City of Sanford
SUPPORTS SMALL BUSINESS RECOVERY B Y A N D R E W T H O M A S, Director, Community Relations & Neighborhood Engagement, and BOB TURK, Director, Economic Development
12 M Y S A N F O R D M A G A Z I N E | F A L L 2 0 2 0
to qualified businesses classified as nonessential and mandated to close and/or modify operations by executive order. The focus of the program is to support businesses that are
reopening to rehire employees and assist with the payment of back rent, mortgage, utilities and PPE for employees and customers.
nderstanding the tremendous negative impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our local economy, particularly our small businesses, the City of Sanford launched a Small Business Relief Grant (SBRG) program to retain local jobs and assist in stabilizing the businesses that have been affected. The city commission approved the program at its May 18, 2020 meeting and amended it at the June 8, 2020 meeting. The amendment aligns the program with the Department of Urban Housing (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The commission approved the program with a high sense of urgency to implement support as expeditiously as possible. A press release was issued to the media on June 10, 2020 announcing the program would be accepting pre-applications effective June 11, 2020. The SBRG program provides one-time grants