Emotional Intelligence and Team Collaboration. A jamesadhikaram presentation

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T. James Joseph Adhikarathil. Kottayam www.jamesadhikaram.com

IQ Vs. EQ IQ- Ensures Your success in School. EQ- Ensures your success in LIFE. IQ helps you to get into the job. EQ helps you to succeed at job. Success recipe. IQ …..20% EQ…..80%

IQ Vs. EQ IQ- Is some thing you are born with. EQ- Can be improved upon and learned.. .

Jamesadhikaram presentation..

Why emotional intelligence..? 1.

More than 50% of the employees lack motivation to keep learning &improving.


4 in 10 people fails to perform as a team player.


70% of all change issues fail because of people issues…..inability to lead…..lack of team work….unwillingness to take initiatives…..inability to deal with change.


Individuals are often promoted because of their technical expertise….they can become poor leaders.

Is IQ enough…? The message is…. Manage your emotions and work with others……..harness the power of your emotions to get the very best out of your Raw Intelligence.

Jamesadhikaram presentation


Daniel Goelman.1995 Multiple intelligence‌? It is the ability to recognize our own feelings and those of others, motivate ourselves, and manage emotions well in ourselves and in our interpersonal relationships.

Jamesadhikaram presentation


Daniel Goelman.1995 Multiple intelligence‌? 1. Awareness of your emotions. 2. Manage your emotions for Success. 3. Awareness of others emotions. 4. Manage others emotion for success.

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5 Key components of multiple intelligence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Self Awareness. Self Management. (Regulation) Self Motivation. Social Awareness. (Empathy). Social Relation. Jamesadhikaram presentation


1.Self awareness. Know your emotions‌recognize your feelings.

This is the fundamental basis of Emotional Intelligence. If we cannot notice our feeling we are at the mercy of those feelings. Identify and name your emotion without reaction and judgment. Self awareness is the awareness of both our mood and the thoughts created that mood. John Meyor- psychologist Jamesadhikaram presentation


1.Self awareness. A meta level of consciousness‌..rising above experiences.

1. Being aware of the experience as it is happening rather than being completely immersed in it. 2. Mindfulness. Conscious/unconscious levels

Jamesadhikaram presentation


2.Self Management . Mange your emotions.

Aristotle- the key is to have emotions appropriate to circumstances. Diffuse the challenging emotion and life your mood.

Jamesadhikaram presentation


3.Self motivation. Being able to use your emotions in order toachieve the goals.

Being able to work hard in face of obstacles and changes without losing enthusiasm and persistence. This is the key to high performance Don’t try to throw stones at every barking dog. The eagle- crow story. Emotions out of control can harm us . But if we can learn ,mange and harness emotions you can truly motivate others. Limit emotions or limited by emotions‌? It is your choice. Jamesadhikaram presentation


3.Self motivation. Being able to use your emotions in order toachieve the goals. Emotional self control is crucial for great accomplishments. Different people have different stress level The key is to understand where you are in the stress zone. We can improve our performance even under high stress level if we know how to manage our emotions.

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4.Social awareness. The more we understand our emotions, the more we can feel them in others.

Empathy- Recognizing emotions in others. Rapport starts with empathy. More People. Benefits

More out going. More sensitive. Better relationships Jamesadhikaram presentation


5.Social relations. Relationship management

To manage emotions in others we need to master two skills. 1.

Tuning into people’s emotions


Being able to drive their emotional state. For this you have to bring others into your emotional realm and set the emotional tone of the interaction.

4 abilities have to be developed. 3.

Organising TEAM work.




Personal connection.


Social analysis. Jamesadhikaram presentation


Emotional intelligence in Health care  As

the expectations of quality healthcare change, progressive leaders are now looking beyond the traditional patient-care standards to provide a holistic approach to patient outcomes.  This approach considers not only the patient’s state of well being, but also the care provider. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to use one’s own emotions to positively manage highstress situations and overcome challenges. For medical professionals, this can translate into the ability to better communicate and empathize with their patients and co-workers, as well as harness their internal stress and approach problems with a clear, open mind.

Emotional intelligence in Health care If tapped appropriately, emotional intelligence can significantly influence patient outcomes and overall success for the organization. It also improves interactions and relationships between patients, medical professionals and administration and ensures better team collaboration for achieving professional and organisational GOALS.

Emotional intelligence in Health Care. 1.

Achieving organisational Goals.


Improving quality in service delivery.




Professional excellence.


Well being of the patient.


Managing Stress.


Reduces Nurse burn out.


Leadership quality. Jamesadhikaram presentation


Role of management.. 1.

Ensuring Team Work.


Priority to EI people in recruitment.


Creating an EI friendly environment.


Training. Jamesadhikaram presentation


Emotionally intelligent TEAM.. 1.








Adaptability – Innovation- Collaboration Is patient part of the TEAM..? Jamesadhikaram presentation


Competition to Collaboration. E.I is the key. 1.

Working across professional boundaries.


Engaging a joint decision making.


Sharing ownership of the decisions.

Emotions can be barriers or drivers of collaboration‌..Here is the role of emotional intelligence. Jamesadhikaram presentation


Emotionally intelligent Leadership

If your action inspire others 1.

To learn more,


To do more, and


To become more You are a leader.

Jamesadhikaram presentation


Developing imotional Inelligence. What should I do. 1.

Burning desire.


Learn the principles.


Practice,Practice and P-r-a-c-t-i-c-e

Jamesadhikaram presentation


Thank You!! 


T. JAMES JOSEPH ADHIKARATHIL MOB -9447464502 WEB- www.jamesadhikaram.com Face Book -Kerala Laws on Land

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