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MYSCHAFFERSMILL.COM Visit MySchaffersMill.com (MSM) and you will have access to a Member Directory, Events Calendar, Newsletter Archive, and more valuable information. It’s easy to use, full of information, and always up to date.

Website Access
To access MSM, you’ll need your own credentials.
If you already have credentials and have forgotten them, simply click “Reset Your Password.” If you need new credentials, simply contact Member Services at 530.214.7372 or memberservices@schaffersmill.com
Once you’re in, you can set up all your preferences in the Profile section.
Daily Digest
Generated automatically each day from MSM, the Daily Digest keeps you connected to everything happening at the Club.
Field Guide
This Field Guide is updated annually and will be published on MSM and made available as a printed resource.
Mill Minder
The Mill Minder is delivered each week to your inbox. This e-newsletter contains announcements, special events and notable dates, club news, contact information and generally all the scoop on what’s happening at the Club.
Monthly Gm Updates
These letters include a general overview of Club and community news, announcements and reminders.