Mystik way magazine 33

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The Temple of the Tree of Life

Learn the Tarot in 2014 Change your thoughts - change your life

We are the Gods

Tarot - The Hexagram Spread Christian Palmistry

inspired writing, Totems, Tarot, Artwork, herbs, Enlightened Living & eating and more...



Welcome to issue thirtythree


Project Avalon


Muse Meanderings & Wanderings


New Year begins in Avalon


Trust is a wonderful thing


We are the Gods

12 Learn the Tarot in 2014

The Temple of the Tree of Life | 16


Mystik Way Healing Link


The Temple of the Tree of Life - 1


Sign of the month - Aquarius


Inspired writing - Listen

22 Tarot - The Hexagram Spread 24

Card of the Month - Change


Poem - Walking into Eternity


Rashmi Kilnani - Shiva Speaks

28 Change your Thoughts - Change your life

Learn the Tarot in 2014 | 12 If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation of $1 or ÂŁ1 to help us with our running costs.

Cover: Jerri Fae https://www. jerri.fae?fref=ts 2 |



Animal and Plant of the month


Witchy Stuff


Magical Herbs - Salt


Artwork by Christine Carlson


Enlightened Living and Eating

42 Christian Palmistry

EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | DESIGN Simone Schreck ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEBSITE Simone Schreck CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, Avrill Dowse, James Middleditch, Richard Hayes, Sue Hayes, Alma Delacruz Gossman, Peta Panos, Jennifer Adele, Rachel Patterson, Wil Snider, Christine Carlson, Amaritday, T. Stokes

Welcome to issue 33 - February 2014 Once again the wheel of the year turns, here in the northern hemisphere we are in the deep throws of winter & in the southern the heart of summer, but with the wonderful ways of modern communication where only mere seconds separate us we can share in each other’s pictures & events…truly a global village. Whilst many moan & groan about the internet & mobile phones, I actually see them as a positive addition to enhance our lives…In fact I see them as the modern Wizard or Witches new wand able to reach anyone & any part of the world faster than you can say Abarcadabara…we can send healing and words of comfort, pictures…truly Magikal. This media used wisely is a great blessing indeed & without it I would not be writing this and you would not be reading it. Glastonbury (Avalon had to endure the MystikMaster & some of the Mystik wayers namely Sir Ginger (alias James Middleditch) for a few days during the new year period…much fun, laughter, partying & some serious Rituals took place with some awesome pictures taken. (see separate article) Blessings to all as we tread on this new yearly pathway & as we do let us make a conscious effort & promise to illuminate that pathway ever brighter so that others may find their way out of the darkness by following the light we generate.

MystikMaster 3



Project Avalon To refresh everyone’s memory, project Avalon is about turning my courtyard into a Herb, Fruit & Vegetable Mystikal Haven, not only organic but planted & tended by the Moon phase’s as well as the Sun’s. Complemented by Rituals, Meditations, Music & Mantra…to be true to the ways of the Old Path. As we are still in the throw of winter there is not a great deal to report growing wise….I have acquired two old wooden pallets of which somehow I will make into some attractive planters ready for the spring, accommodating a great deal more herbs and vegetables. I have managed also to gain a great deal of information on Aloe Vera via the internet. They for sure enjoy the energies of my home, mantra, rituals & music everyday as there are now sixteen large plants dotted around each room including the bathroom, the very large one has even produced flowers which is a positive thing because it is winter here & they are a hot country plant….therefore they must thrive on the spiritual vibrations. The large one that has produced the flowers sits in a window position which gets the majority of moonlight 4 |


& sun light, so that is also a plus & proving my system works….plants do have consciousness & feelings in much the same way as ourselves. The homemade wines have all been well and truly sampled and passed with flying colours over the festive holidays. We have also now experimented in making a blackberry wine into a port by adding brandy which I can assure you keep’s out the cold of a long winter’s night. So now the plans over the remaining winter months are to build some new planters from the old wooden pallets, plan the next collection of wine ingredients which will be Elderflowers which hopefully will at the start of May, but in the mean time I will carry on with the fire rituals & mantra under the moonlight to maintain the spiritual energies….the plants as well as my own.

Many Blessings as we tread the Old Path. MystikMaster

Muses, meanderings & wanderings Conversations with Mother Earth Yet again the Elder of the ancient Yew trees situated in the Mystikal Grove had summoned me to attend a meeting concerning the Earth & its present weather tribulations.

As you well know he began, we all have our existence whilst dwelling in a sea of pure vibration, that vibration is governed by the mass consciousness of the prevailing world view. Enough said I thought, I know exactly what he is going to say next, that we are totally responsible. Yes one hundred per cent correct he said as he read my thoughts & furthermore it is time to address the situation because mother earth will rid herself of us just like a dog jumping in water then shaking its self to rid its self of fleas, this process has already begun as you can see from the present state of all the extreme weather conditions across the globe.

The need to convey this to as many humans as is possible is of the utmost urgency & it can only be achieved by many banding together of a like mind & sending light, clear positive loving thoughts to her to dispel the darkness that engulfs your world. This can be done worldwide via your social media every evening, therefore gather as many as you can and set it into motion. Without another word the Elder became silent with just a gentle breeze blowing through his branches & a faint glimmer of sun shine appeared.



New Year Begins in Avalon I was for certain in the right place at the right time, so after drinking my coffee & finishing of a cigarette in the courtyard café & sitting outside in the winter air not feeling cold or wet, because the Goddess had told me this would be the case, telling me to use my powers…my power of thought by telling my physical body to feel exactly how I wanted it to feel I made my way up the short flight of stairs & into the sanctuary of the Goddess Temple of Glastonbury. What greeted me was the overwhelming power of peace & tranquillity that just simply washed over my entire being, so there I sat for more than an hour soaking up the healing & power of the Goddess ready to venture out again into the wild winds and driving rain. Never visit Glastonbury without spending part of your day in the Goddess Temple.


s the Wheel turns yet again, even the winter gale’s and torrential rain could in no way dampen the powerful energies of Glastonbury, in fact they most certainly enhanced them as it appeared Mother Earth was having a good clear out, washing & blowing away the negative vibrations that have been occurring around the world ready to replace them with a new set of positive ones. I could feel this magikal energy start to rise up from the ground through the very soles of my feet, I felt the tension in my neck & shoulders let go of their tight grip as I battled against the lashing rain and the howling wind as if the Goddess was saying “Let go and flow with it, that way you will also release any past hurts, fears or worries.“ From that moment the dark clouds seemed have a gold aura around them highlighting the contrasting colours, the strong cold winds had lost their icy touch…. 6 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

After being fully charged with energy it was time to set off on the wonderful walk along those very magikal lanes that encircle the Glastonbury Tor, a realm of the nature spirits,(Arwen) a place where everything comes alive with a radiant glow & becomes surreal with other worldly vibrations… it’s as though the trees & hedgerows reach out to touch you, wishing to aid you in your quest for the pathway to the inner worlds. Gazing through the bare winter beaten branches at the Mighty Tor standing Omnipotent amid all the stark reality of winter brought those shivers to my spine & the hairs on my necks stand….such power. Thus having spent the best part of the day building energies & meeting some dear friends, so I made my way back to the cottage and the rest of the evening was spent in preparation for the Mystik Way healing link & a special ritual for celebrating the coming year with yet another turn of the wheel. Whatever number you may put upon this year I am certain that it will be a very positive one in all aspects providing we are prepared to be rid of the old world views and values that no longer serve any purpose whatsoever, that we dispense with

the secular idea of everyone for themselves, let go of the fear that binds the mind, body & soul then embrace the new spiritual world view of sharing, caring and the realization that there is more than enough for everyone to live in abundance. A time to increase the light we send out around the world, walking our talk and setting an example for others to follow, leading them out of the darkness that engulfs the world at this present time. It is time for us to act, to lead.

Blessings for an abundant year in all aspects. MystikMaster


Trust is a wonderful thing A

very long time ago I was searching just like a lot of other people at that time searching for answers! I wanted to know, what was my future. I knew I was meant to be doing something spiritual, but what was it?

I first started on my spiritual path learning about crystals and meditating with them it was all very interesting but I knew there was more.

I kept going for various readings maybe that would give me the answers I needed, but no, I was not meant to know yet obviously. I then went to college and learnt aromatherapy and reflexology, all very interesting. The next part of my journey was to learn Usui Reiki loved it & went on to do my Mastership and Karuna Reiki at the amazing Chalice Well in Glastonbury.

I have now been practicing and teaching this wonderful healing method for the past nine years and really enjoy passing the knowledge I have learnt from very knowledgeable amazing people.

But there was more to come as I started getting messages from spirit for the people I was treating I decided to join a circle, have since sat in many circles and learnt how to channel energy from spirit which is a lovely thing to be able to do I feel very honoured.

Then ‘One Day’ whilst meditating a light was switched on in my head I suddenly realized I had learnt to TRUST, trust in spirit in many ways, because after all they are the ones who make the decision and once I accepted that things became a lot clearer and easier to deal with. I am now teaching Spiritual Development myself and am in the process of planning what I and

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a friend our going to be offering at are Winter Retreat at the wonderful amazing Chalice Well, we are very excited it will be another wonderful spiritual experience I know.

So my wonderful likeminded spiritual people remember if you yourself learn to TRUST in spirit things will become clearer in your life here on earth and wonderful things may happen to you. By Avrill Dowse

For details of courses and workshops by Avril at Chalice Well in Glastonbury



We are The Gods The realisation A

lthough many are starting to realise their evolving powers & the Universal energies that are there for their benefit, to which at will they are able use by the sheer power of their mind, there are still many clinging to the old world views of either a single God or deity or even the fact we are merely here by sheer chance/ accident. One of the singular reasons for this being that most people are not yet prepared to accept the personal responsibility or that work on their selves is needed, in other words they are afraid to throw away the security blanket. For those brave individuals who have & those that are about to; there are the greatest of all rewards waiting & it is called Freedom. Mastery of the self is not as difficult & scary as most so called teachers will tell you, in actual fact it really is quite simple as the only difficult bit is the fact that you think it is difficult (the Universe always responds to your thoughts & emotions/feeling) In previous issue’s last year I discussed the fact that the very first step is to clear out the old preconceived thoughts/emotions that have been ingrained upon the psyche, old habits passed on by parents, siblings, society & corporations, all of which are completely false and without substance. They are merely a form of control because if you are free and able to think for yourself then you are a threat to the powers that be, then comes the realization that you & you alone are in control of your own destiny, your own mind & making your own choices. You start to question the governments/corporations authority, wanting to live by your own standards & choices. We have far greater powers than you can ever imagine, but you have been led & fed to believe otherwise for purely selfish purposes. Wake up to the fact that over many thousands of years the human spirit has evolved, we have progressed mentally & physically with the soul ready to move forward & begin to understand the previously untapped potential that lays dormant within us all. The most important step is simply the realization that this is so, thus opening the gate to the pathway of the Gods. Simply put belief is the secret ingredient that opens many gates, the Universe will then respond to your every thought (so be careful & think very clear positive thoughts) Clear those old outdated thoughts & especially feelings from the emotions then open your mind to all the wonders that lay before you. Everything will be brighter, shaper & more vivid, you will by intuition know all you need to know at the right time‌you will find you have talents and abilities that will amaze you. Realization is the key word.

Blessings on your quest. MystikMaster 11


LEARN THE TAROT IN 2014 by James Middleditch

Introduction It’s the start of a New Year – a clean slate upon which to write our lives. It’s often a time when we decide to undertake a personal mission, and perhaps start something we have previously put off, particularly is that mission is a significant one involving lots of time. Rather than heading to an ending, we feel like we are at the start of something, so psychologically it’s the perfect time to take the plunge.

Learning how to read Tarot cards is a significant undertaking. It’s not something to be rushed, and so is an ideal project to see stretching out before us, so that we don’t feel under pressure or tempted to cut corners. It depends on a unique combination of knowledge and instinct, and confidence comes through immersion in the art and practice.

I should stress that the suggestions in this article are exactly that – suggestions. They worked for me. Ultimately, everyone must find their own way through this process, but this might be useful as a rough map for your own journey. 12 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Stage 1 – January/February – Finding Your Pack This is the initial research stage, when you need to use your instincts and initiative to choose your pack. While logic and practicality is involved to find the options to choose from, your spiritual side must take over when making the choice. Use the internet to research different packs, but ideally then visit spiritual shops where you can see what they look like physically. From those available, choose the pack that you are most drawn to. As with many things in life, you will just know when you have found the right one; trust that this will happen, and only commit when it feels right.

Stage 2 – March/April/May/June – Studying the Cards There are many ways of going through this crucial stage, which can be the longest, hence the four months I have suggested dedicating to it. My suggestion is to begin with the materials that come with the cards; these are sometimes booklets that come with the pack, or books that you can buy to accompany them. I also believe it is good to study the cards in a random order, as this will help you to

master the ‘organised chaos’ of your future spreads. However, you may wish to cover them in order, through the Major Arcana then each Suit in turn, if this matches your style of working. You should also prepare yourself with a notebook to record your thoughts; treat yourself to a nice hard-backed one, as it may serve you for years and could even be passed on to future generations.

something to you; change a position or a meaning for that position if your instinct tells you to. As you experiment with the spreads, feel free to use your notebook to help you, and to make notes as you go if it helps you. You may find yourself doing this less and less as time goes on; eventually you will likely leave your notebook untouched, after each card has emerged a few times.

For each card, begin by immersing yourself in the image itself. You could record your initial thoughts and feelings about what you are seeing. Then, read the summary provided. This may seem an odd way around to do it, but you must develop your own personal relationship and associations with the cards, rather than be dominated by the interpretations provided by someone else, even though they may be the ‘authors’ of the cards. You are in charge. The final stage is to convert what has been written about the card into your own writing. Consider what else from your own life the card reminds you of – this could be quotations from your favourite books or poems, moments from films, or indeed your own personal memories and moments. This will build the personal connection you have to the card, and aid you significantly in your future readings.

Stage 4 – September/October – Your First Readings

Stage 3 – July/August – Practising Spreads You now know the meanings of all of the cards, but then next stage is to learn what they mean in the context of a spread, in which the meanings will alter depending on where the cards are placed and which ones are around them. If you imagine the individual cards as colours, you must now imagine those colours blending to create very subtle shades. You cannot know all of these possible combinations – there are literally thousands. Don’t be nervous of this – this is what makes the practice of the Tarot continually fascinating and surprising. You will never get bored as you will never have seen the unique combination of each reading before!

Learn a number of spreads, from any source. Some may be provided in the literature that comes with the cards, or from any other general resource on the subject. However, as before, you should not be afraid to personalise the spreads so that they mean

Time to take the plunge and conduct your first readings! This can be a nerve-wracking moment, and so it’s good to do the reading for someone you trust, who knows that you are still building your confidence. Don’t be ashamed to have your notebook to hand, and to consult it if you want to. And crucially, relax. Spend as much time as you need tuning into the cards and the images. Do not be afraid of silence, if you need it to gather your thoughts and hear the cards speak to you. Have faith that whichever words you choose, you have chosen them for a reason. Your own words may even surprise you, but like the cards themselves, you are a channel for the messages that need to be heard – of all possible cards, of all possible words, the right ones are emerging for that person, in that moment, to hear.

Stage 5 – November/December – Your Own Pack And finally, if you want to truly own your own Tarot skills, comes a final stage often ignored; the creation of your own deck. This can also take a long time, so this final stage may only begin in these final two months of the year, while the full realisation of your pack could for the basis of a further year long project for 2015.

The idea is to choose a theme that is close to your heart, and that matches your artistic skills. If you are blessed with the skills of drawing or painting, you could create your own imagery from scratch. You could however take photographs; these could be of people or places near to you, or places you have visit especially for this purpose across the year. 13

You could, like me, choose an existing art form as a basis. I chose the spiritual music of Enigma as my basis, and used images from their music videos, capturing them using computer techniques and printing them onto cards. As this will be your own personal pack, you don’t need to worry about copyright or anything mundane like that. The pack you create will be unique to you – unless, as many people have done, you wish to create the pack for others to use as well by having it published. Either way, by doing this, you will have consolidated your understanding of each card, so that your future readings are even more personal and unique.

Conclusion I hope this provides a framework that may help if you wish to take the challenge of learning the Tarot, and would encourage you to adapt, stretch or contract each stage as you see fit. But by the end of the year, you could have mastered this endlessly fascinating and insightful art. I found it one of the


most enjoyable and stimulating journeys of my spiritual path so far – it taught me so much more than I was expecting, both in factual terms, about imagery, symbols and mythologies, but also about the subtle shades of possibility that the Tarot opens up. Each reading teaches the reader something, as well as the person for whom it is intended, so you can be reassured and excited by the fact that even beyond your year of intense reading, writing and practice, the learning and expansion never stops.

Resources I used Alistair Crowley’s Tarot deck to start with (published, as many packs are, by US Games, with thanks to Jenny Spirit who gave it to me!), and used the accompanying book, The Crowley Tarot by Akron & Hajo Banzhaf as my primary reading about the cards. The Mystik Way facebook group can be used as a resource for sharing different cards and asking questions about them, and another wonderful group I can recommend is J.r. Rivera’s Cartomancy World.

MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINK Every evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS” The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing. Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth. We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds… their bodies….and their souls. This is our mission….our work. Blessings MystikMaster.



THE TEMPLE OF THE TREE OF LIFE - Part 1 by Richard Hayes (Warlockway)

The Tree of Life is a diagram used in the Kabbalah to explain the structure of creation and the nature of individual human consciousness. The Greater Temple is the cosmos, the macrocosm of nature, the universe and the spiritual worlds. The Lesser Temple is the human form, the microcosm which is both physical and spiritual.

and is symbolized by a Seven-pointed Star. In traditional Kabbalah, this sphere is represented by a Wise Old Man (the Ancient of Days) seen in profile. The hidden side of the face is female – the Shekinah – the hidden face of God. This sphere exists in the creative World of Atziluth which is shown as light pink in the picture, and is pure initiating spiritual force.

In Part 1 of this article, I will attempt to explain the Tree of Life as it relates to creation and divine influence, and plot the path of the divine force into society and the physical world. This is the path of both divine and human spirituality, and links mankind to the source of all creation.

The force of Keter descends into the World of Briah, shown as deep pink, to separate into Hokmar (2) and Binar (3), to form the world of spiritual archetypes of the Gods and the Goddesses. Hokmar is the home of the Great Father God, who represents maleness in creation, and this sphere is coloured white, containing a Twelve-pointed Star based on Four Triangles, representing spiritual force. Binar is the home of the Great Mother Goddess, who represents the female nature in creation, and this sphere is coloured black, containing a Twelve-pointed Star based on Three Squares representing spiritual form. Together these three spheres form the spiritual (Supernal) triangle, and are shown in the picture in the Attic of the Temple, out of direct contact with humanity, who are situated below in the nave. This location emphasizes the separation of the spiritual worlds from direct human perception, and the true meaning of these spheres can only be glimpsed by spiritual insight, granted to the developed Adept.

FORMATION OF THE UPPER TREE Creation and the Spiritual (Supernal) Triangle In the Kabbalah, the source of all things is the Unmanifest, the great abyss from which all evolves. This is the unknown face of God, which is beyond human comprehension and is veiled from human understanding. From this source, which may be seen symbolically as the Womb of the Great Mother, is born creation in the form of Ten Spheres (Sephiroth) of Manifestation. Manifestation first occurs at Keter (1) – the sphere of pure spirit, which is neither male or female. It is given the colour grey, which contains both white and black, 16 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE


Crossing the Abyss


These three spheres are separated from humanity by the Abyss, shown grey in the picture, with the hidden sphere of Dart at its centre. It is through Dart that the Lower Tree is formed by the Lightening Flash of Divine Initiation, as the divine energy descends down the Tree to finally arrive at the physical World of Assiah in the sphere of Malkut (10). The Lightening Flash either passes from Hokmar through Dart, to form the male left-hand column of Severity, surmounted by the sphere of Geburar, or it passes from Binar through Dart, to form the female right-hand column of Mercy, surmounted by the sphere of Hesed (4). Through the powers of Keter, pure spiritual force is transmitted down the Tree of Life directly through Dart, to form the central pillar of Equilibrium.

Formation of the Ethical (Mental) Triangle

Sexual Polarity on the Tree of Life

Below the Abyss is the World of Yetzirah, coloured yellow and blue in the picture, and this part of the Tree is formed by the seven spheres of Hesed (4) to Yesod (9), and contains the spheres that form the Ethical and Astral Triangles, which are shown in the nave of the Temple. Spiritual force first descends into the Lower Tree to form the Spheres of Hesed, coloured blue – the female Sphere of Mercy ruled by Jupiter, which represents the higher aspects of female spirituality, and the Sphere of Geburar, coloured red ruled by Mars, the male Sphere of Severity, which represents the higher aspects of male spirituality. Together they embody higher spiritual ethical values, and transmit their power to Tipharet to form the Ethical Triangle against a background coloured yellow. Tipharet is the Sphere at the Centre of the Tree of Life, and is the highest point reached by normal human consciousness. It is shown coloured orange and is symbolized by the Six-pointed Star, the Hexagram, which balances the powers of earth with the powers of spirit. Ruled by the Sun, this is the Sphere of Spiritual Consciousness and is the natural home of the Enlightened Adept, and its energies bring the Lower Tree together and provide a balance between the Pillar of Mercy and the Pillar Severity to form Spiritual Harmony.

This arrangement of sexual polarity makes Hokmar the male head of the Pillar of Force, the initiator or the Sphere of Geburar and the Column of Severity, whereas Binar is the female head of the Pillar of Form, which initiates the Sphere of Hesed and the Column of Mercy. If the Tree is superimposed on the human form as a reflection of Divine form, the rational left-brain Hokmar determines the action of the right-hand side of the body, and the intuitive right-brain Binar determines the action of the left-hand side of the body. This sexual polarity switches from one side of the Tree to the other on crossing the Abyss, just as in human terms the left and right brain control Formation of the Astral (Emotional) Triangle opposite sides of the body. Below the Vale of Paroket, shown by a green horizontal line, is the Astral world of everyday existence (shown blue in the picture) and it is in this part of the Tree we find the Astral Triangle of Netzak (7), Hod (8) 18 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

and Yesod (9). Netzak, which is on the female Column of Mercy, is the everyday form of female expression and is based on intuition, female values, sexuality and nature. This sphere is coloured green and is ruled by the planet of love - Venus. Its complimentary sphere on the male Column of Severity is Hod, the Sphere of the Intellect, and is the lower everyday form of male expression and is coloured yellow and ruled by the intellectual planet Mercury. The powers of Netzak and Hod are combined to form the psychic Sphere of Yesod, which is coloured purple and is represented by a Five-pointed Star, the Pentagram. This sphere is ruled by the Moon and it collects all the energies of the Tree in Astral Form, and transmits them to the Earth Plane, which is represented by the Sphere of Malkut (10), which exists in the World of Assiah, and is represented by the four colours of the elements (Fire, Water, Air and Earth). FORMATION OF THE TEMPLES OF THE TREE OF LIFE The spheres of the Tree of Life are objective states of spiritual consciousness, and provide a framework onto which we can place every aspect of human existence, both spiritual and physical. Each sphere can be elaborated to form a complete world, expressing a key aspect of our nature, which can be linked to its own symbols, colour, incense and planetary association. Each sphere has its own Guardian Archangel, and all these factors can be utilized in ritual, to form an Astral Temple, which contains the energy and power of that sphere. For example – if we wish to work a ritual to attract love and relationship into our life, we first form the Astral Temple of Netzak prior to working our ritual, and tap into the powers of sexual attraction, procreation and creativity.

The Paths of Spiritual Development The spheres of the Tree of Life are linked by Twenty Two Paths of spiritual evolution and development. These paths, shown by coloured lines in the picture, are subjective, and are used in Meditation and Ritual to provide links between the different spheres of spiritual consciousness. Kabbalists use the Paths of Evolution and the Astral Temples as part of a co-ordinated pattern of Spiritual Development. Each path has its own particular symbols, colour, Hebrew letter and Tarot card (taken from the Major Arcana). These are the keys that the Meditations of the Paths are based on, and form the basis of Kabbalistic Study and Development. The meaning and use of these paths will be discussed more fully in Part 2 of this article, which will link the paths of the Tree to the cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot, and show how humanity can climb from ordinary human existence to enlightened, divine consciousness. SPIRITUAL SUMMARY The spiritual power of the Gods descends down the Tree of Life through the Ten Spheres, bringing Divinity to Humanity. Humanity meanwhile, climbs the paths of the Tree of Life, transforming normal human consciousness into divine consciousness, so that we become as the Gods, and God and Man become united into one cosmic harmony. When the whole of humanity has made this journey, there will only be one unity, and the path of spiritual development for humanity will be complete.


ASTROLOGICAL SIGN OF THE MONTH Aquarius (21st January – 20th February)

Aquarius is a positive, fixed Air Sign. As a Fixed sign, it is one of determination and perseverance, which brings ventures to completion in the material world. In the element of Air, it is involved with ideas and uses the mind to provide structure to the world around it. The symbol associated with Aquarius in the Water Bearer. As an Air sign this is an unusual symbol, but it reminds us that the energies of Aquarius (which happens to be the sign of the Astrological Age we are now in), pour spiritual consciousness and ideas of compassion onto the earth plane, to enrich the spiritual life of all of humanity. It is this concern for humanity and the need for social integration, which gives Aquarius the title of the socialite of the Zodiac. Aquarians can be humanitarian, intuitive, sociable, detached and broadminded, but they can also be eccentric, impersonal and rebellious. They have a serious attitude to life, often having concern for others and humanity at large. The planet which rules Aquarius is Uranus – the electric planet of inventive ideas and potential upheaval. This gives Aquarians a good inventive and creative mind, and encourages individuality and unique personal expression. Aquarians can sometimes be the most flamboyant members of the Zodiac, and their love of social situations makes them ideal for parties. Aquarius rules the Eleventh House of social interaction and humanitarian affairs, and consequently Aquarians can be socially and politically activated in their concern for the progress of society and the Human Race. They are keen to explore the deeper aspects of human existence, and have a keen intellect. Aquarians will find it easy to relate to the other Air signs - Libra & Gemini, who also use their mind creatively, and think deeply about the world around them. They will however feel challenged by the individualistic nature of Leo, their opposite sign, which is more concerned about its own development, rather than society’s. In the family of the Zodiac, Aquarians are serious, sociable and use their minds to make sense of life. They thrive in groups and have concern for their fellow human beings. They can be aloof and sometimes detached, and only relax when they know people well. They are at their best when they can express their unique individuality and be the flamboyant member of the group, enriching the lives of loved ones and all they meet.

The Keyword for Aquarius is Originality.


As a Spiritualist Medium, I channel inspired writings dictated to me from the Spirit World, usually in the form of Spiritual Guidance. I hope that you find this one helpful to you!

Listen Be still – and listen! Listen to the sounds of nature. Block out the sounds of man-made machines in your home and in your environment. Listen to the breeze rustling the leaves on the trees or the lapping of the water on the shore. Listen to the power of nature in the storm or in the crashing of water in sea or waterfall. This gentleness or power comes from the same natural creative force. Once attuned to these sounds, the cacophony of your everyday world can be tuned out of your hearing, and your thoughts can focus on the beauty and wonder of nature. Be at peace. Centre yourself on the power of beauty and love. Listen to your inner being, your true being, unaffected by the thoughts or expectations of those close to you. What does your inner being say to you? Stay true to that voice, which knows you better than perhaps you thought you knew.

Now lift your heart and thoughts to

your higher mind, where you are able to meet with those who come close from the spirit realms to help and guide you. State the questions that you hold close to you, and allow them to come near to guide you. Listen carefully, so that your rational mind can consider what has been shared or shown to you, to help you along the pathway of your life on earth, and also your spiritual evolutionary path. Open your heart to those loved ones who draw close to you from the spirit side of life, bringing their love and reassurance of their on-going support. Listen to their voices and share their joy of spiritual communion, knowing that eventually you will meet again. In the meanwhile, remember that when you attune to the sounds of nature, you begin to make that inner journey towards linking up with those in the world of spirit, so that you can listen to their wisdom and feel their love surround you.



This form of the Hexagram Spread compares the present and future influences, both positive and negative, on the issue being explored, and relates them to any latent potential and the future outcome.

in the positions listed above. Then reshuffle the pack. Hold it with your left hand, and draw the fingers of your right hand across the edges of the cards, to select the 7th card, and place it in the centre of the spread.

The cards are laid out in the pattern of the Sixsided Star – the Hexagram, with a final card placed in INTERPRETATION OF SPREAD the centre to identify the spiritual outcome.

MEANING OF CARD POSITIONS IN SPREAD Card 1 This is placed at the base of the Star, and represents the latent potential that exists in the issue being explored. Cards 2 & 3 are then placed to the left and right above Card 1 to form the two lower horizonal points of the Star, to represent the present positive and negative influences. Cards 4 & 5 are then placed above Cards 2 & 3 to form the higher two points of the Star, and represent the positive and negative aspects of future influences. Card 6 is placed at the top of the Star above Card 1, and represents the future outcome. Card 7 is selected separately, and is placed in the centre of the spread, forming the seventh point, which is the position of the card which holds a special spiritual message relative to the spread.

Card 1 HANGED MAN This card reminds us of all the time dedicated to the evolution of Mystik Way, and that its roots are deeply embedded in individual spiritual consciousness. Commitment has to be made if progress is to be achieved, and that may sometimes involve sacrifices. The path of spiritual development, for both individuals and Mystik Way, can at times be difficult, but commitment and perseverance will bring results in due course. Mystik Way should be a path to inner spiritual awareness, which brings with it a sense of spiritual serenity. Cards 2 & 3 MOON & TOWER The Moon Card has brought psychic perception and feminine spiritual energy to the evolution of Mystik Way. It had also brought challenges during its evolution from early birth to now. The process of break down and rebirth is also emphasized by the Tower Card which reminds us that old ideas of thinking must be broken down to enable a new spiritual consciousness to evolve. Although the Tower is a negative influence which can be disruptive, its energy brings forth many enlightened ideas which enrich the message that Mystik Way portrays.

Cards 4 & 5 DEATH & SUN The Death Card reminds us of the inevitability of change, and EXAMPLE SPREAD to discover the Future Potential in this spread it is positive. Old ideas and patterns of of Mystik Way thought have to give way to new ideas and different Take your pack or Major Arcana and shuffle ways of thinking. Adaptability to change can be seen the cards, while thinking of the issue you wish to as beneficial to Mystik Way. The Sun Card provides explore. Then deal our Six cards in order, and place optimism and energy which has to be embraced. 22 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Mystik Way must not become over-confident, and SUMMARY should listen to the many opinions of its members This spread contains three of the four most when planning the future programme. difficult cards in the Major Arcana – Hanged Man, Card 6 EMPRESS This card informs us that Tower and Death. There will obviously be challenges Mystik Way is under the guidance of the Goddess, in the way ahead, and old ideas must be left behind, and that this will continue. It will bring greater and new ways of thinking developed. This could creativity and new ideas, and will reinforce the nature result in significant changes taking place to Mystik of Mystik Way as a family of like-minded spiritual Way in the years ahead. The presence of the Moon and individuals. The Empress is the goddess in action on Empress Cards tells us that the power of the Goddess earth, and this should make Mystik Way more in tune shines bright in the star of Mystik Way, and reassures us that we can proceed into the future with confidence, with nature and the future of our planet. certain that spiritual guidance will illuminate the Card 7 CHARIOT This card reminds us that future path of Mystik Way. The spiritual message of Mystik Way is on both a physical and spiritual journey. the Chariot, is to circulate that awareness to as many Its spiritual lesson is to have confidence, and to use people as possible who wish to join Mystik Way intuition to guide its progress. The Chariot is the Card and become involved with the evolution of a greater of Travel, which introduces us to other cultures and global spiritual consciousness. the sharing of different traditions. This is of course the role of Mystik Way – to bring new spiritual ideas to as many people as possible on a global scale, thus creating a Mystik Way Family, dedicated to universal spiritual unfoldment. 23



Tarot Card of the Month Two of Pentacles I always feel that the so called minor Acarnum is greatly neglected, mainly due to the fact there are not pictures just as such merely symbols or representations thereby making it far more of an effort to learn and understand, I can assure you that taking the time and effort will bring great rewards as it offers a far deeper insight into the psyche of the individual. The two of Pentacles‌Harmonious change are the key words here, we see the symbols of Ying & Yang, positive & negative, male & female, night & day. It is telling us that if we look within seeking the perfect balance of the above qualities we can move forward will balance & harmony‌in some ways it also implies the forces of Karma, the time is right and the energies are with you providing you use the balance of Ying & Yang. Pentacles also imply physical matters of the earth, home, health, finances etc & as the card suggests it’s time for harmonious change concerning these matters, so dig down into your inner self and see what needs positive change. As stated earlier the minor Acarnum is an individual thing & interpretations are personal to our own self as in dream symbols, I love the minor cards as they make me think, to delve & stretch the imagination. One way is to meditate upon the card and feel as though you are entering the picture & symbols, writing down all you see, feel or hear. Look at both sides of yourself in the masculine & the feminine qualities, ask what either would do or choose in the given situation finding the balance between them.

Blessings MystikMaster Card is from the Thoth Tarot Deck by A.Crowley


Walking Into Eternity

Step into this magical tree with me and dare Dare to allow it’s mystical strength to bring change Change that will harness all the love we might bring Bring unto me no fear for nothing is more divine Divine our love becomes with all that it evokes within Restrained only by our thoughts we begin to grow Grow as our energy combines into a force of divinity Divinity that is raised by our deepest expressiveness Expressiveness felt from the deepest part of our souls Souls brought in together by forces beyond our control You and I brought together once again by our fate Fate that joins us from each other’s worlds to the now Now we hold each other as lovers as never before Before not sensing how deeply we were about to become Become One with me, let’s step into our destined eternity. . . Alma De La Cruz © January 8, 2014 I took this at La Jolla Cove in California, with a very significant tree, with room for the one that is so beloved. Note: I had many ask me to write a poem for this picture, so hope you like it. 26 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Shiva Speaks By Rashmi Khilnani The third in a series, by the author of the Divine Mother Speaks. Essential reading for those on the awakening spiritual pathway, communications with the higher conscious by Rashmi leads us to understand who, why and what we are, how to deal with situations that may occur along our quest for enlightenment. It is also the type of book that can be referenced as and when advice or guidance is sought, true wisdom at the highest level. I highly recommend this book along with the previous two‌..The Divine Mother speaks & Buddha speaks. All three can be at Amazon & next issue I will publish some quotes from the book to give you a much clearer picture of what the book holds and the truths it reveals. You can also contact & find out more.



Change your thoughts – Change your life by Peta Panos 28 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE


ver the past few years, I have noticed a trend in that many friends and clients have spoken to me about difficult situations they are facing, and how their lives would be wonderful if just one aspect of their lives could change. Yet all saw the solution as something external to themselves and out of their control: ....all I need is a new job and THEN my life would be perfect....if my partner/friend/colleague/boss would just act/treat me in a different way, THEN I would be happy... if I could just loose 10 kgs, I would find the perfect partner and THEN I would be happy....

The truth is, we subconsciously create/attract our external worlds as a reflection of what is really going on inside us. Every-thing is energy and the law of attraction shows us that our core beliefs (what we believe to be true about ourselves, others and the world) direct our thoughts, which give rise to our feelings. Our thoughts and our feelings influence our energy or vibration (the vibe people pick up from us) and as like attracts like, we attract experiences that resonate with our vibration.

If we have a low vibration (heavy; blocked; dense; murky; rigid; dark; needy) it is because our core beliefs are negative (inadequate; unworthy; incompetent; unlovable; powerless; useless) leading to negative thoughts (I am not good enough; nothing good ever happens to me; I never have enough money; every-one has it so much better than me; I am alone, unloved and unlovable) and we experience negative feelings (fearful; lonely; powerless; scattered; overwhelmed) attracting more negative experiences leading to the validation of negative core beliefs in a vicious circle.

If we have a high vibration (light; flexible; calm and harmonious) it is because our core beliefs are positive (abundant; balanced; lovable; self accepting) leading to positive thoughts (I am the perfect me in my imperfection; I love and accept myself: I deserve; I give and receive graciously) and positive feelings (happy; joyful; excited about life; peaceful; calm; unconditional love; inter-connected to the world around us) and we experience greater joy and less struggle: We manifest more positive experiences easily, enjoy meaningful relationships, a high level of vitality, abundance and satisfaction in life and this perpetuates more positive core beliefs.

If you ask yourself honestly – whom would you rather be around? And who would you rather be? I have no doubt that it would be to live in the positive realm.

So, how do we get ourselves there? As feelings and experiences are a result of core beliefs and thoughts, the simple solution is: When you change your core beliefs and thoughts into the positive, your vibration shifts and rises and your life changes into a more positive expression.

Of course when we are feeling centred and grounded, this is all quite obvious to us. However, it is in the face of adversity that we move into fear, forget the truth and go straight back to our old way of negative thinking. It is precisely at these times that we need to go back to basics and shift our perception of the situation.

When you realize that you have subconsciously created/attracted every experience you have had to date, you can draw a line in the sand and step into your own power. The key is to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for where you are now (all the good and the bad) and accept that the choices you have made have brought you to this point in your life (even when you thought you had no choice, you still made a choice). You can then start to consciously co-create your life from this moment on.

The only way to take your power back and stand in your own truth is to take full responsibility for your life!

Intention + thoughts + words + action = a shift in vibration. When you shift your perception, you change your experience of life.

There is a huge personal development industry available with many books, courses and techniques to assist you in changing your core beliefs; release negative patterns and affirm positive thought, although if there were a onefit-all solution, we would all be using it. I find I use a multitude of techniques in my intuitive coaching depending on the situation or belief that needs shifting.


You have to find what resonates and works for you personally and in the spirit of life being a journey not a destination, it is often a combination of things depending on what issue you are dealing with at the time.

Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys

Email: Whilst identifying and working on core beliefs is trickier and may need more attention; you can make immediate changes just by being aware of your thoughts. If you do this on a daily basis until it becomes a habit, you will notice positive results and ultimately shift your core beliefs. It is as simple as noticing when you are thinking negatively, catching your-self and immediately saying: “I dissolve that thought in light and love” and affirming a positive statement like “I completely love and accept myself” or “all is as it should be”. I found a beautiful daily affirmation by Maureen Moss recently that you might enjoy using:

I dwell in the midst of infinite abundance; the abundance of God/the universe is my infinite source. The river of life never stops flowing and it flows through me into lavish expression. Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God/the universe works in a myriad of ways to bless me. I now open my mind to receive my good. Nothing is too good to be true and with God/the universe as my source, nothing amazes me. I give fearlessly and freely into life and life gives back to me with fabulous increase. I am indeed grateful and blessed and so it is and so I let it be.

My suggestion would be to adapt the words to suit you, print out a few copies and carry on in your purse, paste one to your mirror and another to your computer and when you feel yourself slipping into fear and control, ground yourself and read it out loud.

Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words and your faith stronger than your feelings.

Where will you be going in 2014? We have an exciting range of Spiritual Quest Journeys to Sacred Sites and magical places all around the world. For more information and an overview of the journeys on offer, please click here


Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Twitter: questjourneys

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way magazine, please give consideration to making a small donation of $1 or £1 towards the running costs. Although Ed and Simi give their time freely, it is only right that they should be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses. If you can help, please donate to ‘Mystik Way’ by using the Donate Button. Many thanks to those who have contributed in the past, we appreciate your generostiy. Warlockway – Treasurer to Mystik Way.


Animal and plant of the month with Jennifer Adele

Canada Goose  Canada geese nest all across inland North America and are a very familiar sight to most people worldwide. They exhibit strong family and pair bonds, and tend to return to their natal homes to nest each year. This gives them an essence of loyalty and faithfulness, emanating from behaviors exhibited in the natural world. Female Canada geese lay a range of 2-8 eggs with an incubation period of 25-28 days, making those numerological cycles important for anyone choosing to work with goose energy. As for cultural significance, in Native American tribes it has been said that if you want something done, then give it to a goose person. Those born under the goose sign are known for being very persevering, dogged, and ambitious... sometimes to a fault. Loyalty is also in the goose totemic pattern, as well as high goals. This then makes it the perfect totem to call on at the start of a new year, and also as winter begins to look on towards springtime.

Symbology: high goals, navigation, faithfulness, loyalty, community.



expressed with the flower’s different color varieties. Some examples include: Light Red - admiration

The carnation, or clove pink, is a species of dianthus and probably originally native to the Mediterranean region, but its exact range is actually unknown due to extensive cultivation for the last 2,000 years. It is considered to be the wild ancestor of the garden carnation. And, for ease of this article and for symbolic purposes, we will be considering the garden carnation and the pink clove as having similar interpretations. With its scientific name, dianthus, roughly translating to “flower of love” or “flower of the gods”, depending on the source, this flower is one that has been revered for centuries. It is also perfect for the upcoming St. Valentines holiday. One of the world’s oldest cultivated flowers, the carnation is appreciated for its ruffled appearance, clove-like scent, and extended blooming period. So, what’s not to like?... The carnation’s well documented symbolic history dates back to ancient Greek and Roman times, when it was used in art and decoration. Carnations in these early times were predominantly pale pink and peach, but over the years the palette of available colors has grown to include red, yellow, white, purple, and even green. The main meanings of carnations include fascination, distinction, and love. But, like many other flowers, different messages can also be

Dark Red - love White - purity, luck Pink - gratitude Overall, the carnation has endured in many societies as a main flower of choice, ranking right up there with roses in the United States.

Symbolism: fascination, distinction, love, gratitude, affection, health, vitality, and energy. By Jennifer Adele. Think of the Paws-Abilities!!! Author of “Spellbound” and “The Haunting of Willow Tree Court” ... Novels of magic and mystery.

See Jennifer’s Animal and Plant Totems every day on facebook


Witchy Stuff by Rachel Patterson

February from a Witch’s point of view…


have to admit January is not my favourite month, after all the festivities and celebrations that started with Samhain and went on through to Yule January always seems cold, miserable and wet (you probably couldn’t have gotten more wet than this year’s January!) and no one has any money. But February always feels like the start of the turning point, although it is not Spring yet February sees the beginnings of new growth and even (hopefully) a few sunnier days.

February is a good time for dedications and initiations also a good time for astral travel work, problem solving, sorting friendship issues and success spells along with working on your personal power and protection. Of course with Valentine’s Day slap bang in the middle of February it is also a good month to work some love magic.

Self dedication is a commitment to your path, whatever path that may be and can be a beautiful ceremony and tailored exactly to what suits you. Whether you hold a ritual inside or out, whether you use all the ceremonial tools that you own or whether it is just you standing under the full moon 34 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

make it special to you.

Choose a night to perform the dedication, full moon always works well. Decide why you want to dedicate yourself to your pathway, what do you have to offer? What do you want to take from it? Where do you see your pathway taking you from this point onwards? Spend some time and really think about your answers to those questions. This is the step that takes you through the door and onto your path with new possibilities.

You may want to dedicate yourself in general to your pathway whether it is Witchcraft, Wicca, Druidry or another journey or you may want to dedicate yourself to a particular deity, just for the coming year or for a lifetime.

Make some plans, decide how and when you want to perform the dedication and what you want to use. You may also like to dedicate a piece of jewellery at the same time, I did when I first dedicated myself to the Craft, it was a silver pentacle and I still wear it every day now, years later.

As February is a good month for working success magic you might like to try a simple candle spell. And when I say simple I really do mean simple, it works for me. I like to use a small orange candle

sprinkled with cinnamon and mint (essential oils or dried herbs), set it in a safe holder, light the flame and visualise what you want to be successful in your life or business, send out a request to deity to help then give thanks and allow the candle to burn out safely. See? Really simple. I like orange for success but you should use whatever colour resonates with you or just a plain white candle works as well. Go with your intuition. Even if you don’t have a candle, you can stand outside under the new moon and send up a request to her for success.

Working magic for personal power can be just as simple but for this one I like to use a purple candle and a bit of dragons blood (powdered or essential oil). Carve your name or initial onto the candle, dress it with the dragons blood, set it in a safe holder, light the flame and visualise. As the flame grows feel the power within you grow as well. You could even call in the four elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water to add their energy to your own personal power. Take the energy with you and allow the candle to burn out safely.

February has deities that are particularly associated with it, if you wanted to work with them specifically this month, some suggestions are Brighid, Demeter, Fortuna, Aphrodite, Eros, Artemis, Apollo, Dionysus, Kali, Tacita, Shiva, Ceres and Mauri. Meditate to call upon a deity, light a candle to them, make incense specifically for them or set up a small altar dedicated to them.

If you like working with the energies of totem animals February has a host of animals that are associated with this month such as otter, magpie, wolf, cougar, whale, buffalo, butterfly and frog. Work with their energies this month as they will be quite powerful. As with the deities, meditate to call upon their energies, research and read all about them and add a photo of the animal to your altar.

season within the UK in February are artichokes, beetroot, purple sprouting, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celeriac, chichory, chard, endive, greens, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, onions, pak choi, parsnips, potatoes, radish, rocket, salsify, spinach, swede, turnips, watercress, apples and forced rhubarb – seriously who would have thought that a cold month like February would turn up so many delicious veggies?

And if you like to go ‘a foraging’ you should find these beauties in season out in the wilds, woodlands and hedgerows; chickweed, nettles, sorrel, chives, cow parsley, primroses, juniper berries and chestnuts – all deliciously edible (please make sure you have identified the plant correctly though, we don’t need anyone eating poisonous plants by mistake!).

So it might be a cold and wet month but at least we have a lot of magical themes to be working with!

Rachel Patterson - Author of the bestselling Moon Magic Book

You can contact Rachel through her websites or facebook


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Of course, we can’t forget food associated with February (well I can’t) I like to eat seasonally, I like to support the local farmers and purchase crops grown in the UK so that has to be seasonal and I think vegetables and fruit taste better when they are in season and they are also cheaper. So in 35



Salt Salt - It is essential for biological life. Â There is so much to be said about this ancient of ancient spices. Yet, I will leave it simply and recommend looking at a couple of the bibliographical sites listed.

Salt has been noted in use as far back as 6500 B.C. Salt mines in Romania are dated to then, as well as one in China at 6000 B.C. The Hebrews, Romans, Greeks, Byzantines, Egyptians, Chinese, Aztecs, Hittites, etc., have been known to document the value of Salt. It is used in food preservation, as a currency, as a system for taxation, as an anti-caking material, in the production of PVC piping, polymers, resins chlorine. The world production now, is 200 million tons annually. As salt is essential to biological life, it is detrimental to plant growth when sown on the earth. This was a practice of many cultures after conquering another city. The tax on salt was one of the causes of the French Revolution and one 36 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

also in India. Countries have gone to war over salt, and the trade routes. In Wicca, salt is the symbol for Earth. In the Hebrew Bible, there are over 35 verses relating to salt. Romans used to mix salt with their water for religious ceremonies, and this is believed to be the origins of Christian Holy Water.

Salt is made from the distillation of sea water or salt water. Thus, this gives the various kinds of salt. I have a picture of these mounds. Salt has been us a measure of a person’s worth. May you all enjoy the Solstice and celebrate the lengthening of the days. ~Namaste By Wil Snider

Artwork by Christine Carlson “The Promise”



Enlightened Living & Eating by Amaritday

Hola and Welcome Beloved Enlightened Readers! Amaritday - The Sacred Health Doula here to share what is in my heart. Loving the life you live - Holistically Aesthetically Sacred. Know and trust that Mother Nature HAS a remedy! For a more amazing and vibrant new year let’s try to implement some new habits that will help you to honor and nourish the god or goddess within.

your complimentary 50 minute Discovery Session. One conversation could change your life!

HAS WISDOM Daily Mantras I am Sacred and Divinely Created I am sacred and Divinely beautiful I am Sacred and Divinely loving I am Sacred and Divinely perfect just as I am

The next turn of the wheel is perfect for realizing the greatness that lives within Sacred Seven Daily Nutrition Tips: each one of us. This sabbat is special to me for many reasons but Brigid is my mama Drink more fresh clean water Goddess and she helped in so many ways to Eat more greens & super foods find my light and love. This day is HERS! This is a time for communing with her, and Eat more fruits veggies & whole grains tending the lighting of her sacred flame. At Eat less meat, sugar & processed foods this time of year, the lighting of multiple candles, white for Brigid, for the god usually Loving movement 15 minutes a day yellow or red, to remind us of the passing of (Exercise) winter and the entrance into spring, the time of the Sun. This is a good time for initiations, Laugh & Smile Daily be they into covens or self-initiations. Thank If you are interested in making some for loving me beyond and back Mama B changes, need to learn more about real whole xoxox food, learn how to do a cleanse properly, Imbolc is traditionally a great festival and maybe one of my programs is just what you honoring of Brigid (Brighid, Bride, Brigit), need. If you aren’t sure take advantage of 38 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

so beloved a Goddess, her worship was woven into Christianity as St Bridget. She is the Goddess of healing, poetry and smithcraft. If you can make it with your hands, Brigid rules it. She is a Goddess of Fire, of the Sun and of the Hearth. She brings fertility and is closely connected to midwives and new-born babies. She is the Triple Goddess, but at Imbolc she is in her Maiden aspect.

allow inspiration to enter for the new cycle. It’s a good time for wish-making or making a dedication. “Spring cleaning was originally a nature ritual” - Doreen Valiente.

All is pregnant and expectant - and only just visible if at all, like the gentle curve of a ‘just-showing’ pregnancy. It is the promise of renewal, of hidden potential, of earth awakening and life-force stirring. Here is hope. We welcome the growth of the returning light and witness Life’s insatiable appetite for rebirth. Imbolc (February 2) marks the recovery of the Goddess after giving birth to the God. The lengthening periods of light awaken Her. The God is a young, lusty boy, but His power is felt in the longer days. The warmth fertilizes the Earth (the Goddess), and causes seeds to germinate and sprout. And so the earliest beginnings of Spring occur. On this day, we celebrate the passing of Winter and begin to prepare for Spring. This is a Sabbat of purification after the winter ‘hibernation”, through the revitalizing power of the Sun. It is also a celebration of light and fertility, in this instance fire represents our own illumination and inspiration as much as light and warmth. Imbolc is also known as Feast of Torches, Feast of Pan, Snowdrop Festival, Brighid’s Day, just to name a few It is time to let go of the past and to look to the future, clearing out the old, making both outer and inner space for new beginnings. This can be done in numerous ways, from spring cleaning your home and revamping your pantry to clearing the mind and heart to

It is traditional upon Imbolc, at sunset or just after ritual, light candles in each room in honor of the Sun’s rebirth. Alternately, light a oil lamp with a red chimney and place this in a prominent part of the home or in a window. If snow lies on the ground outside, walk in it for a moment, recalling the warmth of summer. With your projective hand, trace an image of the Sun on the snow. Before the written calendar, people used nature’s own calendar to show them when the Goddess had come home again. In the Northern hemisphere, spring arrives with the thaw and the first snowdrops, and the spring brings the Goddess. Stand still and listen, hear and smell the change; even with no green leaves on the trees, the snowdrops always alert us of the first signs of spring. Nowadays, we do not watch the seasons closely enough or learn Mother Nature’s rhythms. This is the seasonal change where the first signs of spring and the return of the sun 39

are noted, i.e. the first buds of leaves, the sprouting Crocus flowers etc. This festival celebrates the winter’s end and the farming begins. Dairy is quite important on this day, being that Imbolc marks the festival of calving. Sour cream dishes are fine. Spicy and fullbodied foods that pay homage to the Sun are equally savored. Curries and all dishes made with peppers, onions, leeks, shallots, garlic or chives are on the menu. Spiced wines and dishes containing raisins - all foods representative of the Sun - are also traditional. Decorate your altar with for the Imbolc - as Brigid finds these items sacred, include some as you are called.


My website: Le Blog: Facebook: Amaritday Skincare:

Snowdrop, Swan, Brigid’s Cross, Brigid Doll, Sheep, using the colors white and silver for purity, green for new life


Herbs of Imbolc - Blackberry, Coltsfoot and Ginger


Trees of Imbolc - Rowan and Willow

Things to Do · Plant Seeds · Bake a Cake- Baking a seed cake to share, full of potential, is ideal. Tie it with silver, or white, or green, or colored ribbon · Light Candles · Ritual for Imbolc/Candlemas Celebrate the Simple Feast. Thank the Goddess and God Holistically Aesthetically Sacred Blessings to you all! 40 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

41 the goddess temple in Glastonbury

CHRISTIAN PALMISTRY The majority of emails that get sent to a palmist usually run something like this, ‘i have a line near my thumb that runs right across what does it mean’ ? Please understand you cannot take any one line in isolation and read accurate data from it, you have to balance every line together, the whole hand category, psychological type and zodiac sign for total results, its not simple, and if you look at hands bear in mind the old medical motto only to diagnose by ’sign and symptom’ and not just by one line alone.

The colour, shape, density and depth will all play a part, and remember to read the line from the thickest end out, as the thickest part is always where the energy is concentrated to begin its travel.

I always promise to answer every email including the extremist ones that tell me that the devil will get me and i am going to go to hell, how christians and religionists arrive at this is beyond me because in the medieval monasteries, Astrology Numerology and Palmistry were called the 3 sisters and taught as learned sciences, biblical numerology is still practised by theologians, but since Nicolai Copernicus 14731543 said the sun was the centre of the solar system and not the earth, Astrology and Palmistry have been generally frowned upon, the theory of Heliocentrism or that the sun was the centre of the solar system was not a popular one with the Vatican of the time. The illustration below is taken from a 12th century Christian text and shows the hand in its religious aspects.

( in the Illustration 1) shows the 3 sections to the thumb, and was applied as the trinity finger, the 3 persons in one god, from Matthew 28-16, the three sections to the fingers from the palm out represent Body Mind and Spirit. 42 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

( 2 ) the 12 sections to the fingers, between what medical anatomists call the interphalangeal joints, were said to represent the 12 apostles, and those monks who spent many hours in prayer would hold the thumb against the finger phalange as they prayed to each apostle in turn, for the sick, for a good harvest or for good fortune for the community until all 12 prayers had been completed. The illustration shows the 12 zodiac signs as each apostle represented a sign which were granted from God to be observed in the heavens, and no one today doubts that the 3 wise men who followed the star were actually astrologers, incidentally astrologers claim that Christ was born in 6 BC and not on December 25th, in some translations the word Magi is interchangable with starwatchers. Early Catholicism saw the thumb as representing the godhead, the index or Jupiter finger the Holy Ghost and the middle or Saturn finger the Christ, and a priest will still today bless with these 3 fingers uppermost.

The trinity is also seen in the 3 bracelets that run round the wrist seen at figure ( 5) these were said to be health wealth and happiness and the 3 gifts from the blessed Trinity, which if you were very lucky would each confer a 30 year span, today palmists generally work on 25 years. Palmistry is one of those arts that is often condemned by those who know nothing about it, the patron saint of palmistry and astrology St Hugh was above all else a healer and a carer for the sick, and i often adivise on Homeopathy Ayurvedic Medicine and German New medicine, and not Allopathic medication which just deals with symptoms.

( 3 ) is the main mark for healers when seen under the Mercury finger and is also a tri-gram CHI’EN representing the creative power seen in the i ching, remember the international torch symbol for healers, ‘the wand of Aesculapius’ is

billions, so much so that they dictate policy to governments, and they did not like the trend away from chemical tablets so originated several studies which condemned herbal and natural products, he who pays the piper calls the tune runs the saying and of course drug company sponsored surveys are very damning, hence the movement to ban anything not produced by the big pharma cartels themselves, stage two is interesting as they have aligned with 2 big Christian churches to ban what are called in preliminary papers; ‘unwholesome and devilish psychic readings and healings’ so while i agree there are many scammers out there, to lump it all together and ban it seems very wrong and anti-democratic to me and eliminates free choice, in fact the words of the master were quite clear at Luke 1721; ‘the kingdom of god is found within you ‘

the sign for Mercury the messenger of the gods, and Mercuries star sign Gemini is the sign for palmists as Gemini covers the hands. Hippocrates born 460 BC said;

‘ a physican without a knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician ‘ and palmistry is above all else a healing art.

Over many years, I used to read and study all the medical journals until eventually it dawned on me that these were sent for free to all the doctors, because they were advertising allopathic drug cartel pharma-chemicals, not real healing modalities, the pharmaceutical industry is worth

not in churches, and dogmatic hellfire preachers who tell us you can only use this kind of medicine or that, and you cant have any kind of reading or spiritual healing or counseling, and this just cant be right.

Ghandi said; ‘god has no religion’ so people who claim god says this or that, or wants this war or that, or tells other people what is a right or wrong thing to believe, are out of focus with the democratic spirituality we should all have, god has no favourites, there are no chosen people, no religious supremacists, because for someone to get preference someone else would have to be penalised, do you think God would do that ? because i dont, remember there is no special ‘get out of jail’ cards, and you cant buy your way into the next life, going to church doesnt make you a christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.


Palmistry was mentioned particularly by gods prophets Job and Isiaah, so it is the lords invention, not the devils.

Strict Jews have what is called the Hand of Miriam, and the 5 fingers represent the 5 books of the Torah, and remind us to use all 5 senses when we pray to god, similarly we have the hand of Fatima, Muhammeds daughter and the 5 fingers are sacred to Muslims as they represent the 5 persons in the prophets family, and this to them is a very holy sign, but of great interest is the cross in the palm centre, (4) which covers the minor chakras in the palm centres,this was supposed to represent the place where Christ was nailed to the cross, but later historians have said the nails went through the wrist, a cross seen in this part of the hand over the chakra is known as a psychic cross and suggests psychic ability or second sight, and old manuscripts often depict an eye in the hand centre, on the chakra or plain of Mars. The 7 religious ceremonies from baptism to the last rites should have been more aligned to the 7 chakras, rather than to dull them, but all religions function on control, and so much has been intentionally suppressed, the philosopher David Hume said ; ‘in all ages preists have been the enemies of liberty’

Such stories as Adam and Eve are meant to be allegorical tales, but millions believe this literally, that Eve tempted adam with an apple and when Adam took a bite it lodged in his throat and we all today have an adams apple to remind us not to be tempted by women, in the first translations the word apple is interchangable with breast, so we begin to see the sexual aspects, but if Eve was given to man as an equal and a companion, why


has every religion put women a poor second.

The Bhagavad Ghita the Hindu holy book has many mentions of hands, but tells us the sign of the hand is protective in all its forms.

Buddhism contains a lot of palmistic lore which i will cover when we look at the hand of the Dalia llama in an upcoming issue.

Remember scripture tells us that the hand is gods gift to mankind,and it is with our hands that we create all things of value from food for the family, to artworks for pleasure, and its only when we injure a hand that we remember how reliant we are on this anatomical part. The hand contains all the planets from when we were born just as in the horoscope, in fact i often read horoscopes from the hand, the creator in his wisdom has left us many signs, and the chaldean version of the bible which many experts say is the oldest we see it says at Job 37-7 that ‘god has placed signs and seals in the hands of men that all may know their works’ We may give thanks to our god in different ways, but never judge or look down on another mans faith, and if he wants to worship his god through the trees of the earth the stars in the sky or the signs in nature, so be it, and keep in mind the universal healers motto, “Do No Harm”

Remember the words of Krshnamurti; ‘Truth is a pathless land, it cannnot be approached by any path whatsoever, by any religion or by any sect’ T Stokes has read the hands of people across the world with understanding and humility by post or email for over 55 years. see his website at

hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the back.

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Shamballa Bracelets

Special offer for Mystik Way readers Get one custom made!

If you would like a trendy handmade Shamballa Bracelet as pictured below, made with semi-precious beads, email me and let me know which beads you would like from a choice of – Black Onyx, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Haematite or Amethyst. All beads are 8mm and are woven on 2mm nylon cord. You can have the bracelet all one stone (like the tigers eye pictured below) or a mixture of beads from the list above. Just email me at spiritdesigns@hotmail. your bracelet will be hand made and then listed for you to purchase in my on-line shop. Cost per bracelet is £9 plus shipping. Enjoy the power of Shamballa! Jenny Spirit x


Mystik Way visits the CHI COFFEE VENUE


fter a great magical mystery tour before our Autumn Equinox ritual & party, myself James, Kirsty & Mark….alias the motley crew dropped into the Spiritual Chi coffee shop….where we found some great relaxed energies & a warm welcome….we also noted there is always something going on such as workshops, readings and healing most days of the week…there are items for sale such as incense, books, tarot cards & crystals at reasonable prices….so do look in as you will love it and pick up some wonderful calm energies… MystikMaster Spiritual inspired Shop selling various spiritual stock at rear of our coffee shop - chi coffee. Tarot readings and healing also available; Workshops and events planned. Large room available for hire. We are the twist that you will find at the back of our shop Chi Coffee. Selling drums, crystals, wood art work, spiritual inspired paintings, tarot /psychic cards, and more... Tarot readings and healing also available. We will be arranging various events and workshops, please keep posted for updates on these. We have use of a large space for anyone interest in hosting events, please see management for enquires. We hope you enjoy our shop as much as we do and look forward to meeting you soon.


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...Issue 34 will be out in March 2014


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