1 minute read
Community Ac� on Plan
Councillors' Contacts
Cllr Yi-Pei Chou Turvey
cllr.y.chouturvey@ aberdeenshire.gov.uk
These are your Ward 16 councillors
Cllr Eileen Durno
07388 956152 cllr.e.durno@ aberdeenshire.gov.uk Cllr Anne Ross
07388 956154 cllr.ann.ross@ aberdeenshire.gov.uk
Banchory Community
Council is reviewing the status of the key fi ndings of the 2017 Community Acti on Plan.
They are looking at the success stories since 2017 and how they were achieved, but will also be identi fying barriers to progress on issues which have not been addressed.
In this survey we want to know if the community's prioriti es have changed over the last fi ve years and what broad themes are important going into the future.
The online survey, which can be found at h� ps://forms.gle/ oPi9Ky7dAdtPVgtx9 is part of a wider consultati on which will include offl ine surveys, direct contact with organisati ons and an in-person event. 15