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Goal 2.C
To diversify our community toward reflecting the heterogeneity of the greater regional, national, and global populations.
We recognize that, historically, participation in our fields has been skewed towards individuals that present as White and that this distribution also still exists within the SECCM programs. Again, we will take constructive, deliberate steps to change it. We acknowledge that diversity encompasses a wide range of identities, including but not limited to those related to religion, sexual orientation, learning differences, physical differences, and others, and we strive to create a community that more fully represents and welcomes this diversity. Initially, we will focus on increasing the representation of people of color and international origin. We will do so in ways analogous to the previous goal – for example, promotion of student groups, admissions activities, and generation of scholarship support. At the same time, we will continue building infrastructure to ensure every member of our community has a strong support system in place while in SECCM.
Theme 3 – Visibility and Engagement
Stories of our success must be communicated effectively internally and externally. Sharing our stories inside and outside of the SECCM further develops our sense of community. Spotlighting related activities increases the population impacted and inspired, leading to even further growth and innovation.
Goal 3.A
To communicate strategically to strengthen SECCM’s impact.
The impact of our activities increases when the broader community is aware of their occurrence. We will seek to communicate these activities far and wide in an effort to expand SECCM’s brand recognition; this will be achieved through social media activities, newsletters, displays in the building lobbies, outreach activities including oncampus recruitment events, and an improved internet and social media presence.
Goal 3.B
To increase engagement of SECCM alumni and friends across all of our programs to benefit the broader SECCM community.
While the faculty and staff of SECCM are dedicated to the success of our students, the power and reach of the SECCM experience are magnified by the involvement of alumni and external friends in activities that include membership on advisory councils, networking, guest lecturing, curricular feedback, and career development.