1 minute read
Trilo g y ’ s Why
Trilogy® believes that, when provided the opportunity for self-reflection, we ultimately recognize that what has been true from every civilization since the beginning of time, is true for us as well: Sharing a friendly and secure environment among peers is the ideal platform for happiness.

Furthermore, we believe that nowhere is this opportunity for elevated happiness more acute than in the emerging “third act” of life, when a career transition is often occurring and children are starting their independent lives.
We also know that – behind only water and food – shelter is the most vital of all needs. And that the home you live in and the community you share, represent more than just sticks and bricks. Rather, when selected properly, they help us to forge a true connection with ourselves and to the world around us.
Finally, we believe that many take too long to recognize what could truly make them happy: freedom of choice; wellness of body and spirit; and connection to themselves and others. Thus, they choose to resist change and simply succumb to the powerful force of inertia, accepting the status quo as good enough. We believe that “good enough” is not good enough. Trilogy communities have been proven to make people happier, and we feel passionately that it is our responsibility to share that message with those who may be unaware.
Because we hold these beliefs so close to our hearts, Trilogy is compelled to create communities which are unique in execution but consistent in promise. Where discerning buyers can own distinct homes among distinct people who, over time, may become acquaintances, close friends, life-chosen family, or, at the very least, friendly neighbors with whom trust is shared.
When we attract those who believe what we believe, together we reach everybody's goal – more genuine happiness in our lives.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Those of you who have been around may notice a slight switch in the MTL Editorial team. The longtime Editor-in-Chief Kelci Cooper Burgoz has shifted to an Associate Editor role, allowing others to learn and grow through the responsibility like she did. This year I am taking the reins but expect some more fresh faces when the next edition comes out. Kelci’s contributions were – and are – incredibly important to the magazine. We cannot thank her enough for her work.