Concept Studio Brief 1 1/3 From the outset of this brief the main goal is the communication of information about signage and light. The target audience for this information is a younger demographic, specifically those creating their own displays, whether that be for business reasons of personal reasons. Through the use of diagramatic illustrations (such as those shown depicting light and electrical power), the book aims to clearly convey the exact physical properties of light in signage. Alongside these diagrams, photography of signage is shown in both day and night conditions, so as to give the best possible understanding of the practical application of lit signage. Use of bright colour alongside imagery creates a more engaging read.
Development Studio Brief 1 2/3 Having considered the audience and goal of the booklet, it was essential to consider exactly how to communicate the information. While originally colour photography was included in the work, it became obvious that representation of imagery in greyscale allowed for the light values to be better appreciated. Duotones were experimented with but ultimately discarded. The testing of margin values was a further key part of the development of the work. Final values were top: 15mm, bottom: 25mm, inside: 14mm, outside: 17mm. Multiple hues were tested, ensuring the highlight colour would function well with the greyscale imagery and diagrams. The final colour chosen was Pantone Solid 485u.
Tested Colours
Used Colours
Outcome Studio Brief 1 3/3 The final printed book is saddle stitch bound using white thread. The overall quality of the finish and print of the book is high, and considerations for bleed and creep allowed for a concise placement of pages. The use of the Pantone 485u colour across the booklet ensures a consistent design. Despite the consistency, the printed book does not use the exact hue originally desired in the design process. This is due to the document allocation of LAB values as opposed to CMYK. Despite this, the colour is consistent and allows diagrams to be understaood clearly and efficiently. Type is legibke and allows information to be accessed as fast as posible.