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No. 36036/2/2013- Estt.(Res.) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training ***I
North Block, New Delhi Dated: 30' May, 2014 To, The Chief Secretaries of all the State Governments/lJnion Territories
Subject: Revision of format for OBC Caste Certificate
The Government of lndia had issued instructions on 8"' September, 1993 vide DoPT O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) providing for reservation to Other Backward Classes in the services and posts under the Government of India. The format of the Caste Certificate was prescribed vide Annexure A of the O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 1 5 ~ ~ ~ 0 v e n 1 b e r 1993. In the said format, the then Ministry of Welfare's Resolution No. 1201 1/68/93-BCC(C) dated lothSeptember 1993 was mentioned, which contained the list of castes and communities treated as OBCs till that time. Since then, a large number of castes and communities have been added to the Central List of OBCs through various resolutions of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. The details ofthe resolutions subsequent to the Resolution dated loth September 1993 do not find mention in the existing format. The said format also prescribes that the certificate issuing authority should certify that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the aforesaid O.M. dated 8.9.1993. 2. Representations have been received in this Department wherein candidates belonging to OBC Communities have reportedly faced difficulty in getting the benefits of reservation. This is because of the fact that in the caste certificate issued by the concerned district authorities, although the name of the caste/community is mentioned in the certificate, the specific resolution by which the said caste/community has been included in the Central List of OBCs is not indicated. 3. Keeping in view such problems faced by the candidates, this issue was examined in consultation with the National Commission for Backward Classes and it has been decided to revise the existing format of OBC Caste Certificate. A copy of the revised format is enclosed (Annexure). All the certificate issuing authorities are requested to invariably mention the details of the Resolution (Number and Date) by which the caste/community of the candidate has been included in the Central List of OBCs and also to ensure that helshe does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the aforesaid O.M. dated 8.9.1993 as amended from time to time. Page 1of 3
4. I am to request that the revised format of the Certificate may please be brought to the notice of authorities under the State GovernmentsNnion Territories who are empowered to issue the Caste Certificate. Yours faithfully
Under Secretary to the Government of India Phone- 01 1-23092110 Copy to: 1. All Ministries1 Departments of the Government of India 2. Department of Financial Services, Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001 3. Department of Public Enterprises, Block No.14, CGO Complex, New Delhi110003 4. Railway Board, Ministry of Railways, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi 5. Union Public Service Commission/ Supreme Court of India/Election Commission of Indial Lok Sabha Secretariatl Rajya Sabha Secretariatl Cabinet Secretariatl Central Vigilance Commission/ President's Secretariatl Prime Minister's Office1 Planning Commission 6. Staff Selection Commission, CGO Complex. Lodhi Road, New Delhi 7. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 8. National Commission for SCsINational Commission for STs, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi 9. National Commission for Backward Classes, Trikoot-I, Bhikaji Cama Place, R.K. Puram, New Delhi( w.r.t. their letter No.NCBCl713212012-RW dated 16.5.2013) 10. Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, 10 Bahadur Shah Jafar Marg, New Delhi - 110 002 I I. Information and Facilitation Center. DoPT, North Block, New Delhi. 12. Director, ISTM, Old JNU Campus, Olof Palme Marg, New Delhi 110067 , 13. The NIC, DoPT with a request to upload it at the website of this Department in OMS & Orders +Estt.(Reservation) SCISTIOBC and also under 'What's New'
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F. No. 36036/ 2/ 2013- Est t .( Res- I ) Governm ent of I ndia Minist ry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Depart m ent of Personnel & Training Est ablishm ent Reservat ion — I Sect ion Nort h Block, New Delhi Dat ed 31 st March 2016
OFFICE MEMORANDUM zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR Subject: Validity period of OBC Certificate in respect of 'creamy layer' status of the candidates
This Depart m 'ent has received various references on t he issue of problem s being faced by t he candidat es on t he requirem ent t o obt ain m ult iple non- cream y layer OBC cert ificat es for appearing in various exam inat ions. Wit h a view t o address t his issue, t he following revised procedure is proposed: ( a) Every candidat e seeking reservat ion in cent ral governm ent post s and services as OBC candidat e is required t o subm it a cert ificat e confirm ing his/ her st at us as OBC and also produce Non- cream y layer st at us issued by an aut horit y m ent ioned in DOPT Office Mem orandum No.36012/ 22/ 93- Est ( SCT) dat ed 15.11.1993. ( b) The Non- cream y Layer Cert ificat e would be applicable t o OBC candidat es who are covered under I ncom e/ Wealt h Test crit erion. The incom e lim it is decided on t he basis of incom e earned during t hree previous financial years preceding t he year of appoint m ent . To illust rat e, t he validit y of non- cream y layer cert ificat e issued during any m ont h of t he financial year 2016- 17 covering 3 preceding financial years viz. 2013- 14, 2014- 15 and 2015- 16 be accept ed by t he concerned aut horit ies for any appoint m ent s or recruit m ent s which would be valid during t he period April 2016 t o March 2017. The appoint ing aut horit ies would accept product ion of self- at t est ed phot o copy of t he Non- cream y layer cert ificat e, subj ect t o verificat ion of t he original Non- cream y layer cert ificat e, as is t he pract ice being followed for verificat ion of ot her original docum ent s. 2. On t his issue, t he Nat ional Com m ission of Backward Classes has suggest ed a new form at for issue of Non- cream y layer cert ificat e, which is enclosed. 3. I t is request ed t hat com m ent s on t he suggest ions m ade in para 1 of t his OM and any ot her suggest ion( s) t o st ream line t he syst em of issue of Non cream y layer cert ificat e ( NCL) m ay please be furnished.
..2/ -
4. It is also requested that comments on the Non-creamy layer certificate format proposed by NCBC, may also be furnished. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG Encl: as above
(Raju Saraswat) Under Secretary Tele: 2309 2110 1. M/o Social Justice and Empowerment, [ Kind Attn: Shri B. L. Meena, Joint Secretary]
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 2. Department of Higher Education, [ Kind attn: Shri S. S. Sandhu, Joint Secretary]
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 3. The Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi — 110069 4. The Secretary Staff Selection Commission, Block No. 12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi — 110 003 Copy w ith a request for seeking comments on the suggestions made in paral of this OM also forw arded to The Member Secretary, National Commission for Backw ard Classes, Trikoot - 1, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi -110 066.
,C opy also to Director, NI C, DOPT — w ith a request to place this draft OM on the w ebsite of this Department for a period of 30 days from its issue, for obtaining view s of concerned stakeholders.
2. Date of Birth of applicant
3. i) Caste/Community ii) Sub-Caste/Community (if any) iii) Entry No. in Central List * iv) Resolution No. of Central List *
4. Religion
5. Address a) Present Address
b) Permanent Address
6. Name of Father 7. Date of Birth of Father 8. PAN No. of Father (if any)
9. Name of Mother 10. Date of Birth of Mother 11. PAN No. of Mother (if any)
Occupation/ income/ wealth status of parents and family Father Mother Category -I Constitutional / Statutory Posts zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF i) Holding/ held any Constitutional Post /Statutory Posts. (as defined in the DoPT's OM No.36012/22/93Estt.(SCT) dated 08-09-1993) (as amended from time to time) ii) Whether held presently or formerly iii) If yes, Name of the post held / holding Category —II
Service Category — E mployment under Central/ State Govt. / PSUs i) Holding / held any Government employment ii) If yes, whether the employment under Central Govt. / State Govt. / Public Sector Undertaking iii) Group / Class at initial appointment (A/l3/C/D /1/II/III etc.) iv) Group / Class at present (A/B/C/D /I/II/III etc.) v) Whether promotion into Group 'A' from 13' of Central/ State Govt. was after attaining the age of 40 years. Tf so, provide a certificate from the Head of Office / Organization vi) Whether holding post. or "Exec' itivezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR - or above in Centre / State Government's Public Sector Undertakings, Public Sector Banks, Insurance Organizations or any other Public Sector Enterprises vii) Whether promotion into "Executive" Grade of Central/State Public Sector Undertakings etc. was after attaining the age of 40 years. If so, provide a certificate from the Head of Office / Organization Other Salaried E mployees:• viii) Whether Salaried Employee of Statutory Bodies, Autonomous Bodies, Universities, Private Companies, Firms, Corporate Companies, Cooperatives or any other Organizations, Bodies and Institutes, posts and positions under any Employment including Private Employment, etc., which have not been covered at II (A, B or C) above ix) Post held x) Gross Annual Salary
Category —III Armed Forces Including Paramilitary Forces (Persons holding Civil posts are not included). zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
i) Designation of the post holding or held ii) Is the post held equivalent in rank to Colonel or above in the Army or equivalent in the Navy and the Air Force and the Para Military Forces? Category —IV
Professionals, Self-employed persons and those engaged in Trade, Industry and Business etc.
Please specify the Profession, Trade, Industry or Business Gross Annual Income Category —V
Property owners
i) Extent of irrigated land owned ii) Nature of Crops/ Mango, Citrus and apple etc. Plantation raised and extent iii) If the entire land possessed by the family is irrigated land does the extent of irrigated land exceed 90% of the Ceiling Limit as per the Land Ceiling Act? iv) If commercial plantations like Rubber, Coffee, Tea, Spices etc. are raised, the annual income from them during last three years (enclose income tax returns, where available) Details of Income
Income from other sources — Professional Services, Business, Commerce, Rents etc.
i) Sources of income (from sources other than salary and agriculture) of the parents with Full details of the sources Professional services Business/Trade Commerce Plantations income from coffee, tea, rubber, spices etc. Rents Others ii) Gross Annual Income during the last Year three consecutive years (year-wise) of both parents. (Enclosing income tax returns, where available)
Amount Father Mother
Category —III Armed Forces Including Paramilitary Forces (Persons holding Civil posts are not included). zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
i) Designation of the post holding or held ii) Is the post held equivalent in rank to Colonel or above in the Army or equivalent in the Navy and the Air Force and the Para Military Forces? Category —IV
Professionals, Self-employed persons and those engaged in Trade, Industry and Business etc.
Please specify the Profession, Trade, Industry or Business Gross Annual Income Category —V
Property owners
i) Extent of irrigated land owned ii) Nature of Crops/ Mango, Citrus and apple etc. Plantation raised and extent iii) If the entire land possessed by the family is irrigated land does the extent of irrigated land exceed 90% of the Ceiling Limit as per the Land Ceiling Act? iv) If commercial plantations like Rubber, Coffee, Tea, Spices etc. are raised, the annual income from them during last three years (enclose income tax returns, where available) Details of Income
Income from other sources — Professional Services, Business, Commerce, Rents etc.
i) Sources of income (from sources other than salary and agriculture) of the parents with Full details of the sources Professional services Business/Trade Commerce Plantations income from coffee, tea, rubber, spices etc. Rents Others ii) Gross Annual Income during the last Year three consecutive years (year-wise) of both parents. (Enclosing income tax returns, where available)
Amount Father Mother
Declaration by the Applicant and Parents of the Applicant zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba It is certified that the above mentioned particulars are true to the best of our knowledge and belief.
Signature of Mother Name: PAN No. (
Signature of the Father Name: PAN No. (
Signature of the Applicant Name:
Entry Number and Resolution Number in Central List are also available on the website of NCBC at www.ticbc.nic.in and at website of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment at WWW-socialjustice.nicin
NOTE : (i) Copies of the last three year's Income Tax (IT) returns to be enclosed for each parent wherever available. In case IT returns are not being filled, the Income Certificates for the last three consecutive years from the designated Local Authority are required to be enclosed with application. (ii) For cases under Categories II B and II C, a Certificate issued by the Head of Institution / Organization to the effect that the person concerned has promoted to Group A / Class I / Executive Scale after attaining the age of 40 years must be enclosed with this application.
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