Transforming Trajectories of Vulnerability

Page 85




his text presents a brief summary of various reflections generated at the Transforming vulnerability trajectories workshop and the possibilities of articulation with the Brazilian Social Work and its daily needs. First, some indispensable concepts for the debates on education are addressed, followed by the articulation established between the Social Work profession and issues arising from the education field. It should be recalled that this event was proposed by the a network of researchers of Brazil and the United Kingdom, concerned with the social, economic and political context of deepening social and educational inequalities and its consequences, especially for children and young people. The reflections accumulated by this group of researchers are driven in a critical perspective, seeking not only to know and analyse the education experiences in the two countries, but, above all, to deepen the conceptions and methodologies aimed at mitigating or eliminating some of the risks affecting this population, primarily in the Brazilian context. The proposal is to train generations of master and doctoral holders who do not disconnect their theoretical productions from practical actions. The workshop was programmed to discuss varied situations that expose

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