Aboyne Fountain 21 - Summer 2020

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Fountain A Community Magazine for Aboyne

No small step for Mark...

Issue 21 Summer 2020

STRACHAN’S Serving Royal Deeside for Four Generations


Ice Cream


Photocopying & Laminating

Wines & Spirits



Toys and Puzzles

Malt Whiskies


Calor Gas

Balloons & Party Gifts

Pet Foods






Fishing Supplies

and lots more...!


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By appointment to HRH The Prince of Wales General Merchants

Want in The Fountain?

For adver�sing and editorial, please note the copy deadlines below and use the contacts listed at the bo�om of the page DEADLINES . FEB 1 . MAY 1 . AUG 1 . NOV 1 PUBLISHED MAR JUNE SEPT DEC

A friendly virus, by Molly, 10, from the Everything Electronic Club. See p7

Contents Cover Story Photography project Chaz In Charge The Seed Box MDCC In Lady V’s Shoes Councillors’ Contacts Advertisers’ Index Ad Rates/Copy Dates

5 6 9 12 16 21 22 26 26

Welcome to Issue 21 of The Fountain Life is a rollercoaster. A�er a welcome boost in the spring, all Myriad Pro summer edi�ons are slimmed volumes, owing to a dearth of events to report on, thanks to our 2020 shadow, Covid 19. As group ac�vity is suspended, the Club Directory has been parked. Gone too are door-to-door deliveries for the moment. Even if restric�ons allowed such an ac�vity, I figured in any event householders might not thank me for it, so distribu�on has been limited to shops that people are visi�ng anyway. Huge thanks to the Coop (meet their new manager on p9) and Strachan’s of Deeside. In these tes�ng �mes, thanks are due in spades to all the adver�sers, established and new. They say in a crisis you should never stop adver�sing...! We need to con�nue to support local and each other as best we can. We will bounce back. Remember that community informa�on is FREE to include in these pages, so if you have any news for the autumn, tell me about it by August 1st if you can. Best wishes to all affected by this virus, and kudos to everyone figh�ng it on the front lines. Hang in there, folks! Cat Houston – Design/Editor

get in touch via email to catrionahouston@yahoo.co.uk

or call Cat on 013397 55243/07805 731401 www.myriadpro.co.uk find us on facebook


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Do you have something to share? Group or individual, let The Fountain know what you are up to, using the contacts on p3 and 26.

Cover Story: Mark’s Million Steps Dinnet man Mark Robinson has embarked on a gruelling charity event in aid of NHS Chari�es Together. The furloughed Leith’s worker will be comple�ng a sponsored walk of one million steps. And as we are on lockdown, he is restricted to walking on the track by his house. The distance to the bo�om of the track and back is 450 steps or 0.2 of a mile for the round trip. So to complete a million steps he will have to go up and down the track approximately 2,222 �mes, a distance of just over 450 miles, 225 of which are uphill... Mark says he watches the news each day in awe of the NHS staff who are pu�ng their lives at risk with their vital contact with pa�ents. In some cases they are living away from their families to avoid cross contamina�on of the Coronavirus. The former Redcoat is a huge fan of Butlin’s holiday resorts and notes that the virus has caused his family (and indeed most of the popula�on) to cancel holidays. Coincidentally, Mark’s 450-mile walk is the same distance by road from Dinnet to Butlin’s Skegness. As he says: “Every step will raise money for NHS Chari�es Together AND take me closer to my ‘happy place’ of Skeggy (we all need something!)” Butlin’s Skegness Resort is also suppor�ng his venture as for every 100,000 steps he completes, they will donate a number of family day passes to NHS staff who work in Lincolnshire for the 2021 season. Mark plans to do the walk in two-


hour sec�ons with a break in between. using two apps on his phone to keep him on track. If work beckons before he’s hit the magic one million, he says he’ll con�nue before, during and a�er work un�l it is done. You can donate at: www.justgiving. com/fundraising/Mark-Robinson147

Aboyne-Dinnet Church Photography project highlights world of daily walks, writes Christa Markham

Covid cancella�ons This summer's Art Aboyne exhibi�on has been cancelled due to the current situa�on with Covid-19. Ar�sts invited for this year will be in next year’s exhibi�on instead. The cancella�on of the Aboyne Games, which had been due to take place on Saturday August 1st, is the first �me in peace�me in its 153-year history. The only �mes it is known that the Games have not been held is during the two world wars. There will likely be no Farmer’s Market on Aboyne Green un�l at least September. Market organisers encourage fresh food fans to check out individual stall holder’s websites or their Facebook pages as some are offering delivery services.

The Community Life Group of AboyneDinnet Church has thought of a way to turn the COVID-19 exercise walks into something to look back on which can be enjoyed by many. They are invi�ng the public to take photos and to send those images to the group. All submi�ed photos will be displayed in an exhibi�on a�er lockdown. The venue will be AboyneDinnet Church Hall on Huntly Road, Aboyne. The exhibi�on will be called ‘It’s a wonderful world’. The exhibi�on will last two days and will be concluded by a party to celebrate the end of social isola�on. The idea developed a�er listening to a tes�mony of Coronavirus survivor, Hilton Murray-Philipson, who spoke about his darkest moments and revealed his new apprecia�on for life and the li�le things he will no longer take for granted. He said: “I’m seeing the world with fresh eyes, as if I am a child again. Every li�le thing is magic.” Looking around us we as well can see wonderful things each and every day. It may be a landscape we see with fresh eyes, a flower, a tree, a bu�erfly or even a beau�ful stone. By taking a photo of what delights us during our walks we can capture these moments of happiness. You can submit your photo in two ways: 1. Go to h�ps://www.facebook.com/ AboyneDinnetChurch/ and post your photo there, or send your image by email to communitylife@aboyne-dinnet-cromarchurches.org.uk Please give your entry the subject ‘Exhibi�on’.


New website offers help with Diabetes

Did you know that the Cromar Future Group youth club is s�ll opera�ng online? It runs Everything Electronic online from 6.30-8pm every Monday evening, and a session aimed at helping inexperienced coders “Let’s Get Coding” from 1011.30am every Monday morning. They also are prepared to loan out their laptops during the pandemic, so if you have bored youngsters or the family are figh�ng over access to computers, contact them on info@futuregroup.org.uk

Image drawn by virtual robot programmed by Vex Challenge winner EE Member, Ferghus

Aberdeenshire Electrical Services Ltd T: 013398 85355 M: 07855 678677 E: aberdeenshireelectricalsrvs@btinternet.com F: AberdeenshireElectricalSrvs All aspect of electrical work undertaken: Domestic - Commercial - Industrial - Agricultural - Oil & Gas Inspection & Testing - PAT Testing Supplier/installer of electric vehicle charging points free estimates - all work guaranteed - no job too small - local run business

Aberdeenshire Council’s leisure arm, Live Life Aberdeenshire, has developed a new website detailing various ac�vi�es you can do while in lockdown. Life Live @ Home has been put together by LLA’s teams across sports, physical ac�vity and culture to showcase some of the services provided, even when people are unable to visit facili�es. Aimed at families and individuals, the range includes cra� ac�vi�es, exercise, Bookbug sessions, podcasts and interac�ve learning, as well as themed fun inspired by the Na�onal Awareness Days Calendar. You can even visit the Aquarium! New opportuni�es will be added weekly at www.livelifeaberdeenshire. org.uk/live-life-at-home/ You can also stream music, read newspapers and magazines online and much more, all for free, using the council’s digital library service. eBooks, eMagazines and audiobooks can be borrowed, and music and a variety of publica�ons accessed anywhere, any �me. If you are a resident of, or if you work or study in Aberdeenshire and you are aged 16 years or over, you can join online at: bit.ly/LibOLreg


Aberdeenshire Voluntary Ac�on is funded to support community and voluntary organisa�ons, including groups that have formed very recently because of Covid-19. We can help your group to establish itself, search for funding and promote its services. For more informa�on please visit www. avashire.org.uk/new-groups.hmtl We have put together a large and up-to-date Covid funding list which highlights funding streams for exis�ng groups and organisa�ons including themes on Community both Na�onal and Local, Arts and Crea�ves, Business and Employment, Heritage and Students. This list is updated on a weekly basis and links can be found either on our website at www.avashire. org.uk or you can contact your local Development Officer Aileen Longino on 07824 096531.

New Co-op manager says hello! Meet Chaz Gowans (centre), the new manager of the Co-op in Old Mart Road. You may have met him already but he would like to introduce himself to everyone in the community. He and his team hope that they can con�nue to build upon the Co-op’s rela�onship with Aboyne’s people and come out of these �mes stronger than ever. Chaz says he has already felt the warmth of the Aboyne community and feels this is just the start of something special. He would like to thank those who have already taken the �me to make him feel welcome. The Aboyne Co-op team also want to thank everyone for their generous dona�ons and support, even during these �mes, to the local food bank, which has le� them overwhelmed.

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His colleagues wish to thank everybody for their support, and hope everyone stays safe and well. If you have any concerns or need any help during these difficult �mes, don’t hesitate to contact Chaz and his team, who will be more than happy to help.

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Can’t get the staff? The Rubbish Club’s Thomas Truby, 10, filled some �me in lockdown building a clone of himself... Marr Community Planning Group is looking for good news stories during lockdown so that we can share the posi�ve �mes. What changes have happened in your community during lockdown that you would like to see con�nued in the future? Have you got cleaner streets with more space to go on walks? Do you feel that people have been kinder and more respec�ul to each other? It would be great to hear some inspiring stories from your communi�es that we can share with you all. Contact Natasha Pawlukiewicz: Natasha.pawlukiewicz@aberdeenshire. gov.uk

About face for clothing co Hilltrek

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Original outdoor clothing Made in Scotland. Used worldwide.

Dess-based outdoor clothing company Hilltrek has begun producing face masks in response to the Covid-19 shortages. The masks are made from a double layer of Ven�le, a �ghtly woven waterresistant and highly breathable fabric which is used in their clothing ranges. Adult size is priced at £10 and junior £7.50, with 10% of sales being donated to a local charity. Hilltrek say they will con�nue to donate masks to carers and care organisa�ons local to them. They are not PPE and not for medical use. Available with elas�c or co�on �es, they are machine washable. Government guidance suggests masks offer li�le protec�on to the wearer but can protect others around them. In May Nicola Sturgeon said mask-wearing may be encouraged to assist in limi�ng the spread of Covid-19 once current restric�ons have been li�ed. You can order the masks online at https://hilltrek.co.uk/clothing/gaitersmi�s-and-masks/ Contact sales@hilltrek.co.uk for further informa�on.


At Hilltrek we’ve been hand cra ing performance outdoor clothing on Royal Deeside for 30 years. Our story now continues in larger premises at

Deeside Activity Park.



Hilltrek clothing • Páramo shop • Outdoor clothing repairs


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The Seed Box has been awarded a grant from Founda�on Scotland. The Ballogie-based ini�a�ve provides meaningful work-related ac�vi�es to adults and children who require addi�onal support. Co-workers help in all aspects of hor�culture and woodwork and the produce grown is sold locally. The group relies heavily on this addi�onal income, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic this has been curtailed. There has been a huge demand from the local community for a delivery service and the cash from this fund will enable them to con�nue to provide this beneficial service of delivering vegetable and fruit boxes, eggs and plants to our local community. See their Facebook page to order or call 01339 886633. The Seed Box Ltd also became a charity at the end of March (SC050056), as regulated by The OSCR.




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Due to Government Guidelines we are not trading at present, but we look forward to welcoming customers once all relevant restric�ons have been li�ed

Due to Government Guidelines we are not trading at present, but we look forward to welcoming customers once all relevant restric�ons have been li�ed

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What is MDCC?

Volunteers, representing the views of the community to Aberdeenshire Council (and others) making decisions about our communities. We also identify and help deliver improvements in our communities.

Looking for new Community Councillors Now! What Do We Do?

Recent initiatives include: ● New Dinnet & Aboyne village notice boards ● Setting up groups to improve paths & support businesses ● Sustaining the summer flower tubs and Xmas lights in Aboyne We are currently working on: ● With Aberdeenshire Council, Improving road safety & reducing flood risk ● Our village environment incl. a proposed community garden, improved parking & youth facilities and finding a viable future for the Huntly Arms

How Do We Work?

We have monthly meetings, but most of our work is carried outside these meetings, working with groups of people with a common interest. Frequency of attendance and your degree of involvement are very much your choice.

Why Join MDCC?

You can work on things which matter to you within our broad Community Action Plan (based on feedback from 250 surveys undertaken in 2018), enjoy a sense of purpose and camaraderie, whilst benefiting the wider Mid Deeside population.

Why Now?

We need to attract new members. Otherwise we may have too few to continue and need to suspend the community council at the October AGM.

Want to know more or get involved, please get in touch! email: middeesidecommunitycouncil@gmail

Local Development Plan Consulta�on period is extended

The Proposed Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan (LDP) was agreed by Aberdeenshire Council on 5 March 2020. Formal consulta�on on the Proposed LDP had been expected to commence on 27 April 2020 for a period of 8 weeks. However, due to ongoing government restric�ons associated with Covid-19, it was not possible for the consulta�on to begin on that date. It is now expected the consulta�on period to commence Monday, 25 May, closing on Friday, 17 July 2020. You can view the plan and find out how to make a formal response at www. aberdeenshire.gov.uk/planning/plansand-policies/ldp-2021/ Or contact the council about the LDP by emailing ldp@aberdeenshire.gov. uk or calling 01467 536230.


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Lady V’s Shoes

This is a very strange �me that we are living in, isn’t it? Everyone is on an emo�onal rollercoaster (or CoronaCoaster if you will). At Casa K my dining room is now doubling up as a makeshi� classroom, I have taken to wearing a facemask when out and about (which my daughter informs me make me “look like a toucan”), and a tall, dark and handsome man by the name of Joe Wicks lunges at me every morning from my computer screen. I won’t lie, I seldom lunge back, but he does make for a very soothing background noise as I enjoy my tea and croissants. Lockdown has thrown Britain a curveball like we have never experienced before. While many have taken this opportunity to learn a new skill or increase their fitness levels, I have made the most of the slower pace by reading more. I devoured a few classic Famous Five books for some childish escapism, dived into Norse mythology and, most recently, reread “Self-Care for the Real World” (Nadia Narain). Self-care is important at any �me but at a �me like this it is essen�al. It looks different for everyone, and some may not even know what it is for them personally yet. At the start of the book the authors suggest making two lists, one of things that make you feel good and one of things that make you feel bad. I did this last night and I was surprised when I looked at my lists and realised that I am uninten�onally doing a lot more from my ‘bad’ list than my ‘good’. Late nights, too much alcohol (Bored-eaux anyone?), mindless web browsing… the list goes on. Luckily though, living in Aboyne means ensuring that items from my ‘Good’ list are �cked off will be easy. Walks in the woods, fresh fruit and veg, suppor�ng the community and staying connected with those that I care about can s�ll be done in the current situa�on. I am so thankful that we live in an area of such outstanding natural beauty, which we can access from our doors, and that there are local businesses that provide us with everything we need, as well as smiles and well wishes. So, just a gentle reminder for you at this �me, you cannot pour from an empty vessel. Take care of yourself. I promise it’s worth it.

A column on village life from Victoria Kennedy




Cllr Peter Argyle

01339 882973 07801 900843 cllr.p.argyle@ aberdeenshire.gov.uk

These are your Ward 15 councillors

Cllr Geva Blacke�

01339 741541 07876 475269 cllr.g.blacke�@ aberdeenshire.gov.uk

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Cllr Paul Gibb 07388 956148 cllr.p.gibb@ aberdeenshire.gov.uk

This is your MP and MSP


Andrew Bowie MP 0207 219 2791 andrew.bowie.mp @parliament.uk

S������� P��������� Alexander Burne� MSP 0131 348 5642 Alexander.Burne�.msp @parliament.scot




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Index of Advertisers to help you find who...

Aboyne-Dinnet Church AES Electrical Alpine Tree Care Balhousie Care Group BW Bookkeeping Cairngorm Mntn Mhomes Commercial Hotel Craigievar Gdnrs Ellington Mennie Flame Boilers Foodbank Fountain Dental Group Gerry Robb Grampian Tree Servs Highland Glen Spas

6 7 10 23 5 14/15 28 17 25 13 11 18 24 17 25

Hilltrek Julian Barclay K&A Anderson John Watson Boilers Mackinnons Monkey Business NFU Mutual Plan A Electrical Red Kite Reiki Ronald Hay Speedwell Framing Strachan’s Tornaveen Plumbing Transform Foot Health Wiltshire Farm Foods

11 20 24 8 27 13 4 9 22 13 9 2 25 19 12


DEADLINES . FEB 1 . MAY 1 . AUG 1 . NOV 1 PUBLISHED MAR JUNE SEPT DEC Advertising space is also available in our Alford publication, The BULLetin, and The Fly, covering Banchory


BULLETIN A Community Magazine for Alford

FREE! Issue 18 Summer 2020

The Banchory Fly A Community Magazine for Banchory


AD ES T A R Design adds £15 to any size advert

Issue 7 Wee Dave raises a smile in testing times

Summer 2020

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