EDUCATION GUIDE Changing our perspectives FALL 2010
Plus: Tips on picking the right school for your kids
Does dressing the same earn an A or is the whole concept a failure?
Students share their ups and downs and more... NORTH EDITION
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ON THE COVER: Students from Toronto Montessori Schools celebrate their graduation day. Francis Crescia/ town crier
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The Toronto District School Board looks at using its extensive fine art and artefact collection in the classroom
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Pupils tell us in their own words and pictures about their joys, challenges and lessons learned
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Do uniforms encourage discipline and a sense of belonging or do they stifle self-expression?
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Inside the Education Guide
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your kids. And we have invited students of all ages to share their triumphs and challenges with us in words and pictures. New perspectives can not only broaden our own paths of inquiry but they can also heighten our sense of understanding. That is the true value of education. Here’s to a new school year, with all the possibilities it will bring with it.
Crier’s Fall 2010 Education Guide, the theme of new perspectives has informed much of our content. For instance, we explore both sides of the equation when it comes to kids wearing uniforms in the city’s private and independent schools. We also take a look at the Toronto District School Board’s long-buried art and historical collection, which offers multiple learning opportunities through first-hand experience with the artefacts. In keeping with the theme, we have invited educational experts from schools across the GTA to share their unique viewpoints on everything from how to choose the right school to ways to organize
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Gordon Cameron
he beginning of a new school year can be bittersweet: it’s exciting to think of the challenges the year ahead will hold, yet it’s hard leaving behind memories of warm summer days spent with family and friends. But school is the place where the familiar and unfamiliar intersect, where new ideas can form and percolate. It’s where we all learned many of the great lessons of life from our ABCs and 1-2-3s to how to navigate the realities of modern society. It’s where many of us were first exposed to the diversity of thought and opinion which helped to shape who we are today. Which is why, for the Town
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The ballet world can be a competitive one, but it doesn’t need to be
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Respect. JuĂ–t!Xip!Xf!Bsf/ HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL
That’s a big one here. They don’t lecture us about it. They treat everyone with respect and the next thing you know, we’re doing it too. It kind of becomes a good habit. Lauren I., Grade 3
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Education With Balance
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Pros and cons of uniforms
photo courtesy little owl preschool elementary
By Daniela Germano
fter wearing uniforms for three years at Mentor College, Sasha Borges-Ho has mixed feelings about the strict uniform policy at her middle-school. The now 20-something York University graduate says she enjoyed the simplicity of waking up in the morning and not having to stress about what she was going to wear to school. But, she added, at times, the rules were a little too excessive. “In a lot of ways I am pro uniforms at private schools because it is a very competitive environment, where some students come from families with six-figure incomes and others whose families are scraping the bottom of the barrel to pay for the tuition,” she said. “It serves as an equalizer and in that sense I agree with it.” However, she said she didn’t agree with the ban on nail polish, hair being dyed an
unnatural colour and boys having long hair. “I don’t think it’s their business how I wear my hair,” she said. Then, there is there is the constant battle over skirt lengths. Borges-Ho says that teachers would measure the length of the skirt by having the student kneel on the floor and placing a ruler to measure how far the skirt came up from the floor. If the skirt was rolled, they would have the student unroll it. If it wasn’t rolled but was still too short, the student would be sent home.
“Uniforms are quite powerful in terms of discipline.”
FREEDOM OF CHOICE: Some schools believe that students should dress the way the want for class.
“I understand you want to regulate skirt lengths for younger girls, but I think it was a little excessive and too strict,” she said. “It became less about decency and more about portraying a level of prestige.” At Havergal College, they have implemented a program called “Don’t Skirt the Issue”, which uses Post-it Notes to remind students of the appropriate hemline length. “It’s an easy and comfortable reminder for our students,” said Barb MacIntosh, director of student life. “For the girls who are grow-
SENSE OF BELONGING: Wearing a uniform can help students feel a part of their school’s community and provide them with strong ties to their peers.
Parents pushed for change ing, the skirt tends to get shorter without intention, but this is a good reminder for them to keep their skirt length in mind.” MacIntosh says that uniforms are an integral part of Havergal College because they denote student pride and create a sense of community in the school. She added that the uniforms are also designed to be comfortable and age appropriate and there are also occasions where they do not have to wear them. “Our students can voice their individuality through their conduct and actions, not by what they wear,” MacIntosh said. Natasha Galinskaya, principal of Little Owl Preschool Elementary, agrees. Even toddlers as young as two years old wear a uniform at the school. Galinskaya says that when the school implemented uniforms in the elementary school three years ago, parents approached her about uniforms for the prePUPILS Page 6
Admission Open Houses: Nov. 4 & 5 (9:30 - noon). Tuition assistance available beginning in Grade 7.
“They came to us with valid points.�
WEAR WHAT YOU WANT, WITHIN THE LIMITS: While some schools opt not to have a uniform, most still have rules for appropriate dress.
Pupils seek self-expression through fashion choices Cont. from Page 5
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schoolers. “Uniforms are quite powerful in terms of discipline,� she said. “It creates unity and the children feel like they all belong to Little Owl.� Galinskaya added that the uniform policy is not as strict for the preschoolers, but it’s the school’s philosophy to teach students a sense of responsibility and that’s often done through the dress code. “We want our students to focus on what they are learning� she said. “I have noticed with the uniforms that the children are more disciplined and take pride in their education.� But not everyone agrees that a strict uniform policy creates good learning environments. In Dragon Academy’s first year, students wore uniforms, but ongoing complaints by students caused the school to revisit the policy, said principal Meg Fox. “(They) came to us with valid points and they voiced their opinions in an intelligent fashion,� she said. There were two main concerns: the students felt they were being targeted on the subway for attending a private school, and they felt that wearing a uniform
inhibited their self-expression. The next year, the school took their suggestions into consideration and drafted a dress code, instead of the uniforms. Fox says that students cannot wear offensive logos or anything that would be deemed inappropriate,
such as showing too much skin. “We want to spend our energy in academic achievement not policing costume,� she said. “This encourages tolerance and a freedom of expression, which is key to intellectual creativity in all fields.�
PERFECT LENGTH: Havergal College’s “Don’t Skirt the Issue� program uses sticky notes to see if a student’s hemline is too short.
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photo courtesy The bishop strachan school
HANDS ON: Students from The Bishop Strachan School went to Ecuador in March to do volunteer work.
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Our students learn to “think, love and create” in a school that offers a solid academic foundation. Our character program creates respectful children and citizens in our Community. Please join us at one of our open houses or call to schedule your personal interview. Open house dates: Wednesday, Sept. 22, 6:00pm - 8:00pm, Saturday, Oct. 2 & Nov. 6, 10:00am - 12:00pm, TEL: 905 – 303 – 7557 •
International service trips
By Hera Chan
earning outside of the classroom can be the best thing to happen to your child’s education. Just ask the students at The Bishop Strachan School, who embarked on a service trip to Ecuador in March. For 10 days a group of students from the all-girls high school visited several towns in the South American country to help build a school, volunteer at a rehabilitation centre and improve their leadership skills through specially designed workshops. “The experience has helped me think on a global scale,” said grade 11 student Krystin Chung. “Going to Ecuador showed me the importance of giving back.” Chung says the trip also inspired her to become a more active citizen in her school, and to really take advantage of everything it has to offer. Bishop Strachan School knows the service trip concept well. The Forest Hill area school is affiliated with Free the Children, a charity partner of the Me to We program, which mobilizes thousands of youth ambassadors who engage in community development initiatives around the world. Service trips have taken youth to all corners of the globe, including Kenya, China and India. In Ecuador, the students were working in a way not possible inside a classroom, said Charlotte Fleming, a teacher at Bishop Strachan. “The trip is a great opportunity for students to experience and learn about another culture,” she says. “To make global connections, and to learn, reflect, and think about how their actions may impact the lives of other people.” Trip locations are chosen by the end of the previous school year and a student-parent meeting is held in early fall. Students participate in several pre-trip workshops to prepare for the journey. Many schools across Canada have similar programs to Bishop Strachan. Earlier in the year a group of 20 students, chaperones and teachers from TDChristian High School left on an International Block service trip to the Dominican Republic. Students spent eight weeks working in different
COURTESY Me MENTORING tropolitan OTHERS: A M Preparator y Academy etropolitan Pr unteer tutors eparatory Ac a Kenyan adul ademy volt on how to us e a computer.
Real life learning placements, including construction, schools, a rehab clinic, an orphanage and at a village on the outskirts of the city dump. The International Block program counts for three high school credits. The senior students take regular school courses for half the year, then take courses such as world issues, Spanish and English the other half to prepare for the trip. The experience can have a profound impact on the students involved. “(It allows students to) see inequality in the world and see that they can make a difference if they choose too,” said teacher Rachel Weening, who has coordinated the International Block program at TDChristian for two years. The benefits for students on service trips are countless, says John Myers, instructor at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. He says it shows students how big a place the world is and helps students develop a sense of social responsibility. As students become more aware, they become more likely to be interested in such service trips, he says. Programs like Katimavik, an opportunity for 17–21 year olds to take part in an intensive six or nine month volunteer service program, ensure today’s youth doesn’t turn a blind eye to world issues. “The curriculum a student goes through in high school is more than just a book or curriculum,” says Myers. “(Experiential learning lets students) understand curriculum in real life.” FALL 2010 EDUCATION GUIDE Town Crier
Exemplary students
ou don’t have to be old to be inspiring: Saluting the drive, passion and efforts of some of our area’s best young adults
Ari Feinberg
By Kelly Gadzala
By Kelly Gadzala
or a young man who says he’s not all that verbal, Ari Feinberg comes across like a poet. The Richmond Hill resident who graduated from TanenbaumCHAT in June won first place in the Toronto-wide Morley S. Wolfe Youth Competition for a children’s story he wrote on challenging racism. The contest had over 300 submissions on the same topic. His story, told in rhyme and called Clementine’s Sunflower, detailed the sufferings of a sunflower that is bullied by other flowers who call it ugly. In the end the sunflower dies because it is so saddened by the abuse it has received from the other flowers. “It’s a bit dark for a children’s book,” Feinberg admits. But the other flowers learn tolerance, he says, after the sunflower dies. Though he says he’s never really experienced racism the topic resonates with him as his grandpar-
Milani Sivapragasam
ents were subjected to anti-Semitism in Europe. “I’ve always felt connected to it.” Feinberg says he was happy about his unexpected win. He stayed up late a lot of nights doing the illustrations for the book on his computer. Though he’s just starting his first year as a sciences major at McGill University in Montreal, he says he loves writing. “It’s kind of how I get my creative side out.” Voted valedictorian for his class, Feinberg says he spoke to students about taking the initiative in his speech to them at graduation. Not surprisingly, he used one of Aesop’s Fables The Mice in Council to illustrate his point. He calls himself more of a quiet leader who leads by example. As the head of the Holocaust Memorial Program this past school year, Feinberg was involved in planning a ceremony and activities for both the school and the public. But he was more relaxed in his leadership style, he says. “I try not to be in peoples’ faces.” Feinberg was also a member of physics team
photo courtesy Ari feinberg
that won a world-wide competition, the Shalheveth Freier Physics Tournament run by the Weizmann Institute in Israel last year. He helped design a hard-to-crack safe that can be opened using physics principles. “You have to be able to crack it in two minutes but it has to be hard for other teams to crack,” he says In 2008-2009 the team was second in Canada but didn’t make it to Israel. Feinberg says he’s convinced they went to Israel and won the next year because the group truly learned to work as a team. Winning, he adds, was pretty mind blowing. “It was kid of surreal.”
f Milani Sivapragasam’s graduation ceremony from Bayview Glen could be compared to star-studded awards gala, let’s just say the young lady rocked the red carpet and totally cleaned up. Valedictorian for her graduating class in June 2010, Sivapragasam raked in the Spanish subject award (her fourth in as many years); the Round Square King Constantine Medal for her dedication to service projects; a Student Executive Council appreciation award; a community service award for banking 750 volunteer hours at local hospitals; and numerous others accolades and plaques to add to the growing collection on her bedroom wall — her wall of fame, if you will. But the humble Sivapragasam doesn’t discuss her accomplishments in such flashy terms. Though she’s clearly proud of her achievements, the first-year biological and medical sciences student at the University of Western Ontario has taken it all in stride. “It’s not about how many awards I win,” says Sivapragasam. “One of my greatest gifts I can give is my compassion and my help.” The aspiring doctor credits the service work she did through Bayvew Glen with making her
the leader she is today. In a way, it all began with the Spanish language. When in grade 9, Sivapragasam listened to a speech given by the founder of Free the Children, in which he spoke of the compassion that every person is capable of showing. After that speech Sivapragasam signed up for a service trip through the organization to Arizona and Mexico where she worked with migrant workers at a drug rehab centre. “It was so overwhelming,” she says, describing meeting a 17 year old meth addict. “I was only 15 years old.” Children would come to the door begging for food, she recalls. “I can still hear their voices.” In the resource centre she met a man named Pedro, a person who still looms large in her mind. She was the only person in the group who could speak Spanish, she says, so she and Pedro would talk about his life. She remembers his kids’ names to this day. That’s where her love for Spanish flourished. When she went back to school in September in grade 10, she started and headed up Bayview Glen’s Chapter of Free the Children with another student. She and the group’s co-founder decided $5,000 Page 16
photo courtesy bayview glen
COMMITTED TO HEALING: The summer after grade 9 Milani Sivapragasam volunteered in a drug rehab centre.
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York University
Alex Chung
University of Toronto
University of Toronto
Tyler Clements
Diana Colarossi
Davis & Elkins College, University of USA Western Ontario, Ivey
Viren Kakkar University of Toronto
Brian Gregory Wilfrid Laurier University
University of Kansas, USA
Dimitri Kanaris
Marc Lombardi
Briana Nielsen
Queen’s University
Madolyn Noble
Sammy Orlando
Carleton University
Evguenia Tcherni McGill University
Eric Selvaggi
University of Western Ontario
Nikki Serrani University of Toronto
Blake Thornley Jemma Titheridge University of King’s College
Gap Year UBC Fall 2011
University of Toronto
Colin McLellan University of Guelph
Elliot Pong
Wilfrid Laurier University
Dalhousie University
Bradley Davis
York University, Schulich
Concordia University
Samuel Titheridge
Queen’s University
Kaitlin Georges Wilfrid Laurier University
Joey Ho
University of Western Ontario
Gillian Kreycir
Tova Latowsky
Kristin Leeper
Lee Merrill
Montana Mortimer
Keegan Myers
Michael Rea
Brodie Ritchie
Wilfrid Laurier University
Wilfrid Laurier University
George Brown College
Diane Shouldice Stewart Kailey Sibley
Oxford Brookes University, UK
Daniel Gelshteyn
Tatiana Hermanns Simone Hilley Bland
Ichha Kohli
McMaster University
University of University of George Brown Western Ontario Western Ontario, Huron College
Dominic Schmied
Devon Grisolia
Humber College Institute of Technology
Thomas Kember
Carleton University
Dalhousie University
Wilfrid Laurier University
Cameron MacIver Lauren McDonald
University of Western Ontario, King’s
Bianca Garibaldi
Jamie Fogel
Katie Evans
University of Western Ontario
Michael Gray
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Katrina Bruhm
University of Western Ontario, Ivey
University of Western Ontario
Simon Fraser University
University of Guelph
John Grant
Congratulations to the Class of 2010
Connor Daoust
Christopher Elder
University of Calgary
McGill University
The Country Day School
Victoria Ciciretto
McMaster University
Colin Benjamin
Blake Beauchamp
Ryerson University
Sarah Todd
University of Western Ontario
Queen’s University
Queen’s University
Queen’s University
University of Ottawa
Corey Burrows Wilfrid Laurier University
Kalin Clein
Queen’s University
University of Guelph
John De Gasperis Christopher Edward University of Western Ontario
McMaster University
Henry Gilpin Gap Year
Josef Ianni
Jennifer Hutt
University of Western Ontario
McMaster University
Adriana Leon
Alanah Lisso
University of Notre Dame, USA
Wilfrid Laurier University
Queen’s University
University of Western Ontario, Ivey
Madison Neubauer
Diana Newell
Rebecca Rochon
Sara Rossetto
Amanda Santarossa
Emily Carr University University of of Art and Design Western Ontario
Alex Simons Carleton University
University of Western Ontario
Brett Vickers
Hayley Wilson
Mark Wilson
Wilfrid Laurier University
Victoria Cistrone
Julia Simon
University of Western Ontario
Rachel Bushuev York University,
Queen’s University
Education With Balance
Kathryn Soave
Queen’s University
University of Waterloo
Laureen Hachem
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Amanda Kwan/Town Crier
By Amanda Kwan
aureen Hachem approaches education with a mixture of pragmatism and curiosity. “From the beginning, I really took school seriously,” said the 17 year old Northern Secondary School graduate, who scored the highest marks in the Toronto public school board for 2009-2010. “Each year … you build on what you learnt, instead of starting from scratch,” said Hachem. “So because of that, it was a continuation so it was easier for me.” Hachem earned a 99.2 percent average in eight grade 12 courses: physics, chemistry, biology, English, French, advanced functions, advanced calculus and co-op. Her near-perfect average was partly the result of diligent study-
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ing — spending about five hours a day on homework — but Hachem says school wasn’t about getting high marks. “I wanted to make sure I really understood the material, just for my own benefit and later on.” This genuine desire to learn is the driving force behind her success, she said. “When I was in biology and would learn something, the next day I’d go to chemistry and see the connection between the two. And the physics would tie-in as well, this cohesiveness that they have. To see how the world works, it’s incredible.” Hachem is thinking about becoming neurosurgeon — a field she got a taste of during her co-op placement as a medical research MAKING Page 16
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Olivia Bonham-Carter
By Jessica Vitullo
University of Guelph
Brandon Swartz
University of Western Ontario, Ivey
Alex Zator
University of Guelph
The Country Day School is committed to offering a superior educational experience that is sensitive to the needs of each student, enables learning and equips students for life. 13415 Dufferin Street, King, ON 905.833.1220
Exemplary students
Mackenzie Allen Matthew Andreacchi Monika Bassi
University of Western Ontario, Ivey
“I really took school seriously.”
livia Bonham-Carter said she feels happiest when she is involved in community service
initiatives. “After I finish my education, I want to be able to help with human rights and environmental concerns around the world,” she said. “That’s my goal in life.” Bonham-Carter is well on her way to achieving that goal. A grade 12 student at Trinity College School, she has played a leadership role in several environmental activities. “I am part of the environmental group at the school,” she said. “We do a lot of things for the school and advocate for environmen-
tal projects.” The group holds assemblies to address the issue of water consumption and water bottles, which she said had a huge impact on the school. Based on her work, Bonham-Carter was selected to join the Jane Goodall Institute’s Roots & Shoots National Leadership Council, which allows her to connect with students around the world. The group discusses the best way to address concerns within the environment and how to implement change within communities. “I’ve learned so much more about environmental problems around the world,” she said. “The only way you can fix them is if you help. “Something good comes out PREFECT Page 16
Open House every last Thursday of the month 15 Mallow Rd., North York, Ontario, M3B 1G2 • 416-385-9685 •
Hidden treasures
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99 Sheppard Avenue West Unit A, North York francis crescia/town crier
Rare art to be used in class
francis crescia/town crier
Collection worth over $7 million By Kelly Gadzala
omewhere in a top-secret location in Toronto, over one million paintings, photos and other artefacts are languishing in an environmentallyprotected vault. Few eyes have seen them until recently. The archival, artefact and fine art collection, owned by the Toronto District School Board, was unveiled to the public at an invitation-only event in May. It’s an extensive — and wholly impressive — grouping of artefacts.
There’s a Tom Thomson painting worth about $1.5 million. Other Canadian and Aboriginal artwork, including pieces by The Group of Seven, Emily Carr, and Norval Morrisseau, hang from steel cage-like grids that pull out on rosters. Not the most illustrious space to hang part of a collection that in its entirety is valued at over $7 million, true. But that will change soon enough judging by the tone of the unveiling event. “There’s no justice having them in a vault,” says school board trustee Gary Crawford, who
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introduced the artefacts to the media. “The collection is an enormous educational resource,” he says. “We must make it accessible.” The objects have been amassed since the mid-19th Century but weren’t consolidated until the city’s seven public school boards amalgamated in 1998. Many artists donated their works for educational purposes in the early 20th Century, says Crawford, and as such cannot be sold due to legal stipulations. The board also did digs on school board sites and discovered other artefacts, according to board heritage services archivist Greg McKinnon. The rows and rows of boxes spotted during the tour with various labels on them could fall under this category. One box labeled, “Leather Shoe, Top Prioryty”, looks old by virtue of both the dust and the spelling on the box. Others bear labels with the words “Brick Samples” and “Glass Bottles Collections” on them. Some pieces were purchased by individual schools, like the almost life-size painting of a very young Queen Elizabeth II that never hung in the school but which was hauled out during special ceremonies or assemblies. Piles of orange leather board room chairs with swivel bottoms, Commodore PET computers and old trophies could tell a multitude of personal and institutional narratives. Meanwhile a “Corporal Punishment Book” under glass dating back to 1892, which records children’s offences (like “talking in line” and being lazy), is a sobering piece of our educational past. Curator and educator Shelley Falconer has spent the past year studying the collection, interviewing various board members and exploring
crier escia/town
francis cr
how the collection can be used for educational purposes. A report she authored, Learning through Objects, is yet to be presented to the board, so plans haven’t been approved regarding the educational use of the collection. Nevertheless, pilot programs using some of the artefacts will be starting in some schools as early as this fall, Falconer says. Objects learning, or the idea that objects provide deeper learning opportunities, is a popular educational methodology in American private schools based on the teachings of Harvard professor Howard Gardner, she says. The report, she adds, develops a blueprint for how to move forward and incorporate the objects into the curriculum in an accessible and multi-faceted way. Though museum quality, she says the collection doesn’t belong in a museum. “It tells the story not just of the board but also of Toronto. “We’re talking about something that doesn’t exist in the country,” she says. “That’s cuttingedge progressive curriculum.”
Living the Truth in Charity
OUT FROM THE VAULT: The Toronto District School Board’s archival, artefact and fine art collection, which was for years hidden behind closed doors, will start being used in the classroom this fall. Curator and educator Shelley Falconer, top left, shows off a painting by Canadian artist Emily Carr. Other painters represented include members of the Group of Seven and Norval Morrisseau, left.
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Exemplary students Open House
Thursday, November 4th, 2010, 7:00 pm
Today’s School for Tomorrow’s World
a co-ed, independent non-denominational school, Grade 7-12 Tours Available by Appointment 217 Brookbanks Drive, Toronto Phone: (416) 391-1441
Prefect spreads school spirit Cont. from Page 13
of everything.” When BonhamCarter is not advocating for environmental rights, she is focused on other school initiatives including her duties as a prefect student. “We work to get everyone’s energy up throughout the year,” she said. “We’ll organize events for Halloween and Valentine’s Day.” At the beginning of the year, prefects worked to get new students together, excited, and participating in fun events. “I was really excited to help plan that and get everyone involved,” she said.
The Toronto Prep School education experience includes: a semestered, university preparatory curriculum, a MacBook Pro laptop with educational software, GoodLife Fitness membership, an extended after school study program, a Saturday Club study program, maximum class size of 16 students , extra-curricular clubs and athletic program, and a dedicated, passionate and experienced faculty.
to lead an Adopt a Village initiative, setting a goal to raise $5,000 over five years for a Clear Water Project in Sierra Leone. “I realized I want to lead a life of service,” she says simply. By the time her cohort graduated, the group had raised $2,000 of the $5,000, and by then Sivapragasam had only one year left to raise the balance of the money.
Contact Fouli Tsimikalis, Director of Admissions at
Consider our program if you are interested in an academically rigorous and structured environment dedicated to challenging and nurturing your child.
L photo courtesy olivia bonham-carter
WELL DONE: Olivia Bonham-Carter accepts a Lieutenant Governor’s award on behalf of her school from Lt.-Gov. David Onley.
She did it, raising $3,000 through various school fundraising events that she got other students involved in. We take water for granted here, she says. Sivapragasam admits she grew up quickly. People have told her she’s old for her age, she says. And for a highly accomplished woman under 20, she sounds more than a little sage when she speaks of living
a satisfying life. “I’m completely ready to die right now,” she says. “I feel I’ve lived my life to the fullest extent.” Sivapragasam wants to maintain her Spanish studies and says she would love to work with an organization like Doctors without Borders. That way, she could go back to Mexico. Someone like Pedro, she says, has no access to that kind of care.
Making connections is important Cont. from Page 13
250 Davisville Avenue, Toronto 416.545.1020
The assignment
$5,000 raised for clean water Cont. from Page 11
The Toronto Prep School is a private, co-educational, university preparatory, day school for discerning students and parents
Students at work
assistant at Dr. Charles Tator’s neurosurgery lab at Toronto Western Hospital. Achieving this goal means thinking of the bigger picture, she said. Hachem chose to do co-op because it was an opportunity to see theory in action and a chance to network. “You get connections in an environment outside of school that you wouldn’t necessarily get if you were just in a classroom,” she said. This is the same reason why she’s going to the University of Toronto this fall to study life sciences. “(It’s) the connections with hos-
pitals, top-notch professors and doctors,” said Hachem, who is attending as a U of T Scholar. “I know they do programs throughout the year where you can do your own projects.” And it’s not enough to excel in academics. Being a well-rounded student also means taking part in extra-curriculars, she said. “When I was president of the French club, we did a festival to raise money for Doctors Without Borders,” said Hachem, who was also vice-president of her school’s cancer committee, treasurer of the heart and stroke committee, and a volunteer at the United Way.
Tatum Utsal, a grade 2 student at Montcrest School, draws and writes about her favourite thing about school.
ast spring the Town Crier asked students from all grades to contribute to our fall education publications. We asked those in the primary grades to draw a picture and write a paragraph about either their favourite or most challenging thing about school. As for the older students, we asked them to write about what was the most difficult thing they’ve ever learned. We received many wonderful entries and we wish we could publish them all. If you don’t see your work in these pages check out our October education supplement or our website for more great art and writing. Thanks to all those who participated.
Some of our favourite things ...
and hard lessons we’ve learned
Listening to your parents Not listening to your parents is one thing, but biting your nails is a whole different story. When you don’t listen to your parents you suffer the consequence. When I had a bloody swollen finger, I just wished I had listened to my parents. It all started with me watching Scooby Doo and when I saw them biting and chewing their nails when they were near the monster. When I saw them I wanted to imitate them so I bit my nails and I just couldn’t stop after that. I just kept gnawing and gnawing until my nails were super short. Then I decided I chew on the skin beside the nail so I kept chewing and chewing. Then my mom and dad started telling me to stop biting my nails but I just didn’t listen. So I kept biting and biting until finally I had done it. I had bitten so hard that blood was oozing out. It was dark red. I was super scared and I yelled and screamed and my mom and dad came with ice and a bandage. When the bleeding had stopped, my nails, and parts of my skin, were black. The next morning I woke up and I felt for my infected nail but when I touched my finger my nail was not there. All I felt was this squishy skin that was under my nail. I was screaming for my mom and dad. When they came they were wondering what had happened. When I showed them my nail they weren’t surprised. After a few weeks my nail grew back and I sure was glad. When my mom told me to not bite my nails, this time I listened. I didn’t want to be back to having bloody, swollen finger again. Neema Safari — Grade 6, Toronto Montessori Schools, Bayview Campus
Taking Risks Imagine. Your school talent show is in two weeks. It’s time for the auditions. You’re gripped with fear. Should you do it? Do you take the risk of auditioning and looking stupid? Or, do you play it safe and walk away? You decide to play it safe. I mean, why would someone risk the chance of looking stupid and lame? It’s time for lunch and you’re walking away from the audition room with your friends. You’re feeling pretty clever for making what seems like the smart decision. But at lunch, you notice that everyone’s talking about how much fun they had auditioning. They’re saying how they all made it past the auditions. How are you feeling now? Chances are, you’re feeling a little remorseful. The talent show rolls around and you’re thinking, “Wow, that kid made it past the auditions? Pfft, I could do so much better than them.” Well, it’s too bad you didn’t audition. You’re feeling really regretful now. You start to feel even worse when people start saying that you should’ve been in the talent show. “There’s always next year,” you tell yourself. But you know you’ve been saying that for the past couple of years. This is how I felt just a couple of weeks ago. I think most — if not all — of us have been in this kind of situation. It sure feels bad, doesn’t it? You may be thinking that not taking the risk is the safe choice, but really, I think taking the risk would be the safe choice. Even if you don’t make it past the audition, at least you can feel at ease knowing that you gave it a shot. And isn’t that what counts? At the time, it probably seems like the scariest thing in the world, but if you step back and look, chances are, things won’t seem so bad. After all, you never know unless you try. Megan Sue-Chue-Lam — Grade 8, Bayview Glen
Hayden Spindler —Grade 1, The York School
Facing death Simon Smorcsewski — Grade 1, The York School
William Wu — Grade 1, The York School
“The most challenging thing at school is math questions. My teacher helps me.”
Felicia Koumettis — Grade 1, The York School Mimi Hodaie — Grade 1, The York School
“One thing I like about school is the fairy tale unit.”
My grandmother died when I was the age of four. I was too young to really know her, but I loved her enough to cry about her death. When you die, where do you go? Did my grandmother go to heaven? Will she ever come back? I sat next to my mother who cried for her loss, and you could tell that by the look on her face, my grandmother was never coming back. Then, the notice came in of my grandfather’s death, which was only a couple days after my grandmother’s. My mother’s sadness was contagious. When I saw my mother’s determined face all red from her hand swiping across her face to dry her tears, I wanted to cry too. I had never seen her like this, and I hoped I would never have to again. My family, all five of us, would cuddle together on our parent’s king size bed and hug our mother until she laughed at our dog pile, now forming on her. I was four when I learned I was going to die one day and I didn’t like it. Gillian Monckton — Grade 6, Havergal College
Educators’ insights
Fun and challenges
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photo courtesy Branksome hall
Get organized
Several Centres across the GTA. Call us or visit our website to get in touch with a Kumon Instructor at a Centre near you.
By roberta LongprÊ – 9c[]\ 1O\ORO 7\Q
Olaf Wijbenga — Grade 2, Montcrest School
Taylor Zivojinoviochls — Grade 1, The York School
very parent and teacher recognizes that some children need more help than others in organizing their belongings and their time. Luckily, good organizational and study habits are skills that any student can learn. Here are a few tips to help parents ease their children into a successful school year:
Jackson Levin — Grade 1, The York School shares his reasons as to why learning French is the most challenging part of his school day. Ben Capombassis — Grade 1, The York School
“We are learning fractions and I like the pizza game. I like playing soccer in gym.�
Buy an agenda and use it as a planner. Break large assignments and test preparation into chunks and plan to work on one chunk per day. Use the agenda to plan the week. Enter all test dates it. Record long-term assignments as well. Create binders for even/odd days if your school has an even/odd day timetable. Keep subject binders at home and transfer work into those binders at the end of each month. Buy a hole punch and have your child start his or her homework session by punching all handouts and placing them in the correct binder. Make sure all work is dated. Help your child set a homework time, such as 6:30–8:00 p.m. daily and honour that time. If possible, have your child do homework in a clearly visible space at home (such as the kitchen or dining room table). This allows you to moni-
tor social networking and computer games that intrude on homework time. It also gives you a good estimate of “real� homework time. Keep a basket of supplies at the ready for homework time. This should include pens, pencils, rulers, glue, a hole punch, coloured pencils, etc. Otherwise, looking for supplies can become a field trip and waste valuable homework time. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep. Tired children cannot get themselves organized. Allow your child to take a physical break after 30–40 minutes of homework. Plan these breaks (e.g., walk the dog or shoot hoops for 10 minutes), and then it is back to the books. Pack backpacks after each homework session, or ensure your son or daughter does so. Check off each homework task in the agenda as it goes into the bag. Check tomorrow’s timetable to make sure such items as gym shorts are in the bag if required for the next day. If the backpack is organized thoughtfully at the end of each day, you and your child will avoid the early morning rush that can lead to misplaced homework and those “my dog ate my homework� excuses.
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Roberta LongprĂŠ is the Director of Learning Strategies at Branksome Hall. FALL 2010 EDUCATION GUIDE Town Crier
Educators’ insights
How to pick the best school
Tours recommended you can contact as references.
Tips to help you in your hunt By Agatha Stawicki
rivate and independent schools are becoming an accessible, affordable and popular option for parents who know exactly the kind of education they want for their child. With a range of schools as unique as each individual child, finding the right one may seem like a formidable task. But with the proper techniques, the school search is an opportunity to better understand your child’s strengths and natural abilities.
The Wish List Involve the entire family in creating the list of wants and needs in a school. This builds excitement, helps you get to know your children better, and determines exactly what you are looking for. It will also ensure that the money you spend on education will achieve the desired goals.
Some questions to keep in mind: •How is your child doing in his or her current school? What attention or challenges does he or she need? •What is your child’s personality, learning style, academic ability, social skills, talents, challenges and desires? •Will your child thrive in an environment rich with technology or one that is based in social interaction? •Is a co-ed or same sex environment best for your child? Will a day or boarding school environment be best? •Do you want a school that offers before- and after-school programs? •Are you expecting an academic-based curriculum or one that attempts to educate the personality as well? •Does your child require dedicated help? Then you may need a school with small class sizes.
gthening Learn tren ing Capac t i e s i
Reading • Writing • Mathematics Visual or Auditory Memory Dyslexia • Non-verbal learning
Phone: (416) 963-4962 245 St. Clair Avenue West (two blocks west of Avenue Rd.) Toronto email:
Wednesday September 15, 2010 Wednesday October 13, 2010 at 7:00 pm on
Join us at our
The Preliminary Search It has probably been a while since you’ve had to do homework, but this phase of the search can be exciting as you discover the different learning options available and select the best fit for your child, not making your child fit into a school at all costs. Here are some tips on the preliminary search: •Get started early: At least a year in advance is recommended. Good decisions are best made without time restrictions. •Consider your budget: Determine your financial situation, how much you are willing to spend and what financial aid is available at each school. •Read school profiles and websites: Look at what’s written about the school curriculum, mission, values and philosophy.
The Private School Expo Private school expos bring together students and representatives from all types of schools across a city for you to use as a one-stop source of information. School administrators and students are on-hand to answer questions. You will also find helpful seminars on how to choose a school, what type of school is best for a child, and how to finance a private education.
Here’s a list of questions to ask schools: •What makes the school unique?
photo courtesy agatha stawicki
What is the school’s philosophy? •How does the school encourage involvement amongst parents, teachers and students? •What curriculum guidelines does the school follow and how are students evaluated? How do they respond to students who fall behind? •What are the teachers’ qualifications? •What is the average class size? •What are the transportation options for my child? •What is the admission process for my child? Is there a waiting list? •How much is tuition and what other costs might I incur (e.g. uniform, books, equipment)? •What are my payment options? What financial aid and scholarships are available? The School Visit As the search narrows to a few schools, it’s time to see first hand the different school campuses and communities. You can either contact the school to arrange a personal tour (including spending time in classrooms) or check school calendars for open house dates. It is a time to speak with principals, teachers, counsellors and other students and to ask for the names and numbers of current parents or alumni, whom
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Hit the ground learning.
FIRST TEST: Private and independent schools select their students carefully and chose those who they feel will contribute to their communities.
What schools want
— Agatha Stawicki
Providing students with the tools necessary for academic success
Because every child deserves to feel good about school in the fall. Especially yours.
Agatha Stawicki is the Publisher at Our Kids Media, publishers of Our Kids Go to School magazine — Canada’s Annual Guide to Private Schools, powers the school search on and hosts the annual Private School Expo. This year’s Private School Expo will be held in Toronto on Saturday, October 16, 2010.
Location: St. Theresa de Lisieux C.H.S., 230 Shaftesbury Ave., Richmond Hill (north of Elgin Mills, east off Bathurst) (9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.)
UÊOrganizationÊ&ÊT iÊManagement UÊReadingÊ&ÊNotetaking UÊTestÊ&ÊExamÊPreparation
The Application Compiling all the information gathered over the research process, you should be able to come up with a final choice of two to three schools in which your child will flourish. Families are encouraged to apply to more than one school to keep your options open, because, although you may
As families search for the perfect school, schools are also looking for the perfect student to contribute to their community. Here’s what schools want to see in their applicants: •That they as a school will be a good fit for both the child and family •That the student really wants to attend the school and is not just being pressured to do so •A clear representation of the child’s ability •The potential for the student to become a participating and integrated member of the private school community •That both the family and child fully understand the school’s philosophy, vision and expectations at the outset
Preparing children for the world of communication since 1973
Here’s what an application may require: •Completed application forms (many are now available online) •Interview and possible entrance exam •Non-refundable application fee •Confidential school report from child’s current school •Previous report cards (up to two or three years back) •Test scores (such as the Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT) or another entrance exam)
German Language Saturday School
416-781- 9018
Look for these qualities: •The quality of the campus grounds, lunchroom, sports facilities and classrooms: Are they clean, operational, and safe? •The diversity of the school: Is the student population multicultural enough for your child? Is that important to you? •The classroom dynamics: How do students and teachers interact? Is that relationship what you’re looking for? •Student supervision: How do administrators maintain a safe environment? How do they approach discipline?
have preferences, chances are there are a number of schools that could be an appropriate fit.
JK-8 Co-educational Established 1988 2454 Bayview Ave. • 416-425-4567 FALL 2010 EDUCATION GUIDE Town Crier
On pointe
Dance that’s not cut-throat Ballet without the competition
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The advantage your child deserves. By Kelly Gadzala
ompetition in the world of dance may seem to go together like Fred and Ginger, but not all dance schools are as cutthroat as an episode of So You Think You Can Dance?. Martha Hicks has built a business on her recreational, non-competitive approach to teaching dance. “Dance is competitive enough,� says Hicks. “Why compete?� She clearly disdains what she calls the expensive and showy world of competitive dance. But even though her school, The Martha Hicks School of Ballet, prides itself on its non-competitive approach, rivalry and disappointment can rear their heads. There are six school companies that students have to
photo courtesy The martha hicks school of ballet
photo courtesy wonderful world of circus
THE RIGHT PATH: While The Martha Hicks School of Ballet streams its students into recreational and intensive programs at age 12, the decision is based in part on what’s best for the pupil.
KEEN OBSERVER: Arthur Kantemirov says that you need to be able to read people to become skilled at his art form.
audition for and students also need to be approved to take exams. Disappointments can range higher than a grande battement, to be sure. The most contentious topic in the school, perhaps, is when students reach the age of 12 and are streamed into either the recreational or the more intensive dance stream for jazz or ballet. They do their best to downplay the differences between the two, says Hicks, but since a lot of students aspire to be in the more advanced group, managing expectations can be really hard. But having the two categories is important, she says. If anything, she suggests, it encourages students to be confident in who they are. “If you put them all together, no one wins.� Those
in the recreational stream are too self-conscious if students from the other stream take classes with them, for one. “Parents appreciate that we protect their (kids’) self esteem.� By the time students graduate at age 17, they feel comfortable in their own skins, she says, and have formed great relationships with each other and their teachers. “There’s so much more going on than dance,� she says. “There’s really a great feeling of camaraderie.� Still, Hicks is no softy. As a teacher she’s strict, telling the story of refusing to teach her teenage daughters when they gave her teen attitude. “I’m pretty intense when I teach,� she says.
Clowning around By Kelly Gadzala
rthur Kantemirov became a clown as he felt sorry for his mom. It may sound crazy, but that moment of empathy may have been his first and perhaps most real moment as a clown. The performer and instructor at the Wonderful World of Circus says he never wanted to clown, so much so that when his mother, who owns the circus and school, asked him he told her no. Afterwards he saw his mom, whose specialties are flying acrobatics and trick riding, trying her best to clown for an event. She was was struggling, he says, so he jumped in and finished the act. He’s been clowning ever since. Clowning, he suggests, is more about human nature than it is about flopping around in big shoes with a red ball on your nose. “It can enlighten your understanding of social interaction.� Clowns have to feel out the audience’s mood and then respond to it in order to make its members laugh, he says. “I have to be ahead of their thoughts.�
In the same way, perhaps, that he was when he saw his mother trying to clown. Learning to be a clown is very difficult, he says, and even tougher than acting. You can’t act at all, he says. In fact if you over act — something he’s seen many a clown in training do — you just won’t connect with the audience. “You have to live it,� he says. Kantemirov suggests that the idea of teaching clowning is a paradox. You can teach kids certain skills like miming and aerobatics, but the finer points of interacting with an audience develop over time and through practise. Though many pupils at the school go on to perform recreationally, only a small percentage will go on to be professional clowns, he says. But students can take away so much from not just clowning, but also from the circus arts in general. Circus training teaches students to be competitive with themselves, Kantemirov says, but not with others. “I find a lot more positivity in that.�
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Open House Schedule for Private & Independent Schools SCHOOL
7:00pm Arrowsmith School Wed., Sept. 15, 2010 Wed., Oct. 13, 2010 Wed., Nov. 17, 2010 Wed., Dec. 8, 2010 1:00pm - 3:00pm Bayview Glen Sat., Oct. 23, 2010 Central Montessori School Thurs. ALL 5 Locations 9:00am - 4:00pm Lower School 9:30am - 11:30am Crescent School (Grades 3-6) Thurs., Oct. 28, 2010 Thurs., Nov. 25, 2010 Middle & Upper School 9:30am - 11:30am (Grades 7-12) Thurs., Oct. 21, 2010 Tues., Nov. 23, 2010 Crestwood Preparatory College Thurs., Nov. 4, 2010 7:00pm Please call for information Crestwood School Wed., Sept. 22, 2010 9:00am - 11:00am Fieldstone School 9:00am - 11:00am Wed., Oct. 13, 2010 Wed., Oct. 27, 2010 9:00am - 11:00am and 7:00pm - 8:00pm 10:00am - 12:00pm Hawthorn School for Girls Sat., Oct. 2, 2010 Thurs., Oct. 28, 2010 10:00am - 11:30am and 6:00pm - 8:00pm Fri., Nov. 19, 2010 10:00am - 11:30am 6:30pm - 8:30pm Holy Trinity School Wed., Oct. 13, 2010 10:00am & 2:00pm La Citadelle Open House Last Thursday Every Month Please call for information Little Owl Preschool Metropolitan Preparatory Academy Thurs, Oct. 28, 2010 7:00pm - 9:00pm Please call for information Mini-Skool
Private School Expos Register online at 416-963-4962 Our Kids Halton / Peel Sun., Oct. 3, 2010 12:00pm - 4:00pm Toronto 11:00am - 3:00pm Sat., Oct. 16, 2010 Wed., Sept. 22, 2010 6:00pm - 8:00pm 416-443-1030 Royal Crest Academy Sat., Oct. 2, 2010 10:00am - 12:00pm 10:00am - 12:00pm 416-250-1022 Sat., Nov. 6, 2010 8:30am - 11:00am St. Clement’s School Fri., Oct. 22, 2010 8:30am - 11:00am 416-449-2556 Fri., Nov. 19, 2010 7:30pm - 9:00pm St. Michael’s College School Tues., Oct. 19, 2010 Wed., Oct. 27, 2010 7:30pm - 9:00pm The Country Day School Sat., Oct. 2, 2010 10:00am - 1:00pm Wed., Oct. 6, 2010 9:00am - 12:00pm 7:00pm - 9:00pm Thurs., Oct. 21, 2010 9:00am - 12:00pm Wed., Nov. 17, 2010 The Dunblaine School Please call for information 416-391-1441 The German Language School Please call for information 416-444-5858 Toronto French Montessori School Please call for information 416-486-4530 Junior School: (Age 2 - Grade 5) Toronto French School 9:30am Wed., Oct. 20, 2010 Thurs., Nov. 18, 2010 7:30pm Senior School: (Grades 6 - University Entrance) 9:30am Wed., Nov. 17, 2010 416-444-2900 Toronto Montessori Schools Information Sessions - Elgin Mills Campus Wed., Oct. 27, 2010 9:30am Wed., Nov. 24, 2010 7:00pm Toronto Prep School Sat., Oct. 23, 2010 11:00am - 2:00pm 6:30pm - 8:30pm 905-737-1114 Thurs., Nov. 11, 2010 10:00am - 1:00pm Toronto Waldorf School Sat., Oct. 16, 2010 416-385-9685 Trinity in Action Trinity College School Registration Required 416-229-2356 Sat., Nov. 20, 2010 Call for information Upper Canada Child Care 416-285-0870 9:30am - 12:00pm Upper Canada College Thurs., Nov. 4, 2010 9:30am - 12:00pm 905-881-0710 Fri., Nov. 5, 2010 WillowWood School Thurs., Nov. 18, 2010 7:00pm - 8:30pm
` 905-303-7557 416-483-4835 416-653-3180
416-483-9215 905-473-2936 416-250-9952 416-484-6980 ext. 4247
905-889-6882 416-545-1020 905-881-1611
october 3
october 16
register online
for free admission ($10 at door)
905-885-3209 905-946-1113 416-488-1125 416-444-7644
HALTON-PEEL EXPO EXHIBITING SCHOOLS Appleby College Athol Murray College of Notre Dame Bronte College of Canada Buffalo Seminary Chisholm Academy Dearcroft Montessori School Fairview Glen Montessori Fern Hill School - Oakville Glenburnie School Gow School Halton Waldorf School Hamilton Academy of Performing Arts Hillfield Strathallan College Holy Name of Mary College School Karas French Immersion School Kingsway College School Lakefield College School Lynn-Rose Heights Private School MacLachlan College Meadow Green Academy Mentor College Oakville Christian School (OCS) Rotherglen School - MISSISSAUGA Rotherglen School - OAKVILLE Sommerville Manor School St. Jude’s Academy St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn School Star Academy Storm King School Team School Toronto French School TORONTO EXPO EXHIBITING SCHOOLS Abelard School Academy for Gifted Children - P.A.C.E Alderwood Toronto Private School Appleby College Athol Murray College of Notre Dame Bayview Glen Bishop Strachan School Bond Academy Branksome Hall Buffalo Seminary Central Montessori Schools CGS Chisholm Academy Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science Cornerstone Montessori Prep School Country Day School Crescent School Crestwood Preparatory College Crestwood School Discovery Academy Dragon Academy Fieldstone School Giles School Gow School Great Lakes Christian High School Greenwood College School Grier School Havergal College Hawthorn School for Girls Holy Trinity School Humberside Montessori School J. Addison School John F. Kennedy International School Junior Academy Kildonan School Kingsway College School Linden School Lycée Français de Toronto Maple Crest Private School Maplebrook School Mentor College Metropolitan Preparatory Academy Montcrest School MPS Etobicoke Northmount School Pinehurst School Renaissance Academy Richland Academy Robert Land Academy Rosedale Day School Royal St. George’s College Shoore Centre for Learning St. Clement’s School St. Peter’s ACHS College School Sterling Hall School Storm King School Sunnybrook School Team School TMS Toronto Montessori Schools Toronto French Montessori Toronto French School Toronto German School Toronto New School Trafalgar Castle School Trinity College School Upper Canada College Villanova College WillowWood School York School
your perfect school and activity Crescent School
Find your perfect school Find yourand activity
perfect school
A directory of private and independent schools and extracurricular activities Arrowsmith School Arrowsmith Program: A cognitive program strengthing a student’s capacity to learn Knowledge about the causes of learning difficulties has been changing over the past three decades. Dr. Doidge’s book, The Brain that Changes Itself, featured the work of Arrowsmith in Chapter 2. Research has demonstrated that the brain can be modified and that learning difficulties are not an unchanging fact of life. The Arrowsmith Program has designed innovative computer and auditory exercises to correct the underlying problem by strengthen-
ing parts of the brain that are underperforming and impacting a range of learning problems from reading, writing, problem solving, reasoning, comprehension, non-verbal learning, attention, dyslexia, working memory and processing speed. Upon completion of the program students mainstream with no further curriculum modification. Sarah who could not read is now an architect. Jane who struggled with writing is now a journalist. Bob who could not
problem solve is now a systems analyst. Dan who struggled with understanding numbers is a successful venture capitalist. The power of changing the brain through the Arrowsmith cognitive program is that it gives the individual the capacity to learn effectively for the rest of his or her life. If you would like more information about our program or testing please contact Daina Luszczek a t 416-963-4962 or by email a t
Bayview Glen School Bayview Glen - Whole Child. Whole Life. Whole World. Founded in 1962, Bayview Glen is a co-educational, multicultural, university preparatory day school. Our programmes are enhanced to offer our students from age two to university entrance a highly challenging academic, athletic and character-building educational experience. Bayview Glen is committed to foster-
ing a sense of community that includes students, parents, faculty and staff. The goal of the programme is to develop the whole child by nurturing self-esteem, leadership, academic excellence and independence within a secure and supportive learning environment. Each day at Bayview Glen is filled with new experiences, and opportunities are provided
for both challenge and success. Our academic and Advanced Placement programmes are balanced by a strong music and arts programme, languages, physical education, Duke of Edinburgh Awards, outdoor adventuring, Round Square, community involvement, and co-curricular activities. Please visit for details.
Central Montessori School Central Montessori School helps children reach their full potential Central Montessori School (CMS) is a non-denominational, co-educational private school that offers a Montessori learning environment that enhances each child's unique learning style. The school operates in five convenient locations in Thornhill and Toronto. Montessori education is internationally established as one of the most effective methods to help children "learn how to learn," thus gaining independence and self-confidence. During various stages of our Casa program, emphasis gradually shifts from basic motor skills and languages
to development of concentration, coordination, independence and sense of order. This leads the child to grasp writing, reading and mathematical concepts much more quickly. In our Elementary classrooms, we introduce hands-on material to assist in understanding concepts before they are committed to memory. Physical education, arts, French and various extra curricular activities help our students to achieve a holistic higher standard of education. The school follows a high quality, accredited Montessori curriculum, which helps each child to reach their full
potential. The daily activities promote the development of social skills, cognitive ability, self-esteem, emotional and spiritual growth, and a love for learning. Central Montessori School is pleased to add a new Casa French Program at our Willowdale Campus. This program, for children 3-6 years of age is offered fully in French, taught by a certified Montessori teacher and follows the Montessori philosophy. The CMS Casa French class offers five half days (a.m./p.m.) of five full days. For information please visit our website at
Crescent School: A Unique Educational Experience for Boys A school for boys since 1913, Crescent is committed to developing and implementing the most current research into how boys learn. Faculty members, rated by parents as Crescent’s greatest strength, consider teaching boys their job, and educating boys their responsibility. They combine a challenging academic program with a superior array of co-curricular opportuni-
ties designed to allow each boy to find and develop his unique abilities. Students, in turn, strive for excellence and actively seek leadership opportunities in some aspect of school life. Community service and global outreach are integral components of Crescent’s broad educational program. Our school values – respect, responsibility, honesty and compassion – guide the
actions and decisions of faculty and students alike. We encourage our community to ask of themselves and of others – locally, nationally and internationally – “How can I help?” Looking at oneself through others’ eyes enables a Crescent student to progress from a boy of promise to a man of character. Please visit
Crestwood Preparatory College Meet the challenges of the 21st century Crestwood Preparatory College continues to educate young men and women with great energy and enthusiasm. Families are drawn to the caring and diligent staff. Superb academic and co-curricular programs draw students interested not only in University careers and a full and enriching high school experience. We offer excellent school facilities and an unwavering ambition to produce successful university students who will go
on to happy and productive adult careers. Academic content in all subject areas is advanced. Students who demonstrate particular aptitude in both academic and nonacademic areas are given every opportunity to develop their skills and interests. Teachers strive daily to inspire critical thinking, underline the importance of effort and process, and encourage the habits of good citizenship. Lessons and values
related to family and community are never far from our students’ lives. Through the experienced leadership of our Principal, Mr. Vince Pagano, and Vice Principals Mr. David Hecock and Mr. Phil Santomero, Crestwood Preparatory College will provide universitybound students with the tools necessary to meet the challenges of the 21st century. For more information please call us at 416-391-1441 or visit
Crestwood School Crestwood School - 31 years of challenging young minds Crestwood School practises the traditional art of teaching by challenging young minds to learn and by structuring experiences that make learning possible. The school’s philosophy is based on tried-and-true methods of teaching the basics, thus providing students with a solid foundation in the three Rs. Homework and development of stu-
dents’ organizational skills and good work/study habits are an integral part of the program. At the same time, Crestwood School is concerned with the “whole child” — striving to maintain the balance of a child’s physical, social and emotional development. Each teacher is the key. With a wellplanned program, a positive rapport with
each and every student, and a sense of commitment and dedication, Crestwood School’s goals are met! Crestwood is located in the beautiful wooded valley at Bayview Avenue and Lawrence Avenue. For more information please call us at 416-444-5858 or visit
Fieldstone Day School Fieldstone – In A Class Of Its Own! Fieldstone Day School has the distinction of being Canada’s only “Global Knowledge” private school for students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6, and was recently accredited by Cambridge University, in the United Kingdom, as the first school in Canada to deliver the Cambridge Curriculum from Grades 7 to 12. Cambridge diploma
courses will be offered beginning this fall, allowing Fieldstone students the unique opportunity to earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma in addition to a University of Cambridge International Certificate of Education (AICE), recognized globally as a mark of academic excellence. The world renowned Cambridge
Curriculum together with the rich and innovative Global Knowledge curriculum will enable Fieldstone students to acquire a broad foundation of knowledge that is essential to a successful adult life. Small classes, individualized attention, challenging curriculum and outstanding teachers place Fieldstone Day School at the top of the class.
German Language Saturday School Bridging cultures...Providing opportunities! “Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe German, the language of famous musicians, scientists, authors and philosophers is the most widely spoken language of the European Union. The German Language Saturday School offers your child a fun and exciting possibility to connect with his or her roots and the opportunity to explore global avenues. Our private Saturday School in
Richmond Hill has been in existence since 1973 and our board since 1956, offering students of German, Austrian and Swiss descent the opportunity to maintain their cultural heritage as well as learn about the evolution of the German language and culture through exploring music, literature and the arts. We offer three high school credits (Ontario school Board approved) as well as three equivalency exams preparing students for entrance to a German University.
We offer classes from Kindergarten to Grade 11, as well as adult classes. Learning is meant to be fun and our team of experienced and qualified teachers is enthusiastic and passionate about making learning on a Saturday a memorable and rewarding experience. Classes and registration start September 11, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more information, please see or email the principal FALL 2010 EDUCATION GUIDE Town Crier
your perfect school and activity
your perfect school and activity Metropolitan Preparatory Academy
Hawthorn School for Girls We teach the mind academic knowledge and the heart what to do with it. Spend ten minutes inside our welcoming halls and we believe you’ll find that enrolling your daughter here is giving her a rare gift. Maybe it’s because the teachers’ devoted, nurturing approach to classroom instruction leads you to wonder if every child in the class is, in fact,
her own. Or perhaps it’s seeing the result of individual attention in the form of our self-confident, independent girls. Most likely, however, it’s observing our staunch commitment to an integral education. We place as much importance on developing good character as achieving aca-
demic excellence. Because we believe that while academic knowledge will get your daughter through university, a strong moral character will get her through life. Please visit or call Mary Romanelli at 416-444-2900. We look forward to seeing you!
Holy Trinity School HTS A higher standard of learning Holy Trinity School (HTS) was established in 1981 in order to provide a safe, structured and supportive environment for students to develop to their full potential – mentally, physically, emotionally and morally. The challenging HTS curriculum thoroughly prepares students for success at university. Additionally, the school goes
beyond academics to promote character and values (such as respect, integrity and self-worth), developing students with exceptional capabilities and a strong moral compass. Extensive sports, arts and social outreach programs complete the renowned HTS educational experience. Situated on 37 wooded acres in
Richmond Hill, HTS is a co-educational, independent day school with a current enrollment of 750 students, from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12. You are invited to visit the campus and learn more about the advantages of an HTS education. Please visit for more information.
Kumon Math and Reading Centres Give Your Children the Tools to Write Their Own Success Stories Kumon, the world’s largest after school education program, has been giving children the tools to write their own success stories since 1958. Whether coming to Kumon for remedial support or enrichment, the stories of more than 4 million Kumon students worldwide speak of growing self-confidence, improved grades and a heightened dedication to
education, and the future. Kumon students achieve these results thanks to a personalized program dedicated to helping them consistently experience success. From starting each student at a level that ensures confidence and selfreliance are nurtured from the first day, to focusing on the mastery of concepts through daily practice, to continued dis-
cussions with every student to ensure the program is meeting their unique needs, the Kumon Program offers each student the opportunity to take active ownership of their education and their success. For more information, visit Become a Kumon Fan! Join us on facebook at
La Citadelle La Citadelle, an exceptional bilingual IB private school. La Citadelle International Academy of Arts and Science is a unique bilingual private school in Toronto that was founded ten years ago on a clear vision of international education, rooted in the fundamental concepts of Canadian bilingualism, holistic education and a spirit of excellence. La Citadelle International Academy of Arts & Science offers an efficient educational setting based on student-centered classrooms with an optimal student to teacher ratio, attention to individual students, experienced and devoted teachers and specialized facilities. The growing reputation of La Citadelle,
acknowledged by its recent IB accreditation, is founded on an exceptionally caring environment, an advanced curriculum from pre-kindergarten to university entrance and a comprehensive and balanced program leading to mastery learning in French, English and a third language (Spanish or Mandarin), Liberal Arts, Mathematics and Science and some unique courses such as Computer Music, Method of Study and Character Education. With three years of total French instruction at the kindergarten level and seven years of bilingual instruction at the
elementary level, students acquire the skills and knowledge required to start a five-year (30+credits) advanced secondary education that has been customized to offer them a very solid foundation to successfully pursue higher learning in the most prominent universities around the world. Open House: The last Thursday of every month at 10:00a.m. & 2:00p.m. 15 Mallow Road, Toronto, M3B 1G2 tel/fax:416-385-9685
Little Owl Preschool A magical place for children Little Owl preschool and elementary is a magical place for children. Child education, child learning and advancement of child development is not our business, but our passion. At Little Owl Preschool and elementary, we have developed our core values to fully express our beliefs and our commitment to you and your child. It is for these reasons that we refer to our core values as our spirit; support, passion, integrity, respect,
30 30
Metro Prep Academy: A strong foundation for the future Metropolitan Preparatory Academy offers semestered, co-ed Middle School (grades 7-8) and High School (grades 9-12) programs in the DVP and Eglinton area. Walking through the hallways of Metro Prep, you’ll quickly notice that it’s not an “old-fashioned” private institution. The academics are structured and challenging, yet the environment is supportive and
nurturing. Faculty and administration doors are open, encouraging strong relationships with students and their families. And, no uniforms are in sight, allowing young men and women to express their individuality. In this comfortable setting, Metro Prep’s students are taught to trust their instincts, to think both critically and creatively, ask questions, and seek the
help they need to succeed. Extensive athletic and extracurricular opportunities foster the physical and social potential of each child. For over 28 years, Metro Prep’s has been preparing children for the academics of university and the skills needed for lifelong success. Preparation begins NOW! Please visit
RoyalCrest Academy Educating children for a lifetime of success…. RoyalCrest Academy is entering it’s 7th school year as one of Vaughan’s premier choices for elementary education. Its’ Phase 1 expansion is scheduled to be completed this Fall and will house 8 new elementary grade classrooms. RoyalCrest Academy has a simple but remarkable vision: To provide a safe, nuturing and academically challenging environment for its students, as they
mature into their elementary years. RoyalCrest students learn to “Think, Love and Create” in a school that offers a solid academic foundation, coupled with extensive programs in; Vocal and instrumental music; Computer Technology; Physical Education; Art and French as a second language. Students are allowed the flexibility to work at a higher academic level,
providing he/she has covered all of the requirements of the Ontario School Curriculum for that grade. For further information, please call 905-303-7557 to schedule a personal interview, or visit an open house: Wednesday Sept, 22, 6:00pm - 8:00pm, Saturday Oct. 2, 10:00am - 12:00pm & Saturday Nov. 6, 10:00am - 12:00pm.
St. Clement’s School A balanced approach to education St. Clement’s School is where tomorrow’s women learn. Since 1901, SCS has developed women of character by encouraging academic excellence, selfconfidence, leadership, and independent thinking in an enriching, supportive environment. Known for its strong academic program, St. Clement’s School has Ontario’s most extensive Advanced Placement program. Comprehensive
academics, combined with the school’s rich co-curricular program, ensure that “Clementines” are prepared for the challenges of the world’s leading universities. The school’s vibrant facilities include a performance and lecture hall, a dance/ drama studio, two gymnasiums, a bright and inviting library, state-of-the-art science laboratories, and more – all reflecting the varied activities of SCS students.
SCS has recently developed and launched LINCWell, a comprehensive program of student enrichment and support that includes the creation of two beautifully-designed student centres. With its motto, “Learn well, Lead well, Live well,” LINCWell offers a school-wide integrated approach to education helping students to sustain high academic standards, creativity, health, and wellness. Please visit
St. Michael’s College School Teach Me Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge. Founded in 1852 by the Basilian Fathers, St. Michael’s College School stands as Ontario’s only independent Catholic school for young men. The school offers an enriched, Catholic, liberal arts program that prepares young men for university and to carry on as leaders in their community. Our mission is to educate the whole person through
the teachings of the Catholic Church and a demanding curriculum that extends beyond the classroom into our diverse array of co-curricular programs. Our campus is fully networked and offers students an opportunity to make use of modern research tools, electronic study aids, and state-of-the-art athletic, drama and music facilities.
Each year, over 95 per cent of St. Michael’s graduates are accepted at their university of first choice; approximately half of these graduates are recognized as Ontario Scholars. For more information, please contact our Admissions Office at 416-653-3180, Ext. 195 or Ext. 438 or visit us on the web:
Study Spot Educational Services imagination and trust. We offer language classes in English literacy, Russian and French, as well as classes in math, science and computers. In addition, there are various trips and summer camps. In fact many of our graduates return to Little Owl in order to spend time during the summer months at our summer camp. Little Owl is a little piece of heaven for our children. It is a learning oasis where
they grow and mature into bright young minds. They develop in a loving and nurturing environment as we prepare them for the future. We truly believe that by working together as partners in your child’s education we will be able to teach your children well. Visit Natasha Galinskaya Principal Little Owl Preschool and Elementary
Students see lasting benefits from the Academic Coaching approach The philosophy of StudySpot is simple: Good students utilize certain skills to reach their potential and manage school more effectively. Unfortunately, these skills are rarely taught directly in school, and many students have trouble acquiring them on their own. Our goal is to equip students with the skills they require to be effective
students overall, and to provide them with the opportunity for improvement that will last throughout their academic lives. Our view is that schools and traditional tutors spend far too much time on content and not nearly enough time on skill development. Underachieving students need to learn, develop, and practice skills like
note-taking, textbook management, study techniques, and organizational and time management strategies. In the context of a positive and inspirational relationship with a coach or mentor, our students learn how to learn. For more details, please visit FALL FALL2010 2010 EDUCATION EDUCATIONGUIDE GUIDE Town TownCrier Crier 31 31
your perfect school and activity
your perfect school and activity Toronto French Montessori
Thornhill Sylvan Learning Centre Follow Us:
Getting in Gear: A Back to School Survival Guide from Sylvan Learning Sylvan offers these tips to make the transition from summer to school a smooth one: Get Back In The Routine. Ease the transition from lazy summer days to the structure of the school year by re-establishing bedtime, mealtime, and homework routines. Meet the Teacher. Take the time to
meet your child’s teachers at the beginning of the school year. It will be the start of a year-long relationship! Carve Out A Homework Spot. Whether it is a bedroom or the basement, designate an area where your child can work distraction-free. Be a Cheerleader. Encourage your child to share any concerns he has
about returning to school. Reinforce positive feelings and acknowledge negative ones. Support his academic interests. Encourage him to get involved in extracurricular activities at school. Call Sylvan to plan your child’s successful school year! 905-764-6285
Tender Treasures Children’s Centre
are respectful of themselves and others. We invite all families to come and see our 9000 sq. ft. state of the art facility. We look forward to welcoming new families and providing your children with a lifetime of new and exciting opportunities. Please contact us at 905-264-3129 or visit our website
Using a variety of teaching strategies, videos are completed by certified teachers who provide a thorough understanding of key terms and concepts. The website offers children a place to learn and share ideas with others. The Academy Kids is in the process of developing interactive educational games and programs that will cater to individual stu-
dents upon request. Become part of The Academy Kids, learn something new, and chat with other students. Whether you’re a student who needs help with homework, or a teacher who can use a resource for your classroom, you will definitely find the help here. Please visit for more information.
The Country Day School
make their way in the world with success. We offer a superior, balanced education that challenges the student, develops the mind, and strengthens the character. The campus has outstanding athletic facilities, a modern performing arts centre, and leading-edge technology – all of which enhance our ability to educate in innovative ways. Our passion is to
ensure that every graduate leaves our school well prepared for university, confident, independent, intellectually curious, morally responsible, appreciative of the arts, physically fit and globally aware. Find out more about CDS and our fall open house schedule at or by calling 905.833.1220.
riculum. As early as age 2 and all the way to university entrance, TFS helps its students develop outstanding skills in both French and English. Fewer than 10% of new students have a French-language background when they enroll at TFS, but all are bilingual when they graduate. Our introductory program, offered from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 7, successfully integrates students with no
background in French. The co-curricular program at TFS includes recreational and competitive sports, music, visual and dramatic arts and leadership activities. Students benefit from exceptional facilities and a diverse, non-denominational environment. We have two campuses: Toronto and Mississauga. If education means the world to you, visit
A Flagship Progam and IB World School TMS creates lifelong success stories from 18 months to 18 years by enabling each student to define and realize success in university, professional career and life. TMS has a flagship Montessori program from 18 months to grade 6 and is an IB World School (MYP and DP) from grades 7 to 12. Our program focuses on more than
mastering basic skills and knowledge. Our students develop fully in academics, arts, athletics and citizenship. Learning is globally benchmarked against others in our IB program. At all ages, our students learn to take action to make positive differences in the School, the community and the world. IB CIS SEA+L CCMA Accredited.
For more information visit us at or join us for a weekly tour at our Richmond Hill Campus (905) 889-6882 ext 254. Information sessions will also be held at our Elgin Mills Campus on Oct. 27, 2010 at 9:30am, Nov. 24, 2010 at 7:00pm, Jan. 19, 2011 at 9:30am, Jan. 26, 2011 at 7:00pm and Feb. 23, 2011 at 7:00pm.
The Toronto Prep School is a new, independent, co-educational, university preparatory, day school for discerning students and parents. We are dedicated to creating an academic and social environment designed to prepare students not just for admission to university, but for success - both in the post-secondary arena and in later life. Toronto Prep is built upon the belief
that a talented, experienced, dedicated, passionate, and well-prepared teaching staff is one of the most important ingredients for students’ success in school. Teachers’ knowledge and skill make a crucial difference in what students learn and how well they are prepared for the rigours of post-secondary school education. We are committed to engaging each
one of our students and will provide them with the best learning environment. Let us help your child achieve and maintain academic success. Consider our program if you are interested in an academically rigorous and structured environment dedicated to challenging and nurturing your child. Contact us a t
Toronto Waldorf School
Junior Academy, Small School...Big Family
Bilingual and co-educational, Toronto French School delivers an enriched curriculum with an international perspective and an emphasis on academic excellence and personal development. Our students prepare for the International Baccalaureate Diploma and students here have the option of pursuing a bilingual IB. TFS is renowned for its bilingual cur-
Experienced faculty engages minds at Toronto Prep
The Junior Academy
Children at Toronto French Montessori benefit from learning in small classes where a student can get the attention required to excel.
Toronto Prep School
Education With Balance
The Junior Academy, founded in 1988, continues to offer a unique small school environment to their students in a new facility at 2454 Bayview Avenue, which opened in 2008. The Junior Academy is committed to providing students in JK to Grade 8 with both small classes and a smaller school environment in which the
children. Our learning environment is one in which every student has the opportunity to experience academic and personal success. We have received many awards for the best Montessori School in Toronto. We look forward to welcoming you to both of our campuses. To arrange a personal interview, contact our admissions office at 416-250-9952 or visit
TMS Toronto Montessori Schools
The Academy Kids e-Learning Videos
The Country Day School (JK-12) is a co-ed, non-denominational, universitypreparatory school. It is situated on a beautiful 100-acre campus in the heart of King Township, just north of Toronto. If you were to visit, you would find that the CDS community is dynamic, friendly, downto-earth, and involved. Our mandate is to equip students with what they need to
fulfilling and purposeful experience in life. Our students have a unique advantage of studying English & French as first language enabling them to continue their education in either language. Our teachers are highly qualified & dedicated to the job. As a result of our bilingual program & the benefit of small classes, TFMS has become the school of choice for an increasing number of parents seeking the best possible education for their
TFS Delivers Excellence in French and English French and health and wellness. Another consideration when enrolling at Tender Treasures Children’s Centre is the cost, it is designed to be uniquely affordable to parents. The aim at Tender Treasures Children`s Centre is to provide experiences contributing to the growth of confident, self-motivated, independent learners who
The Academy Kids
The Academy Kids offers free, enriched educational videos based on the guidelines set forth by Ministry of Education Curriculum. Providing educational videos, quizzes, and printable worksheets for children from K-12, the curriculum-based units are designed to ensure that your child understands the concepts and masters the necessary skills.
Toronto French Montessori School is a bilingual co-educational school for students from 2 1/2 and up. Students 5 years and under with no previous exposurea to French can join us at TFMS. We aim to provide a warm, happy and enriching environment in which the children are free to develop at their individual pace. Our students will gain the skill, knowledge and attitudes necessary to lead them to a
Toronto French School
Uniquely Affordable A major consideration when enrolling at Tender Treasures Children’s Centre is the curriculum, which is based on the Montessori philosophy of early childhood education. This introduces children to a variety of learning areas, including practical life skills, sensory education, language, math, science, cultural activities, art, music,
Celebrating 10 Years of Quality Education
different learning styles of students are acknowledged and addressed. Our best references are always our families, past and present. Experienced and dedicated teachers are our foundation, and a commitment to extracurricular activities and community service enriches the learning environment.
Waldorf: Preparation for Lifelong Learning “I can confidently say my children’s academic, moral and emotional needs are being met everyday! Their confidence, abilities and love of learning are a direct result of the superior quality in teaching and atmosphere the Junior Academy provides.” Please visit our website at
For 90 years Waldorf graduates have gone into the world & made real, positive change. 94% attend university & an astounding 50% pursue post-graduate studies. Research shows Waldorf graduates then go on to rewarding careers, lasting friendships & remain confident, independent & ethical. At Toronto Waldorf School
students are presented with educational experiences when they are physically, emotionally, socially & intellectually ready for them – the right thing at the right time. Maths, sciences, arts, languages, humanities & movement are integrated, often into a single lesson, to fully engage the students. This approach fosters a deeper mastery of
the material and a lifelong love of learning. Despite ever-changing educational trends, Toronto Waldorf School continues its emphasis on a values oriented, child centred environment that teaches students how to think - not just what to think. Please visit FALL 2010 EDUCATION GUIDE Town Crier
your perfect school and activity Trinity College School Considering the boarding school advantage A recent study by The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) demonstrated that graduates credit boarding for making them better people and leaders. And when asked if they believed themselves to be academically prepared for college or university, 87% of boarding students responded in the affirmative, while only 39% of their public school counterparts could say the same. At
Trinity College School our own data regarding university placements, scholarship offers from universities and parental feedback is similarly supportive of the added value of a boarding education. Typically, over 60% of students in our graduating class are offered university scholarships. Within a reality that sees increased competition for university placement, the
necessity to form lasting business contacts and friendships and the need for a global perspective and superior communication skills, the international community offered by a boarding school is the ideal setting for fostering such attributes and opportunities. Excerpt from Headlines, a blog by Trinity College School Headmaster Stuart Grainger -
Upper Canada Child Care Upper Canada Child Care Centres Upper Canada Child Care is a growing family of 51 non-profit child care centres throughout North York, York Region and Simcoe County. Day care and summer camp programs are offered for children ages 3 months to 12 years. The centres are government licensed and combine education with quality care. Upper Canada has established its reputation for quality. Each daycare meets and surpasses the high standards set by the
Ministry of Youth and Children’s Services. Every child receives the best in terms of health, nutrition, education and a comfortable, safe, cheerful environment. All programs are led by qualified staff who provide nurturing, stimulation and learning opportunities that encourage success for each child. Five of the centres offer specialized programs that combine Junior and Senior Kindergarten with a full-day child care component. These programs run 5 days
per week for the full year. The curriculum emphasizes language, mathematics, science and technology, personal and social development and the arts. Educators facilitate the child’s growth by providing a rich and stimulating program. Concrete experiences promote competency and encourage selfesteem. Call (905) 946-1113 for the centre nearest you, or visit us a t
Upper Canada College Meaningful futures start at Upper Canada College At Upper Canada College, we believe in preparing our boys for a changing world – for a tomorrow where character and creativity will be as important as discipline and knowledge. Through world-class academics, athletics facilities (including a new stateof-the-art arena) and programs, the arts, community service initiatives and more, we provide each student with an
environment to thrive and discover his own personal passions and strengths. With a 100 per cent university placement rate, our graduates will be ready for a meaningful, fulfilling future. We’re especially qualified to prepare our boys, thanks to our “big school” opportunities with a “small school” personal approach. Our teachers bring the latest skills and knowledge to the
classroom, as well as a commitment that’s truly enduring and inspiring. As the country’s leading and oldest independent boys’ school, UCC graduates receive both the International Baccalaureate Diploma and the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Student aid is available. Discover UCC: Contact Chantal Kenny, executive director of Admission, at 416-488-1125, ext. 4123.
WillowWood School
All ages All styles All levels In 43 countries Parking & Subway
All ages All styles All levels In 43 countries Parking & Subway
E ! r FRE r you lesson Call for preview ne begin
5075 Yonge St.
Thirty Years of Student Success WillowWood School has been delivering student-centred, individualized education in a warm and caring environment for thirty years. We’ve been ahead of the educational curve by recognizing, since our inception, that one size does not fit all, and that students flourish when their school embraces their strengths, addresses their
families, and much more. WillowWood’s small classes, dedicated teachers, robust program offerings and full curriculum make it a perfect school for all kinds of learners, from Grades One to Twelve. Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n c a l l 4 1 6 444-7644 or visit our Web site
Yamaha Music School 2010 Yamaha Music School Yamaha believes that everyone can create, perform and enjoy music, resulting in an enriched life. World-famous Yamaha courses are designed for specific ages: Tunes For Twos (age 2-3) encourages singing, movement and rhythmic play. Junior Music Course (age 3-5) develops aural/music skills using the keyboard. Young Musicians Course (age 6-8) develops musicianship/keyboard skills. Piano Club (age 8-10) teaches piano styles and
E r FREsson! u o y ll for ew le
needs and respects their dignity. This approach has paid off for decades of graduates who have gone on to postsecondary experiences of all types. WillowWood grads, filled with selfknowledge, self-confidence and strength, go on to engage dreams of all kinds: university degrees, college diplomas, startup businesses, careers in the arts, healthy
keyboard ensembles. Guitar Course (age 7-adult) teaches strumming/solo/ensemble playing. Violin Course (age 8-adult) teaches classical/alternative music with motivating software accompaniments. We also offer cello lessons! Flute and Sax Courses (age 10+) develop basic technique through solo/ensemble playing with motivating software accompaniments. Drum Course (age 10+) teaches today’s popular beats with motivating software accompaniments.
Keyboard Club (teens/adults) teaches all about today’s electronic keyboards. Seniors Keyboard Course (age 65+) - making music improves quality of life – it’s an ideal way to learn a new skill while meeting new friends. We also offer lessons for seniors at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (@ DVP and Wynford Dr.). Yamaha courses also available at 88 Keys - 9011 Leslie St. (at Hwy7). For more information, visit FALL 2010 EDUCATION GUIDE Town Crier
GREAT SCHOOL NOW THEY’RE GOING TO A WHOLE BUNCH MORE Bayview Glen’s Class of 2010 were accepted to illustrious Canadian and American academic institutions from coast-to-coast, including British Columbia, Dalhousie, UCLA, Tampa and all points in between. At McGill, Queen’s, Toronto and Western Ontario, they will study in a wide range of programmes, from engineering, science, commerce and information technology to arts, music and journalism. With scholarship offers amounting to over $300,000 and a collective 3,203 hours of community involvement, this year’s Bayview Glen graduates are truly in a class of their own. 416.443.1030 •
OPEN HOUSES: 6$7 2&7 30 :(' 129 30