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Reaching New Heights
The world around us is full of many natural wonders and opportunities. Whether it is right in your backyard, across the country, or even overseas, there is so much to explore. You can ride a boat down the Seine River in France, you can take a helicopter ride over the volcanoes of Hawaii, or even adventure in a pink Jeep through Sedona, Arizona. But you can also get pretty far with your own two feet. In that spirit, several Trilogy® Members from across the nation set out to climb to new heights, experience new wonders, and challenge themselves as they set out on adventures of a lifetime.

Southwest Sights
“The Grand Canyon fills me with awe, it is beyond comparison - beyond description, absolutely unparalleled…” This was President Theodore Roosevelt’s reaction to his South Rim visit in 1903. Trilogy at Tehaleh Members Kris and Jerry Costello hiked the same ground as Roosevelt and, likewise, were awestruck by one of the world’s seven natural wonders.
Starting in El Paso, the Costellos took a 1,500 mile rental-car, road-trip adventure, hiking in six national parks and one national recreation area during their visit to the desert Southwest: Guadalupe Mountains, Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands, Saguaro, Grand Canyon, and Zion National Parks, and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Every location was outstanding for its own reasons, but their favorites are Carlsbad Caverns and the Grand Canyon.
In 1898, teenager Jim White was the first non-native person to explore Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, using a rickety home-made wire and wood ladder. Today, an asphalt and lighted zig-zag path descends 800 feet in 1.25 miles to reach the awesome “Big Room,” where a level path continues in a loop for an additional 1.25 miles. It’s a steady 55 degrees in the cavern, providing respite from the sometimes blazing desert heat. Water seeping through limestone over millions of years created and continues to add to the magnificent formations inside the cavern The Costellos found the caverns compelling because they are singularly unique and well worth the drive from the closest large airport in El Paso.

Far more challenging hiking is available at the Grand Canyon. The Costellos hiked the Bright Angel trail as it is the safest and best known. The heat in the canyon is notorious and can be oppressive, even deadly. The jaw-dropping vistas, however, as Roosevelt said, are “unparalleled.” The challenges of the canyon can bring great rewards.
The Costello’s insist everyone should see the Grand Canyon with their own eyes - pictures are not adequate. It is an incomparable national treasure.

Reaching New Heights At Mount Whitney

After years of talking and planning, Trilogy at Lake Frederick Member Kurt Koller finally decided to pursue his dream of climbing the 14,505-foot summit of Mount Whitney in California. For training, Kurt borrowed a backpack from his brother, loaded it with weights, and hiked the trails around the Lake Frederick community. Other preparations included gathering new boots, cold-weather gear, various hiking equipment, freeze-dried food, and making travel arrangements. Once ready, Kurt left home to meet his friend in California and take on the new adventure.

Kurt and his friend began the journey at Horseshow Meadows, hiking eight miles to High Lake at 11,450 feet, where they set up camp and fished for dinner. “One of the highlights of the trip was learning how to fish for trout up in the mountain lakes,” Kurt said. “I had never done this extensive of a backpacking trip in my life. We did ‘cowboy camping’ that night, which means no tent, and I learned my equipment wasn’t quite up to the temperatures.” After learning to adjust and figuring out his equipment, Kurt and his friend trekked to New Army Pass at close to 12,000 feet the next day. By nightfall, they had made it to Soldier Lake, where they set camp and caught more fish. The next day they made it to Guyot Creek and decided to push on to Crabtree Meadows. The goal was to meet another group the next day, and to spend a day exploring the area. Unfortunately, it snowed, leaving the group stuck at camp. Luckily the snow soon melted, and after drying time, they pushed on to meet their friends at the next stop, Guitar Lake on the backside of Mount Whitney.
That night, the group got up at 11:30pm to ascend Mount Whitney in the dark with hopes of making it to the top in time for sunrise. “We got to the top of Whitney, and the winds were blowing, the temps were in the low 20s, and it really put a damper on taking pictures,” said Kurt. After attempting to warm up in a small shelter, the group began their descent back to camp, pushing on to hike a total of 18 miles that day. After braving the high altitude, unfamiliar territory, and mother nature, Kurt wasn’t sure if he wanted to do this again, but he said “it’s kind of similar to when I ran my first marathon. I said one and done, but then I started running marathons.”

Finding Peace Abroad
Following the sentencing of a close friend’s murderer, Trilogy at Tehaleh Member Sue Hawkins, an avid hiker, set off overseas alone to find peace amongst England’s countryside. “I have been a hiker for a good part of my life, and I had led hiking trips with my friends to the United Kingdom in the past. After the sentencing, I decided I needed to get away, and I needed to go alone. It was my time to process everything I had been through,” Sue said. Over the course of 30 days, Sue arranged accommodations and planned three 100-mile hikes. The idea was to complete one 100-mile trek, and then travel by train to a different location and set out on another 100-mile journey.
With everything planned, Sue looked forward to spending time alone, doing what she loved. Although she occasionally got lost, battled wet, muddy trails, and historic flooding, Sue enjoyed the solitude and the natural beauty doing something many will never do. “The experience was extraordinary, I have traveled a lot, and it was probably one of my highlight trips. Not just for the reason I did it, which is very close to my heart, but because of how nurturing it was to me,” Sue said. After three weeks of hiking, Sue continued her travels, spending time in Bath, London, and Oxford.

Sue has plans to go back to the north side of the country and do another 300mile hike in May of 2023. “For me, being able to travel without being a part of a group is extremely rewarding.” She recommends others also take hikes of their own. “Do it. Do not think about it. Just go,” Sue said.

Seven ladies from Trilogy at Lake Norman decided to head out on a three-day, two-night adventure on the Appalachian Trail. The group, known at the Club as the Elite Seven, contacted the Blue Ridge Hiking Company to help them plan their journey. With arrangements made, the group began taking weekly three- to seven-mile practice hikes with weighted backpacks and poles during the months leading up to their trip. When the time came, the group met their guide at the Blue Ridge Hiking Company’s bunkhouse in Hot Springs, North Carolina where they were given guidance and supplies.
The next morning, the group headed towards Max Patch, and with mixed emotions the Elite Seven set out with their 25-pound backpacks through the hills of the Appalachian Mountains. Once the group began the hike, the nerves dissipated quickly. The group hiked between three and 10 miles a day with a moderate elevation gain. Along the way they learned to filter their own water, took in the scenery, met several other AT’ers, and set up camp at different campsites. At the end of the three days, the ladies hiked a total of 20 miles.
The Elite Seven still hikes as a group throughout North Carolina. They believe themselves lucky to live in a state where hiking is easily accessible. The group also has a plan in the works to head out on a longer hiking trip in the near future. n