Mystik Way Magazine 23

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Eating for

The Art of


of the Soul


Tarot: Your Birthday Card

The Power and Benefits of Grounding yourself inspired writing, ANimal and Plant Totems, POEMS and more...



The Movement of Soul Creating a

Magikal Persona

Project Avalon

Contents 3

Welcome to issue twentythree


Ostara and Mabon


Project Avalon


The Art of Manifestation Part 1 of 3


Inspired Writing - Spring


Alchemy of the Soul


Mystik Way Healing Link


The Power and Benefits of Grounding yourself


Your Tarot Birthday Card


Tarot Card of the month: New Beginnings

24 Animal & plant of the month, Black Panther and Forsythia

Alchemy of the Soul | 10


The Movement of Soul


Magickal Herbs - Parsley


Poem: Mum’s Caribou Mangoes


Eating for Enlightenment


Creating a Magikal Persona

Eating for Enlightenment | 26 If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation to help us along the Path.

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EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | MAGAZINE DESIGN Simone Schreck ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEB PRODUCER Simone Schreck CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Sue Hayes, Richard Hayes, Peta Panos, Michelle Mahoney, Terssa Welsh, Jennifer Adele, Sugar C. De Vika, William C.

Welcome to issue 23 March Well we here in the northern hemisphere are now heading towards the Spring Equinox as those in the Southern head into their Autumn, whichever it is for you the Equinox’s are always a time of Great celebration…I can assure you we here are very good at celebration, enjoying every opportunity to do so & our diary is always full…. Remember it’s the journey not the destination that is important as we travel along this Magikal highway we call Life. We are now increasing our content with articles on Herbs & enlightened eating…as its quite fine that we practise ritual…meditation etc but we also need to pay attention to our everyday habits such as diet & the way in which we view food…how it is grown/treated…what nutritional values it has…(we cannot operate on an optimum healing/ritual level if our physical body is polluted.) Also what are we contributing to the Planet & eco system in a positive way……we here are starting a new project concerning this, of which I will reveal further on in the magazine.

Many Blessings for a great Equinox, MystikMaster 3

Ostara &Mabon Spring/Autumn Equinox 20 th/ 21st March. For the northern hemisphere, winter starts to lose its icy grip of the people & the land…Life begins to return but still this month can remain cold & blustery, still with the possibilities of further snowfall…But it is time to celebrate, decorate your Alter with bright fresh spring flowers such as Daffodils depicting the yellow/gold of the Sun, green & yellow candles, use some fresh smelling incense….. Invite your friends & loved ones for a feast…much food & wine….if possible spend some time in the countryside/forest walking beforehand to build the energies…time to celebrate the return of the Sun & planning all the new adventures for the coming Summer. For the southern hemisphere Mabon, time to gather in the harvest as the Darker nights draw in… spend time reflecting on the past summer months….giving thanks for all you have received & enjoyed….spend time with loved ones & friends by warm a raging fire exchanging stories. Decorate your Altar with the fruits & vegetables of the year…red candles….strong incense, feast with fine food & wine…make new plans for the next Summer. Whichever hemisphere you dwell in, celebrate to the full…give thanks to Mother Earth for the abundance also to the Universe for allowing you to be a part of it. Many Blessings, let the celebrations begin.


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ystik Way ritual group has decided with much prompting after seeing the recent news concerning the food chain & the diabolical state that is in (not just the meat side as it appears we cannot trust even the vegetable side of it)…We are going to turn my court yard into a vegetable/herb & fruit plot called Project Avalon, all veg/herbs fruit will be grown by us starting from scratch…we will use sun & moon planting systems….rituals & music/mantra to aid growth….no chemicals….completely organic and above all completely Spiritual… For quite a few years now we have been producing our own wine, much pleasure is gained from the gathering, the preparation as well as the drinking… also there are only our own vibrations involved all the way through the process…..during which we gain a great deal of mother earths healing & energy. Starting with the April issue number 24 of the Mystik Way we will chronicle each month our progress with photo’s & updates, hopefully encouraging others to follow suit

MystikMaster 5


Part 1 of 3

by James Middleditch

Introduction This new three-part series is called The Art of… Across the next few Issues, I want to suggest some ways in which art and creativity can enhance our lives. Using my own experiences as a basis, I want to show how art can be a powerful, ritualistic tool which focuses the mind, enhances the spirit, and encourages magic to happen. In this first part, we explore the fundamental idea of manifestation, and how the very nature of art is magical.

Art as Ritual How wonderful that one way in which you can express your beliefs is through art and creativity. Instead of passively receiving the work of others, you can create your own works, whether these be pictures, sculptures, jewellery or decorative objects. Without any need for any formality or rules, creative activities can become as powerful as any ritual. Consider the similarities : you intend to create an effect, so you gather tools and materials to aid you enable this to happen. You concentrate on putting these ingredients together in the correct order. You focus upon and integrate different elemental forces. You add the crucial, life giving energy of spirit. Something is created which was not there before; the world is slightly different as a result. Is this not the definition of magic itself? All you have to decide is when, where, and who (if anyone!) is with you. Ritual is usually focused, and this is one of the most productive ingredients in any creative act. So, allow yourself the time to do it. Set aside a period that will allow you space to create. Look forward to it, and prepare for it. If others are involved, build the excitement together, so that it is a true celebration of the creative act, which by its nature is a celebration of life itself. 6 |


I can recommend the way we do it here – we call it Art Day! We hold this on the same Saturday each year, which happens to be the last in November, when here in the UK the cold and wet weather has set in, and the darkness comes early. It’s a perfect time to gather together and share the warmth of company, food, drink, and our creative pursuits. Our kind host knows to expect a bit of a mess, and we arrive prepared with projects to work on. Throughout the day, magic happens, and by the end, art has been created. Some is great, and we admire it. Some may have come out a bit wonky, and so we laugh. Some we work on together, and we feel proud and unified. Some we leave until next time, but we don’t worry about this. Because Art Day is about manifestation – we have chosen to create, and by joining our ingredients and infusing them with spirit, we have done so.

Spiritual Art While it is wonderful to have a talent in a particular aspect of art, it should be noted that one is not required in order to create the fun and magic of a particular creation. Experiment. Let go of judgement. Creation is its own reward, and the Universe doesn’t criticise or denigrate our work; it is just pleased we are doing it at all. Here are some simple ideas, using basic spiritual systems as a trigger for some projects you could try.

Elemental art : The four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, lend themselves well to artistic manifestation. Each brings to mind such varied colours, shapes and designs. Painting, particularly in abstract forms, suits them well, but I have also experimented with clay, creating three-dimensional models of each element for my altar. I used a different coloured glitter for each one too, and they are a vivid reminder to me of the different qualities each one brings. Something I


have yet to do, but want to try, is to create some art Sharing our Art that explores the mysterious fifth element of Spirit, in a fifth piece that somehow incorporates elements of Even if art is a solitary pursuit, it’s nice to show it off. Feel free to post your work on our Facebook group. the main four. Let us know what projects you are undertaking – perhaps you could arrange your own Art Days and then share the fruits of your work. Above all though, Sabbat art : A bigger project is to consider each of have fun; art can lift us out of the mundane necessities the eight points on the Wheel of the Year, which or our darker moments, and remind us that new things are celebrated as ‘sabbats’ in many pagan-based can always be created, and that we ourselves can be practices. These are the two solstices, two equinoxes, the agents of this creation. and four mid-points between them. Details on the dates, qualities and imagery for each of these are easily found, and they lend themselves well to tokens or objects that can be rotated throughout the year, to Next time… The Art of Memory… ideas on how to emulate the turning of the Wheel. I decided to map record our journey through life… the sabbats through a series of small candle holders; I painted simple designs on each one with glass paint, and I have the appropriate one on display throughout the year. On the celebration days themselves, or when I want to remind myself of the qualities, I light the candle inside.

Iconic art : Some of the most exciting art is dedicated to one iconic aspect of your spiritual path, whatever it happens to be. This is where much energy and effort can be focused on one project, possibly through the collaboration of a group, in which each member contributes a part of the task. Each year at Art Day, we create a cloth hanging that explores an aspect that has become, or is becoming, important to us in our continuing exploration of various spiritual paths. One year, we made an altar cloth, to which each of us contributed a Hebrew letter. Another year we created a Green Man, to which we all added our own leaf designs. Another year, we mapped the Tree of Life, and have since used it as a teaching and learning tool as we have explored its pathways. Such projects keep these traditional forms of spirituality alive and evolving; each manifestation is different, unique, special to the person or people who have made it. This does not make the representation imperfect or wrong, it makes it more powerful and alive. I think of this when I look at the Goddess statue I recently made, having been inspired by the Goddess imagery of Glastonbury; she may not be a perfect piece of art, but she is unique and special to me! There are many other spiritual systems that could inspire your art – planets, tarot cards, angels and so on. There is enough to fill a lifetime, and beyond!

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E R I P S IN ayes e By Su


As I Spiritualist Medium, I channel inspired writings dictated from the Spirit World, usually in the form of Spiritual Guidance.

Spring When the season of Spring come to your earth you will know it has arrived. Firstly you will notice the vibrancy of the colours when they appear in the camellias and crocuses, followed by the golden glow of the daffodils. This is followed more subtly in the luminous magnolias and the gentle primroses or grape hyacinths. You will see the trees awakening with their fresh green foliage which heralds new beginnings, and you will also have a renewed energy and feel invigorated by the sun.

enfolded by a warmth of love rarely felt on earth, and you will know that you have arrived in your true home.

You can tap into the wonders and beauties of the spirit world while you are still on earth, by setting aside time to attune yourself to spirit – on your own or in your circles. As you meditate on the divine power of love and light and the power of creation, you will be given glimpses of the beauties and wonders of the spirit world, glimpses of what The contrast between this new and awaits you at the end of your earthly life. fresh world and the darker and barren season Take time to see the beauty and of winter in your part of the world, can be compared to the difference between your life vibrancy that appears to you in the season and experience on earth and the vibrancy and of spring time, and be reminded of the love energy of the spirit life when you leave the which comes to you from spirit, giving you darkness, the stress and the hassle behind you the energy to start and achieve great things on earth. You will find yourself in a world while you are on earth. We are always there to of radiant love and luminosity. You will be encourage you and help you. Blessings.


Alchemy of the Soul

By Richard Hayes (Warlockway)


he origin of Alchemy is veiled in the mists of time, but the first reference to it as the pursuit of an enlightened elite goes back to the early centuries AD, and the land of Egypt and the city of Alexandria. Alexandria was a hotbed for new ideas and learning, based on the Gnostic and Hermetic Traditions which flourished in that city. The city is best known for its Library, which contained the wisdom of the Ancient World, and was tragically lost in a fire when the city was being invaded. A substantial amount of this knowledge was however preserved, and this knowledge, which included early alchemical texts, was translated into Arabic and then transported by the Moors (learned Arabs) during their migration through North Africa to eventually reach the south of Spain in the 12th Century.

was seen as Water – which dissolved matter, and allowed it to reform on heating. By the careful blending, dissolving, heating and distillation, the Alchemist tried to refine the inner nature of matter, so that new materials, such as Gold, could be created. In the 21st century, we now know about the atomic structure of matter and the way Chemistry (the successor of Alchemy) works. It is now known that to change one element into another, it requires the atomic breakdown of the atoms of that element, to transform it into another element by atomic fusion.

This knowledge seems to render the work of the Alchemist to be fundamentally futile, and this would be true if the process of Alchemy was just physical, and that the alchemists – in their search for Gold, had not pursued their work as a Philosophical Quest, exploring the Southern Spain was a centre for many spiritual nature of creation and the meaning of displaced and learned Jews, who were studying human existence. the Ancient Texts and were developing a The ancient process of Alchemy, can magical philosophy based on the Kabbalah. be seen as an allegory of the Evolution of In its traditional form, Alchemy is the use of Human Spirituality, where the base matter of Chemistry to turn base material such as Lead normal human consciousness is transformed into Gold. In the ancient world, matter was into spiritual gold - as human consciousness assumed to be comprised of five elements – symbolically progresses through the various Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Ether. These five stages of alchemical transformation. elements were not just physical, but ethereal The true search of the alchemist was not and spiritual, and in different combinations - formed the different types of matter. The for gold, but for the Philosopher’s Stone – Alchemist also considered matter to contain that mystic substance, which could not only a combination of Sulphur - associated with transform base metals into gold, but also Fire (the combustible aspect of matter), Salt - enable the creation of the Elixir of Eternal associated with Earth (the solidity of matter), Life. This substance, which was both spiritual and Mercury – associated with Air (the innate and physical, was said to contain the essence intelligence of matter). The universal solvent of life. It was the product of many stages of 10 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE


alchemical refinement, starting with base matter and then breaking it down into its basic elements, and then finally recombining them to form the Philosopher’s Stone. These stages are known as Dissolution and Coagulation, Disintegration and Bonding, Distillation and Condensation, which finally resulted in the combination of opposites (Systole and Dyasole) to form the perfect substance. This final stage called Conjunctio, is the combining of the male and female principles, and the Marriage of Heaven and Earth. It can be seen from this description of the alchemical process, that it is apparent that the Great Work attempted, is not only physical but spiritual. As part of this process, the alchemist recorded his work systematically, and over the ages, this has been presented in many symbolic texts and pictorial diagrams, depicting the Mountain of Spiritual Knowledge, the Sun and Moon, Male and Female figures, the Black Raven, the Swan, the Peacock and the Red & Green Lion. All of these symbols represent aspects of the Mystical Teachings contained in the texts. Each of these stages represented by these symbols contains a spiritual message, and the finding of the Philosopher’s Stone can only be achieved by the blending of the nature of the four elements of matter, with the elusive essence of the Spirit (Ether). Just as the alchemist searched carefully for the most appropriate base material, so it is important that the right candidate is found, who is ready and willing to undertake a path of spiritual development. As in the Black (nigredo) Phase of Alchemy, where base material is broken down into its basic components, the Aspirant has first to let go of outdated ideas, to allow new spiritual concepts to form in their consciousness. In the early stages of development, the student becomes aware of the different characteristics of the elements, blending the enthusiasm and drive of Fire with the sensitivity and psychic 12 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

perception of Water, and the intellect of Air with the material consciousness of Earth. This blending and development of the awareness of the elements leads to further study and self development. At this stage, the student is introduced to the concept of the interplay of male and female energies in creation, and it is the marriage of these complementary attributes in the Aspirant which helps to create the aspiring Adept. The last stage of the process results in Alchemical Silver (the Moon) and Alchemical Gold (the Sun), and these can only be produced if the elusive element of Ether (Spirit) is introduced into the process by the creation of the Philosopher’s Stone. By this process, the Aspirant learns to express both male and female characteristics, which must be blended together in his nature by the power of spiritual consciousness to form the complete person. As we work on our Spiritual Nature we develop our Soul, which is the vehicle for our spirituality in this incarnation, and eventually, like the alchemists of old, we will discover the immortality of our spiritual selves, which is the Elixir of Eternal Life. In the Picture, the Alchemist’s laboratory shows on the left side the distillation of Water (female spirituality) under the influence of the Moon, and on the right side the ignition of Sulphur in a test tube representing Fire (male spirituality) under the influence of the Sun. In the centre, a crucible is being heated to form the Philosopher’s Stone, from which emerges the Enlightened Soul of the Perfected Alchemist.

MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINK Every evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS” The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing. Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth. We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds… their bodies….and their souls. This is our mission….our work. Blessings MystikMaster.



The power and benefits of grounding yourself by Peta Panos I

f you want to feel more present, calm, balanced, focused and peaceful then grounding yourself on a regular basis is essential. Ideally, you should ground yourself first thing in the morning, before you go to sleep and any other relevant time during the day. Grounding yourself is the basis for all meditations, although the process can be used on its own and once you have identified your preferred method, you can literally ground yourself in minutes.

and any negative emotions and in return, absorb nurturing healing energy. There are many benefits to grounding yourself on a regular basis. These include:

· Feeling less scattered, overwhelmed.



· Releasing other people’s energies and emotions. · Being more present and centered. · Feeling more connected to your physical body and the earth. · Reducing Stress. · Increased creativity. · Feeling more relaxed, calm, peaceful and connected to the Earth. · Increased energy and vitality.

As we exist in a mass consciousness, the more sensitive you are, the more you will pick up the energy and emotions of other people. When this is added to your own “stuff”, it can be overwhelming and even difficult to discern if the emotions you are feeling, are even your own. So, if you are living in your head, stressed, overwhelmed, needing to confront a situation/ person or present yourself in a calm, confident manner, you will benefit greatly from knowing how to ground yourself effectively.

· Greater self-awareness and mental clarity. · Greater emotional and energetic balance. · Raising your consciousness and vibration. · Emotional release and healing.

There are many different techniques that you can use to ground yourself, so experiment with a few of them until you decide which one works best for you. All techniques will benefit from you closing your eyes and taking 3 deep breaths (in Essentially, grounding energetically connects you through the nose and out through the mouth) to the earth. Just like an electric plug that needs before you begin. to be grounded, when we connect to the energy of the earth, we are able to release stress, tension


My personal favorite technique is to imagine a huge oak tree in front of me. I look up the thick solid trunk into the branches and rich green leaves and imagine the smell of the earthy soil. Then, I focus on the strong root system of the tree and imagine that thick roots grow from the centre of the bottom of my feet, all the way to the centre of the earth and wrap around a huge rose quartz crystal.

Sacred Sites and magical places all around the world. For more information and an overview of the journeys on offer, please click here

Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys Email:

I allow my body to feel the effects of gravity and Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys as my body gets heavier, I visualize any negative emotions, blockages, stress and tension draining Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys through the roots and then see the energy being transmuted by the rose quartz crystal. Twitter: questjourneys I then see the light pink energy of unconditional love and healing moving up the roots and into my body through the souls of my feet until it permeates every cell of my body. Once my body is glowing with the healing nurturing energy of the earth, I expand it out into my aura so that I am cocooned in a bubble of pink energy. I rest here for a while and when I am ready, I open my eyes feeling grounded, present and ready to continue my day. Another technique is to visualize a pillar of light coming down from God/Source. The pillar of light surrounds your body and goes into the ground filling your physical body (through your Crown Chakra) and your energetic body with light, dissolving any blockages or dark patches until your body and aura is pulsating with light. You are now ready to ground yourself so imagine a thick hollow grounding cord with 2 halves to it going from the base of your spine (base chakra) deep into the centre of the earth. Release any remaining stagnant energy into the earth through the back half of the hollow cord and absorb life force and healing energy through the front half of the hollow cord. Whilst grounding techniques are simple and basic, many experienced energy and light workers forget to ground themselves as often as they should and really notice a huge difference when they go back to basics.

Where will you be going in 2013? We have an exciting range of Spiritual Quest Journeys to



Your TArot birthday card

by Michelle Amethyst Mahoney Tarot Art:


pril is almost here, which marks the real beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. I can’t wait to step outside in the warm sun and watch the Earth spring to life again.

done. If it’s not, add the individual digits together, like this: 3+8=11 Then look up that number, and whalah! You have your Major Arcana Birthday Card!

April is also the month of my birthday, and each year I do a few Tarot spreads on my special day. You’ve seen some, like the Wheel of the Year spread, in previous articles I’ve written here in Mystik Way. Today I want to share one of my favorite Tarot cards with you, that can help provide a lot of insight about your life – your birthday Tarot card. I’m going to use my birthday as an example, to show you how to arrive at your card. First, write down your birthday in numbers, including the year. My birthday is April 28, 1977. So I would write: 04/28/77. Those of you in European countries may write 28/4/1977. It doesn’t matter, as long as you have all of In this case, my Birthday Card is 11 Justice, the numbers. shown here from the Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marcetti. Now add up each of the digits like this: 0+4+2+8+1+9+7+7= 38 If the number is between 0 and 21, you’re 16 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

I had a lot of issues with this card over the years, until I came across this definition:

“Justice is about fairness. The person who believes in Justice believes that what you reap, you shall sow. What goes around, comes around, although Karma isn’t always quick enough.” I’d love to give credit for this definition, but it’s actually a conglomeration of things I’ve read, journaled about, and my own insights on this card over the years. Find your Birthday Card, and see what insights it can give you in your life. For a real treat, you can also add your year card, and see how the two interact. To do this, simply add up your birthday numbers for the current year. For example, because it is 2013, mine would be 4+2+8+2+0+1+3=20. Last year was a Sun year for me. This year, I have moved on to Judgement, shown here from the Gilded Tarot:

This used to also be a very difficult card for me, as I was raised in a fundamentalist Southern Baptist home, and grew wary of the hell-fire and damnation preaching style. However, Judgement is not just about judging people or being judged. It is about new beginnings, taking stock and evaluating your situation, and moving forward with what works best for you. This is exactly what I am doing in my business and my life. My husband and I packed everything up, moved across the country, and are really building a life that is exactly what we want. Put that together with the Justice Card, and this duo points to the Law of Attraction and really focusing on what you want in order to create a brighter future. Sometimes that means cleaving things that no longer serve you, whether that means jobs, location, or relationships. Judgement can be a difficult year, but it just means that 21. The World is right around the corner! Try checking in with your Birthday Tarot Card and pair it with your year card. What insights do you get? How does it apply to where you are in your life right now? Remember, if you don’t like the combination, it’s okay to look ahead to see what’s coming up. But always remember, the cards are there just to guide you. What happens in your life is really up to you. Amethyst Mahoney



March’s card: New beginnings T

his month is all about a new Journey that you are taking. This month we are releasing that which does not serve us a higher purpose and as you may be nervous and anxious about moving forward with this new journey please understand there is a reason for this new beginning.

With your New beginning you are taking the knowledge that you have obtained spiritually and also through your personal growth and will apply it as you step forward. This is a time of new beginnings, new relationships, new learning and also a new understanding of you, Let go of the fear, enjoy this discovery of you and as you do so you will see what you are capable of, and you will start to appreciate you and love you for who and what you are allowing new relationships to form, and new people into your life and as you have been on a journey of self discovery, the people around you will be drawn to you that match your energy therefore helping to serve your higher purpose Happy New Beginnings!

Please meet Rosalind: Rosalind was sketched by a very dear friend of mine Psychic Squirrel as I described her he was able to bring her to life for you to see here. Rosalind works with me and guides me, she connects with me for Healing and also messages and spirit guided writing, she give guidance on many levels and A very big part of my life. I hope her words are able to offer you guidance

Rosalind’ s words: Rosalind’s Words and Guidance In times of struggle with the mind, we feel that we must close it, but it is at these times we must open it more. You are receiving guidance and reassurance at a time in your life where you question the struggles you are facing. They are not struggles you are seeing them incorrect they are opportunities for these struggles as your mind views them, allows you to come ...from the darkness, gain your strength and reassurance and to see forward the light for you. Listen as your guided, and have trust and faith ensure your mind stays open, do not shut off your source keep walking the path and you will see before you what you perceive to be a struggle is actually an opportunity and progression stage do Not distrust your guidance or path! xxx Rosalind and Terssa xx


You can find me on Facebook: Terssa Welsh PsychicMedium.

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way magazine each month, please give consideration to making a small donation towards the running costs. Although Ed and Simi give their time freely, it is only right that they should be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses. To achieve this, the Mystik Way requires regular donations so that it can meet these expenses. If you can help, please donate to ‘Mystik Way’ by using the Donate Button. Many thanks if you can help. Warlockway – Treasurer to Mystik Way.


Animal and plant of the month with Jennifer Adele

Black Panther

The black panther is a melanistic color variant of the leopard, cougar, or jaguar. Wild black panthers in Latin America are actually black jaguars, in Asia and Africa they are a form of leopard, and in North America they may be black jaguars or possibly black cougars (although the cougar has not been proven to have a black variant yet). The panther is a very ancient and powerful totem. It embodies aggressiveness to a certain extent as well as personal power but without a solar influence. A panther›s power is traditionally lunar. People with a panther totem have the ability to do a variety of tasks at the same time when the occasion calls for it, as efficiency is a source of great pride. They also tend to be loners, and are typically very comfortable with themselves. Many times in their lives they may even find that they are drawn to other solitary people. It is a living pattern that is quite comfortable for them and allows them to maintain relationships without too much unnatural 20 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

effort. Panther people and those choosing to work with the black panther tend to be highly sensual as well. Passion, secrecy, and mystery are all a part of the elusive package. And, a predatory nature tends to gleam and beckon from the eyes of those who choose to follow the lead of the panther. If you choose to work with this power animal during the tempestuous month of March, it is very important to own a sense of personal power. You must also learn to pace your work and not push too hard in life. The panther seeks for those in its keep to learn these lessons thoroughly. Symbolism: sensuality, passion, secrecy, reclaiming personal power, predatory nature, ancient wisdom, nocturnal energy cycles.

Forsythia Forsythia is a genus of flowering plants found in the family Oleaceae (olive family). There are about 11 species, mostly native to eastern Asia, but one native to southeastern Europe. The common name also happens to be Forsythia; the genus is named after William Forsyth. Fascinating!

These early bloomers sport the vibrant yellow flowers that have become a fixture of our springtime dreams, and their flowers precede their leaves. Border forsythias are fast-growing shrubs with an upright and arching form. “Sunrise� forsythia, a slightly different strain, is more compact than many forsythia shrubs and is often used near a structure.

forsythia in herbal remedies for a variety of ailments, including colds and bronchitis. It is best known as a blood purifier.

Symbolism: good nature, innocence, anticipation, purification.

Although its medicinal use is not well known in the United States, it is highly esteemed in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese practitioners use the powdered fruit of the 21

The movement of Soul By Sugar C. De Vika



hysical movement has been connected to Mysticism for as along as history can remember. Yoga and the martial arts have carried this tradition through the ages. The affinity of body, mind and soul is key and taught in yoga through the use of dharma and in martial arts it is known as “Chi”. Both of these disciplines help focus the connection of the three to create something that is more than the sum of its parts. On the other end of the spectrum, is the ecstatic dance movement which takes it cues from the ancient Sufis. Instead of finding meditation thru inner physical control, its purpose is to let out this connection to literally, “exercise” your demons, and get the heart rate up. When one ecstatically dances, they lose themselves in the emotion and movement of the dance. It can be a safe way to express anger or fear and of course, happy emotions like joy and exuberance. Martial arts and yoga are a great way to find one’s inner strength; to build confidence by gently pushing the body past what one may have thought possible.

This too, is possible in ecstatic dance, though the point of the dance is more of an emotional release. To lose oneself in the moment, to forget about the world and day to day life and just celebrate being. Martial arts is more masculine in acts of separating from emotion, ecstatic dance is more feminine in its embrace of emotion and yoga lies somewhere in the middle. The three of them combined will allow a person to reach new depths and heights in their magical practice, by learning about themselves and their inner journey in a way that a single practice may not teach.




by William C. Snider

ey l s r a P ello, my name is William C. Snider. I am


happy to be writing this new monthly article on herbs. This is new and exciting for me. This project goes hand in hand with my own garden project I plan on doing with my daughter. I am open to suggestions and ideas, as the focus is on practical knowledge exchange of the old ways, in an every emerging technological society. With this said, I bring you parsley. Parsley is the first herb to be featured in the monthly articles on Herbs. There are pictures, different uses, and different names with the reference sources. The parts of parsley used are the leaves, stems, and seeds. The culinary uses for parsley are quite diverse. The leaves, when finely chopped, may be used in soups, casseroles, side dishes, and garnishes for the clean, crisp, fresh springtime flavor. Cleaning parsley is similar to spinach. Medicinally, parsley is as varied as its uses for cooking. The crushed leaves applied as a poultice may be used to help alleviate discomfort from insect bites, and used on possibly cancerous tumors. The root and seeds are used for teas to soothe the stomach, this the basis for it being a popular garnish. Another medicinal us is as a menstrual cycle, emenagogue. What makes parsley so useful from a medicinal standpoint, one asks. Parsley is an excellent source of: vitamin c, vitamin a, folic acid (heart health). Parsley is also known to help with joint pain, and is 24 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

also labeled as a “chemoprotective� food. Growing parsley is not difficult. From the research, a continuous supply may be achieved by sowing parsley 3 times a year. The first in February, the second in April/May, and the third in July/August. The germination period is relatively long for seeds at 2-5 weeks. The parsley seeds may be sown in drills or broadcast. Soaking the seeds for 24 hours prior will help shorten germination time. Soil should be well drained in full sun for 6-8 hours a day. The following are other named and technical names for the different varities of parsley. curly leaf - petroselinium crispum Italian flat leaf - petroselinium neapolitanum S. Amomum Hortense Hamburg - petroselinium tuberosum Japanese - cryptotaenia japonica I truly hope this was helpful. I look forward to the feedback to be used in future article. Thank you, Wil Snider. ~namaste Next month, Calendula. Parsley may be fatal to small birds, and rabbits travel to find it. As a final note, each individual is different. This is not medical advice, nor does it claim to be. Use the herb at ones own risk. Reference sites: the worlds healthiest foods, botanical. com, and University of Minnesota extension.

Mom’s Caribou Mangos My mom grew up dreaming of owning land Just enough to grow a few fruits and trees My dad whisking her away not the plan Beyond her dreams crossed many lands and seas Settled in a foreign place they both thrived Raising five children as well as two more Yet none of us ever feeling deprived Amazing how the world opened its door Only little brought from the Philippines Always shared the richness of our culture My dad provided us with all our means My mom still cannot believe such wonder Fruits of her labor so lovingly shared Her caribou mangos sweeter than honey Rainwater her secret along with care Priceless are her gifts—far more money To her, the highest praise you can bestow is to enjoy that succulent mango. . . . © Alma Joyce De La Cruz December 4, 2012 I took this picture in Mom’s Garden of Eden…in her backyard where she has raised more dwarf trees, of , cherimoya, persimmons, lemons, two kinds of guavas, calamansi, avocado, apples, oranges, bananas, pomelos, sugar cane, and we used to have plums and figs…her caribou mangoes her most prized of all her fruits…and honestly they taste like they were injected with sugar!



Eating for Enlig Greetings and Salutations! My name is Maritday aka Ama’ritday ~ The Sacred Health Doula. I am really excited to be writing this column for you all. Sharing what I love, helping people get informed is what I live to do. There is so much to learn, love, see taste and do. I want to be the torch that lights your fire within, Life starts with your spirit, your relationships, your job, your exercise I call this Primary Food and the food you eat is your secondary food. I want to share what I know about food, life, health and Spirit.


Apple Choy Slaw Directions: Prep time:

5 minutes

1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl.

Cooking time: 0 minutes Yields:

2. Prepare dressing in a bowl or shaker container and mix well.

3 people

3. Pour dressing over salad.

Ingredients: 5 stalks of bok choy, chopped 1 granny smith apple, sliced 1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced 1/2 cup alfalfa sprouts (optional) Dressing: 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice) 2 teaspoons honey or brown rice syrup 1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1/4 cup olive oil Salt and black pepper to taste

4. Eat immediately. If you are going to serve the salad later on, add the apples just before serving to prevent them from browning. Notes: · Try cabbage instead of bok choy or carrot

slices instead of onion. · Add fresh herbs such as cilantro, parsley, mint

or scallions. · Double the dressing ingredients and use on

leftover grains.


ghtenment Let me take a moment and tell you a little about who I am and what I do.

Treatments, such as, Integrated Energy Therapy and Violet Alchemy Healing.

Me Personified----->Ama’ritday ~ I am Fabulous Foodie, a Domestic Eco Diva, a WAHM, a Wife, a Pre & Post Natal Doula, an Ordained Minister, an Organic Aesthetician, a Green Life/Beauty Blogger, a Safe Food/Cosmetic Activist and a Geocacher!

My passion in life is to nurture my family, friends, clients and community by creating a healthy whole and holy environment that all will thrive in. It is with great pride pleasure & passion that I bring to you…

Bona Fide Beautiful Joy~filled Life/Health Junkie and I am the founder of Sacred Connections Womanly Health & Life Arts and her parent company, Aesthetic Wellness with Ama’ritday(AWWA)! Currently I am a Licensed Master Aesthetician, as well as Certified Biblical Nutrition Coach. I am studying at Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a Board Certified Health Coach. I graduated a live out apprenticeship with Susun Weed, world renowned master herbalist, Wolf Clan member, keeper of the wise woman tradition. I am a public/motivational speaker regarding Organics and GMO foods and the importance of navigating the terrain when shopping, cooking in and eating out. I created Sacred Connections Womanly Health & Life Arts, to provide a circle of loving, nourishing grace that fosters spiritual healing of pain, discomfort, and the abuses of life. I am here to help encourage your own individual health, wholeness and holiness. I embolden you to look within and make the sacred connection inside of you. Through a detailed health history, I can give support to my clients during their healing using Health and Wellness Coaching. In addition, I offer continued support incorporating, many mind, body, and spirit modalities; such as Aromatherapy, Skin and Body Care Treatments, as well as, Chakra and Energetic

My Luna Vision is to invite woman (men too!), at any stage of their life, maiden, mother, crone (Young Man, Father, Elder), to nourish empower and care for themselves, preparing their body, mind and spirit, in the best possible way, using the wise women tradition of thinking and healing to best deal with aging, bodily changes, mental distress, and the pollution of our ever changing planet. I support women (men too!) dealing with “Healthy Life” challenges to let go of certain lifestyle choices to increase overall health, nourishment, wellbeing and empowerment. I help women(men too!) become the miracle they were intended to be, a prosperous, radiant, and discerning being, using a holistic approach to life, women(men too!) will embrace themselves as they are - healthy, whole and holy. By providing connection, education, resources and support, and opening up a community to help all people find beneficial ways of living and practicing a holistic lifestyle, we nurture ourselves, our friends and our beloved Mother Earth. To decide if health coaching is right for you, I invite you to schedule a free initial consultation with me. During this session, we will discuss your health and lifestyle to determine how I can best support you in achieving your goals. Peace & Love till next month Ama’ritday


A Sweet and Gluten-Free Addition to Your Sunday Brunch Integrative Nutrition Nothing brings family and friends together quite like a delicious meal. Hosting Sunday brunch is a great way to gather everyone around the table to swap stories, reconnect, relax and enjoy each other’s company. It’s the perfect primary food! Add this gluten-free, dairy-free cinnamon sweet potato loaf cake from 2009 graduate Amie Valpone, to your next brunch menu for a sweet side dish that your brunch party will love and you’ll feel good about serving.

Cinnamon Sweet Potato Loaf Ingredients ·

2 cups gluten-free all purpose flour such as Bob’s Red Mill


2 1/2 tsp. Simply Organic Cinnamon


1 tsp. baking soda


1/4 tsp. baking powder


1/4 tsp. sea salt


1 3/4 cups stevia for baking such as Stevia in the Raw


3/4 cup oil


3 large eggs


2 tsp. almond extract


8 large sweet potatoes, cooked, peeled and grated


1 cup finely chopped pecans


2 Tbsp. coconut flakes

Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 2. Prepare a loaf pan with nonstick baking spray. 3. In a large bowl, combine flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder and sea salt. 4. In a separate large bowl, beat stevia, oil, eggs and almond extract. Add sweet potato; mix well. Add dry ingredients, pecans and coconut flakes to wet ingredients; mix well. 5. Transfer batter into prepared baking pan. Bake for 1 hour or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove from oven; set aside to cool for 10 minutes before serving.


Following the phases - moon love

Full Moon - how to cleanse your crystals Full moon is a great time to energetically clear and cleanse your crystals and gemstones. Clear Quartz crystals amplify whatever energies that surround them. So it is a good idea to periodically clear and cleanse them of any unwanted energy- bad moods, negative thoughts, arguments that kind of unwanted energy. This is especially important to do if you are going to use the crystals for healing. One of my favorite ways to cleanse my stones is to put them outside under the full moon. The energy of the moon light washes away anything that is no longer needed. I like to leave them out all night and into the next day so they can be charged by the light of the sun. I happen to live in a very safe area where I can do this, but if needed place them by a window where the light of the moon can shine on to them. The day before the full moon and the day after are also acceptable times to cleanse your stones. You can place them directly on the ground or put them on a soft cloth and lay them on a table where the moon light will shine brightly onto the stones. I often find that after I have placed my crystals in the moonlight, they have a brighter glow to them, shining, radiating and ready to be of service. All color gemstones can be cleansed by the moon too. So get your stones out and give them a full moon bath! Love Carolyn♼ Image Credit ~


Creating a Magikal P


ur reality & perception of ourselves is built up and coloured by our upbringing/parents/society etc. This is not the real you, this is only a creation moulded by the society in which you live….country and belief systems. Many laugh & ridicule the people who on the internet sites such as facebook use what they term a false name & accuse them of being afraid to use their (real) name or hiding behind a mask….This in the majority of cases is not true as either consciously or unconsciously people are using a name/character to reveal who they really are or better still who they really want to be given the opportunity. To those of a stable & balanced mind this can be of great benefit as the more we use the chosen persona the more we take on the qualities using them for the betterment of ourselves & others in the everyday life. Alas there is also the negative side, delusion… which we need not go into at present here as whatever exists in the Universe has both positive & negative aspects. Those whom practise Magik know that by using what is known as a magical persona, can assume and take on the character, all the traits & personality of whatever animal…mythological being….god/ goddess they wish…or even create their own character. For example I myself for many years since child


hood inherited the Mantle of the MystikMaster….. now there is the personality called Ed (the name I am known as in the mundane physical world) who pays his taxes, does his shopping blah blah, who for the sake of what is commonly known as normality does to most not reveal the personality of the MystikMaster, until recently…..I have found that by being/believing & acting as the MystikMaster in everyday life instead just for teaching & ritual magik purpose’s has brought me to the desired place I should be. Because the very fact that I have chosen to for want of a better word, believe this is who I am & not the ordinary member of the public that society/parents/government have dictated I should be. A whole new world opened up (I tell this in the hope that it will encourage others to become who they want & should be) In all Magik Groups whatever path they may follow, members are either given or chose a magical name which they use usually only whilst operating within their respective groups then return to what is known as their normal self when not in their respective groups. The paradox is that even when we are being what we & others consider to be our normal everyday selves, we are indeed acting because that is not the real us, we are pleasing others…being & acting as we think others want us to do…Fear of offending or being laughed at….but all the time, deep down inside there is a writer, a singer, an artist


etc trying to escape. So spend awhile looking deep within yourself as to whom you really are or should I say who you really want to be….the real you, maybe someone famous from the present or past that you admire in every respect, this way we can rewrite ourselves starting to lead the life we really want to live….I certainly do not mean we become a super hero overnight, but gradually we begin to take on the attributes of the persona we have chosen, leaving behind the boring & mundane old character we have been…fearful…worried…depressed…we begin to think & act differently with more confidence. After all as the saying goes “As you think so you are“ Next month in issue 24 I will go into far more detail & ways of finding the ideal Magikal Persona.

Blessings on your Quest, MystikMaster


Shamballa Bracelets

Special offer for Mystik Way readers Get one custom made!

If you would like a trendy handmade Shamballa Bracelet as pictured below, made with semi-precious beads, email me and let me know which beads you would like from a choice of – Black Onyx, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Haematite or Amethyst. All beads are 8mm and are woven on 2mm nylon cord. You can have the bracelet all one stone (like the tigers eye pictured below) or a mixture of beads from the list above. Just email me at your bracelet will be hand made and then listed for you to purchase in my online shop. Cost per bracelet is £9 (very competitive price – check out other sites, these attractive macramé bracelets can sometimes be quite overpriced!), plus shipping. Enjoy the power of Shamballa! Jenny Spirit x

hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the back.

We are now able to offer advertising space in our magazine to help with the running costs.

The magazine will always be free to read and download. Costs are £5 per half page £10 per full page per month. Please email me on 32 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Thank you for reading the Mystik Way Magazine! If you have enjoyed the journey, please consider a donation to help us with our running costs. Any small contribution is greatly appreciated and will enable us to provide this platform for spiritual growth.

...Issue 24 will be out in April 2013


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