2 minute read
Stepping Up for St. Jude
By Ryan Noll
On the heels of yet another successful Gait-to-Gate (G2G) initiative, Trilogy® communities across the country ought to be a proud bunch. The latest G2G was not only the first step towards a commitment to health and happiness for the new year, but it also came with a big heart to help support one of the most notable children’s charities in the United States – St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
St. Jude was founded more than 70 years ago by notable entertainer at the time, Danny Thomas. After a career that included several ups and downs, Thomas hit a high note after building a legacy of successes on radio, film, and television. In part due to his success and through his personal life as a father, Thomas committed himself to use his fame to help change the lives of thousands of children and families through financial assistance to children in need of critical medical care. In 1962, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital opened in Memphis, Tennessee, and to this day, the hospital has remained committed to never sending a bill to the families of children in need of critical care.
“We’re honored to be part of Trilogy’s Gait-to-Gate program this year,” said Imelda Ojeda, Advisor- Area Development for St. Jude.
“We hope the initiative helps Trilogy Members add a few more steps to their walks, and through the generous donations, we’re encouraged and thankful that you’re supporting the kids and families at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.”
Speaking of donations, Trilogy brought forth upwards of $41,155 in support of St. Jude this year – surpassing expectations by two-fold.
“We set out this year to support a charity that we know is near and dear to many hearts at Trilogy,” said Sara Rainey, National Lifestyle Director. “Our hearts are full from the donations that went well beyond whatever we expected we’d get. But even more so, we’re thrilled to see Gait-to-Gate becoming an annual tradition for so many Members. I personally make an effort to walk alongside as many Members as I can, and each time it’s proven to be time and energy well spent.”
Supporting St. Jude and the efforts the hospital makes to provide financial support and care for children doesn’t end with Gait-toGate. “I want to personally encourage all Trilogy Members to continually support what we’re doing here at St. Jude to help ensure that no child dies in the dawn of life,” said Imelda. “From the hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, St. Jude sees children from all 50 states and across the globe. Because of your support, no family ever receives a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, lodging, or food, so all the family has to focus on is the health of their child. To learn more, simply visit stjude.org where you’ll find everything and anything you need to become a valued supporter.”
Each year the event grows, drawing people together to form new friendships, all for a good cause.
“Gait-to-Gate has become one of my favorite annual events at Trilogy,” said Jeff McQueen, President, Shea Homes® Active Lifestyle Communities. “To see our community rally around not only physical fitness, but also a charity like St. Jude really shows what life is all about here at Trilogy. We believe Trilogy is a real movement, and far more than just a community of homes and amenities.” McQueen continued, “Trilogy is about who we are as family, neighbors, employees, partners, and friends. It’s our Members at Trilogy that deserve the credit for making Gait-to-Gate so great, and like the rest of our team, I’m looking forward to seeing what lies ahead this year.”
In addition to being a great cause this year, let’s not forget G2G is also about staying fit and living a healthy active life. And even though the initiative takes place in November, the mantra lives on all year long. Walking is a great way to stay fit, be active, lose weight, strengthen the heart, and ultimately, help you look and feel better. To learn more about walking clubs or monthly “Power Walks” in your community, visit MyTrilogyLife.com today. n