11 minute read
Pumpkin Trail Pics
The Aboyne Village Pumpkin Trail ...was a resounding spooky success!
REIKI CHRISTMAS VOUCHERS The ideal gift for a friend or relative
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Plantar Fasciiti s… What the Heel? Advertorial
We all know that we are supposed to be more acti ve, and indeed acti ve every day.
However for some people this can be very challenging, parti cularly if they have a painful foot conditi on, aggravated by exercise!
Plantar fasciiti s is one of the most common reasons that people consult our clinic, specifi cally our Biomechanics Consultant Edward.
Plantar Fasciiti s is a term people use to describe heel pain, but what is it exactly?
Your plantar fascia is like a thick band of fi brous ti ssue that runs across the sole of your foot. It starts at your heel, goes under your arch and spreads out like a fan. Its job is to hold your foot together yet keep it fl exible, so it is very strong and a litt le bit stretchy.
The plantar fascia can become infl amed when it gets over-stretched, which can lead to microscopic tears and then pain. So what causes this over-stretching? Of course, there is rarely a clear answer to this questi on, but there are some factors which we believe contribute to the development of this conditi on: – Poor footwear – Sudden onset of exercise – Tight calf muscles – Imbalance in full-body biomechanics – Biomechanical problems in the foot
The standard treatment for this is ice, rest and painkillers. This may be eff ecti ve initi ally, but in chronic (over 6 weeks durati on) cases this is not a sustainable soluti on.
There are a number of treatment opti ons to try for this parti cular conditi on, and the best course of acti on should be customised to each individual suff erer.
At Banchory Spinal Health, our specialist Biomechanics Consultant is trained to assess and diagnose foot problems such as plantar fasciiti s, and we have partnered with FootHealth, the leading experts in producing bespoke orthoti cs to help with a wide variety of foot problems. We uti lise a number of diff erent techniques and will have some key recommendati ons to help you get back to feeling your best.
If we feel that you would benefi t from a pair of our custom orthoti cs we will certainly recommend them, but not without taking a full history of the problem, doing a full biomechanical assessment and foot scan with our state of the art technology and then fully discussing the best course of acti on fi rst. Someti mes we recommend other opti ons fi rst such as massage, dry needling or specifi c home exercises.
Foot and heel pain is an extremely debilitati ng conditi on, one that you don’t have to live with forever! Our team of Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Massage Therapists and our Biomechanics Consultant are here to help you live a painfree life!
If you or someone you love has suff ered with this conditi on or is experiencing foot pain, we would love to off er readers 50% off an Orthoti cs Assessment (usual cost £60) unti l December 31st 2020 when you present this arti cle.
Call us on 01330 824040 to book an appointment with Edward or send us an email to info@banchoryspinalhealth.co.uk 26
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Massage therapy for acute and chronic pain provides very eff ective pain relief and normalises functionality within the body. It is also very eff ective in the treatment of many pathologies:
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Working with you to provide an individual assessment and treatment plan to manage your pain, restore normal function within the body allowing you to get back to a fuller, more active lifestyle. For further info or to book an appointment visit www.mjmtherapy.co.uk | call 07725 168470 email info@mjmtherapy.co.uk Micaiah Jakeman – DRSM – Tullich, Ballater AB35 5SB Find me on Facebook /mjmtherapy
We have all been spending a lot more ti me locally of late. What have you been doing in Lady V’s Shoes with the extra ti me in Royal Deeside? My family and I have certainly been producti ve with it – we can now confi dently say that we will give Monsieur Hercule Poirot a run for his money as, just last week, we solved a murder. Yes, you read that correctly. There has A column on village life been foul play afoot at the Aboyne Golf from Victoria KennedyClub; Head Greenkeeper, Willie Sinkett , was found dead on the green surrounded by mysterious objects, one of which must be the murder weapon.
Of course, this was not a real murder, but instead a fun, interacti ve way to see our village in a new and exciti ng light. As part of our local acti viti es over half term, we downloaded the Aboyne murder mystery puzzle from Treasure Trails. Then, following the clues, riddles, and directi ons provided, we eliminated suspects and weapons unti l at last we had our perpetrator. Think Cluedo meets the great outdoors.
The route took us a litt le over two hours to complete and it was a great way to get everyone engaging with our surroundings. Places that we see prett y much every day took on a whole new meaning as we looked all around us for answers.
Starti ng at The Victory Hall, we looped our way around the village, taking in St Thomas’, the river, and Stati on Square. With the use of our litt le grey cells, soon there was only one suspect and one weapon remaining. Willie Sinkett ’s murderer had been found, thanks to our team eff orts and powers of deducti on. Of course, all this sleuthing can take a lot out of you. Naturally, a lunch out at The Boat Inn was the only rati onal way to conclude our morning’s investi gati ons. Sitti ng outside to eat (my husband and I had certainly earned ourselves a pint at this point), it was warm and welcoming despite the chill in the air. Snuggled up in blankets and under the warming glow of the outdoor heaters, we were more than comfortable as we celebrated the family victory over… actually, no, I am not going to tell you who it was. I will leave that for you to solve yourself. 29
Councillors' Contacts
These are your Ward 15 councillors
Cllr Peter Argyle 01339 882973 07801 900843 cllr.p.argyle@ aberdeenshire.gov.uk Cllr Geva Blacke� 01339 741541 07876 475269 cllr.g.blacke� @ aberdeenshire.gov.uk Cllr Paul Gibb
07388 956148 cllr.p.gibb@ aberdeenshire.gov.uk
This is your MP and MSP
W���������� Andrew Bowie MP 0207 219 2791 andrew.bowie.mp @parliament.uk
S������� P��������� Alexander Burne� MSP 0131 348 5642 Alexander.Burnett .msp @parliament.scot
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Stati on Square’s kitchen co is cooking!
Aboyne’s EllingtonMennie is expanding its established kitchen business with the launch of a carefully selected cookware range. Like many local businesses, they are fi nding new and exciti ng ways to adapt to the changing ways of life and are delighted to welcome Jacqueline Rennison into the team to focus on developing the cookware business from within the local area.
The full range of cookware and kitchen tools are available from the showroom in Aboyne’s Stati on Square. Jacqueline is providing both in-person (in the showroom by appointment) and remote consultati on services to help customers fi nd products that suit their cooking needs.
Over the last couple of years, EllingtonMennie has also extended its kitchen design and installati on services to bathrooms and bespoke furniture for all rooms in the house. They have formed a close working relati onship with a second-generati on family-run cabinet maker business in Dunfermline and have completed some exciti ng bespoke furniture projects working with some imaginati ve and interesti ng materials. This has enabled EllingtonMennie to work more creati vely with their customers and take on emerging projects such as home offi ce conversions and furniture soluti ons for unusual spaces. 32
Kitchens & Cookware
Providing full furniture solutions to create the perfect space in your home Kitchens We focus on providing the best end-to-end customer service and delivering beautifully fitted kitchens that exceed expectations. We listen to your ideas and develop conceptual kitchen designs to suit your living space. By combining 3D software, product samples and photos taken from our portfolio of projects, we can help you visualise your kitchen potential. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we provide the full installation service using our own in-house joinery services and working exclusively with local ancillary trades.
Cookware We are excited to announce the launch of our new venture into cookware. We have hand picked a range of professional cookware and kitchen tools from exclusive, luxury brands to complement your kitchen.
Station Square, Aboyne, AB34 5HX Monday to Friday: 9:30 - 17:00 Saturday: By appointment only Remote consultation sales@ellingtonmennie.co.uk
07788 316144