2 minute read
Looking Back & Moving Forward
By the time that our third chapter arrives, life settles into a predictable pattern. Wrong! As Dr. Roger Landry has showed us over his time with us, it takes just as much thought and hustle to iron out the details now as it did years ago. We like to work smart and so does the good doctor. To that end, he laid out “a pathway to lifestyle wellness, holistic health, and wellbeing; with a focus on successful aging and healthy longevity” to guide Members toward purpose, connection, con- tinued growth, and a belief that the rest of their lives will be the best of their lives.
Throughout our time, we focused on the five wellness pillars programmed into our communities. They are Social Connection, Physical Fitness, Spiritual WellBeing, Emotional Confidence, and Intellectual Enrichment. As discussed in Dr. Landry’s presentations and articles, here are the top-10 “learnings” we all took away from the program.

1. MAKE GOOD DAILY CHOICES | How you age depends mainly on the daily choices you make.
2 UTILIZE ALL FIVE WELLNESS PILLARS | As complex beings, attention to all pillars is essential for healthy aging.

3. TAKE SMALL STEPS | Long-lasting lifestyle changes develop in small steps.
4. KEEP MOVING | Whatever happens, just keep moving and growing.
5. DON’T OVERREACT | Things don't cause stress; overreaction to things causes stress. Fix it, walk away, or accept it.
6. OBSERVE AND MANAGE | Observing and managing emotions is the key to solid relationships and overall quality of life.
7. LEARN NEW THINGS | Keep learning new things. Your brain loves and even needs it.
8. BETTER TOGETHER | We are social beings who benefit from old and new relationships with all age groups.

9 FIND YOUR PURPOSE | Our spiritual self sustains us through life's "slings and arrows." Find your purpose every stage along the way.
10. BE PRESENT | It’s the most important thing for your health, happiness, and overall satisfaction
Life is a series of moments. Make the best of them as they happen.
With the foundation poured and pillars raised, it’s time to add what we’ve learned to our health goals. Luckily, Dr. Landry will be writing several articles in the future for our Members in addition to leading a host of lifechanging educational sessions, which also will be conveniently recorded. n

Dr. Roger Landry, MD, MPH, is the author of “Live Long, Die Short – A Guide to Authentic Health and Successful Aging.” He’s also a visionary thought leader who inspires a counter-cultural revolution to embrace aging, elevate expectations, and be all you can be. A preventive medicine physician, author, and decorated military veteran, Dr. Landry tackles the most persistent aging stereotypes with wit, humor, and charm. A leading authority in healthy longevity, Dr. Landry leaves audiences inspired to seek purpose, connection, and continued growth and to believe that at any age, the rest of life can be the best of life.
JANUARY 14TH | Overview of Lifestyle, Change, and Healthy Longevity
FEBRUARY 11TH | Ten Tips for Healthy Longevity

APRIL 15TH | Part One of a four-part series on Resilience.
Overview of the role of Resilience in Healthy Longevity

AUGUST 19TH | Part Two - Stress, Health, and Resilience
OCTOBER 7TH | Part Three - Mindset, Health, and Resilience
NOVEMBER 18TH | Part Four - Emotional Intelligence, Health, and Resilience