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Why to be VP ICX is
the best position in AIESEC =)
from my team mem bers with many qu estions and first results! Actually this I thou ght before applying Working in EB team to EB in the end of February 20 you are an example 10. That moment leader and you sh , you are a I already had really cool expe ould all the time re rience in ICX di member about it – every day, at th rection. That moment I already e conferences, at could speak about LC parties. You shou som I was awarded as ld always know an Ms, at the a matching hero an e results, swers to all questions that som d was really proud of it. I really eone can ask you! lik =) But all of that is the after many matched ed ICX already that moment be interns, after 3 OC Little more about IC st that you can have! and was sure th X! at to be VP ICX P positions Yes, I love this dir it’s the best position in AIESEC ec . that you are deliver tion. ICX is about all interns But actually no! =) ing here. And finall y you are the main responsible fo It doesn’t matter ar r them. Quite often e you VP ICX, VP th I’m thinking at OGX or VP TM… Actually it do ICX is one of the esn’t really matter hardest directions Because you are are you VP or . Why? Coordinator! The m doing eXchange, ain thing is to be in what is one of the main AIESEC EB team! And it’s really hard ’s ta to people! VP ICX sh sks, you are responsible for You know one year realize it before being here. ou ago I was ICX team will be some problem ld be ready that when there actually I was resp leader and with some intern – onsible for all ICX will call to you! in LC because we hadn’t VP ICX. Besides ICX team this intern responsible for which is And that time pa mat rtly I thought that reception, I’m resp ching, I’m responsible for there will be nothing new in EB on .. will take interns - be sible for organizations which But in EB all is new! ca But all of that is re use it’s all about interns! You are working in ally cool! Being VP a team and not yo about many mem ICX it’s all u should be the best but your EB ories about all int erns, it’s about receiving presents are thinking not on team should be the best! You from different co ly about your direc un about: “Ah, you ar tio thinking about all e that Maryana wh tries, it’s other directions, yo n – you are me” from very m u are thinking about all projects any interns! It’s ab o matched – because if there out English when inter are problems with the projects ns are with you an speaking so you it already does d when for that you will match will OCP manage all interns n’t ? And if no – how Ukrainian, it’s abou matter if to speak English or will you realize all your goals, wher t all moments when e will you put inter congratulating you interns are ns? Being in EB m wi eans big resp after they left Uk th all holidays, even a year onsibility responsibility for yo raine, it’s about u promises, respon reading their stories, how does sibility for all members, for your internship in Ukraine team, for all inter th influence to eir ns coming, for reputa life! =) It’s all who are tio which LC Lviv is nu about managing direction in LCs and in external n of your LC between other mber 1 in Ukraine! world. When you are in EB – you are coac hing projects; very often you are som !"#$%" &'()*%+,When you are in EB eone’s mentor! " you are a part of a Just with that peop great team! le you can believe You know for su in yourself! re them, that they an that you have support from d specially your LC P believe in you! And all that fa cts are giving to yo u big energy! Yes, very often EB members are busy , ye tired and we have many things to do s, we are them together is ! But doing the best moment in your life! Working so close an d You even can’t imag so friendly! ine how it is to teac How much happy h someone! I am when I’m re ceiving mails
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LC life
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Day that turns your life around Emotions…
LC life
Frankly, I missed that brilliant moments my friends.
…fear, happiness, an What do you know ab ger, love, sorrow, care… out TM (Talent and di\erent combina Management or Huma tions of those. By now n Re so ur ces)? Let me the most emotional pa give you some simple rt of my life is AIESECde fin itio n. TM is life. I still cannot expla responsible for plann in how I felt when Jul ing wh at ex ia ac t sort of poured the water on people you want to att me and simultaneous rac t an d ly wh ich ways you gave me an opportunit choose for that attrac y to be in EB 2010-201 tion (Talent Marketin 1 of AIESEC Lviv. AND TH g). Th en by interviewing you se AT WAS A DAY THAT lect which of them TURNED MY LIFE AROU (w ho filled an application) ND. “Excitement and you wanna invite on fear” that is approxim LIC (Local Induction Co ately what I’ve felt. Th nfe ren ce) or first e little step was made – educational conferen I applied and I became ce to sh ow newbies how a part of the greatest tea things work in AIESEC. m. At that moment I So the qu ality of LIC and had no idea that I have its e\ectiveness lies on been surrounded by yo u. Th en so you make valuable people. Yet them set some goals I had another thought to kn ow wh in ere to go. my mind - “What a nic Then you allocate the e direction – Talent rig ht pe rso n to the right Management, but wh position – you open so at the hell should I do me ap pli ca tio n form and with this”. So let’s fin encourage them to ap d out how Stepanenk ply for it o to ge t a junior has made his AIE unique AIESEC experience. Th SEC Way as VPTM. rough their developing you take care so they receive all needed After I became an exec education and training uti ve me mb er I 's. You make sure tha had invitation from cu t each leader in your LC rrent Executive Board has its coacher to he to spend a weekend tog lp and advice. You also ether, current + newl are responsible for y elected EB. Those we checking the progres re amazing two days s of of each member in yo education with two Ex ur LC. When the next ele ecutive Boards, the ctions are coming yo current EB had prepare u taking care of high-qu d a little conference for ality transition (passing us that is called Tran the information, docu sition weekend and it ments, files…) for the was organized to give us next generation (reme as much information mber an “Acting as needed for our furthe Sustainable” value). An r work as EB. EB to EB d we approached an transition is a very go extremely important od start for just newl an y d crucial part, but no elected EB members. t the final one, motivati We have been taught on – rewards and every detail about AIE recognition for memb SEC, from very basics ers. In short word, TM to advanced skills of e\ is about bringing new tal ective LC leading. Af ents into organization ter that we both, current s, taking care and show and newly elected EB ing them all around. , were started having an Ensure mutual advanta Executive Board ge for both, talent Meetings (EBM) togeth (member) and organiz er once a week. Worki ati on. That’s all briefly ng among such a great pe describes 12 processe ople always gives me s of Talent Manageme enough energy and mo nt. Not so easy at the fir tivation for moving on st sight, huh? Yet all and at the same time those processes are someho becoming a new man w lined up with work by learning from them. Af of all other directions (yo ter transition weeken u gett your team d each of VPs got poss experience by learning ibility to meet their how to combine TM predecessor (current process with other ex VP) whenever is need ec to utive members) and for get specific education sure you will get very about direction the on ex cited while discoverin e are in. So we got a sm g how to use and imple ooth transition befor ment all those stu\. e start to lead LC indep endently as a new tea m.
* * *
LC life
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The great discovery I recently made while working as TM was that by handling talents I have very cle arly defined and put focus on my own ones . I am sure that durin g my half a year of TM experience I learned mu ch more about influencing and dealing with people then I would lea rn for half a life. And I am sure you will get even better results. Me without AIESEC XP an d me as a part of it is two extremely di\erent pe rsons. A year ago I wouldn’t even thought that each one of us ha s this great ability to lea d and inspire others. Yet every big change in life needs a lot of time. So why don’t we just giv e a required time for that ! Any position you ch oose as EB member wi ll put you on the path of life-changing experience. It’s more than possible to chan ge a life course and become a totally upgraded person, the stronger one…
“Thank you, EB 10/11. You’re adding a little more life into my life ” Stepanenko Jr. LCVPTM AIESEC LVIV
Let’s get back to “em otions” thing I started with. In AIESE C you will experience a lot of emotions and they will either serve or control you, and you know that it depends only on you. But let me jus t remind that there wa s no and there is no ba d experience at all. All are good and all are just to help us to discove r who we really are and what those talents tha t fit us the most are. So next time your emoti ons are strong and idea is still fresh than its exac t time to act. If we do no t turn the plans into action than in a month our passion will cool o\ and after a year it will be impossible to find. The most emotional an d developing moments in AIESEC I experienced by doing what I was afraid of. The best a man can do for himself is to regularly leave the scope of us ua l and get into somethi ng uncertainty new. It won’t be easy but if yo u choose the hard wa y there will be no comp etitors ! So, I wish yo u to take a risk and apply for EB 2011-2012. An d let it be the day that turns your life around.
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LC life
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Alumni story
Hello dear LC! This is Slavik Charkovskyy writing. Let me brief ly introduce myself. I’m a fifth year student, wh o used to be in AIES EC from 2006 till 2009. During this period I ha d many different posit ions in AIESEC, some of them are: Vice Preside nt of Informational Management @ in Lv iv, National Support Team member of @ in Ukraine, Global Musketeers Team me mber of @ International, OCP of New Horizons 2008 and many other. Now I’m alumni of @ in Lviv an d also having an interns hip in Norway in AIESEC in Oslo. I joined AIESEC with out a clear understanding why an d what for. I’m sure it was one of the best my decisions ever. Wh en you work in AIESEC, you always open something new for yo urself. For example I couldn’t imagine me on a leadership posit ion. Also I was afraid to talk to interns becaus e of my english and was sure that I will neve r go for internship. But no t that much time passed, when I got my first leadership position, then anoth er and another. And I also decided to go to Norway for internship for 1.5 years. If anyb ody told me this 2-3 years ago, I would jus t laugh and answer “you must be kiddin g.. me on internship ? never!”. But here we go, I’m having amaz ing period of my life in No rway. All I want to say is do n’t be afraid to set ambitious dreams. Wa nt to be a CEO of a company? No problem , think of things, wh ich can be useful for the others and you can do very good. Add coup le of people, whom yo u want to work with. Cr eate a business plan and every day do so mething that will bring you at least 1 step clo ser to setting up a company. It’s totally fine that you don’t kn ow how to do it. It will co me itself along with your efforts of learning . Learn every day from different people, websites, anything. And AIESEC is the be st place to learn, sear ch and try.
Dreams come true if you believe in it and what is even more im port, act every day to achieve these dreams . I have one dream an d somehow in 3 years it finally realized - I’m living in high develop ed country in Europe . Just a few words abou t my life in Norway, so you could imagine ho w cool internship is. I work for Symfoni So ftware - small softwar e company (around 30 people in Norway). I work as a wed develop er. This is the best place to work I have ever seen. If you do n’t believe me, you can just go to my persona l blog and read some articles over there. In Oslo we have about 10 interns from all ov er the world. But if you are in that kind of country, it doesn’t ma tter that much, as people around are als o multinational. For example for this half a year in Oslo I beca me very good friend with people from: Poland, Vietnam, Mexico, US A, Brazil, India, China , Russia, Egypt, Engla nd, Sweden, Denmar k, Germany, Estonia, Fra nce, Portugal, Belgium , Latvia and of course Norway! And that’s no t all the list of countri es, probably I have good friends in every coun try in Europe. Isn’t it awesome? Just have a seat for 5 minutes and think where do you want to be in 3-5 years. Don’t be afraid, dream big and globally. Then wr ite down your dreams an d every day do at lea st something to make it happen.
Slavik Charkovskyy
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by Myroslav Gret