Sinda programme brochure 2016

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VISION To build a strong and vibrant Singaporean Indian community together

MISSION To build a well-educated, resilient and confident community of Indians that stands together with the other communities in contributing to the progress of multi-racial Singapore

ABOUT SINDA The Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) is a Self-Help Group established in 1992 to uplift the Indian community in Singapore. With its primary focus on education, SINDA aims to raise the academic performance of Indian students through tutorial, enrichment and motivational programmes. In addition, it also offers a wide range of programmes and services to help families in need of assistance. SINDA’s key thrusts are: EDUCATION Maximising Educational Opportunities for All Students YOUTH Inspiring Youths towards Greater Achievements FAMILY Engaging Parents to Play an Active Role in their Children’s Lives COMMUNITY Forging a Stronger Relationship with Community Partners

The programmes listed in this catalogue are available at SINDA throughout the year. For more information on these programmes, please reach us at 1800 295 4554 or visit our website at

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES FOR ALL STUDENTS SINDA believes in each child’s potential, regardless of their family circumstances. We want every student to do the best that they can, for only with a solid foundation in education, can our students pursue limitless opportunities.


STEP SINDA Tutorials for Enhanced Performance, or STEP, is a holistic after-school tutorial programme designed to provide affordable tuition to primary and secondary school students. Through strengthening students’ understanding of concepts and improving their confidence in school, the programme enables them to perform better in their core subjects. STEP classes are conducted in selected schools islandwide and all subjects are taught by qualified and experienced tutors.


Project Teach Project Teach, a school-based tutorial programme, leverages on the strong involvement and partnership of schools, parents and teachers to improve students’ academic performance. Focused on small group tuition, the programme is conducted for primary and secondary level Indian students identified by the school for additional academic coaching. All classes are held before or after lessons on weekdays or Saturday mornings at school premises.

Key Features of STEP & Project Teach:

• Qualified and Experienced Tutors

• Small Class Size for

Personalised Attention

• Flexible Choice of Subjects • Increased Contact Time with Maths and Science

• Holiday Lessons • Motivational and Enrichment Programmes

• Customised Curricula in line with Ministry of Education Syllabus

• E-Learning & E-Resources • Assessments • Strong Parental Involvement


Literacy and Numeracy

P1 Starters

The Literacy and Numeracy programme gives pre-schoolers a good headstart in reading, writing and basic Mathematics skills. Targeted at nursery, K1 and K2 children, the programme is conducted by trained facilitators, with classes conducted once a week over a period of six months at venues islandwide.

The transition from kindergarten to primary school can be an anxious experience for students and their parents! Helping families prepare for a smooth start to primary-level education is the P1 Starters programme which caters to Indian parents with K2-going children. This one-day seminar offers parents expert insights on the current educational landscape, the social and emotional well-being of their children as well as optimal nutrition and exercise tips for enhanced academic performance.

iLeap The iLeap programme provides children a strong academic foundation prior to formal schooling and is targeted at 6-yearolds who have no prior pre-school experience or require additional academic support. In addition to preparing these students for primary school, iLeap tutors also monitor children’s progress in the first few terms of their Primary 1.

•• PROJECT READ Children who are enrolled in either the iLeap or the Literacy and Numeracy Programme and are in need of additional reading support are referred to the home-based Project Read programme. Trained volunteers undertake weekly home visits to read to them.


Maths & Me Maths and Me is a four-month intensive revision programme that aids Primary 6 (Standard) Indian students in mastering key techniques and strategies for the PSLE. The programme targets students currently scoring B and C grades in Maths. Classes are conducted on weekends at accessible locations islandwide.

Maths In Focus A four-month intensive Maths revision progamme that helps Primary 6 (Standard) students grasp basic Maths concepts and learn simpler techniques to tackle challenging sums. Conducted on weekends at accessible locations, the programme targets students scoring borderline grades and below in Maths.

Modular Academic Programmes Modular Academic Programmes cater to students who are unable to enrol in other SINDA tutorial programmes. Such programmes can be customised according to the learning needs of students and offer students intensive tuition in subjects of their choice. Classes are formed based on demand and are held in partnership with community organisations at decentralised venues. These programmes are only open to students who score B grade and below in core subjects.


Junior Challenge The SINDA Junior Challenge is a yearly inter-school competition for primary-level STEP students to pit their skills against one another! Students from centres islandwide showcase their abilities in a series of English, Maths and Science challenges designed to showcase their time-management and team-building skills.

Eagle’s Eye A joint initiative between SINDA and Raffles Institution (RI), the Eagle’s Eye programme prepares and grooms Primary 5 students for PSLE. All students are mentored and coached by Year 5 RI students with these students performing well at PSLE and gaining enrolment into established secondary schools.


Camp Jumanji Camp Jumanji, organised during the June holidays, challenges upper primary students on their motivational and leadership skills by engaging them in fun and meaningful team-building activities and leadership roles.

Holiday Enrichment Programmes (Primary) SINDA organises fun and exciting enrichment programmes to gainfully occupy primary school students during their school holidays. While academic elements ensure each child’s continued learning, games and teamwork elements enhance the social confidence in our students. Keep a lookout for these programmes in the upcoming holidays!


Saadhana ‘A’ Level Tuition

ITE Maths and Motivation

Saadhana, is a non-profit project run by the National University of Singapore Tamil Language Society (NUSTLS) and supported by SINDA and the Singapore Indian Education Trust (SIET). This highly subsidised programme focuses on preparing junior college students for all core GCE A-Level subjects over nine months.

The ITE Maths and Motivation programme is targeted at students in the Enhanced Nitec Foundation Programme who obtained nil or one pass at the GCE N-Level exams. It aims to improve students’ Maths grades through engaging lessons that will pique their interest in the subject. Conducted over sixteen weeks, this programme is jointly conducted by the ITE and the SelfHelp Groups.

INSPIRING YOUTH SINDA’s youth programmes inspire Indian youth towards greater achievements. Specially-tailored motivational and mentorship programmes enable our youth to build positive values, develop good character and boost their self-esteem, enabling them to grow into confident and capable adults.


Secondary One Starters

Camp Arise

This one-day informational workshop prepares students and their parents for the challenging transition from primary to secondary school— students are trained to better understand the social and academic culture in secondary school while parents are informed on challenges and the stress that their children will face, so that they are better able to support their children.

Camp Arise promises secondary school students a thrilling experience in an outdoor setting during their June holidays! Youth learn life skills, better resilience and greater confidence through outdoor activities. To continue students’ motivation, booster sessions are conducted regularly after the camp.

Youth Victory A 10-week motivational programme conducted in schools, Youth Victory develops lower secondary students’ self-esteem and nurtures them into confident and resilient individuals through character development modules and interactive value-based activities. The programme also supports upper secondary students through short modular courses where crucial study techniques and exam preparation skills are taught to help them improve in their academics.

•• HOLIDAY ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMME SINDA organises holiday enrichment activities for youth during the school holidays, engaging them in activities that boost their academic performance and personal development. Sign up for an enrichment programme and indulge in fun and adventure during the holidays!


Activities include: GAME (Music) Develop skills in percussion instruments, songwriting and music videos production GAME (Soccer) Expand soccer skills with training from licensed coaches, soccer camps and tournaments

Guidance and Mentorship The Guidance and Mentorship Programme (GAME) is a threemonth, interest-based mentorship programme that believes in motivating our youth through their passion. Youths get to choose an activity based on their interest and develop their skills in it, while trained volunteers mentor them to improve teamwork, resilience and leadership abilities.

GAME (Girls) Understand matters related to the transition into womanhood and build confidence, respect for self and social etiquette through interactive sessions GAME (Dance) Learn different forms of dance with professional trainers, while keeping fit GAME (Photography) Acquire tips & techniques to hone photography skills using a smart phone


SINDA YOUTH CLUB The SINDA Youth Club (SYC) grooms youth into confident and capable adults through leadership programmes. In addition, youth in SYC programmes undergo sustained training to develop their character and receive various opportunities to contribute back to the community. Signature programmes organised by SYC include:

SINDA Young Leaders’ Programme

SINDA Youth Leaders Seminar

The SINDA Young Leaders’ Programme (SYLP) is a sustained five-month programme that develops the next generation of leaders and encourages them to be active contributors in communitybuilding, service and leadership. Participants are engaged in local projects and an overseas learning journey designed to provide them with insights into social issues. Successful participants will graduate as SYLP ambassadors and continue to contribute to the local community in meaningful ways.

The SINDA Youth Leaders Seminar (SYLS) is a three-day/two-night leadership seminar that brings together youth from diverse academic backgrounds onto a common platform. The seminar exposes them to pertinent issues faced by the Indian community and society at large, and challenges them to devise creative solutions to these issues.


Thought Leadership The Thought Leadership Programme encourages Indian youth to think critically on current issues. The unique nature of this programme allows youth from diverse backgrounds to interact with various speakers and discuss critical issues prevalent in society.

The Mentor Effect The Mentor Effect is an eight-month mentorship programme which enables university undergraduates to mentor and motivate junior college students. This befriending opportunity empowers mentors and provides mentees with essential support networks.


SINDA Sports Initiative

ITE Leadership Programme

The SINDA Sports Initiative (SPIN) programme, is a six-month healthfocused programme that cultivates good mental, social and physical well-being among post-secondary youth. It inculcates healthy habits through innovative and engaging sports activities, with participants trained to be health ambassadors to their family and peers.

The ITE Leadership Programme (ITELP) is a five-month leadership programme that develops and grooms ITE students into effective leaders. The programme encompasses a leadership camp, soft skill modules and reflection sessions for youth to better understand themselves. It culminates in a community project that is conceptualised and implemented by the youth.

STRENGTHENING FAMILIES SINDA believes in nurturing families for a better future. Our parenting programmes and events aim to nurture stable and self-sufficient families imbuing in them the importance of good parenting skills.


Modular Parenting Workshops These parenting workshops touch on key themes to encourage parents to establish stronger bonds with their children through positive parenting approaches. Held in an interactive and engaging manner, the session can be customised in English or Tamil.

SINDA Parenting Conference The SINDA Parenting Conference (SPC) creates a platform for families to understand the important role of each family member in building resilient families. A platform for parents to analyse their parenting styles and learn from one another’s life experiences, SPC shares practical life approaches towards building their very own special family!


Family Bonding Activities Held during the school holidays, a series of family activities help strengthen family bonds. These activities create opportunities for families to spend fun, quality time together, and for parents to work towards being positive role models for their children.


Project Athena Project Athena empowers single Indian mothers to become confident, independent, self-sufficient and resilient individuals. It provides a support network, helping mothers build stronger bonds with their children so that they in turn grow up to be confident and vibrant youths. Social work practitioners work with both mothers and their children to overcome challenges in their life and find the inner strength to lead fruitful lives.

HELPING THE COMMUNITY The SINDA Family Service Centre (SFSC) is a one-stop information and referral centre that provides social work and counselling services to individuals and families facing challenges in their personal, marital and family life. Experienced and professionally trained social work practitioners assess cases, conduct home visits and provide referrals and assistance to clients.


SINDA Family Service Centre’s programmes are available to all Indians in Singapore who are Citizens or Permanent Residents.

Information & Referral

Legal Clinic

Social work practitioners identify and assess the needs of individuals or families and link them to relevant assistance and aid provided by various national schemes. They also work with families on issues identified that require professional intervention. Individuals or families can call, walk-in, write or email their queries on personal or family-related issues.

The Legal Clinic offers free legal services to Indian families in need. This service is held on a monthly basis and is strictly by appointment. Lawyers from accredited law firms offer their services on a pro bono basis, and will explain to clients the relevant legal procedures and legal terms.

Case Work & Counselling Social work practitioners help individuals and families with their personal, social and emotional difficulties, including parenting, marital, financial, family violence and interpersonal issues, enabling them to better cope with challenges in life.

Skills Connect Skills Connect is a national initiative by the Workforce Development Agency (WDA) that trains individuals in key competencies relevant to the job they seek. The initiative has various schemes that one can utilise to take charge of his/her own career and advancement. SINDA helps its beneficiaries identify and apply for the relevant courses.


EDUCATIONRELATED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SCHEMES Besides referral to the national schemes, SINDA assists families with the following education-related financial assistance schemes:

Pre-School Bursary SINDA’s pre-school bursary helps Indian children from low-income families with costs relating to preschool education. Children must be aged 7-years-old and below and must already be receiving additional subsidy from Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) before applying for the Bursary.

Before and After School Care Subsidy The Before and After School Care Subsidy (BASC) is available to low-income families with children aged 7 to 14 enrolled in non-profit BASC centres. It augments the subsidies provided by Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) and Student Care Centres.

School Pocket Money Fund The School Pocket Money Fund (SPMF) is a community project initiated by The Straits Times, which provides pocket money to children from low-income families to help them through school. Children can use this money for school-related expenses, such as meals at recess, bus fares or other schooling needs.


SINDA Bursary

Tertiary Study Awards

SINDA provides bursaries to deserving full-time students from primary and secondary levels who are enrolled in either government or independent schools/institutions. Applicants who are not under the SPMF and other financial schemes may apply for this bursary.

SINDA offers a wide range of study awards in collaboration with established private tertiary institutions to encourage individuals to pursue higher studies and deepen their skills in relevant industries. Application criteria differ for each institution.

PC OWNERSHIP PROGRAMMES With a view that all families should own at least one computer in their home, SINDA offers affordable computer and Internet connectivity plans for low-income families to keep them in touch with technology.

NEU PC Plus Programme In collaboration with the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), SINDA provides families with school-going children a personal computer at highly subsidised rates, bundled with affordable Internet connection.

Home Access Home Access is aimed at making internet connectivity more accessible and affordable to lowincome families without schoolgoing children. Eligible households will be provided with internet access and telephony services with a broadband package and a computer device at a subsidised rate.


Sustainable Community Partnerships SINDA actively seeks and welcomes partnerships and collaborations to ensure that our programmes and services reach as many children and families who require assistance.

Community Funding SINDA works with Indian community organisations to implement programmes and services that are of benefit to students, families and individuals in need. SINDA also provides funding to Indian community organisations whose activities are aligned with SINDA’s vision and mission.


VOLUNTEER WITH US! SINDA provides unique and satisfying volunteering opportunities for all who can spare the time and energy. Volunteers are crucial to many SINDA programmes and allow for individuals to make a personal impact in the lives of those around us. Volunteers may specify the area they wish to contribute towards and are required to undergo adequate training.

Long-Term Volunteering • P roject Read: Home-based reading programme that aims to give children aged 4 to 8 a head start in schools by equipping them with basic reading skills and instilling in them a reading habit from an early age.

• H ome-based Tuition Programme: Improves the academic performance of physicallychallenged Indian students who may be underperforming at school by providing one-on-one tuition in core subjects.

• L iteracy & Numeracy Programme: Cultivates the habit of reading from a young age in children aged 4 to 6 years old through reading sessions and numeracy skills. The programme is conducted by trained facilitators at various locations islandwide.

• G uidance and Mentorship Programme (GAME): Youth mentoring programme that supports the positive development of Indian youth in secondary schools who may have low selfesteem, behavioural concerns or may be at risk of becoming disengaged from school.

Short-Term Volunteering Episodic or one-off volunteering boosts support at our events or aids other ad-hoc requirements that may arise. The volunteers’ commitment may range from a few hours to several days for projects, activities or administrative duties.

SINGAPORE INDIAN DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION 1 Beatty Road, Singapore 209943 Tel: 1800 295 4554 Fax: 6392 4300 mysinda SINDAchannel mysinda

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