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Love Local scheme to benefit many

Aberdeenshire Council has confirmed that £1.33 million is being invested in the Scotland Loves Local Aberdeenshire Gift Card.


The scheme will support households in Aberdeenshire with the challenges around the cost of living and is being financed by the Scottish Government’s Local Authority Covid Economic Recovery Fund (LACER).

More than 11,300 households in receipt of Council Tax Reduction will initially receive a £100 pre-paid gift card later this month, with the remaining funds being used to provide additional financial support for those who need it most.

It will also provide a much-needed boost for those businesses signed up to the gift card scheme, particularly as they recover from the Covid pandemic.

Currently around 200 businesses are already enjoying the benefits of the initiative, ranging from clothing retailers to convenience stores, food outlets to health and wellbeing services and the council is actively promoting the scheme to shops, services and attractions in villages and towns across the region.

The gift card can be used in any of the participating stores across Aberdeenshire and can also be used online at participating retailers, provided that retailer has a physical presence in the region.

Letters with activation codes are already being issued to households followed by a second letter containing the gift cards a week later. Cards must be activated within 3 months of receipt and recipients will have 12 months from the date of activation to spend the full gift card balance.

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