks). She’ll be the envy of

been set aside for just that… Valentine’s Day,

the restaurant when she finds a Gemelli hand-

February 14. Ok guys - even if she tells you that

made amethyst necklace from The Main Street

she doesn’t need all that… trust us, this is your chance

Shoppe hidden inside her napkin.

to score big brownie points ESPECIALLY if she says she doesn’t need all that!

Just when she thinks that your Valentine

celebration is about to come to an end, you can surprise her with chocolate

First off, this year’s Val-

entine’s Day falls on Sunday so it is a prime

covered OREO balls from the Creative Touch Florist – just be sure to get your

opportunity to make it a weekend affair and why

order in before February 10!

only celebrate one day when you can stretch the celebration out to two… or even three days?

As Sunday rolls around - the big day - she’ll be certain that you have already celebrated Valentine’s and celebrated well at

Half the fun of receiving flowers is receiving them at school or work so all the gal pals can see

that when you can remind her that she is the charm of your world with a charm bracelet from Stewman’s Florist, customized of

how sweet their man is so send her Janssen Avenue’s Pair of Hearts

course with charms that reflect her hobbies and loves. Then she can

Bouquet on Friday, February 12! Set yourself ahead of all the other’s

by not just including a simple “I love you” card and include a shopping gift certificate to The Fair

Lady because what girl doesn’t like to shop? She can take advantage of their BOGO 25% off sale going on now and pick up something extra special for your dinner date night!

On Saturday, take advantage of Stache’s month-long celebration of couples and enjoy their

Creative Touch 479-394-6676

3448 Hwy 71 S. Mena • Walk Ins Welcome Open 8:30 am - 6:30 pm Monday - Saturday

be treated to an early evening dinner of a 10 oz. prime rib and jumbo

shrimp at Mena’s Limetree Restaurant before heading up the Talime-

na Drive to watch a splendid Ouachita Mountain sunset while sitting on the Queen’s front porch. And just so she feels as spoiled as you are quite certain she is, you can present her with the “spoiled” necklace that you purchased at the MRHS Gift Shop.

Valentine’s Day February 14th

For All Your Valentine’s Needs

Open All Day Feb. 13 & 14

Roses, Roses, Roses, Fresh Bouquets

Order Early for best selection!

800 Janssen Avenue • 479-394-8019

Menu and Buffet Daily Banquet Rooms Available

Delivery Available

Accept All Major Credit Cards

Gift Wrapped - By the Dozen

Delivery Service Available!

Chocolate Covered Strawberries & Chocolate Covered Oreo Balls

(We need your orders for Chocolate Covered Oreo Balls NO LATER THAN Feb. 10th - Call 479-394-6676)

BOGO shop thefairlady .com

Regular Price Merchandise


The Pair of Hearts

Toffee To Go, Large Gift Selection, & Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

609 Mena Street

Open 10-6 Tuesday-Friday 10-4 Saturday

Dex Jeans $20-30 OFF


804 Hwy 71 North, Mena • 394-4702

A unique jewelry line that is handmade and features unique stones. Bracelets, necklaces, and earrings available...

perfect for your Valentine!

Valentine Inspired Candles & New Spring Arrivals!

821 Mena St.~479-394-4864

Everyone has that special person...

Treat them on

Valentine’s Day!

Florist: Shelton Bohlman

Open Mon-Sat 8am - 6pm & Sunday 8am - 3pm

Located in the lobby of MRHS • Monday-Friday 10am to 4pm



Includes 1 appetizer & your choice of any 2 entrees on our menu (excluding steaks)

February 3, 2016

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