Mystik Way Magazine 22

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Glastonbury and the Holy Grail Soul Stretching and Star Dancing

Tarot: March to the beat of your own drum

Ancient Egyptian Wisdom and mysticism journey

Dancing with Spirit Searching for mooneyes

inspired writing, ANimal and Plant Totems, POEMS and more...

Book Review

Read: “The City of Light” by Anthony John



Welcome to issue twentytwo


The Journey


Soul Stretching and Star Dancing


Glastonbury and the Holy Grail


Inspired Writing - Letter from Dad


Mystik Way Healing Link

16 Ancient Egyptian Wisdom and mysticism journey

Glastonbury & the Holy Grail | 10


Artwork by Christine Carslon


Tarot: March to the beat of your own drum


Tarot Card of the month: Patience and Planning


Poem: The Grail


Animal & plant of the month, Mink and Violet


Dancing with Spirit


Searching for Mooneyes, Book review


Book - The City of Light by Anthony

John - Chapter 12-13

Soul Stretching & Star Dancing | 6

Cover Image: Paul Harry Barron harry.barron?fref=ts

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation to help us along the Path. 2 |


EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | MAGAZINE DESIGN Simone Schreck ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEB PRODUCER Simone Schreck CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Richard Hayes, Sue Hayes, Peta Panos, Christine Carlson, Michelle Mahoney, Terssa Welsh, Jennifer Adele, Sugar C. De Vika, Angie Mooneyes, Anthony John, Paul Harry Barron

Welcome to issue 22 As we now are well & truly striding along the pathway of the new yearly cycle heading into the second month, I am writing this with the full Moon (known as the Wolf Moon) casting it’s magical silver light through my widow reminding me the festival of Imbolc is but a few days away heralding the onset of Spring. Of course those in the southern hemisphere will be celebrating Lughnasadh. Either way it is good to celebrate the changes of the seasons, putting ourselves in tune with the Earth & Mother Nature as this is where the Magik, peace of mind &balance is to be found. We hope you enjoy this month’s magazine…. There are several new ideas in the pipe line for the next issue’s as we attempt to keep it topical & diverse with many subjects covered….watch this space…. Enjoy each & every moment as you travel along this Magikal pathway we call life, remembering “It’s the Journey not the Destination “

Many Blessings, MystikMaster



The Jo

here is a state of being that resides within and without us all that neither exists nor non exists yet is eternally present in all layers of energy. The invisible to the human eye light,

which scientists call dark matter is the bridge to what is termed the unseen world. This hitherto world may be glimpsed under certain conditions, a differing state of perception that the mind can be trained to perceive. What we first have to come to understand and realise is that which we see whilst in our present state of consciousness is merely a reflection of the Light on our physical eyes…and they are only perceiving that which they are physically capable of seeing, for instance a machine is only capable of performing the tasks for which it was built for. Over the millions of years of human existence we are evolving and refining ourselves to an ever greater degree…as we improve spiritually so does our physical equipment, thus our senses, brain power etc are becoming far more refined, thus becoming able to glimpse and understand far more of the fantastic Universe in which we reside....we will eventually be able to see all the wonderful worlds of existence previously denied to us.

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ourney We are as we evolve creating our own inner worlds, spirit realms, heaven, whatever way you want to label it....over many thousands of years with continual thought. The fabric of the Universe is indeed pliable, moulded by feelings (emotions) and thoughts....In fact we are the Creators !!! We invented God and we also created God, we are the Gods/Goddess’s. We have very much a blank canvass with which to paint our own creation, alas it is a very slow process as there are so many conflicting idea’s on the mass conscious level that it muddles and confuses the energies, also most of the thoughts of the average individual are far too weak to actually take form. Eventually more and more individuals will begin to share the same ideal and as this occurs the collective thought patterns will start to gell with which we will create a much more civilised way of existence, forming different layers of being. We will then be able to walk between each realm as and when we wish, thus ending the birth and death cycle, each individual will be able to create his/her ideal world whatever form that may take, like will attract like without infringement of the way of life of others.

MystikMaster 5



“They may be down in the dirt, but it seems they also have their eyes on the stars.” (Jonathan Amos, BBC News)

Introduction The images that come seemingly unbidden during meditations can sometimes be traced to random moments or conversations, which have lain like seeds in the mind, to grow and flower into wonderful and insightful scenes.

I can trace one such recent meditation to two sources, one of which is quite unexpected, as it involves a dung beetle! A recent news report told how scientists have discovered that dung beetles use the Milky Way to guide them as they roll their balls of, well, dung. I remember being momentarily amazed at the scales involved in this report – tiny dung beetle, HUGE galaxy – and yet the two are connected. This became one of the seeds for my meditation.

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The other inspiration was a word I had read on The Mystik Way facebook group, from regular contributor and poet Alma Delacruz Gossman – ‘Yugen’, a Japanese word to describe ‘an awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and powerful for words.’ This also connected with me, and I was reminded of the little bettle, rolling its ball. I wondered whether it ever looked up and look a moment to see that band of Milky Way stars, pausing from its task and feeling ‘Yugen’.

Triggered by a wonderful stimulus visualisation, these thoughts coalesced into a vision, which I will describe in the form of a new guided meditation – a chance to stretch your soul and dance in the stars…


The Star Dancing Meditation Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and relax. Start to visualise a vast desert. The sun has just set, and a deep red on the horizon darkens to a deep black sky, filled with stars. A fire is burning on the ground before you, and you sit down, letting it warm you, letting it relax your body so that your spirit can start to gently separate itself and go on its own travels.

Feel your spirit drift gradually upwards. Look down at your body as it sits by the fire, confident that it is safe and sound. Then turn to look upwards, towards the stars that are scattered in the heavens above you. Start to perceive them in three dimensions; some are further away than others, some are bigger and cooler, others are smaller and hotter. Start to see their colours - intense blues, reds and yellows. Planets surround them like multicoloured children.

sunset and the fire amid the sand, and your body there waiting for you, completing its own physical rest and healing. When you are ready, return your spirit to your body, and feel a new happiness at being this magical combination of physical body and infinite spirit. Feel the sensations of the physical world, and allow your body’s senses to take over.

When you are ready, open your eyes and return to the outside world.

Thoughts This vision came to me during a meditation, but from now on I intend to use it as an exercise on a regular basis, to remind myself of the wider Universe, where physical and spiritual laws meet and intertwine. I will always be careful, as we all should be, to come back to the physical world gently but definitely – it felt very tempting to remain stretched out like that, but time moves on and we must all return in the end! I hope you find pleasure in this meditation, and in being reminded of our connection to all of nature – to both the smallest of beasts and to the vastness of the Universe itself.

You are amid them now, floating through this starscape. As you do, start to feel the true nature of your spirit. It does not have to follow the physical rules of your body on the ground. You can stretch it outwards. Do this now. Reach out your spirit arms, and see how far they reach. They may reach from star to star, past planets and galaxies. Feel like it is the best stretch you can imagine, as if your soul has Thanks to Ed MystikMaster Biggs for the stimulus just woken up from a long sleep and needs to expand visualisation, and to Alma Delacruz Gossman for to its full length and size. introducing me to the word ‘Yugen’. You can read about the dung beetles and their own star dancing at Experiment with the stretching, and allow your spirit to start to dance amid this huge sky of stars. Feel where it needs to release itself, just like when your body is tense and muscles need to unwind. Remember, your soul is vast and can move in any way it wants or needs to. Too often it is stuck within the small, tight dimensions of the everyday world – let it flow and dance amid the huge space of the Universe, where it can be what it really wants to be.

Let this continue for as long as you wish. When you are ready, you will feel a deep contentment, having allowed your true scale to emerge, and your true connection to the stars and planets of the Universe to be reaffirmed. You will feel ready to begin to fold yourself back into the physical world; sink back down gently from the sky, noticing the red of the 8 |



GLASTONBURY AND THE HOLY GRAIL By Richard Hayes (Warlockway)

Geographical Location – Glastonbury is a small English market town situated in the Somerset Levels, known locally as the Vale of Avalon. It has a long spiritual tradition stretching back to pre-history and early Celtic times, representing both a Pagan and Christian tradition, and finally leading to it becoming the current centre for New Age Spirituality and Goddess Worship.

Legend has it that Jesus’s uncle – Joseph of Arimathea used to come to Glastonbury as a tin trader, and that he brought Jesus as a young boy to Glastonbury. This story underlines the relationship between the town and the Christian Grail Tradition, which manifests itself in various ways in the landscape around the town. In the legend, the story of Joseph of Arimathea continues after the Crucifixion of Jesus, when his uncle collects drops of his blood in a Chalice and brings it to Glastonbury, where he uses it as part of the worship held in a wattle chapel he had built with his followers on the future site of the Abbey. This event was the beginning of the Christian phase of the Grail Legend, and the story of the lost Holy Grail which is rumoured to be buried somewhere near the Abbey. The story of the Grail has however much deeper roots, and we can trace its origin back to the Holy Cauldron of the Celts. This cauldron had magical powers and it was said that it could provide unlimited supplies of any food you wished for. Its brew also brought enlightenment and poetic powers, and any warrior slain in battle could be restored to life by being immersed in the cauldron. An ancient 10 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Celtic poem talks of a figure associated with King Arthur leading a raid on the Other World to capture this magical vessel, and to bring it back into the physical world. The magical cauldron was in the keeping of the Goddess Cerwidden, and is a symbol of procreation and female spirituality, and is the proto-grail from which all future grail stories evolved. Much later in the Age of Chivalry, which resulted in the Tales of King Arthur, this tradition re-emerged when female virtue was held in high esteem, and knights championed the female cause. At first, the Knights of the Round Table fought for their prestige and the honour of the lady who had championed them. Later, their adventures moved away from material conquest, as they went in search of spiritual fulfillment, and set off on the Quest for the Holy Grail. From the Celtic and Arthurian stories, it is apparent that the Grail is a mystical vessel which confers the gifts of Psychic & Spiritual Awareness, Poetic Ability, Enlightenment and Eternal Life. It is not the vessel that is important, but its contents, and it is the search for these virtues which is the Quest for the Holy Grail. The attainment of the Holy Grail represents the completion of the quest, which the Aspirant, having journeyed extensively, expands his awareness of his life and its purpose, to find fulfillment by integrating the grail virtues into his personality. This search is both a physical and a spiritual journey, which links the practical world with the spirit realm, and brings certainty that like the Celts, life continues in the Other World prior to being re-born on Earth.


Glastonbury Abbey was a centre of Celtic Christianity, which pre-dated the Roman Catholic Church in England, and was based on greater feminine spirituality. It is said that the ruined tower of the Abbey, symbolically represents cupped hands holding the Mystical Chalice of the Grail. With the Dissolution of the Monasteries and the destruction of the Abbey, this aspect of feminine Christianity was lost to the world.

The second site of Chalice Well represents the inner aspect of the Goddess, of Sensitivity, Psychic Awareness and Inner Strength. The receptive energies of the Well, whose water is naturally coloured Red, represents the life-blood of female pro-creation. The Well is situated in Chalice Well Gardens at the base of the Tor, under a sacred yew tree. It is for many the source of spiritual refreshment, where we can partake of the waters and celebrate the pro-creative power of the Goddess. The Well encourages us to search for spiritual fulfillment from deep within ourselves, and its powers, linked to those of the Tor, represents the yin and yang of female spirituality.

This tradition of Goddess Spirituality has now returned to Glastonbury, and has expressed itself in many forms during the last one hundred years. It is currently expressed by the many Priestesses working in Glastonbury, and the work of centers such as the Goddess Behind Chalice Well Gardens rises the Temple. This celebration of female spirituality is at the heart of the Grail, for it is through its rounded form of Chalice Hill, seen by many awareness that we gain spiritual freedom and as the belly of the pregnant Goddess in the landscape, and rumoured to be the site which enlightenment. contains the Hidden Grail. The many sites of Just as the ruins of the Abbey relate to Glastonbury draw us closer to the Mysteries the Christian aspects of the Grail tradition, of the Goddess, her pro-creative, nurturing two Glastonbury sites link us to the Goddess power, her spiritual and psychic vision and of the Earth, expressed in the landscape, her concern for her children on earth. The and represent the Old Pagan Ways. These landscape of Glastonbury is a true setting for landmarks are the Tor and Chalice Well, the unfoldment of the Mysteries of the Holy and they represent the polarity of female Grail, which is the full flowering of Goddess spirituality expressed in physical form. Consciousness in human existence. The Tor, with its ruined tower, The Grail has taken many mystical dominates the landscape around Glastonbury, forms – as a Cauldron, a Chalice, a Stone and rising majestically about the Somerset Levels, even a Royal Blood Line, but its true meaning representing the dynamic power of female is seen in the revelation of Goddess Spirituality spirituality. This is the Warrior Queen who is in human existence, bringing forth the Gifts of prepared to do battle for spiritual causes, and is the Spirit, which are latent in all Humanity. extrovert, confident and self-expressive. The assertive energies of the Tor confidently rise up from the Earth to meet the Sky Gods, and as we stand on its summit, we are empowered with a rush of raw elemental vitality. This is IN THE PICTURE I have shown at its centre the power that has helped to drive the female the ruins of the Tower of Glastonbury Abbey, spirituality movement, and paved the way holding up the Magical Cauldron of the Celts, for the Return of the Goddess after years of with the Celtic Christian Cross suspended patriarchal suppression. above the altar. This central site of Glastonbury is crowned by Chalice Hill and the Grail 12 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Chalice, and on each side of the Abbey are shown the Tor and Chalice Well, representing the polarities of female spirituality. At the base of the picture is a cross-section showing the relationship of the Tor to Chalice Well, and the location of the White Spring – the clear waters of which compliment the red waters of Chalice Well.

dess-centered spirituality. Even if you cannot visit it physically, you can still approach it spiritually and tap into its wonders, and receive spiritual upliftment to sustain your personal search for the Holy Grail.

I hope I have painted in your mind a picture of the sites of Glastonbury, its landscape and its relationship to the evolving story of the Holy Grail. If you are fortunate enough at some time to visit the town, you will not be disappointed, as it is a true centre of God-

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way magazine each month, please give consideration to making a small donation towards the running costs. Although Ed and Simi give their time freely, it is only right that they should be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses. To achieve this, the Mystik Way requires regular donations so that it can meet these expenses. If you can help, please donate to ‘Mystik Way’ by using the Donate Button, which you will find at the end of the magazine. Many thanks if you can help. Warlockway – Treasurer to Mystik Way.




E R I P S IN ayes e By Su


As a Spiritualist Medium, I channel inspired writings – dictated to me from the Spirit World. Usually these take the form of Spiritual Guidance, but occasionally I receive a letter from my father in spirit, of which this is a current example.

you had with your Janet, and are anticipating the family reunion before too long. It is good to link together and share your common bond, and we always join with you and are so proud of you all.

Talk to us often. Know that we are nearby when you need us to bring our love and reassurance, our inspiration and clarity Letter from Dad. of thinking. We love you so, and don’t like to see you feeling low. Be thankful for the many blessings of your life, and remember My darling daughter, that there are many in spirit whose loves you have touched in many ways. There are many What worries you so? We know that you also who give thanks for the work you do to do not like the cold weather, and that there is join our two worlds together, and the joy and little energy around you to lift you and lighten comfort that this brings on both sides of life. your pathway. Hibernate when you need to and sleep in warmth. Indulge yourself in the We all surround you with our love and music and reading that you so enjoy, and don’t blessings. do the things which you find tiresome unless Dad you absolutely have to! At this time, through lack of energy, your thinking is muddled and unclear, so flow with it until it becomes clear again, then you will know what actions you have to take. List the things which you fear to forget, and use this to remind you, so that when the moment is right you can do something and cross it off your list. I come to reassure you that we are all very close to you. We enjoyed the happy time 14 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Perhaps you might like to sit quietly and see if you are inspired to write down what comes into your mind? With practice, this is a good way to receive guidance from loved ones or guides.

MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINK Every evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS” The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing. Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth.

Blessings MystikMaster. We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds… their bodies….and their souls. This is our mission….our work.



Ancient Egyptian Wisdom and Mysticism journey by Peta Panos


located in the village shadowed by the Giza Plateau (and the best view in Cairo) and meeting a few of Yousef´s brothers and sisters. Many of us were blessed with massage and healing sessions with Miriam, Shahrzad and Raba. This warm, welcoming and generous family epitomises the true spirit of authentic Egyptians and one of the many Spiritual Quest Journeys partners with Mohamed Ibrahim, highlights of our journey. Yousef and Patricia Awyan for our Egyptian tours and all three of these knowledgeable experts travelled with our Yousef and Patricia are Co-Directors of a modern Mystery group offering the perfect balance between Egyptology and School – the Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism, which Khemitology. Mohamed has been running spiritual tours is an open forum for all who wish to gather and exchange through Egypt for over 12 years and is an Egyptologist information and research about Egypt, ancient wisdom specialising in Ancient Egyptian writing including & technologies thereby raising our collective levels of awareness and consciousness. Combining the wisdom Hieroglyphs. handed down to them from Hakim with their own Yousef and Patricia are continuing the work of Dr. Hakim continuing research, Yousef and Patricia provide a fresh Awyan, (Yousef´s father) well known indigenous wisdom perspective and vision of Egypt’s heritage, along with keeper of the Ancient Egyptian mysteries, scholar and holding a sacred space for activating the energies within exceptional orator of Khemitology, whom before his and outside of ourselves at many of the powerful sites passing in 2008, shared Egypt’s technically advanced and throughout Egypt. enlightened ancient past worldwide. Hakim’s legacy is far reaching including through his 11 children. We had In addition, our intrepid journey leader, Fiona Lee opened the privilege of spending time at the Awyan family home, our hearts and minds with her understanding of the aving recently returned from the 13 day Spiritual Quest Journeys 12/12/12 journey to Egypt, I am in awe of this magical country – filled with sacred sites, ancient knowledge, soulful people and how it touches all that visit.


Ancients and guided us through the five stages of the sun initiations, earth service work, various meditations and the 12/12/12 activations. Fiona’s unwavering commitment to her spiritual path and facilitating the group assisted her to hold the energy for each individual as well as the group and each and every one of us felt profound and exciting shifts. The group itself was drawn from all corners of the planet including Africa, Canada, USA; Australia; Europe and Scandinavia. All in all, 22 beautiful souls made up the aptly named Khemit group and all of us knew on a deeper level that we had to be there. Our journey began in Cairo – a bustling city that never sleeps and home to 28 million people. We were based on the Giza Plateau and despite the political unrest in the country whilst we were there, we saw no sign of any conflict. That said, we were well aware of how the people dependant on tourism are suffering from the low tourist numbers and certainly did our part in buying a plethora of souvenirs and Egyptian clothing as we went. Our home base in Cairo at the beginning and end of the tour was the 5 star Mecure Cairo Le Sphinx, an ideally located and very hospitable hotel close to the Plateau.

to the Valley Temple by the Sphinx. Ancient depictions of the Flower of Life can be seen etched on the pillars here and many stories have been shared about the miraculous healing properties of the water that has risen to surround the pillars of this lower temple. My highlight in Luxor was Karnak, the world´s largest temple complex where we were treated to a magnificent sunrise and so much more. To be the only group on site was exhilarating and well worth the early start. We had arranged private access to the Chapel of Sekhmet (the standing Lion headed neter/goddess) and after we had completed our meditation, the entire room was filled with orbs. The powerful sacred geometric design and natural elements of the architecture itself has the ability to transform and raise levels of awareness and consciousness as one walks through this and many other ancient temples in Egypt. After exploring the open-air museum, we were fascinated to see evidence of energy flow through the stone structures used in the main temple pathway, where over time the structure of the granite had been changed from the inside out and we could literally crumble the stone into powder with our hands.

Our Cairo touring included visits to the ancient site of Dashur; the Red and Bent Pyramids attributed to Senefru (according to the Khemitian indigenous tradition, “Senefru” means “Double Harmony” and refers to the significance of Sound used in these ancient Energy Devices); Saqqara: home of the Step Pyramid – attributed to King Djoser; the Hospital or ancient healing area, the Pyramid of Unas and Titi’s Pyramid; The Cairo Museum and old Coptic Cairo.

Making our way towards the exit, a number of synchronistic events led us inside the Temple of the Moon where we were able to conduct a private ceremony and then were guided into chambers that Mohamed and the Aywans hadn’t been into for over 10 years. Whilst these exclusive and special allowances had been happening throughout the journey and continued to happen until the end, our experience at Karnak was particularly thrilling and testament to the collective group energy resonance.

My personal highlight in this area was the renovated Serapeum of Saqqara, recently opened after 11 years and a surprise we had included for our group. To see the massive granite boxes in huge subterranean galleries is enough to boggle the mind as to how the ancients built and moved them.

We were sad to leave Luxor although delighted to be embarking on our 4 day Nile Cruise. The River Nile is about 6,670 km (4,160 miles) in length and is the longest river in the world. Although it is generally associated with Egypt, only 22% of the Nile’s course runs through Egypt. Be that as it may, the Nile is the lifeblood of Egypt, a country that receives very little rainfall and it was exceptional to watch the lush riverbanks, unchanged for thousands of years, as we gently make our way from Luxor to Aswan on the luxury cruiser Alyssa. Our island explorations included Edfu, Kom Ombo and from Aswan, Philae for the Temple dedicated to Isis, Elephantine and Kitcheners Islands and the Mausoleum of the Aga Kahn. Some of us took the optional extra to the Nubian Village for an interesting cultural experience - the scenery on the Felucca ride to the village was breathtaking.

We flew to Luxor where we spent 2 nights at the charming Maritim Jolie Ville Kings Island, a beautiful 5 star deluxe property on a private island right on the banks of the River Nile. We explored the Temple of Hatshepsut (the female Pharaoh famous for importing, trading and introducing many new products to Egypt) at Deir El-Bahri; the tombs at Valley of the Kings; Colossi of Memnon; Karnak and Luxor Temple (the Temple of Man). We also took a day trip from Luxor to visit Dendera – the Temples dedicated to Hathor, Abydos and the Temple of Seti 1. The ancient Osirieon located behind (and underneath) the temple, probably tens of thousands of years old, is similar in design


We traversed the desert en route to Abu Simbel to explore the magnificent Temples of Ramses II and his queen, Nefertari – two temples carved out of solid rock at a site on the west bank of the Nile. With the construction of the Aswan Dam in the 1960s, the temples were reconstructed on top of a cliff 200 feet above the original site. In Aswan, we visited the remarkable Aswan Quarry where much of the granite used to create Egypt´s megalithic structures and temples originated and site of the 1 200 ton unfinished Obelisk and if one was in any doubt about the ancients having tools and technology, this site is a smoking gun. There are numerous theories and sentiments about who and what the ancients were, although as one journeys through Egypt, one realizes that despite the many compelling theories around when, why and who built the pyramids, temples and ancient sites - it remains an unexplained mystery and it is really up to the individual to discern and reach their own conclusions – it is a wonderful subject to ponder and research though and a natural progression for most that visit the sites for themselves.

guards and inspectors who are hell bent on enforcing the no meditation/toning rules. There is a strong sense of deactivation from an official perspective and yet one is guided and blessed with many opportunities to privately connect with the sites on an individual and group basis. There is no doubt that traversing the sacred sites of Egypt is one of the most profound pilgrimages on Earth and I am delighted to confirm that Spiritual Quest Journeys will be offering an annual tour there. Dates for the journey in late November, early December 2013 will be available shortly. Please check out the visual Photo Album of our journey (to protect the anonymity of the group, I haven’t posted any group shots). Where will you be going in 2013? We have an exciting range of Spiritual Quest Journeys to Sacred Sites and magical places all around the world. For more information and an overview of the journeys on offer, please click here

Back in Cairo, we explored the rarely visited sites of Abu Sir and Abu Ghurob. Many objects of interest at these sites point to a superior intelligence and technologies of a very ancient civilization, that the indigenous call Khemit. I was particularly fascinated by the enigmatic white calcite (Egyptian alabaster crystal) basins and gigantic Hotep (meaning peace or food) which Hakim believed to be a landing pad for inter-galactic or inter-dimensional journeying at the very ancient site of Abu Ghurob. We spent our full final day (12/12/12) on the Giza Plateau itself and marveled at the size and implications of the Pyramids and Sphinx. Sadly, the Great Pyramid was unexpectedly closed to the public although we were able to enter the 2nd Pyramid and enjoyed some private time in a chamber close to the Great Pyramid called The Seat of Power.

Overall, Egypt is a fascinating country, filled with contradictions and an exciting mix of old and new ideas, concepts and belief systems. The poverty stands out cold and hard against a backdrop of glitzy modern suburbs and hotels. The hospitality levels are high in restaurants and hotels and we were very grateful to Mohamed and Yousef who kept the incessant hawkers at bay. The keepers at the sites, who answer an inner calling to watch over them despite the low pay, intrigued me and in contrast, the 18 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys Email: Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Artwork by Christine Carlson 19


March to the Beat of Your Own Drum

by Michelle Amethyst Mahoney Tarot Art:


mbolc has passed, and in the Northern Hemisphere motivational CD’s, and on and on and on… the days are starting to get longer once again. Sunlight fills the air, birds are chirping, and the Earth Who has time for all of that? I recently met a client who gets up at 4:30 every single morning so that she is blooming to life. can do 3 hours of self-care – before going to the gym How is your life? Is it blooming or still hiding in the for 2 hours. She’s exhausted, and she’s certainly not dark recesses of the winter months? This is the having any fun in her life. perfect time to step into your true self and march to I’m not saying that physical and spiritual practices the beat that you hear. are not important. They are. However, trying to do The following spread will help you step into the real everything you’ve been told that you “should” do is a great way to mess up your life. Just who are you you: trying to please? You don’t get Karma Brownie Points for meditating the longest or doing yoga for 16 hours a week.




1 Your Situation 2 What you think you need to do 3 What you need to release


It’s time to stop the madness and find out what is really important to put into your life. You only have 24 hours in a day, so be sure that you are spending it the way you want to and in ways that truly benefit you.

A few years ago, I started doing this spread myself. I realized that trying to force myself to meditate for 4 What you really need to do (Your Authentic an hour a day was really brining me down. Instead, I Truth) was able to find a good practice that takes about 15 to 20 minutes. Research shows that 15 to 20 minutes is highly beneficial, so there’s no reason for me to Too often, people build their lives around what suffer through the other 40 minutes. If you enjoy others tell them to do. You need to meditate for meditating for an hour, or doing yoga, or studying a an hour each day, read spiritual works, eat perfect spiritual text, by all means go for it. Just don’t expect healthy meals, clean your home until it’s spotless, that everyone else should do it. make sure everyone else in your family has what they need, exercise, read for fun, do crossword puzzles to improve your brain function, stretch, listen to 20 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

I did this spread for my client Claire using the What you need to release: Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. We Knight of Cups. Claire wasn’t got the following results: sure what to make of this card. She was afraid that the Tarot is telling her that her dreams are too “pie in the sky,” and that Your Situation: 7 of Swords. her ultimate goals will never This person is hiding behind a be reached. In reality, this card mask, hiding behind an entire is warning her of expecting too rock formation where he much too quickly. There is no cannot be seen. He has taken such thing as overnight success a sword and sits staring at it, – it often takes 10 to 15 years pretending to be happy with of focused effort. the small treasure in his hand even though there is much more waiting for him out in the World, if he would only stand up and take off the mask.

What you really need: 7 of Pentacles. The truth is Claire has already put in a lot of hard work and effort. Her energy is starting to pay off, but she hasn’t taken the time to stop and notice it. If she would just slow down and enjoy her situation, she would see that her success is already coming to her. Rather than go, go, go off to chase her dreams, Claire needs to slow down enough to let them catch up to her. By slowing down, she can also begin to see what she wants to focus on in her life and what will truly bring her the most enjoyment.

What you think you need to do: Ace of Wands. This card is all about activity. Claire wants to rush forward and keep busy. She believes society’s standards of “go, go, go.” Even though she is extremely tired, frustrated with the lack of clients in her business, and doesn’t really know what direction she should pursue, she still believes that pushing forward is better than stopping to take time to reassess and evaluate her Try this spread for yourself. Are there any surprissituation. es? Take a deep breath, dive into the cards, and let them guide your intuition to your Inner Truth.

Amethyst Mahoney, LACC Divine Wisdom Academy



February’s card: PATIENCE AND PLANNING “Good things come to those who wait”

This month you need patience. You need to pause have a rest and asses and re think what is in front of you.

Let go of the control and embrace what is happening and what the universe is giving to you. Maybe things are not moving as fast as you want them to be but trust that this is a lesson not only in patience but also know they are moving slowly to ensure you time to review your goals, finances, relationships or career. Take the time to review everything one step at a time. You have all the time in the world, there is no rush. In planning what you know will be a successful future. Sometimes we are slowed in our journey to ensure that we do arrive at our destination! You can find me on Facebook: Terssa Welsh PsychicMedium.

Please meet Rosalind: Rosalind was sketched by a very dear friend of mine Psychic Squirrel as I described her he was able to bring her to life for you to see here. Rosalind works with me and guides me, she connects with me for Healing and also messages and spirit guided writing, she give guidance on many levels and A very big part of my life.

I hope her words are able to offer you guidance

Rosalind’ s words: There is a time of change, when the wind blows the leaves from the tree, it makes way for new shoots to grow and leaves and flowers to blossom, we also go through the seasons of change but we still have the foundation.. like the tree it is the foundation the source of life for which the leaves grow on... you are also a foundation and you are growing and learning and blossoming ...let yourself heal and then grow allowing the time that is needed for your foundation to be where it needs to be, rushing growth or healing does not allow the blossom the time needed for it show its true beauty... Do not rush enjoy your growth period and all the knowledge and healing that comes with it, the seasons change the foundation of the trees..but with each change it blossoms in beauty and stands firm because it allows the time that is needed for this to happen..Do not rush.. grow slow for you will grow the right way xxx Rosalind Artist Psychic squirrel


Terssa welsh PsychicMedium

The Grail For scent of the dying Rose Is as the repressed sigh of my suffering Perfected through pain Glorified through trial Sacrificed unto regeneration Unto the newer life I am the Rose that blooms upon the Sword and the Chalice. MystikMaster


Animal and plant of the month with Jennifer Adele

Mink There are two living species referred to as mink... the European mink and the American mink. The now extinct sea mink was more closely related to the American mink, but was much larger. All three species are/have typically been dark-colored, semi-aquatic, carnivorous mammals... but there is however the rare occurrence of a white mink. Their family also includes weasels, otters, and ferrets... all of which share many similar totemic traits and energetic patterns.

As a totem, the mink shows us how to walk in the spiritual and physical world with joy and playfulness along with a distinct sense of balance. This balance typically displays itself in working for a just cause where the personal life and the work life are both enjoyable and overlapping to the benefit of each category. The mink also teaches another form of balance to those wanting to learn. This second sense of balance is between attention and intuition. The mink aids in timing, keen senses, awareness and learning how to move in the emotional waters balanced with the mental world. Mink also aids 24 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

in understanding the nocturnal realm of dreams, visions, and hidden knowledge.

Need to ferret out a secret? Why not call upon the power of the mink, which includes stealth and silent observation? Are you completing a life cycle, something that you started long ago? Mink will aid in this returning with understanding, caring, and compassion.... as well as the balance most people seek regularly.

Mink brings us a message... ÂŤTrust your own instincts and you will find what you are seeking. Use your keen senses to observe what is really going on in the world around you. And, above all, be discreet.Âť

Symbolism: stealth, secrets, observation, playfulness, caring, sleek design, balance, nocturnal cycles, dreams.

Violet The terms “viola” and “violet” are normally reserved for the same small-flowered annuals or perennials. Viola/violet is a genus of flowering plants in the family Violaceae, with around 400–500 species distributed around the world. Most species are found in the temperate Northern Hemisphere, however some are also found in widely divergent areas such as Hawaii, Australasia, and the Andes.

Violets have been cultivated and used in cooking and medicine for thousands of years. They are low-growing plants with fragrant flowers that are closely related to pansies, and spread readily in the right conditions. They make an attractive and useful ground cover in shady situations, such as under trees.

Violets, although without an extensive and detailed written history, have made their appearance in the myths, paintings, and literature of the past. They appear in the rites and rituals of the ancient East and in the classical world. Their significance varies, but

usually they have been associated with the resurrection of the seasonally dying Earth god, Attis, who, according to one legend, mutilated himself under a pine tree and died from the flow of blood from his open wounds. In the language of flowers, it has had various symbolic meanings. Its color may indicate the love of truth or, conversely, the truth of love. In keeping with the latter, it is said that the tomb of the Roman tyrant Nero was decorated in the spring with violets by unknown persons who had secretly admired or loved him. Violets were often used as symbols of fasting or mourning. The poet Shelly uses the flower to commemorate the grief of a lost love in the poem “On a Faded Violet.”

Symbolism: modesty, truth, calmness, sleepiness, mortality, resurrection, watchfulness, love, faithfulness.


Dancing with Spirit By Sugar C. De Vika



pirituality and dance have been combined for as long as history can remember. Dance is the body’s way of expressing itself to music. Music can lift the soul and dance is a physical manifestation of that soul lifting. Such as the phrase, “dancing with joy”. Along with singing, dance is one of the oldest forms of expression for an emotionally charged spiritual state.

Dance had been used in many religious and spiritual practices. For centuries maybe even longer. Hinduism had a tradition called Devadasi (Servant of God.) Where young girls were dedicated to a Deity, (Deva/ Male or Devi/ Female) or a temple. Dance and music were an essential part of temple worship. There are eight classical dance traditions remaining today from the controversial Sringara, to the more widely known Bharatanatyam and the oldest form Odissi.

Throughout history dance has been in a place of cultural importance. Every nation, every tribe, has shared the love of dance. Dancing is as natural to a human being as talking or breathing. The physical body may not die from the lack of dance but there may be damage to the soul. Dance has been used in so many ways, in so many cultures. That to list them all, would be next to impossible. Primarily dance has been used in spirituality, storytelling, cultural expression and entertainment.

Tribal dance can be found in the history and the cultural of every indigenous people. The majority of them share common themes. Dance is also used as a way to connect to the spirit. Dancing in circles, the use of hand drums to create the beat. Fire, either as a prop and or the center of the dance. To bring the rain during a drought, to motivate warriors during a time of war, or to chase away disease and sickness. To connect with and learn from ancestors, while learnDance incorporates the entire body. Working the ing the history and legends of the tribe. Dance is and muscles and getting the heart rate up. Like Yoga, was an integral part of their daily lives. dance can be used for meditation. In moving and exercising, the body is removing the fight or flight response which in turn, allows the body to relax. When incorporating dance with spirituality, one can focus So take a cue from our ancestors and incorporate on channelling energy through the body’s Chakra sys- dance into your daily life. Mix dance into your extem, using the movement to connect the body and ercise routine, spiritual practice, as well as learning spirit. By bringing in healthy energy into the body your ancestral roots. Or simply lose yourself to music after a long and eventful day. one replaces negative energy brought on by stress.


Book Review



earching for Mooneyes is the story of my life journey, initially hearing my Spirit guide Mooneyes speak to me at the age of three, to the point where I now channel information from the Spirit world to help others.

me kept me searching, kept me on the lookout for positive and healing ways to deal with my problems. The keys became Counselling/ Meditation, Hypnotherapy and using Tarot as a tool to give and receive guidance.

I have been very fortunate in my life to have lived in some remarkable countries. Life as ‘Angie ‘began in Bombay India. Along with my family and due to my fathers job in an overseas bank we lived in Iran and various places around the Middle East then Hong Kong then UK.

Each and every experience I have ever had, has a bearing on who I am meant to be today. I have no need to ‘Search ‘any more for that work is done. The next part of my life is to enable others to unharness their potential, to have the most fulfilling life that they possibly can for the good of all mankind. Enabling ‘Soul Evolution’ is a huge part of my work.

The book was written in my mid thirties, when the timing was right I was led to a Spiritualist Temple in Southsea, Portsmouth, England. I discovered that the gift of sight I had always had, had a name and that other people were able to receive messages from the spirit world too! In time I would be called a ‘ Medium’ and use my gifts to help others. When I look back at my life as a traveller searching all over the globe and being led along all sorts of trails I have no regrets whatsoever. Now that I have taken the time to understand my gift, I have something I can help others with, all the painful, confusing and difficult experiences make enormous sense. If I had had an easier life then I would not be able to relate or empathise during my work life with other people. It is a privilege to be able to sit and do readings, to bring comfort and allow the clients I interact with to have a clearer life path or purpose.

My biggest aim with the book is to raise awareness of The Lakota, an almost forgotten tribe at Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota whose people now struggle to survive on barren land. Too many atrocities were committed against the Original Indigenous tribal people when European settlers arrived and forcibly destroyed a remarkable culture and way of life. Thankfully their Spirit remained strong and they were not completely annihilated.

I had very little clue of how tragic circumstances had been for the tribal nations of what is now known as North America. If I can do one positive thing with my story then it would be to get the truth of what happened to the indigenous people recognised. We are all sharing one beautiful planet, there is much wisdom to be learned from the original ways that once blended us with nature.I was led by my Spirit There are many layers to the Mooneyes story. I had guide to revisit Wounded Knee to open me very little understanding of past life trauma or how up to the travesty of that remarkable history. it might affect one detrimentally during another incarnation, that one might carry the trauma It would be fulfilling to hope that my words could into ones new life in order to release the karma. uplift people to recognise just how much beauty I had very little clue at the begining of my life there is in this world, that they have a vital purpose that family members could have such a huge whilst they are here. We are all unique, we all impact upon ones behaviour patterns and how have gifts and love to share with each other. one related to others. Something deep within 28 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

‘Searching for Mooneyes’ is available at I currently have a small website: Please visit for spiritual information. If you are interested in a reading with me contact me via email at: Mitakuye Oyasin. We are all connected Blessed be!


Reading For the next couple of issues we are publishing the complete book “The City of Light” written by Anthony John. The city of light is about creating an eco-society that lives with both ethical and spiritual values in Glastonbury, UK.

Anthony John (Founder of the ‘City of Light Project UK’) Donations To The City of Light Project<> Telephone +44 (0)1458 831 640 Mobile +44 (0)7926 604133 Click Here to get ‘The City of Light Book’ on Amazon<>


Chapter 12 – Q & A’s and Resources Q. – What are the different dimensions and how can I learn about them? A. – One of my greatest mentors has without doubt been Suzanne Lie PhD, her work is very inspiring and she has personally helped me cre-ate this vision. Sue shareas her work freely on he internet and here are the links to my initial stud-ies. I suggest you take it step by step and really soak it all in, for certain your awreness will ex-pand incredibly go to

Q. – Why the Glastonbury Visitors Centre? A. – The vision is both flexible and fluid, it rep-resents an ideal, something to aim for. Glastonbury is, as you may be aware, considered by many as being the spiritual heart of the UK and many people travel there to share a spiritual path. There are also many festivals that bring hundreds of thousands of visitors to Glastonbury so being where like minded people gather makes a lot of sense and, the seeds, as we call them, are more likely to be around that space and join our Family. Glastonbury also could be the perfect place to create the ‘First Family’. A home where a group of people live together to work on a common vi-sion. Getting the first ‘Family’ together to create the ‘City of Light Visitors centre’ and maintain it whilst growing the ‘Family’ is our first challenge and will be a great example to others of what’s possible.

Q. - Why are you naming this project, this vision, ‘The City of Light’? A. - Who ‘we all really are’, is our own light and the unconditional love of everything that is. As multidimensional beings our 5th dimensional ex-perience is of our ‘light’ body as opposed to our 3rd dimensional physical body experience. With the ascension of the planet to the 5th dimension in 2012 we, that’s Mother Earth and all her life, will become as one in a 5th dimensional experi-ence. If you saw the film ‘Avatar’, Pandora is an example of a planet in a dimension or two about that which Earth is currently held in.

Q. - What is your most important reason, your key personal driver, for doing this? A. – It’s my journey; other incarnations have seen me as a leader, a warrior and a priest at the cutting edge of change. The carnation of this life, at this time, is no coincidence; it’s my mission along with others to help and support those ready to ascend with Mother Earth to the 5th di-mension.

Q. – If you had to sum up what you see as the average persons problems today, how would you do that and how does ‘The City of Light’ help people overcome those problems? A. – That’s a great question and it has a two part answer. Firstly most of us at some point in our life experience physical and or emotional pain. Few see the link between the two, in other words could you be open to the fact that physical pain actually derives from emotional challenges both past and present. If we open up to this possibility healing ourselves of both can become a reality. The Temple, and the work carried out in it, is for the express purpose of participating in your own healing. Part two is to educate ourselves to be-come more aware of our true potential, this means unlearning some of what we have learned and expanding our consciousness which we do best by experiencing it for ourselves. This is not about being a follower; it’s about realisation through education followed by personal experi-ence. All of this is at the core of what ‘The City of Light’ is about. 31

Q. - How specifically would the energy of ‘The City of Light’ differ from other cities? A. – Completely different – Life in the 5th di-mension is one of unconditional love. Humanities journey has seen it spend many mil-lennia in the lower dimensions, leaving humans searching outside of themselves for what you might call ‘intellectual love’ which is, of course, not love at all. When you walk the streets of a current modern city notice how you feel separate to everything, that’s a 3rd dimensional experience of separation and duality. The 5th dimensional ‘City of Light’ will feel as though everything and everyone is connected energetically.

Q. - Does it differ from existing eco communi-ties? A. – Yes and No – The communities I have vis-ited so far that are eco see the value of looking after and caring for Mother Earth beautifully but they are not necessarily aiming at living with a more expanded consciousness at the heart of their programme. The one exception is ‘The Fed-eration of Damanhur’ in Northern Italy. Their experience of 30+ years is proving invaluable to us as we move to create the ‘City of Light here in the UK. They are a beautiful community of around 800 people who have creates an eco soci-ety with both ethical and spiritual values.

Q. - How would the ‘moneyless city’ work? A. – This a great question and one I get asked regularly. I see becoming ‘moneyless’ as transi-tional. Of course we will have to trust in the moment and in the flow, and know that all is as it’s meant to be. The plan is to have a financial fund initially, held outside of the City which util-ises the energy of money that exists today. Slowly though our outcome would be to wean ourselves off this until we are totally independent and self sufficient and that we thrive in an abundant, moneyless place.

Q. - Are you planning for there to be no time in ‘The City of Light’ and if so how would that work? A. – Indeed yes! Time in the 3rd dimension is as we know and experience it. Think of your dream time and how that differs from your ‘awake’ time. We are conscious in our sleep time in the 4th di-mension hence we experience time very differently. Time in the 5th dimension is different again and once we are fully plugged into it, time as we know it now will not exist.

Q. - Specifically what foods would resi-dents/visitors eat? A. – To maintain a 5th dimensional experience we need to feed our physical bodies with what it can easily assimilate into usable energy. If we don’t do this our energy will drop as our bodies work hard to digest complex foods. Health is key to a 5th dimensional experience.

Q. - Would alcohol be allowed there? A. – Alcohol is one of the most difficult things for our physical bodies to assimilate. Added to this most people consume drugs of one sort or another to change their physical state. In the 5th dimension there’s no need for this as the 5th di-mensional state is higher than any drug can induce in a human 3rd dimensional state.


Q. - Could you outline more how the project is financed? A. – The simple answer is voluntary donations. The more complex question is what happens to the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ during the transitional time. Before I talk about that let me re emphasise that the long term plan is for the City to be money-less. I feel strongly about this as I watch the world, here in 2010, with its many financial chal-lenges and I contemplate on how it could be that its financial collapse could be the instigation of our transition to the 5th dimension. In our 3rd dimensional experience money plays a huge part. In fact I believe that money is energy itself. And, the energy of money is affected by the 3rd dimensional laws leaving us with the human experience of separation, and therefore the haves and have not’s. I believe that by raising both our individual and collective consciousness around money we can manifest into creation the abun-dance of whatever we need. So, as the City is incarnate in the 3rd dimension it will need 3rd dimensional money to purchase the initial materials and other resources it needs. Donations can either be a single donation or a regular donation that people feel drawn to make. Our outcome is for them to feel that they are con-tributing to become a part of the whole project for life. Sharing of our love energy or sharing of our knowledge or skill is another way of becom-ing part of the oneness on this great journey. For my part I have decided to share all of my time and gifts in exchange for a monetary contribu-tion and I will do this either by way of recorded material or in person. Where a person feels ‘called’ to fully commit to this 5th dimensional experience they may be pre-pared to give up their 3rd dimensional experience and resources and fully ‘move’ to become a resi-dent in the city. In other words they may decide to liquidate their 3rd dimensional assets to con-tribute to the creation of the city and for it to become their home for the rest of their time on Mother Earth. This finance is managed within the foundation, held outside of the city, and the-se funds, together with all donations, will fund ‘The City of Light’, its systems and its needs dur-ing its transitional period. I am committed to placing all my 3rd dimensional resources into this fund. If you would like to join me, as a ‘Founder Guardian’, and share in the responsibility for ‘managing’ the accumulated funds held within the foundation for the creation of the City please contact me so that we together can ensure that the transition is smooth and that it is moving quickly towards self sufficiency.

Q. - How are the bills paid once people live in the city? A. – Once you live in the City there are no bills; the Founder Guardians oversee that all the City’s needs are met by funds held in its foundation un-til we become a moneyless society.

Q. - What do you see as the importance of having an ‘Exhibition’? A. – Our 3rd dimensional ego is very powerful and whilst it is easy to see the advantage of living an ego free experience it is not simple for most humans to just ‘let it go’. The Exhibition helps the ego to logically make sense of everything so that it can let go of the futility of its protection system and allow itself to awaken to its higher consciousness and experience all that is.

Q. - Do you see ‘The City of Light’ being just for the spiritually evolved? A. – Certainly not, there are many humans right now on the edge of awakening; these open people are of course welcome to come and share in the City’s higher dimensional healing energy and continue that individualised experience of awak-ening to the oneness of higher consciousness. If people wish to come and reside in the City, part of their journey will be a period of acclimati-sation within 33

its eastern sector where they can be schooled, participate in their own healing and prepare themselves for full City life if indeed they feel that this works for them. To be one of the founder guardians a person must feel that they have already reached a level of ‘awakening’ to 5th dimensional consciousness.

Q. - How many people do you see living there? A. – There is no set number, the City’s location will accommodate its growth.

Q. - What would a typical day be for a resident? A. – Depending on which part of the City you live in, your day will be taken up by giving to yourself, by continuing your healing where nec-essary through study and practice, and by giving of yourself to others wherever and whenever necessary.

Q. - How many visitors might you expect? A. – Numbers are not important, those that are drawn will come; there is no attachment in the 5th dimension.

Q. - What would a typical residential visitors ex-perience be? A. – Peace, love and harmony within oneself, connection with others, time in and connection with nature and all other life forms, including Mother Earth and through her to a higher level of consciousness.

Q. - What might that cost them? A. – Visitors are open to giving up and letting go of holding onto their 3rd dimensional resources in exchange for the ultimate human ‘being’ expe-rience.

Q. - What do you believe is the timescale from planning to building and to ‘the first sunrise’? A. – Again, time itself is not important. As the energy towards the creation of the City grows momentum will be gained and everything will happen as it’s meant to. It may not be exactly as it’s written here as whilst a plan may be essential in the 3rd dimension it’s certainly not necessary in the higher dimensions; here, everything is as it’s meant to be, in the flow of all that is.

Q. - What might a day in ‘The Temple’ look like? A. – The Temple is a serene place, a place of truth, trust and let go. A day visitor may come only to bathe in its energy, to experience the peace, joy and inner love that as humans we all have at our source. Healing itself takes an inde-terminate time finally allowing us to awaken to all that is. A day visitor will glimpse the potential of this for themselves as well as the experience of the oneness of the 5th dimension.


Based on an ‘Atlantean Temple’ the fol-lowing gives a good visual as well as a feel of the Temple - The Atlantean Temple of Healing was a circular building. The only light which penetrated the Temple came through a vast dome on the roof. This dome was adjust-able so that sunlight, either pure or filtered, could pour in through the roof whenever re-quired. The dome could also be closed so that no sunlight could enter the Temple at all. The entrance to the Temple was rectangular. It was built of white, glistening stone; stone which looked as if it were filled with mica and colour, and the heavy crossbeam of stone which spanned the doorway had sculptured upon it a white swan with its noble head raised upwards, moving gracefully outward. There were groups of pillars composed of the precious white stone, which was bendable but could not be broken, which were moulded to form a perfect circular upright, and the steps were rectangular, in the same white glistening stone as the building itself. There were no gates, or walls to guard its gar-dens. The gardens were filled with blossoms; great beds of marigolds in their season, tulips, sunflowers, and many of the small, sweetly-perfumed roses. All gave of their glory for the healing of the people. Just inside the entrance was a large Timekeeper Crystal. This powerful crystal protected the Temple from any harmful vibrations and negativity. It would not allow any person to pass inside the Temple unless that person had a genuine - and pure - reason for doing so. The crystal knew every-thing; nothing could be hidden! Within the entrance there was a large hallway both to the right and left. Round the central cir-cle were to be found two wide passages leading to the three special temples, which were to be found at the far end of the central building. These temples were also circular. They were not entered, nor was there any entrance, from the main temple, but the entrances were through doorways heavily curtained, opening upon the-se passages, which stretched to the right and the left of the main temple. The central circular temple was a small special temple, where the healers studied and were trained, and on the right of that temple was the Temple of Teaching; on the left was the Temple of Research - not research in the sense that we use it today in connection with material things, but research into all which concerned the heal-ing of the body and soul. All the teaching was undertaken in the Temple of Teaching. All the training of the healers, where they were used as instruments and were not required to make use of their mind or brain, was undertaken in the third Temple. Students who came to the Temple of Healing were obliged to become proficient in one of these arts, and were allocated and placed, either in the Temple of Teaching, in the Temple of Heal-ing or in the Temple of Research. They were not allowed to follow the three courses at once; they had to prove their proficiency in their first choice before they were permitted to take a sec-ond course, in one of the other temples. The central Temple of Healing was built over a Lake, and you will find its counterpart very of-ten today in the swimming pools which can be covered by a wooden floor, but in this case the floor was of amethyst, warm to the touch of na-ked feet, and radiant with light and power. At the entrance to the central temple were the robbing rooms for the priest healers, the stu-dents and the novices; all built of glistening white stone, and, although austere, very beauti-ful in harmony of colour and design. Between the robing rooms, which were very similar to cubicles one would find in Swimming Baths, was a passageway where there were fur-ther cubicles which were used for the cleansing and purification of the clients’ bodies. 35

Healing, in the time of Atlantis, did not take place in a matter of a few minutes as is the case today; a client would be required to visit the Temple many times for the purification of their physical body. Their hair was cut to the nape of their neck during their period of healing and, following baths in plain spring water, they passed through baths of perfumed warm water, before being given the white linen robe, in which they had to appear before their healer. In the first of the smaller chambers of healing, the client had to pass through the purification of the etheric body, and there, the healers, with their powers of clairvoyance and intuition, strengthened by their service in the Temple, would look for any dark places, or lack of light in the chakra and in the etheric body as a whole. The client would only be permitted to go for-ward into the next healing chamber when the priest-healer in charge of this particular room could report that the client’s etheric body was completely cleansed and full of light. In the next cubicle most of the clients would spend very much longer than in the first one, for here the weariness of the mind must be released, and as the mind relaxed and the body, in har-mony, relaxed, the client would talk to his teacher, telling him of the anxieties that troubled him and the weariness of the soul which op-pressed him. This is akin to what today we call psycho-analysis and it can be a very long proc-ess indeed. The work, therefore, undertaken in this mental room was of a truly specialized na-ture. Only the greater - and more experienced - priests handled these clients, and many hours of the day were given up to complete relaxation and pleasant conversation, and the eating of fruits for the cleansing of the physical body. In particular the clients would drink citrus fruit juices and spring water, which played an im-portant role in the overall healing process. When the client had passed all the necessary tests, he would move out of this second temple and into the temple for the healing of the physi-cal body, but not until the negative side of his personality - hatred, jealousy, envy and selfish-ness - had been completely overcome; for as long as any envy, hatred, or jealousy agitates within the mind, the body cannot be considered whole and cleansed. In the great central temple there were three dai-ly healing sessions. In a gallery which ran round the temple below the level of the win-dows, were men and women students, who were taught wonderful music and singing, and in this gallery they would sing rhythmic chants and spiritual songs whilst the healing sessions were taking place in the temple below. Twelve healers under one tutor-priest worked upon twelve clients at any one time. The beds, upon which the clients lay, were erected on white marble, built like rectangular boxes; the top was also made out of the same precious stone which could not be broken or cut, and each bed was composed of the stone of one colour, representing one ray. When the client left the last healing room, he was given a six-pointed star in the colour of the bed which he must occupy. This star he would give to the priest in charge of the clients of the temple, and it was strapped upon his forehead by the priest so that the moment he entered the great healing chamber, the healer-priest who belonged to that particular healing table would welcome his client. As soon as the client lay upon the healing table, the radiations of his aura would project, as an emanation round his head and body, thus light-ing up the whole of the corner of the room where he was lying, and opening for himself the power to absorb the ethers from the soil and the sur-rounding light ethers. If, however, the client was not able to radiate these ethers, then the healers standing beside that particular bed would stand motionless in meditation, until all the other eleven clients had been treated by their healers, and the client would then have to return to the preparation on the mental plane, to learn a fur-ther period of relaxation. This rarely occurred though because normally all the clients were prepared and completely re-laxed by the time that they reached the great healing chamber. 36 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

There were four healers to each bed; the Priest Initiate on the right, the second priest on the left, the third and fourth priests at the feet. The Priest Initiate directed the healing and the two priests at the feet poured power through the cli-ent’s feet from the palm of their hands. Each healer wore a robe of the colour of his own ray, and a cloak over his shoulders, also of the same colour. During the healing session this cloak, taken by the corners, would be turned back fastening at the hem by a jewelled clasp. When the healing session was completed, the clients were allowed to enjoy a period of re-laxation for approximately thirty minutes. At the end of this period the healers would leave their clients and the priest-in-charge of the Temple would lead the clients back to the robing room, where they would be given a meal of hon-ey in the comb, crushed corn and milk, and sent away to their own homes.

Chapter 13 – Application Forms to Join The Programme We trust you have enjoyed this vision and at some level it is calling you, either to join the pro-ject as part of our growing ‘Support Family’ or indeed to look to be considered as a member of the First Family and come to live and share with us in Glastonbury. To apply to be part of our extended ‘Support Family’ you can join the project on trial for one month for just £1 you do so by going to this link and filling in the form On joining you will have immediate access to the ‘Expand towards Enlightenment’ experiential education programme including access to the 1st video and book. You will also receive a link to an exclusive interview with the books author Susan Caroll. With the first few days of joining the programme you will also receive an e-mail from your mentor looking for a mutually convenient date and time for your introductory session where you can get to know each other and ask any questions you may have. Once you have completed book 3, you can, if you choose, become a mentor yourself to others join-ing the programme, just ask your mentor for details… As a member of the Support Family you also get the following •

20% Discount on All Trips + Priority Booking on (Trips & Events)

Regular News & Progress Updates – Invita-tion to All City of Light Events

As soon as it’s open – access to the City of Light experiences in Glastonbury.

• You also get an opportunity to be part of the crew at the Glastonbury Experience and any City of Light Events, subject to invitation. It is important to remember that joining the pro-ject is a powerful way to become part of a new generation of people committed to growing themselves while serving others on their journey at the same time - it cost just £27 per month and you can cancel at any time all proceeds go to the City of Light foundation and the project of sup-porting and building the City of Light. Applying to Join the City of Light ‘First Family’ in Glastonbury If you wish to be considered to join the City of Light ‘First Family’ here in Glastonbury please fill in the application form. You can do this on-line by downloading the vision and copy and pasting the form into an e-mail and sending it to To be considered for a place in the ‘First Family’ you must be on the Educational Programme first. Many Blessings Anthony John – Founder of the City of Light UK 37

Shamballa Bracelets

Special offer for Mystik Way readers Get one custom made!

If you would like a trendy handmade Shamballa Bracelet as pictured below, made with semi-precious beads, email me and let me know which beads you would like from a choice of – Black Onyx, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Haematite or Amethyst. All beads are 8mm and are woven on 2mm nylon cord. You can have the bracelet all one stone (like the tigers eye pictured below) or a mixture of beads from the list above. Just email me at your bracelet will be hand made and then listed for you to purchase in my online shop. Cost per bracelet is £9 (very competitive price – check out other sites, these attractive macramé bracelets can sometimes be quite overpriced!), plus shipping. Enjoy the power of Shamballa! Jenny Spirit x

hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the back.

We are now able to offer advertising space in our magazine to help with the running costs.

The magazine will always be free to read and download. Costs are £5 per half page £10 per full page per month. Please email me on 38 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

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...Issue 23 will be out in March 2013


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