Walmart School Supply Lists

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SIXTH GRADE LITERACY: 1- 1 inch 3-ring binder, 1 package erasers, 1 spiral notebook, 2 glue sticks, 1 pkg of #2 pencils, 1 pkg of 8 tab dividers, 2 red pens, 1 pkg markers (boys), 1 pkg crayons or colored pencils (girls) MATH: 1- 2 inch 3-ring binder, 1 pkg wide ruled paper, 1 pkg of #2 pencils, 1 box of Kleenex SCIENCE: 2 composition notebooks, 2 bottles of glue, 1 pkg of #2 pencils, 1 pkg of colored pencils SOCIAL STUDIES: 1 plastic folder with pockets, 1 pkg 3x3 Post-Its TOOLS OF LEARNING: 1 pkg #2 pencils, 4 pocket folders with brads (any color; no plastic folders), 1 set of ear buds or headphones, 1 flash drive, 1 box Kleenex BEGINNING BAND: 1-1 inch 3-ring binder (white with pockets & clear plastic covers), 1 pkg clear plastic protectors, 1 pencil (to keep in binder), 1 highlighter SEVENTH GRADE LITERACY: 1- 1 inch 3-ring binder, 1 pkg of loose leaf paper, 1 highlighter, 1 pkg of pencils, 1 pkg of 5 tab dividers, 1 pkg of markers (boys), 1 pkg of colored pencils (girl) MATH: 1- 1 1/2 or 2 inch 3-ring binder, 1 pkg of loose leaf paper, 1 pkg of tab dividers, 1 pkg of #2 pencils SCIENCE: 2 composition notebooks, 1 box of Kleenex (girls), 1 pkg of #2 pencils, 1 pkg of colored pencils, 1 box of staples (boys) SOCIAL STUDIES: 1- 3 subject notebook with pockets, 1 pkg of colored pencils, 1 box of Kleenex F.C.S.I.: 1- 1 inch 3-ring binder, 1 pkg of loose leaf paper 7/8th Keyboarding: 1- 1 inch 3-ring binder, 1 flash drive, 1 earbuds AE Hive: 1 pkg of #2 pencils, 1 box of Kleenex, 1- 3 ring binder with pockets, 1 pkg wide-rule loose leaf paper, 1 earbuds or headphones EIGHTH GRADE LITERACY: 1- 1 inch 3-ring binder, 1 pkg of cap erasers, 1 small pkg index cards, 1 pack of red or green pens, 1 black sharpie or yellow highlighter, 2 pkg of #2 pencils MATH: 1- 1 1/2 or 2 inch 3-ring binder, 1 pkg of loose leaf paper, 1 pkg of #2 pencils, 1 pkg of cap erasers, 1 pkg of tab dividers, 1 pkg of graph paper, highlighters SCIENCE: 2 composition notebooks, 1 bottle of glue (girls), 1 box of staples (boys), 1 pkg of colored pencils, 1 pkg of #2 pencils SOCIAL STUDIES: 1 pkg of #2 pencils, 1 pkg of colored pencils, 1- 70 page spiral notebook, pencils or pens C.O. or Intro. to Agri: 1- 1 inch 3-ring binder, 1 pkg of loose leaf paper 7th/8th Art: 1 sketch book (5x7 or 6x8) EAST 7th/8th: 1 flash drive


KINDERGARTEN Sleep Mat and backpack 1st GRADE backpack 2nd GRADE backpack

Louise Durham Elementary will supply all other supplies your children will need. We hope this helps ease the expense of back to school for our families.


KINDERGARTEN Kindermat &/or towel, backback (no wheels) GRADES 1-6 Backpack (no wheels)

HOLLY HARSHMAN ELEMENTARY THIRD GRADE 3 boxes of #2 pencils (24 count), 2 boxes of crayons, 1 large pair of scissors, 2 pkgs of loose leaf paper (wide ruled), 4 spiral notebooks (70 pg), 3 boxes of Kleenex, 2 bottles of glue, 4 large glue sticks, 21” white 3-ring binder, 1 composition notebook, 2 pocket folders, 1 pkg Expo markers for student mini-boards, 1 big pink eraser, 1 black Sharpie, 1 container Clorox wipes, ***Third grade teachers ask that you DO NOT bring any of the following items: trapper keepers, pencil sharpeners, mechanical pencils, pencil boxes FOURTH GRADE 3 large containers disinfecting wipes, 1 large hand sanitizer, 2 plastic pocket folders with prongs, 48 #2 pencils (please no mechanical pencils), 1 package highlighters, 2 packages cap erasers, 2 Pilot G-2 red gel ink pens, 2 packages of 12 pack colored pencils, 1 box of 24 crayons, 1 package glue sticks, 3 packages of loose leaf paper (wide-ruled), 3 large boxes of Kleenex, 2 packages tabbed dividers (5 tabs), 1 composition notebook (non-spiral), 1 pair Fiskar scissors (sharp point), 1 flat athletic string bag or small canvas tote *Please NO backpacks or trapper keepers ART: 2 black Sharpie markers; LIBRARY: 1 (70 page) spiral notebook; MATH: 1 package multiplication/division cards to leave at home to study with all year, or 2 packages of 3x5 index cards (to make their own). FIFTH GRADE 24 pencils (No. 2) *per semester, 1 pkg of pencil top erasers *per semester, One 3-ring pouch, 2 pkg subject dividers (8 count) 1 pack washable markers or colored pencils, 2 packages of loose leaf paper (wide-ruled), 3 boxes of Kleenex, 1 package of pink erasers, 1 set of ear buds (computer/I-Pad use) LITERACY: 2 Expo markers (any color) for students, SCIENCE: One 1” 3-ring binder (red or blue), MATH: 1 pkg of BLACK Expo markers, One 1” 3-ring binder ART: 1 black Sharpie * NO NEED to mark child’s name on supplies (except binders and ear buds)


All other school supplies at Vandervoort Elementary School (only) will be provided by Vandervoort First Baptist Church. Your child’s school supplies will be delivered to his or her teacher.


KINDERGARTEN Kindermat, backpack GRADES 1-6 Backpack

All other school supplies at Wickes Elementary will be provided by area churches, businesses and individuals.


KINDERGARTEN 4 ct. dry erase markers, 4 boxes 24 ct. regular size crayons, 2 boxes kleenex, 1 small PLASTIC school box, 4 Elmer’s glue sticks, 1 plastic pocket folder, 1 box of Ziploc Bags (Girls: Quart size, Boys: Gallon size), 1 backpack with child’s name on it *pencils will be supplied* FOR REST TIME: 1 “THIN” folding Kindermat and 1 towel; both with child’s name written on it. Please do not send: PILLOWS, STUFFED ANIMALS, OR MAT COVERS! FOR CHANGING: 1 complete change of clothes with child’s name on each article in a large zip-loc bag. FIRST GRADE 2-24 count crayons, 1 pair Fiskar scissors, 2 large pkgs #2 pencils, 1 small plastic school box, 2 Elmer’s glue sticks, 1 plastic pocket folder, dry erase markers SECOND GRADE 1 small pencil box, 1 box crayons, 48-#2 wood pencils, 1 pair scissors, 1 pkg cap erasers, 6 glue sticks, 1 spiral notebook, 1 plastic folder, 1 composition notebook (wide-rule), 3 boxes Kleenex, 1 box quart baggies, 1 pkg antibacterial wipes, No roll ing backpacks THIRD GRADE 5 pkg (24 ct) pencils (made in USA), 1 box crayons, markers or colored pencils, 2 glue sticks, Fiskar scissors, supply box, 2 packages pencil top erasers, 2 boxes Kleenex, 4 composition notebooks (wide-rule), 2 plastic folders with prongs, 1 package loose-leaf paper, 1 pencil pouch FOURTH GRADE 3 pkg (24 ct) pencils, 1 pencil bag, pencil top erasers, colored pencils, 2 glue sticks, 2 boxes Kleenex, 1 spiral notebook (1 subject - wide-rule), 1 composition notebooks (wide-rule), 1 package loose-leaf paper, 1 binder (3 ring) FIFTH GRADE 2 composition notebooks, 4 packages loose-leaf paper, 1 package cap erasers, 1 package cap erasers, 1 package colored pencils, 3 packages #2 pencils, 1 package highlighters, 1 container disinfectant wipes, 1 bottle Germ-X, 2 boxes Kleenex, 1 big pink eraser

600 Hwy. 71 N • SUPERCENTER 67

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