MetaCreative Magazine - Special Edition Spring 2010

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MetaCreative Magazine Special Edition - Spring 2010 MetaCreative Magazine is created and published by: Mystikka Jade. All content is copyright of the contributor. No art or other content can be separated from the magazine, copied or distributed without request of the artist or author. MetaCreative Magazine issues as a whole can be freely shared in a non-commercial way only. For all inquiries, contact

In This Issue: : ART : Peace ~ Love ~ Dove ~ Hippie Art - By: Tracy Dove ...........................................................................5-7 Light Sculptures - By: Dorothy Tanner ............................................................................................10-11 Whimsical Fantasy Art - By: Christina Lynn Myers .........................................................................14-16 Visionary Art - By: Brian Zickafoose ................................................................................................24-26 Dark Fantasy Art - By: Enaer ............................................................................................................29-31 Fractals: The Art & Math of Chaos By: Michael Coleman ..............................................................34-36

: ARTICLES : Review of Dr. Finley Eversole’s ART AND SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION: THE SEVEN STAGES OF DEATH AND REBIRTH - By: G.L. Giles ..................................................27-28 For The Love of Gaia - By: Patricia Cori ..........................................................................................32-33 Surfing on the Sea of Contrast: An Answer To The Secret - By: Jeanine Marie Austin, Ph.D ...37-38 Interview with MetaCreative Magazine's Founder - Mystikka Jade - By: Andrea Elder ...............39-43

: BOOK EXCERPTS : Mind & Motivation - The Spirit of Success - By: Lisa Tenzin-Dolma ........................8,9,12,13,17,18,19 Chants of a Lifetime: Searching for a Heart of Gold - By: Krishna Das ........................................20-23

: METACREATIVE MAGAZINE : Publisher's Notes ......................................................................................................................................3 On The Cover ............................................................................................................................................4 2

MetaCreative Magazine On The Cover

On the cover of this issue (Special Edition - Spring 2010) is a digital artwork composed by Mystikka Jade, which features a variety of stock images from the following contributors: Butterflies, flowers, birds, tortoise, chipmunk and cherry blossom tree all by ShooflyStock: Rock Stock - PirateLotus-Stock: Mountains stock - Chance Agrella: Rainbow stock - ~miss-deathwish-stock 4

Peace ~ Love ~ Dove ~ Hippie Art By: Tracy Dove


Peace ~ Love ~ Dove ~ Hippie Art By: Tracy Dove (cont'd)


Peace ~ Love ~ Dove ~ Hippie Art By: Tracy Dove (cont'd)


Tracy Dove online! 7

MIND & MOTIVATION The Spirit of Success By: Lisa Tenzin-Dolma CHAPTER 1 A SENSE OF PURPOSE If you were to create a collage which contains images of everything that symbolizes pleasure and fulfillment to you, you would see a kaleidoscope of shape, texture and color. Within this, several pictures would stand out and give added luminosity to the others. Identifying these images gives you a clue to what enhances a sense of purpose to your life. They are the keys to a door which opens into a new dimension; the exploration of your deep self.

We all need a purpose, a reason for being. Without it our lives would feel empty, aimless, lacking in focus and color. An absence of purpose can thrust us into a twilight world that seems devoid of meaning. In Chapter 6, Colin Wilson, who has been acclaimed as the exponent of New Existentialism, speaks of what he terms ‘the spring morning feeling’, the sudden, inexplicable moments of pure joy, when all feels right with the world. These moments are illuminated and remembered because suddenly, out of nowhere, everything in the fabric of our lives is imbued with meaning, and so becomes an image of the perfection of the moment. The experience of this is that of ‘belonging,’ of connection with something deeply radiant within ourselves. It need not be a rare occurrence, as we shall discover in the following chapters. THE SEARCH FOR MEANING Everything that exists has purpose; and in expressing itself contributes to the complex pattern of life on an unimaginable scale. The biggest questions we can ask are ‘Who am I? Why am I here?’ and often those questions are asked at an early age. The over-riding reason for these questions is the search for meaning; for the purpose behind the myriad forms that appear to become increasingly more subtle and mysterious as they are investigated. The quest for a unified field theory, a ‘theory of everything’ being undertaken in quantum physics, fires the public imagination to a scale never before achieved by the sciences. This is because, for the first time, scientists are offering what could ultimately be seen as proof of the purposefulness of the universe. A mathematical equation could be the code to a new language: the language of the Infinite, which expresses with structured simplicity and elegance how and why the forces of creation emerged. But mystics as well as scientists are becoming increasingly excited and inspired by the possibilities inherent in this scientific search, because it hints at an underlying intelligence at a fundamental level, which encompasses the entire tapestry of life. Each thread weaves into every other thread; the warp and weft of everything in existence is inextricably connected, synchronising with the delicate and complex balance of the whole. With our limited vision, we are incapable of seeing the picture in its entirety, but the conclusion appears to be that life exists in order to experience as well as perpetuate itself. 8

Mind & Motivation - The Spirit of Success By: Lisa Tenzin-Dolma (cont'd) Each cell in our body has the purpose of perpetuating life in order to contribute to the optimum functioning, health and wholeness of the living system that is our body. Similarly, we can see ourselves as cells on planet Earth, and each of the countless planetary and stellar bodies as being individual cells in the universe. THE CLUSTERING EFFECT All too often we feel alone, trying to fulfill our purpose without a clear awareness of what it is, and without a consciousness of being connected to the whole. But a paradigm shift in consciousness is occurring, which is drawing us to connect with like-minded others. This forms clusters of energy. The clustering effect is extremely powerful. Clusters of stars create galaxies. The clustering of cells, each with its own function, creates a body. In the evolution of life on our planet, the major changes occurred when the reproduction of cells shifted from simple cell division, where a single cell reproduced itself, to the coming together of two separate cells which then exchanged genetic information, increasing the information contained in subsequent generations. Similarly, the coming together of individuals creates groups, in which more information and knowledge can be exchanged, creating an acceleration of the evolutionary process within the human race. The availability of instant world-wide communication means that information, insights and knowledge can now be shared with anyone, anywhere. What were previously small, localised communities, each with their own worldview and knowledge, is now expanding, bringing about the awareness that we are all part of a global community. Our individual sense of purpose is able to more easily merge with, and be amplified by, the purpose of others. This then enhances the purpose of our planet, our solar system, our universe. CONNECTIONS The key to accessing this sense of purpose comes through experiencing a deeper sense of connection with the self. This leads to increased understanding of who you are, what inspires you, and which direction feels most appropriate for your growth as a person. It also leads to a more profound sense of connection with the world around us. And like a pebble cast into a pond, the ripples from our presence in the world spread outwards far further than we realise. Every action leads to a reaction in some form, whether this is chemical and physical, or emotional, or mental. PAYING ATTENTION TO SUBTLE MESSAGES Intelligence is considered to be the ability to make sense of connections; to have the mental facility to recognize these, and so generate a deeper understanding of their meaning. Emotional intelligence is the key to the feelings and the imagination, to the understanding of the messages that are received symbolically and intuitively. Our emotional intelligence allows us to ‘sense’ solutions, to follow insights, and to relate to others. This is very apparent in many indigenous cultures where everything is viewed as symbolic, as having a personal message for the observer. This imbues each event and interaction with a deep significance that can be learned from and absorbed. Noticing how we are affected by those around us, by the time of day and the weather, helps us to attune to our instincts and subtle emotions. Observing the creatures in the world around us becomes a reminder of qualities which can be drawn on within ourselves. An ant can teach us about the ability to work within a team for the common good. An eagle soaring high above reminds us of the need to take a higher perspective; to see the overview, the complete picture, instead of being caught up in minor details. A dragonfly hovering nearby is a message that reminds us to see through illusions which hold us back from discovering truths about ourselves, and to perceive reality in a fresh way. The dog which gives us trust (Continued on page 12 )


Light Sculptures By: Dorothy Tanner Dorothy Tanner was born in The Bronx, NY. She studied woodcarving with Chaim Gross and sculpture with Milton Hebald and Aaron B. Goodleman. She also attended Brooklyn Museum Art School where she met native New Yorker Mel Tanner. They married two years later. The Tanners founded an artists coop, Granite Gallery, on East 57th Street in New York. The Granite Art Association organized seminars, forums, and exhibitions. "The New Face in Art" Forum took place at the Loeb Center at New York University. Participants were Louise Nevelson, Red Grooms, and Norman Carton.

Alien Princess After traveling extensively in Europe, they established a studio in Miami. Their interest in acrylic and its unique light transmitting quality engaged both Dorothy and Mel in experimentation that led to the major element of the Lumonics art form...light. The Lumonics Light and Sound Theatre opened to the public in Miami in 1969 with much critical acclaim. It was a new art form that combined painting, sculpture, fountains, live projection, electronics, and music. This project became and has remained their main focus and dedication. Lumonics installations also were well-received in San Diego, CA, Bangor, ME, and Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Collage 10

Light Sculptures by: Dorothy Tanner




Since the passing of Mel Tanner, Dorothy collaborates with Marc Billard on music and video art. Tanner Studio/Lumonics relocated to the Denver area in Oct. 2008. Please visit: For more information.


Mind & Motivation - The Spirit of Success By: Lisa Tenzin-Dolma (cont'd) and unconditional love can help us to absorb those qualities and explore them in our relationships with others. Everything has a unique and specific purpose within its own group, but is also a symbolic reminder that our lives are interwoven with everything else. Wherever we choose to look, messages can be found that guide us, or open us to realizations about ourselves and life as a whole. Increasing our awareness of the events that take place around us, and our reactions to those, shows us how we shape the direction of our lives in subtle ways. THE EXPERIENCE OF PURPOSE Experiencing a sense of purpose indicates being aware of forward movement, of momentum, of a feeling of ‘rightness.’ This also helps us to see that our lives have meaning, have direction. By expressing more of the magnificence of our potential we can also reach out and touch others. Purposefulness is the energy that creates a goal, gives direction, adds impetus, generates energy, and enables us to surmount obstacles that are stepping-stones to our growth. A sense of purpose acts as a motivating factor for accomplishment, and it imbues our lives with inner meaning. Some people are born with a distinct sense of purpose. Their lives from early on are guided by a feeling of destiny; a deep inner knowing that they have a dream which they must strive to bring to realization. All of their focus is trained like a laser on that which will enable them to draw the vision into reality. If asked, they will often tell you that they always felt different in some way; singled-out, almost alien in their sense of otherness because their experience of being driven to single-mindedly reach their goal sets them apart from the crowd. Yet for many of us, the leading question is often ‘What should I be doing with my life?’ and the answers are not always clear. The act of holding an attitude of openness to finding out can enable us to look at the interwoven threads in our lives, and discover that a pattern emerges which shows us the way forward. Life is a journey of discovery. Sometimes it can feel as if there are no clear maps or guidelines, but on inspection pathways reveal themselves which beckon us on. Sages throughout the ages have told us that the purpose of the journey is not so much the goal as the journey itself and what we learn along the way. The people we meet, the experiences we gather, the knowledge we accumulate about ourselves and the world are invaluable, and unique to us. Though we are connected to others, and touched by them, each of us experiences life subjectively. Our perceptions are colored, shaped and molded by the rich diversity of experiences and our reactions to those experiences. We each view life through the lens of perception that we are looking through at this particular moment. What to one person may seem trivial and insignificant, to another will bear great importance and have life-changing consequences. In essence, we are all created from the same cosmic constituents, but we all express who and what we are through our own personal perspective. Like snowflakes, no two of us are exactly alike; and our purpose in life may correspond with, or be linked to the purpose of others, but it is still unique to us. ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE Consider Shakespeare’s famous words, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” Now take this idea a little further. Imagine your life as a film. You are the leading character. You stand in the center of the set; you speak your lines and act out your part. The scenery changes for the different acts of the production. Other actors come and go. Some are noticeably significant, others play minor roles. There are moments of drama, of love, romance, disappointment, tragedy, comedy, horror, reconciliation, denial, achievement, triumph. The film tells a story, and each scene holds a thread to the story’s unfolding, and can offer subtle clues as to what is to come. How would you categorize the general atmosphere of the film you are starring in? Is it a drama, a comedy, a romance, an adventure? Does your part in it fulfill you, or do you want to change your role, rewrite the script, bring in new characters or scenery? 12

Mind & Motivation - The Spirit of Success By: Lisa Tenzin-Dolma (cont'd) If we view our lives as our own personal production, we become more empowered. Some of the film, or the characters in it, may seem superfluous or detrimental. But each of those characters are the leading actors in their own productions of life; writing their own scripts, choosing us to enter their film as well. On a larger scale, each of us inhabits a reality that exists in order for us to fulfill the purpose in life which is uniquely ours, and which we ourselves, at a subconscious level, are creating. That reality links in with the realities of those people whom we are influenced by. It is rather like a Venn diagram (two interlocking circles surrounded by a larger circle), with only the central connecting point being common to both us and to them. Encircling the periphery of the Venn diagram is also the connection to something greater than our own individual minds; a force of intelligence which you could give any name to, but which could also be seen as your Higher Self, the over-riding intelligence which guides our life’s purpose. This is what we are accessing when events seem to fall into place to move us forward in a particular direction. The unseen reality that lies behind our personalities is like the blank screen that the film is projected onto. The mind is like the light that flashes through the images and projects them onto the screen. And the still pictures which appear to move because of the flickering light are our life-experiences. HIDDEN PATTERNS However, we usually shape our reality at a subconscious level. The subconscious mind is the layer of the psyche that is hidden from normal view, and comes to the surface in the symbolic language of dreams, or can be accessed during deep hypnosis and meditation on symbolic systems such as mandalas. The subconscious mind is the storehouse of conditioned coded patterns that have been laid down from infancy onwards. Everything you heard and saw in your early years, every experience you had from childhood onwards, effectively hard-wired programs into your subconscious mind because, in infancy, your mind was like a sponge, absorbing everything. There were no filters; everything was taken at face value. As we grow older it is possible to see how our re-actions are often pre-programmed responses – like those of Pavlov’s famous dogs, who salivated when a bell rang because they had initially heard that sound when they were given food. We become conditioned in many ways, reacting with specific responses depending upon what we have been taught by other people or by life-experiences. Unless you make a conscious choice to access the subconscious mind through techniques such as hypnotherapy or NLP, creative processes such as the arts, meditation, or other methods of investigating the origins of certain patterns, you are at the mercy of pre-conditioned responses. This limits your ability to choose the direction your life takes. Yet there are messages which can help us to perceive unhelpful patterns, and liberate ourselves from them in order to discover our sense of purpose. What we can see of the influence of the subconscious can be understood through a game. As a child, you may have made shadow-figures or puppets by placing your hands between a light, and the wall or screen that it was illuminating. By putting your fingers into shapes, you could create rabbits, or dancing figures. In this game, observers could see the shadows created by our hands, but not our hands themselves. Similarly, we see the effects of the play of the subconscious mind, even though we cannot see the direct cause of those effects. By looking at our patterns of behavior and responses, we can see where in our lives and attitudes we are behaving in a programmed, instead of spontaneous, manner. Once this is recognized, we can choose to discover what created those patterns. This could be something as simple as a chance comment that was made to you long ago, and which became stuck in your perception of yourself. To return to the image of each of us as the central character in our own personal film; every person we connect strongly with throughout our lives reflects back to us the programming that we have taken on board, both negative and positive. We are each others’ teachers. Yet, in adulthood, there is always a choice as to who shares a space in our lives. Sometimes it can be helpful to look at whether certain (Continued on page 17 )


Whimsical Fantasy Art

By: Christina Lynn Myers

Utopia Christina Lynn Myers is an self-representing artist based out of Atlanta, Georgia. She creates art of whimsy and fantasy featuring fairies, angels, mermaids, curious girls and fantastical creatures. Her characters are bright and cheery, cute and mischievous. She works in a variety of media, including watercolor, acrylic paint and mixed media. Christina attended and studied painting, drawing and illustration at the Savannah College of Art and Design and the School of Visual Arts. She also holds a BS in Business Administration from Shorter College. 14

Whimsical Fantasy Art

By: Christina Lynn Myers – cont'd

Angel Of Destiny


Whimsical Fantasy Art

By: Christina Lynn Myers – cont'd

Utopia Her art has been featured in numerous online publications and has sold her artworks to collectors worldwide. Christina spends the majority of her time working on her art and running her business.

Glisten You can find more information on Christina’s art using the following links: or


Mind & Motivation - The Spirit of Success By: Lisa Tenzin-Dolma (cont'd) friendships or associations have a positive or negative effect on our emotions and our lives. If you constantly or consistently feel dragged down by an association, this is a sign that a liberating ‘springclean’ may be necessary. Sometimes you can strive to realize a vision of your purpose, only to find that it manifests in a very different way to your expectations of it. There is also a major difference between having hopes for a particular outcome, which means that you are focused on the outcome as being beneficial to you; and expectations, which indicates that you have a rigid idea of what the outcome will be, and are investing a great deal of emotional energy in it. Expectations indicate that you are attached to a specific view of what the outcome will be, and this can block you from being open to unforeseen possibilities or opportunities. Expectations come from a sense of wanting to grasp something. If they lead to success there is often no feeling of delight or achievement afterward, and another goal then often appears to be more luminous. This is why we feel hurt and disappointed because matters haven’t worked out as we expected them to. We block the flow, we sabotage ourselves by being rigid, and not allowing ourselves to be open to new possibilities which might be more constructive for us. The key to understanding what you hope for versus the reality of what is manifesting in your life lies in the ability to detach yourself from your emotions around it, and look at what the experiences undergone in striving for that purpose has taught you. This can be very revealing, and ultimately it shows you how you have created that reality, even unintentionally. SYNCHRONICITY If you look back through your life, you will find that there were times when there was an increase in coincidences or synchronicity; when it seemed that events fell into place around you; when the right people appeared at the right time, or opportunities suddenly appeared, or flashes of insight showed you a clear way forward. Think about what you were doing at those times, and what you were aiming for. Then look at what those events or happenings led you into. Synchronicities are messages from the aspect of ourselves which Jung called the Superconscious - the intelligence that is greater than your ‘small’ self. They show us that we are moving in the right direction, that the path you are following is leading to something that is relevant and profound for you. If you become more aware of synchronicities, take notice of them and act on the messages they are giving you, you will find that you can subsequently act with the increased energy that is created through going with the flow. In his book The Global Brain Awakens, Peter Russell points out that coincidences and synchronicities involving other people appear to be beneficial to both people involved in the interaction; that somehow, the needs of both are fulfilled. In the collage of your life, which images shine out more brightly than the others? What helps you to feel more fulfilled? What gives you the greatest pleasure? If you carry those feelings forward into the present time, you gain energy as well as new ideas about how you can work with your sense of purpose and explore all of the many aspects of your potential more fully. What are you especially good at? What inspires you? What were you focusing on when you received a surprise opportunity, or a relevant phone call, or the person you most needed to meet at a particular time was introduced to you? Which positive qualities do people notice in you, and comment on the most? What gives you a sense of rightness, your own ‘spring morning’ feeling of all being well in your world? All of these are pointers to your inner purpose, which is trying to express itself whether or not you take notice of it. GOALS Having a purpose implies having a goal to move towards. If you look back through your life, you will see that you had different goals at different times. Your goal as a child was to figure out how the world works, and what your place is in it, and that process is ongoing. On leaving school your goal was to either start work, take time out, or to go on to further study. Your goal in a relationship is to get to know your partner and yourself more deeply; to realise points of connection between you, and for both of you to learn about love and grow as people as a result. Underlying these are other goals, some of which you will have achieved, others which you may still be working towards, and yet others which fell by the wayside in order for you to pursue other paths. 17

Mind & Motivation - The Spirit of Success By: Lisa Tenzin-Dolma (cont'd) LIVING THE DREAM What do you dream of? What calls to you in the quiet moments when you are in a state of relaxed receptivity? If you could do anything at all, what would it be? Keep a note of your thoughts about this, because as you write them, you consolidate them in your own mind. With this may come doubts and questions. You might feel “I can’t do this - I’m not talented enough, or patient enough, or strong enough to reach for my dream and draw it into my life.” At this point, it is very helpful to write it all down, very quickly so that you don’t start to intellectualize it. In your journal, draw a line down the center of the page from top to bottom. On the left side, write down what you most want to do, or to achieve, or to be in your life. On the right-hand piece of paper, write down all of the qualities and resources you have which could aid your progress. Take another page, and draw a line down the center On the left side of the paper, write down any obstacles that you think could block you. On the right side, write down any solutions you can see to those obstacles. You may be surprised at how clear the way forward towards your goal actually is. We often create doubts or obstacles that are actually excuses to not act, and these will be looked at in depth in Chapter 3. EXPRESSING YOUR PURPOSE When you are stepping out towards fulfilling your purpose, other people who are also moving forward tend to appear in your life. The saying ‘like attracts like’ is very apt. As your energy grows stronger, a magnetic field is created around you that, like a magnet and iron filings, draws others with a similar energy. The clustering effect becomes noticeable. Being around kindred spirits will help bounce the energy in all of you even higher, and will point the way to fresh possibilities that can be beneficial for all of you. Behind our personal sense of purpose resides a higher purpose which is not touched by our emotional, mental or material states. This higher purpose is the true reason for your goals and your motivation. It is created by the desire of your essential self, or your higher self, to express your inner beauty, harmony and unity as fully as possible, and to fully realise your connectedness with the life-force. So, what is this mysterious and numinous higher self? It is our essence, within which is contained the potential and the propensity for the most profound expression and manifestation of who and what we truly are. Energy is never destroyed. It only changes from one form to another. Even the energy of a great star which has imploded upon itself to create a black hole, one of the most intriguing cosmological studies, still exists as some form of energy. We contain within the fabric of every cell in our bodies some heavy elements which are beyond iron, and which could only have been created by a supernova which exploded billions of years before the birth of our sun. The question of what intelligence created the universe is essentially the same as the question of what created us, and all other life. The fundamental truth common to both science and mysticism is that there is a pattern and a purpose within creation, and within all of its diverse forms. If an intelligence (whether we choose to perceive that as a deity or a scientific principle) underpins the existence of atoms, quarks and stars, we would be very arrogant to believe that it is not also the driving force behind our own lives. A HIGHER VIEW The Superconscious is an intelligence which transcends human or everyday consciousness. It is the grand overview, the unification of all aspects of ourselves, and is accessed through deep meditation, flashes of intuition and inspiration; moments of absolute knowing which are indescribably powerful because they are inexplicable and irrevocable. The momentary experiences of the Superconscious enable a state of indisputable recognition of unity to be experienced and recognized by the conscious mind. What underlies this energy is pure consciousness. It is like the ocean that contains each drop of water. These flashes of insight contain within them a taste and fragrance of an intelligence that is greater than our small, egocentric selves. It becomes increasingly accessible when we are prepared to discard our limiting self-perceptions and realize that the song of life contains countless chords, and each of us 18

Mind & Motivation - The Spirit of Success By: Lisa Tenzin-Dolma (cont'd) adds our own note to the harmony. The path through life is the journey to the recognition of our interconnectedness with all that exists. The steps we take on that path are created through the choreography of our higher purpose, and are designed to lead us to a clearer, more profound relationship with our potential and our true nature. This is accessed through the lessons we learn along the way, and what we do with those; how we express them, the choices we make; the growth processes that we rise through in order to truly experience who we are and why we are here. Reminder: You are expressing elements of yourself in every moment of your life. Question to consider: In this moment, what gives you the strongest feeling of fulfillment?

Collage exercise: You will need: Some magazines, scissors, glue, an A4 piece of card or paper, (optional) decorative glitter, ribbon... *Ensure that you will not be disturbed. *Leaf through the magazines, and cut out any pictures or words that have significance for you. *Without using the glue, arrange your chosen images and words on the A4 paper. Shuffle them around until they feel ‘right.’ *Glue them down, and add decorations or embellishments if you wish. *Once you have finished, sit back and look at your collage. Observe whether there are spaces that look ‘full’ or have gaps. What do you feel about the images you have chosen?

Interpreting your collage: *Divide your collage into halves. *The upper half shows what you are conscious of, and your hopes and plans for the future. *The central line reveals where your focus lies at this moment. *The lower half reveals messages from your subconscious mind. This can provide clues to inner, hidden motivations, and can also reveal influences from the past that you may not have considered.

Lisa Tenzin-Dolma is the author of thirteen books and a screenplay, and is special consultant on several films. In 2009 she was awarded Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities by Moffett University for her lifetime achievements.

*This article has been edited from it's original format to adhere to space restrictions



Chants of a Lifetime: Searching for a Heart of Gold By: Krishna


The following excerpt is taken from the book Chants of a Lifetime: Searching for a Heart of Gold by Krishna Das. It is published by Hay House (February 2010) and is available at all bookstores or online at:

Introduction When I met my guru, Neem Karoli Baba (also known as Maharaj-ji), I met a love that had no end, no beginning. It was completely new, yet it was as if I’d suddenly found myself awake again after a long sleep. There was nothing I had to do to get this love. It was always shining, whether I was turned toward it or not. When my own negative stuff closed me down and made it impossible for me to feel that love, some word, look, or gesture of his would turn all the lights back on at once . . . and I was home again. This happened over and over, day after day, during the time I spent with him. After spending two-and-a-half years in India with him, Maharaj-ji sent me back to the States. Then something unexpected happened. He died. I couldn’t believe it! This was not the way it was supposed to be. I went into shock. Being with him physically was the only thing that had ever “worked” for me—the only thing that had ever lifted my heart out of its sadness. I was alone. I would never be with him again. I crashed horribly, absolutely convinced that I had lost my only chance to be happy. I died inside and lived with the belief that I would never find that love again. The shadows in my heart that had been hidden in the bright noonday sun of his love emerged to push me around and run me ragged, making me more and more depressed and leading me into many dark places, inside and out. For 20 years I was unable to sing to him with real devotion. When I chanted, usually with a group of the Western devotees I knew from India, it was like rubbing salt in a wound. I missed Maharaj-ji and being with him, but the tears I cried were ones of self-pity and frustration, not love. It was as if I’d been riding on a train, and one day that train stopped at a station. Looking out the window, I saw Maharaj-ji sitting there, and I ran off the train to be with him, leaving everything behind. When he left his body, I found myself back on that same train. All of my sadness, longing, and confusion; all of my conflicting desires, my self-hatred, the shadows in my heart—everything I’d left on the train when I met him—were still there. The one difference was his presence; even so, my connection with that presence was buried underneath all of my stuff and I struggled to feel it. It was as if my train had entered a long, dark tunnel of self-destructive behavior and despair. All of this I would have to face in order to reconnect with him. Maharaj-ji had sent me back to America in the spring of 1973 because, as he said, “You have attachment there.” I knew it was true. I had reached a point where I couldn’t absorb any more, and I had many unresolved desires that were pulling me in different directions. Many years passed. Then one day in 1994, I was deeply struck by the realization that the only way I could clean out the dark places in my heart was to chant with people—people who did not know me from the old India days. I wanted to be in that presence, in that love, again, and I could see that what was keeping me out of that presence were those closed-up places in my own heart. It was a very powerful moment, and as much as I wanted to deny it, I couldn’t. I was drowning, and it was the only rope being thrown to me. I was sure I wouldn’t get another one. I knew beyond any doubt that if I didn’t chant, I’d never find that place of love again. That place was inside of me somewhere. And I couldn’t use Maharajji’s physical presence to open it up anymore—his body wasn’t there. 21

Chants of a Lifetime: Searching for a Heart of Gold by Krishna Das – (cont'd) I had to find it in myself, and the only way open to me was through chanting. I had to force myself to do something about it. I called the Jivamukti Yoga Center in downtown New York City and introduced myself as a devotee of Neem Karoli Baba. I said that I used to chant to him in India and asked if it would be okay if I came down and led some chanting at the center. Every Monday they had a small gathering, or satsang, of 10 to 15 of their students, when they read from holy books and discussed spiritual topics. The next Monday I arrived at the center and met David Life and Sharon Gannon, the co-founders of Jivamukti. They let me sing for about a half hour at the beginning of the evening. After the satsang, they said that I could come whenever I wanted. So whenever I was in New York on a Monday night, I went there to chant. A few months later, I arrived to find that Sharon and David had gone to India. I sang for about two hours and continued doing so until they returned. When I came to Jivamukti after they had gotten back, their pillows were set up in front of the room next to mine. We talked for a while and then I started to sing . . . and I kept on singing! When I realized that I’d been singing for longer than I used to when they were there, I opened my eyes and glanced over to see if it was okay. They looked at each other, smiled, and shrugged as if to say, “Go for it!” I haven’t stopped yet. Heading Toward the Heart of Gold My life has been spent searching. Even before I knew what I was looking for, everything that has happened to me has led me into the presence of love, whether it was the physical presence of my guru or the presence of love deep within my own heart. No matter what my life may look like from the outside, on the inside it is a constant process of turning toward that place, of trying to come face-to-face with love. The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along. — Rumi It is said that the heart is like a mirror that reflects our deepest being. If the mirror is covered with dust, the reflection is not clear. The mirror of the heart is covered with the dust of our “stuff”: selfish desires, anger, greed, shame, fear, and attachment. As we let go of these, our inner beauty begins to radiate and shine. The more I chant and share my path with seekers from so many different countries and cultures, the more I am being transformed myself. The purpose of this book is to illuminate the part of my path that surrounds and gives life to the chanting. I hope that by sharing the way I see my life, some of my experiences and some of the things I’ve learned while waiting for the door of my heart to swing open may be of help to those of you who are trying to open that same door. Chanting alone is not my path. It is my main practice, but my life—and everything in it—is my path. I had the opportunity to spend several years in the presence of my guru, and I’ve been able to meet many saints, yogis, lamas, and instructors from different spiritual traditions. Without the blessing of these wonderful teachers and my experiences with them, I wouldn’t have been able to pass through the darkness and despair that have often filled my life, and finally begun to learn how to be good to myself. 22

Chants of a Lifetime: Searching for a Heart of Gold by Krishna Das – (cont'd) When we do kirtan, the practice of what in India is called “chanting the Divine Name” over the course of a few hours, we are letting go of our “stories” and offering ourselves into the moment over and over again. Chanting is a way of deepening the moment, of deepening our connection with ourselves, the world around us, and other beings. The Sanskrit chants that we sing—recognized for millennia as the Names of God—come from a place deep within each of us, so they have the power to draw us back within. If we go deep enough, we will all arrive at the same place, our deepest Being. I use quite a few Sanskrit and Hindi words in this book, some of which have made their way into our American vocabulary—such as yoga, karma, and guru—and others for which I’ve given brief explanations. (I’ve also included a glossary of these terms at the back of the book.) And I’ve broken down my story into two parts: Part I, The Journey to India, is about waking up and beginning the search for my deepest Being and finding it outside of myself in my guru; Part II, Bringing It All Back Home, is about finding that love inside myself. It’s not a hard-and-fast division, but more of a general theme throughout these pages—that on the spiritual path we turn from seeking outside ourselves for what we want in life and begin to discover the inner beauty and connection we already possess. When you hear my story, maybe it will resonate in your heart because, even though all of us walk our different paths and live our different lives, we are all headed to the same place: our One Heart of Gold.

ABOUT THE BOOK Chants of a Lifetime offers an intimate collection of stories, teachings, and insights from Krishna Das, who has been called “the chant master of American yoga” by the New York Times. Since 1994, the sound of his voice singing traditional Indian chants with a Western flavor has brought the spiritual experience of chanting to audiences all over the world. He has previously shared some of his spiritual journey through talks and workshops, but now he offers a unique book-and-CD combination that explores his fascinating path and creates an opportunity for just about anyone to experience chanting in a unique and special way. Chants of a Lifetime includes photos from Krishna Das’s years in India and also from his life as a kirtan leader—and the CD that is offered exclusively in the book consists of a number of “private” chanting sessions with the author. Instead of just being performances of chants for listening, the recordings make it seem as if Krishna Das himself is present for a one-on-one chanting session. The idea is for the listener to explore his or her own practice of chanting and develop a deepening connection with the entire chanting experience. ABOUT THE AUTHOR In the winter of 1968, Krishna Das met spiritual seeker Ram Dass and was enthralled by the stories of his recent trip to India, where he met the legendary guru Neem Karoli Baba. Soon thereafter, he left behind his dreams of being a rock ’n’ roll star and was on his way to India to meet this remarkable man. In the three years he spent there with Neem Karoli Baba, Krishna Das’s heart was drawn to the practice of Bhakti Yoga—the yoga of devotion —and especially to the practice of kirtan (chanting the Names of God). Krishna Das returned to the United States and began developing his signature chanting style, fusing traditional kirtan structure with Western harmonic and rhythmic sensibilities. He continues to travel the world leading call-and-response kirtans and sharing this deep, experiential practice with thousands of people.


Visionary Art by: Brian Zickafoose


I Am

Visionary Art By: Brian Zickafoose (cont'd)

Tree of Music


Visionary Art by: Brian Zickafoose (cont'd)

Octopus Den Engaging in creativity has been a lifelong endeavor for me. I remember from an early age loving to draw, color and create things. It wasn’t until I reached adulthood that I began to explore my artistic potential in greater depth. Experiences in life are imperative to adding richness to an artist’s work; great art is as much of an inner exploration as it is outer perception. All of my paintings are spiritual in nature. A concept that eventually becomes a painting or graphic begins with meditation, research, identifying and interpreting energies within and around me. All these things I process and ponder as I sketch out roughs and thumbnails. At some point, the painting begins to breathe, taking life and flowering into its own being. I approach every piece of art to fulfill my need to create first and foremost but one always hopes that a painting may touch someone in a profound way. Art should enhance a person’s life and ultimately awaken people to their divine origin, connecting them with a higher consciousness. Art has been an indispensable vehicle in defining my identity, my purpose in life and expressing the human condition. It has truly been a blessing to have a great support system and family and friends who have encouraged me to keep pursuing my dreams. I continually strive to develop my art to higher levels, while keeping it enjoyable. Brian Zickafoose Chief Creative Officer • ViZiWORX Creative Studio • Street Team Manager • Across the Way Productions • Marketing and Art Director • Blue Ridge Blues & BBQ Festival • 26


By: G.L. Giles

Finley Eversole, Ph.D., takes the reader on an odyssey of sorts as he shows the voyage from the darkened soul to the enlightened soul, via spiritual illumination through the world of art, meditation, philosophy, myth, symbolism, literature and metaphysics. Namely, he explains the seven stages of death and rebirth transformation as: 1) Dismemberment 2) Death-ContainmentWaiting 3) Descent into the Underworld 4) Wandering the Labyrinth and Searching for the Way 5) The Dance of Life 6)

Finding the Way: Return and Reintegration and 7) Ecstasy and Transfiguration. On p. 65, Eversole explains that “in the great mythologies, we find the theme of the dismembered or crucified god---Osiris, Dionysus, and Christ, for example---each of whom represents, through dismemberment, the dispersion of the divine creative force through space and time.” Dismemberment, though extremely painful (if only figuratively), is a necessary step in the regenerative process. As Eversole reveals on p. 67, “Death follows dismemberment. Psychologically speaking, death is synonymous with a return of life to ‘the darkness behind consciousness’ (Jung), symbolized by regression into chaos, being devoured by a monster, returning to the womb, or being swallowed by the cosmic night. Death puts one in touch with something hidden from consciousness.” 27


He goes on to explain that death ends one’s mundane existence and allows one to pass into a more spiritual existence. The other stages are equally important and exciting in their unique ways. In fact, this is the kind of book where each chapter can be read time and time again with new illuminations, and, as such, it will be one that has a permanent home on my bookshelf. The artwork included within is both visually engaging and eye-opening as all of it illustrates the stages as well, found in the works of the abstract expressionists (Mark Rothko, Willem de Kooning and Jackson Pollock) and the modern visionary artists (Alex Grey and Ernst Fuchs), etc. In closing, one of the most relatable aspects of this book is found in what the author shares about himself. Instead of being simply a well-educated author, who could have easily lost and/or bored many readers by offering highbrow academic-speak, Eversole brings this book to life as he shares his own personal transformations, including his need for therapy at one point, his series of dreams and his spontaneous mystical experience. Allowing the reader access to his inner life, in a casually intelligent manner, ensures one’s rapt attention throughout the reading of this work and shows his inherent bravery in doing so. G.L. Giles for MetaCreative Magazine

G.L. Giles is an author, book reviewer, movie reviewer, music reviewer and interviewer. You can read more about her and her books at: and


Dark Fantasy Art By: Enaer

Evola 29

Dark Fantasy Art By: Enaer -

Nominee 30


Dark Fantasy Art By: Enaer

- cont'd

Dark Heart Enaer is an art creator and passionate about creativity. Her imagination is her doorway into the world of art. She began her creative journey by writing her feelings. Eventually, she became interested in photography and design, and finally started her works of digital art. Her goal as an artist is to show a dark and unreal side of things-an exhaust valve to a fantasy world full of gothic brushes and dark atmosphere. Web site: contact:



For The Love of Gaia By: Patricia Cori ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Children of Gaia, we are at the threshold. A world ruled by Kings, warriors and Priests has, in its final hours, clearly proven to be a failed, self-extinguishing model of arrogance and omnipotence – unyielding, cruel and destructive. This Age is ending (let the bells ring!), and as it goes, it takes us to the absolute breaking point of social upheaval and ecological decline. The Age of Reason, with all its peaks and valleys, bows out without reason, broken and tattered – wounded and detached from the beauty of all that which makes of life a magical, wondrous honor. As it slips into the darkness of a time that can’t be gone soon enough, it leaves in its path a trail of destruction: the killing fields of endless war; unrivaled toxic abuse of our magnificent planet; the shattered dreams of a civilization. Everywhere around us, it seems, chaos reigns, as the Earth changes unfold with eerie, clockwork precision, honoring the time lines of the Maya and other indigenous cultures, who were able to foresee the future. The old structures are falling down, all around us, heralding the way of the New World. On the other hand, lest we lose site of the nature of the universe, it lets go to the Age of Awakening, the New Dawn – the return of the Divine Feminine, a time of rebirthing, healing and renewal. The pendulum, which swings the pulse of cyclical time, returns to the yin vibration. The time for celebration is upon us! Gaia, the goddess who so lovingly carries us through the realms of sacred space, has simply had enough. She has been stretched to the absolute limit, raped and abused and she finally rebels – demanding our immediate attention! The time has come to give back to her what has been stripped, soiled and stained upon her boundless body and restore the harmony of a world which we know can be better than this … a world in need of nurturing and compassion: a world we can weave back together, on the light strings of the One Heart. Despite the alarming cataclysms of what appears to be our disintegrating reality, what is actually underway is a form of global feng shui – a dynamic process of clearing the clutter of what has been, to make way for what can be: what soon is to be birthed. When we remind ourselves of how and why this purification process occurs, to clear the way for what our communities of light will create in the near future, we release the fear that shrouds the dying structures of all that is collapsing, right before our eyes. We find the strength and we raise the inner flame to stand, together, as a force that can truly change the world – a force determined to shine the Light through the shadowlands of ignorance, rage and resignation. We are, without question, at the galactic crossroads of our species and our planetary home, as we spin through the immensity of this tempestuous storm of change and renewal – rebirth at the solar and planetary levels. How will we respond to the challenges inherent in the forming of a new world? How will we, daughters of Gaia, move into our key positions as the guardians of the living? 32

For The Love of Gaia

By: Patricia Cori (cont'd)

ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff As women, we have made enormous strides in achieving a greater understanding of our role as Earth Keepers but, unquestionably, there is still a long way to go before we are empowered to bring to the foreground the alternative of dialogue over war, community over separateness, life over death and love over the rage and violence that mark our present days. This time of the yang-dominant leadership, men against men, women and children – against all the living – coincides with the time of the decline of our civilization, true, but it is the impetus for a revolution through which the divine feminine spirit rises to guide the living back to sanity and love. The task before us is enormous. We are called upon to release ourselves from whatever submission we have allowed until now, and to meet the challenge of restoring balance to our planetary and community environments. We are in position, breathing in the wonder of the new paradigm for the human race, where we join together to heal, nurture and restore. We know what we are capable of and what we must do. Let us take the power now: no more fear, no more blame, no more suffering. We have the love, we have the wisdom, we have the experience to weave a new tapestry for all humankind. United, in ego-less service, we can create a better world. Gaia calls out to her daughters for help, to be nurtured at this pivotal time of her extraordinary passage. At this hour of the Fifth Sun, let us find that unity, through which we will rise to the task before us … for the love of Gaia. ©2009 Patricia Cori author of The Sirian Revelations

ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff About the Author: Patricia Cori is a world-renowned author, teacher/lecturer, radio host and spiritual guide to the sacred sites of the Earth. Her books, The Sirian Revelations, have enjoyed worldwide acclaim as wake-up call material for the expanding consciousness of humankind. She hosts the cutting edge web radio talk show, BEYOND THE MATRIX, on - a program dedicated to exploring new avenues of human thought and experience and merging science and spirit. In her newly-released book, Where Pharaohs Dwell, Patricia delves into the secrets of immortality and our stellar origins through her beloved Egyptian landscape, exploring the magic of the ancients. 33

Fractals: The Art & Math of Chaos By: Michael Coleman (MIQEL.COM)



Spiral Frost

Fractal 2

Fractal Veins

Fractals: The Art & Math of Chaos. By: Michael Coleman (cont'd)

Dewdrop Fractals are patterns that repeat themselves at any level of magnification. The geometry of Fractals lies somewhere between dimensions. To be totally accurate fractal is not a 'thing' at all but more like a unit of measure or mathematical characteristic. Many things previously called chaotic (such as the unpredictable movement of clouds, the formation of turbulence in water currents, etc) are now known to follow subtle mathematical laws of behavior, which are often referred to as “Chaos Theory”. Using the ever-increasing computing power available in the 1970s, scientists began running visualizations of the number sequences happening in simple non-linear equations. They discovered these equations produced stunningly elegant, “natural” and interesting images, often resembling mandalas, alien architecture or organic forms. 35

Fractals: The Art & Math of Chaos. By: Michael Coleman (cont'd)

Firey Mandel The geometry of Fractals brings us a new appreciation for the natural world and the patterns we observe in it. Examples of natural Fractals include ferns, trees, branching rivers, erosion patterns, clouds, blood vessels, seashells, crater patterns on the moon & even the galaxy itself. For more information about Fractals visit my gallery of the patterns of visual math. or Google some of these terms “Mandelbrot Set”, “Strange Attractor”, “Fractals in Nature”, “Fractal Technology”, “3D Fractals”, “Nonlinear Dynamics” Visit Michael Coleman online: 36

SURFING ON THE SEA OF CONTRAST: An Answer To The Secret By: Jeanine Marie Austin, Ph.D

Photo Credit: Surf and Sailboat by: Andrea Elder It is difficult when we find ourselves dealing with a situation that we would never want consciously to create. These days, when many believe that we create our total reality, we may feel guilty if our life seems to contain aspects in it which are untoward. Whether we have stubbed our toe or are facing a terminal cancer diagnosis, we may wonder why these unpleasant elements have manifested in our lives. Did we create this? Are we vibrationally unfit? With the popularity of the movie “The Secret”, which is about the Law of Attraction (L.o.A.), we may be tempted to blame ourselves or others when certain things have manifested in one’s life. While the Law of Attraction does have its place in the scheme of our life, it is just one of many life laws. We may unconsciously use blame as a way to distance ourselves from others who are suffering. Some may even think or actually say to sufferers, “Well, you manifested that”. Ester and Jerry Hicks (Abraham) who popularized the Law of Attraction concept would never wish that the Law of Attraction concept be utilized to rationalize callousness or unkindness. While we want to be aware of the power we have in attracting into our lives the elements that we wish for, ultimately attracting what we want and becoming more actualized beings through contrast is also a powerful force. Most of us will relate to the seemingly paradoxical force of creating and becoming through contrast. Some metaphysicians believe that we may have asked before our birth that we be in challenging contrasting roles so that we may have opportunities to work through karma and/or to “get off the karmic wheel” altogether through the force of challenge. This idea is similar to that of a body builder who pushes her muscles against the contrasting force of weight encouraging her muscles to grow bigger and stronger. Most of us know that when we work through difficulties, we have the opportunity to become more compassionate, stronger, smarter and more actualized beings. Most of us would never consciously say, “Let me choose this particular difficult situation to work through.” If we could learn more through joy, wouldn’t that be great? But, let’s face it, most of us learn the most through challenge. When we deal with difficulties, we often become better people than we ever thought we would or could. We also model for others how they might survive, creating a coping model for all those who watch us and come after us. We need not feel guilty about suffering. We will all know suffering. We can choose to become bitter and angry when we suffer (which is also okay as long as we don’t get stuck in it) or we can choose to become soft-hearted, loving, compassionate and smarter. Yes, smarter! My friends and I often call our challenges “reference points.” We can have a good laugh about our challenges and say when something unpleasant happens (albeit tongue in cheek), “Yea! More reference points!” 37

SURFING ON THE SEA OF CONTRAST: An Answer To The Secret - By: Jeanine Marie Austin, Ph.D (cont'd) Many of the most powerful, influential change agents throughout history had difficult or challenging lives. Having the contrast to what they would have wished for or would have liked to have created given the conscious opportunity, seemed to make them the leaders and role models they became. Would Harriet Tubman, a severely beaten slave, been motivated to free others, had she been a spoiled child? Maybe. But, my intuition tells me this is doubtful. However, the means do not justify the end. Child abuse, for example, isn’t justifiable because someone like Oprah, takes that experience and uses it for contrast to become more than she might have. But people who overcome their contrasts do seem to become especially incredible stellar human beings. Again, purposefully visiting pain on others is NEVER justifiable. I’ve recently noticed that most of the people in my personal life that I am closest to have had a child that died. At first I thought this was an interesting coincidence. Now, I realize that I am drawn to these people because they have overcome one of the greatest pains possible, and have become deeper, kinder, more sensitive and often deeply spiritual people. (I love you guys~you know who you are~thank you for being my friends and heroes!). Many people will never overcome the contrasts to joy in their life. This is why we don’t want to invite contrast into our lives or anyone else’s life. However, I would invite anyone who has had contrasts to joy and happiness in their life to consciously catapult themselves into more enlightened and loving human beings. It is as if the circumstances of life are the rubber band pulled backwards as far as possible and you are the stone also pulled backwards for a period of time. However, when the rubber band is released you are catapulted to heights that you would not have been able to go had you not been forced backwards in contrast for that period of time. I would offer to try not to feel guilty about your contrasts because of the tenor of our times. Remember to be gentle with yourself. If a child has a wound, wouldn’t your first response be to take care of it and love it? How might you use your contrasts to make the world a better place? My goal in life is to assuage the suffering of all sentient beings (I’m shooting big!). How might you use your suffering for the positive? Like a surfer riding waves who uses the contrasts in the tides to move forward, how might you put the force of contrasts to use in your life?

Jeanine Marie Austin, Ph.D. is a doctor of life coaching for women around the world. She is passionate about helping women live a joyful and authentic life. Dr. Jeanine Marie uses cutting edge tools sand/or spiritual perspectives such as hypnosis which assist her clients in living actualized lives. Because of her extensive background and skill set, Dr. Jeanine Marie is able to provide truly customized coaching which honors each woman's unique expression in the world. © Jeanine Marie Austin, Ph.D Doctor of Life Coaching Simply Divine Solutions: Customized and Compassionate Coaching for Women Worldwide 38

Interview with MetaCreative Magazine's Founder - Mystikka Jade By: Andrea Elder

Lava Lamps by Mystikka Jade

After reading and listening to the interviews she has conducted with fascinating people such as Jack Herer (The Emperor of Hemp) and the world famous psychic Sylvia Brown, it was my great pleasure to interview Mystikka Jade herself! Mystikka is the creator and publisher of MetaCreative Magazine (which is currently in its 11th issue). If you are reading this, you know what a delight it is to receive an issue of MetaCreative Magazine. The issues are full of articles, art, book excerpts and interviews with a multitude of intriguing people. MetaCreative is definitely a purpose driven magazine. To quote Mystikka, "I see a collective purpose among diverse, progressive and creative communities. We all want to expand our inner vision, and pass our inspiration along to others in an artistic way. I find familiarity in the abstract and esoteric aspects of life. Real spiritual seekers go to the far reaches of mind, heart and soul to find pieces of the puzzle that connect us all, and they end up discovering that our unity is the source from which art is inspired.� Mystikka is also the author of 'The Love Crisis Survival Guide' (which has just been released in paperback on and other distribution channels) and has been an Empathic Psychic since 1993. Her experiences as an empath have resulted in a deep, insightful understanding of human emotions and consequently human actions. I hope to be able to share with you a little more about this wonderfully eccentric, warm, talented and authentic woman. Where she got her start, and the wonderful surprises that this divine soul has in store for us now, is revealed in the following interview. 39

Interview with MetaCreative Magazine's Founder - Mystikka Jade By: Andrea Elder (cont'd)

Mystikka, was there a defining moment that led you into you psychic career, and if so, what was it? I came into my career as a psychic after a series of defining spiritual experiences. I started my semi-professional psychic career spending my free time in coffee houses, reading the tarot in 1993. Sometimes I would get tipped five dollars or more, or someone would buy me a cup of coffee, however, I also gave out a lot free readings. My coffee house reading days were part of my psychic training where I could pay my dues and gain experience. It wasn't until 1994 that I became legitimately employed by a company as a psychic. The real moment that brought me into my full fledged psychic career was this: One afternoon my friend Nish and I decided to stop at a Mexican restaurant in San Diego for some lunch. There was a woman sitting alone at a table outside. She was a normal looking grandmotherly woman, but something about her presence stood out to me. Without thinking, I pointed at her and blurted out, "That woman right there is a psychic!" My friend Nish rolled her eyes. She had been my best friend since the sixth grade, yet we were growing apart as I became more preoccupied with metaphysics, something that seemed way too woo-woo for the majority of nineteen year old girls back in 1994. "That lady is not psychic," she said, "you have gone and lost your mind!" I insisted that the lady was psychic, so Nish decided to approach her, and I followed. "My friend thinks you're psychic," Nish said. The lady seemed mostly taken aback, but also a bit intrigued. "Yes, I work at the psychic line over on Fairmount Avenue." I was like, "There's a psychic line on Fairmount Avenue? Where?" But the lady wouldn't give me any information. At that time I didn't have the internet and I had never seen a psychic job advertised in the local paper, so I let it go and went about my life. Several months later, while seeking employment, I found an ad in the paper looking for order takers for phone cards. When I went to the company to apply, which was on Fairmount Avenue, I saw a bulletin board in the lobby filled with fliers for things like A Course In Miracles, meditation groups and other spiritual events. I asked the man at the front desk why there were so many metaphysical fliers on the bulletin board, and he told me that the company I was applying for shared the floor with a psychic line! Words cannot express how I felt at that moment, it was just too synchronistic. I asked if I could apply for the psychic position and he told me that they were not hiring. So, I ended up getting the job as an order taker for the phone cards. After a week of working there, I found out who I needed to talk to about psychic employment. I approached the manager, who initially did not want to hire me because I was so young. However, once she saw how strong my passion was for the psychic field, she allowed me to give some test readings to some of the other managers and psychics who worked there. Finally, she was convinced I could do the job and she hired me. Within a week the reports came back and out of over 200 employees in the Los Angeles and San Diego offices, I was in the top five for the longest call average. And that is how it all started!


Interview with MetaCreative Magazine's Founder - Mystikka Jade By: Andrea Elder (cont'd)

By the way, I did eventually see the woman from the Mexican food restaurant at work. We had a good laugh. "I knew you would end up finding this place" she said. It was all very surreal. A surreal moment indeed! What do you think was different about your style of reading that made you stand out from the other psychics at that first job? Do you currently work in the same way? As a teenager I had been living on my own and struggling to pay my bills with minimum wage or other low paying, dreadful jobs; so not one cell in my body took this opportunity for granted. I considered it a privilege to talk to every person who called, and the clients could sense this, and so they stayed on the phone with me longer than with other psychics who were burned out by the work, or who were only there to make money. Getting a reading from me now as opposed to getting a reading from me back in the early or mid 90's would be like going to two completely different psychics. I think I speak for many psychics when I say that over a period of years, our readings change as we evolve, and also as we more fully learn the needs of the clients who seek us out. What do you think a person should expect when calling a psychic? Nothing, really. When getting readings, it is important to keep an open mind, but not one so open that all common sense falls out either. Psychics pick up on different details or aspects of a situation, depending on their style of reading or how they connect with your energy. A psychic cannot replace your connection to your higher self or higher power. No one is 100% accurate, and there are a lot of scam artists out there. I have seen people get swindled out of a lot of money because a so-called psychic told them they are somehow cursed and need to have bad energy or a dark cloud removed at some ridiculous price. The gypsy style cons have smeared mud all over the psychic industry's reputation. I cannot speak for anyone's readings but my own. As an empath, I often help clear the fog around people who are confused about their relationships. My tagline says that 'I interpret strange behavior,' because that is my specialty. I see and feel relationship dynamics between people whether those dynamics are work related, family oriented, or romantic. I pick up on the deeper areas of the connection and a see a bird’s eye view of conflicts. I see ways to resolve those conflicts. People who do not want to take any responsibility for their lives do not always like my readings. There are a lot of people who are stuck in the idea that they should keep doing the same things while everyone else and everything else around them should change. I encourage people to take responsibility for their lives. How would you describe your core beliefs on life and living? Well I can't sum them all up today, but most of my life I have been learning hard lessons about following my own path despite what other people think. It is in our human emotional nature to want to feel connected to and loved by others. And with people very close to us, like family members, people we are involved with romantically, good friends, or even teachers and ministers, it becomes easy to get caught up in craving their approval or understanding; even if we know on a logical level that we don’t need it. And other people's approval can often come at a huge cost. We may be Divinely inspired, receiving messages from a higher power, our higher self, our gut, our angels or whatever spiritual embodiment of energy we relate to. Those messages may not make complete logical sense to ourselves, let alone the people around us. 41

Interview with MetaCreative Magazine's Founder - Mystikka Jade By: Andrea Elder (cont'd)

It takes a lot of strength, faith and determination to follow a path we are led to but don't fully understand, especially when it's something new for us. And other people's negative opinions can really contribute to the weakening of those qualities. In my life I had plenty of people try to talk me out of pursuing a psychic career. Some of them really meant well. There were times I believed what the naysayers said, and in the process my confidence and productivity wilted. Eventually I accepted that we are each responsible for our own decisions, actions and reactions, regardless of how we are influenced by others. We are not ultimately responsible for anyone else's decisions or actions either, no matter how they are influenced by us. Following your path will take a certain level of detachment, because sometimes it can be a solitary road. After awhile, some of the naysayers will come around and there will be new associations that enter into the picture that are far more supportive and even inspiring. ‘The Love Crisis Survival Guide’ has recently been released in paperback on and other outlets. It is a wonderful book with practical relationship advice and techniques to look at ourselves introspectively. Can you tell us more about the book and how you came about writing it? I wrote the first draft of The Love Crisis Survival Guide in 2006 and released it as an ebook in 2007. I had always planned on revising it for print; I just was not able to do it while keeping a regular schedule for MetaCreative Magazine issue releases. Recently I took some time off from the magazine to finally get the book done, and I am so happy I did! I wrote The Love Crisis Survival Guide because I felt as if I was at the mercy of the clients who would call me up in a panic, shouting, ‘When is he gonna call? When is he coming back? When will he commit?’ Many of the clients would believe my only value as a psychic was to give them a time frame about when they would get what they want from their man of concern. Because the client is the one paying, I would bend to their wishes and do my best to answer their questions and try to ‘sneak’ good advice into the reading whenever they would allow it. I often felt as if I was not able to really offer the kind of assistance to my clients that would be in their best interest, because real help does not come as a quick fix over a ten minute call. So I decided to channel the best, most authentic information I have into a book designed to tell my clients what they really need to know in order to overcome a love crisis. The book has information that if utilized correctly, can really help someone as opposed to just giving them a temporary band aid to calm their emotions. Why do you use the name Mystikka Jade? I initially came up with Mystikka Jade when I started working on the psychic hotlines in the 90's and I needed a phone name. I’ve been going by this name for so long now, that is how clients know me and it is how they find me online. And, the name has grown on me too, it really suits my personality. It doesn’t feel like a 'stage' name anymore at all. My good friends shorten it and just call me 'Mysti.'


Interview with MetaCreative Magazine's Founder - Mystikka Jade By: Andrea Elder (cont'd)

In my business I come across a lot of people who are severely emotionally disturbed. They come to me when a psychiatrist would probably be a more appropriate choice for help. Of course, most of my clients are people with common problems; but there are also those who are dangerous and who stalk. It would be nice if we lived in a world where we could trust all people, a world where it was safe to make ourselves completely vulnerable to everyone at all times. Although a lot of optimistic 'newagers' lack street smarts, I don't ignore reality as it exists in the world. My name gives me an extra layer of anonymity, which I appreciate. What are your future plans for MetaCreative Magazine? At this point, I have decided not to have a schedule for issue releases. The magazine will be going into hibernation until further notice. The publishing industry has been in the midst of a rapid transformation. The idea of having a print magazine has become more complicated since digital media has been taking over the mainstream. It would be lovely if a publishing company wanted to come on board and create a print version, but at this point I am sitting back and watching how digital media evolves so I can see where MetaCreative Magazine will fit into it all in the long run. And in the meantime, I have other projects to focus on! yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy The artwork in this article has been created by Mystikka Jade. To learn more about Mystikka Jade, visit: About the interviewer: Andrea Elder is a freelance artist and photographer whose mixed media art book, ‘And Suddenly, Life is Blooming’ is currently on tour with the Art House Co-Op. She is also an ordained minister, is married, and has two dogs and a cat. Find Andrea's art and photography online at:


NEW from the creator / publisher of MetaCreative Magazine: The Love Crisis Survival Guide (paperback edition)

The Love Crisis Survival Guide is a condensed, informative manual full of emotional support and healing advice for women who are suffering from a broken heart or other frustrating circumstances in a relationship. The Love Crisis Survival Guide will tell you how to: *Re-spark your individual, creative passions. *Rediscover your strength, power and individuality. *Understand why your partner gives mixed messages, and learn what you can do about it. *Set real boundaries in your relationship. *Know the difference between lower level love strategies that fail and higher level strategies that work. *Understand and deal with a love triangle. *Handle someone who won't commit. *Salvage a failing relationship. *Get your ex back if he truly loves you. ***and much more*** About the author:

Mystikka Jade

has been a professional psychic since the age of 18 in 1993. She has taught classes and facilitated groups on subjects ranging from meditation to psychic development. She continues to provide her services to an international clientele while maintaining a 5 star feedback rating. Mystikka is also a freelance digital artist who sells her work online. She is the publisher of MetaCreative Magazine and has interviewed a number of progressive thinkers, including but not limited to: Sylvia Browne, Jackie Beat, Bibi McGill, Lenora Claire, Myka Jelina, Derek Humphry and Jack Herer. Buy the book at Mystikka's official website: (or search for 'The Love Crisis Survival Guide' on

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