How to turn your life around in 10 days day 3

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How to turn your life around in 10 days By Felesha Love A common mistake when setting goals is becoming overly ambitious and overwhelmed. It’s the MO of your friendly neighborhood salesperson, parents, educators, business executives, community leaders and the like. I am no different. The target is clear. It is the path that is

tricky. A friend shared a quote with me today from her faith leader Bishop Dale Bonner which states. “Stress in life comes from making things more important than they

are. Failure comes from making things less important than they are.”

Great antidote, wouldn’t you agree? But what does this really tell me? Don’t sweat the small stuff – just the big stuff? The stress that comes from seeing a goal through fruition is needed to motivate and inspire, even, humor us to victory. As I reflect on my first post, I realize that the threat of defeat motivated me to action. As a yogi, I also realize that this energy is imperative to success yet there must be a healing and re-energizing along the way. I contend that while I am seriously charging toward my desired goal, that I must take care not to allow myself to run out of “full steam.” Motivation plus good stress

equals full steam. Motivation plus negative stress equals a meltdown. I have 10 days to turn my life around and absolutely no time to run out of stream. Speaking of steam, I

imagine that this “turn around” is not the end result. I imagine turning my life around to be similar to the strategic execution of turning a huge ship about. The plan and execution must be precise, consistent, and deliberate.

This is Day 3 and I have full steam! If you recall, my next action step on Day 2 was to develop the marketing plan. During this process, I realized that part of my problem is Branding. How can people see value if I have not defined it? Needless to say, I’m still working on the marketing strategy to define three simple but powerful points. 1. Who

am I? What are my strengths and competencies 2. Why me? What makes me stand out? 3. What do I have of value? Why would people choose me to deliver a service? All of this oddly brings me back to the initial question I asked on Day 1. What do I want?

What do I want to highlight as my strengths? What do I want to be identified as? What do I want to offer that is of value? Wow. I’ll need another day to complete this action

step because it truly is the foundation. Without a clearly defined brand, I am back to square one. Tomorrow, I will share my answers. This is a deal breaker! Like the song by, Jennifer Lopez and Mick Jagger,�T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever)" You can go hard or you can go home!

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