Mystik Way Magazine Issue 21

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The Celtic Cycle of Light Death the Great Mystery


Tarot; Limitless abundance in the new year

the Illusion

Spiritual Revolution

What is spiritual travel? Celtic moon months for new creations

Prepare your altar

inspired writing, ANimal and Plant Totems, POEMS and more...

Read: “The City of Light” by Anthony John



Welcome to issue twentyone


Towards the light

5 From within to without: Celtic moon months for new creations

The Celtic Cycle of Light | 6


The Celtic Cycle of Light


Inspired Writing - Each Day


Death the Great Mystery


Poem - Fear My Friend


What is spiritual travel?


Mystik Way Healing Link


Limitless Abundance in the new year


Card of the month: Passion Ignited


My Guide Rosalind

24 Fern

Animal & plant of the month, Wolf and Log


Preparing your altar


Book review - Jennifer Adele




Spiritual Revolution


Time the Illusion


Book - The City of Light by Anthony

John - Chapter 9-11

Death the Great Mystery | 12 EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | MAGAZINE DESIGN Simone Schreck Cover Image: Genevieve Mc Gee Energy Artist

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation to help us along the Path. 2 |


ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEB PRODUCER Simone Schreck CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Richard Hayes, Sue Hayes, Jenny Spirit, Peta Panos, Michelle Mahoney, Terssa Welsh, Jennifer Adele, Kirsty Mellor, Coraluca Soleil, Alma Joyce De La Cruz Gossman, Angie Mooneyes, Anthony John, Genevieve Mc Gee

Welcome to issue 21 & 2013 What an amazing year in every respect, the wheel has again turned & despite the Mayan calendar we are still here. We are truly privileged people to be incarnate at such a momentous time in the Earths evolution, the old order of government/ society no longer works & at long last people are waking up to that fact, starting to do something about it….A new era has begun. Enough of being serious, it’s time to plan & look to the new. Set our sights high, evolve along with the new energies….seek freedom…abundance….adventure, become who & what we want to be….shake off the shackles that bind our mind, our spirits…rewrite the programme exactly the way we want it to be. The only limitations that exist are those we impose upon ourselves, we must open up to all the wonderful & infinite opportunities that await us. Blessings as yet again the wheel turns.



Towards A

s the longest night & the shortest day pass us by the wheel turns yet again….the darkest point in the northern hemisphere…..It is time to reflect

upon the darkness, what it means….what it represents. Then to embrace the darkness as a very wise teacher & dispel our fears of it. Without the darkness light would not exist, we all know that seeds are planted into the darkness of Mother Earth to later grow and find their way toward the light, then bear fruit. Darkness is not intended to be difficult/hard/evil….it is intended to be a time of REST…to gather inner strength ready for the toil & hard work the light brings… also to fully appreciate the light more. Far too long people have misjudged the dark, but only through fear of the unknown… we are in the dark for many months before we are born into this world….then to burst

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the light out into the shock of the radiant light….where the work begins… On sundown on solstice eve, spent some time (maybe just a few moments) sitting in the dark with no lights whatsoever…..contemplate all that has occurred over the last twelve months….take a look at all the little things that you fear & worry you….then very slowly light a candle, watching the light encompass you & all that surrounds you in the room…..see your fears dissolve into the light….then see that light surround your home, every room…your work….your loved ones & friends…..see it encompass the entire world… Then say…..Out of darkness let the Light Arise.

(repeat several times)





aving focused on the major ceremonies of the Summer and Winter Solstices, and reaffirmed our intentions for new times to come, there come points on the Wheel of the Year when we can focus on manifestation. This is the time when ideas turn into creation, and the benefits of our inner work find physical reality in the outer world. It can sometimes be hard to do this, and we can be tempted to stay in the safe, hermit darkness of our own homes, wrapped up in our thoughts and meditations. The Celtic Moon Month affirmations below should help us make the move from inner to outer, which is needed for balance. Although linked to opposite points on the Wheel, both poems focus on bringing things from the inner world into an external reality. Depending on where you are in the world, you can focus on one of the two months. If you are now between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, embrace the Month of the Rowan Moon. If you are between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox, prepare for the Month of the Hazel Moon. Say the words below in the way that you wish; as a quiet reading to yourself, or as part of a bigger ritual.

I foresee a time when the seeds have grown, And life is brighter than I have known.

HAZEL MOON I step into the month of the Hazel Moon. I hold a beautiful book out before me, It is ancient and shadowed and bound. Ink shines darkly on paper, It whispers and speaks without sound. Letters and sigils and markings Shimmer and glow on the page: Wisdom and magic and secrets, Of Prophet and Master and Sage. They’ve been drawn from the River of Time, And the hand that has drawn them is mine.

ROWAN MOON I step into the Month of the Rowan Moon. I cleanse my mind and soul,

Enjoy your continued journey through the Wheel of the Year!

I prepare the ground for seeds. I feel life stirring within the soil, I am ready to fulfil my needs. The work ahead will shape the year, My actions will lead to result. My dreams will become reality, In success my soul will exult. 6 |


The theme of Manifestation continues in the next Issue of The Mystik Way Magazine, with The Art of Manifestation‌


THE CELTIC CYCLE OF LIGHT By Richard Hayes (Warlockway)


he Celtic Cycle of Light follows the passage of the Sun through the seasons of the year, reflecting the changes in Britain’s climate and in the Natural World. The cycle embraces eight festivals situated at key points in the year, four of which are Sun Festivals related to the Solstices and Equinoxes, and four Moon (Fire) Festivals related to key points in the Agricultural Calendar. These reflect the cycle of life through the year, and these festivals are used in natural magic as occasions for the celebration of our connection with nature. As I write this, I am aware of the cold winter weather in the northern hemisphere as we approach the Winter Solstice, and in the picture this season is situated in the North – the aspect associated with winter and the element of Earth. The cards in the picture are taken from a set I have painted showing the elements, and the Card for Winter and Earth shows an inverted green triangle with a square enclosing a piece of rock. The scene associated with winter and the north is of midnight in midwinter. The weather is freezing cold and the moon shines from a clear dark sky. The trees are bare and the snow is on the ground.

time, nature is coming fully back to life, and the winter weather has passed. The rule of the Holly King is now superseded by that of the Oak King - the custodian of Summer. In the picture Spring is shown in the East and associated with the element of Air, represented by an upright yellow triangle with an incense burner in the square. The scene associated with this season is a spring sunrise, with the trees coming back to bud and with leaves being stirred by a strong breeze. The beginning of Summer is marked by the second Moon Festival of Beltaine held on the 1st May. This is the time of year when animals begin to mate, procreation is stirred in nature, and in the past couples spent the night in the fields and woods together, and creating new life. This is a time for Handfasting, when a couple make a commitment to be together for a year and a day. It was a time when animals were driven between fires to ensure fertility, and couples also jumped over the fires for the same reason!

The third Sun Festival is that of the Midsummer Solstice held on the 21st June, when the Sun is at its highest point in the sky. Fruit and vegetables are Winter is the season when nature withdraws its ener- maturing, and animals are getting fat in summer pasgy from the natural world, and the potential for life tures. This is the time to celebrate the fullness of life, lies dormant in the earth. The trees are bare, and most to relate to your social outer aspect of your personalivegetation has died down. The first Sun Festival of ty, and enjoy the summer weather. This season of the the Winter Solstice which falls on the 21st December, year is located in the South and associated with the is a time to turn inward to connect with the inner self, element of Fire, which is shown by an upright red and make preparation for the year to come. It is a time triangle with a candle flame in the square. The scene for feasting and also to light fires to encourage the associated with this season, is a lush landscape seen return of the sun, bringing light and warmth to the at midday at midsummer. All the trees are in full leaf world which will restart the cycle of nature. and the sun shines hotly from a bright blue sky. The first Moon Festival which marks the beginning of Spring is Imbolc held on the 2nd February. This is the time when nature begins to come alive and new lambs are born, a time to make new plans, clear out old practices, spring clean, and prepare for all the action associated with a new year. The high point of Spring is reached on 21st March, with the second Sun Festival of the Spring Equinox, when day and night are of equal length. At this 8 |


The third Moon Festival at the end of summer which is held on the 3rd August is Lammas. This is the time of the harvest, when nature’s bounty has come to fruition, and can be gathered to enable us to prepare for the winter to come. It is a time to rejoice and celebrate the completion of summer, and start to prepare for the winter. The high point of autumn is reached on the 21st September with the fourth Sun Festival of the Autumn


Equinox. This is the time when day and night are again of equal length, and the Oak King of summer is replaced by the Holly King of winter. The trees shed their leaves, animals prepare to hibernate and the creative energy of nature is once more withdrawn into the earth. It is a time for reflection and for clearing out outdated items or ideas from our lives. The element associated with the West is water, and it is represented by an inverted blue triangle containing water in the square. The scene is one of autumn at sunset. The sky is red and the air is cool, and the leaves on the trees have turned to their autumn colours and are beginning to fall. The fourth Moon Festival of Samhain is held on 31st October, and celebrates the end of the old Celtic Year. This is the time of year when the veil between the earth plane and the spirit world is at its thinnest. It is a time to remember our ancestors, and gain insight for the year ahead.

The centre of the Celtic Cycle of Light is represented by the Card of Nature and the element of Spirit, shown by the interlocking of two triangles to form a hexagram with a crystal ball at the centre. This is the force around which the seasons revolve, and this regular progression of the seasons, from light to dark and hot to cold, reflects the cycle of life from birth to death and eventual rebirth. Nature shows us that life moves in cycles which naturally continue, and this also helps us realize that we, like the seasons, progress through various lifetimes to reach final spiritual fulfillment. Footnote: If you are reading this in the Southern Hemisphere, you must turn this wheel through 180 degrees, and adjust the dates of the festivals accordingly.

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way magazine each month, please give consideration to making a small donation towards the running costs. Although Ed and Simi give their time freely, it is only right that they should be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses. To achieve this, the Mystik Way requires regular donations so that it can meet these expenses. If you can help, please donate to ‘Mystik Way’ by using the Donate Button, which you will find at the end of the magazine. Many thanks if you can help. Warlockway – Treasurer to Mystik Way.




E R I P S IN ayes e By Su


I am a Spiritualist medium who tunes in to the world of spirit asking for communication and guidance, which I receive through Inspired Writing. I hope that you will find this spiritually uplifting for the year ahead.

Each day, attune to the Great Spirit, the highest and the best power of love and light that you can visualise. Open yourself to receive the love which comes to you at this time, and ask that you can be empowered by that love to be of service on the earth.

Each Day

Each day, being a channel for that love and light, share it with those who touch your life that day - through a smile, through aiding someone in some way, by showing your spiritual love and energy through words or healing, or by sending your loving thoughts out to all those in need of food, water or shelter, friendship, health or freedom, and to those who live in fear or who are grieving.

Each day when you awaken, give thanks for the day ahead. Look outside from your dwelling, wherever it is. Note the colour of the sky. Look at all aspects of nature – the trees and plants. From these you will know if the sun is shining, if it is windy or snowing, if it has rained or is raining. Give thanks for the blessings that they have brought – whatever you notice. Thus, each day you are awakening your mind to your natural surroundings and giving thanks to the Great Spirit for those blessings.

Each day, remember that you are spirit – living this life time on earth in a physical body. Give thanks for what you CAN do with that body, and ask for healing for those parts which no longer work at their best. While remembering that you are spirit now, think of your loved ones on earth and ask for love and guidance to come to them, that they may always be safe. Think of your loved ones who have passed over from the physical life. Picture them, or look at their photograph. Talk to them and let them know that you still love them, and they will draw close to you. If you have a particular concern, share it with them and ask for guidance.

Each day, whatever task you perform in either helping others, serving spirit on our side of life or yours, or doing the simple daily tasks in your home – do it with love in your heart, knowing that support and guidance will be there for you when it is needed. Trust the inspiration given to you, through words and senses.

Each day, share your love with others and at the end of the day give thanks to the Great Spirit for the guidance and help received. Retire from the day’s action knowing that you have done the best that you could do. Rest and be refreshed by it, so that you can rise to start each day in the same way!

Each day is a blessing!


Death - the Great Mystery



o the western world it is a subject never talked about, swept under the carpet so to speak…. this is largely due to one fact….fear of the unknown & burying heads in the sands, also by the miss directions of religious teachings. Along with sex (which we will discuss in a later issue) it is the great westernised Taboo….we prefer not to think about or discuss these subjects. Fear & lack of knowledge….well let us try and dispel some of those fears……There are two things of which we are certain of in this life…we are born & at some point we will leave this physical realm (commonly known as death). For those that are of the belief we are finite & here by a chance, an accident of the Universe then there is fear for they are so in love with all the pleasures of the physical & cannot see the wonder of this beautiful Universe they do not wish to let go, fearing that is the end & will cease to exist at all. Let me firstly say there is nothing wrong with the pleasures of the physical as this is what we are here for & to experience……love…happiness…abundance (do what thou will as long as it harm none) but alas also their opposites… fear…. loneliness…. lack…. pain. The earthly realm is a training ground for the spirit (a lighter more vibrant form of the body you inhabit now.) Life in the ethereal (spiritual body) is a great deal simpler therefore easier. I most certainly can assure you that there is no death, only transformation, we evolve through many incarnations & many different realms of existence, not just what we know as the physical…. each as I previously stated is a learning process….each one like a day in a classroom. In fact it less painful & traumatic to die than it is to be born, as leaving the painlessness & freedom of the inner realms itself is something we never wish to remember, popping out

into the harsh reality of the physical world with all its trials/tribulations…. burdens… hardships… .toil, after nine months of comfort & warmth. With learning through meditation & ritualistic practise we can achieve knowledge/proof of all the differing levels of existence, we can discover the so-called afterlife & travel back and forth via astral projection. There is a great deal of this information to be found via the internet & many books on these subjects available so I will not delve too deeply into it here & now. Sleep time in the magical world is called, The little death, when we are a great deal of the time visiting the inner realms (afterlife). Although most people are only remembering small portions & dismissing them as weird dreams….most are only remembering the emotional clearing dream state like fears/worries etc, usually the last few minutes of sleep. Again with training these realms can be accessed. Over the last few decades there has certainly been ample proof of survival of physical death via Spiritualism/psychics although for some reason science still will not confirm or deny. A saying that most befits this subject is dying is just moving in to the room next door & although we cannot see them we know they are there, or John Lennon’s Quote “ it’s just like getting out of one car & into another “ So with knowledge/wisdom we need no longer fear Death. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or information as there is far too much involved to cover here in a few pages & with the correct guidance/training you will be able to discover this first hand for yourselves.



How beautiful would it be to have an Artwork that is an expression of who you truly are? Would this be inspiring for you? if so contact me... Genevieve Mc Gee Energy Artist contact me on: facebook:


Fear, My friend I the shadows I stand I stay there waiting Hopeless, frightened Waiting for someone to lend me a hand I want someone to take away These thoughts and feelings They plague me every day I ask myself When did fear become my best friend? I slowly realise we developed a relationship A long time ago I thought it would never end So I delved in to my subconscious Looked for the answers there But all I found were my lingering monsters This just wasn’t fair! How do I get rid of fear I just want it to go I really don’t need it It’s holding me back Making me feel low In the ether I find folk Who’d already been down this dark road I thought they might provide the ‘Eureka’ To this burden this load After years of searching and hoping I realised, with help, in the end Fear was not my enemy He was actually my friend I reached out We walked together for a while Fear tried to knock me down again I just carried on with a smile

I wrote this poem with a view to expressing how I feel about the journey I have been on with fear over a number of years. Fear and its meaning are different to each of us, but I wanted to write about how fear, or in my case anxiety and panic, can take over you and how it can make you feel, and the seemingly endless search for a solution to the ongoing problems it can cause. For some fear, panic and anxiety can become so much that they start to fear, fear itself i.e. how it makes you feel. People search for answers and help anywhere they can find it, be it from the medical profession, on the internet, through meditation or exercise etc. All these things can help, but the one component missing is the link of the mind – which I believe you need to use logically to challenge fear and start working with it. I would say what has really helped me in recent times is to identify my specific thoughts/fears and dispute whether they are even real…what is the worst that could happen?…where is my factual evidence for this? Whilst actually going out and systematically, gradually facing my fears. This is easier said than done, and although logic strongly applies, it is definitley a spiritual journey that I would recommend (with help) going on. Love and light x

I used questioning and logic When he tried to attack I mostly stopped him But sometimes he came back I kept working with my shadow My fear, my nemesis Until one day he left me Now I’m left to eternal bliss By Jenny Spirit



Demystifying a Spiritual Quest Journey... What is spiritual travel? by Peta Panos


n essence, spiritual, conscious and experiential travel is a more meaningful and rewarding travel experience – much more than just taking in the touristy sights and ticking off destinations. It is interesting to note that the world’s oldest form of tourism is pilgrimages and statistics show that spiritual tourism is growing by more than 30% every year, a clear indication that travel needs are returning to a more authentic intention and travelers are wanting holistic experiences during their hard earned vacation time.

other lands, cultures and beliefs systems, your spiritual growth is guaranteed. As always, you should focus on the journey rather than the destination as quite simply – the journey IS the destination. When you travel consciously, with intention, respect, an open mind and are present on the journey – you will always get back richer. “Travel has a way of stretching the mind. The stretch comes not from travel’s immediate rewards, the inevitable myriad new sights, smells and sounds, but with experiencing firsthand how others do differently what we believed to be the right and only way.” - Ralph Crawshaw

Spiritual journeys are undertaken by peoplewho are: searching for meaning and purpose in their lives through self discovery; facing a crossroads; wanting to reconnect with the natural environment through understanding inter-connectivity with the earth and global consciousness on a deeper level or quite simply looking to explore destinations more intensely. What are Sacred Sites? This search cannot be bought or gifted – it can only be experienced and discovered by the individual. When you step out of your comfort zone, away from the pressures of modern living, and consciously explore 16 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Sacred Sites are places where the physical and spiritual worlds meet. These powerful, unique and often mysterious sites are found all over the world and take many forms including: awe-inspiring

natural places; Megalithic structures, monuments and ruins of Ancient civilizations whose origins remain in obscurity; sites connected to a god or saint; places where instant healings and miracles occur; consecrated buildings; temples; Monasteries; Ancient pilgrimage routes and locations; world heritage sites; crop circles; henges etc.

through deep and profound realizations (the centre of the spiral) we find a place of peace, being present and deep acceptance. Totally connected to the earth, our higher selves and the world (mass consciousness) and ready to embrace the unknown without fear. As we spiral back, we notice that we have shifted our perceptions, have expanded our worldview and have a deeper understanding of self. It is easier to live in the present and in soul energy. Our batteries have been recharged and we are more aware of our purpose. We are fulfilled when we are connected to the greater truth and we act in alignment with what is sacred in our own lives.

Just as our physical bodies have a life force running through them, so does the Earth and all sacred sites are located on power points of the Earths Energy Grid and can be compared to acupuncture points on the body. There is now irrefutable proof that ancient civilizations understood the subtle energies of the Earth and it’s energy grid (Ley lines) and these power points where the Ley lines meet, are marked by stone When you couple this personal growth cycle with taking a break from your day-to-day life; spending structures all over the Earth. time in the energy of the sacred sites; being supported These places of beauty and serenity imbue a sense of peace, humility and honor the spiritual in us by the journey eader and like minded people, every all. Regardless of the many theories and claims aspect is enhanced. surrounding sacred sites, all that visit them are in agreement about their powerful energy and magnetic pull. Once you have physically connected to a sacred “Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and site, you carry its energy and sacred geometry within discover the treasure of their true selves.” – your own energy field. Many people experience a physical, mental and spiritual awakening and return Carol Pearson open hearted, enriched, recharged and resonating to a higher vibration as a result of their time spent at sacred sites.


What is a sacred ceremony?

“Sacred places are physical and geographic anchor points for our psychic and cultural imaginings, the stories we tell about ourselves, the world, and the relations between them.” Adrian J. Ivakhiv, Claiming Sacred Ground

What is the inner journey? have always seen the inner journey as a spiral, which can be equated to how we experience a personal growth cycle in day-to-day life (hence the Spiritual Quest Journeys spiral logo).

A sacred ceremony helps us to align our whole being with the natural rhythm and flow of life. Personal intent behind the ceremony creates the bridge through the barriers that we have created between our soul and our physical day-to-day existence. Through the creation of ceremony, we allow the free movement of our soul into the mundane and our consciousness into the realm of soul. All sacred ceremonies on our tours are fully explained before the event and guided throughout.

“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” - Martin Buber

We start the inner journey with an intention. As we reflect on the issues and the concerns that hinder us, we take an objective step back, refocus our attention and start to open our minds and our hearts to shift our What can I expect when I travel with perception. This facilitates the release of old limited Spiritual Quest Journeys? beliefs that no longer serve us. Once we reach a state of understanding and soul energy 17

To connect with ancient sacred energies and power Where will you be going in 2013? We have an exciting spots at sacred sites, magical locations and awe- range of Spiritual Quest Journeys to Sacred Sites and magical places all around the world. For more inspiring places around the world. information and an overview of the journeys on offer, Step off the beaten track and experience the culture please click here and essence of a place rather than follow the usual tourist routes. Embrace the unexpected whilst enjoying the comfort Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys of small groups of like-minded people and an Email: experienced Journey Leader. Learn about fascinating cultures and develop more Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys understanding and compassion for others. Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys Immerse yourself in the extraordinary and take time Twitter: questjourneys to reflect. Broaden your horizons and transform your worldview. Give something back to the people and places visited. Enjoy daily guided and personal meditation.

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” -Andre Gide.


MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINK Every evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS” The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing. Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth.

Blessings MystikMaster. We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds… their bodies….and their souls. This is our mission….our work.



Limitless Abundance in the New Year

by Michelle Amethyst Mahoney


his month’s card is the Ten of Pentacles from the Rider-Waite-Smith (or Waite-Coleman-Smith, if you prefer) Tarot. It is time to claim your Limitless Abundance in the new year.

Tarot Art:

depressants. In order to find Limitless Abundance, you have to choose to see the other side of life. The side that the media doesn’t want to show you. There is beauty and love all around you every single day. Have you chosen to see it? Most people spend Valentine’s Day expecting overpriced flowers and chintzy dinners. Instead, you might want to focus on the true reason for the season: love. What do you really love? What makes you truly happy? What brings a smile to your face even if others look at you funny? What do you do in secret because you’re embarrassed that others might find out? Personally, I like to color and put glitter stickers in my coloring book. But don’t tell anyone. To help you find out your own answers, lay out three cards from left to right in the following Tarot spread:

1. What I tend to focus on in life Abundance means different things to different people, but ultimately it all comes down to Love. In order to have a truly abundant life, you have to focus less on what’s wrong and more on what is right. Anyone can turn on the television or look at the internet on any day and find tragic stories that will drag you down and make you want to pop anti-


2. What is really going on in my life 3. What I can do to see the love around me that I’m missing

For my reading, I drew cards from the Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore, illustrated by Aly Fell. 1. What I tend to focus on in life: 0 The Fool. This card could be taken several ways, but because I was focusing on the negative aspects, in this position it means that I focus on foolish choices and folly that I see around me. I tend to be a little harsh and judgmental of others and sometimes see people who make mistakes as Fools. I very often apply this to members of our government.

stop looking for answers and look up and see what is right in front of me. I’ve noticed this a lot lately. I have spent so much of my life searching for answers, on a Quest for Truth and Knowledge, and I’ve been chasing my dreams. But it’s not until I take time to stop and look around that my dreams and desires have a chance to catch up with me.

My reading contained one Major Arcana card (0 The Fool), and two Pentacle cards. Pentacles are an Earth sign, and often represent money or abundance. Recently I also did a flower reading and bought a 2. What is really going on in my life: Six new ring. When I looked up the meanings behind of Pentacles. Oddly enough, I almost these, both pointed towards abundance. intentionally chose this card for today’s topic before it showed up in my own reading! The Try this reading for yourself and see what answers Six of Pentacles is all about abundance, and you get. Where can you place your focus and not just having enough but having more than attention so that you can open up to the Limitless enough so that it can flow through you to Abundance and love that are your birthright? others. If you’d like to find out more about receiving your 3. What I can do to see the love around me Limitless Abundance, check out the Limitless that I’m missing: Ten of Pentacles. It’s pretty Abundance Life Map Overview at obvious in this card that what I need to do is




his card is all about new beginnings in your life. New ideas and also a re spark within you.

You have sat on ideas and they have been sitting there waiting to come to the surface now is the time to bring them to the surface! The energy around you and the timing is perfect for this! It is time for your spirit to soar!

Exciting adventures are awaiting you in your personal life and business life also. Lots of positive energy, creative endeavours and enthusiasm is what this card is about! Don’t be afraid. Do not fear your own abilities this is a great time for you!

This is a time of renewed spiritual strength and a time for you to embrace your spiritual side, many of you have felt this but have not used the energy that you need to go with your gut feeling ask spirit to step forward and embrace this energy that is around you this month. Follow your intuition with business, personal and also your spiritual path way... Your passion has been ignited for you To let your light shine and make things happen! Terssa Welsh Psychic Medium.


shut it out through greed, fear and also human conditioning. Many are not aware of what they are capable of within this world however if they took the time to project it and use it they will see that they to can adapt to changing seasons and also weather the storms.

The trees and plants of this world also bring joy and healing to many, peace and also protection to Animals and humans, again this is a representation of what is within many, but they choose not to use it, however many are opening to this again, and are using the life force to heal and bring peace to others, to protect and also give security to one another and remind them that they are more than just bones and skin they are part of the universal energy and something far beyond the human eye could ever imagine.

The cycle of the planet and the human forms are changing, the light workers and the Angels who are here are being directed to where they are needed to enable the life force to withstand these changes.

My Guide Rosalind There is a certain level which we reach within our journeys where there is a time to use the deeper energies within us, we are attuned to hear sense see and feel our masters energies but we then need to project the words given, only then do we see what we are capable of

Only some recognise the shift within the spiritual energies and the deeper meaning to the life force around them and when they recognise the deeper meaning the shift in their human life will rotate in a different direction for them to experience their spiritual awakening spend not time with those who choose to navigate away focus on the ones who renew your life force, like the trees and plants have protection and weather the storms, ensure that you protect your life force and do not allow the blocks to this energy.

Your life force is ready to be awoken, heal, protect To many fall at the first hurdle and are afraid to and let the light workers and Angels radiate their look deeper within and see what they are truly love and energy to you and guide you so that you capable of are able to increase others life force, your life force is the energy that is chosen look beyond what The land we live on teaches us all we need to know you think, listen to what you are given and follow but yet many choose not to see it, the plants, trees where you are being led. and life forces that are within our earthly plane’s teach us that life is delicate but in full bloom and through the changes of the seasons, it adapts, it does not stop blooming or growing but it survives Rosalind and Terssa welsh Medium the seasons changes, it does this because it has a life force within it, one of a deeper kind, it projects this energy through it system and even at its most fragile time it weathers the storms and season changes. Many have this within them also, this life force screaming to come out, but they choose to


Animal and plant of the month with Jennifer Adele

Wolf Wolves are the epitome of stamina, and are known to run up to 35 miles a day in pursuit of prey. They are also not only totemic but iconic in representing wildness, primal power, new beginnings, regeneration, and family/pack behavior. They are highly misunderstood animals in regards to the opinions generated by the majority of the modern world, and in some areas and circles of thought they have gained the reputation of being heartless killers. In reality wolves are friendly, social creatures that live within a tight knit pack structure. Aggression is something they avoid, preferring rather to growl or posture to show dominance. Even though wolves live in close knit packs that provide a strong sense of family, they are still able to maintain their individuality within the pack. Wolves represent the spirit of freedom and the wild, but they also realize that having individual freedom requires having responsibilities.

some point in their lives. And, the wolf can also teach how to balance the responsibility of family needs while not losing personal identity in the process. This is a major life lesson for a lot of people who are in the time frame and phase of “quarter life.” Above all, the wolf teaches us to develop strength and confidence in our decisions and shows us how to become completely self-reliant. This animal is all about teaching us to trust our own instincts and insights. Wolf brings a message this month for all who are willing to hear and understand its soulful howl... “Listen to your inner wisdom and enjoy the gift of freedom and focus that you have been given, that is given to all people. Do not let anyone tame you.”

Symbology: patience, self-reliance, inner wisdom, finding the path, new beginnings, Because wolf is a teacher and pathfinder, this animal regeneration, stamina, overcoming adversity, pack tends to arrive in our lives when we need guidance the behavior, wildness, primal power. most. Those who have a wolf totem will usually move on to teach others about sacredness and spirituality at 24 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Log Fern Log fern is a woodland fern which is native to moist woods and swamps in the southeastern U.S. west to Missouri and Arkansas, with additional populations along the east coast ranging as far north as New York. The Missouri populations are limited to three counties in the southern Ozark region along the Arkansas border.

Symbology: health, wealth, sincerity, fascination, new growth, life-death-life cycle, endurance, resourcefulness.

This fern is a naturally occurring hybrid of D. goldiana and D. ludoviciana which is often found growing on rotting logs, hence the common name. Log fern typically grows in an upright habit to 3-4’ tall and features firm, erect, deeply cut, shiny dark green fronds with contrasting dark central stipes (stems). Fronds are semi-evergreen.

The log fern teaches abundance in all things and growth where others have failed. Growing through rot and decay and using natural resources to do so, the log fern advises the same energy for new beginnings this month. 25

Preparing your altar 26 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

by Kirsty Mellor


very person working magic would benefit from having a altar in their home. An altar is a focal point for magical work, meditation, divination and spiritual growth, to burn oils and incense to write new moon wishes and placing food for cleansing and offering up before eating. An altar is the centre of your craft, it is a place dedicated to the goddess and gods, and a place to remind you of their love. An altar should be a reflection of yourself, some paths say that you must have certain tools for it, but I believe that your heart and soul will guide you to what is right for you and your workings. Your altar will bring meaning into your home, simply by being there, you can change it and set it up as often as you wish, I change mine at every sabbat, and dress mine to the season and the meaning of that particular season, when the sabbat is over I return any materials I have used back to the earth.In between those times I call it my every day alter and may change it for any spell workings. Traditionally an altar was made from a low wooden table, but any surface can be used, it is your intent that is important when building it!

Tools for the altar: Athame represents the element of air and is used for energy and casting circles, if you don’t want to use a dagger then a feather or your finger to work with energy is fine! A wand is a representation of fire it is used to work with energy, wands primarily direct and send energy. A chalice is a representation of water, and crystals are a representation of the earth! You can also use quarter markers and tea lights, which will represent the four elements, each element has a colour associated with it and you can use a small piece of coloured card for this, north is green, east is yellow, south is red and west is blue! When working magic or rituals you will need a silver candle to represent feminine and gold to represent masculine and a cauldron if you wish. Once all these things are represented you can add anything you wish, some people will have a statue of a goddess or god they are drawn to, but it is whatever is meaningful to you. Your altar is yours and you can make it how you wish I believe there are no right or wrong ways in making an altar. When you have completed your altar we would love to see your pictures on the mystic way. Blessings and enjoy constructing your first Altar. Kirsty Mellor.


Book review Three years ago a near fatal car crash left Sally Archer crippled and childless. Now, with her life in tatters and her freedoms taken away, she is moved to a new home by her husband, to a house on Willow Tree Court. But, Willow Tree Court is no ordinary place, and her house has a long and unusual history. As if by magic, the extraordinary begins to unravel itself in a pattern as old as time, and both the beautiful and the macabre take hold, refusing to let go. Sally soon learns that places are haunted as much by the living as they are by the dead. A modern-day, dark, adult fairy tale… a suspenseful ghost story like you’ve never read before!... FREE DOWNLOAD for the Mystik Way Readers of “The Witch of Sea and Sand” A story of death and tragedy, of hope and renewal, of all we may or may not be through the time and tides... “The Witch of Sea and Sand” is now available to read online and to grab as a FREE download. Enjoy and Be Blessed!!! Jennifer Adele



Celebrated at the start of February, usually still in the hight of Winter, but spring is not too far away. The long dark nights are getting lighter and the Sun’s rays have a little more warmth ….We are now on the downhill slope to spring, light and hope return. At this time we call upon the Goddess Bridget to warm, inspire and heal us.

with these items and anything else you wish that you associate with rejuvenation…..burn an incense you like, use plenty of bright coloured candles to represent the return of the light ( if possible get a corn dolly )….use whatever words that come to mind and finish with…Bridget is here….Bridget is welcome.

Bridget is the Celtic Triple Goddess of Poetry, Smithcraft and Healing, usually portrayed in the form of a female shape made of corn ( dolly ). Mainly in Ireland and Scotland, women carried these corn images from house to house to present her to the occupants who had prepared their Altars with flowers, shells, stones, bright coloured ribbons to honour her thereby receiving her healing of balance, grounding and renewal. On the eve of Imbolc, prepare your alter 29


Spiritual Revolution By Coraluca Soleil

Ozymandias – version 1

Version 2

I met a traveler from an antique land who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, and wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, tell that its sculptor well those passions read which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, the hand that mocked them and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

IN Egypt’s sandy silence, all alone, stands a gigantic Leg, which far off throws the only shadow that the Desert knows:— “I am great OZYMANDIAS,” saith the stone, “The King of Kings; this mighty City shows The wonders of my hand.”— The City’s gone,— nought but the Leg remaining to disclose the site of this forgotten Babylon.

-Percy Bysche Shelley


We wonder,—and some Hunter may express wonder like ours, when thro’ the wilderness where London stood, holding the Wolf in chace, he meets some fragment huge, and stops to guess what powerful but unrecorded race once dwelt in that annihilated place. – Horace Smith


oth versions of this poem give me chills. A vast sesert is described, containing the broken stone likeness of an ambitious leader to whom, in the end, having power was worth more than the lives necessary to define it. What significance does this have to our current times? And how can we turn this within? I could feel its spiritual relevance the very first time I read it. The message is magickal and foreboding, like an ominous tarot reading on a dark and stormy night. It is a warning from Anima Mundi, and not intended to be comforting. Its energy is apocalyptic in nature, the words themselves feeling as though they were channeled during a highly charged creative trance from an oracular entity. This is not to suggest that was actually the case, merely an observation of the poems’ similarity to such works. If there was no way of knowing its true author and someone told me it was written by Nostradamus or John Dee or Aleister Crowley, I would have believed them.

Wondering why the world didn’t end on Winter Solstice? It is because it was never the physical world in jeopardy. It is the Spiritual. The threat is still very real, and these efforts have been going on for thousands of years. “Ozymandias” illustrates the cruel, evil dictators who would destroy the whole world to be king of a graveyard. They are hungry for power at any cost, and are literally attempting to wage war on our energy. There is no greater threat to the power-structure than the will of the human spirit. The moment we collectively decide that we are finished manufacturing our own chains, the authorities are obsolete, eradicated. We outnumber them a hundred to one. If we let them, they will destroy our world, leaving only broken monuments to assert our great existence.

The psychological aspects of this poem are also important because it is through our subconscious that reality is created. This half of our minds, the dark half, can only communicate through symbolism and imagery. The metaphor of the vast desert corresponds During the Romantic Era and into the early twentieth to the loss of the spirit, to the barren wasteland that century, occult-related and fantasy-inspired themes engulfs us once our passion, creativity, and love of and material enjoyed quite a surge of popularity life are gone. throughout high culture (in art, music, theatre, and To the choir to whom I’m currently preaching, to literature). This fact alone could very well have been those of you who have been fighting this battle for influential to these authors. many years (even centuries) and are now discouraged, Also, that era was probably very similar to this one. It precariously treading the verge of apathy, let me say was surely exciting to be on the verge of the Industrial this: We must never give up. We must always fight. Revolution, which completely changed humanity’s Don’t you see? The very desire to fight is worth way of life. Is there not an energy of change pervading fighting for! Apathy is dangerous territory for the our current social climate, regarding everything from likes of us… technology to political and cultural interaction?

Please, my fellow soldiers, please stay strong.

There is a definite air of evolution on the horizon. It As I was saying, the concept of the spiritual plane isn’t only physical change inundating the hearts and creating the physical one is the core aspect of magickal minds of people everywhere, stirring them to revolt practice, and I am sure you’re all familiar. However, and protest. It is spiritual warfare. this does not only apply to spells and rituals. It applies And yes, I did just say that. I am aware that this is to every aspect of existence. By using our minds to a very Christian phrase. It is often thrown around envision and enact our reality, it becomes observable in pseudo-philosophical conversations. But its true in the physical realm through our own actions. meaning is far more ancient (and complex) than This can be used for good or for evil. The conquering Christianity. elite poison the minds of the people with fear so they 31

will be kept in power. Multibillion-dollar corporations poison our minds with false images of beauty so they will be kept in profit. The pharmaceutical companies poison our bodies with drugs, and doctors prescribe them so they will be guaranteed a job. The list goes on and on. The point is that this world is quickly becoming the barren spiritual wasteland described above.

Ozymandias Ritual Cover your altar with cloth of a bland color such as grey or beige. Place two pillar candles in the center, and a large stone between them. Leave other items off for now.

Meditate for a moment on the emptiness of your altar, the desert, the subconscious mind. This emptiness can This is why spirituality is so essential. Without a mean potential or destruction, the choice is yours. connection to our own inner power, we risk letting Select the version of the poem you like best, and read it slip away into the hands of those who would buy it out loud. it from us. It cannot be destroyed, but it can be lost. Archetypes such as the broken monument, the Think about the words. What do they mean to you? shadow, and the empty desert resonate within our Are you dedicated to protecting the spiritual aspects psyche, working with other symbolic material to of humanity which are under attack? Can you identify present a multifaceted perspective of reality in which them specifically by observing the world, the media, all of existence is reflected in the Self. In this way, etc? we can see ourselves as the great conqueror, and be Select crystals or other objects to represent that which warned not to follow in his footsteps, wasting energy you want to protect, call forth, and augment in the on meaningless monuments instead of cultivating our world, such as Love, Peace, Healing, etc. Or, write spiritual well-being, and that of our environment. them on bits of paper. Place these objects on your When contemplating these words, we are also altar in a protective circle around the candles and reminded that only spirit is eternal, because energy stone. With the added energy of these things (and your is matter which cannot be created or destroyed. This own), the stone is no longer cold and lifeless. Just as is scientific law. We know there is no “one true path,” all works –great or small - take on life and meaning but the point is to experience the energy of spirit in when combined with spiritual truth and sacred intent. some way. It could be argued that the path of the spirit Allow the candle to burn as long as you wish. is the one true path, which contains infinite variations; just as the human race contains infinite variations of Adapt the ritual, thank Deity, and cast/close the circle people. according to your tradition and/or preferences. Whatever your path, be prepared for increased spiritual trials during the coming year. They want to tear us down, now more than ever, knowing there is great potential for spiritual revolution echoing throughout our generation. Stay true to yourself no matter what. And always be strong. Never give up.


On Our Way... (Navarratte Quatrain) On our way, we all evolve as we discover wisdom Ever changing at first thinking life is but a quest Reaching out for some kind of Utopia to possess Only to realize hunger and thirst are part of the test On our way, we all eventually become more empathetic Thinking we have to satisfy our own personal needs Striving to acquire rather than to give wholeheartedly Realization more love comes from service and good deeds On our way, we fill our void with becoming more creative Every nuance and moment a gift that we embrace dearly Higher enfoldment of events through deeper understanding Guided spiritually as we learn to give and receive with clarity On our way, we discover life is infinite, timeless and everlasting With wisdom we derive the ability to center and follow our course Becoming more empathetic we unfurl and allow ourselves to love We learn awakening never ends and we are indeed our creative force... Alma De La Cruz Gossman Š August 5, 2012 I took this picture of the unfurling new growth in the Meditation Gardens in Encintas, California.


Time the Illusion

by Angie Mooneyes


his article was inspired by a comment on the based in the Arabian Gulf. The concept of time Facebook Mystik Master page about ‘Time’ for many passengers there was ‘ insular’. Time being linear. was definitely a different story! Many people just thought they could turn up at the airport whenever they felt like it, schedules were written There is something incredibly significant to the but aircraft rarely departed on time. human being during the course of life, that we become obsessed by mapping and plotting The Gulf way of doing things was something I milestones of physical growth with dates and times. grew to love and laugh along with. The locals just drifted about in a swathe of perfume at a pace Our ancestors once used oral storytelling to that suited them. The call to prayer was about keep myths and legends alive, then alphabets the only thing that kept things ticking over! Pun were developed and dates and times began to intended. possess the mindset of human kind so that we could record each and every significant event. Four times a day the mosque sounded out the call, everything stopped and prayer took over. Truly Seasons used to mark out the time to plant wonderful if you accept it as part of the place you or sow, then to harvest. Earth moved from had chosen to live and work. I especially loved light into darkness and back again in a the western business men who seemed close glorious circular motion, perfect balance and to heart failure once they sweated their way on harmony reigned as our earth orbited the sun. board in a burst a blood vessel type frenzy only We tagged along doing our best to survive. to discover that there had been absolutely no The last two thousand years of life have point in the frantic haste to get abroad an aircraft. been particularly beholden to time, especially in our Western culture. Many people are stuck in the unhealthy lifestyles of nine to five, forced to create sales targets, attend meetings, and fill up the calendar until there is absolutely no room to breathe or feel the joyous pulse of life coursing through our veins.

The Captain was at prayer, you would simply have to wait. Whereupon I would serve them a beer! Yes, the topsy world of time and cultural differences!

During the course of my evolution as a person time has become something that I don’t often worry about anymore. I meditate every day and within In my own experience I have been beholden that frame of moments I can be in other worlds, to the work concept of time in particular when I experiencing visions, remote viewing as well as worked for an airline! We have a standard time sometimes drifting off into dream like states. My that everyone on earth sticks to that way people understanding of time whilst in an altered state have an understanding of when they should of consciousness has taught me to understand show up for work. The airline I worked for was that time is able to shift and pretty meaningless. 34 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Where I may feel I have only been meditating for a short while, my physical world clock tells me another story. I intended to meditate only for fifteen minutes yet forty-five have passed. Other meditations seem to last for a long time when the visions are complex, almost movie like, yet this intense seeing in the third eye, is physically five or six minutes. The brain is the key, our pineal gland and our causal bodies give a clue as to how we may be open to raising our vibration and letting go of the rules of time as have been drummed into our psyche. Time is not a line, but my Spirit guide ‘ Mooneyes ‘ once told me through automatic writing that there is a ‘ line of our lives’, rather as in Palmistry.

It’s impossible for me to buy into the concept of life beginning at forty, or to have a panic attack because I don’t own a house, have a car and go on luxury holidays, all that means nothing to me as I have other things that I shall do in life. My psychic work, helping and teaching people to overcome their fear of LIFE are why I have had such a full life already! All of us has a unique purpose, all of us has a unique line of life, personal goals, needs, wants and desires. There is enough time to do anything we so wish if only as human beings we would simply let go of attempting to control everything and accept that we are a part of the Earth. This is the perfect time to dance, love, enjoy every moment. There is no measurement necessary for the concept of time does not actually exist.

Our soul has chosen to incarnate on the Earth plane in order that our soul evolves and grows. We have a soul contract that we have agreed Angie Mooneyes to before we are born and in this contract we need to endure many of life’s lessons in order to experience. Pain / love / exhaustion / loss / exhilaration. All manner of feelings must be encountered on the line of life’s journey. We might sometimes veer from the pathway if we choose, but,once the lesson is done we are steered back on course. When our line of life has been mastered as agreed we leave our earthly armour and the soul departs to the next level. At this point loved ones, guides and masters are there to receive us, we assess what we have achieved before making choices to either return to the earth in a new human form or go on to a higher plane of existence. We might even become a guide for a soul who returns to the Earth. For me this explanation of why we are here makes the most sense. Since I was a very young child I was always aware of my guide talking to me and assisting me through life’s ups and downs. I had clairvoyant experiences often and this I know is my life purpose. There is much work to be done but I am in no rush to do everything right now in case there is not enough TIME! I know in my soul, that I am exactly where I am meant to be and when I look back at all my amazing experiences I have learnt wonderful things.


Reading For the next couple of issues we are publishing the complete book “The City of Light” written by Anthony John. The city of light is about creating an eco-society that lives with both ethical and spiritual values in Glastonbury, UK.

Anthony John (Founder of the ‘City of Light Project UK’) Donations To The City of Light Project<> Telephone +44 (0)1458 831 640 Mobile +44 (0)7926 604133 Click Here to get ‘The City of Light Book’ on Amazon<>


Part 2 Chapter 9 – Getting Started – The 1st Family Many people ask ‘How’ questions and one of the biggest is - How are you going to get all this started? This is a great question and in this chap-ter and chapter 10 I am going to share some answers, answers I trust that could even call you into action to become part of the great and grow-ing City of Light Family. For any seed to germinate it needs the right con-ditions, it already has the embedded codes of the universe deep within it waiting for the right con-ditions to start it journey of growth to fulfil its life purpose. The City of Light is no different; the seed has been dormant in humanity for millen-nia, awaiting the right universal moment to awaken and for once again humanity to grow to-wards the light. Microscopic cells within each seed come to life first; in fact one cell has to take the lead followed by the others. This vision is part of the human awakening process, and as one cell moved to-wards the light, sure enough others awoke as well and became part of the process. Those cells are now forming what we fondly call ‘The First Fami-ly’ around 15 people who feel drawn to awaken together and truly live this vision for the future of humanity. To this end the first to awaken chose to move to Glastonbury, the heart of what you might call the place of pilgrimage of British spirituality. Their outcome threefold: 1. To commit to work on themselves, to grow and expand their awareness towards enlightenment and to live their multidimensional selves. To this end what is known as the ‘Expand Towards En-lightenment Experiential Education Programme’ has already been launched. 2. The First Family would gather, find a home to live in and share of themselves, living as a com-munity and overcoming any challenges along the way as an example to others of what’s possible, whilst living and growing with the desire to work with Mother Earth in a joint venture with her to share all of our gift’s harmoniously from a place of unconditional love. The First Family has two projects, firstly to set up the „City of light Visitor Centre‟ in Glastonbury itself. The purpose of which is to give each person that enters the opportunity to learn, understand and even have a personal experience of what life in the City of Light will be like as described at the beginning of this book. The second part of their project is to work on the bigger vision of the creation of The City of Light itself and to start all the relevant work that would go into such a project. To this end we are actively seeking those that be-lieve this is their path and wish to join in and become part of the First Family. If you think this is you please fill in the application form online and we will arrange a mutually convenient time to meet up and share more of what joining the First Family will look like.

Chapter 10 – The World Wide ‘Support Family’ If you are a person that right now is looking to grow and expand, to become more conscious, to learn and live a life having integrated your ‘Mul-tidimensional Self’ or indeed are someone that simply cares about others, humanity, Mother Earth and all of her other tribe’s, then getting in-volved in this project could be for you. Hundreds of people have joined in already and more and more each day are fascinated and want to get involved in some way. To this end we would love to welcome you to what we call our ‘Support Family’. At the heart of the ‘Support Family’ are those that are working on themselves within the ‘City of Light Educational Programme’. Few people in-deed have a massive spiritually awakening moment in their life and while many of these amazing people share their message in their writ-ings and books, awakening spiritually is an individual experience and for the vast majority of us is a very slow often lifelong process. 37

Humanity for a large part, particularly the west-ern world has seen us live quite separate lives, mostly living in separate homes often quite box-like, living out our own experiences. The City of Light is a project that brings us to live in com-munity and harmony and a sure way to experience this is to not only learn about this but to teach it as well. For each student on the ‘Educational Pro-gramme’ there are opportunities to become a teacher as well. The programme consists of 21 work books and 14 videos and most importantly each student gets a mentor to help and support them to learn and experience more of them-selves. As you move though the programme, if you want to, you too can become a mentor, someone that helps someone else learn and ex-perience more of them. The Support Family are also welcome to visit the Visitor Centre in Glastonbury and share time and energy with others there as well as partake of the other experiences available at the centre for an even more experiential experience of what life is like in the City of Light. To join the City of Light ‘Support Family’ please fill in the application online.

Chapter 11 – Politics, Economics & Social Structures – First Family Many ask questions about the inner structure of the ‘First Family’ and what, if they join in, are they committing to. We have to remember the ‘First Family’ and in the long run the City are about sharing unconditional love and our true selves as part of the whole. So from this perspec-tive and of course this in itself is an evolution, most of these things will be worked out as we move towards them. At this stage we now have the Visitor Centre in Glastonbury what we call ‘The City of Light Glas-tonbury Experience’ and whilst we have found several properties, in which the first Family would live and share, as yet none have come to fruition. To this end though it is important if you are considering joining the family to understand more of the ethos of the practical side of the pro-ject which are laying the foundations of life in the first family home, so please find here details of some of what we are considering right now in this moment prior to getting the property. There is no great plan of how any of this will work; it is all based on the values of being re-sponsible for our own state, being out of ego and meeting the needs of the whole. To this end I have created three documents which allow you to see the starting point of each of the above topics, that’s things we will need to consider and make decisions on and I trust give some thought to what living in a loving place can bring forth into reality. Each of these three important aspects of First Family life is open to discussion by those joining the family always remembering we are laying foundations here of what living in a state of unity and love consciousness looks like on a practical day to day level before and during the ascension process currently underway. The red (in the left hand column) represent con-sideration of the old human ways, that of duality and separation, what is known as the world of the third dimension or 3D. The green (in the right hand column) is a glimpse to consider the new age, the way of community, sharing, giving and of course unconditional love itself. This we can only achieve by expanding our awareness, our own consciousness towards living in a more enlightened state. This is known as living the in-tegrated multidimensional self, capable of living and experiencing the fifth dimension or 5D whilst still in physical form.


The Politics and How they Work - Model ONE First Family Members The Old 3D World: Represented by - Separation, Duality & Polarity, Cause & Effect, Fear Based Head Thinking and an Egoic Soci-ety in Physical Body Unconscious/Conscious. Give of Our Difference

The New 5D World: Represented by - Oneness, Unconditional Love, For-giveness & Acceptance an Androgynous Heart, Love & Unity Based Non Egoic So-ciety in Spiritual Light Body Conscious / Super Con-scious Receive and Share in Unity

The old world order has attempted many different political systems in an at-tempt to find ways to either control people or indeed to give individuals a say in the decision mak-ing process of their society… o o








o Capitalist o


What way can we find to run the politics or at least the decision making pro-cess of the First Family of the great experiment of the City of Light so we can practice sharing from a place of unity, love and oneness? At all times no matter what our focus in the case ‘Family Politics’, we need to be sure to keep our attention on the BIG picture of creating the City of Light, the Temple of Healing and the eco-society as well as remembering that we are look-ing to operate from a 5D state of unity & love.

We need to recognise that we have one foot still in the 3D world while we ascend with the Planet into 5D. This means having a practical hat on to ensure we can operate, while still more 3D, with the available resources we have at our means. This will give us the opportunity to practise and experiment individually with living more 5D by creating an inner world for ourselves and for the group to do its utmost to create an external 5D experience in which we can live and operate. The giving of ourselves and our economic re-sources to this experiment unconditionally is at the core of the first transitional steps from 3D to 5D. Yet I think it wise at this, the start-up stage, that capital and income should be treated some-what differently. There are three different scenarios in which ‘Family Members’ might join in the experiment in relation to the funds they will bring with them.


Capital only 39


Capital & Income


Income but no Capital

This is how we could deal with each type of per-son coming to the Family economically… a.

Capital Only

Many groups have had an array of challenges when utilising people’s capital to finance their venture. We have to remember we are not as yet any of us operating fully 5D and as a result of that will still run our 3D separation patterns that include the need for safety and security and many people meet those needs by wanting to ‘hold on to their cash’ or at least feel they could get it back if things were to not work out. If someone comes with ‘Capital Only’, that mon-ey would be utilised to pay a person’s way within the Family living circle. It would be invested in a joint account and all interest accrued would go directly into the foundation and treated as in-come. The capital would have funds drawn off it each month to pay a person’s way by an agreed amount. This means that if someone changes their mind and wishes to leave the Family, they could do so taking their remaining capital with them. Al-though they would have no recourse to any of the funds they have put into the foundation returned to them, which would include their monthly do-nation and any interest earned on their capital. If a person’s Capital amount is small and starts to runs out, that person will need to make the decision to switch from ‘Capital Investment’ to ‘Income Investment’ to pay their way. They would need to find a way to make that happen as the rest of the Family is not bound to keep them in the Family without inputting funds to cover their costs. So it’s important to understand it is possible someone might have to leave the Family if they cannot support themselves finically at this critical first stage of the creation of the City of Light. b. Capital & Income If a person brings capital and income to the pro-ject wishing to become a ‘Family Member’ I propose we keep these separate. The capital ele-ment would be ‘locked in’, in a way that the Foundation takes and utilises any interest that the money accrues. I propose low risk invest-ments with money on demand or penalty less low time scale withdraw ability. This way if a person bringing ‘Capital and in-come’ to the venture feels that the project is no longer for them they can ask to leave and have their Capital returned in full although again this would be excluding any interest that will have been or will need to be paid to the foundation. The capital will be retained in a joint account/s and a simple contract would ensure security of that capital. This would also leave any individual at any time the ability to decide to give over their capital to the foundation on a non – refundable permanent nature if and when they feel comfort-able to do so allowing the Foundation to use the funds in any way they feel is appropriate to best support the project. The income part of what they bring to the Family would be used in exactly the same way as c. be-low. c. Income Only If a person brings ‘Income Only’ to the Family their net income could go directly into the Foun-dation funds to meet the needs of the Home, The Shop as well as the creation of The City of Light Project itself. No funds would be returnable once parted with even if someone choses to leave the Family. If a person’s situation changes and their income ceases, the Family will discuss and decide on the future of that individual although it should be to-tally clear, the project is about giving not taking from the Family and financial independence is of paramount importance as we have clearly seen that dependents have the potential to drag the rest of the project down. 40 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Additional Steams of Income There will be additional possible streams of in-come in the form of business style operations within the project. These income streams could also represent the Income of an individual based on them working within the part of the Family where that income is derived from. In effect businesses that are operating within the Family will need people working for them and this could provide a person’s income towards the Founda-tion. Other possible streams of income d. Events The potential to facilitate events is huge, espe-cially as we have lots of Family experience of supplying them. It is my belief though that we need to share a unified set of events and that we should start with the ‘Experiential Education Program’ and in particular all Family members should take the course themselves, which can in-clude an event as well as the Home Study Course. The outcome of doing this is to put us all on the same page with a good basic level of understand-ing of 5D and living multidimensional. Clearly those awakening have very diverse expe-riences and views, so even if it means a slight step backwards for some entering the Family, by seriously undertaking the course for their own growth, I believe there will be an enhanced and powerful opportunity for the family becoming a solid ‘us’ in alignment with each other and the ultimate teachings with in the City of Light. We also have to remember that it’s ‘integration’ of what we have learned and more importantly that we individually and collectively demonstrate such by the way we show up. There is a need to demonstrate that we are an effective and cohe-sive Family based on the principles of living with love, understanding and compassion of each oth-er, others and our beautiful planet and by doing so we create fantastic energy that will inspire others to take action and move towards the pro-ject for their own growth as well as to share. What will potentially hold us back is individuals who have the capacity to intellectually store in-formation but do not ‘practice what they preach’ within the Family unit. We have to lead by ex-ample and be massively aware of our own patterns and be open to have real, honest and truthful feedback sessions. The great thing is that events could take place in both the house and in the shop. All income would be by donation and we would share trans-parently on costs of such events as well as a lower/higher price range of similar events, thus helping people value their participation both for their growth and their ability to support the pro-ject in financial terms. e. B & B Again the potential here is great if we make wise choices on the properties we choose ensuring we can have visitors stay over when possible. Living with the family and joining in the rituals and practises of daily life within the family are a key way to gain new family members, be they coming to live, or be part of the support family. All stays would be again on a donation bases although we would share transparently our costs as well as a range of local B & B costs to help people decide about the size of any donation they make. f. Education It is possible over time to build a wide range of educational programmes. My belief is to find out what people want and then supply it. So my sug-gestion is to start by building experience of operating the Home Study, mentor based ‘Expe-riential Education Programme’. Over time we will of course develop and my belief is that we need to start simple and learn as we go, remem-bering that we are learning ourselves of course and that as always we need to keep our attention on the BIG vision of the City of Light. g. Healing We have a raft of healing experience within the Family which of course can serve our visitors and ourselves well. It is of course possible that we have both healing rooms at the house and the shop and support as many 41

people as we can. I believe we should again not be diverse in pre-senting the purpose of healing and keep our focus well and truly on the City of Light project. The ethos of the ‘Healing Temple’ part of the pro-ject is to help people heal their wounded unconscious, that’s to say, help them release stuck energies and to live more consciously. Sure we can practice other more advanced stuff on each other to learn and push the boundaries of our own consciousness and again to those out-side of the Family we need to show distinctly and accurately what we are helping them achieve and we need to do this on a united front. h. Meditation Once again we have a raft of mediation experi-ence and of course this needs to become a part of the Family way of life to keep us fully conscious and connected. From a visitors view, the house will offer them when visiting, the opportunity to be involved in the sessions whilst from the shops point of view I believe we need to follow the vi-sion again demonstrating that by doing continuous daily sessions, meditation is a big part of the way ahead for us all and will be so in the City of Light. I am more open as to what form of meditation we do and in fact variety could be a great thing here having different people lead the meditation ses-sion. i. Card Readings Many people are fascinated to find out about their future and many have tarot card readings. In the City of Light ethos more important than the future is the ‘now’ and uncovering though the use of ‘Divination Cards’ what patterns need to come to the surface from the unconscious for consideration is what we are about. By helping people become aware of their disempowering thoughts, beliefs or even option’s as well as pat-terns of behaviour, which these cards do so well when a person is having a reading, we will be ful-filling a crucial part of the City of Lights vision in a very simplistic way. This is a great service peo-ple can have and donate to the foundation for just as they would pay for having others types of card readings. j. Hospitality Central to the ethos of the City of Light is hospi-tality and to meet this core part of the experience we want to give our visitors, we will be looking to open a ‘healthy’ coffee shop / restaurant to facili-tate not only the visitors on short stay or all day visits, we will also be able to meet the food re-quirements of those staying longer term and of course those simply passing by that are attracted to the centre. This would be a non-alcohol envi-ronment! There are many ways we can utilise food as hos-pitality and get to share time and food together with our guests utilising this shared time to help others as well as sharing the City of Light vision and message. The idea of a big dining table, around which we all share food has proved so successful in the past we will be looking for ways we might include type of meal sharing by seeking donations to share breakfasts, lunches as well as dinners in the evening, which would be some-thing that would be completely different for Glastonbury. The Social Policies – (Maybe by a different name or label) Family members are all open and flexible and agree on a way we can operate so that when we get into the 1st home we have a something in place that we are trialling and learning from on day 1. There are many things to consider here is a start-er list… •

The Way ahead – The Visitor Centre

The Way Ahead – The Bigger Vision – Creat-ing the City of Light

Do we need individual roles & responsibili-ties?

• Do we need a social leader? 42 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

What needs to happen to select such leaders?

Consideration to length of time in office?

• Consideration to should decisions be unani-mous or majority or any other alternative such as the leader or a smaller group making the decisions. •

Consideration to House Layout

Consideration to House Keeping Shared and Individual Areas

Consideration to Buying Food

Consideration to Power Consumption Eco and record keeping

Consideration to Self-sufficiency & Growing Own Food

Consideration to Food Preparation & Keeping the Family Healthy

Consideration to Kitchen Maintenance

Consideration to Waste Management & Re-cycling

Consideration to Daily Routines and Rituals

Consideration to External Maintenance

Consideration to Communications & Repre-sentation to the Outside World

Consideration to the ‘Technical’s’, PC’s, In-ternet and the like…

Consideration to our own Growth & Educa-tion

Consideration to the Educational Programme

Event Management & Organisation

Considering the Family’s Physical Health

Consideration to all Family Members Wear-ing COL Clothes.

The sharing of information so everyone is fully informed.

Meetings, regularity and context.

Creating our own written Social Context in which we live and share

Do we need rules or guidelines for what’s ac-ceptable or not? (Very 3D)

Do we need ‘Open Discussion Sessions’

Anything else? Please add to the list…


Shamballa Bracelets

Special offer for Mystik Way readers Get one custom made!

If you would like a trendy handmade Shamballa Bracelet as pictured below, made with semi-precious beads, email me and let me know which beads you would like from a choice of – Black Onyx, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Haematite or Amethyst. All beads are 8mm and are woven on 2mm nylon cord. You can have the bracelet all one stone (like the tigers eye pictured below) or a mixture of beads from the list above. Just email me at your bracelet will be hand made and then listed for you to purchase in my online shop. Cost per bracelet is £9 (very competitive price – check out other sites, these attractive macramé bracelets can sometimes be quite overpriced!), plus shipping. Enjoy the power of Shamballa! Jenny Spirit x

hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the back.

We are now able to offer advertising space in our magazine to help with the running costs.

The magazine will always be free to read and download. Costs are £5 per half page £10 per full page per month. Please email me on 44 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Thank you for reading the Mystik Way Magazine! If you have enjoyed the journey, please consider a donation to help us with our running costs. Any small contribution is greatly appreciated and will enable us to provide this platform for spiritual growth.

...Issue 22 will be out in February 2013


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