MyStoryUK RobL "A quiet child I thought"

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A quiet child I thought Rob L

ex Acorn House

MyStoryUK “everybody has a story to tell”

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

A quiet child I thought . . . solitary, maybe a little deep for a youth of single figures.

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought�

I discovered alcohol at the tender age of fourteen; subtly it removed my shyness, took away the fear of living in a violent alcoholic house and gave me a voice.

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought�

At fifteen I was told to leave that house due to my excessive drinking and by eighteen the fear returned with a vengeance - fear of people, responsibilities and of life overall. Alcohol did its best to hold down that fear but it would regularly reveal itself in the form of anger, abuse and violence towards myself as well as others.

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought�

Over the next twenty years alcohol removed far more than shyness and emotional growth. It disposed of homes, jobs, children, very nearly my mind and at the age of thirty-nine my total worth as a human being.

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

This is when the miracle began. I found myself, through a series of near impossible “coincidences,” in the care of Spitalfields Crypt Trust.

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

After an initial six months residency at Acorn house, through the warmth and guidance of staff, during many an undesirable morning group or afternoon session of relaxation therapy I became aware of what was being put on offer: “A STRUCTURE FOR LIFE” as I’d never known before.

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

Alcohol had been my solution to all life’s problems for so long that I couldn’t imagine any other way possible. The blinkers were removed long enough for me to see good stuff coming into my life.

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought�

In time, relationships with my children and loved ones returned. I now have a home, a job and even occasional peace of mind. Self worth as a going concern is an automatic bi-product of my new principals and an amazing gift of recovery.

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

In a nutshell . . . Four years ago a court order prevented me seeing my six year old son and my two elder children had long ceased to speak to me. He’s ten now and spending the weekend with me. I’m a dad to all three of my children and was present at the birth of my grand daughter two years ago . . . what a gift.

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought�

Nearly four years on from the pitiful wreck who woke up in Acorn house, life is not always easy. New found responsibilities and commitments often overwhelm me. With action and the help of all the good people in my structure, I continue to learn and grow as a better person.

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

Thank you to ALL those concerned.

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

Rob Anne

Published by the MyStoryUK project words by Rob Lafferty March 09 (Acorn House) drawings by Anne Libman May 09 (New Hanbury Project) photos & design RodB the Spitalfields Crypt Trust at the New Hanbury Project 020 7613 5636 3 Calvert Avenue London E2 7JP July 2009 ISSUU July 2012 Lots of short films on YouTube RecoveryChannelUK Online books at ISSUU MyStoryUK

MyStoryUK Rob L “A quiet child I thought”

Feel free to share this heartwarming story with your family and friends. For paper copies please contact Spitalfields Crypt Trust Janice Taylor 020 7613 5677 116 - 118 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JN.

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“This Is My Street”

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MyStoryUK “everybody has a story to tell”

“Collectors Item” & “CellBlock NHP” DVD Alfie speaks about “Change” plus 5 other people’s personal stories and songs. Alfie is the Bishop in this prison musical drama. Lee H My first experience of living on the streets “It was the same old thing, drinking in the park. The same old story.”

MyStoryUK “everybody has a story to tell”

YouTube RecoveryChannelUK

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