Mystik Way Magazine 18

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Issue 18 - October 2012


Dream Realms Recognizing fear and releasing old beliefs


Past & Present My journey living in parallel dimensions



T arot Beyond the Veil Read: “The City of Light” by Anthony John

inspired writing ANimal and Plant Totems, POEMS and more...

Contents 3

Welcome to issue eighteen

4 Exploring the Spiritscape - Part 1 Elemental Spaces

7 King Arthur, and the knights of the round table 10

Mystikal Dream Realms

11 Recognizing fear and releasing old beliefs and baggage that no longer serves you

King Arthur



Mystik Way Healing Link


Tarot Beyond the Veil


Poem - Seeing the Light


Inspired Writing


Animal of the Month - Vampire Bat


Plant of the Month - Pumpkin


Halloween Past & Present


My Journey as I understand it to date, living in parallel dimensions


Poem - Swaying with the Trees


Book - The City of Light by Anthony


Mystikal Dream Realms | 10 EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | MAGAZINE DESIGN Simone Schreck ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEB PRODUCER Simone Schreck

Halloween Past & Present| 20 If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation to help us along the Path. 2 |


CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Richard Hayes, Peta Panos, Michelle Mahoney, Alma Joyce De La Cruz Gossman, Sue Hayes, Jennifer Adele, Angela H. Penn, Annie Carina Pearson, Anthony John,

Welcome to issue


As we in the northern hemisphere head into the Autumn season & the southern into their spring, it’s time for our various celebrations. Here it is a time of gathering in & not just the food harvests, a time to reflect on that which we achieved & also reflect on the things we did not succeed in this time around. A time to spend evenings with friends & loved ones enjoying fine wine, food & conversation. Our friends at the other end of the World celebrating the return of the Sun & making plans with friends for the coming Summer. It would appear though that the seasons & the weather patterns are changing to unsettled over the entire Globe as is everything else, the way we are being forced to re-think about the economy, our moral values etc. All the old previous ways are needing to be rid of as we now know they no longer work or have any worth, alas a great many people are clinging onto the old ways as they fear change & stepping out of their comfort zone which in turn is causing a great deal of conflict.

We who have spiritual knowledge must stay balanced, be there to help & guide those people in whatever way we can…We must lead by example…We must be their guiding Light…. We must never refuse help to anyone. We must see each situation & eventhroughout the world as the Illusion it is.

Samhain (all Hallows)

Halloween as it is now known across the World is an Ancient Celtic Festival….it marked the end of the year, when the Darkness took over from the Light. The name Samhain means “summers end” and the onset of the dark winter months, all the crops & vegetables were harvested to be stored along with the vital Herbs, fruit, nuts & berries so as to keep the villagers from starvation/illness. The Herds were returned to the village & sheltered against the harsh winter. Most importantly, Meade & Ale were brewed in great abundance (beer was also known as bread) Now the Veil between the two Worlds was at its thinnest, ceremonies & rituals were conducted by humans to make contact with those who had departed to the Other World. To the Ancients it was New Year & celebrated with Great Festivities, offerings were made to the Gods….rituals & purification rites took place to invoke their help for the year to come….Great feasts & merry making throughout the eve of Samhain echoed across the countryside. During the eve of all hallows all departed spirits (good & evil) would once again walk the earth for an evening.

Celebrate by holding a party with loved ones and friends, create a lavish feast with good food and drink…decorate your house & altar with seasonal plants, fruits, berries….invite the departed to come warm themselves by your fire…..share your abundance with the knowledge there will be more next year.

Samhain Blessings MystikMaster 2012




“There’s a place beyond this world Where the mountains meet the sky. It’s a different state of mind, Like a dream where you can fly.” (Pet Shop Boys – Breathing Space) Introducing the Spiritscape

In this new three-part series, we will be moving away from the physical world, into an entirely imaginary space, created by individuals and groups across time. This might be the space you visit in meditation, or in dreams, whether at night or when your mind wanders during the day.

People who only exist in the material world of physical ‘reality’ may be cynical about such a place. In order to appreciate and explore what I call the Spiritscape, one must decide that just because we cannot physically see or touch something, does not mean that on some level it does not exist. This requires you to believe that the imagination is as powerful a sense as your eyes and ears, and that stories have as much power as ‘fact’. The existence of the Spiritscape cannot be proven. This does not matter in a mindset that embraces possibility over proof. If it is a useful concept to you, then it matters.

created and visited these places in their minds; the more people that do this, the more ‘solid’ they become within the mental landscape. When people begin to meditate, they often describe these same places, even without having been told to expect them.

The individual places can be created with ease. There are no physical laws in the Spiritscape, so anything can be done. Creating a new space can be done consciously, if you want to explore a particular side of yourself, or draw particular energies to you. Others come unbidden during meditation, as your subconscious forms patterns and addresses needs that your conscious mind may not yet be aware of. You may visit these places only once, or they may become a fixed part of your own inner landscape, for you to visit again and again. The energy of the imagination is infinite; you will never run out of space or resources, so the Spiritscape can be as big and varied as you will it to be.

Creating a New Space : Earth and Air Some of the Spiritscape is unique to the individual, based on their beliefs, interests and needs. Some parts already exist, having been established and explored by spiritual individuals and groups across the millennia, perhaps having been born from what Carl Jung called ‘the collective unconscious’ and its archetypes – things that we all recognise due to our shared, inherited memories from all previous generations back through time. Many people have 4 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Let’s now experiment with the creation of a new place in the Spiritscape. This is one that came to me unbidden during a meditation, which I enjoyed so much that I have ‘fixed’ it by writing my own description of it. The very act of writing this article is fixing it even further. The elements of it will sound very familiar, as it is made up of a number of


archetypal images. The combination, however, may be new. As you read the words, use your inner eye to conjure the images. Close your eyes after reading, and explore the space for yourself, perhaps adapting it for your own purposes.

The purpose of this new space is to focus on energies of Earth and Air. Earth brings balance and stability, while Air brings clear thinking and new ideas. The influence of Water and Fire are reduced, so this is a useful place to visit if you have been emotional, or tired yourself out through an enthusiastic pursuit.

Imagine a mountain, huge at its base, tapering to a clear summit at the top. You are climbing the mountain (this is much less arduous than in the physical world – you can go as fast as you like!). Near the top are some plateaus, shelves of rock with the most incredible views across the landscape. Look out at the view – let your mind tell you what it looks like – and breathe the clean air deeply. Behind you, cut into the mountain itself, is a throne. It is grand, and solid. Sit down on the throne, and feel the entire mountain at your back, holding you there. Feel the scale and size of it, and draw strength from its cool touch.

When you have rested for long enough on the throne, you walk around the plateau. Some way from the throne is a shallow cave, in enough shadow to be comforting, but with enough light to see inside. Trickles of water fall from above, watering many herbs and flowers that grow there in the entrance to the cave. You can spend time in this cave, using the plants in a way of your choosing. You could make a small fire, boil some of the water in a stone bowl, and steep herbs in it to make a tea. You could crush some of the herbs to make a paste, and apply it to your face or body, perhaps somewhere that needs a bit of extra healing. Remember to take your time doing this, sitting against the cave wall, enjoying the complete peace, and the clean breeze, and the open sky.

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It’s always a good idea to return to the physical world the way you came, so that your mind is gently brought back from its sanctuary. When you have finished in the cave, walk back around to the throne set in the mountainside. Rest here for a time, confirming the presence of these new energies; this will ensure that they manifest for you in the physical world. Descend back down the mountain to the ground, looking back at it occasionally as you go, remembering that you can visit this place any time, as it is always there, waiting for you.

Where Shall We Go Next?

Having established a place that combines the elemental qualities of Earth and Air, you could experiment with other combinations. You could create one for Fire and Water, perhaps a bonfire on a beach. You could mix Earth with one of these other elements instead, for example by paying more attention to the water on the mountainside or the fire used to boil the herbs. All of the archetypes and all of nature are there for you to play with in your own imaginative way.

In the next two parts of this series, we will visit other types of places in the Spiritscape, such as those that relate to each of the Chakras, which have been fixed on the inner landscape following many visits by many groups of people across the centuries. We will also be exploring how real places from your own memories can be incorporated into the Spiritscape, to allow the safe exploration and positive understanding of the past.

As always, if you have any places you like to explore in the Spiritscape, please share them on our Mystik Way facebook page. The more imaginative we are, the more vibrant and powerful the Spiritscape becomes.




he Arthurian Legends are tales of King Arthur, Merlin the Magician and the Knights of the Round Table based on a king who is believed to have ruled in the 6th Century AD in the West of England. The tales begin with the birth of Arthur, who is conceived by Ingraine, wife of Golorus of Cornwall at Tintagel. When her husband is away fighting, Merlin casts a spell on Ingraine so that Uther Pendragon, King of the Britons, is able to sleep with her in the guise of her husband. Golorus is killed in battle, and Merlin arranges for Arthur to be brought up by step-parents in the countryside.

originates from the Lady of the Lake who represents feminine spirituality and the power of the Goddess. On the death of Arthur, the sword is returned to the Lady of the Lake. As time unfolds, the knights grow beyond their material quest and search for adventure on a more spiritual level. In so doing they begin the quest for the Holy Grail, believed by some to be the Cup of the Last Supper. It is in fact, the ancient symbol of female spirituality and procreation, and it is rumoured to give those who perceive it - wondrous food, infinite wisdom and immortality.

On the death of Uther Pendragon, Merlin arranges a test to find the next true king, and a magical sword is encased in a stone. Only Arthur, as the true heir to the throne of Briton, is able to draw the sword Excalibur from the stone.

Three knights succeed in the quest for the Holy Grail, and travel to Sarras – the Holy City, which is situated in the Other World. The worldly Bors, on experiencing the Grail, returns to Camelot to tell the tale; Percival stays in paradise; and the most holy knight Galahad is so overcome by the experience that he passes from Arthur is crowned king and sets up court at Camelot, this life to the next. and surrounds himself with a band of trusted knights. After his marriage to Guinevere, he founds the Unfortunately discord breaks out in the Round Table, Fellowship of the Round Table – a band of knights generated by Mordred – Arthur’s son by his step-sister committed to chivalry and the defense of the king and Morgana, who is continually planning to achieve Camelot. The actual Round Table comes to Camelot Arthur’s downfall, and by the adulterous affair of Sir as a gift of the Goddess in the dowry of Guinevere. Lancelot with Arthur’s queen - Guinevere. This comes to a climax at the battle of Camlan where Arthur is The tales then continue with the adventures of mortally wounded, and his body is taken by the Grail the knights as they win their honour in battle and Maidens across the lake to the Other World of Avalon tournament, and demonstrate their honourable (Glastonbury) where he is restored to health, awaiting character, particularly in relation to women. Various his return to earth to bring into being a new glorious knights join the Round Table, including Gawain, the age of Spiritual Enlightenment. Green Knight representing the Goddess, Bors - who is also down to earth, Kay - Arthur’s step-brother, Part of the downfall of Arthur is the consequence of and Percival – a simple lad who leaves his mother the departure of Merlin, who is seduced by a maiden in search of adventure and to become a knight. The and becomes entombed in a Crystal Cave, resulting in Round Table also includes fighting men, brave in the loss of magical power in the physical world. battle - led by the bravest knight Sir Lancelot, who becomes the champion of Guinevere and eventually The Tales of King Arthur are a reflection of human her lover. One of the last knights to join the Round existence, both physical and spiritual, which have Table is the just knight Galahad, who eventually been enhanced by the power of magic. That power is in the custodianship of the female energy of the replaces Lancelot as the bravest knight. Goddess, who is represented by the Lady of the Lake, Arthur’s powers of leadership are enhanced by the This is the bounteous Goddess, sovereign of the land, magical powers of Merlin and his sword Excalibur, who is the custodian of the Other Worlds of nature which cannot be beaten in battle. This sword and spirituality. 7

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Explanation of the Picture of the Arthurian Legends

Year of twelve Zodiac Signs becomes the thirteen Moon Cycles of the Lunar Year. The circular table is therefore a symbol of unity and spiritual wholeness, and represents the element Spirit (Ether).

King Arthur is a Magical Child and Solar Hero, whose life is enhanced by the magical powers of Merlin, and whose life is also surrounded by the protective power of the Goddess. The picture attempts to depict this context in symbolic form, relating the Fellowship of the Round Table to the seasons of the year, the powers of the Goddess and the importance of Arthur’s relationship to the spirit world.

Around the table are the eight Phases of the Moon and their respective Celtic Festivals, each related to one of the Grail Maidens. The cardinal points of the compass are represented by the Sword in the East, the Spear in the South, the Cup in the West and the Stone in the North. These are the symbols which, with the circular table representing the platter, form the Celtic Hallows. They represent the five Elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit, which are symbolized by the Pentagram.

In the centre of the picture is shown the Round Table surrounded by King Arthur and some of his knights. King Arthur sits in the east, the position of the rising sun, representing spiritual enlightenment and the powers of mind. Opposite in the west is Percival, the sensitive, intuitive knight. In the south, at the high point of the year, is Lancelot the bravest knight, and in the north are Bors and Gawain representing the powers of earth and nature. To the right of Arthur is Galahad, and to his left Mordred, representing the polarity of good and evil. There are thirteen places at the Round Table, sometimes seen as the twelve knights and King Arthur, or if Arthur is the first knight - the thirteenth knight is Galahad, who occupies the seat which was previously vacant, waiting for the appearance of the just knight. Thus the male powers of the Solar

At the base of the picture resides the power of water and the Goddess. The Lady of the Lake is shown holding up the magical sword Excalibur. Also emerging from the water of the lake is the Chalice of the Holy Grail and the lake represents the essence of the Goddess and the powers of the heart. At the top of the picture, Merlin is shown in his Crystal Cave in the position as the magical power behind King Arthur. This part of the picture represents the Other World, and shows the sea which the grail seekers cross to reach the Holy City of Sarras. All the symbols in the picture relate to aspects of the Arthurian Legends, and the picture is itself a Mandala which can be studied and meditated on, thus bringing greater enlightenment on the tales of King Arthur and human life in general.


Mystikal Dream Realms

recalling any dreams/visions etc, then write them down & after a few days you will see a pattern start to form. It will not be easy to start with, but keep persevering as the benefits of travelling in the astral realms are well worth it & the Spiritual path n previous issue’s I wrote of my personal will open up wide before you. I will go into more experiences of the dream realm/astral world. I detail & exercises in the next issue. will continue after I have explained what exactly To continue with some more of my astral happens & some ways of achieving this, or should adventures...Once my grandfather had left the I say helping you to remember that you already do physical realms, I was expected to take on his this most nights. Unfortunately most people are so duties within the society...which I duly did. immersed in the day to day aspects of just living Rather interestingly the other members of the or surviving, mired by fears/worries & emotional society resided in different countries of the world turmoil that their dream state is usually a mixed rendering it quite a difficult task to meet as we bowl of weird/wacky mumbo jumbo and also the were supposed to which was once a month. This is fact they are not remembering most of what occurs where my grandfathers training in my early years as they have not trained their minds to do so. bore fruit as eleven months of the year we would all Most of the time people astral travel but to random meet only on the Astral realms (the one remaining area’s because of the reasons stated above & the month we would meet in London on the physical fact that they do not realise they can control their realm) we all would also keep contact via the usual inner world much in the same way as they do in methods of letters (now email & of course webcam the outer world, for example meeting people of a chats) but the majority of esoteric work is carried like mind & similar interests. There are many who out via astral telepathy (of which we can verify in fact know & do this, especially on a healing level, later in emails) The beautiful thing about this form which in fact involves a great deal of my astral of communication is that no one can eves drop. As work. To start with it is very simple, but takes I stated earlier I will reveal various methods in the practice & begin with start by making a coming issues as to achieving excellent results in conscious decision when you go to sleep, telling these practices & continue with some proof of my yourself that you wish to travel to a certain place, astral travels and communications.

Alternative Realities


see certain people...then spend just a few moments Many Blessings in your endeavors. picturing these people & places...then completely put it out of your mind as you drift of to sleep... MystikMaster by the way always keep a pen & note pad by your bed, in fact it’s wise to keep a magik dream diary. On waking, before your mind starts to kick in with what you have to do today, spend a few moments 10 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE


Recognizing fear and releasing old beliefs and baggage that no longer serves you. by Peta Panos


n most cases, our fear is the anticipation and not the event. Real fear is when we are physically under threat; adrenalin will pump through our bodies and we will either fight or take flight. Perceived fear is when we anticipate an event, fear that we aren’t enough, will fail or worry about what other people will think of us. We can waste so much time being fearful and yet when we start to recognize fear for what it is, it is easier to face and release it. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson

Some fears are deeply ingrained and long standing e.g. a fear of flying or public speaking and there are many techniques available to conquer them (although the techniques shown below will also work if you persist with them) Today, I am talking about the fear that comes up on a day-to-day basis like when you start a new job or relationship or find yourself in changing circumstances. All of your old fear related issues that are not in alignment with your new creation will come up to be cleared. If you ignore them, you will keep on bumping up against them, until you deal with them – and remember – if an issue comes up, it is because you are ready to deal with it. All change is for the better and is the process of life (even if you cant see it at the time). Our bodies and circumstances are changing everyday so it is pointless to resist change. Rather take responsibility and cocreate your reality with the universe. There is nothing to fear except giving away your power to fear and the good news is that you heal the past in the present. Once you have identified an old fear issue, take a few deep breaths and go into soul energy. With your eyes closed, connect to your body and identify where in your body you can feel the issue – this could be pain or tightness and if there is no physical symptom, scan 11

your body until you locate a dark patch of energy representing the issue.

and make sure all the energy relating to the issue has been pulled into the bubble.

Now, imagine you have a magnet in the centre of your head (pineal gland) and see all of the energy trapped in the past being drawn to the magnet and into the present. You can silently state `I recapitulate all of my scattered energy relating to this issue, through all time lines now´

Now, visualize a second bubble next to the first – this bubble is gold and also has a strong magnet inside it. See a gold filter/veil/sieve mesh between the bubbles. Now activate the magnet in the gold bubble and see all of the energy move from the yellow bubble through the gold filter/veil/sieve mesh and into the gold bubble.

Scan your body again and if you find any lingering dark patches, see the magnet strength increasing and As this happens, the yellow bubble gets smaller and smaller and eventually just a deflated bubble is left pulling them to itself. – see this bubble float off into space and pop into Now, visualize your crown chakra opening and gold the light. Now, visualize your solar plexus chakra energy from source coming down through your crown open and take the gold bubble into your solar plexus chakra, cleansing the magnet and then filling up every chakra. This ensures that all of the life force that you cell of your whole body. See the gold filling up your have spent on the issue is cleansed and returned to aura and creating a cocoon around you. During this you and allows you to take back your power. time of raised vibration, you can now replace the old, stagnant energy around this issue with what you want It takes 21 days to develop a new habit and only 7 to create in the future, as when your energy is aligned days to self-sabotage so repeat this visualization daily with your vision, you will manifest it. Identify an area for 21 days for stubborn issues. that you know you have not reached your potential because of this past blockage. Visualize how you Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys would look and feel if you were able to achieve your Email: highest potential (focus on the feeling, not the how it Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys could be achieved) Another powerful visualization that works very well Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys for releasing anger, fear, old beliefs or baggage is to Twitter: questjourneys ground yourself, go into soul energy and visualize a yellow bubble in front of you. The bubble has a strong magnet in it. Connect to the issue that you want to release and feel it completely. See the magnet in the bubble pull all of the energy of the issue into the bubble, you can speak words about the issue silently and see them fly into the bubble too. Scan your body


MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINK Every evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS” The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing. Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth.

Blessings MystikMaster.

We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds… their bodies….and their souls. This is our mission….our work.



Tarot Beyond the Veil

by Michelle Amethyst Mahoney

Tarot Art:


alloween/Samhain night is fast I like to begin this time by acknowledging approaching, the night when many each soul in turn, stating what I admire about them and what I miss most. If I am people agree that the veil is the thinnest. still grieving I ask for their understanding All over the World, people celebrate and help through this time. variations on this belief – from serving meals to loved ones who have passed on, Then I ask each participant what they performing a midnight ritual of protection would most like me to know, and I draw a and hope, or even disguising themselves in Tarot card. Some messages are about our costumes so that the darker spirits will not relationship, some are about where they are now, and some are about the coming year recognize them. and what I have to look forward to or need How will you celebrate the night of October to be aware of. 31st? I like to do a Tarot ritual for those who I usually spend a few minutes with each soul. have passed during the year. The most important part of this exercise You may wish to do this for one specific is listening. After you express your own person or animal companion, or a variety thoughts and feelings, it is most important of souls who are no longer on this earthly to listen to what the soul has to share with plane. It may even be someone from some you. time ago. You may wish to have a pen and paper handy You can prepare for the ritual any way you and do some automatic writing, or just listen choose: take a special bath and visualize quietly for that whisper of advice that is negative energy leaving your body and trying to come through from the Other Side. flowing down the drain, don yourself with special clothing, cast a circle, or just take This ritual is very free-flowing and is more a few deep breaths and grounding your about receiving and giving thanks for any information you get. energy. Place photos or mementos of your loved ones around a white candle. Just before midnight light the candle and invite your loved ones to spend time with you. 14 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

I find it works better when allowing things to unfold rather than going in with a preplanned agenda.

However, if you want specific questions to 1. What do I need to know about our ask, here are three good ones: relationship? XVI The Tower – we are on shaky ground, and Toby is really fed up with being in a little box. I’ve known this for 1. What do I need to know about our several years, and had planned to release him on our property. relationship? 2. What do I need to do about it? 3. What is the most likely outcome?

However, I knew we wouldn’t live here forever, so I didn’t want to leave him here when we move again.

2. What do I need to do about it? 6 of Swords – I have often thought about I did this spread for my dog Toby, who releasing him on the river or in some water. passed away some years ago. It comes to my mind over and over again, but I still haven’t done it. The Queen of Cups, pictured in the top right-hand corner of the photo, was already on my altar from a previous exercise. She represents me, so I placed her on the righthand side during this reading.

Part of me wants a place that I can remember him by, and I am being very selfish with the whole thing. I try to justify it by saying that I want to release him in warm waters like in the Gulf of Mexico, but the truth is I just don’t want to let him go.

My dog Toby is on the left in the box. There 3. What is the most likely outcome? 2 are roses which are also representative of of Wands – I need to make a decision. For him, as well as some crystals. some reason, keeping him in a little box isn’t I used cards from the Gilded Tarot by Ciro the best place for Toby, and I need to let him go. Otherwise, he is going to continue Marcetti and got the following reading: to be upset with me.


What can you learn from loved ones who have passed on this Halloween/Samhain? If you just take a few minutes to listen, you may be surprised about what they have to tell you.

You can pick up your free Beginner’s Guide to reading the cards and discover how to read the Tarot in just 15 minutes without books or definitions at www.

Seeing the Light light comes from within darkness just absence of light seek where it begins

your love is the spark preserve that eternal flame you bring light to dark

to be rid of fear simply choose love and its light sharing with those dear

Alma Joyce De La Cruz Š October 1, 2012





INS ue Hayes By S

I am a Spiritualist Medium who tunes in to the world of spirit asking for communication and guidance, which I receive through Inspired Writing. Here is an example, which I hope you find spiritually uplifting.

The perfumes and aromas also reach to the very depths of your being, awakening your being, your soul, as if each corner has been reached and touched, so you feel so vibrantly alive in spirit. If only such experiences were had while on earth, there would be many more THE WONDERS OF THE SPIRIT on your earth open to us all, and that feeling WORLD of aliveness and alertness would fill the spirit You have only to look around you at the of many. wonders of your world, but they are nothing You may wonder why we tell you of these to compare to the wonders of the spirit world. things. It is to help you all with your enerWe have such beauty all around us, which ra- gy levels on earth, as so many of you become diates love and colour and perfume, indescrib- tired and depressed – so often not being able able on your earth. The colours are iridescent. to experience the joy and beauty that has been They shimmer with light and sparkle so that placed all around you. With this glimpse that you could be blinded by it if you were not pre- we have given you, we hope that the energy pared for such beauty. The colours are such as will lighten and encourage you when things you have never seen on earth. We know that get burdensome, so that at least you can apat times you are amazed by special, particular, preciate the beauties all around you on earth, colours that you see, yet they are nothing in and that using your imagination – you can comparison – only a pointer to what you will use these images to lift your hearts and minds experience in spirit. above the darkness and heaviness of your The music too is all around you, of such beauty and harmony to bring refreshment, peace and comfort, but also such exhilaration at the beauty, that if you heard it while on earth – you would faint with the wonder of it. It reaches to the centre of your spiritual being, touches the core and you feel completely blessed by it.

earth conditions.

Your love, your knowledge and your wisdom are constantly called upon to feed the hearts and minds of many, so we want you to be as spiritually fit as you can for these tasks. Our blessing and thanks to you and those who work in service to us, and humanity. 17

Animal of the month with Jennifer Adele

Vampire Bat Vampire Bat The vampire bat is a strong and able flier but can also scurry across the earthen floor with amazing speed and agility while propped up on its forelimbs and back legs. From dusk to dawn it searches for a meal of warm blood from a host, such as a bird or land mammal. The vampire bat has razor sharp teeth that its victim almost never feels, and this animal typically laps 25 ml of blood in a single meal. Vampire bats live in communal roosts in tree hollows or caves, but they have even been known to wisely occupy vacant areas of nearby buildings. In common culture the bat has much negativity to transcend, as a lot of the press revolving around the bat is negative in tone. However, there have been great strides in revealing the importance of this creature to the various ecosystems in which it lives. Bats are symbols of rebirth and earth energy because of their womb-like lair within Mother Earth’s caves. And, their reputation as a totem to have strength, speed, stealth, and cunning all come from the abilities the animal displays in nature, both in flight and in 18 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

getting a meal. Bats are also symbolic of transcending failures as they are the only known mammal to truly fly... not simply glide... and this gives them limitless future potentials and possibilities. Do you feel the need to transcend some perceived failures or setbacks within your own life? Would you like to go within the womb of our Mother Earth to be reborn into all the potentials you possess? Call upon the powers and energies of the vampire bat to guide you forward with cunning, stealth, and a keen intellect.

Symbology: transcending failures, limitless future, possibilities, strength, speed, agility, stealth, cunning, intellectual prowess, earth energy, striving, rebirth.


Plant of the month

Pumpkin A pumpkin is a gourd-like squash of the genus Cucurbita and the family Cucurbitaceae, which also includes gourds. It commonly refers to cultivars of any one of the species Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita mixta, Cucurbita maxima, and Cucurbita moschata, and is native to North America. They typically have a thick orange or yellow shell, creased from the stem to the bottom, containing the seeds and pulp. Pumpkins are widely grown for commercial use, and are used both in food and recreation… and they are very popular throughout the month of October as a symbol of Halloween/Samhain, as there is a strong connection in folklore and popular culture between pumpkins and the supernatural.

As for more of its indigenous history, Native Americans dried strips of pumpkin and wove them into mats. They also roasted long strips of pumpkin on the open fire and ate them. The origin of pumpkin pie occurred when the colonists sliced off the pumpkin top, removed the seeds, and filled the insides with milk, spices and honey. The pumpkin was then baked in hot ashes and thought of as a representation of the harvest season.

Symbolism: harvest, abundance, happiness, solar energy, magic, enchantment, protection.

prosperity, mysticism,

References to pumpkins date back many centuries, in fact. The name pumpkin actually originated Written by Jennifer Adele from the Greek word for “large melon” which is “pepon.” “Pepon” was nasalized by the French into “pompon”, and then the English changed “pompon” to “Pumpion.” Shakespeare referred to the “pumpion” in his Merry Wives of Windsor. And, eventually, American colonists changed “pumpion” into “pumpkin.” The “pumpkin” is referred to early on in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater and Cinderella. 19


Halloween Past & Present Angela H. Penn © October 2012


amhain (pronounced Sow-en), dates back to the ancient Celts who lived 2,000 years ago, that, is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France. It is an Irish-Gaelic word meaning “summer’s end.” Samhain heralds the beginning of winter when the world starts to darken and the days are getting shorter - the ‘dark half’ of the year and the demise of the power of the sun. They also followed a lunar calendar and their celebrations began at sunset, the night before. Samhain represented the death of the summer sun god, Lugh. The Celts believed that the passage of a day began with darkness and progressed into the light. The same notion explains why winter – the season of long, dark nights – marked the beginning of the year and progressed into the lighter days of spring, summer and autumn. The 1st of November, Samhain, was the Celtic New Year, and the celebrations began at sunset of the day before, i.e. it’s Eve. (1) Celts believed that on the night before the New Year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31st, they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. In addition to causing trouble and damaging crops, Celts thought that the presence of the otherworldly spirits made it easier for the Druids, or Celtic priests, to make predictions about the future. For a people en20 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

tirely dependent on the unpredictable natural world, these prophecies were an important source of comfort and direction during the long, dark winter. Samhain was also a time to plant the seeds in order for them to germinate over the winter months. This period marked the end of the old and taking a general inventory of one’s life. Samhain allowed you to come to terms with your past year and leave all mistakes and/or regrets behind you in order to move on. Use the magic of this time to say good-bye to all bad habits or addictions, an old relationship, or anything else negative in your life.

What kind of rituals did Samhain involve? According to Jenny Butler, a Ph.D. student of Béaloideas/Folklore at the University College Cork in Ire land, Samhain traditionally involved rituals of divination, the idea that this was a perceived breaking down of barriers between the human and spirit realms; communication was thought to become possible between the living and the dead. People may also have believed that they would be privy to supernatural aid or otherworldly knowledge at this time. Other rituals may have been symbolically to do with the juxtaposition of life and death. Some divinatory rituals have survived in the form of games, such as “snap-apple” and “bobbing for apples.” (2)

in order to mark the beginning of winter. The Hill of Tara, one of the most popular of the Irish heritage sites, was also a significant Samhain site in ancient times and there have been references in medieval manuscripts to Feis Teamhrach or a feast of Tara which was said to be held three days before and three days after Samhain. It is important to remember What was the significance of lighting that, since we can only base our judgments on scant archaeological evidence and mythological sources, it bonfires? is difficult to say with certainty what rituals occurred There are many reasons why bonfires might have at ancient sites at Samhain but we do know the sites been lit. The most practical one was for warmth as the were important to the people in some way and had a end of October is a cold, time of the year. Around a religious significance. (2) fire is a traditional setting for storytelling sessions and Samhain was also a festival not unlike the modern the light and heat from a large fire add to the festive New Year’s Day in that it carried the notion of casting atmosphere. There’s an Irish custom that it is good luck to jump through the flames of a bonfire. It has out the old and moving into the new. Also like modern been suggested that the ancient practice of lighting day New Year’s Eve which we vow to quit smoking, fires on the hills of Ireland had to do with symbolic exercise more and lose weight in the upcoming year. mirroring of the light and color of the sun in the sky, To our pagan ancestors it marked the end of the in a ritual that perhaps was part of a sun-worshipping pastoral cycle – a time when all the crops would be gathered and stored for the long winter ahead. The religion. (2) livestock would be then be brought in from the fields and used for either breeding or slaughtering. Samhain being the end of the final harvest of the summer meant that all apples had to be picked by the time the day’s feasting began as it was believed that the puca (pronounced “pooka” – Irish evil fairies) spat on any apples that remained on the trees, thus making them inedible.

In olden-day Ireland, jack-o-lanterns would be made by hollowing out a turnip or sugar beet and carving bits out to represent facial features and would then be lit from a candle placed on the inside. The dual idea behind this may have been to at once light the way for the souls of the dead ancestors who are returning to visit the human world and to frighten off any supernatural forces that might be about on this night. Today in Ireland, people carve faces on pumpkins, which are again an American import. (2)

Are there any sites that were significant for the celebration of Samhain?

According to legend, the origin of the Halloween lantern can be found in the tale of a young smith called Jack O’Lantern who made a pact with the Devil during a gambling session. He managed to thwart the Devil and extracted a promise from him that he would never take his soul. When he eventually died, Jack was refused entry to heaven on account of his drunken, lewd and miserly ways. The Devil, remembering his earlier promise, also refused to allow him into hell. So Jack was condemned to roam the dark hills and lanes of Ireland for eternity. His only possessions were a turnip with a gouged out centre and a burning coal, thrown to him by the Devil. He put the coal inside the turnip to light his way through the dark countryside where he still wanders...... (3)

Butler states: An example of an ancient site that was associated with the observance of the feast of Samhain was the Hill of Ward or “Tlachtga,” located near Athboy in the modern county of Meath. It is 116 meters (380 feet) high with a prehistoric ring fort on the top. There are legends that druids gathered there to light huge fires as a signal that festivities should While doing research for this article I discovered commence. There is evidence that these great fires that the origin of Halloween ‘trick or treating’ were lit on this hill in pre-Christian times, perhaps seems to have been a Druid ritual that began with 21

the collecting of items such as eggs, apples and nuts from the homes within the village. These offerings were meant to protect people from bad luck, such as damage to crops or livestock in the next year. Tricks were played on the ones who were stingy with their offerings. The tradition of dressing in costume for Halloween appears to have both European and Celtic origins. It was believed that ghosts came back to the earthly world and people were fearful that they would encounter Halloween Superstitions ghosts if they left their homes. People would wear masks when they left their homes after dark to avoid The secular, commercialized holiday we know being mistaken for fellow spirits. Bowls of food today would be barely recognizable to Halloween would be placed outside one’s home to prevent spirits celebrants a century ago. Today’s Halloween from coming in. ghosts are often depicted as more frightening, and our customs and superstitions are even scarier too. By 43 A.D., the Roman Empire had conquered Children now dress in elaborate costumes, travelling the majority of Celtic territory. In the four hundred door to door in pursuit of candy. We avoid crossing years they ruled the Celtic lands, two festivals of paths with black cats, as this may bring us bad luck. Roman origin were combined with the traditional This idea originated in the middle Ages, when many Celtic celebration of Samhain. The first was Feralia, people believed that witches turned themselves into a day in late October when the Romans traditionally cats to avoid being discovered. One superstition we commemorated the passing of the dead. The second have in Canada is to not walk under a ladder of any was a day to honor Pomona, who was the Roman sort, at any time of year. I suspect this may be a North goddess of fruit and trees. The symbol of Pomona American superstition. At Halloween, especially, we is the apple and the incorporation of this is practiced try to avoid breaking mirrors, stepping on cracks in today on Halloween. (1) the road, or on the sidewalk. I have also heard that Pope Boniface IV, on May 13, 609 A.D., dedicated spilling salt is a bad omen from others. the Pantheon in Rome in honor of all Christian martyrs, and thus the Catholic feast of All Martyrs Day was established in the Western church. When Pope Gregory III (731–741) took over he expanded the festival to include all saints and martyrs, moving the observance from May 13 to November 1. By the 9th century the influence of Christianity had spread into Celtic lands, where it gradually blended with and supplanted the older Celtic rites. In 1000 A.D., the church would make November 2, All Souls’ Day, a day to honor the dead. It is widely believed that the church was attempting to replace the Celtic festival of the dead with a related, but church-sanctioned holiday. All Souls Day was celebrated much like the Samhain, with big bonfires, parades, and dressing up in costumes as saints, angels and devils. The All Saints Day celebration was also called All-hallows or What about the Halloween traditions and All-hallowmas (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints’ Day) and the night before it. The beliefs that today’s trick-or-treaters have traditional night of Samhain in the Celtic religion, forgotten all about? began to be called All-hallows Eve, and eventually Many of these rituals focused on the future and Halloween. (1) the living rather than the dead. In particular, many had to do with helping young women identify their 22 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

future husbands and reassuring them that they would someday—with luck, by next Halloween—be married. In 18th-century Ireland, a matchmaking cook might bury a ring in her mashed potatoes on Halloween night, hoping to bring true love to the diner who found it. In Scotland, fortune-tellers recommended that an eligible young woman name a hazelnut for each of her suitors and then toss the nuts into the fireplace. The nut that burned to ashes rather than popping or exploding, represented the girl’s future husband. (In some versions of this legend, confusingly, the opposite was true: The nut that burned away symbolized a love that would not last.) Another tale states that if a young woman ate a sugary concoction made out of walnuts, hazelnuts and nutmeg before bed on Halloween night she would dream about her future husband. Young women tossed apple-peels over their shoulders, hoping that the peels would fall on the floor in the shape of their future husbands’ initials; tried to learn about their futures by peering at egg yolks floating in a bowl of water; and stood in front of mirrors in darkened rooms, holding candles and looking over their shoulders for their husbands’ faces. At some Halloween parties, the first guest to find a burr on a chestnut-hunt would be the first to marry; at others, the first successful apple-bobber would be the first down the aisle. (1) While researching for this article I was delighted to find that the world’s largest Halloween party is held in Derry, which is located in Northern Ireland. Approximately 30,000 people attend this event on average, every year. Festivities are held at Guildhall Square that includes: a free concert, ghost walks and fireworks. Happy Halloween!

Images: References: 1. 2. ARCHAEOLOGY interview with Jenny Butler Oct. 2006. asked Butler to explain the Celtic roots of Halloween and how relics of the past are understood today. Jenny Butler, a Ph.D. student of Béaloideas/ Folklore at the University College Cork in Ireland. 3.

Angela H. Penn is a free-lance writer, poet, herbalist student, animal activist, and an avid blogger who lives in Alberta, Canada. She can be found on Facebook or via her blog at http://littleburstsofinspiration.



My Journey as I understand it to date, living in parallel dimensions

by Annie Carina Pearson


reetings and blessings to all at the Mystik Way emotions and feelings are different in my parallel worlds. Its almost as though I go through a vortex, Magazine. I hear a whooshing sound, yet I am unsure how to I wish I had journelled more of my experiences so make it happen, it just does... that I could share more with you. It’s so hard to project it all out in a story form and even telling Now is the time. I am waking up and emerging these in a dream sense does not give off the into my higher self. I have always had a high pitch feelings, thoughts, senses and pure emotions, ect. tone in my left ear and if I receive contact and information it increases. It is loud, yet I love it. It Since around early Febuary 2012 they are becoming feels angelic and I can ask to lower the tone if it increasingly vivid and I am ‘remembering’; and gets uncomfortable and it changes it’s strange because I can barely remember what is like when the world was created and my first happened yesterday. I can only hope I continue energy, parts of me, were thrown into different to enjoy it and not over analyse it, so that I can dimentions, different places, times.... and they all be given and trusted to serve and help. I have serve my higher self with experiences, hurts , love fully opened up to my spiritual love and life in and all put together... keep me wise and grounded; the last year. As I look back at myself last year It because I have experienced so much, therefore feels like I was another person. I don’t mean in the impact of certain happenstances that would my behaviour or attitude but in my being...I am truly devastate others, would be a way for me to not afraid anymore of being myself. Im slowly comfort and understand how others I can revealing my authentic self, peeling back the layers help....because unknown to others and myself and feeling truly soul and spiritually connected. I have been in this place before and suffered the Its like I lived inside myself for 26 years. As much potent blows or euphoric pleasures somewhere, as I experienced a lot in the spiritual sense, I had my life in this body knows how to appreciate, nowhere to voice my thoughts only to myself. I sympathise, emphathise and no matter what is to often spoke to my higher self, spent a lot of time come...I know I can handle it and learn more in the on auto pilot as I was elsewhere, and I always felt process. I am remembering and experiencing pure in my ‘dreamlife’ this was also my real life. I feel I enlightenment, my energy is alive, infact it brings am already living other lives in my sleep state, as me to tears now with euphoric pleasure that I am they are different to dreams, when I astral travel free… or past life memories. It is hard to explain; dreams are also amazing message carriers and can tell you I have experienced snippits in ‘wake’ time which things from your subconsious. Yet the sensations, feel similar to quantum leaping in parallel lives, I 24 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

walked past the mirror in my ‘daydream’ and saw myself and my baby, this is different to my past life baby who was taken from me. This being to me an actual memory which I still grieve, another example... I was in the toilet once - I know sounds silly but started hearing a whoosing noise and everything around me started going blurred, I could hear laughter and the rustle of trees and looked down at my hands they were soiled , I then heard the whooshing again and returned to my toilet lol, ... Another incident I was sitting on my bed and started feeling shaky , my anxieties were kicking in, I hear the whooshing noise and I’m back in another room frantically searching crying for my son. The experience is similar to a past life one, I was mourning, grieving, searching, crying... my heart was beating I feel an obscene amount of emotion and as I’m frantically searching , I catch a small glimpse of myself again, dark hair short woman about 33 years old. I had the feelings the visions the anxieties, took me a long time to control my breathing after and I was tranced...I know I sound a little crazy but these small things always happen, with a whooshing, a blur and then clear vision.

a certain life experience in ‘dreams’ which I will share with you, in it were my brother, baby sister and mother (not my mother or siblings in this life) and eventually my mother died and my brother and I gave our sister an amazing upbringing away from the crappy life. We even moved countries. My dreams and visions are getting more vivid, more real. I feel the vibrations in a high pitch frequency almost angelic. My doctor said I sound far from crazy and wanted me to come off my antidepressants as they will just numb me, he also said I should write a book. So I did and now here I am writing in a magazine...who knows one day I might write a book.

I have a burning desire to help chosen ones, those with ears to hear and eyes to make the world a better place. It is a deep calling that is beyond time and space. I do this not only here, I do it in my other dimensions too. Where my enegy resides, I flow. This could possibly be past lives being healed, the future-to incode messages , and the now, interconnected. Im just not 100% yet as this is a continous learning journey and I have got many MANY years still ahead of me, even if this life ended. It would only be this dense body my energy Once in my ‘dream life’ I was taken to a field and was would soar on. injected in both arms, I dont know who did it but I also felt an alien presence saw what happened, I An Extra terrestrial vision is also becoming more woke up feeling violated, and it gave me the urge aparant to me , I don’t know whether or not you to dig deeper inside myself, I sure wanted to go can comprehend this, but I feel it is connected! back and see who it was, why, when and I began I feel them and I had never even took the whole to realise something...Our lives in quantum are ‘alien’ thing serious until recently I actually dislike interconnected. As above so below, the butterfly the word Alien as its often a trigger for a joke... effect, what happens in parallel lives effects us but this is no joke!! It kind of clicked, when I was here, and what happens here affects there, I feel pinned. They were there, and the flow of potent the injections were a message saying I was soon serum changed my life it woke me up further to wake up and that I was to be aware that people and they are around me more. I’ve always known will try to hold me back. I help those unawakened angels and spirits but this is different, these beings by softening blows. Yet a lesson im still learning is are here…I have seen these beings with my eyes; that I cannot help everyone, I become attracted to the faces big bright dark glowing eyes shadows of those suffering, addicts, mental health problems, light they interact with your energy through the sometimes even just down right negative people pixilated smoky veil. I’m positive they are here because I want them to feel the love I do in the through the leylines of energy they keep allowing world, to feel the appreciation I have, to open their me to see. lives up to the positivity and the possibility that The lifetime In ‘dreamlife’ which initially spoke they CAN have a good life. I’m often left drained and volumes to me was this one, It happened febuary this is also a time when depression hits me hard 2012 and it was such a vivid experience: I was and I continously have to clear the toxins, cords 15 in the ‘dream’ and had a older brother and and energy others put out. I was hit with it quite our mother was a petite short woman with dark bad at one point and made sure I visited my doctor. hair she was polish and I remember something I told him about my dreams and that I believe I about the philippines, she wanted to bolt and am in other parallel lives helping people, mainly live back there. It was rushed. We lived in small children as I always have a baby. I told him about 25

white buildings, like huts and were quite poor. Mother left first with the baby, my brother and I after much contemplation went second, packed only necessities and went to get our tickets which were small paper with writing on back and front , there’s loads to it, we went to school where elders cornered us and took our things. I remember going to see my brother, he was in a wooden shack and there was a big floral red and cream curtain covering his shalley, there was big metal tubing like a giant can without ends he slept in, he would do his work outs, and always be happy to see me. We did not want to live there. Mother was cold and selfish, we decided to make plans how to leave but did not want to leave our baby sister. We always secretly cared for her, even when mother left her she would scowl if we went near her, but she was always guilty for what she did, but did it anyway. It took several years. My brother and I were close... Daily life went on over and over lots of stories, changes, experiences... in the days anyway mother died from something connected to drugs and bad way of living, prostitution. We were sad, but we were happy to finally get the baby away from this life, we held each other together and got the baby who was now walking, growing so fast and was so beautiful and we, my brother I and the baby went back to the station and got tickets to return back home (can’t remember the location) but we knew we were gonna give this child an amazing life now.

There is loads of detail to the dream loads of emotion but it’s hard sometimes to let out what I’m feeling and the whole experience… I wake up as Annie and think: ”I’m pleased we sorted that out.” Ahhh…sigh of relief, now back to this lovely family of mine and I look at my babies and think... I appreciate you everyday thank you for letting me be a mother. I tend to do this a lot... I believe it to be real because of things that happen and the feelings, overwhelming emotions I get, also I have been to places in my dreams and then visited them in real life and just ‘knew’ the area. It also brings me memories of certain people.

I live in dreams I’m sure aswell as this life, and Im telling my story so that the truth…my truth can be revealed, and hopefully it will help some of you ‘remember’. What I experience I feel is real who’s to say what is happening in my head or my soul is not real just because I cannot provide concrete evidence even to myself... I Believe and... I try not to over analyse it because I feel it is essentially helping my spiritual growth, my energy, my being, and if it IS all just a dream, then I’m living the most amazing life imaginable, and its serving me through serving others. Learn, teach, grow~ Love.

Annie Carina Pearson

We are going to start a monthly readers page, where you the reader can voice your opinions…have a say or just let us know what is happening of interest in your neck of the woods….so please drop us a line…at


Swaying with the Trees Swaying with the trees I sense we are One Just as the dark coincide with the light, Moon and stars along with the our Sun Weeping willow dances with such delight

Stoic owl guards with penetrating gaze All the gifts bestowed by our creator Abundance made without expected praise Formed with balance and designed by nature

Leaves continue to prance like a ballet Sensing the soul of the core the Earth Poetry in motion like a Monet Divinity creating constant birth

Stillness felt without any commotion I flow free with no preconceived notion‌

Alma De La Cruz Gossman Š July 21, 2012


Reading For the next couple of issues we are publishing the complete book “The City of Light” written by Anthony John. The city of light is about creating an eco-society that lives with both ethical and spiritual values in Glastonbury, UK.

Anthony John (Founder of the ‘City of Light Project UK’) Donations To The City of Light Project<> Telephone +44 (0)1458 831 640 Mobile +44 (0)7926 604133 Click Here to get ‘The City of Light Book’ on Amazon<>


Part 1 Chapter 1 – The Purpose of This Life The journey of mankind has led humans to reach many a crossroad throughout its experience here on Mother Earth. Depending on whether you are a believer in Darwin’s unproven yet amazing work ‘The Origin of Species’, or indeed you believe humans came to inhabit our beautiful planet by some other means, one thing is for sure, there have been many pivotal times in human history where humanity reached a crossroads and collectively, even if we followed a leader or leaders, we chose one direction over another. The result of these selections of a path over time has led us to grow and develop as a species in a certain way. One great, yet unanswered question is, are we a human being having a spiritual experience or a spiritual being having a human experience? The current state of humanity suggests that over time the former has held sway and thus that path has been, albeit somewhat unconsciously, the path that has been followed. This has led us to the structure of life and civilisation that we experience across the planet today which, whilst vast and varied, broadly speaking each culture operates the same way. Simply put, humans have on mass become individualised, ego driven, left brain operators utilising logic and fear as their key operating system which has resulted in the level of awareness, or consciousness, of the average human being becoming very low compared to their potential. Today we, the people of the planet, find ourselves on a road that could well turn out to be a dead end although the vast majority are either oblivious or are choosing not to focus on this and carry on regardless! To this point in human time logic has prevailed and found a solution to each and every hurdle that has presented itself so far; whether it has been a tyrant, monetary or political collapse, or wars and killings over race, religion or manmade boundaries. Yet, bit by bit, it is becoming more and more obvious that the pathway ahead is no longer clear and a new way has to be found. ‘The City of Light’ represents an opportunity to place the first stone in the ground to a new way of existence for humanity. This way is a life of peace, love, truth and fulfilment for each and every inhabitant. Life, as we see throughout our own lives, goes in cycles, whether it is spring to summer or autumn to winter or hot to cold or cold to hot. In the bigger scheme of things change is of course massively slow with our own single lifetime all but a speck in time. There have been many prophecies throughout time of the end of time, none more poignant currently than those around the meaning attached to the Mayan calendar coming to an abrupt end in December 2012. The world, according to Dr David Hawkins, and as explained in his great work ‘Power Vs Force’, is currently divided with approximately 96% of people who live a left brain, 29

ego logic, lower level of unconscious consciousness experience and who see science, knowledge, power and money as the way forward. The other 4% see things through the experience of a higher level of conscious consciousness or super-consciousness. This is where truth and real love prevail in a world beyond science and where there is less need for logic as true connection to source through intuition connects them directly to all that is and all that knows everything. If Dr David Hawkins numbers are correct it means that there are, living today on Mother Earth, approximately 250 million people that live experiencing love and truth consciousness in their daily life and who are not driven by their lower ego self. These people are what you might call ‘old souls’, they have been on many journeys to the earth plane, and having ascended they have decided to return again to help and support others raise their levels of consciousness. It is said we are all ‘lightworkers’ yet it seems that the 4% are the active ones, the self realised, the ones that have chosen this timeframe to be here for the specific purpose of seeing humanity through the coming changes and challenges where fear will no doubt be heightened in so many others. It is also said through a channelling by Michelle Eloff that at present on Mother Earth there are some 8 million ‘seeds’; souls that were incarnated the last time humanity found itself upon the precipice at the fall of Atlantis. These souls have incarnated once again at this very specific time, they are here to awaken now to guide and support the people of the planet to live together with the experience of a new higher consciousness in harmony. Are you one of those seeds? If you are reading this right now it is most likely that you are. Could you see this moment as your calling to awaken? There is no time left to sit on the fence, your attention and action are needed right now... Is This - The Purpose of This Life?


Chapter 2 – Vision of the City The vision is simple, the creation of ‘The City of Light’! So what does that look like? Well, there are two distinct parts, its people and their energy, and its physical structure. Let’s start with its physical structure. At the heart of the City is its Temple or ‘The Temple of Peace’ as it is known. This temple is a place of healing and meditation as well as quiet contemplation and prayer. It houses a school for those studying to become healing priests or priestesses and close by, and directly connected, is the Exhibition Centre. The Exhibition has been designed to share, with outsiders that are interested in the workings of the Temple and the City, the principles and ethos of ‘The City of Light’ allowing them to learn and understand the difference between living an unconscious ego life and a conscious life of truth and love. Buildings surrounding the Temple are pyramid shaped; the large pyramids form the communal spaces for eating, meditation and sharing time together, the smaller ones are homes for residents, those in schooling, and for visitors undergoing healing at the Temple. The land surrounding the City is abundant, self sustaining and capable of supporting an ever growing number of inhabitants and visitors. Its location is far away from other civilisation, somewhat isolated and in beautiful natural surroundings. The City is completely eco friendly and has a neutral carbon footprint with all the buildings having been designed and built specifically with this in mind, enabling the City to exude great loving energy; everything and everyone in it feels loved and nurtured. The gardens surrounding the central core of the City, ‘The Temple’, the ‘Exhibition Centre’ and the large ‘Community Pyramids’ are cared for and nourished in a way that exudes everything that is, allowing the City’s people to be at one, not only with themselves but everyone and everything in the environment. The organic farms on the outskirts of the city grow all that is needed for its inhabitants to flourish and shine whilst taking care to give back as much to Mother Earth as we have taken and, where possible, to give back even more by sharing with her, our combined loving energy. The people are not segregated in any way by class, creed, colour or wealth as in ‘The City of Light’ none of these have importance and indeed the City is a moneyless environment. Everyone is here to assist and help themselves by sharing and healing in order to help raise each other’s level of consciousness. There are four districts in the City each connected to each other by an underground network of tunnels that lead to the heart of the City itself, the temple and community buildings. Each area exudes its own conscious energy and each person living in the City is committed to helping those with less expanded consciousness to expand theirs. The first dwelling area is to the east of the city and the pyramids here are the dwell31

ings of the ‘Red Robes’. These people are City visitors and they hold a special place in the City’s heart as they are here for healing and to expand their consciousness. The ‘Red Robes’ are also people wishing to become long-term inhabitants of the City and they are sharing time with us, in our own special form of ‘Novice-Hood’, deciding if living long term in ‘The City Of Light’ is indeed for them. They join in joyously helping provide the daily working needs of the City, they nurture the land, the flora, and the fauna as well as doing general tasks that ensure the City remains in the energy of Love & Truth. Of course when they have a session at the Temple for healing they are not required to work ‘for the greater good’ as well as work on you is seen in the City as equally important. The second dwelling area is to the south of the City and the Pyramid dwellings here house the ‘Orange Robes’. These people have elected and been selected to become citizens of ‘The City of Light’. After time in the east of the City their initiation sees them move south, the journey before them set to lead them to even higher levels of consciousness. The ‘Orange Robes’ may not have yet totally healed their past, and to different degrees they may still be living partly an unconscious experience, but their desire to grow and heal their old programmed wounds is their paramount intention. They live, work and share their time whilst giving their love generously to nurture both the City and its visitors. They serve wherever a need is required be it at the Exhibition, in the Temple, in the kitchen or working with Mother Earth for the good of all; they also spend time mentoring those in ‘Red Robes’. Each ‘Orange Robe’ is committed to their own personal growth and they share time with their own personal ‘Green Robe’ mentor who has already transcended to live consciously in order to help others. Mentors actively help heal and expand others consciousness, sharing of their time openly and willingly. To the North of the City live the ‘Green Robes’; those who have transcended their old ego ways, who live consciously in the moment and who are committed to serving both the City, its people, and its visitors at the highest level. Here live the priests and priestesses, the coaches, and those with healing powers whose time is spent mostly in the Temple helping others through the healing processes. They are also personal mentors to the ‘Orange Robes’ and are an example of what’s possible to the City’s inhabitants and visitors alike; they share time and love wherever and whenever it is needed. ‘Green Robes’ truly practice what they preach. Finally to the west of the City live the ‘Purple Robes’; those who have transcended through conscious living to experience super conscious living. These people are the high priests and priestesses of the City and some consider them the elders or the wise people. They connect though channels to the divine, sharing their energy and wisdom as guides and servants to City life, ensuring that the City is growing with Truth & Love at the centre of the City’s consciousness. Their wisdom enables great decisions to be made that benefit everyone and they make themselves available for personal and group sharing of their light, love and wisdom, in abundance, both in the great pyramids as well as in the Temple. In essence, whilst on the surface this might look like a hierarchy it is definitely not the 32 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

intention for it to be so as each City dweller is of ‘the one’ and is responsible for his or her own personal state as well as holding a great energy of respect for self and others. The different colours or places of residence do not in any way represent superiority, they represents our acceptance of our own level of consciousness which we display as an individualised person whilst knowing we are part of the whole. Let us remember that it is the coming together of all the colours that creates the great light that we all are. The robes colours also represent a transitional period for the City and all of humanity that ascend to a higher dimensional way of being. Expanded 5D humans will live and share telepathically from their light bodies, so in the longer term as we all raise our consciousness, there will be no need for any such colour system. Knowing it’s important to nourish ourselves with stillness and connection to all that is, time away from City life is considered very important. We certainly don’t wish for our energy to drop because there is too much ‘doing to be done’. ‘Being time’ is taken a little distance away from the city; everyone experiences time on a beautiful journey to a quiet space where the water, air and Mother Earth are even more fresh, clear and reviving. The pyramids here are of a special design that allows us to connect straight into the grid, regenerating and rejuvenating all of our self. Next Issue: Chapter 3: We are not alone...

We are between the Worlds. Beyond the bounds of Time. When Night and Day. Birth and Death. Joy and Sorrow meet as One.

After the End and before the Begining. Comes a time when the veil is thin. Listen to the Ancestors calling. Open the door and let them in.


Shamballa Bracelets

Special offer for Mystik Way readers Get one custom made!

If you would like a trendy handmade Shamballa Bracelet as pictured below, made with semi-precious beads, email me and let me know which beads you would like from a choice of – Black Onyx, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Haematite or Amethyst. All beads are 8mm and are woven on 2mm nylon cord. You can have the bracelet all one stone (like the tigers eye pictured below) or a mixture of beads from the list above. Just email me at your bracelet will be hand made and then listed for you to purchase in my online shop. Cost per bracelet is £9 (very competitive price – check out other sites, these attractive macramé bracelets can sometimes be quite overpriced!), plus shipping. Enjoy the power of Shamballa! Jenny Spirit x

hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the back.

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The magazine will always be free to read and download. Costs are £5 per half page £10 per full page per month. Please email me on 34 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

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...Issue 19 will be out in November 2012 Coming...feature article about cropcircles... and don’t forget to submit your experiences for the readers page. 35

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