The Mystik Way Magazine 20

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The Mayan Cataclysm Getting Right with Reiki Tarot Wheel of the year or Zodiac Spread

Living magically through gratitude EXPLORING THE SPIRITSCAPE: PART 3

Yule: Winter Solstice Read: “The City of Light” by Anthony John

inspired writing, ANimal and Plant Totems, Readers page, POEMS and more...



Welcome to issue twenty


Yule - Winter Solstice


Winter Solstice Solar Festival

6 Exploring the Spiritscape - Part 3 Life Spaces

The Mayan Cataclysm | 12


The Journey


The Mayan Cataclysm


Poem - I dreamt


Inspired Writing - Giving


Mystik Way Healing Link


Living magically through gratitude


Wheel of the Year or Zodiac Spread

22 Animal & Plant of the month & Jennifer Adele Book Review 24

Getting Right with Reiki


Ghost Stories


Who am I?


Book - The City of Light by Anthony

John - Chapter 6-8

Spiritscape Part 3 | 6 EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | MAGAZINE DESIGN Simone Schreck ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEB PRODUCER Simone Schreck

Ghost Stories | 28 If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation to help us along the Path. 2 |


CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Richard Hayes, Alma Joyce De La Cruz Gossman, Sue Hayes, Peta Panos, Michelle Mahoney, Jennifer Adele, Angela H. Penn, FernLily, Jenny Spirit, Anthony John,

Welcome to issue


We are now fast approaching the end of the calendar year & it certainly has been a year of great change. The majority of the Worlds people from all four corners of the Globe are at last starting to question the way present day leaders/governments are controlling their lives, no longer are they content to suffer & live in a dread/fear driven society. They are realising there is more to life than just merely existing on a day to day basis‌.The times they are a changing. That said, it really is a great blessing to be part of this wonderful time in the Earths evolution & we should look forward to this Awakening. We here in the northern hemisphere will be holding many parties & rituals with friends beside a warm fire, much wine/food & enjoying the fruits of our years labour. Southern hemisphere friends, I trust you will be enjoying the Sun & having as much fun as is humanly possible. Have a truly wonderful festive holiday whatever your belief & wherever you may be. Get those great plans & long held dreams underway for the coming year....Remember the only limitations that exist are those we impose upon ourselves. Bless yourselves, everyone & everything you encounter along the pathway...Be the Light.



YULE (WINTER SOLSTICE) I am not going to give the usual and traditional meanings behind the festival of Yule as this is a subject of much conjecture, many differing myth’s and meanings behind it, I have never been a great one for rules as they are for the guidance of the wise and the obedience of idiots. Instead I propose that you use the items that appeal to you personally. (Traditional meanings, names etc can be found on such sites as Wikipedia) Make your Altar of the very things that are to be found in nature as these will vary according to the hemisphere in which you live! Here in the north use vibrant colours, red candles, holly, ivy and anything you would care to add……spiced incense….make it an flamboyant Altar to celebrate the ending of the darkness and the slow return of the light….hold a gathering with loved ones and friends with a feast and fine wine and a roaring fire. In the southern hemisphere apply the same idea, use the colours and materials available to you. Spent some time in reflection of those who have gone before, the Ancestors & sending healing thoughts to those that are less fortunate....send prayers of love & protection to the Animal kingdom. Make this a time for giving, not taking. Whatever you belief have a wonderful festive holiday. Blessings MystikMaster

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WINTER SOLSTICE ( Solar Festival ) 21st/22nd December Of all the Festivals on the wheel of the year, Yule as it was called by the ancients brought the most anxiety and fear. The Sun appeared to have vanished, it was the longest night and the shortest day, it was cold and bleak, the Earth lay dormant, it was a scary time as all were worried would they survive the long & cruel winter months. The crops were gathered in, the animals tethered in barns in preparation for the long winter nights. On the night of the 21st as the sun sank below the horizon they would prepare huge bonfires and prepare a great feast, the entire village would join in....Rituals were performed to honour to the Sun in the hope it would hasten it’s return. After the shortest day and the longest night at the darkest time....the Sun is reborn.....the waxing cycle of the Sun begins again.....the year begins. Much rejoicing and merry making...dancing....chanting....a time for feasting a time for giving, sharing, regeneration and rebirth. The entire population of the village would gather around a huge fire in the chief ’s round house at the coldest & darkest part of the night to perform rituals asking for abundant crops in the coming year. They decorated their homes with Holly, Ivy & Mistletoe, red & green signified abundance... the white of the Mistletoe meant fertility. They would also spend much time remembering the ancestors and paying homage to them, truly a time for all to be together...the living and the dead





“You unlock the past – So many scenes, moving fast – At last, the right conclusion – Or at least, a sweet illusion.” (Pet Shop Boys – Memory of the Future)

Your Own Spaces in the Spiritscape So far in this series, we have explored two different types of imaginary places that can be explored during meditation. The first related to the four elements, as we aim to create a balance of energies in our lives. The second related to the seven primary chakras of our physical bodies, allowing us to focus on particular qualities when needed. Both of these types of spaces rely on archetypal images; these pre-exist in our psyches, and have been visited over centuries. In this final part, we will see how the Spiritscape can be added to with places from our own lives and pasts, and we will consider how this can be used for the safe exploration of our memories.

Reaching the Past A note of caution is needed here. Much spiritual teaching emphasises the need to stay in the present moment and fully exist here, rather than living in the past and therefore dwelling on old hurts, keeping them alive and missing the beauty to be had now. For this reason, it is important to consciously travel in the Spiritscape in order to get to any past locations. This will reinforce the distance from past to present, and prevent the past from feeling too close and influential. The journey back through time can take whatever form you like. One idea is to travel down a long, dark corridor. If you allow yourself to travel fast, you can 6 |


reach your destination quickly, while ensuring enough a place you felt very happy, safe and content. This distance is covered; remember, you can go as fast as could be a childhood home, or somewhere you lived with friends, or alone. you like in this non-physical landscape! As with the other Spiritscape locations, give yourself time to fully immerse yourself in the location. Logic and ‘laws of time’ don’t count here, so it doesn’t Places to Visit matter that the place may no longer be the same in The place you decide to visit depends on what you physical reality; it can still be constructed and held want to achieve. A very positive experience is to visit in place in the Spiritscape. Observe it carefully. Look


at the walls, and the ceiling, and the floor. Look at the details; allow tiny aspects to return to your consciousness. Look at the objects that lie about the place. Notice the colour and quality of the light. Remember how powerful the smell of a place is, and how it brings back memories; smell the place you are visiting. Feel the temperature of it on your skin. Walk around, and look closely. When you have constructed the place you want to

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visit, you may wish to spend time with a person, or group of people. These could be people who have died, or they could still be alive, but will have aged along with you. You are free to picture them in the way you prefer, whatever age you want. Talk to them if you want to, or just spend time ‘being’ together, in the casual, relaxed way you used to be. Reinforce the bonds between you, even if geography or time has pulled you apart at this time in your lives.

If this process brings up sadness in some way, decide whether you would like to face this sadness, or not. You are the creator of your experience in this place. If you are visiting a lovely place that has gone from the physical world, you may feel grief. Try to turn this into a feeling of melancholy, recognising that the good times you had can still benefit you, even if they have ended for some reason. Melancholy is a healthy feeling, as it recognises the interrelation between happiness and sadness.

Feel lucky that you are imaginative and sensitive enough to be able to reconstruct these moments when you want to, but not get lost in them as many people do without realising. Remember that these places, like all spaces on the Spiritscape, are here for you at any time.

The Unfolding Journey When you are ready to return to the physical world, make sure you retrace your steps. Close doors if you can; this helps the subconscious to separate itself from the past and more fully embrace the present. Remember to travel back to your starting point, perhaps down the tunnel you used at the beginning. Remember that the Spiritscape follows dream logic rather than physical reality. Spaces from your past can sit aside each other, even if they are far apart in the ‘real world’. They can also be interspersed with your other, more archetypal spaces. A childhood home could, for example, be located near your Heart Chakra temple. A favourite walk in the woods could merge with the imaginary spaces you create when you want to explore the element of Earth. If you want to, you could even create a map of these places on a large piece of paper, using a combination of photographs and creative work like paintings or collages from magazines. As you create new spaces, your map could expand; the Spiritscape is an ever unfolding world, which grows and shifts according to your changing needs over time. Even without a map, with time, you will unconsciously navigate this magical reality. Years of meditation will make places there feel like old friends. Revisiting old buildings, whether they be Chakra temples or real homes you have had, will feel comforting and homely. I like to think that the Spiritscape will always be there for me, and that one day, when my time in this physical body ends, it’s where I will be able to wander, freely, exploring its infinity of places with eternity to spare. In the meantime, I will continue to visit on a regular basis, and I know that this will enrich my life. 9

The Journey

We are incarnate in what is known as the physical world to learn…..the physical existence with all its trials & tribulations is to evolve/refine the power of the Spirit…..and in doing so evolve/refine the Planet & everything that dwells upon it….. Over millions of years the physical body has evolved and will eventually reach a position where it will & can match the power of the Spirit…we are but using a very small fragment of our abilities, we are merely seeing but one fifth of what is really there. We must now start to bring the body & mind up to the high standard set by the spirit (not fitness freaks or body beautifuls) but becoming more refined, more sensitive, more alert & aware of the energies/worlds that surround us & in which we dwell….we are mighty, powerful beings… much more capable than we believe. This now takes a complete change of attitude, re programming of all that you ever thought was real or so called true…to put to one side all the old preconceived ideas that were taught by past generations/governments….societies & religions…. these are now redundant, they do not work any longer…this is proved by the present state of the world at this present time. It is time to think & act for ourselves, do what we feel is right for us & others…to be of service to others…for as we help others and all living things the more we help ourselves along this path of evolution….selfishness, greed & fear is to be abandoned and replaced with love, trust, service & integrity….then the true world and universe will be revealed to you….setting you free.



The Mayan Cataclysm By Richard Hayes (Warlockway)


or some time, those of us who are spiritually aware have been conscious of the significance of the Winter Solstice this year on the 21st of December, for at that time the Mayan Calendar comes to an end, and some feel that this predicts the end of Mayan Civilization and Civilization in general.

They related the five phases of Mayan Civilization to the five elements of the ancient world, each phase being related to one element, either Fire, Water, Air, Earth or Ether. If we consider the earth as a living bio-system with an innate consciousness, as was proposed by James Lovelock in the Gaia Hypothesis, these catastrophic events are dramatic expressions of the energies represented by the five elements, from The Mayan Calendar is based on Five Great Epochs, which all creation is formed. These elements have each lasting for about half a millennium. Each epoch both a physical and spiritual dimension, and underpin at its end has been accompanied by physical and so- the evolution of all life on earth. cial upheaval and each time cataclysmic events have taken place in the world, which are a reflection of the destructive powers of nature. These events have re- The first epoch is related to the powers of Fire, and its sulted in social and political upheaval, which have destructive, dramatic expression would end with volpaved the way for a new era of re-growth and prog- canoes, bush and forest fires, drought and periods of ress. scorching heat, when crops would fail and livestock die. Such a period of time forming the end of the first Mayan Epoch, would have seen a dramatic reduction We are now at the end of the fifth epoch, and many of population over an extended period of time, as have predicted that the world will be rocked by floods, crops failed and the food chain became severely detidal waves, earth quakes, bush and forest fires, heat pleted. This would have disrupted social and political waves, hurricanes, massive storms and tsunamis, structures, and society would have had to reform and which will bring major havoc, loss of life and dis- rebuild its existence. ruption to society. Some have even predicted that this will result in a polar shift, completely altering the nature of the climate on earth. Others see global warming as part of this destructive process, as this will result in drought, storms and floods on a global scale. Certainly many of these events seem to be happening, and the world is in a state of upheaval, both physically and politically.

The second epoch of Water would end with torrential rain, storms and floods which would destroy the harvest and result in the loss of life, crops and livestock. The third epoch of Air would be battered by storms, high winds, tornados and hurricanes, bringing physical havoc and destruction. The fourth epoch of Earth would bring earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the destruction of homes and public buildings on a grand During a recent seminar which I was leading on these scale, all of which would have had to be rebuilt to changes, I was asked to define the types of upheaval restart their civilization. that had happened at the end of each epoch of Mayan Civilization. Unable to give a factual answer, I referred this question to my guides who were work- The fifth and final epoch which is just ending, would ing with me. They gave the following answer to this then relate to the element of Ether, which would be a question from their informed, spiritual perspective. spiritual cleansing brought about by the combined destructive powers of the other four elements. This is the period now ending, which prepares the way forward 12 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE


for a new Enlightened Age of Spiritual Awareness, where the powers of the material world represented, by the four elements Fire, Water, Air and Earth are mastered and integrated with the spiritual dimension of the element of Ether.

A number of enlightened individuals no longer see this final phase as one of total destruction, but rather as a cleansing, leading to a more enlightened period for humanity. As we enter a new epoch, humanity has the opportunity to build a global society, based on mass communication and individual freedom. These are the gifts of the element of Ether, which relates to spiritual consciousness, and opens up the opportunity of a Golden Age, forming a new enlightenment, a fitting legacy to the evolution expressed by the Mayan Civilization.

the New Enlightenment which is starting to happen, and which is a fulfillment of the Mayan Prophecies, as the world begins a new era of spiritual awareness. We should celebrate this, and like the Mayans, accept that the old order will be torn down, in order that a New Global Civilization can come into existence.

The end of the Mayan Civilization could be seen as the time when their world would cease, and it would then be absorbed into a new Global Civilization, forming a new epoch for all of humanity. Each civilization that has existed on earth has left a legacy, which will in the future form the basis of a new global awareness, when all nations will become one global family as part of a new universal civilization.

Explanation of the Picture The Mayans had two calendars – one for the material world and one used in temples for spiritual expression. On certain key dates, such as the 21st December 2012, these calendars came into alignment, linking the world of spirit to the world of matter. This balance of the spiritual world with the material world is the basis for a new epoch for spiritual awareness, bringing spiritual enlightenment to humanity on a global scale.

During the 1990s, many spiritual people anticipated that the new millennium would issue in a period of mass spiritual awareness. This did not happen quite as anticipated, but the energies of mass enlightenment have been working beneath the surface, waiting for the correct global conditions to occur. In the last few years, the expansion of the internet, creation of Facebook and mass ownership of computers and mobile phones has made it possible for spiritually minded people to communicate on a global scale.

What Ed (The Mystik Master) has done with Mystik Way, would not have been possible in the year 2000. Now, with only a small amount of financial investment but a lot of time and energy, the Mystik Way Magazine is being read each month by approaching one million readers worldwide. This process is being repeated by many other spiritual organizations, and I would suggest that this is the nature of future spiritual growth and development on a global scale. This is 14 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

In the picture, the Four Elements are shown around the central circle of the element of Ether, depicting a priest holding a ritual to the Sun to control the forces of nature. He is standing at the top of a Mayan temple set in jungle landscape. At the top of the picture is an erupting volcano representing the primary element of Fire, which is also related to an image of the Sun. At the base are the powers of the complementary primary element of Water in the form of a flood and tidal wave, which is also related to the symbol of the Moon. On the left is represented the secondary element of Air depicted by a storm and high winds, and on the right the secondary element of Earth which shows the destruction caused by an earthquake. Together, they form the destructive aspects of the elements, which in the Mayan Cycle would produce destruction and the possibility of transformation and rebirth.

I Dreamt (Navarrette Quatrain) I dreamt that we lived in a world of peace where there was no war, famine or disgrace There was hush in the world as war ceased We shifted to a gentle human race I dreamt that we understood differences Love for one another started flowing We embraced all of our varied interests For now there was a sense of deep knowing I dreamt we made choices of greater good No longer driven by greed and power What a difference now that we understood Love, mercy and grace began to shower I dreamt no longer were our hearts broken Rather a world of peace and love now reigned Differences embraced and trust spoken At last—greater good and love are sustained. . . . © Alma Joyce De La Cruz December 3, 2012

I took this picture from the Golden Lotus Temple Meditation Gardens in Encinitas, California where there is a place dedicated to Saint Francis. (Note: the heart sharped orb of light was not actually appeared as I took the picture...I believe the heart of the tree was coming through too)... The Navarrette Quatrain was developed by Gavriel Navarro. You may find in his Facebook notes how to write in this way. I have faith and pray that one day I shall wake up and this dream will come true.




E R I P S IN ayes e By Su


I am a Spiritualist Medium who tunes in to the world of spirit asking for communication and guidance, which I receive through Inspired Writing. I hope that you find this spiritually uplifting.


to us in the spirit world, are able to link with us to bring the love from those in the spirit world to loved ones on the earth. This is truly a gift for us, that it is possible to communicate with our dear ones still on earth, and it is a gift received on earth that loved ones in spirit can come with their love and reassurance of a continued life.

You can share your knowledge of the spirit world and of life eternal with others, a gift to mankind to lift their attention from their earthly concerns. They may come to realise their spiritual heritage and be able to focus more clearly on their earthly life and how they live it. The love from the spirit world can guide and help them, and open their hearts to share their love too. Mankind would thus live in greater harmony, each giving and sharing their own loving energy, and recognising the Learn to give in small ways – of your time or gift of spiritual communication to your earthly energy, to help others in some small way. A world. Give willingly. smile or gesture can be received as a gift by those who are sad or lonely. Remember that as you give, so shall you receive! Imagine the joy of the recipient as you choose the gift for someone, and also in the giving of it. Give always with your heart, whether it is of your time, your goods or your money, for that gift holds your love and good wishes to the recipient. Anything given without love holds no power to touch the receiver, and no sense of upliftment will be felt. A gift does not have to be large or cost much, for it is the sentiment behind the gift that is received.

You all have personal abilities that you can share with others. Give willingly of these. Those who have opened your heart and mind 16 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINK Every evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS” The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing. Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth.

Blessings MystikMaster. We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds… their bodies….and their souls. This is our mission….our work.



Living magically through Gratitude by Peta Panos


ratitude is a sincere appreciation for blessings, help you have received and for all that you have in your life. When you feel gratitude sincerely, energy flows from your heart, raises your vibration and activates a positive response from people and the universe. As everything is energy and like attracts like, gratitude is the key to attracting more of the same into your life. When you are truly grateful for what you do have, even if it is not enough at present, more will flow to you.

brings untold blessings to you.

Remember that gratitude is a feeling and the secret to living a magical life is to deliberately feel it as often and as deeply as you can. Take stock of the major areas in your life: Health; wealth; happiness; relationships; your home and your career – any areas that are not experiencing abundance and fulfillment are due to lack of appreciation and gratitude or taking them for granted. In order to experience the flow in these areas again, appreciate and give thanks for what There is good in every person and every situation you do have and you will begin to experience – when you appreciate even the smallest thing in every-thing you want in your life. a person or situation, and acknowledge it through grace, it increases and multiplies because of your focus. Within every challenge you face is the gift “Better to lose count while naming of a lesson - once you have learnt the lesson, your blessings than to lose your you won’t face to face it again and the quickest blessings to counting your troubles” way to achieve this is to appreciate what the – Maltbie D. Babcock challenge has taught you. True gratitude is a foundation for humility, faith, courage, joy, happiness, love, inner peace and If you want your life to become happier, healthier 18 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

and more abundant in every way, there are a number of ways you can focus on gratitude:

Thank you for being part of my community and wishing you all a happy and gracious festive season and New Year.

1. Keep a gratitude journal and count your blessings. On one side of the page, write down what you are grateful for that day. You will quickly notice that you will start noticing things to add to your journal through the day. On the other side of the Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys page, write down the things that you want in your life, in present tense and as if they Email: are already manifest in your life. Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys 2. When you go to bed every night, go through your day in your mind and find Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys the 5 things that you are most grateful Twitter: questjourneys for that day. As you select each one, say Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you and really feel the gratitude. This will also assist you to have positive dreams. 3. When you wake up in the morning, spend a few minutes thinking about your day and what you are most looking forward to. This takes you into a heart space and raises the vibration of your day too. 4. Look for the good in every person and in every situation. 5. Use the words Thank-you as often as possible and mean them. 6. Sign up on the free gratitude website Gratitude Log and become part of a happy, grateful community of like minded people. 7. Find something that represents the area of your life you are working on improving through Grace. Write a gratitude note on a sticker in big bold letters and place it where you can see it often e.g. if you are wanting to increase the flow of money to you, take a currency note (dollar bill) and write on it: Thank you for all of the money I have been given throughout my life. Whenever you see it, take a moment to say Thank you and feel the gratitude for all that you have already received. Another example is after paying a bill, write Paid and Thank-you on the bill. 8. If you find yourself facing a difficult situation, make a list of at least 10 things that you are grateful about the situation. At the end of the list, write Thank-you for the perfect resolution. 19


Wheel of the Year or Zodiac Spread by Michelle Amethyst Mahoney


s 2012 comes to a close, it’s time to begin looking ahead. What will 2013 hold for you? Doing a Wheel of the Year or Zodiac Spread can help you understand what might be coming up, what you need to look out for, and where you want to focus your efforts in the coming year. This is one of my favorite spreads, and I like to do it sometime between Yule and the New Year. I find this more enlightening than sitting down and making resolutions, which most people don’t keep anyway. This spread covers what will happen overall for the next year, and gives you a card for each month that will be the focus for that period of time. The Spread is dealt out like the face of a clock. Place one card in the center first. This is your overall card for the year. Then place a card where each number would be on a clock. This is your card for that month. I like to place mine all facedown first, and then turn them over one at a time, beginning with the card in the middle. Some people like to turn everything over at once and then look for patterns. If your year spread doesn’t turn out the way you want, remember, the Tarot is only showing you the most likely outcome based 20 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Tarot Art:

on where you are in your life right now. If you choose to make new decisions, your cards will change in the future. The further you get out in the year, the more likely things will change because of the decisions you make. This is the true power of Tarot – the ability to direct your life and choose a new future based on the information it has revealed. One of my favorite ways to do this is to choose another card for each month while asking the Tarot what I can do about the first card. If I like the card, I might ask, “What do I need to do to ensure that this is the outcome I get?” or “What do I need to do to make this even more positive?” If I don’t like that particular card, I ask the Tarot, “How can I make this month more positive?” or “What do I need to create a more positive outcome?” Be sure to write everything down in your Tarot Journal, and revisit just before the beginning of each new month.

Amethyst Mahoney, BAFB Divine Wisdom Academy

These questions will give you more insight and help you put your life on the path that you choose so you can have the best year ever!

Drop over at wheeloftheyear and let me know how your year turns out. I’d love to hear about it!


Animal and plant of the month with Jennifer Adele Chipmunk


Much like the squirrel, the chipmunk shows us how to balance the aspects of work and play within our own lives, and as the solstice comes and night overpowers the strength of the day, we will all strove for a sense of balance once more. It is good practice for each day to hold enough time for both. This promotes proper balance within the self. Chipmunks are a flurry of activity, but all activity has purpose and meaning, and all things will be revealed in time. Busy? Flustered by your holiday to-do list? Do you feel like you are constantly running around? If so, make sure every activity serves a purpose and is not merely superfluous and/ or under-appreciated. The cautionary note of the chipmunk this time of year is to also not allow your projects to be revealed until they are well under way or even nearing completion.

Being a parasitical plant, mistletoe grows as a hanging bush on the branches of trees. With its cylindrical stem, ramified in pairs and slightly thickened at the nodes, mistletoe can reach up to 60 centimeters in height. It has oval leafs, rounded at their tip, of a yellowishgreen color. These maintain their fresh color all through the winter season. Also, in December, mistletoe fruits mature, having a rounded shape and white color. The flowers appear late in the autumn, and soon following, the fruits appear. The lifespan of this plant is approximately 70 years. Mistletoe can be found between the branches of many types of trees. The most “valuable” kind of mistletoe is often considered that which grows in fruit bearing trees, especially apple. Also, the ones which grow on pear trees, fir, birch, rose and ash trees are considered to be of a slightly superior quality.

In nature, chipmunks have a very complex burrow that offers protection for their young, and for themselves, with several exits and storage chambers. Protect that which is yours and prepare the stores for lean times, and this can coincide with the lean energy that is present in the colder months. Also, chipmunk tells us through its burrow that it is always good to have several exit strategies for any given situation. Metaphysically speaking, this totem animal can teach you how to read the voices of others. To know the truth and lies in their voices and to detect the balance that each person carries with them. When working with the chipmunk it is important to trust what you hear in the voice rather than the actual words themselves. Symbology: work and play balance, preparedness, activity, proper notes of caution.

In order to unravel the origin of this plant’s name, it helps to know that in olden times there was a belief that mistletoe was multiplied through bird excrements. The reasoning behind this belief was simple: mistletoe grew only on the branches of the trees on which the birds stood. Anglo-Saxons have thus named the plant “mistletoe” (where “mistel” means excrements and “toe” is a word for the expression “tree branch”). Prior to belonging to the series of symbols of the winter holidays, mistletoe was considered to be a general Pagan religious symbol. Many believed it to have magical attributes because it healed diseases, brought good fortune, protected against negativity, and was a bringer of fertility. In the Middle Ages, for example, there was a belief according to which hanging mistletoe branches on the ceiling would protect the dwelling as well as its inhabitants against unclean spirits. Another example of mistletoe’s magic properties concerns the Vikings, who considered this plant to have the power of bringing the dead back to life. The Romans used it to legalize marriages with a famous kiss under mistletoe, a tradition that is modified but still present today. Symbolism: magic, mysticism, health, wellbeing, good fortune, protection, fertility, abundance, winter wonders.


Book review

A modern-day, dark, adult fairy tale‌ a suspenseful ghost story like you’ve never read before!...

Three years ago a near fatal car crash left Sally Archer crippled and childless. Now, with her life in tatters and her freedoms taken away, she is moved to a new home by her husband, to a house on Willow Tree Court. But, Willow Tree Court is no ordinary place, and her house has a long and unusual history. As if by magic, the extraordinary begins to unravel itself in a pattern as old as time, and both the beautiful and the macabre take hold, refusing to let go. Sally soon learns that places are haunted as much by the living as they are by the dead.



Getting Right with Reiki

by Angela H. Penn


have always been fascinated by Reiki and finally received a treatment this past week. There is nothing strange about this form of treatment this is not any different than a religious person practicing the laying of hands on someone who is ill or in pain or someone giving you a massage. Some people are convinced that there is something evil about this form of alternative therapy. The treatment is performed with love and respect by the Reiki practitioner and it benefits the greater good of two souls. Those familiar with the term “lightworker” can easily discriminate between a dark worker and a lightworker. The decision to polarize is a decision you make with every fiber of your being. For some people it may be a natural choice, felt as a type of calling. Others have to spend a lot of time exploring both polarities to make the polarization commitment very consciously and deliberately. But most people never polarize. If you polarize as a lightworker, you are dedicating your life to serving the greater good. This means your intentions are meant to benefit others not yourself. Now, that I have offered some clarification as to what Reiki is an what a lightworker is, I hope one can be open-minded to the contents of this article.

“Re” means “Universal” and it is a general term for spirit or unseen spiritual quality, which serves as channel for “Ki” or “Life Force Energy” (some call it God, Buddha, Chi, Qi, Prana, Love Energy, or similar). It relates to the superior, all-encompassing cosmic energy from which all other minor energies in the universe draw their power. Everything in the Universe is made up from energy particulars which form the Omniscient, All-Knowing Blueprint for Creation. The Vital Living Energy Force comes in different manifestations of energy and one of these being the frequencies in which Reiki was born.

Reiki is a specific type of subtle energy work in which healing is performed by the touch of the hands, allowing the flow of the energy from a What is Reiki? limitless source (God Force) to the patient via This natural healing modality originates in Tibet. the Reiki practitioner. It is extremely powerful, yet gentle energy that can be easily channelled The name “Reiki” (pronounced rey-key) comes to yourself and others, just by intention. from the technique as re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist in the early 20th century. Imbalances can be caused from many situations or factors in our lives, such as: emotional or physical trauma, injury, negative thoughts and feelings, including fear, worry, doubt, anger, 24 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

anxiety, negative self-talk, toxicity, nutritional depletion, destructive lifestyle and relationships, neglect of self and lack of love for oneself or others, from emotions that are not expressed in a healthy way.

tioner or for self-treatment.

Reiki is excellent for healing any physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues of any kind and it gives wonderful results.

Healing Health Benefits of Reiki: • Creates deep relaxation in the body and releases stress and tension • Strengthens the body’s self-healing abilities • Promotes deep sleep • Reduces blood pressure • Can help with acute (injuries) and chronic problems (asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.) and aides the breaking of addictions. • Helps relieve chronic pain caused by arthritic conditions. • Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body into balance and harmony • Assists the body in cleaning itself of toxins • Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from drug therapy after surgery and chemotherapy • Supports the immune system • Increases vitality and postpones the aging process • Raises the vibrational frequency of the body • Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing

Traditionally many Reiki practitioners give the whole body treatment covering all the hand positions. This method gives a very good overall healing effect and can be recommended if in doubt about the cause of the problem to be treated. Since the Reiki energy is spiritually guided it will in the end go where it is needed. Many practitioners have found that by being guided by their intuition they can reach even better results. (1) The secret art of inviting happiness The miraculous medicine of all diseases Just for today, do not anger Do not worry and be filled with gratitude Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people. Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer. Pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind The founder , Usui Mikao

If used with other natural therapies (meditation, crystals, aroma therapy, Bach Flower remedies, homeopathy, etc.) Reiki will reinforce their effect. Areas of concentration for use by a Reiki practi25

Personally, I received a Reiki treatment for the very first time on Monday morning. As many of you are aware I tend to try new things and I was very open to this treatment to relax my body and for pain management. I felt tingling throughout my body and what I will call “surges” during the treatment. I encourage you to try this form of therapy and research this method via the internet. Many videos exist on this form of treatment. My Reiki Master advised me to protect myself from negative energies after the treatment by keeping a bowl of salt by my bed for three nights. Candice Diggs recommends the following:


Reiki love symbol A great resource on-line is a Reiki symbol manual @ Draw your symbols around you as if you are in an invisible box, all four sides of you. Do the same the same on top of your head, and below your feet. Some people prefer the “Reiki Box’, I personally like the egg shape, since it matched the aura; however, I do use both for different purposes. If you are not attuned to Reiki, or if you are at Reiki level one, you can do this by visualizing white or golden light around you and praying. I like working with angels, and different colors; the color for Reiki is a deep purple/violet. You can use different colors for specific protection or to invite different angels in, or draw specific energies to you (that’s a post for another day!).

By Candice Diggs

Clearing You Space At Home

Depending on the level of your Reiki atonement, you can use your Reiki symbols. Upon researching for this article I discovered Reiki stones on a few sites, for those interested in purchasing these. Here is one such site: http://

Step 1: I light my candle(s) and my sage on my altar space. You can substitute sage for and incense or something similar, as long as you know it’s intended to clear. I take some deep breaths to drop in and center. I set my intentions for my clearing, and ‘activate’ my Reiki. Depending on what school of Reiki you are from, use the method most comfortable to you. If you are not attuned to Reiki, simply pray, set your intention for your space clearing, and ask your angels for assistance.

I have included a few symbols in this piece already but as this is a personal choice I encourage one to find the one you connect with.

Step 2: I start by using the sage around myself. I breathe it in, and move it all around my body, both front and back. I then start with the room I am in and use my Reiki symbols on each wall of that room. You can use whatever symbols you wish. As I do this I am speaking out loud my intentions for what I want in my space, banishing negative energies from my space, and inviting my angels & guides to stay with me here in my space. Do this for each room if you feel it is needed. Depending on the frequency of your clearings, you may only want to clear particular rooms. Remember to clear your doorways, specifically the entrances to your home.

Reiki power symbol


Step 3: Place your sage down, say your thanks, ask your angels & guides to continue watching over you, guiding you, and protecting you. Pray as needed. Breathe in your new space, and believe me, it will feel new, as if you opened up a window and fresh air came through! Enjoy.


Copyright © 1999 - 2009 - Reiki healing made easy © Angela H. Penn November 2012 Angela H. Penn is a free-lance writer, poet, herbalist student, animal/disabled person’s activist, and an avid blogger who lives in Alberta, Canada. She can be found on Facebook at Little Bursts of Inspiration or via her blog at

Heavenly Path Like statues in the stillness of the night Amidst a cloud of billowing gray Our souls feel an ever-present tranquility Enveloped with incredible peace As our hearts pound with such fervor Knowing we will always be there Radiating our soul to soul connection From now to the next millennium Bound forever in this stillness As we progress in each other arms Creating an ever-lasting devotion Accepting what was clearly meant to be

PROTECTING YOURSELF WITH REIKI (Excerpt from SPACE CLEARING WITH REIKI, By Candice Diggs The International Center for Reiki Training 21421 Hilltop Street, Unit #28 • Southfield, Michigan

© Alma Delacruz Gossman September 11, 1999 (reposted December 2012) Funny how this was written to the exact date of the 9/11 event, but two year before it happened, when I rediscovered this poem, I got a bit of a chill, I realized I truly sense a lot, and never know how or why, but these visions come to me...♥ O:) I bought this photo when I was in New York City in April of 2010, notice the shadow from the bottom, left corner... that is not part of the picture, just now took this only appears in this photo...what can I say?

Gazing out into the white crashing waves Over the Mother Nature’s powerful sea Moonlight beams dance across the horizon Creating the illumination to show us both How incredible the journey that will follow As we allow each rise and fall of the ocean Effortlessly as we join in our new discovery Meshing with every ebb and flow Blissful yet astounded by our rapture Arriving to a hearth of warmth and love Never again to be longing for another Intrinsically destined to this realm of calm The platinum moon giving us her approval Enlightening us with rays of jubilance As we both glisten from the ocean’s spray For it was the Heavens above paving the way Leading us here to this precious moment Now taking flight like winged angels



Ghosts, apparitions (& things that go bump in the night)

On the scientific & practical level, there are many differing aspects to the paranormal...there are spirits of loved ones that return now and then to comfort & prove life goes on after so called physical death of the body....there are earth bound spirits that still try to cling on to their earthly existence for various reasons....a traumatic death or just cannot let go of the earth’s pleasures....then there is stone taping, very much akin to what we term a video....everything that happens (and I mean everything is recorded in the ether), under certain emotional conditions these recordings will automatically replay themselves. (These are not ghosts or spirits, just a play back of events. Also there is the fact of people still alive in this world who are astral travelling & are seen as ghosts or spirits. (Mostly whilst they are in the sleep state) There are many good articles regarding these matters if you google search it, even scientific explanations.

There exist many different worlds within worlds as I stated earlier & these worlds can be seen once we realise and come to understand that with practice/ refinement of our mind/senses we are more than able to penetrate the veil ver since a small child, strange and weird that separates us from them. So there are many events occurred around me that, I had considered perfectly normal until starting school then & varied reasons behind apparitions/ghosts as there is a vast array of dimensions, including the realising that this was certainly not the case. Elementals, nature spirits. Like a lot of children I would see what people would term as imaginary friends, except that So do not be scared of these apparitions/ghosts/ they were not imaginary, one such spirit was my spirits.... Must finish off now so I can stop the uncle, this was proved as he gave me his army ghosts turning my kitchen lights on & off.....and number, the date he was killed and where in the I do wish they would stop banging on the wall war (he had been killed before I was born and I when I am busy trying to work. had never met him) these dates and his number were confirmed by my Grandfather who was as I have before stated a Mystik.



Ever since my life has been filled & coloured by these wonderful ghost/spirits whatever you wish to call them, even beautiful nature spirits have walked by my side, helping & protecting/teaching me to this day. They have proved without a shadow of doubt that there is far more to this world than we can normally see or comprehend, that worlds exist within worlds & that the universe is a perfect miracle of wonder, which never ceases to amaze me. 28 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Would you like to share your story? Have a say or just let us know what is happening of interest in your neck of the woods‌. so please drop us a line‌at

Ghost story


ou have to remember back then we didn’t have color TV, phone in the house and until I was 12 only an outhouse for a bathroom. People didn’t sit around watching TV or reading a book. We were dirt poor country folk and my Daddy and the men in our family worked from daylight to dusk to feed us. So here is my story or I should say my Daddy`s story about an event that still shook him 46 yrs later.

Unexplained Creature As a child in the late 1950`s we grew up on my Grandparents farm in Texas. There was alot of woods, what we called the bottoms (flat land) and the levee with a creek on the other side. Now the levee was a high bank with a road big enough for a truck to drive down and at the end was a place you could turn around. This is a story about what my Daddy saw on the levee road one night. Daddy, great Uncle Lonzo, Uncle EA and Mama`s cousin Sidney and some of the neighbor men went hunting one night. They had two trucks with somebody driving, one on the passenger side and the rest stood up in the back. You have to remember they didn’t have the big trucks they do today. Soon as they left, Mama put us on our pallet in the floor that’s where we slept cause it was already after 9 pm and that was late for us. It was about an hour later they came screeching into the yard, slamming doors and I could hear loud voices. And like the kid I was I got up and peeked out the bedroom door. I had never in my life saw my Daddy show fear but that night I did. The men were all trying to talk at once and kept looking at the door outside. They were nervous and scared, finally my Grandmama told them to calm down and just one person speak so they could figure out what had happened. All the men looked at Daddy and so he starting telling what they saw.

way down when all of a sudden something bounded up on that levee. The men in back of the front truck saw it plain cause it was in the beam of the headlights. Those of us in the other truck saw it too. Both trucks had stopped and we sat frozen because standing there was this creature about 8 foot tall, with white fur and walking on two legs. The thing just stood there and made a wild sound like nothing we had ever heard. Nobody tried to shoot it because it was between the trucks, don’t think anyone even thought about that anyway we were stunned. All of a sudden it gave another howl like sound and leaped off the levee in one bound. We could hear it running through the dense brush and trees. We drove to the end fast as we could, turned around and prayed it wasn’t back when we got to that spot. By the time he finished the story Daddy was shaking and the other men were still nervous too. And then out of the night we heard the cows down in the back pasture making a noise. And scared as they were Daddy and a few other went down there but didn’t see anything so came back but they didn’t sleep all night. I had forgotten about this event until I was watching a show on Bigfoot, they had a recording of supposedly one making howling like sound. I had taped that show and when I started being caregiver to my Daddy I played only the sound of the Bigfoot for him. I never said what it was I just asked if he knew what animal this could be. Daddy was 83 then and I felt bad cause when he heard that sound he turned white as a ghost and I could see fear again in his eyes. He said “oh my God, that was the sound that creature made on the levee that night.” So I changed the subject and he forgot about it and I never asked him ever again. I didn’t show him a picture of one either because he was so upset and it wasn’t worth making him scared again. He crossed over about two months later.

This is a true story because my Daddy was a brave man as was the rest of those men. They all grew up in the country and knew the wildlife so this wasn’t any mistaken animal. And you can not fake the fear I heard in their voices that night. I went back to my pallet and didn’t worry because I wasn’t afraid when my Daddy and grandpa and the others were there. I fell asleep and when I woke up the next day nothing was said in our hearing. But we were told not to go down to the woods as we usually did. And back in those days you didn’t question your Elders you just did what they said. Will add though that there was a calf missing From Daddy`s own words....... the next day they never knew what happened to it. Wasn’t “We decided to go ride down the levee road, both trucks any blood or bones or skin, the whole calf was gone. So had their headlights on cause it was a dark night out. maybe the Creature carried it off, we will never know. I do The truck in front was about maybe three truck lengths know that none of those men ever went back down that ahead of us so as not to blind those in the back with the levee again at night. headlights. And you had to drive real slow as it was so FernLily (c) November 2012 dark out and the levee so steep. We had gone about half 29


WHO AM I ? Think About the things you like About what is it you love What you are is within you AND is sent from above When you get lost And cannot find your place Be happy for the now Life is not a race DON’T look back now At all that is gone Look to the future Shine your light and see…. That you REALLY ARE strong Tell Yourself I will do what I like I will be what I love What I am is within ME Its for ALL to see and love By Jenny Spirit (nee Bailey)

I wrote this poem in approximately 2001 at time when I had not long discovered the spiritual path, I had started practising mediation and ritual, discovered crystals and started to read much spiritual literature. I had not long left University and wasn’t sure I actually wanted to use my IT degree. As I tried to work out what to do occupationally, that all important question in the title featured prominently in my mind . Although I can remember sitting down to write this at my desk, I just seemed to channel it, like a message to myself and maybe others to review the past, present and future. Upon re-reading it again 10 years later I can see that there are several messages in this poem. Its like a little reminder to say: ‘think about it, what is it you like/love in life? What do you enjoying doing, maybe you have some talents, maybe they are hidden, maybe you just need reminding, maybe you need to go on a new journey of discovery, or take joy in the simplicity of helping somone… you don’t need to rush anyway to find your place, trust and the universe will guide you, and you may discover new things you like and love along the way as old likes fade away. Don’t look back and be despondent if you feel your haven’t made the progress you thought, look inside and honestly see your strengths. Then start to move forward again with the things that you now love and like now in mind, coupled with your strengths, then you’ll start to shine your little light to the universe!’ I think its one I will come back and re-read again and again, life is transient so it will certainly mean different things to me at different times. As I will shortly be becoming a mother, this now certainly takes on a whole new meaning for me! I hope you enjoy it xx


Reading For the next couple of issues we are publishing the complete book “The City of Light” written by Anthony John. The city of light is about creating an eco-society that lives with both ethical and spiritual values in Glastonbury, UK.

Anthony John (Founder of the ‘City of Light Project UK’) Donations To The City of Light Project<> Telephone +44 (0)1458 831 640 Mobile +44 (0)7926 604133 Click Here to get ‘The City of Light Book’ on Amazon<>


Chapter 6 – 3rd Step - Preperation The seeds ever expanding combined energy, skills and resources bring together ‘The Great Plan’ - the City on paper. Spellbinding drawings bring to life this expanded human vision of ‘life as it’s truly meant to be’ where people can live in the joy of the moment and where truth and love co-exist. The City’s architecture, design and model form the core of the energy of the plan en-abling an ever growing number of seeds on the periphery to open up to the possibility of a 5D human experience as it inspires them to share their loving energy by joining in and supporting in any way they can. Behind these drawings and plans live the quan-tity surveyors whose great skills create the physical needs in detail and ‘The List’ as it’s known. Yes, the list of everything that’s needed to dig the foundations, to lay the first stone, and to completing phase 1 of the City; everything needed to get the City ready for the first settlers group. Whilst this is happening other gifted seeds have been searching for the perfect site for ‘The City of Light’ here in the UK. They have been using a mixture of knowledge and logic, eco and survey-ing skills, mixed in with their own intuition; their intuition is tuned acutely into Mother Earth and the synchronic lines, and they are keen to both guide and deliver the perfect site and share har-moniously together in a 5D experience. Other seeds are giving of themselves openly and untiringly raising both awareness of the City and the funds needed from the 3D world. They organ-ise everything from local groups to a global community of seeds spreading the word of the great ‘City of Light’. Their intuition and imagina-tion has taken things beyond all previously known physical boundaries, their schemes and ideas are easily delivering the necessary re-sources to bring the City into the physical as they continually grow our ‘Friends and Family’. As the City’s plans gain momentum a great doc-umentary maker asks to follow, join in and film the progress of this momentous moment in hu-man history where we all move with Mother Earth into the fifth dimension. Taking endless film and photographs of each step of the path his work inspires even more seeds to take the images and allow them to be imprinted in their hearts and souls and thus awakens them to take action and join in the transition process, their divine purpose for this incarnation. With the paper plans firmly in the hands of ‘The Building Team’ and the perfect site secured the building leaders ready the workforce, the equip-ment, the tools and the materials needed to ceremonially dig the first foundation and lay the very first stone of ‘The City Of Light’.

Chapter 7 – 4th Step – Construction Phase 1 With construction underway, it’s clear that this is no ordinary ‘old world’ 3D City. ‘The City of Light’ is a part of Mother Earth not separate from her as in the old paradigm. In essence the City is a complete sharing of energy, the old ‘taking or giving to get’ mentality, born out of a belief of separation and duality, is simply not to be seen anywhere. The preparation team have done the most amaz-ing job, every last detail has been considered from a complete eco way of thinking to the cap-turing of the natural beauty of the area. They have lived with it and nurtured it so that the in-habitants will all feel and experience all that is. Work on two sites started simultaneously and it’s a joy to see both ‘The Temple of Peace’ and the ‘Giza Pyramid replicas’ place their footprint on Mother Earth. She welcomes them both openly knowing they are being built with great loving in-tention and extra care that, as great buildings and thus energy itself, all the components gra-ciously fit together in harmony and respect of the nature that surrounds them. 33

The buildings rise quickly and with ease and as they take shape the building teams feel a deep inner sense of fulfilment knowing that they have played their individual part in this historic moment in human history. A deep sense of purpose is shared by all of the team as they recognise the importance of the work they are carrying out each day. They feel a great knowing that, over the centuries to come, millions of people will enter these great struc-tures for prayer, meditation, contemplation and healing as well as simple ‘sharing time’ in loving energy. The Exhibition hall has also taken shape welcom-ing those drawn to seek a new way of conscious living. The great screens seem to be already shar-ing the message ingrained in them with the beautiful seats in the auditorium, whether they are full or empty. Standing in the hall it’s easy to sense an emotion filled audience watching in awe as they view images that finally help them fit the pieces of life’s jigsaw together. Many tears are shed in this great hall, tears of ‘letting go’, tears of finally realising that the time has come to dis-pense with past programmes and tears of fears of the future. Many realise as they watch with a more open heart that it’s finally time to relax and be at one, it’s time to heal and time to grow and share openly in the energy of the 5D human ex-perience Looking out across the open land far to the north, south, east and west the first of the small, self contained, eco friendly pyramid dwellings have been placed in position; it’s amazing to see a city grow where the residents all live in the great en-ergy of a pyramid yet are all joined together so the inhabitants feel at one with each other and part of the whole. And, at the same time, it’s in-credible how different it feels living on a copper grid with a copper framed pyramid around you where everything has been constructed to fit neatly with the energy of Mother Earth. The energy inside the dwellings has to be felt to be believed; it’s such a great experience, no home has ever been developed like it. Dug into the ground and with an entrance that takes you down before taking you up inhabitants actually sleep in the centre of the pyramid itself so that they liter-ally bask for hours in a high energy environment. When people see the living quarters they are be-mused as to how everything fits together so well and they are amazed at how a home that looks so small on the outside is actually so spacious inside. They love how every detail has been designed so beautifully in harmony and how whilst living is simple, the dwellings have such a real quality about them. Each and every dwelling is kept in tip top condi-tion as the residents takes complete responsibility for the energy of the space they in-habit; they also have unconditional respect for others who live around them as they do for future dwellers who may come to share in City life and live in this very same pyramid home. Whilst the buildings take shape the landscapers are working endlessly with nature doing the ne-cessary clipping, cutting and planting of all the trees, plants and bulbs. Some areas are left wild; some are created specifically to catch the eye of people as they move around the City from the Temple to the Great Pyramids or from the Exhi-bition Hall back to their small pyramid dwellings at the end of another love filled day. Special gardens of meditation have been created each with its own hidden space of silence where people can sit in stillness or gather themselves in moments of low energy. There’s nothing quite like basking with Mother Earth in times when a lower energy seems to have taken hold for a brief moment. Allowing that moment of connection with a plant, tree or a delicate flower normally brings us back to the moment without difficulty as we relax into and share the energy of all that life is. ‘Water’ features largely in the City and you are never far away from the sound of a waterfall, the stillness of a fish filled lake or even the magic of a pond brimming with all sorts of life both inside and all around it. 34 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Benches on which to rest and daydream are abundant in the City, each one engraved with a special message from its creator or donator. Sit-ting there for a moment in time the inscriptions touch the soul and fill the heart as its meaning is digested and mulled over in the timeless ‘City of Light’. Seeing the first phase of the City come together it’s obvious to us all that the designers, planners, builders and supporters have done a fantastic job and it’s easy to see now how the City will grow over many sunsets and sunrises, almost effort-lessly and without disruption to those living there already. The design is so masterful; the core of the City is clearly there for the long term and the dwelling houses can spread easily further and further out as the population expands. Many say it reminds them of their past Native American Indian incar-nation as they recognise its similarity to the tepees of their former life community. With building in full swing people are working with the land in the beautiful food gardens needed to feed the City. The project has once again seen every last detail considered and the plan-ners have again to be applauded for their due diligence and insight into what is needed to firstly feed a healthy population and secondly to take the City towards its desire to become totally independent and self-sufficient. Miniscule attention has been given to the inter-action between each person and mother earth and no more so that in the way we connect share and become a part of her abundant nature through our eating habits and how we growth what we need to eat. Lessons of the past have been learned; mass farming simply fails to meet the needs of the population without ‘taking’ from each other and our beautiful planet. There are many examples of living in total harmony with nature individually that bring us more in tune with every part of ourselves and the universe around us. We have taken the lead from the amazing works of Vladimir Megre and his enchanting books ‘The Ringing Cedars Series’ and the sharing of the wisdom of ‘Anastasia’. Utilising a more sacred and connected way to share our energy with the flora and fauna, we start the process of thinking differently which leads us to be emotionally more conscious which filters down to us being physical more healthy, vibrant and simply more con-nected to the love and wisdom the expanded 5D human experiences. To this end we don’t ‘do farming’ we ‘garden’ in-credibly at the core of the word farming in Russian the meaning simply amounts to ‘taking’ where the word ‘garden’ has the love filled meaning of ‘giving’. So all of the City inhabitants are in effect ‘gardeners’ and therefor ‘givers’ and each share themselves closely with their plants and trees so they can share their fruits with others. This system is the backbone of food production in Russia today where over 50% of food is pro-duced in this way on less than 10% of the land. Simply said our mother can feed us easily every-thing needed for a vibrant and health human ex-perience.


Chapter 8 – 5th Step – First Settlers The first settlers have been difficult to choose as so many have wanted to make their home in the City and to be there on ‘Sunrise One’ or as it’s known ‘Rotation One’ on the new 5D calendar. The day of first occupation has been chosen care-fully and a small yet meaningful ceremony takes place in the form of a blessing and initiation of the love and truth that is to be shared from this day forth in ‘The City of Light’. The first settlers were chosen specifically for their ability to live in a space of love; they are those who had overcome living unconsciously and are free of their lower ego selves; they have all given up the need to live by controlling others and the outside world. Careful consideration was given to the energy that the City’s first settlers would bring knowing it would create the footprint of things to come and that it was important to lay the energy of un-conditional love and truth as the foundation of the way of life for City dwellers from that mo-ment on. The first settlers had met many times before ‘Sunrise One’ and a synergy of thought ran deep within each of them as they knew that they had committed to take responsibility for their own state and their own actions at all times as well as to have unending respect for others. They had committed to each other in advance that if for any reason they found themselves struggling to maintain their state that they would seek support and healing time from the others. The ‘City of Light’ lives by no rules and no laws. The first settlers agreed a constitution for the life that they wished to live and that is a life of self awareness, truth, service to others, empathy with emotional freedom for self, cleanliness of envi-ronment both internal and external, the nurturing of nature and all that is with uncondi-tional love, unconditional forgiveness of self and others and non attachment to people or things. They also heartily agreed to share and give freely to consistently grow their own and the City’s great loving energy. Duties are shared willingly and evenly ensuring a variety of tasks and a variety of people with whom the tasks are carried out. Disputes are of course very rare in a 5D experience and, if ever a need were to arise a “Founder” will oversee the way ahead and provide help for anybody who needed support with challenges to their energy. The Temple, The Exhibition Centre and The Great Pyramids need settling in time so before the first visitors came all systems were checked and rechecked to ensure a smooth operation on the ‘Sunrise’ of the first visitor experience. The first settlers practiced their healing skills on each other, utilising crystals and sound in the Temple, ensuring that the whole healing process was per-fected ready for all the visitors who requested healing. The preparation and cooking of food has been practised over and over to ensure every detail of quality, taste and nutritional value thus ensuring that the settlers physical bodies are kept in prime operating condition. Food is served in ‘The Great Pyramids’ and is considered a special time of gathering and sharing words, a time of open dia-logue, of ‘informal chat’, and of course sharing of the connected energy of those present over the taking of food. The dwellings are now being lived in for the first time and all their eco systems are in full oper-ation. All our energy requirements and water needs are met and our waste is all recycled and re-circulated through natural filters, as well as through the lakes, reservoir and pond system lo-cated throughout the City. The First Settlers love the experience of living and sleeping in the Pyramids; everyone shares how magical it is and how they so look forward to their rest and rejuvenation time when the sun goes down. The truth is, as with all aspects of the City, plan-ning was of paramount importance in getting the City’s first dwellers settled and ready to be of service to others who would be coming to the City as 36 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

day visitors or to stay for healing. All has gone very smoothly and it’s amazing how this unique band of individuals, who were chosen to be the first settlers, has worked and lived so well together especially considering that they had been living in such a diverse variety of ways in the 3D world. The great news is that they have already begun to adapt to the timeless, money-less environment of ‘The First City of Light’; in fact, they are already such a great example of what’s possible for all of humanity as they have successfully set the energy of how it can really be possible to live at one with self, with others and with Mother Earth here in the fifth dimension.


Shamballa Bracelets

Special offer for Mystik Way readers Get one custom made!

If you would like a trendy handmade Shamballa Bracelet as pictured below, made with semi-precious beads, email me and let me know which beads you would like from a choice of – Black Onyx, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Haematite or Amethyst. All beads are 8mm and are woven on 2mm nylon cord. You can have the bracelet all one stone (like the tigers eye pictured below) or a mixture of beads from the list above. Just email me at your bracelet will be hand made and then listed for you to purchase in my online shop. Cost per bracelet is £9 (very competitive price – check out other sites, these attractive macramé bracelets can sometimes be quite overpriced!), plus shipping. Enjoy the power of Shamballa! Jenny Spirit x

hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the back.

We are now able to offer advertising space in our magazine to help with the running costs.

The magazine will always be free to read and download. Costs are £5 per half page £10 per full page per month. Please email me on 38 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Thank you for reading the Mystik Way Magazine! If you have enjoyed the journey, please consider a donation to help us with our running costs. Any small contribution is greatly appreciated and will enable us to provide this platform for spiritual growth.

...Issue 21 will be out in January 2012


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