1 minute read

Local Governance Donside Community Council

All of our meetings are open to the public, whether you want to raise an issue or just come along and hear what we are talking about first hand.

The meetings are attended by our local area Community Council representatives (who are all volunteers) and by Aberdeenshire Councillors for Wards 14 and 15.


We meet every second Tuesday of the month, except for July and December. Most of our meetings are held at Alford Community Campus but we hold at least two meetings in other parts of our area during the year.

Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date. If you have a questions or want any information, contact us by email: chair@ donsidecommunitycouncil.org.uk

There are already lots of businesses, community groups and organisations listed on www.enjoyalfordanddonside. com. Check out the Explore page to see what’s there. You can list YOUR organisation on the site, which aims to promote all aspects of Alford and Donside to residents and visitors. All you need to do is complete a form online via the Facebook page /enjoyalfordanddonside or email info@ enjoyalfordanddonside.com


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