9/12 Johnsonian

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Roddey McMillan Record


MISSING: Ceramics major’s prized work Find out how a junior’s hard work was ruined by a thief see ARTS & CULTURE pg. 8

Issue 4 September 12, 2013


Columnist: Judge yourself or we'll all be judging you



Town Hall meeting addresses Knowledge Park project

see OPINION pg. 6

WU volleyball earns runners-up in Clemson tourney see SPORTS pg. 7

Painting major unveils arts exhibition next week

By Frances Parrish and Sara Workman workmans@mytjnow.com and parrishf@ mytjnow.com

see ARTS & CULTURE pg. 8

Winthrop president Jayne


about the school’s involvement with

First female president put WU on map By Frances Parrish parrishf@mytjnow.com While Winthrop was started as an all female school, just now the school has elected its second

female president of a prestigious in the 1980s, Winthrop had not Winthrop University’s second Marie Comstock, mirrors some of Piper’s drive to build the univer-

meetings in Dina’s Place Monday was led by her husband, Larry Maiden Comics Studios, of Charlotte, N.C., hosted over 30 extras from the Winthrop, Rock Hill and surrounding communities to help film crowd scenes in an upcoming movie, “Athena: Goddess of War.� Director Patrick Desmarattes (middle, facing away) says the movie will release later this year. 1IPUPT CZ $MBJSF 7BO0TUFOCSJEHF BOE %BWJE 5IBDLIBN t FEJUPST!NZUKOPX DPN

Myth-based movie shot around Winthrop By Samantha Baker Special to The Johnsonian

Dance Facebook page, but was

Winthrop students and local York County residents ran screaming

“I thought it was going to be

Or, at least, that’s what Patrick Desmarattes, a Charlotte-based director with Maiden Comics

Comstock enacts administration “realignments� By David Thackham thackhamd@mytjnow.com In an email to faculty and

After reviewing three applicants,

visited Winthrop last weekend to shoot scenes for their latest superhero production, “Athena: has one other credit to its name, a 2012 movie titled “Inara, the Jungle

master developer for the Knowledge

Patrick Desmarattes Director at Maiden Comics Studios

30 extras of all ages for multiple scenes in Withers, Lee Wicker, and

According to Pupchek, it is related development projects at

and putting in the goddess of war

Many extras on set had no Patterson, a Winthrop broadcast

see MOVIE pg. 3

#JPDIFNJTUSZ NBKPS FBSOT OBUJPOBM BDDSFEJUBUJPO by a society that has gone to extensive lengths to agree on some national standards for students completing

that students who graduate from Winthrop with a biochemistry degree have the chance to have their

new Division of Institutional Advancement will be

standards will go a long way in helping those students

recruitment, admissions and degree they must go through the major at an accredited school and then complete an examination written by

Winthrop will soon launch a search for a vice president for

Winthrop has no allowance in the budget or any more availability to

According to the MOU, “Winthrop discussions regarding the role of

go to apply to jobs or to apply for graduate schools they

to make a Division of Access

so that student and faculty have free

Winthrop to obtain money is from a generous donor or if the master

the nation to have their biochemistry department

Winthrop will designate a point of contact and will make available information regarding real estate, capital improvement plans and institutional goals so as to allow After the MOU has been signed,



Index News | 2-4 Science & Tech | 5 Opinion | 6 Sports | 7 Arts & Culture | 8-9

Part of the knowledge park project is to run a streetcar hard rail line from downtown to Winthrop’s


By Casey White whitec@mytjnow.com

Foundation’s administration will be separated from the Division of Development

the memorandum of understanding (MOU) which is a one year, nonbinding agreement between the Corporation, Knowledge park Leadership, Winthrop University

see PIPER pg. 2 NEWS

William’s Larry Williamson initiative is Husband to Pres. closely connected to Comstock’s Comstock role in the

alumnus, heard about the call

According to a 1986 edition throp’s administrative structure within just a few weeks of being

Williamson addressed Winthrop’s involvement with the Knowledge Park project,

Exclusive content at mytjnow.com Questions or comments? We would love your feedback. Contact us at editors@mytjnow.com

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Mulch replaces pine straw on campus see SCIENCE & TECH pg. 5

A day in the life of an athlete see SPORTS pg. 7

USC profs make more money than WU see OPINION pg. 6

CONTRIBUTE Here at The Johnsonian, we are very open to any ideas that students have and welcome anyone to submit their stories, columns and even photographs for us to publish. While we may not always be able to publish submitted work in print, we are usually very willing to publish content online. Please feel free to submit your work to us via e-mail. Once we have looked it over, we might offer you some constructive criticism as needed and ask you to return your work. Then we will contact you in regards to how we plan to publish it.

Fmr. Pres. Piper promoted, strengthened Winthrop 1*1&3 t from front Piper consolidated the School of Consumer Science and Allied Professions into other departments, eliminating the school altogether. According to a Rock Hill Herald article from 1988, Piper increased general education requirements and established goals similar to the Touchstone program Winthrop has today. The requirements consisted of intensive writing, oral communication, mathematics, sciences and humanities requirements along with a year long class for freshmen, comparable to ACAD classes freshmen are required to attend now. Piper also set the cultural events attendance requirement. Among her other responsibilities,

changed the Communications Department to the Mass Communication Department before adding theater to the recently instated School of Visual and Performing Arts in 1988. On April 24, 1988, Piper died at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte due to colon cancer complications. She had served just two years in Rock Hill. Today, Winthrop has its second female president who has big plans for the school. She has already made administrative changes similar to Piper (see front). Piper had big expectations for Winthrop and so does Comstock. In her opening address, Comstock said “the best is yet to come for Winthrop.�

for Winthrop in which it would increase enrollment and “establish Winthrop as a leader in business, economic development, public education, culture and community involvement.� Not only did she eliminate the School of Consumer Science and Allied Professions, she also eliminated the vice president of administration and planning position. Although Piper served a short term, her accomplishments, however, continue to reach into the present. semester as president, the Kinard building of the administrators arranging classes so as not to cancel any. In 1987, Piper traveled to New York City during the National Association of Colored People’s 78th Convention to sign the NAACP Fair Share Agreement. The agreement increased the participation of the minority employment and business transactions. Winthrop was a leader in civil rights as it was the in the United States. Not only was Piper very involved around campus, but also in the community. The Rock Hill Kiwanis Club female member in August of 1987. The departments in Johnson owe their current condition to Piper’s

To submit your work, e-mail editors@mytjnow.com

CORRECTIONS We work very hard to ensure that everything we publish is accurate and free of errors. However, some things do fall through the cracks.

Piper (right, above; left) became Winthrop’s first female president in 1986. The Johnsonian (middle) published a special edition after Piper died in office in 1988. Piper was president for just two years. Photos of Martha Piper are courtesy of Louis Pettus Archives. The Johnsonian newspaper is courtesy of The Johnsonian’s archive.

If you catch a mistake we made, or see a typing error, feel free to contact us so that we might run a correction. To file a correction, e-mail editors@mytjnow.com

CLASSIFIED ADS Looking for a roommate, selling books or just need to advertise? The Johnsonian is the newspaper for you. We now have a new section for Classified Ads. Ads are $10 for 25 words and then $0.25 for every word after. If you would like to purchase a classified ad, contact Stephen Hennessey at hennesseys@mytjnow. com or Frances Parrish at parrishf@ mytjnow.com.

SEP 12

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SEP 14




"CPVU 5IF +PIOTPOJBO The Johnsonian is the weekly student newspaper of Winthrop University. CONTACT INFORMATION


Our offices are located in suite 104 in the DiGiorgio Campus Center. Phone: (803) 323-3419 E-mail: editors@mytjnow.com Online: mytjnow.com

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TJNews i*U T B UJNF * MM OFWFS GPSHFU w TBZT 86 junior who studied JO BO FMFNFOUBSZ TDIPPM NJMFT BXBZ GSPN UFSSPSJTU acts By Shakora Bamberg Special to The Johnsonian

Twelve years after the deadly terrorist acts on Sept. 11, 2001, the infamous day means to her and her family. The world watched and witnessed as the tragedy unfolded on their televisions but reality hit close to home with the junior broadcast journalism major. The former N.Y. native moved to South Carolina with her family shortly after 9/11. Brown was a third grader at C.E.S. 109 Elementary School in the Bronx when the Twin Towers fell, just thirteen miles away. “I was confused but excited,� Brown said. “I remember my mother picking my sister and I up from school and being excited because we were getting out of school that day, yet confused. I saw other kids leaving and thought it

Winthrop student Leslie Brown’s father, Leroy, worked in and around the World Trade Center, but took the day off on the day of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. He visited the historic site ten years after the attacks. Photo courtesy of Leslie Brown

was a half day,� said Brown. Her father, Leroy Brown, was a “workaholic� at the time. He would often joke with Leslie’s mother about his perfect attendance awards he would earn at work. He often won perfect attendance for the year at his job at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and would often work out of the World Trade Center. On that fateful Tuesday, Brown’s parents were hoping to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Her mom convinced her husband to and he did. “My dad didn’t know about the through the channels that day at home,� Brown said. “He was in disbelief. I remember family

members calling our house throughout that day, just to make sure my dad was okay.� Her reaction was more personal. “I was sad. It was sad, ‘Why did they do this,’ is what I felt about that day,� said Brown. Brown’s father reported for work at Ground Zero less than 48 hours after the attack. Leslie remembers asking her father if he would let her come to work with him. “When he came home, he told us out of my dad. He lost many coworkers that day. He still has a ring of keys that open the buildings to the World Trade Center. Inside the Browns’ living room is a picture of fallen coworkers with a star by each person

$IBSMPUUF Ăś MNNBLFS JODMVEJOH 86 TUVEFOUT BT FYUSBT thing that looked like it had history [and] the buildings just had a good look that would portray itself on camera‌ When you’re thinking about ‘What does college look like?’, this is what college looks like.â€? Desmarattes also explained the relationship between his story and the Winthrop campus. wall, and you take the really crazy storyline and you kinda land it in Americana, you land it right in the middle of a college campus and it provides a dynamic for the

In one scripted scene of “Athena: Goddess of War,� extras from around the area run screaming from a “flying car,� which was edited in after the shoot was over late Sunday night. Photo by Claire 7BO0TUFOCSJEHF t WBOPTUFOCSJEHFD!NZUKOPX DPN

.07*& t GSPN GSPOU Pupchek also talked about his character, Jack. “I play kinda like the Shia LaBeouf kid where he’s a smart guy, he’s kinda awkward but just... no one’s heard him yet,� he said. “He’s got a lot of insight, he’s a caring guy, but he’s just straight-up awkward. He doesn’t know how to talk to girls, the only girl he’s ever really encountered is this goddess.�

but he hopes to continue his acting career in the future, improving what he’s been told is a “raw talentâ€? for acting. Writer and director Patrick Desmarattes looked at several colleges around the Charlotte-York County area before landing on Winthrop as the right place for his movie. “We wanted‌ something that looked like Harvard, but not Harvard,â€? he said. “We wanted some-

ing,� he said. “[It’s] like taking the script and taking the location and matching it together [to] get a ball Desmarattes said it only took about a month to get Winthrop approved and ready for use as a few months. be available later this year. Students will be able to watch it via Time Warner Cable, DirecTV, Dish Network, Comcast Cable, Cox Cable, iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, VUDU, CinemaNow, and other cable and iVOD platforms. One extra was injured and es-

Leroy knew. After 9/11, Leroy continued working in New York with the government. Brown’s father worked at the George Washington Bridge and LaGuardia Airport before retiring from the Port Authority in 2004 to return to Beaufort. Every year, Brown has a tradition where she watches 9/11 documentaries and movies on the History Channel, like “United 93.� “Even then and now when I see raw footage and the documentaries, I still have the same reaction,� Brown said. Brown would eventually move from N.Y., and says the events home life. “It changed me because I ended up moving. I thought I’d be in N.Y. all my life.� said Brown. Brown still visits her family up north during the summer. “It just makes you aware that tomorrow is not promised, anything can happen,� said Brown. “It’s a time I’ll never forget, it symbolizes the turning point in my life and the U.S. The U.S. became more precautious and tighter with security. That day describes a turning point. My family and I are still sad because it was truly a senseless act of violence, but so very grateful that dad wasn’t there that day.� Americans in this nation and the world in general. This year will mark the 12th anniversary. It is something many are still coping with.

t 0DU President George W. Bush declares a war on terrorism and vows to hold states responsible for harboring terrorist organizations t /PW The 9/11 Commission is established by Congress. The bipartisan panel prepares an account of the Sept. 11 attacks. t 4FQU The National September 11 Memorial and Museum is opened, honoring those killed and wounded on that fateful Tuesday.

1PMJDF DMPTF JOWFTUJHBUJPO JOUP NJTTJOH -FF 8JDLFS NJDSPfridges By David Thackham thackhamd@mytjnow.com

Winthrop University has decided to close an investigation into the theft of seven Microfridge appliances from Lee Wicker residence hall, due to a lack of leads, according to Cynthia Cassens, director of residence life. Despite searching through hours of video footage and completing a “thorough investigation,� Cassens says police have not been able to come up with any tenable leads. “We’ve looked at security footage on the doors, looked through extra closets, but we said. “We tried to narrow it According to a Winthrop police report, facilities management personnel and SWARM workers noted that the microwave/ refrigerator units were missing between Aug. 2 to

employees if thieves were to sell the fridges. “We’ve listed them at the pawnshops around, in case


t 4FQU Nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists hijack four airplanes and purposely crash two into the World Trade Center in N.Y. and one into the Pentagon outside Washington, D.C. Almost 3,000 people die in the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil

Microfridge theft case remains unsolved

The serial numbers of the microfridges were not recorded prior to the theft-- knowing that information would have made it easier to track them if they were pawned off. Photo by Walker Dillard t 4QFDJBM UP 5IF +PIOTPOJBO

in Lee Wicker residence hall. Police searched the building and reviewed records, but they could not unearth where the microfridges would be or whether there was any documentation authorizing them to be removed or disposed of. The model numbers and serial numbers of the appliances were not recorded. This is done,

Sara Workman | News Editor


someone tries that,� she said. “They were hoping to get that information because then they can identify it easier.� Cassens says the missing microfridges were replaced just before students arrived on campus before the beginning of the school year. “It’s up to the university and the insurance company now if they want to make a claim,� she said. Because Lee Wicker Hall housed camp and conference attendees throughout the summer, the police report says no renovation of the building was scheduled for that window of time in August. Cassens noticed a group of items reported missing from the residence hall.



Winthrop leads civic engagement initiative


Winthrop University continues to be a leader in student and academic (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) national initiative on civic learning and democratic engagement. Winthrop is one of

nine institutions chosen as a consulting institution. Vice President for Student Life, Frank Ardaiolo, will lead the initiative as Winthrop’s primary consultant for the national project. Ardaiolo will be helping Winthrop and other institutions all over the country in the initiative to “drive high ideas down

make systemic change in practical and applicable ways,� Ardaiolo said. According to Ardaiolo, the initiative is an international project. Ardaiolo said it is important to help educators and others understand that democracy in America and in

all their students—live, learn, lead.� The initiative is just in the beginning stages. Ardaiolo has compiled a cross-functional team of

Frank Ardaiolo Vice President for Student Life

other countries is messy and takes time—it involves compromise and respect for every body. “We are on the cusp of an international movement and are helping shape that movement and be a leader,� Ardaiolo said. “After all, that’s what Winthrop wants in

to jump start the initiative. “We have to educate the said. Ardaiolo said they plan to start meeting and week. Ardaiolo largely compares the initiative to one of Winthrop’s previous, and still successful, endeavors, the Core Commitments. The Core Commitments serve to educate students for personal and social

responsibility. “This new initiative grew from the Core Commitments and Winthrop’s involvement with the AAC&U (Association of American Colleges and Universities),� Ardaiolo said. The Core Commitments are rooted in all facets of the Winthrop Community new initiative to infuse into the Winthrop community in the same way. “By the end of the pecting a series of articu-

parts of the university will be able to take a step further and see measurable change,� Ardaiolo said.

Goals of the initiative: t Creating activities in student affairs

to promote civic engagement and democracy

t &TUBCMJTIJOH DPOOFDUJPOT CFUXFFO students, faculty and the community to increase civic learning and help solve community problems t"TTFTTJOH UIF PVUDPNF PG community involvement efforts and measuring gains in civic learning

FEATURED PHOTO: Rizzo rides his age: Eighty-two miles for his 82nd birthday


CSL elects new members ahead of retreat By Kris Gaitan gaitank@mytjnow.com

The Council of Student Leaders (CSL) met to conduct new member elections and discuss their leadership retreat for this upcoming weekend on Monday. Twenty-seven students applied for membership positions. Each applicant

was given two minutes to for membership and to that the council’s current members may have for them. who applied for membership positions on CSL. “Each of them [the candidates] were more

REALIGNMENTS t from front Town Hall-style meetings Monday

changes. The Foundation Board unanimously approved the resolution which separates the tie between fundraising activities and the

this capacity,� Aubrie said. “We encouraged those who were not elected to continue staying actively involved with CSL by joining a committee and attending the weekly meetings.� CSL will be attending their annual leadership retreat this weekend in Brevard, NC.

Foundation’s administration. Adopting this model, Comstock said, “underscores the importance of separating the gift acceptance, management and allocation functions from fundraising activities compliance with IRS regulations, donor intent and stewardship of all Foundation assets.�


According to a Winthrop University police report, a female advised campus police that she heard a vehicle strike a fence post near

Larceny of Bicycle ($1999 or less)

observed the vehicle in the yard with the bumper and the vehicle grill on the ground.

Consumption of Beer Under 21

According to the police report, the victim observed the damaged vehicle come pick up the bumper a few hours later. One day vehicle came by the yard to retrieve the grill. According to the police report, the same respondent was able to retrieve the name of the male subject from a paycheck that fell from the vehicle. the male subject, who advised he wrecked the vehicle and left because he only had a few points remaining on his driver’s license. The was located and turned himself in after the arrest. The subject was transported to the Rock Hill Jail and served a warrant and ticket form.

“You don’t have to be young to go out and have a good time,� Frank Rizzo, staff member in the Office of Student Activities, said. Last Saturday, Rizzo embarked on his annual birthday bike ride with approximately 20 other people. Anyone was invited to attend Rizzo’s birthday celebration. This year, the ride was 82 miles long in commemoration of Rizzo’s 82nd birthday. Rizzo has been riding for his birthday since he turned 75. “I just love to ride and riding with my friends is great,� Rizzo said. Riders met at The Shack at Winthrop Lake last week at 7 a.m. and finished cycling through York and Chester counties seven hours later.


9/6/13 Leaving the scene of an accident

Photo by Jacob Hallex hallexj@mytjnow.com

On the above date the “bait bike� was reported stolen from the Johnson Hall bike rack. The bicycle was traced using GPS to North Wilson and White Street. According to the police contact with the black arrested him for larceny of bicycle. While searching noticed a strong smell of alcohol coming from the subject. The subject was transported to the Rock Hill City Jail.


Assault and battery, 3rd degree was dispatched to Lee Wicker Hall in roommates. According to the police advised that she was frustrated with her roommate for not keeping the shared bathroom clean. The subject stated she was on the phone when the roommate overheard her complaining to whom she was speaking with and confronted the subject. According to the police

the entire bathroom after the initial argument. She advised that subject one became angry because she believed the second female had used toilet cleaner to clean the whole bathroom. According to the police report, the second female the bottle of cleaner and she left to seek an RA, who was unavailable. When she returned the discussion became teasing her and yelling in her face to the point that her body was physically pushing the second female. At this point that was broken up by the suitemate.

make peace with subject one, in which subject one stated she declined because she was “weird.� Subject one advised that subject two left at this time and returned to start a heated discussion. According to the report the subject advised that subject two was blocking

female subject attempted to interject while roommate two was telling her side of the story. She had to be told again to remove herself. According to the police report there were no physical injuries present on

walked into the room. According to the police report, the story told by the second female subject matched up to the altercation. The second subject advised that she cleaned

second female subject’s story to be more forthcoming, however found that both parties were at fault. Neither party pressed charges on the other. Living arrangements were made for both females. Both subjects are being referred to the Winthrop Judicial Committee.



TJScience &Tech

Winthrop chemistry department paves way in biochemistry accreditation continue to strive to better the program in upcoming

#*0$)&.*453: t from front Although the test isn’t mandatory to get a degree in biochemistry at Winthrop, it is in order to get the

their program back up for -

said that they will encourage all biochemistry students to take the

Owens stresses the importance of becoming accredited at this time because the world of biochemistry is constantly

students get what they need to do well on the exam,� Sumter said, “so we don’t see any reason why it would be a problem for them to

“We are at the forefront of major technological breakthroughs and to do that we need an educated workforce,�

Pat Owens, Winthrop chemistry department chair, agreed that students in the program have the necessary tools to succeed and have ing to Owens, Winthrop biochemistry students in past years have done well in the ASBMB undergraduate research poster contest and that all students in the program are actively engaged in research, which is a testament to how hardworking Hard work was also required of Sumter, Grossoehme and Hurlbert as they spent weeks putting together an application that proved that their program and the classes within it met the criteria set by cess is important for accreditation but also helped everyone working within the department to assess the “It’s always nice when you have to go through this process, Owens said, “because it forces you to look at what you’re doing and document everyWhen the department’s accreditation was accepted, the ASBMB

has changed a lot, so having an agency that can have siggraduates in terms of what they study and what they do; that’s one way to dramatically improve the undergraduate education from a professional Not only do students in the biochemistry track receive a but their degree will also be The biochemistry labs, where students in the biochemistry department complete the lab hours required to gain a degree, which they can now have certified by Chemical Society, who certithe American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 1IPUP CZ ,BUISZO 'VOEFSCVSL t GVOEFSCVSLL!NZUKOPX DPN review board gave the faculty an evaluation, which included what they thought were the strengths of

pressed gratitude towards Winthrop for always providing support in that

department that they were well organized, showed a clear commitment to diversity, have a talented core faculty and a positive central focus

“The university has invested a lot of money into being certain that we have access to the latest instrumen-

The major also met a number of other standards set by ASBMB including having up-to-date instru-

pretty impressive especially in a time when a lot of schools are seeing

information on what could be im-

“Students basically get two

our proposal and curriculum was that our students don’t get enough

the American Chemical Society and

going to design a course sequence for our students that includes some more upper level biology courses

societies in chemistry and biochemendorsement of your degree when

Those within the biochemistry The review board also provided



Facilities Management began using mulch from downed trees from the Farm to replace pine straw in all the beds on campus. 1IPUP CZ $BTFZ 8IJUF t XIJUFD!NZUKOPX DPN

Winthrop gets rid of pine straw on campus By Casey White whitec@mytjnow.com In 2011, a storm tore through the Winthrop trees were cut into smaller pieces and trans-

the university about half of what buying pine straw took to grind the downed trees into

Then, last spring Facilities Management realized that Winthrop could grind the trees into mulch and would have enough to replace the pine straw that was being used in beds on

Hardin said that he has already heard positive feedback from the Life Science department and Sustainability Coordinator, Chris

According to Walter Hardin, vice president for Facilities Management, using the trees as mulch instead of having them transported away from campus will have a positive impact on campus sustainability and also save Win“A downed tree is a disposal problem,� -

Information compiled from www.dropbox.com/

provided us a way to save transportation costs, tipping fees and using the material for a

Casey White |Science & Tech Editor whitec@mytjnow.com

Not only did using the downed tree mulch save money on transportation, but also helped Winthrop save on costs usually spent

Pine straw had to be put down twice a year, but Hardin hopes that the wood mulch will last longer and will only have to be freshened Currently Winthrop is using all trees from the Farm, but they are also seeking mulch from the city of Rock Hill, Asplundh Tree ExHardin hopes that Winthrop can maintain a supply of mulch because he feels that using it instead of pine straw is the right thing to do




It’s all about the lips, hips... and thighs? +VTU BOPUIFS JOTFDVSJUZ UP XPSSZ BCPVU

Winthrop boasts the credentials of professors in the university’s five college. 1IPUP CZ "EBSSFMM (BETEFO t HBETEFOB!NZUKOPX DPN

Winthrop professor salaries not up to par with those at USC It’s no secret that higher Not all Winthrop proeducation is a big business fessors make what you whether public or private, yet would think they do, most when comparing the salaries don’t even make what of Winthrop University proyou think they should. fessors to those at other South Winthrop University has Carolina institutions of higher been recognized as one learning, it doesn’t always of the Southeasts most Adarrell Gadsden prominent universities, so seem like it. Winthrop University’s why aren’t employees paid highest paid employee for like it? There are over 100 the 2013-2014 school year is Men’s employees at the University of South Basketball Coach Pat Kelsey at just Carolina making over $200,000 a under $200,000. President Dr. year, while at Winthrop there are Jayne Marie Comstock and former none. President Dr. Anthony DiGiorgio Winthrop is one of the United follow him on that list at about States most expensive public institu$170,000 each. tions, ranking 49th in the country in University of South Carolina Football Coach Steve Spurrier is reported in the state in tuition and fees. to have made just under $3 million Students and their families take on last year, and Clemson University’s the challenge of paying thousands of dollars to colleges and universimakes about $1.3 million annually ties, not for the football or basketball making him the highest paid asprograms, but to be educated. At sistant coach in the country. While the end of the day the majority of university athletic departments do students want one thing, to do well pay out most of that money, these and be handed a degree. Everything coaches are still two of South Caroelse is extra while these things are lina’s highest paid employees being good for the institution and the paid by the state “aka� tax dollars. students enjoy them, they shouldn’t University of South Carolina Athletic be prioritized over those providing Director Ray Tanner is the states educational instruction, at least on highest paid employee at over $500 the part of the state. thousand, that all being paid by state While the case could and should taxes and student tuition dollars. be made that almost all educators

in the state of South Carolina are underpaid, the situation is a bit different when the students are paying $20,000 dollars per year to attend a college or university. The educators should as well be a high priority on schools pay sheets. University administration isn’t to blame here. It’s state elected politicians who believe education is not one of the states biggest priorities. Winthrop is one of the states most recognizable universities and educates many that will become state employees. Many won’t see this as a problem, and many will claim that because the University of South Carolina is sity president Dr. Harris Pastides should make $100,000 more than Winthrop president Dr. Jayne Marie Comstock. While I’m sure her pay is the farthest thing from Comstock’s mind, it still in my opinion, poses a problem. The problem is that as we get further from being a state mostly dependent on agricultural production, the incentives and funds for the educators responsible for educating young minds must be there, because if they don’t become more readily available the quality of educators we see not only at the collegiate but also at the K-12 level will decrease.

Why, of course I’m judgmental 8F BSF BMM HVJMUZ PG KVEHJOH PUIFST

Do these types seem I am simply judging them on familiar? She will saunter factors that are not beyond into class with shorts that their control. are on the verge of a retreat The act of judgment itself into a nether region. Every is merely the formation of question or statement general observations. In begins with a certain word this life, those that you want that should only be a to impress and whose shoes comparison. Anna McCall On the other hand, the to be critical, judgmental professor will strain to hear people. the incoherent mumbles They look at the details tumbling out of another student’s mouth—the one in the wife-beater people—and you. The image that and ball cap. you convey to them is one that can I want to get up and leave the either make or break your entry into room. Hasn’t he ever heard a word the real world. of proper English in all the years It may seem like common sense, that he’s been alive? Did she even and truthfully, it is. However, we bother to look in the mirror before are bombarded with a culture that going outside? frowns on judgment and criticism. The professor’s face betrays It is a culture that has converted what he is feeling: a mixed sense of self-esteem to self-awe, two vastly amusement and disdain. “This is my job,� he is thinking. “I’m teaching a We’re not supposed to step on generation that has no idea of what people’s toes because doing so is awaits them.� the equivalent of lighting a match, Yes, I am describing two of no gasoline required; we’re already numerous college students that sensitivity. It is no wonder that a employer’s pet-peeves. Yes, I am simple criticism triggers us to ignite. being judgmental—and I don’t care. By “us,� I acknowledge that I

am guilty of this. Thus, this article is not only a confrontation to others, but is also a confrontation towards myself. So cut me some slack. I’m acknowledging that I’m a judgmental, critical human being— and am doing so publicly. Are you still defensive? Do you feel that I’m being rude, insensitive and hypocritical? decision to stop reading this makes want to learn the nature of judgment now, then rest assured you will learn it later. However, you might as well continue reading since you have gotten this far, because you actually care about what I’m trying to say—or maybe because you’re almost done. The approach to dealing with criticism is to simply begin by judging yourself. Appreciate criticism and those that decide to give it. It will make all the more If you don’t want to judge yourself, nor attempt to chip away at your complacent self-awe, then I simply don’t care—and neither will anyone else.

It takes a lot of patience if you were a little chubbier to research something like than most, it usually meant thigh gaps. As much as that you had enough wealth you want to reach through to get full meals every day and and strangle the people were therefore much more who came up with it, you desirable than someone who can’t – you’d be doing a was all skin and bones. This lot of strangling thanks to doesn’t mean that everyone the sheer number of girls Deborah Crocker who was on the slimmer side who have actually started back then was left without a buying into this new body mate, but think about it. The image. degree of skinniness that American A thigh gap is the space between media is trying to promote these your thighs when you’re standing days is exactly how you would’ve up. The width of the gap depends looked if you were homeless and on how skinny your legs happen to hungry in the streets of England look when you’re standing with your feet together. It relates to America’s women used corsets back in the obsession with skinniness, telling millions of girls throughout the having a slimmer waist and being country that in the 21st century even malnourished. your thighs aren’t safe anymore. It’s But thighs? Why thighs? No one as if the key to happiness these days should even be looking down there. is to have your legs look like cheap Truthfully, it’s hips that determine curtain rods. thigh gap size, not the amount of Want to see something scary? Go meat on your bones. Some people, to either Tumblr.com or Pinterest guys included, simply have wider and do a search for ‘thigh gap’. The hips and therefore have a bit only way to truly achieve one of more space between their thighs these ‘thigh gaps’ is by losing weight than others. It’s not possible yet - and the amount of weight loss to rearrange your bone structure needed to actually see a change in (safely) for beauty (and I really upper leg thickness is pretty drastic. hope no one gets any bright ideas). Thighs are the things that keep our Unfortunately, many are trying legs attached to our bodies. They to compensate for having closerbalance us and keep us from falling spaced hips by exercising too much or skipping meals. step. Why are we working so hard to The fact that we’re focusing make them thinner? on thighs as a point of beauty As you might guess, the media’s these days is almost terrifyingly doing its best to keep this sort of depressing. Hopefully the standards thing around, with plenty of articles will change at some point, but for about how to get a thigh gap, or how now, just tell your younger sisters to ‘properly’ lose weight. they are. America didn’t have this unhealthy obsession with being skinny. In fact,

Our Say As student journalists, we have a job. That job is to report the news. It is a hard decision to make when publishing a story about our peers. We publish these stories not to make anyone look bad, but we are simply publishing the news. To avoid this, it is simple: Don’t do stupid things. There are consequences to every action. Our reporting is part of those consequences. We at The Johnsonian read your emails and hear your opinion. Now hear ours. It does not thrill us to write police blotters on underage drinking or drug busts, but it’s news, so we report it. But no matter how often we report on these incidents, no one seems to realize that if you don’t break the law, we won’t write about it. The news works as a two-way street. We, as reporters, do not make anything up. We gather information from police reports and other credible sources. We publish what the police report says. We do not name the victims of incidents unless they give permission. Understand that we have obligations as students, but we also have obligations as journalists to report the facts and to report the news. If you do something good or bad, we will write about it. In the grand scheme of things, it is better to be published for something good and honorable than a misdemeanor.

Winthrop I Spy Weekly Contest! Check it out at mytjnow.com! Enter for your chance to get your name in the paper and win a prize every week! Congratulations to last week’s winner, Hannah West! Adarrell Gadsden | 0QJOJPO &EJUPS gadsdena@mytjnow.com



TJSports Walk a mile in an athlete’s shoes Women’s golfer Rachel Wyatt tells us what it’s like being a Winthrop student-athlete. use to do homework, or to study if I need to,� Wyatt said.

By Emily Goodman goodmane@mytjnow.com Rachel Wyatt may be known for her skills on the golf course but on Winthrop’s campus, Wyatt has worked hard to succeed academically and to get involved in other organization on campus. Wyatt, junior sports management major starts her typical day at 5:45 in the morning, when she wakes up. “From 6:15 to 7:15 I hit the weights,� Wyatt said. Wyatt has a break between the time she gets be at practice, which starts at 8:30 a.m. and goes until 10:30 a.m. “I have a thirty minute break between practice and class, which I

Atlantic conference for my major,� Wyatt p.m. to 3:15 p.m. “Sometime around 6:00 I grab some dinner, and when I have breaks in my schedule I do my best to do homework and studying,� Wyatt said. Wyatt said that she had narrowed down her choices of schools that she wanted to attend scholarship money, which none of the other schools she was looking at had. “I loved the

campus and the team when I went my major which was a big plus,� Wyatt said. “I chose to go to Winthrop three years ago because Coach Wendt was so friendly and personable that I felt like I could talk to her about anything, and I have been able to and it has meant so much,� Wyatt said. “I was trying to decide between Winthrop and four other schools I would wake up and just know in my gut that Winthrop was the right place for me, and I love it so much.�

Rachel Wyatt has been playing golf for Winthrop for three years . Photo DPVSUFTZ PG 5Jò BOZ -BNFOU

Winthrop welcomes new wheels By Emily Goodman goodmane@mytjnow.com The West Center has obtained a demonstration stationary bike for students to test out. “We are borrowing the bike for the time being to see if we like it enough to order one,� said Janna Rothschild, assistant directhe Lois Rhame West Center, Physical Education, Sports Management and Recreational Services. The Lois Rhame West Center, already has several stationary bikes, but this cycling bike. “We borrowed the bike because we wanted to see how West Center members liked

strings, quadriceps and the calves, giving the cyclist a pretty good workout.� Beside the bike there is a place set up for users to leave comments on what they think about the bike. “We have had over 40 survey responses from people who have used the bike, and most of them have seemed to like using this style of bicycle. Hopefully, we will end up purchasing several for members to use,� said Rothschild.

sophomore accounting major, tried out the Lifestyle stationThe new ifestyle stationary bike ary bike, “I liked located in the West Center it and I think I’ll Photo by Kathryn Funderburk t GVOEFSCVSLL!NZUKOPX DPN out more . It’s

child. “We have access to the bike until another school says that they want it.� Rothschild said that if the West Center decided that they want to purchase the bike, it will cost anywhere between $800 to $1,000. “The bike works the glutes, ham-

from the regular stationary bikes which I rode all last year, which is why this bike is ap-

9/13 Volleyball vs. San Jose State* 8 p.m. 9/14 Volleyball vs. UC Riverside* 8 p.m.

9/19 Men’s Soccer vs. Brevard 7 p.m.

Volleyball goes two for three at Big Orange Bash By Michael Owens owensm@mytjnow.com

the Clemson Lady Tigers, and fell to the host school in 4 sets. After the teams split the

The Winthrop Lady Eagles volleyball team has returned home after a successful weekend in Clemson, as the team increased their record to 6-1 after competing in the Big Orange Bash tournament.

Vicic still led the team with 50 assists and 13 digs, while Alina Sopizhuk led the team in kills with 15. The Eagles quickly rebounded from their loss, as they faced the South Carolina Lady

against Furman on Friday afternoon, and faced a tough test from the Lady Paladins. two sets and Winthrop rallying back to win

Winthrop stormed back with multiple rallies and won the match. The Eagles were led by Irene Ojukwu’s 23 kills, Jessie Vicic’s 59 assists, and Maria Volstad’s 18 digs. Winthrop then took their winning streak into Saturday morning with a match against

Senior Jackie Landers prepares to serve during the Winthrop’s recent four-game homestand. The 6-1 Eagles will travel to California to participate in the University of the Pacific Tournament this weekend. 1IPUPT CZ +BDPC )BMMFY BOE ,BUISZO 'VOEFSCVSL t IBMMFYK!NZUKOPX DPN t GVOEFS buburk@mytjnow.com

Women’s Soccer routs Alabama A&M in recordbreaking fashion By Michael Owens owensm@mytjnow.com The Winthrop Lady Eagles soccer team improved their record to 3-1 on Sunday night as they defeated Alabama A&M by school records during the match, including most points in a game (11), and most shots taken in a match (40). Winthrop got out in

Michael Owens | Sports Editor owensm@mytjnow.com

minutes of the match. Alabama A&M would respond with a goal of their own soon after

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minute, but that was the only response the Lady Bulldogs had in the match. The Lady Eagles were led by junior forward Kristyna Freda, who recorded three goals as well as set a new school record for individual shots taken in a game with 12. The Winthrop bench was also active, as sophomores Taylor Walton and Taylor Coleman also scored two goals each. The Eagles return home to Eagle son at 7 p.m.

set and were led in their victory by Ojukwu and Rachel Lenz’s 14 kills each, as well as Vicic’s 49 assists and 14 digs. Winthrop will continue their season this weekend as the team heads to Stockton, California where they will compete in the University of the

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Emily Goodman | Sports Editor goodmane@mytjnow.com




Dolls lead a secretive, startling life in one student’s art By Samantha Smith Special to the Johnsonian

Sarah Teal has always been interested in portraying people in her art. She expresses what she thinks the subject is experiencing emotionally. Her exhibition takes this to a new level by painting dolls in place of humans. Teal, a senior painting art exhibition next week. Teal started out her paintings

Sarah Teal’s Painting “Please Don’t Leave Me.” Courtesy of Sarah Teal

stores and playing with them. She explained that playing with toys can be used to express subconscious ideas in children.

“Playing with these dolls as an adult expressed more adult themes,” Teal said. Teal’s series, “The Secret Life of Dolls,” focuses on expressing ideas such as death, sexuality

not typically associated with the innocence of toys and childhood. “The Secret Life of Dolls” exhibition runs from Sep. 15-21 in McLaurin 314. The reception will be Sep. 19, at 8 p.m. Free food will be provided. More of Teal’s work can be seen on her blog, “Sarah’s Art Daily” (saraht-artwork.blogspot. Sarah Teal’s painting “Bottoms Up.” Courtesy of Sarah Teal com.)

Don’t call it a comeback

The Society of Illustrators reclaims its club status

Professor of the Week Aimee Meader Department: Mass Communication

By Brandon Gates Special to The Johnsonian

The 2013-2014 Society of Illustrators. Photo Courtesy of Jacob Hallex By Karly Long club, to encourage people reSpecial to the Johnsonian gardless of major to get involved with illustration and to make the An “inactive” status in 2012 club a “tight, friendly, encouragdidn’t keep their creative hands ing community.” motionless or their community “I want us to illustrate,” said bonds apart. The Society of Illustrators is starting up again more graphic design major. after losing its status as a club The advisor to the club, David on campus due to lack of partici- Brown, also known as Doc to pation. the illustration students, has a Majors from all around atdoctorate in illustration and is a current visual communication ing illustration, graphic design, professor. integrated marketing communiHe said this year he hopes the club partakes in watching and political science majors. According to the co-presidents trips, bringing in guest speakers sophomore illustration majors and putting on social events. Abdul Shabazz and Kelsey Law, The co-presidents said they the goal this year is to revive the hope to encourage non-majors

to get involved by hosting tutorial sessions. They said they also hope to coordinate with get-together on the same day the League does their Cosplay day close to Halloween. “It’s going to be a really fun way to be able to have a community of people outside of classes to share excitement and experiences involving illustration,” said visual communication design major Althea Holenko. For more information on joining the club, contact them at edu.

Aimee Meader certainly is well-rounded. She is a make-up artist at Clinique, an aerobics instructor and now a mass communication instructor at Winthrop University. A native of California, Meader is Winthrop’s newest addition to the mass communication department. Meader obtained her undergraduate degree and Master’s degree in mass communication. She is currently working towards her Ph.D. in journalism at the University of Texas, School of Journalism. She is writing her graduate thesis about “The

Daily Show” with Jon Stewart. “When we were doing our search, we were looking for someone with broadcast experience, preferably more broadcast writing than production experience,” Dr. Mark Nortz, mass communication professor, said. “We were looking for somebody that had multimedia experience that understood what multimedia was.” Nortz works closely with the mass communication department here at Winthrop in regards to hiring new instructors and professors. “As far as credentialwise, she met the criteria, and as far as what we needed in the classroom and what we wanted our students to get, she could

they do not usually focus on being so available and open with students, but support, so it is refreshing.” Meader has been an intern at KUSI News in San Diego, Calif., where she was a writer and producer. Meader was also a magazine editor and has a dance background. Meader has been an aerobics instructor for 16 years. Meader’s pet peeves include chewing with your mouth open, not being able to take a compliment if she gives one to you and not smiling back at her. “While I don’t think that anyone owes me a smile, a nod or some similar gesture of acknowledgement would be nice,” Meader said. Meader mentioned that has noticed in the West

Meader said she really liked Winthrop’s emphasis on the students. “I’m here because it shows my commitment to my students,” Meader said. “At most schools,

is that people here are a lot friendlier, so hopefully she does not have a problem with getting people to smile back at her.

Missing: female upper torso


By Spencer Harrison Special to the Johnsonian

Rayan Alzahrani Saudi Arabia By Alisha Kennerly kennerlya@mytjnow.com International students sometimes deal with cultural shock. However, Saudi Arabian native Rayan Alzahrani said nothing shocked him when he came to the U.S. because he is so well travelled. “I’ve been to Canada and Great Britain,” said Alzahrani, major. Before coming to Winthrop, Alzahrani went to school in

Vancouver, Canada. He said part of the reason he came to Winthrop is because of the weather. “It was really cold in Canada,” Alzahrani said. “The weather here is good and close to my home country.” Another perk of Winthrop was the location. “Rock Hill is a small town and I can focus. There is not much to do, so I won’t get distracted,” Alzahrani said. He added that some friends

Alisha Kennerly | "SUT $VMUVSF &EJUPS kennerlya@mytjnow.com

from back home graduated from Winthrop and suggested it as a school. After researching online, he concluded it was the right decision for him. “I like it here,” Alzahrani said. “I want to stay until I graduate.” Alzahrani does not plan on staying in Rock Hill after graduating. He doesn’t plan on going back to Saudi Arabia either. “I don’t know what the future holds, but I do want to keep travelling and see new things,” Alzahrani said.

Several pieces of art were stolen from the ceramics room of the Rutledge Building on May 8, according to a Rock Hill police report. The largest and most expensive piece stolen was a life-size clay casting of a female upper torso created by senior ceramics major Samantha Oliver. Oliver also had three cups stolen. She estimated that she lost about $360. The body cast could have been sold for around $300, and the cups for about $20 a piece. “It sucks,” Oliver said. “In the department we all have a common respect for each other’s work. The fact that someone from the outside would remove

work that took hours and hours is shocking for us.” Oliver was not the only person to have things stolen. According to Oliver, some of her professor’s work were stolen. Some of the artwork was found in a trash can just outside the ceramics room, but most of the items taken from inside have not been located. Before the incident, the doors to the ceramics room were left unlocked. Now the doors are locked after classes are over. Because there are no security cameras around the Rutledge Building, the identity of the culprit is unknown. There’s no way,” Oliver said. Currently, the case is still active pending any further leads.



Guitar Gurus visit Charlotte

International Center welcomes new intern

John Mayer and Phillip Phillips perform at Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre By Michaela Dunbar Special to The Johnsonian


Charlotte’s Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre was packed with a screaming crowd on Sep. 4 as John Mayer’s “Born and Raised” World Tour 2013 came to town. The concert opened with Phillip Phillips singing a few of his John Mayer performing a hit song . Photo courtesy of Michaela hits such as “Gone, Dunbar Gone, Gone” and “Home.” “I like your city very much, I do,” Mayer said.

Personally and professionally, I believe attending Winthrop is the best investment you can make for a successful future. Avin Jayawickrema International Center intern

By Keith Mushonga Special to The Johnsonian

Jayawickrema: I’m studying international business and management. I’m also a member of the National Leadership Honor Society. Throughout my scholarly life I have

see Avin Jayawickrema is a lion. He is tall, powerfully built and he seems to have the mane glowing around him like a halo. He walks you that he is in charge. Being a Leo makes him the king of the stars, and see a bold lion holding a sword like a knight. He comes from Sri Lanka, and this interview convinced me that he truly is the king of the jungle. Jayawickrema is a very hardworking, inspirational young man, who’s willing to put up the chase day and night until he gets the success he deserves. His determination makes me roar with fascination. The Johnsonian: What exactly is your job at the International Center? Jayawickrema: I’m currently the International Center intern. I work really close with the international director to help international students at Winthrop. We are currently working on a project with NAFSA (National Association of Foreign Student Advisers), the Association of International Educators. It is a regional conference for people representing academia and it helps them with ideas on how best to educate. TJ: What motivated you to do this internship? Jayawickrema: I feel like it’s a hands-on opportunity to help international students, especially the new ones. It provides them with the tools to assimilate to this new environment. It is a responsibility that gives me the chance to help these students to be a part of Winthrop. TJ: What sort of help do you provide the students with? Jayawickrema: Winthrop is often a new environment for them. They feel like they are far away from home. It’s a scary experience. It’s like trying to prosper in a new environment, so it’s hard to make new friends and get used to it. We help them to assimilate to the new culture. We provide them with a lot of information and support networks.

short intermission. As the backdrop changed to a desert scene with twinkling stars, the whole amphitheater stood and John Mayer made his way to the stage. Mayer greeted the crowd and said, “It’s lovely to see you, we’ll catch up soon.” He opened with his song “Queen of California.” He then performed some of his hits, such as “Slow Dancing In A Burning Room,” “Gravity,” “Half of My Heart” and “Who Says.” While performing the song “Who Says,” he inserted “Charlotte” instead of “New York City,” making the audience go wild. He interacted with the crowd by laying on the stage at one point to take a

CrossWUrd CrossWU Cross WUrd rd Puzzle

found interest in research and academia. I worked on some research with a faculty member from the College of Business. It was submitted to Southern Management Association annual conference in New

Check out the inside of this issue to find the answers

place for the paper among thousands of applications from around the country. TJ: What has been your experience at Winthrop, and how can you encourage others who are not sure about where to attend college? Jayawickrema: Choosing to attend Winthrop University as an undergraduate was the best choice I’ve made in my academic career. I like the student-to-faculty ratio. I think that Winthrop has one of the best professors who are so eager to help their students to succeed. Winthrop has a very beautiful campus. The International Center has such taking care of international students. Personally and professionally, I believe that attending Winthrop is the best investment you can make for a successful future. TJ: What advice would you give to students? Jayawickrema: Every student knows that college these days is very expensive, whether your parents are paying for you, or you’re paying for it on your own. You should therefore work very hard. You should also take time to


friends and most importantly form strong bonds with your professors that will help you to be successful at Winthrop. I am not saying don’t have fun, but you should also get an education, study and prioritize.

1. Seven Microfridges were found missing over the summer in which dorm? 3. What college did Winthrop’s volleyball team defeat Friday afternoon at the Big Orange Bash?

As we shook hands and I reluctantly left his territory, I felt like I had more questions to ask. For, in all inspirational people, there are often more questions than answers. So to the international students, feel free to go to Dinkins and meet Jayawickrema. He is always willing to help.

7. A new, startling body image fad taking over social media. 9. The director from Maiden Comics Studio who oversaw a movie shot on campus last Sunday. 10. What sport does Rachel Wyatt play at Winthrop?


TJ: What are your aspirations in life?

2. The Society of ______________ is starting up again after losing status as a club. 4. What country is the International Student of the Week from? 5. The name of Charles Darwin’s ship that took him to the Galapagos Islands. Student Activities rode 82 miles in commemoration of his 82nd birthday? 8. Winthrop’s chemistry department is paving the way for this biochemistry accreditation.


Sep 12

Sep 13 Singer/Song writer/Guitarist Preston Pugmire The Edge; 8 p.m.; $5 w/ ID, $10 without ID, Free with Fall Pass

Open Mic Night w/ Comedian Adam Mamawala The Edge; 8 p.m-10 p.m.; free


Taiyo la Paix Rutledge Gallery

Singer/Songwriter/Guitaris t Preston Pugmire The Edge; 8 p.m.-10 p.m.; $5 w/ ID, $10 without ID, Free w/ Fall Pass

Inside Out: Mitchell Kearney Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery Radical Jewelry Makeover Lewandowski Student Gallery

Sep 14


Inside Out: Mitchell Kearney Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery.

Sep 16

Sep 17

Matters: Painting and G Size Drawing Exhibition McLaurin Gallery & Lewandowski Student Gallery

p.m. Eagle Flicks: Oz the Great and Powerful ID, $4 without ID, Free w/ Fall Pass

la Paix G Taiyo Rutledge Gallery Jewelry Makeover G Radical Lewandowski Student

No Events Do your homework!

Art History Foreign Film Festival Owens 102; 7 p.m.-10 p.m.; free


International Day of Peace/Speaker Ginger Williams/Skin Deep skit Owens G01; 7 p.m.; free


“Man Dove” - Indonesian Documentary


Radical Jewelry Makeover Lewandowski Student Gallery

Out: Mitchell G Inside Kearney Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery


Jewelry Makeover G Radical Lewandowski Student

“Tying the Knot” - Gay Rights Documentary Free w/ ID, $5 without ID

Speaker/Author Frank Meeink


Sep 15

Sep 18

ID, $10 without ID, Free w/ Fall Pass

la Paix G Taiyo Rutledge Gallery

Size Matters: Painting and Drawing Exhibition McLaurin Gallery & Lewandowski Student Gallery

Out: Mitchell G Inside Kearney Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery


For Fun

Cultural Event











Due to sizing restrictions, this calendar may not represent all events on campus. More detailed calendar coming soon at mytjnow.com



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