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B. Financial Resources and Physical Infrastructure
Realizing the goals outlined here also requires ample financial resources and modern physical infrastructure. Activities can be more impactful, innovative, and inspirational when resources are less constrained. Therefore, in support of our strategic goals, we seek:
To maintain state-of-the-art physical resources available to SECCM in support of our efforts to provide a first-rate experience for faculty and students.
In order to achieve SECCM and RWU goals, infrastructure must be upgraded and renewed continually. We will work with campus partners (Facilities, IT, etc.) to expand and modernize space, provide contemporary computational and experimental equipment, and increase funds to enable research activities.
To increase philanthropic activity to support the School’s mission and vision by achieving the following advancement objectives.
To receive a gift to name the School of Engineering, Computing, and Construction Management and gifts to name each of its individual programs.
Naming a school and/or program increases visibility – to the RWU alumni community, other schools offering degrees in our areas, and the local community. It also brings prestige and financial support in a variety of ways specified by the donor.
To receive gifts or grants to remodel and name existing laboratory and teaching spaces and replace any aging laboratory equipment to sustain modern pedagogy and research.
It is imperative that we continue to invest in state-of-the-art equipment and modern physical spaces to ensure that our students learn and perform research with infrastructure that reflects current pedagogical and technical approaches.
To receive gifts that allow the establishment of a minimum of three chaired/endowed professorships to enable the recruitment and retention of excellent faculty.
Chaired professorships often bring discretionary funding (from the release of salary funds or endowment annual payout). This could facilitate the recruitment of new faculty (see above), as a portion of this funding could be used as a signing bonus for new faculty members to enhance research and travel opportunities beyond what is possible using RWU resources alone. At the more senior level, these chaired professorships could be used as a countermeasure to prevent excellent faculty from seeking other jobs or being recruited by other institutions. Similar to the naming opportunities, these professorships offer enhanced levels of visibility and prestige.