Mystik way magazine 40

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A retu r n t o the old path Introduction to the temple of Spiritualism

inspired writing, Astrology, Totems, Tarot, Artwork, herbs, Recipes and more...



Welcome to issue fourty


A return to the Old Path

6 Ostara 8

Project Avalon


Back to the future healing

10 Celtic Moon Month Ritual Tree and Ritual 12

Introducing to the Temple of Spiritualism | 12

Synchronicity - A refresher

14 Introduction to the Temple of Spiritualism 18 Psychopomp - the conduction of souls 20

Sign of the month - Pisces

22 Inspired writing - Always remember

A return to the Old Path | 4

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation to help us with our running costs.


2015 - A new Beginning?


Meditation in Action


The Pentagram - it’s History


Imbolc - Poem


Angels - Sandlaphon

36 The Magic of Plants and Herbs Chamomile 38

Recipes from a Kitchen Witch


Glossary of the top 10 psychic gifts

EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | DESIGN Simone Schreck

Cover artwork: Mystikmaster

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ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEBSITE Simone Schreck CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Richard Hayes, Sue Hayes, Jenny Spirit, Peta Panos, Jennifer Adele,Bradley McKenzie, Rachel Patterson, Kate Bowman, Kristin Unkelbach

Welcome to issue number 40

The wheel has turned yet again & we head off into the calendar year of 2015, here in the northern hemisphere the weeks of festivities are a distant but enjoyable memory with spring hopefully just around the next corner. This issue is about positive empowerment, of renewal & a new way of living, ridding ourselves of the old restrictive ways, of the limitation we have allowed to be imposed upon us, to discover who we really are. Let us make this year the one where we break free, letting go of all those preconceived or should I say programmed ideas we have held for far too long. Let it be the one where we expand our mind by seeking & delving deeper within & without, to be true to ourselves by living a faithful reflection of our own spiritual truth and belief. A time for us to move forward before stagnation sets in, with new and fresh vigour that will propel us forward with a greater understanding on the long road to enlightenment. On a lighter note, I trust everyone had an enjoyable festive season of celebrations & looking forward to the adventures of the coming year. Enjoy the magazine as we head off on the Magikal Mystery Tour we call life & whatever your plans are, live them to the full.

Blessings. MystikMaster


A return to the Old Path T

he very place where lays the true magik is a path much trod by the ancestors, a path where we hold hands with mother earth & walk side by side with the animals whilst embracing all living entities. To realise & understand that all exist as an intricate web bound together by a fine thread, then to know that each can & will affect each other thereby urging us to work with the cycles of nature, which in turn leads us to the true magik of this earthly existence. For far too long the race of humans have been under the misguided impression that they are the be all & end all, the top dog riding rough shod over nature by trying to control everything to suit their own fear and creed. This attitude has for far too long prevailed thereby keeping the true path of Magik well and truly hidden. Slowly but surely though the Dragon awakes & the scales begin to fall from the eyes of those who were prevented from seeing, the veil draws thinner between the worlds giving glimpses of the magikal & enchanted realms, the world as it really is not the one we have been trained to see. The way opens again as it is a time of stagnation for the majority of the human race, a time of great unrest of the mind. We have evolved physically & possibly mentally, we have all the tools to make life easy for everyone but through fear & lack of spiritual understanding abuse this situation which in 4 |


turn is leading to wars, wide spread disease and poverty. So the only way now is that of a spiritual awakening, guiding those that are engulfed in the shadows towards the Old Path where they may find their way back to the real reason they are having a human life experience & from that a true purpose. It is therefore time for those of us who know to give this knowledge & wisdom freely, being readily there for those that need guidance, to speak up & be heard. At the same time we must embrace the way fully & not just play around the edges on a part time basis, walk our talk showing that is not just hot air but a fantastic fulfilling way of life that not only enhances our existence but of everyone and everything around us also. It is a way of life not a belief system or religion which is so simple in essence & that’s what may make it difficult to start with for many as lt appears to mean letting go of control, control of others, situations and nature, (something society has long trained us to do). But once we learn to do this it in fact works in our favour because when we let go and join the flow of the universe and mother nature all falls exactly into place, the animals, birds, the weather patterns and our own intuition (once freed from control) will give us exactly what we want & need without effort, we will be guided every moment.

The Old Path of Magik Tread gently upon the earth as she is your mother……Listen to & Respect the Trees as they are your teachers……Befriend all the Animals as they are your brothers and sisters also……Admire the Birds as they can see and reach places we can only dream of. Spend a few moments each day in silence & gratitude. Follow those guidelines and the Old Path will open and illuminate before your eyes.

MystikMaster 5

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Ostara, Spring Equinox O

20th to 21st March

stara is a celebration of spring as she finally arrives here in the northern hemisphere (Mabon the Autumn equinox in the southern hemisphere) after the long dark days of winter. The animals are waking up & the light has returned. It is a time of fertility a time to awaken & put those plans made in the dark winter months into action…to feel in all senses the sap rising within the body and the soul just as the sap rises within the trees and plants forcing the buds to open and blossom….a time of great beauty…a time of hope of the wonderful summer and times yet to come. As I always advocate, time to hold a ritual party celebration, invite friends & hold a feast of fine wine and food…make the food of the fresh variety. Make an Altar with bright flowers, daffodils, bluebells, hyacinth all of which bring a vibrant energy, burn light aromatic incense & light yellow & green candles… try and go for a walk in the countryside beforehand to prepare yourself & fill up with mother nature’s pure energies. Then all you have to do is enjoy it all… blessings. Of course in the southern hemisphere it is Mabon, the Autumn equinox and the celebrations will be one of the harvest, a drawing in & enjoying the fruits of the summers labours. Invite friends for a thanksgiving party, use Autumn coloured candles, gold…red & burn sandalwood incense on your altar….eat, drink and enjoy as you remember all the wonderful times that have passed your way during the year,

Many Blessings wherever you are & whatever path you walk. MystikMaster





s the festive season has come to a close, the wine drinking & feasting slows down it is time to start the cleaning up and planning for the coming spring. It has been a strange winter as despite the media scaremongering of extreme dire weather, it has not been that bad at all here so many of the herbs & plants have flourished. At the moment most of the work involved is cleaning up plus some seed planting, with Tomato, peppers & aubergine well under way.

To refresh everyone’s memory, project Avalon is about turning my courtyard into a Herb, Fruit &Vegetable Mystikal Haven, not only organic but planted & tended by the Moon phase’s as well as the Sun’s. Complemented by Rituals, Meditations, Music & Mantra… to be true to the ways of the Old Path.

including myself work as one with great benefits to us all. At Imbolc the mystic way group burn their Bridgits crosses they had made the previous year & scattering the ashes around the plants thus returning the energies to mother earth, they made new crosses & the ceremony will be repeated next year.

The evidence for this way of working is powerful as last year’s fruit and herbs tasted like pure So the really important part is the moon rituals, nectar compared to that of ordinary gardening mantra & meditations, working in harmony with or that of purchased produce. Whatever space the plants and the elements, air, fire, water and you have available, please do give it a try as it earth to combine the with the spiritual element. is so rewarding in so many ways, it is also the place where true Magik begins…..with Mother These elements plus the moon and stars as Earth. well as the sun, the wind, the music & mantra


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Bach to the future Healing I am trying an experiment in healing if anyone would like to join in. It is about sending light & healing backwards into the past, by sending it back a decade at a time to heal past hurts that may have long been forgotten. So no need to dwell on the events that you know of, just send the light asking that it may heal all hidden hurts...if you are shown any all well and good just see them as healed. We can also apply this to others when sending mother earth and the animal kingdom Give it a try and let me know how you get on.



Celtic Moon Month Tree & Ritual

In Ancient Celtic Lore, Trees we considered as wise Teachers & were held in high regard by all the people. Each month & linking with the Moon a sacred tree was attributed‌.. Trees are powerful magik & they have a great deal to teach us, make time to spend in their company daily or as much as you possibly can. Sit with your spine resting against its trunk & allow the energies to flow through you, feel the solid earth beneath you then let your being & thoughts blend with the tree‌.You will be amazed at the healing, grounding and clarity it bring.

MystikMaster From the 18th of February until the 17th of March it is the turn of the Ash tree moon. From the 18th of March until the 14th of April it is the turn of the Alder tree moon. Rituals are as follows :


Alder Tree



18th Feb 17th March

18th March 14th April

I step into the Month of the Ash Moon.

I step forward into the Month of the Alder Moon.

fly around me, fast and alive,

I reach through its roots into water.

They sing, whirl around, dart about.

I reach through its branches into air.

I blink at the sunrise, look into the blue :

I unify the two in balance,

I step forward and onward and out.

I combine them for others to share.

I see the freedom before me.

My mind and my heart stand together,

I am healed, and eager, and bold.

My actions are fast and precise

My body is strengthened and ready,

The world adjusts to receive me,

I follow a path long foretold.

From within do I find my advice.

I am called by the rivers and streams :

walk tall and feel the symmetry,

I walk forward : I’m guided by dreams.

As I weave the future around me.

Rituals by James Middleditch


SYNCHRONICITY : A REFRESHER by James Middleditch “We are experiencing these mysterious coincidences, and even though we don’t understand them yet, we know they are real. We are sensing again, as in childhood, that there is another side of life that we have yet to discover, some other process operating behind the scenes.” (James Redfield – The Celestine Prophecy)

Introduction – The Journey Back

The First Insight

Let’s go back to the late 1990’s – that’s where the coincidences have been pointing to. In those preMillennium days, when the internet was still mostly the reserve of cafes and had yet to find its way into our homes and the palms of our hands as now, connection to other people of a like, spiritual mind, had to rely much more on coincidence. For me, one text stands out when I look back, as providing a guide to the seeking of such people, partly because it taught me how to observe and act upon coincidences. Coincidences became a spiritual satnav, allowing me to find the locations, people and group that I needed to progress my soul journey. This text is, of course, The Celestine Prophecy. Its message about coincidences is simple – pay attention to them, and follow where they lead. Recently, there have been lots of pointers backwards – television programmes, meditations, music, dreams… Something from that period needs attention, some message that we need reminding of. So let’s start with this one.

Accepting coincidences into your spiritual life requires them to undergo a change of name. The word ‘coincidences’ has connotations of accident, of things that happen that may form an interesting pattern, but not much more than that. The Celestine Prophecy has given them a new name – ‘synchronicity’ – and with that, new connotations, of intent, design, mystery and magic.


The book’s first chapter, and First Insight, begins by acknowledging something we have all experienced and wondered at – an unexpected connection between events, like meeting a person after thinking or dreaming of them, or the same word of message repeatedly appearing. In order to go further into the spiritual journey of the novel, the main character must transform his understanding of these events, not as random, meaningless happenings, but as evidence of a pathway that can be followed to the best outcome. The coincidence – or synchronicity – is the message, and the map. It says, ‘Go this way.’

Here now, at the start of 2015, half way through the second decade of the new Millennium, synchronicities have suggested that this look backwards is needed, in order for us to in turn look forwards. We need to be reminded of some of the first steps we took down this path, as we prepared to step into this spiritual Millennium.

Where to Look? Something else from the 1990’s I’ve been reminded of recently is ‘magic eye pictures’, which were a bit of a craze at the time. They looked like pretty but meaningless patterns of colour, but by staring at them and letting your eyes go out of focus, you could see a 3D image embedded into the pattern. It took a while, but the revelation of the image was fantastic, and once you knew it was there, you could always find it again.

So it is with synchronicities – you simply have to be alert to them, to tune your eyes into them, and they appear. When I say eyes, I do of course mean all three of them! Observing synchronicity is as much about making connections to our pasts and our subconscious, our spiritual memories both from our own lives and those from the Collective Unconscious – therefore the third eye must be open and observant. How appropriate that those pictures were called ‘magic eye’.

appear in their own time. Frantic searching will impede the clarity of the vision. This was once described to me as being like trying to grasp a wet bar of soap; go gently, as the harder you try to grab on, the more likely it is to fly away. The second is to believe that they are there, and to commit to acting upon them. Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, another much loved spiritual guide of the 1990s, suggests that the Universe will offer these guides, but only if it knows we will make use of them. This can be quite a scary thing to do, as it can lead us down paths that require bravery and faith, paths unknown rather than those we have become comfortable with. It can also be exhilarating – as Redfield writes, “The experience induces a feeling of mystery and excitement and, as a result, we feel more alive.”

Conclusion – The Journey Forwards Embracing this mystery was a message and a map that opened up more magical experiences than I have time and space to describe. For some reason, it’s a message that needs re-iterating here and now. The first printing of The Celestine Prophecy was in 1994, so for many of us the twentieth anniversary of our discovery of it is coming up. It’s always good to return to our foundations, to remind ourselves of the learning that set us on our pathway. The reasons may not always been immediately clear, but there will always be one. We are only ever called to look back in order to continue to go forwards.

Useful websites… images/16383884/title/magic-eyes-photo

There are two tricks to help them appear, just like the image in theose pictures. The first is not to look too hard, but to relax and let them 13

Tree of Life

INTRODUCTION TO THE TEMPLE OF SPIRITUALISM By Richard Hayes Spiritualism accepts that Creation contains both the Seen and Unseen Worlds. As well as the physical universe and planet earth, it also contains many different expressions of the Unseen Spiritual Worlds.


hese Unseen Worlds are real on their own plane of reality, and can be accessed by mediumship, through the use of a medium’s trained psychic ability. Spiritualists also accept that all humanity pass on death into these Unseen Worlds of Spirit, as a reflection of Natural Law, and that transition is for all, irrespective of the nature of the life that they have lived on earth, or whether they belong to any organized religion. They also accept that there is access to the Spiritual Worlds by mediumship, and that our loved ones continue to exist and are able to communicate from their world to ours, through the powers of mediumship. If you are able to accept that as well as being physical beings, we are all spiritual beings with an immortal spirit which survives death and continues to exist in the World of Spirit, and that it is possible to communicate with that spirit through mediumship, whether you are aware of it or not – you are a Spiritualist! Spiritualism attempts to prove these truths, through the demonstration of mediumship, where the medium makes 14 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

contact with departed loved ones, and provides evidence in terms of information that only you would know about them, to demonstrate that they are still alive and able to communicate with you. This is called Proof of Survival Mediumship, and is the fundamental practice of all Spiritualist Churches and Centres. In recent years, many mediums have performed on stages in theatres and on television to demonstrate to a far greater audience than those who attend Spiritualist Churches, the truth of the survival of the human spirit and its ability to communicate with loved ones on earth. What is not seen in the halls or on television is the extensive body of teachings and philosophy which has been received over the last 150 years, through mediumship directly from the Spirit World. Often referred to as the Philosophy of Spiritualism, these teachings explain the nature of the spirit world, human spirituality, ethical and moral teachings, and an explanation of how mediumship works. Some of these teachings are received directly from a Spirit Guide or Teacher through Trance Mediumship, where the medium suppresses their own consciousness and allows the spirit

communicator to draw close and talk through them, using the medium’s consciousness. Other teachings have been received by Evolved Souls, who have had their thoughts influenced by the Spirit World, and written these down as they receive the ideas from Spirit. Another important aspect of Spiritualism is the practice of Spiritual Healing, where a Healing Medium attunes to the Spirit World, and allows spiritual energy to flow through them to the patient, bringing the possibility of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing. This direct link with the Spirit World, Spiritual Guides and Spiritual Helpers, is often seen as the highest form of mediumship. Spiritual Healing not only offers the possibility of physical improvement, it enhances our mental and emotional state, provides relaxation, and can assist in pain relief. In serious cases, it can also help the patient to adjust to their circumstances, provide hope and reassurance of the eternal nature of the human spirit.

Explanation of Picture I have painted my impression of the Astral Temple of Spiritualism. Traditionally the temple is raised up on three steps, to demonstrate its separation from the physical world. The entrance portico is shown with three columns supporting a pitched roof. In front of the temple I have painted my symbolic Tree of Spiritualism. Standing in front of the tree is the central figure of a Medium, representing mediumship as the principle activity of Spiritualism.

The attic space in the roof is shown as the Divine World, which is separated from normal humanity, and it is represented by the Higher Spheres of the Tree of Life – Keter, Hokmar and Binar. These are shown as the powers of Divine Spirit, represented by the seven- pointed Star of Spiritualism, and the Tao Circle of interacting, balanced energies. The two other spheres are shown as the realms of the Gods and Goddesses. The goddess at Binar is linked to the powers of the Moon, and the God power of Hokmar is linked to The true Temple of Spiritualism is not a the powers of the Sun. This is also the realm physical building, but a creation in the Astral of the higher Angelic Forces, shown linking World of creative imagination, which is the Keter to Humanity. natural home of spiritual ideas. This temple At the top of the nave inside the temple, contains a vast body of spiritual teachings, and is the natural home of many guides and is shown a grey area representing the Abyss of spiritual teachers, as well as our loved ones the Tree of Life, and this is being crossed by who we have known on earth. It is in the Astral the Angelic Forces which link the Divine to Plane, the level of consciousness between Humanity on the earth plane. normal human consciousness and divine In the upper level of the temple – consciousness that all spiritual work is carried coloured yellow, is shown the Heavenly out. The activities of Spiritualism is centered Hosts, which at the highest level comprises in this Astral Temple which has been created the Angels, Masters, Spiritual Teachers and over the years by many great souls who have Guides. At the lower level is shown on each brought their teachings to the earth plane, and side our Loved Ones in Spirit, and in the centre the diligent work throughout the ages of many our Door Keeper (Main Guide) surmounted enlightened mediums working on the earth by our own Holy Guardian Angel. plane. It is truly the meeting place of heaven The three columns of the portico and earth, where we can explore and develop represent the Pillars on which Spiritualism our spirituality. is founded - Proof of Survival Mediumship, 15


Spiritual Healing and Spiritualist Philosophy Conclusion – all of which support the Astral Temple of All Ritual Magic, which is carried out in Spiritualism. a Circle using an altar and spiritual symbols, The lower part of the nave is shown creates an Astral Temple. It is in this astral as a natural landscape, and this is the realm temple, which is situated between the physical of Human Beings on Earth. The figures at and spiritual worlds, that true magic takes the base of the tree represent people being place. This is also true of all Magical Lodges drawn to Spiritualism, to begin their spiritual which enact ritual for initiation and spiritual development. advancement. At this level, the astral forces are created, which have an effect on physical In the centre stands the Medium linking reality and are directed by the Magician or the World of Spirit to the Earth Plane. Their Priest. Every lodge or spiritual group creates arms are lifted up to the heavens, and their its own psychic energy which forms an astral higher chakras are shown illuminated as they temple, which encompasses their beliefs centre themselves in the Heart Chakra and and spiritual practice, and it is in their astral open up the psychic and spiritual centers of temple that the members of the group meet the Throat, Brow and Crown Chakras. Above the Spiritual Masters who direct their activity their head resides their Higher Spiritual Self, from the World of Spirit. which makes direct contact with the Spirit World, and links them directly to their Main Perhaps you can now see that what Guide and Guardian Angel. The medium is I have said about Spiritualism is true of all shown enveloped by their spiritual aura, the spiritual and magical groups, and their success psychic bubble into which they invite spiritual is dependent on the creation and maintenance entities to enter, so that they can communicate of their Astral Temple. That temple can then with them. be a source of Power, Enlightenment and Healing, such as is demonstrated by the Just as the medium links the earth to Goddess Temple in Glastonbury. the heavens, so does the Tree of Spiritualism, which is shown planted in front of the Temple. It’s roots are shown in the earth beneath the temple and represents the Philosophy of Spiritualism. Its trunk is linked to Healing and Mediumship, and its branches and leaves link the tree to both the normal physical world of the lower part of the picture, and to the higher spiritual worlds of the temple. At the top of the tree is flowering blossom, which is the crowning glory of the tree, and represents Proof of Survival Mediumship, which attracts many interested people to Spiritualism, and the path of individual spiritual development. It is said that the blossom (Proof of Survival Mediumship) at the crown of the tree, can only thrive if the roots of the tree are active and secure. These roots are nourished by the study and understanding of the Philosophy of Spiritualism. 17

Psychopomp - The conducti P

sychopomp is a Greek word translating to “the conductor of souls”

From a Shamanic perspective if someone is to die and they have unfinished business, i.e. things they wish to say. Their soul may not travel all the way through to the spirit world. This is a symbolic representation so each to their own as to what to believe will come upon one’s death and the afterlife.

Other instances like an unexpected death resulting from a car accident, an overdose, shock of any kind can also leave the soul wondering what happened and therefore still here in the middle world.

I have come across a few souls where this has happened and the dialogue starts by me and my spirit teachers discussing the details of their death as memory loss is common.

I feel deeply that if one has truly looked at many aspects of their own shadow/unconscious then they will be guided through to the death realms. Many mythologies and symbolic tales begin to surface when we contemplate death and both the Egyptian and Tibetan book of the dead detail a courageous journey being made by the soul facing one’s own demons/Boddhisatva’s/Neter’s and an honest appraisal of one’s deeds.

I thoroughly enjoy mythology but always favour 18 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

my direct experience over any sacred teaching as how can one truly know unless we have tasted it, felt it, seen it and experienced with every cell in our body. I myself have experienced a few near death experiences and what I felt and saw was deeply mystical and now I feel rather at home in these realms. Whether a Shaman or a Mystic has had near death experiences they do walk into the land of the dead each time they alter their consciousness through the Shamanic journey, ritual or meditation so this is all very much direct experience.

I do certainly feel that the specifics of one’s own shamanic initiations contribute hugely to the work one is destined to practice.

In Greek mythology we see Hermes as the great Psychopomp. Many practitioners form an alliance with their spirit teachers and I myself feel I am merely the middle man and that my Psychopomp teacher does the work.

My role as a Shamanic practitioner is both for those in the process of transiting from their body whether in a hospital or at home and for those you have already left their body. I can comfort and support someone who may be straddling the realms, who wants someone to talk to about what may be potentially next. I trust that my experience will help to alleviate fears here too.

ion of souls Each time some faery voice calls, “Come away, come away”, it lures the imagination into the borderlands of life and death, where we are haunted by the two most important questions in the history of the Shamanic practitioner and apprentice astrologer human spirit and, indeed, in the personal history of each man and woman: Where, at death, do we go, and what do we become? – Tom Cowan, Celtic Shaman.



PISCES (20th February to 20th March)


isces is a receptive, mutable Water sign. As a receptive mutable sign, it is adaptable and able to adjust to different circumstances. In the element of Water, it is connected to the emotions and intuition, and is sensitive to the feelings of others. The symbol associated with Pisces is Two Fishes, each swimming in opposite directions, as this sign is naturally changeable, and they can easily alter their opinion to suit different circumstances. They are artistic and sensitive, expressing themselves through Art, Music, Dance and Drama, and they often have compassion for others. They are the dreamers of the Zodiac, easily distracted, and can be deluded by fanciful ideas. Pisceans can by hypersensitive, compassionate, psychic, imaginative and self-sacrificing, but they can also be indecisive, vague and illusive. They have a flexible attitude to life, are creative thinkers and have concern for the needs of others.


The planet which rules Pisces is Neptune, the artistic planet of creativity and poetic expression. This give Pisceans a creative imagination and they often dress in pale colours with artistic flare, and can blend into the background. Their natural psychic awareness enables them to link with other levels of consciousness, and they can communicate their experiences in a poetic way. Pisces rules the 12th House of the Subconscious and the hidden aspects of our character, and consequently Pisceans are in touch with their dreams and deeper feelings, and their sensitivity may enable them to help other people explore their hidden selves. Pisceans will find it easy to relate to the other water signs – (Cancer and Scorpio) who also use their emotions to explore themselves and others. They will however feel challenged by the practical, analytical nature of Virgo,

their opposite sign, which views the world from a material perspective rather than from an emotional one. In the family of the zodiac, Pisceans are the Dreamers, seen symbolically as the Elderly Person at the conclusion of life, half in this world and half in the next. They are compassionate and can understand other people’s problems and try to help them in any way they can. They are creative and use their intuition rather than their intellect, and they can also be indecisive and detached from reality. They are at their best when they can relax, enjoy a drink or two and allow their imagination to run free to entertain others with their stories. They then have the confidence to share the many benefits of their sensitive nature with others in society.

The Key Word for Pisces is Sensitivity.


As a Spiritualist Medium, I channel inspired writings dictated to me from the Spirit World, usually in the form of Spiritual Guidance.

Always remember


lways remember that you are firstly spirit, living for a while in a physical body. That body is the vehicle to carry you through your life on earth. It will take you on many journeys of discovery and adventure, so it is important that you care for it and nurture it, so that it will not let you down and will keep you safe. It is there so that you can fulfill all the practical tasks required in living an earthly life, and learn the special lessons through the restrictions and difficulties of a physical life on earth. However, it is the spirit within which will guide you along the pathways in life, choose the direction in which you travel and the way that you interact with your environment, all of creation and all living creatures – including human beings! We come close to you from the spirit realms to guide your spirit, your thoughts and 22 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

your intentions, and inspire you to help others in thoughts, words and actions. We come close to inspire you with the love of the Great Spirit, so hoping that you can be the channel of that love, and share it with those who are lonely or feel un-loved, those who are grieving or need help in any way. We try to inspire you with joy and laughter, hope and calm, bringing reassurance and encouragement to live in harmony with each other. Always remember that it is the spirit within that lights up your life, encouraging your body to put into action the wish to be of service to others. Trust us to guide you in sharing our love to help you in these tasks, and remember that the journey of personal spiritual unfoldment and understanding will continue eternally, beyond physical death, refining and beautifying your spirit as you learn and understand.

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way magazine, please give consideration to making a small donation towards the running costs. Although Ed and Simi give their time freely, it is only right that they should be reimbursed for their out-ofpocket expenses. If you can help, please donate to ‘Mystik Way’ by using the Donate Button. Many thanks to those who have contributed in the past, we appreciate your generostiy. Warlockway – Treasurer to Mystik Way.



2015 A new beginning? by Peta Panos


anuary & Februari is a powerful time to set intentions for the year ahead and a strong manifestation month. A key aspect to manifesting, using the law of attraction, is to remember that everything is energy and already exists. You don’t need to create it - you just need to attract it. For example: Money or the perfect partner for you already exists. Using the law of attraction is about raising your vibration so that it is in alignment (resonates) with what you want to attract (like attracts like). Just by realizing that something is possible in your life, opens the energy potential, so don’t limit yourself by thinking small. Desires reside in higher vibration (soul energy) so by raising your vibration through your thoughts, words, feelings and actions, you attract your desires like a magnet (when our vibration increases, so does our magnetism). When you manifest, you step into (embody) the experience of what you desire.


Focus is equally important, as is remembering that there is polarity in every-thing. Using manifesting financial abundance for example – on one side of the money pole is debt and on the other, financial abundance. If you focus on debt, then that is what you will create more of. If you focus on the feeling of having financial freedom and abundance, then that is what you will attract. It might seem impossible to focus on financial freedom when you are up to your eyeballs in debt, however, visualize what it would feel like if you had complete financial freedom and that is the feeling to focus on. There are many websites, books and seminars on how to use the law of attraction to manifest so I will just briefly touch on them here with the following steps: 1. Be crystal clear on what you want. Make sure it doesn’t interfere with some-one else’s free will (e.g. I want to make him love me) and be

clear on your intentions. If you want to attract the perfect partner for you for example, focus on the traits of your perfect partner and how you would want to feel in the relationship, rather than an actual person. 2. Write a story in the present tense about the life that you want to create – only use positive words and cover all areas (home, health, wealth, important relationships, career, personal development, travel and spirituality). Your story is who YOU define yourself to be and you can change our story whenever you want to, simply by shifting your perspective. 3. Challenge your beliefs about why you are experiencing lack. To establish what these beliefs are – ask yourself why you believe you don’t already have what you want in your life. For example: you may be looking for a partner and if you ask yourself why you don’t have a partner already, you may answer that it is because there are no good men out there (this is your belief). Ask yourself if this is really true as it is preventing you from achieving your goals. Go through each reason you might give so that you can see that these are old limited beliefs you have and once you focus on and dismiss each one, you free yourself from the hold they have on you. 4. Once you have defined your new story, close your eyes, ground yourself and go into soul energy. Visualize yourself having achieved every-thing you want to manifest. Notice the emotions you feel, how your heart sings as the joy spreads through your body. Once you have basked in the energy of it until it permeates every cell of your being, see your vision shrinking onto a ball of light and take this ball of light into the centre of your chest (heart

chakra) The ball of light has a high vibration to it and every time you have thoughts, feelings, use words or actions, you feed the light (or diminish it if you are negative or fearful about not receiving what you want) Like energy attracts like energy and it will expand on itself. As you feed and grow the light, you raise the vibration and expand the energy until it meets the vibration of what you want to attract. 5. Keep thoughts, words, feelings and actions simple so you can be consistent and create a habit of attraction. While you activate and align these 4 energy points, you also release energy that is not aligned with what you want to experience. 6. Overcome the fear of doing something out of your comfort zone – take baby steps rather than looking at the whole goal. If you are focusing on health for example, celebrate every time you take the stairs instead of the lift or eat something healthy for you. Success is a series of habits you do every day and when you change your habits, you change your life. You may notice that fear returns every-time the challenge increases as fear is a natural part of life, so the more you recognize, accept and overcome fear, the easier it becomes to focus your attention on the excitement of what you are attracting. 7. Put up reminders of the life you want to create every-where and create a vision board. 8. Regularly visualise yourself living your dream life; immerse yourself in the feeling of living this life so you can connect into it easily, at will. Your positive emotions invoke the law of attraction as like attracts like. Remember Abundance is a feeling, 25

not a bank account balance. 9. The act of giving raises our own vibration so give what you want to receive. We know that like attracts like, so when we give, we create the potential of what we give, coming back to us. The act of giving also shifts our mindset from lack and limitation to abundance and free flow, which activates the energy further. 10. Keep a gratitude journal and focus only on the positive – this will attract more of it in your life. 11. Be consistent – if you have faith one day and doubt the next, you send out mixed energetic messages, which literally cancel each other out. If you slip back into doubt, remember that like attracts like and if you are focused on doubting, you attract more of it and delay the process. 12. And now the critical step – to release the doubt and fear of not being able to manifest what you really want. Start by grounding yourself and going into soul energy. See a bubble in front of you with a magnet in it. Fill the bubble with the emotions of living your chosen life and all the details in the story you have written. Once your creation bubble is complete, visualise a cord to your solar plexus (the chakra that deals with fear issues). This cord represents the fear of not creating your chosen life. Ask Arch Angel Michael to cut the cord with his sword of light and see the bubble being freed, to take your creation bubble to God/Source and with this, handing the when and the how to the universe. Give thanks and allow it to be. Know and trust that the universe has your order and will be delivering it to you. Do not worry about how it will happen, just continue to take action to fully embody the experience you are manifesting. Surrender to the roll out process with grace and allow the universe to deliver it to you in its own magical way usually in a way that you could never have imagined. True surrender is when you open 26 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

your heart and accept the direction your soul and the universe is taking you. Go with the flow rather than stopping the flow by worrying about things that which have already happened and about things which may never happen. When your manifestation comes to fruition, remember to celebrate it. This moves you into an even higher vibration and new set point for future manifestations. Start with little things that you are not attached to and once you build up your confidence with the manifestation process, the world is your oyster. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words and your faith stronger than your feelings. Wishing you all a blessed, loving and Happy New Year!

For more information on intuitive coaching with Peta, visit Peta Panos Coaching

Where will you be going in 2015? We have an exciting range of Spiritual Quest Journeys to Sacred Sites and magical places all around the world. For more information and an overview of the journeys on offer, please click here

Written by: Peta Panos – Intuitive Coach/Spiritual Quest Journeys

Email: Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys Twitter: questjourneys

MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINK Every evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS” The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing. Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth. We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds…their bodies….and their souls. This is our mission….our work. Blessings


Meditation in Action:

Understanding Walking Meditation

Written by Jennifer Adele


alking meditation is quite simply a form of meditation in action, and is something that I, personally, have been practicing for the past 17 years. It is a hyper-physical form of meditation that not only puts us in direct and balanced touch with the inner workings of our own minds, but also in deep communication with both the stillness and the rhythms of our own bodies. Walking meditation acts as the bridge that creates the wholeness of the body-mind, and it has had a profound and completely positive impact in my own life. In walking meditation, we use the experience of walking, instead of sitting stillness, as the focus. The movement becomes a non-verbal mantra and a whirling center of peace. This then allows us to become more mindful of our experience while walking; we do more than literally walk and we become more than the tangible quotients of who we seem to be externally. And, we learn to respond instead of merely react.

Obviously, there are some differences between walking meditation and sitting meditation, and that is a great place to start, descriptively. First 28 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

and foremost, we keep our eyes open during walking meditation, and that difference implies other changes in the way we do the practice. We are not withdrawing our attention from the outside world. On the contrary, we are holding in our awareness the existence of the shared reality of that world and then better grasping our own place in it. Wholeness of the bodymind merges with wholeness of the greater shared reality. We have to be aware of things outside of ourselves‌ and there are many other things that we will be more aware of than when we are doing sitting meditation‌ especially if we sit inside. These include the wind, the sun, the rain, the sounds of nature, and of humans and machines.

But one of the biggest differences perhaps is that walking meditation is easier, for most people. People often report feeling more easily and readily aware of their bodies while doing walking meditation, compared to sitting forms of practice. When your body is in motion, it is generally easier to be cognizant of it compared to when you are sitting still. When we’re sitting still in meditation, the sensations that

arise in the body are much more subtle and harder to pay attention to than those that arise while we’re walking. This can make walking meditation an intense experience. You can experience your body very deeply and fully, and you can also find incredible enjoyment from it.

The practice of walking meditation can also be fitted into the gaps of our lives quite easily. It is highly convenient and therefore even more effective. Just walking from the car into the supermarket can be an opportunity for a minute’s walking meditation. Most people who practice this form of meditation agree that outdoor experiences are best and create a sense of renewal within the self that simply can’t be achieved while insulated by indoor surroundings. For your first attempt, you might want to find a park or open space where you will be able to walk for twenty minutes or more without encountering heavy traffic or excessive stimuli.

Now, let’s get to the basic “How-To”: Before starting to walk. Spend a little time standing still. Allow your awareness to be with your body. Take some deep breaths, inhaling deep into the belly. Put your full attention on the sensation of breathing. Then allow the breath to return to normal and notice it going on its own for a little while. Now bring your awareness to your body, noticing how your body feels as you are standing, and becoming aware of all the sensations going on within.

Now begin walking. Walk at a relaxed, fairly slow but normal pace. Pay attention to the sensations in your body as you walk. It is natural to find your attention drawn to the sights around you, but keep bringing your attention back to what is going on internally, first. The idea is to have your attention on the physical experience of walking. If the mind starts getting caught up in thoughts, easily bring your attention back to the experience of walking. Notice how the body feels in great

detail. The entire body is involved in the act of walking — from alternation of the left and right foot to the swinging of your arms and hips.

Notice how the soles of your feet feel… the contact they make with your socks or shoes, the textures of the fabrics touching them, the way they feel as they bear the weight of your body and the sensations in them as your walk along. Feel the entire foot, being aware of how it moves as the heel is placed on the ground, and then the movement rolls to the ball of the foot and toes. Notice how it feels as the foot lifts and moves forward. Allow your awareness to move up through every part of the body, noticing the sensations as you walk. Gradually scan all parts of your body as you bring your attention to the ankles, skin, calves, knees, thighs, hips, pelvis, back, chest, shoulders, arms, neck, and head. When you become aware of tension anywhere in the body, let it go. Allow that part of your body to relax. Allow all of your body to relax. As you do this, the walking will become more enjoyable.

Take in the rest of the world around you… without judgment. Once you are centered, begin to bring in an awareness of your surroundings – wind, sun, air temperature, moisture, nature sounds, structures, people, etc. Incorporate into your sense of oneness, of wholeness, that you have with your body-mind all of these external factors until there is the understanding and the experience of a universal One.

Enjoy & Be Blessed!


The Pentagram it’s History by your own resident Witch... Rachel Patterson worldwide best selling author


robably the most recognisable symbol from paganism and when I started on this pathway many years ago it was one of the first items I purchased to put on my altar and the symbol I chose to wear as a necklace, one that I used in my dedication to the Craft all that time ago, I still wear the same pentagram necklace now.

Many of us wear the pentagram in the form of jewellery or on clothing, accessories and even tattoos. To pagans it is an incredibly important symbol with a whole heap of power and meaning behind it, but where did it come from?

The pentagram is a five pointed star, encased by an outer circle. Its apex points upwards. The five pointed star shape without the circle is called a pentacle. Yep I know… like many I used to get terribly confused trying to remember which one was which…

Here I have given some information that I have discovered in my research, it is by no means 30 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

comprehensive but I hope you find it interesting.

The pentagram was first used around 3500BC at Ur of the Chaldees in Ancient Mesopotamia. Pieces of broken pottery were found, some of them with the earliest findings of the written language on. In later Mesopotamian art the pentagram was used as a symbol of imperial power in royal inscriptions. It symbolised the imperial power extending out to the four corners of the world. The Hebrews also used the pentagram as a symbol of truth and for the five books of the Pentateuch (the first give books of the Hebrew scriptures).

The geometry of the pentagram and its metaphysical associations were explored by Pythagoreans who saw it as a symbol of perfection. It was called the Pentalpha, composed of five geometrical ‘A’s. Pythagoras travelled all over the ancient world, so he may be the explanation of the presence of the pentagram in Tantrik art. Early Hindu and Buddist writings that seem to share Pythagoras’ view of the star.

The Gnostics saw the pentagram as a Blazing Star, symbolising the crescent moon which related to magick and mysteries of the night time sky and the dark.

Celtic Druids believed the pentagram to be a symbol of the Godhead. Celtic pagans saw the number five as sacred in many things. Examples of this are Ireland having had five great roads, five provinces and five paths of law, the Fae counted by fives and mythological figures wore five fold cloaks.

It was also a symbol of the underground womb and bears a symbolic relationship to the pyramid forms to the Egyptians.

Even early Christians used the pentagram, it symbolised the five wounds of Christ and up until medieval times it was used as a Christian symbol on occasion. It implied truth, religious mysticism and the work of the creator. It was only after the Inquisition that the ‘evil’ associations were assigned to the pentagram. Over time the Christians dropped the use of the circle and just used the five pointed star, I would assume in response to the neo pagan use of the pentagram with the circle.

In Medieval times the pentagram with one point upwards symbolised summer and with two points upwards signified winter. In the legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the pentagram was his signature glyph and was used on his shield. We are told that this symbolised the five knightly virtues – generosity, courtesy, chastity, chivalry and piety.

During the Renaissance period Hermeticism (the proto science of alchemy) developed along with occult philosophy and symbolism. Graphical and geometric symbols became very important. Western occult teachings began to emphasize the philiosophies of Man being the small part of the larger universal spirit – “as above, so below”. The pentagram returned as the Star of the Microcosm, symbolising man within the macrocosm. In 1582 Tycho Brahe’s Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum shows a pentagram with a body imposed and the Hebrew YHSVH associated with the elements. And we are all familiar with Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing of the geometric relationships of man to the universe. Later the pentagram came to be symbolic of the relationship of the head to the four limbs and hence of the pure concentrated essence of anything, such as the spirit, to the four traditional elements.

Masonry uses the pentagram to show man as the smaller aspect of the universe. The pentagram then being incorporated into American symbols. The five pointed stars on the flag and the eye/pyramid on money.

In the 19th Century metaphysical societies sprang up all around the world. Many of them based on the ancient Holy Kabbalah. Eliphas Levi was instrumental in opening of the Victorian lodges such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. He is accredited with renaming the tarot card coins as

The Knights Templar formed during the Crusades used the symbol of the pentagon in their architecture and designs.

During the Inquisition the pentagram was seen as a Goat’s head or the Devil. In the purge on witches, horned gods such as Pan became equated with the Christian’s idea of the Devil and the pentagram, for the first time in history was equated with evil and labelled the Witch’s Foot. 31

pentacles. It is during this time we also see the first modern association of the pentagram with evil – Eliphaz Levi Zahed illustrated the upright pentagram beside an inverted pentagram with the goat’s head of Baphomet. This has led to the concept of the different orientations being good and evil.

In the 1940’s Gerald Gardner adopted the pentagram with two points upward as the sigil of a second degree initiation. The one point upward pentagram together with the upright triangle symbolising third degree initiation. A point downward triangle being the symbol of first degree initiates. The pentagram was also inscribed on the altar with its points symbolising the three aspects of the goddess plus the two aspects of the God in a special form of Gardnerian pentacle.

the symbol at your door’ refers to the use of the pentagram above doors and windows as protection against evil and demons.

The pentagram is a symbol of Wiccan and some neo pagan spiritual beliefs. The pentagram symbolises the five elements of earth, air, water, fire and spirit, with the top point representing spirit triumphing over matter. It is used in jewellery, on clothing and altars. It is also used in some blessings and healings. The circle around the star represents protection, eternity and infinity. The circle touching all five points indicates that spirit, earth, air, water and fire are all connected.

Rachel Patterson

The pentagram became a negative symbol in modern society so it probably wasn’t until the 1960’s that the pentagram was used and worn again in public.

The Church of Satan was an organisation that started out as a practice of following the Set, an Egyptian deity. For its emblem they used the inverted pentagram after the Baphomet image of Levi. The reaction of the Christian church was to condemn Satanism as evil and of course this lumped all pagan societies together as Devil worship. The stigma of Witchcraft and its use of the pentagram sadly still continues today.

Despite the use and the different meaning of the inverted pentagram as a symbol of Gardnerian initiation, modern witchcraft traditions tend to use the upright pentagram.

Taoism also uses the pentacle, each point signifying wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

The pentacle is the simplest form of star shape that can be drawn unicursally, with a single line, hence it has been called the endless knot. In the old folk song – Green Grow the Rushes O, the line ‘five is 32 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Though Imbolc has already passed I feel this poem is far to good not to be included‌.MystikMaster

Imbolc – by Jenny Spirit The boughs and the Holly The days are still short There is a glimmer of more light

We dedicate to Goddess Bridget A scared corn dolly

Spring is getting nearer The end of winter in sight

Although its still cold We mark the beginning of spring

Our yule celebrations Are a memory dear

The air will warm soon The earth will again sing

We look forward to celebrating The rest Of the wheel of the year

It will shortly be time To clear ground and sow seed

We now hope for a year Filled with lots of fun

Mother earth will then cater For our every need

We gain energy and momentum With the rise of the sun

So lets enjoy this cosy season Spend time with friends and family

We now put to one side

Relish the dawn of a new season That will give us more energy

Blessed be x


Angels - This months feature Sandlaphon By Kate Bowman


ne of only two archangels where his name does not end in a el meaning God in Hebrew and one of only two archangel’s who were once mortal, his twin brother is archangel Metatron. Archangel sandlaphon was known as the prophet Elijah while archangel Metatron as the wise scribe Enoch. it is believed God gave them immortal assignments as archangels to read them of their good work on earth. Often read that Elijah was with his son when a fiery chariot came there way and pulled by 2 horses on fire accompanied by a whirlwind he was not seen again on earth. His main role is to carry human prayers to God weaving them together with different faiths and hope to have Gods blessing. Ruler of the 7th heaven is is known as the Archangel of prayer and mercy. ruler and protector of prayer hope faith and music. so tall that he extents from earth to heaven but gentle and gives whisperings of messages especially within music and the words. Thought to be the guardian of the very bottom sphere on the tree of life, so through his discernment that you ascend onto the next level in kabalistic tradition. Also associated with the earth realm he is guardian of nature elements healing the earth and helpful with grounding and elemental connections. In keeping with this Archangel Sandlaphon is said to be down to earth loving and sensitive. Beautiful earthy greens and turquoise in colour with gemstones of the same colour turquoise align his vibration. From his personnel experience he knows what it is to live a mortal life and to ascend through the physical realm to higher levels of consciousness. As ambassador of prayers hopes and music 34 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

he reminds us of the powers within these and of spirit of trust and divine timings, strongly associated to heavenly celestial music and serves as an angelic muse to musicians, composers and singers. Aligned with all forms of sound therapy for healing and clearing energy, raising the vibrations. Connect to Archangel Sandalphon for a stronger connection with absent healing and healing through divine source while releasing your prayers. CRYSTAL - Fulgurite - creates a vortex of purified energy which raises the users vibrational rate so having the power to improve all physical ailments

Angel Blessings Kate Bowman 07800734911



The Magik of Plants


s and Herbs by Jennifer Adele


e l i m o m a M

atricaria chamomilla or German chamomile, also spelled camomile, is an annual plant of the composite family Asteraceae. It can be found near populated areas all over Europe and temperate Asia, and it has been widely introduced in temperate North America and Australia. It often grows near roads, around landfills, and in cultivated fields because the seeds require open soil to survive. Chamomile is often used in herbal medicine for a sore stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, and as a gentle sleep aid. It is also used as a mild laxative and is anti-inflammatory and bactericidal. It can be taken as a herbal tea, two teaspoons of dried flower per cup of tea, which should be steeped for ten to fifteen minutes while covered to avoid evaporation of the volatile oils.Â

As an interesting side note, chamomile is sometimes known as “the plant doctor�, because it is thought to help the growth and health of many other plants, especially ones that produce essential oils. It is thought to increase production of those oils, making certain herbs, like mints (spearmint, sage, oregano) and basil stronger in scent and flavor. Chamomile tea is also thought to be useful to suppress fungal growth, for example, misting it over seedlings may prevent damping off. Symbolism: strength, health, energy in action, gentle yet firm balancing.

Jennifer Adele Kornberger JenniferAdeleK?fref=ts 37


Recipes from a Kitchen W

by Rachel Patterson and Trace

Chocolate Bread & Butter Pudding Bread and butter pudding is one of my favourite puds...made even more lush by adding in chocolate...

Butter the bread and cut into triangles. If you are using brioche rolls or croissants cut them into slices about the width of a normal slice of bread and butter them. Arrange the slices into a buttered ovenproof dish.

300ml (1/2 pint) milk 150ml (5 fl oz) double cream (if you don’t want to use cream you can just use all milk) 5 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Beat together the eggs then stir into the chocolate milk mixture.

Pour the custard over the bread and leave to stand for half an hour.

40g (1 1/2 oz) sugar 50g (2oz) butter or margarine 8 slices of bread or you can use brioche, croissants whatever you have left over, this works particular well with chocolate chip brioche buns 100g dark or milk chocolate (your choice)

Add the vanilla extract to the milk and cream then warm in a saucepan (or in the microwave) until just below boiling then add in the chocolate, broken into pieces and stir until the chocolate has melted. I usually make this with all milk and it works brilliantly but if you want to make it for a special occasion or you just love cream then go for it.


Place the dish in a roasting tin and pour hot water into the tin so that it comes about half way up the side of the pudding dish (a bain marie).

Bake in the oven at Gas mark 3/170C/325F for one hour, until the custard has set.

You can sprinkle the top with a tablespoon of brown sugar and toast under the grill for a minute or so to give it a crispy top.


ey Roberts

Ciabatta Ciabatta is a favourite bread in our family so I thought I would have a go at making some, this Paul Hollywood recipe is a complete doddle and made fantastic bread.

500g strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting 10g salt 10g instant yeast 40ml olive oil 400 ml tepid water

1.Lightly oil a 2-3 litre square plastic container. (It’s important to use a square tub as it helps shape the dough).

2. Put the flour, salt and yeast into the bowl of a mixer fitted with a dough hook (don’t put the salt directly on top of the yeast). Add the olive oil and three-quarters of the water and begin mixing on a slow speed. As the dough starts to come together, slowly add the remaining water. Then mix for a further 5-8 minutes on a medium speed until the dough is smooth and stretchy. The dough is quite ‘wet’.

3. Tip the dough into the prepared tub, cover with a tea towel and leave until at least doubled, even trebled in size – 1-2 hours or longer.

4. Heat your oven to 220°C and line 2 baking trays with baking parchment or silicone paper.

5. Dust your work surface heavily with flour. Carefully tip out the dough (it will be very wet) onto the work surface, trying to retain a rough square shape. Rather than knocking it back, handle it gently so you can keep as much air in the dough as possible. Coat the top of the dough with more flour. Cut the dough in half lengthways and divide each half lengthways into 2 strips. You should now have 4 pieces of dough. Stretch each piece of dough lengthways a little and place on prepared baking trays.

6. Leave the ciabatta dough to rest for a further 10 minutes, then bake for 25 minutes, or until the loaves are golden brown and sound hollow when tapped on the base. Cool on a wire rack. Rachel Patterson & Tracey Roberts


Glossary of the top ten psychic gifts

By Kristin Unkelbach


veryone has the potential to be psychic and everyone always wants to be fully psychic. We must be happy with the gifts that we have and be blessed in the knowledge that we can always grow. So without further delay let us look at the top ten psychic gifts and what they are. Astral Projection This is the ability to leave your physical body with your etheric or astral body. With this ability one is able to travel to different dimensions or other realms. This is also the best place to do spell and energy work. When work is done on the earthly plane it has to manifest on the astral plane before manifesting in the here and now. By doing your work on the astral plane the ‘middle man’ is eliminated. One can also examine their past lives here and rebalance their karma on this physical plane. Everyone experiences astral projection every night and it is usually mistaken as a vivid dream. This happens when your brain waves go through the Theta stage on into the delta stage, every night during your dream cycle.


Brain Waves 1. Beta: When you are alert, engaging in daily activities, when your head is spinning with thoughts. 2. Alpha: When you are relaxed, when you are able to imagine and visualize things easier, when you are able to see clearly into yourself, this state often feels like day dreaming. 3. Theta: While sleeping: astral projection and shamanic states. While awake: deep meditation, a free flow of ideas or creativity, shamanic states, creates a bridge between the subconscious and the conscious mind, this state often feels like that ‘floaty’ feeling one gets before falling asleep.

4. Delta: Healthy: very deep sleep and astral projection.Unhealthy: deep dreamless sleep, unconsciousness, or coma.

Clairaudience This is the ability to hear things that other people cannot. What one hears can range from voices to music. Extra sensitive people may hear all kinds of noises that others do not notice. For people who have this gift it is important for them to tune out what they are hearing as to give themselves a break. This gift is experienced differently by everyone.

Clairsentience This is also known as your intuition, empathic ability or psychometry. This is the psychic sense of feeling things around you. Intuition is you ‘gut’ instinct telling you what to do. Being empathic is being able to sense how those around you are feeling. Psychometry is the ability to pick up impressions or feelings by touching a person and or objects. If a person had one of these gifts they usually have all three of them even if one or more is dormant.

Clairvoyance This is the ability to see things that other people cannot while you are awake. This means that one can see ghosts, memory imprints, angels, faeries, demons, all other manner of magical creatures, spirit guides, etc. They can also see auras around people, plants and stones. There are four types of haunting that will be covered in greater detail for another class. For now haunting break down like this. 1. Ghosts that are stuck in their old living routine do not interact with humans even if you can see them. 2. Ghosts that are stuck on this plane and do interact with people usually for help to cross over. 3. Poltergeists come from people and their energy; usually these events are manifested by young adolescents that have experienced trauma. 4. Memory imprints are place such as battlefields where such a traumatic event has taken place that it literally leaves an imprint in this realm. The spirits relive

the event usually on the anniversary of the day that it happened.

Divination This is the ability to use ones psychic gifts as a way to connect with divinatory tools. This can range from Tarot, Oracle cards, Rune readings, crystal ball scrying, palmistry, tea leaf readings, etc. To see into the past, present and future. There will be classes on all forms of divination for those who are interested.

Dowsing This falls somewhat under divination. Dowsing instruments include: dowsing rods or pendulums. By using these with your psychic gifts one can look for water, missing people, spirits, check energy levels, and chakras. They can also be used by placing an object that you want more of (gold or an herb for example), in your pocket and going out into nature and looking for it.

Psychic Communication This is the ability to communicate with your higher self first which will than lead to communication with your spirit guides, faeries, magical creatures, the dead, and other spiritual beings. This is also considered a form of medium ship and goes hand in hand with the gift of sight.

Psychic Healing A person that is able to use holistic or alternative healing methods to help another person. People with this gift use energy, stones, herbs, wands, tonics, and other tools to help channel the energy or to strengthen the energy that is needed for each individual. These people can heal auras, balance and repair the chakra system, repair the mind body connections, pull off attachments, and remove dis-ease from the body. For those who are very experienced can perform exorcisms. Remembering your Past Lives and Being Able to Recognize Them This is the ability to view your past live and be able to retrieve the memories that you as an individual had during those lives. As this gift progresses you are able to balance out past life karma. By doing this the brain releases the trauma from those lives and you are fully able to retrieve the knowledge from your soul during these lifetimes. 41

Eventually with this gift one can see the past lives of other people as well.

Telepathy This is the ability to hear what other people are thinking and also the ability to communicate with someone else by projecting your thoughts into the minds of others. People with this gift take in thoughts or project them either verbally or with visualizations, they rarely do both. This ability can range from the person sitting next to you to being able to reach someone on the other side of the globe. For those of you who are telepathic you are also empathic as well since these two gifts do go hand in hand. These gifts are hard to control for most people and the gift usually ends up controlling the person. All of these gifts are unique and everyone has the ability to grow in every area. What people need to know is with growth comes more responcibility. Respect yourselves and your individuality. By listening to everyone’s experiences tonight one can see that psychic gifts, no matter what they are, are


experienced differently by everyone. By respecting yourselves you are than able to respect other people and their gifts. This perspective helps you to set your own spiritual boundaries and respect the boundaries of those around you. If you read my first article than you know what spiritual boundaries to put into practice for these gifts. I highly recommend that you get a journal for your own personal timeline to record your experiences in. This will help you to see how much you have grown and is a great reminder of how far you have come when doubt creeps up, as it does for us all.

By Kristin Unkelbach author of The Leprechauns and The Cauldron. You can also contact Kristin on her FaceBook page php?id=100005610945698&fref=ts

hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the

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The third in a series, by the author of the Divine Mother Speaks. Essential reading for those on the awakening spiritual pathway, communications with the higher conscious by Rashmi leads us to understand who, why and what we are, how to deal with situations that may occur along our quest for enlightenment.


Mystik Way visits the CHI COFFEE VENUE


fter a great magical mystery tour before our Autumn Equinox ritual & party, myself James, Kirsty & Mark….alias the motley crew dropped into the Spiritual Chi coffee shop….where we found some great relaxed energies & a warm welcome….we also noted there is always something going on such as workshops, readings and healing most days of the week…there are items for sale such as incense, books, tarot cards & crystals at reasonable prices….so do look in as you will love it and pick up some wonderful calm energies… MystikMaster Spiritual inspired Shop selling various spiritual stock at rear of our coffee shop - chi coffee. Tarot readings and healing also available; Workshops and events planned. Large room available for hire. We are the twist that you will find at the back of our shop Chi Coffee. Selling drums, crystals, wood art work, spiritual inspired paintings, tarot /psychic cards, and more... Tarot readings and healing also available. We will be arranging various events and workshops, please keep posted for updates on these. We have use of a large space for anyone interest in hosting events, please see management for enquires. We hope you enjoy our shop as much as we do and look forward to meeting you soon.


Thank you for reading the Mystik Way Magazine! If you have enjoyed the journey, please consider a donation to help us with our running costs. A donation of only $1 or 1 Pound will be greatly appreciated and will enable us to provide and grow this platform for spiritual growth.

...Issue 41 will be out in April/May 2015


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