The Alford BULLetin 22 - Summer 2021

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New publica�ons in mither tongue...

Community Interest Company will seek to promote Doric in books, workshops and other se�ngs, says Jackie Ross Fit happens fin an author/illustrator an a storyteller get igither? Their imaginations ging wild an they stairt tae dream braw dreams. Widn’t it be gran iv mair stories wir telt in Doric sae folk cud enjoy readin an hearin thir mither tongue? Fit wid it be like tae hae puckles o pictur buiks written in Doric aat mithers an faithers cud read tae thir bairns? E mair they thocht aboot it e mair they winnert ‘Fit’s stoppin us?’ Sae Doric Books wis born! The aim is tae publish Doric buiks fur aa ages bit we’re stairtin aff wi a puckle picture buiks: ‘Aul McDonald His A Fairm’ an ‘The Puddock’. They’ll be follaed bi ‘Nae Place Like Hame?’. As weel as publishin, iss CIC (Community Interest Company) aims tae promote Doric bi haudin wirkshops an events in skweels, Care Homes an ither community settins. Hae a luikie at thir website tae fin oot mair aboot e buiks an foo tae speir aboot a workshop/event:


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