W & R MURRAY ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES LARGE AND SMALL STOCKISTS OF: SIRDAR STYLECRAFT KING COLE J BRETT YARNS DMC THREADS Home to the Alford Post Office 019755 62896 27 Main Street . Alford . AB33 8PX call 019755 62366 for opening hours
Aberdeenshire Voluntary Ac�on (AVA) is a registered charity covering the whole of Aberdeenshire. It was set up to support groups, organisations and registered charities with funding, governance, charitable status, volunteer recruitment, retainment and recognition, start-up help and business planning advice and support. The Development Officer for your area is Aileen Longino who can support your organisation. During these last few months we have seen a huge surge in groups looking for help and volunteers going above and beyond to support their communities. Please don’t hesitate to contact Aileen, she is here to help. uk Mobile: 07824 096531