1 minute read
the time for change
At Trilogy®, there is a lot of talk of transformation. The idea that where you live impacts how you live. It seems self-evident when presented in this way, but sometimes it takes a while for the nickel to drop. With the pace of life and the freneticism of the world around us, proper perspective can be hard to grasp. Until it isn’t.
After an extended and hard-fought battle with prostate cancer, I lost my father this year. He was at peace, and we knew it was his time. Nonetheless it was challenging for me, for my sister, and for our mother – his wife of 57 years. The experience of losing a loved one is something, unfortunately, most everyone has experienced. And I, like so many others before, have uncovered a better perspective because of it.
My work with Trilogy began 21 years ago, and it’s basically the only career I have ever known. Since the beginning, I’ve been an admitted true believer; that commitment to the mission is even stronger today. I see the way people in our communities connect, support, and care for one another – like family. Those bonds are what inspire our teams to work on your behalf and chronicle your stories in our magazine (as well as in our #MTL Stories short-form documentaries).
In this edition, we’ll see the world via our many Trilogy travelers. We’ll discover new books from our many Trilogy authors. We’ll explore some of our planet’s most iconic peaks through the eyes – and lenses – of our many avid hikers. And we’ll see the impact that our communities can make when we bond together around a common cause. We will prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that where you live absolutely impacts how you live.
Whether you’re a longtime resident or someone considering Trilogy as a potential home down the road, thank you for taking the time to read these stories. We hope you are as inspired by those around you, as I am.
Ben Keilholtz Editor-in-Chief