The Show Must Go On!
Presenters are gaga for radio, says Paul Wilson Many of the regular readers of the Banchory Fly will know about River Dee Radio, your local community radio station. During lockdown presenters have continued to create programmes from their homes. We are looking to extend our current schedule and encourage listeners to tune in on a Sunday afternoon to our programmes. The bedrock of the afternoon will be two hours of classical music with Liz. Starting at 2pm Liz will offer music from Bach to Wagner and everything in between. Each hour focuses on a theme such as winter and nature. The first hour will be a catch-up programme followed by a new themed hour. At 4pm we have an hour of jazz. Jim Christie, a new presenter, will explore the sounds of jazz with his programme Jim's World of Jazz.
You can tune into River Dee Radio in a number of ways. On your computer or smartphone the best place to start is to access the website: www.riverdeeradiorocks. There you can listen to the live stream, find information about the weekly schedule and listen to previous programmes. There is also a weekly round-up of programmes if you've missed them and lots of information about downloading the app and links to Facebook and Mixcloud. If you download our app River-Dee-Radio-s274232/ on to your phone or computer you can listen to River Dee Radio at any time, anywhere. Regular listeners to River Dee Radio will know that we provide a wide range of music to suit all tastes from Pop to Rock and Roll, Country and Classical. We also provide local information, local interviews and promote events, sports, arts and businesses. During the pandemic presenters have been unable to use the small studio based in the Banchory British Legion but have continued to produce high-quality programmes from home and in 2021 River Dee Radio will continue to entertain and inform. Indeed River Dee Radio will be celebrating their 5th year of broadcasting later in the year. We are always looking to extend the team, so if you are interested in joining us whether as a presenter or technical support use our email address, to contact us. You can also place a message or request a piece of music for one of our shows by using our email address.