I have recently come to realize the rhythm of our spiritual lives feels like the beginning of fall in Arizona as opposed to the East Coast. In Arizona school starts in August, others return from extended trips in September, and our snowbirds join us in October and November. Back East everything starts all at once, right around Labor Day. At VPC, our programs and ministries have several starts to the fall season.
David Joynt Senior PastorMuch like fall in Arizona, when it comes to our faith, we begin again, again, and again. Our focus on developing our faith ebbs and flows with the demands of work and family life. Some seasons at home squeeze our time and energy, caring for preschoolers or supporting aging parents, or tending to a spouse. Some periods of a career require extra investment.
That is why at VPC, we provide ongoing opportunities to explore, connect, learn, and serve. In this brochure you will find multiple ways to begin again to nurture your spiritual self. We also have new beginning moments as a community. On September 24 we welcome Rev. Dana Allin, Synod Executive of ECO, our new partner denomination. He will preach at both services and answer questions at a lunch forum following worship.
As you read through this fall brochure, ask yourself where God is calling you to begin again, and again!
Belong A place where you
This service includes music, prayer, space for kids, preaching, scripture, and an emphasis on community. Music is commonly led by VPC’s Chancel Choir and accompanied by our organ.
Worship at 10:30AM contains many of the same elements as 9AM. Music is commonly led by VPC’s worship band with drums, guitar, piano, and bass.
Whether you decide to attend a specific service because of the time or musical style, you will find space to hear God’s Spirit and respond through Christ-centered worship to God’s acts of salvation and ongoing transformation in the world.
We invite you to connect with the VPC community before or after worship at Awaken! Proceeds from beverage purchases support VPC’s Mission Partners locally and globally. This is a great place to spend time with friends and family; kids can play in the Awaken Plaza and the indoor/outdoor seating provides a comfortable place to relax all year long.
Arizona’s Water Challenge
With Senator Jon Kyl & Sarah Porter, Director, Kyl Center for Water Policy at Arizona State UniversityClasses
Oasis Community Wednesdays
Oasis Kick-off Carnival
Wednesday, September 6
6-7:30PM, Awaken Café & Plaza
Join us for this all-ages event to launch Oasis Community Wednesdays. We will have food, carnival games, information, and preregistration for fall classes. Also, stop in the Sanctuary from 7:15:7:30PM to hear about the Chancel Choir’s European Tour. See you there!
Divine Vision: The Parables of Jesus
Wednesday, September 13, 20, 27, October 4
6-7PM, Sanctuary
This fall on Sundays, we are exploring Divine Imperatives, Jesus’ commands and directions from the Book of Matthew. But in addition to marching orders, Jesus told parables because every disciple needs a vision of the new world order initiated in Christ.
September 13 - Pastor David Joynt, Valley Presbyterian Church Senior Pastor
September 20 - Pastor Tom Parker, President, Park Rise Consulting
September 27 - Pastor Tim Smith, Founder & Teacher, Water from Rock Ministries
October 4 - Pastor Steve Beard, Mountain View Presbyterian Church Senior Pastor
VPC’s Mission Partners & You
Wednesday, October 18, 25, November 1, 8, 15
6-7PM, Room C201
Learn how you are a part of God’s work with VPC’s Mission Partners! We will explore the nature and activity of God’s redemptive work through Jesus in our city, nation, and world. Every class will end with a way for you to get involved in these amazing organizations.
October 18 – Pastor Jackie Parks, Director, Community House
October 25 – Ted Taylor, Executive Director, Family Promise of Greater Phoenix
November 1 – Clint Palmer, Development Manager, Feed My Starving Children
November 8 – Carmel Putnam, Ministry of Hope & Liz Heinzel-Nelson, Villages in Partnership
November 15 – Aaron Parrott, Executive Director, MentorKids USA
WITH A RightNow Media study with Skye Jethani
Facilitator: Stephan Sciacca
October 18, 25, November 1, 8,15
6-7PM, Room C9
Religion offers people specific ways to relate to God, but do we approach him with the right perspective? Does fear and desire for control skew our attitude toward God? In this five-session study author Skye Jethani will explore four popular but flawed postures—Life Under God; Over God; From God; and For God—then offers a more freeing and hopeful option: what does Life With God look like?
Skills for Deeper Friendships
October 18, 25, November 1, November 8, 15
6-7PM, Room B106
This series is designed to equip you with important coping skills that will make a positive difference for your friends when they turn to you in a difficult time. It is also designed to provide a level of confidence that you are giving those in your life your best when you are talking to them.
October 18 – Using Your Faith in Life Challenges with Pastor David Joynt
Where do you go when life hands you lemons? This class will bolster your confidence to face any challenges in your daily life and acknowledge the strength of your faith in all situations.
October 25 – Active Listening with Dr. David Gullen
We all know what it feels like to be in a conversation where we don’t feel like the other person is really listening. This class will focus skills to enhance the art of listening to make sure you hear and are heard.
November 1 – Confidentiality with Pastor David Turner
This class will focus on the value of confidentiality in relationships; guidelines for maintaining confidentiality; gaining confidence within a relationship that can lead to meaningful conversations; and knowing when confidentiality can be counter-productive in the face of a crisis.
November 8 – Recognizing Depression with Dr. Shelly Reed
Depression in America continues to rise; chances are that you have been touched by depression in some way. Dr. Reed will answer questions about depression: how to recognize depression; when and where to get help; the pros and cons of medication; and how all of this fits within a Biblical perspective.
November 15 – Discovering your Spiritual Gifts with Pastor David Turner
What is a “spiritual gift” and how does it differ from the talents that we develop over the years? This class is designed to identify your spiritual gifts and guide you into areas of ministry that will prove to be meaningful to the people you serve and fulfilling to you as your serve in Christ’s work.
Book Club for Men & Women
Facilitator: Judith Robins
First Tuesday of each month:
October 3, November 7, December 5
10-11:30AM, Room C204
Join us to discuss our first selection: To Kill a Mockingbird Future books will be discussed at October’s Book Club.
Balance, Posture & Chair Yoga for Men & Women
Thursdays, September 28-December 14 (except November 23)
10-11AM, Room C204
We’ll have fun and feel better with this DVD-led exercises!
Senator Jon Kyl: Arizona’s Water Challenge
With Sarah Porter, Director, Kyl Center for Water Policy at Arizona State University
Monday, November 6, 7-8:30PM, Sanctuary
The Kyl Center promotes research, analysis, collaboration, and dialogue to ensure sound water stewardship for generations. Sarah Porter has a broad understanding of regional water issues, having directed the Western Rivers Action Network, a multi-state initiative to raise awareness of the challenges to Colorado River sustainability, as well as protecting and restoring flows for critical habitats and communities.
vpc.church/children Families Children
Nursery & Toddler Room
Infant—35 months
Here infants and toddlers are introduced to their church home. We provide them with a safe and enjoyable experience, giving you peace of mind while participating in church activities.
Sunday School
Three years old—fifth grade, 9 & 10:30AM Services
Each week children participate in lessons designed to help them grow as disciples of Jesus. They will play games, hear stories, make crafts, build relationships and have fun each Sunday.
Family Worship Sundays
September 3, December 24 & 31
Stickyfaith authors Dr. Kara Powell and Dr. Chap Clark present research showing the importance of childhood worship attendance for developing faith that lasts a lifetime. Parents, enjoy this special time with your kids. Feel free to:
• Quietly explain the parts of the service to your children.
• Guide them to stand, sing, or pray with the congregation. Nursery available for children 0-35 months.
Wednesdays, September 6—November 15
6-7:15PM, Dinner available for purchase starting at 5:15PM
Oasis Kick-Off Carnival
Wednesday, September 6 6-7:30PM, Awaken Plaza
Join us for dinner, inflatables, carnival games and loads of fun!
OasisKids! (K-5th Grades)
Room C204, Register online: vpc.church/oasis Register today! OasisKids! is a safe and fun environment to learn about the world in creative ways. Your child will build, draw, play, craft, sing, have fun, and learn more about Jesus with staff members from our Children’s and Music ministries. Dinner available for purchase starting at 5:15PM
OasisMinis! (3-5 years old)
Room C7, Register online: vpc.church/oasis Register today! OasisMinis! is a safe and fun environment just for your preschool age child. Children in OasisMinis! will have fun drawing, building, crafting and playing each Wednesday.
Family Ministry Director: tinag@vpc.church
Children’s Ministry Coordinator: marieb@vpc.church
Children’s Ministry Assistant: susieh@vpc.church
Nursery Coordinator: brianneb@vpc.church
Presentation of 3rd Grade Bibles
Sunday, October 1
9AM & 10:30AM Worship Services
We celebrate one of the significant milestones in the life of the church each year as we give personalized Bibles to each of our third grade kids. It is a great time to connect the whole VPC community together.
Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 29
5-7PM, South Parking Lot
Host a trunk! Email Tina: tinag@vpc.church
How will you decorate your trunk this year? Join hundreds of other costumed families and go from trunk to trunk in a fun, friendly, and safe environment. If you’re interested in helping out or have any questions, feel free to contact Tina.
ADVENT.ure Advent Christmas Party
Wednesday, November 29
6-7:30PM, Awaken Plaza
Join us for an evening of fun and fellowship! It’s a great way to kick off the Advent season as a family.
Nativity Pageant
Sunday, December 17, 9AM & 10:30AM Worship Services
Mandatory Rehearsal: December 16, 9-10:30AM
This event is one of the highlights of the year, and there is a place for your kid to take part! Contact Tina to learn more about this Advent tradition.
VPC is a place where your kids can feel safe & be themselves
Your child’s safety is critical to us. We require all Children’s & Student Ministry volunteers to complete various training programs and submit to a thorough background check. The VPC Protection Policy outlines in detail the process in place to keep our kids safe.
Register: vpc.church/children
We employ SimpleChurch Check-In, a computerized system that adds an increased layer of safety and peace of mind. You can register quickly for this at the computer check-in station on Sunday morning. We ask that each child under 18 years old register online to make sure VPC has all necessary information like emergency contact, dietary restrictions, and allergy concerns.
Pastor of Next Generation Ministry & Contemporary Worship: travisk@vpc.church Student Ministry Assistant Director: wesc@vpc.church
vpc.church/students Students
Middle & High School
Sundays, 9:15 & 10:45AM, B108
Except: First Sundays of the month (Communion Sunday, worship with your family) Sunday Morning Gatherings are an intentional time of Biblical discipleship for students to get rooted and grow deeper into their faith. Here we share our lives with one another, read the Bible together, pray, and have a safe space to invest in community.
Students are encouraged to sit with their families at the start of worship and be dismissed with Sunday School kids. Communion Sunday, which takes place on the first Sunday of each month, there is no Sunday Gathering, in order to encourage intergenerational corporate worship.
Wednesdays through December 20
Connect and dig deeper with other students. Awaken Café will also be open as a homework room available for students and families to use after program is over.
Middle School
6-7:30PM, B108, Homework Space, 7:30-9PM, Awaken Café
High School
7:30-9PM, B108, Homework Space, 6-7:30PM, Awaken Café
These events are opportunities to make new connections, outreach, and invite new students to our other on-campus programs in hope that they can take next steps to get to know and follow Jesus. Need-based scholarships are available for all student ministry events upon request.
Middle School Events
Bam Kazam
8999 Talking Stick Way, Scottsdale
Saturday, September 16, Time TBD
RSVP to Wes by September 9: wesc@vpc.church
High School Events
Starfighters Arcade
Saturday, September 23, 7-9PM
For all Students
Meal Service for those experiencing Homelessness
Monday, October 9, 4:30-6PM
South Scottsdale Presbyterian Church Day Community House VPC has joined with South Scottsdale Presbyterian Church to offer support and volunteers to help serve those less fortunate in our local community. Join us as we serve a meal and have fellowship time with them.
Parents vs. Students Kickball Game
Sunday, November 26, 10AM, Kiva Fields
Parents with school-age kids
Each year in a child’s development provides new opportunities to explore their faith, and we value partnering with and empowering parents to dig into the questions and experiences that help kids create a faith of their own.
Parents of Middle & High School Students:
Parent’s Night Out
Saturday, September 9
6-8PM, Tina & Todd Gilbreath’s Home
Why? Because you deserve it! Join us for a low key fun night. Hang out and make connections with other parents. Dinner is provided, but please feel free to bring a dessert or app to share.
Families of 3rd Graders:
How to read your Bible
Sunday, September 17
10:30AM, D201
This class is a precursor to the presentation of 3rd grade Bibles on October 1. Families will learn tips to support and encourage them spending time studying their Bibles with their children.
Parents of Middle & High School Students: The Hidden Impact of Screen Time on the Developing Brain With Katey McPherson
Childhood Advocate & Education Consultant
Wednesday, September 27, 6-7PM OR
Sunday, October 1, 10:30-11:30AM, B106
Learn more about Katey: kateymcpherson.com
Scientists, sociologists, and psychologists continue to process data on the exact impact of screen time on the developing brain. Katey McPherson provides keen insight into types of screen time, how trusted adults and parents at school and at home can guide and mentor students as digital natives, and how we can collectively support the next generation.
Valley Day School
Meghan Gottfredson Julia King Day School Director: meghang@vpc.church Day School Assistant Director: juliak@vpc.churchValley Day School
For kids 18 months—five years old
Monday—Friday, 9AM-Noon
Questions or tour requests? Email Meghan.
Valley Day School is a play-based Christian preschool for children 18 months old through age five. The number of days children attend is dependent on age. Our highly skilled teachers encourage developmentally appropriate learning and nurture the social and emotional development of every student. We value partnerships with parents, small class size, and the opportunity to share Jesus with each and every child.
If you have a little one ready for preschool or know someone who is searching for the perfect first school experience, we’d love to help navigate this process. We offer tours of our school throughout the year, and we’d encourage you to come see our preschool in action.
CELEBRATE 60 YEARS! Valley Day School
Women and Men
Women’s Bible Study: The Acts of the Apostles
Fridays, September 15, 29, October 13, 27, November 10, December 1, 15
9:30-11AM, Room B106
Facilitator: Jeanine Nesvig
William Barclay, the renown New Testament commentator, called the book of Acts “a precious book.” Join our Women’s Bible study group as Pastor Louie Giglio, in an 8-session series on Rightnow Media, walks us through the story of the early church. Acts may have been written two thousand years ago but God is calling us to be part of that story today.
Women’s Ministry Open House
Thursday, September 28
6-8PM, Tina Gilbreath’s Home
Come hang out! We’ll connect, relax, and take some time away from your to-do list.
Spiritual Formation
Wednesday,October 18, 25, November 1, 8, 15
6-7PM, Admin Conference
Facilitators: Kathy Oppenhuizen: kathyop1024@gmail.com or Beth Allen: ballen4771@gmail.com
This class focuses on the spiritual life and journey. There will be prior reading assigned with group reflection and discussion based on a book. The group discusses and practices ways to deepen our relationship with God in our daily lives. Books will be provided at the first class; please contact the facilitators for more information.
Fun Fri-YAY
Friday, October 20
9-11AM, B106
Take a few hours out of your day to be with other women and get your mind off things with a flower arranging workshop.
Ornament Exchange
Sunday, December 3
5-7PM, Location TBD
We are bringing back this annual event! Look for details soon.
MOPS ‘23-’24: Say Yes!
Fridays (see dates below)
9-11AM, Room B106, Cost: $135 for the year
Registration & Childcare: vpc.church/mops
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin... —Zechariah 4:10 NLT
Having a genuine, supportive, honest group of female friends in your circle is one of life’s biggest upgrades. We are declaring it the year of friendship, courage, and purpose. If you’re ready for a community like this, then you belong here. We are going to be cheering you on. What you can’t do alone, we will do together.
What is MOPS?
MOPS is an international ministry dedicated to the message that “mothering matters.” Our MOPS group is open to moms throughout the community, whether or not they attend VPC. We gather to enjoy coffee, learn from inspiring speakers, share our experiences, support each other, build friendships, and see God at work while our kids have fun with our childcare team.
Where do my kids go while I’m in MOPS?
Childcare offered (to age five) on a space-available basis. Your little Moppet enjoys the classrooms and playground of Valley Day School on the VPC campus. All caregivers are background checked and fingerprinted.
Fall Schedule of Speakers/Activities
September 8: Kickoff /Giant Playdate
September 22: Cookie Decorating Tutorial
Alyse Stehl
October 6 – How to Build Deep Community in a Lonely World Jennie Allen (video & discussion)
October 20: Flower Arranging with Tina Nestor, Owner of Create Yours LLC
November 3: Raising Healthy Eaters
Michelle Gulbas, Holistic Nutrition Specialist
November 17: Service Project
December 8: DIY Hostess Gifts
Tina Gilbreath
Megan Nesvig
Jayann Fordon
Chris Woodard
Women’s Ministry Director: tinag@vpc.church
MOPS Coordinator: megancnesvig@gmail.com
Circles Moderator: jayann41@hotmail.com, 480-213-4702
Men’s Ministry Pastor: chrisw@vpc.church
Women’s Circles
VPC offers all women meaningful ways to live out their faith in the midst of a caring community. For more than 200 years, groups of Presbyterian women have played a major role in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and witnessing to the promise of God’s kingdom.
Golden Fruit
By Julie Hale MaschhoffSecond Wednesday of the month, 9:15AM, Sanctuary
Each of the sessions in this nine-session study focuses on one fruit of the Spirit through the lives and stories of nine biblical women convey. As you study women like Esther (self-control) and Dorcas (goodness), Ruth (love) and Elizabeth (joy), you’ll see how God is at work in your life and how His promise of salvation and peace through Jesus are fully yours all the time!
RSVP: Bette Hughes, bettehughes@juno.com
Esther Circle
Second Wednesday of the Month, 10:15AM, Admin. Conference
Kathy Arner: 602-739-4291, kathy.arner@gmail.com
Edie Kelsall: 602-505-9045, winrose@aol.com
Lydia Circle
Second Wednesday of the Month, 10:15AM, Room B106
Sandra Gonzales: 602-616-0458, whiskchop@gmail.com
Wandie Hulick: 602-316-3372, wild4uofa@aol.com
Mary Circle
Pastor Jackie Parks from South Scottsdale
Presbyterian, Director of Community House
Wednesday, October 25, 11AM, Landes Center
Pastor Jackie will provide information on Community House, one of VPC’s local Mission Partners.
Joy to the World! & Jingle All the Way!
Wednesday, December 20, 11AM, Landes Center
Gather for a delicious lunch, music presentation and Holiday Cheer!
Breakfast, Coffee, & Bible Study
1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month
September 5—December 19
7-8AM, Awaken Café & B106
Third Tuesday of the Month
10AM, Westminster Village
Jeanne Campo: 480-994-4416, rjcampo@cox.net
Fran Siems: 480-451-2244, fsiems@wmvaz.com
Men’s Retreat 2024 with Dan Jessup
Friday September 22—Sunday, September 24
The Wrangler’s Roost Resort, New River AZ, Cost: $200 Register online: vpc.church/men
Gather for fellowship, followed by breakfast. All men are invited to join us—this is a great time to meet and connect.
Men’s Adult Basketball
Thursdays, year-round
6AM, Landes Center, Free
Mike Bitticks: michael.bitticks@gmail.com
Begin your day with some great fun and exercise! Join us for a quick game before you head off to work. Showers and lockers available.
Join us for a weekend filled with hiking, boating, fellowship and worship. Dan Jessup, YoungLife Senior Vice President, will provide an uplifting message.
Men’s Ministry Small Groups
Our small groups are designed by our men, for our men, to help our men grow stronger, more confident and authentic in their relationship with Jesus. Small groups are a great time to grow deeper in faith as we live our life with each other.
vpc.church/serve Serve VPC’s Mission Partners
Chris Woodard Pastor of Mission & Engagement: chrisw@vpc.churchENSURING STUDENT SUCCESS
MentorKids USA
Paiute Promise Neighborhood
After School Program
Monday—Friday, August 7—December 15, 3-5PM
First Baptist Church of Scottsdale, 7025 E Osborn Rd. 85251 mentorkidsusa.org
MentorKids USA needs help with registration, food prep, and making sure everyone is having fun safely. This is a great opportunity to develop relationships with people from the Paiute Promise Neighborhood. MentorKids volunteers tutor students, build relationships, and provide stability that may not be present in the home. MentorKids USA is a Christian ministry that recruits, trains, and supports mentors who empower young people to reach their God-given potential in their families and community. For tours of the Promise Neighborhood, please contact Chris directly.
Angel Trees: Gift Donations for MentorKids USA Christmas Party, Family Promise & Tuba City
November 19—December 3
Pick up a tag (or two!) from any Angel Trees in the Sanctuary Lobby and Awaken Café. Return unwrapped gifts to the church by Sunday, December 3rd.
MentorKids USA Christmas Party
Saturday, December 9
10AM-2PM, VPC South Parking Lot
VPC is excited to host another awesome holiday event with MentoKids! Stay tuned for more details on how you can help celebrate the birth of Christ with these special families.
Navajo & Hohokam Elementary Schools
Healthy Pack Program
VPC participates in this program, which provides food for children at risk of not receiving adequate nutrition over the weekend. VPC also provides school supplies for each classroom and maintains interactive learning spaces for students and teachers.
First Presbyterian Church
Tuba City, Navajo Nation
PO Box 368, Tuba City, AZ 86045-0368
The Native American Ministry provides the opportunity to connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ on the Navajo Reservation. Together we build relationships and understanding.
Ministry of Hope, Malawi, Africa
In 1999 Malawians established the Ministry of Hope (MOH) as a local, community-based response to meet physical and spiritual needs of orphaned and vulnerable children. Using crisis nurseries, community centers, scholarships, and mobile medical clinic programs, Malawi provides care for those who would not otherwise receive it. VPC has provided support to thousands of orphaned children and widows since MOH opened in 1999.
Villages in Partnership, Malawi, Africa
Villages in Partnership is a community of people and organizations devoted to sharing God’s love and blessings with the poorest of the poor in the impoverished nation of Malawi, Africa. VPC’s work with Villages in Partnership has blessed many lives, and we are excited to be involved with the construction and opening of the One Heart Secondary School in Malawi. We are thankful for the time spent and efforts to all involved. God is amazing!
Meal Service for those experiencing Homelessness
Monday, September 11, October 9, November 13, December 11 4:30-6PM
South Scottsdale Presbyterian Church Community House
Chris Woodard: chrisw@vpc.church
VPC has joined with South Scottsdale Presbyterian Church to offer support and volunteers to help serve those less fortunate in our local community. Join us as we serve a meal and have fellowship time with them.
Nourish Phoenix Food Drive
October 29—November 19
We will be collecting food to support Nourish Phoenix for Thanksgiving. Bags and lists of needed items will be available in the church office and outside the Sanctuary.
Hosting Family Promise of Greater Phoenix
December 17—24, familypromiseaz.org
Family Promise rescues homeless families from the streets, provides emergency shelter, and basic needs in a 60-day program designed to assist their return to self-sufficiency. Family Promise partners with VPC to provide safe overnight shelter, food, and compassion to families in crisis.
100,000 MEALS 4 SHIFTS • 1 DAY
One two-hour shift takes your hands and uses them to end hunger. +
Saturday, November 18 9AM*, 12 Noon*, 3PM, 6PM, Landes Center
Sign up coming soon! *Childcare available for kids 0-4 years old
We need your help! Hundreds of volunteers from VPC and the local community will fight world hunger with Feed My Starving Children. Each two-hour volunteer block is an opportunity for anyone age five and up to do their part to address world hunger. Volunteers just like you pack and fund lifesaving FMSC MannaPack meals through FMSC MobilePackTM events.
vpc.church/communitygroupsConnect Community Groups
Groups meet at various times throughout the month to study God’s Word and connect with each other. Groups are loosely divided by age; participants have the opportunity to build relationships wherever they feel comfortable. Groups are open to singles and couples, with or without children. We invite you to find the group that works for you!
Contact: Pastor Travis Kingma, travisk@vpc.church or Wes Cates, wesc@vpc.church
We are excited to come alongside college students (near or far) as you continue your faith journey. Travis and Wes are available for one-on-one and group discipleship opportunities via zoom or in-person meetings. Also, be on the lookout for possible in-person gatherings to hang out and spend time together.
Contact: Pastor Chris Woodard, chrisw@vpc.church
Welcome to Young Families! We know that when you have small kids, they drive your schedule. That’s why we want this group to be a convenient place to connect.
Learn Together
Join us for a selection of Oasis Community Wednesday classes throughout the fall. Check out page six for class details and page eight for OasisKids! information.
Serve Together
We will participate in the Feed My Starving Children MobilePackTM Event on November 18. We will also serve dinner and have fellowship time with our Family Promise guests on December 20. Check out page 14 for FMSC and Family Promise information.
Fun Together
Join us at the Open Door Social at the Frazier’s on November 11. Also, join Chris and Brianna at their home on Sunday, December 10 for Holiday celebrations! Check out page 18 for Open Door event details.
Contact: Ed Glady, beglady@outlook.com
This community is primarily people born 1955—1975, with many born outside of that range; however, all are welcome! We strive to be a Christian community that embrace and encourage each other as we follow Christ on the path He sets before us. After every Sunday we send an email that summarizes class, gives updates about other opportunities at VPC, gives space for prayers, and provides a gentle thought for the week.
Kaleidoscope Sunday Classes
9AM, Room B106
Study of The Chosen, Season One
September 10—November 19 (no class October 22)
Facilitators: Pastor David & Stacy Turner
The very popular series The Chosen tells the Biblical story of the women and men who formed Jesus’ initial band of close followers, as well as His unfolding ministry. Each class will give us a deeper understanding of the content as well as the related Biblical lessons. The Chosen is remarkable for both its faithfulness to the Biblical account while also providing keen insight into what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Episodes are available for streaming on Netflix, Peacock, The Roku Channel, and angel.com. We will also watch each week’s episode prior to class at 8AM.
Advent Study: Hidden Christmas
November 26—December 17
The late Reverend Tim Keller wrote a delightful book that digs deep into the surprising background of the Nativity. This class will look at Pastor Keller’s most important Christmas message–that God alone has what we lack and cannot generate ourselves, but can receive as “Christmas Gifts” through Jesus.
Kaleidoscope Mission Efforts
Volunteer at Feed My Starving Children
Dinner prior at Boulders on Southern
Saturday, September 16
Dinner: 5:30PM, Serve: 6:45-9PM
Kick off the year with us, first for dinner then a volunteer shift at FMSC, assembling meals to feed children worldwide.
Hosting Family Promise
During VPC hosting weeks, day TBD
Cooking dinner and connecting with the families VPC hosts.
Feed My Starving Children MobilePackTM Event
Saturday, November 18, time TBD
Joining the community to pack over 100,000 meals!
MentorKids USA Pre-Christmas Party Wrapping
Prior to Saturday, December 9
We will help wrap the 300+ presents needed for the event.
Kaleidoscope Community Events
Kaleidoscope 30th Anniversary Celebration!
Saturday, October 14
6-10PM, George & Christy Miller’s Home
We’re going to celebrate this milestone with appetizers, desserts, and beverages. We are also looking for Kaleidoscope alums. If you have been a part of this community, join us to remember, reconnect, and renew its heart and mission for another 30 years!
Annual Kaleidoscope Holiday Party
& White Elephant Gift Exchange
Saturday, November 18
5:30-10PM, Lou Ann & Tom Hillman’s Home
Our most popular event of the year! Bring a delicious dish to share. Bring your best and funniest items for the White Elephant gift exchange. This night always brings laughter, joy, and full stomachs, please plan to join us!
Christmas Open House
Sunday, December 10
10AM-Noon, Beth & Ed Glady’s Home
With Christmas music playing, come when you can, leave when you must, and add some sparkle to your Christmastime!
Contact: Cheryl Shaff, cherylshaff@gmail.com
Active since the 1980’s, members are 60 years and up, some working and some retired. Married couples, singles, and visitors are welcome. We support each other and use our resources to assist local charities.
First Friday Meetings
5-8PM, Member’s homes
RSVP required: cherylshaff@gmail.com
September 1: Love In Christ-mental health in families with Barbara Mardian, MSW
Barbara is Clinical Director of a non-profit institution which provides wraparound service for families.
October 6: Israel Old & New
1967—Present with John Meyers
Discussion of modern business in Israel by David Shaff.
November 3: Growing Joy & God Sightings
Discussion of Pastor David Joynt’s devotional.
December 1: The Lord’s Prayer
RightNow Media video with Laurie Short.
Contact: Sarah Burnette, sarahswiggins@gmail.com
Join our email and invitation list! Join us for refreshment, fellowship, Bible study, and fun. All are welcome.
Boomers Sunday Classes
10:30-11:30AM, Room C204
Boomer Potluck Kick-off (10-11:30AM this day only)
Sunday, September 24
Bring an appetizer and favorite Bible verse to share and reconnect!
The Gospel of Luke
October 1, 8, 15, 22
Facilitator: Dave Winter
Luke’s message was primarily for Gentile Christians and nonChristians and is fresh with the first-person accounts of Jesus’ life to this day. Join us!
The Walk: Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life by Adam Hamilton
October 29, November 5, 12, 19
Facilitator: Jerry Sayre
The series focuses on the five essential spiritual practices that are rooted in Jesus’ own walk with God and taught throughout the New Testament.
Boomer Social Events
Fall Fiesta
Saturday, October 7
5-8PM, Art & Jean Humble’s Home
Movie Night
Saturday, November 4
4-7PM, Carol Dillon’s Home
Go see Oppenheimer before you come to the party. We will be led through discussion of the movie by our talented emcee and film expert, Janel Willert.
Chrismas Open House
Sunday, December 3
4-7PM, Jerry & Sarah Burnette’s Home
Wear your Christmas sweater and be prepared to enjoy a Christmas carol singalong.
vpc.church/opendoor Connect
Open Door Socials
Open Door Social at the Schumacher’s (Adult-Only)
Sunday, September 17
3-5:30PM, Judy & Roy Schumacher’s home Register online: vpc.church/opendoor
Roy and Judy Schumacher invite you to join them for fellowship and fun at their home! If you are new to VPC or a long-time part of our community, this is a great way to connect. Beverages and light hors d’oeuvres provided.
Open Door Social at the Joynt’s (Adult-Only)
Saturday, October 14, 2023
4-6:30PM, David & Julia Joynt’s home
Registration opens in late September
Open Door Social at the Frazier’s (Adults only)
Saturday, November 11
5-7:30PM, Alison & Eric Frazier’s home
Registration opens in late October
Jennifer Hamm
Mutsumi Mori
Travis Kingma
Minister of Music: jenniferh@vpc.church
Organist/Accompanist: mutsumim@vpc.church
Pastor of Next Generation Ministry & Contemporary Worship: travisk@vpc.church
VPC’s Music Ministry is dedicated to glorifying and serving God through different expressions of music. If you love music and creativity, join us! You’ll find a Christian community of fellow music lovers.
Chancel Choir
Rehearsals Wednesdays
7:15PM, Sanctuary Choir Room
Weekly music leadership Sundays at 9AM service
Jennifer Hamm: jenniferh@vpc.church
Worship through song is one of the most powerful ways to connect directly to the love, compassion, power, and grace of God. VPC is seeking new singers to share that message! We sing uplifting anthems and lead congregational singing each week at the 9AM service. The Chancel Choir is open to all skill levels high school and above, and sing everything from classical to gospel music. If you love singing and are looking for an extended family and support system, a confidence booster, stress reliever and new challenge, this is the place for you!
Worship Band
Rehearsal: Sundays, 8:30AM, Admin Conference
Plays every Sunday at the 10:30AM Worship Service
Travis Kingma: travisk@vpc.church
The Worship Band is made up of vocalists, keyboard, bass, electric and acoustic guitar, and drums. We often add violin, trumpet, and cello. This group is eager to glorify God through powerful and driving worship music. If you have or want more experience in a band setting and would like to share your gifts, let us know.
Tickets: vpc.church/music
Jennifer Hamm: My Story Through Song
Jennifer Hamm, soprano; James May, piano
Sunday, October 15, 4PM, Sanctuary
VPC’s Minister of Music, Jennifer Hamm, will sing songs that weave together the story of her life. Jennifer’s dream was always to be on the stage, whether in operas or musicals. Come hear the story of her journey from stage to worship and everything in between.
Veterans Day Concert
With the Stefanski Brothers
Saturday, November 11, 4PM, Sanctuary
From songs that celebrate the bravery of service members to songs that celebrate America, this concert is a true journey!
Christmas Through Joseph’s Eyes
Christmas Concert narrated by Cory McCloskey
Sunday, December 10, 9 & 10:30AM (during worship)
VPC’s Chancel Choir, orchestra, and Valley Singers explore Joseph’s story through song and narration. VPC’s own Cory McCloskey portrays Joseph in this story of a prominent, yet often forgotten, character of the Nativity story.
Spring 2024 Concerts will be announced soon!
Faith Friends
Walking beside
during stressful times
• Burnout
• Divorce
vpc.church/careCare and Help Classes & Events
All-Church Prayer Gathering
With Pastor David Turner & VPC Deacons
Thursday, September 14
7-8PM, Chapel
All are welcome to this time of support and gratitude. Please join us as we pray for VPC, our world, or anyone or anything that is weighing on our hearts.
Beyond the Broken Heart: A Class for those Experiencing Grief
With Pastor David Turner
Wednesdays, September 20—November 15
4-5:30PM, Chapel, Free
Register with Tammy Gallagher: tammyg@vpc.church
VPC is a community where you don’t have to deal with the storms of life alone. We will walk alongside you in your journey. This eight-week course is for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Experience encouragement and support in this group setting and spiritual growth through the healing power of God’s presence.
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Friday, September 22
8AM-2PM, Landes Center
To schedule an appointment or to learn more go to: RedCrossBlood.org
Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. That’s why VPC is on a mission to help save lives by hosting a blood drive! Donors play a critical role in the treatment of accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer or sickle cell disease.
Skills for Deeper Friendships
October 18, 25, November 1, November 8, 15
Learn more about this class on page seven.
First Aid Training
Saturday, November 4
8AM-Noon, B106
Register with Tammy Gallagher: tammyg@vpc.church
This training is primarily for Ushers, First Impression Team members, and VPC staff - but we may have spots available for anyone who is interested! You will learn core knowledge and skills needed to help in the midst of common emergencies that might occur at home, at church, or other venues.
Dove Tree Service of Remembrance
Tuesday, December 5
2PM, Memorial Garden
Every year during Advent, we acknowledge family and friends who have passed into God’s Glory. You are welcome to write the name of your loved one on a dove, place it on the tree and offer a silent prayer.
Ongoing Groups
Stephen Ministry: Faith Friends
Pastor David Turner: davidt@vpc.church
Stephen Ministers are men and women identified by the church as compassionate good listeners, grounded in the teachings of the Christian faith, and demonstrating the ability to carefully guard confidences.
Hundreds of our members and visitors have enjoyed the friendship of a Stephen Minister at some point in life. The services are free and everything you share will be held in strict confidence. They meet one-onone with people of their same gender and become supportive friends in Christ.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Fridays, 7:30-9PM, Landes Center aaphoenix.org
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees; it is funded through contributions. AA is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, does not engage in controversies, and neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Their primary purpose is to stay sober and to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.
Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 4:30-6PM, Landes Center
Join VPC and neighborhood community for some fun! Pickleball is a paddle sport that has taken the world by storm! Rules are simple and the game is easy for players of all skill levels.
David Turner
Tammy Gallagher
Elizabeth Weiss
Pastor of Congregational Care: davidt@vpc.church, 480-991-6424 ext. 0121 Ministry Assistant: tammyg@vpc.church, 480-991-6424, ext. 0163
Mental Health Ministry Coordinator: esweiss1231@gmail.com
Mental Health
If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or harming themselves, please call the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988.
The goal of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is to provide immediate crisis intervention and support. When someone calls 988, a trained crisis counselor will answer the phone, listen to the caller, understand how their problem is affecting them, provide support and share resources, as needed. Crisis counselors are trained to help in a variety of crisis situations, and no caller is required to disclose any personal information.
NAMI Family-to-Family Class
Wednesdays, September 27—November 15
6-8:30PM, Free, Pre-registration required
Registration: admin@namivalleyofthesun.org
Questions? Elizabeth Weiss: esweiss1231@gmail.com
This class is for family, partners, and friends of adults living with a serious mental illness, designed to help, understand, and support their loved one living with mental illness while maintaining their own well-being. The program is taught by trained teachers who know what it is like to have a loved one living with mental illness. If someone in your family or a loved one is struggling with mental illness, this course is for you!
Church Mental Health Summit
Tuesday, October 10, Virtual Event, Free Register: hopemadestrong.mykajabi.com/register
This event offers insights on equipping the local church to support mental health in their communities and congregations. At the summit you can expect to learn about the latest care resources and tools, gain knowledge from world-class experts, and connect with peer ministry leaders. In honor of World Mental Health Day, you have free access to the Summit from 7AM EST to 11PM EST.
NAMI Walk 2023
Saturday, October 21
9AM-Noon, 1130 W. Warner Road, Tempe, AZ 85284
Learn more: namivalleywalk.org
Questions? Elizabeth Weiss: esweiss1231@gmail.com
We’ll cheer each other on while raising our voices to be heard, united in our commitment to raise awareness of our cause: funds to drive NAMI’s free, top-rated programs, and build community. You don’t have to walk to donate and support mental health! VPC sponsors a team along with St. Patrick’s: Stepping Out in Faith.
St. Patrick’s Behavioral Health Initiative –Breakfast Workshop
Friday, November 3
8-11AM, St. Patrick’s Catholic Community, 10815 N 84th Street
TOPIC: Isolation: Its Affect on Mental Health; Its Connections to Loneliness, Anxiety, and Depression. Register online: stpatcc.org/registration/bhi
AZ Teen Lifeline
602-248-8336, teenlifeline.org
Mental Health 24-hour Crisis Line
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health) Support Groups
NAMI Classes
Grace Alliance Support Groups
If you are interested in opportunities to serve as a part of the VPC community, our Deacons and their teams are a great place to start! Volunteers are at the heart of everything we do at VPC, and we would be blessed by the inclusion of your gifts and abilities!
Deacon Ministries are run by the Deacons of the church, who are nominated and chosen to serve three-year terms. They provide vital services to church members and our community. They are always in need of volunteers to serve in each ministry area. If you would like to help, please contact Pastor David Turner.
Questions? Email Tammy: tammyg@vpc.church
Members of this team work with various community resources to provide health and wellness related events on-campus such as heart screenings, recreation activities, blood drives, informational speakers, and CPR/AED training. These events are open to all VPC members, and often the surrounding community. If you are interested in events that look after your body as well as your soul, we invite you to volunteer!
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Friday, September 22
8AM-2PM, Landes Center
Learn more about this class on page 20
First Aid Training
Saturday, November 4
8AM-Noon, B106
Learn more about this class on page 20
Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 4:30-6PM, Landes Center
Learn more about this class on page 20
vpc.church/deaconsCare and Help Deacons Life Events
Brianne Bergfeldt: 480-991-6424, ext. 0138 brianneb@vpc.church
VPC has several venues available for weddings. If you’re interested in holding your special and sacred event on campus, please contact us early in the planning process. Celebrate with us!
Tammy Gallagher: 480-991-6424 ext. 0163
When we baptize someone, we witness an individual being brought into the worldwide community of faith and specifically recognized as a unique creation.
Questions? Email Tammy: tammyg@vpc.church
Do you enjoy cooking as a way to spread God’s joy to others? Tasty Spoon ministry team members prepare and deliver cooked meals to community members in need due to illness, bereavement, hospitalization, financial hardship, or birth of a new baby. If preparing delicious food is your love language, this team is for you!
Questions? Email Tammy: tammyg@vpc.church
This ministry is charged with hosting receptions following oncampus memorial services. The team prepares food and beverages or assists the family with other options. The team also arranges and decorates tables and prepares serving stations. Most importantly, this ministry provides additional comfort for the family and guests during a difficult time.
Questions? Email Tammy: tammyg@vpc.church
We are looking for volunteers to help prepare and set up communion elements each month. At VPC, Communion is the first Sunday of each month, so volunteers need only assist a couple hours the day prior and between services.
Funerals, Memorial Services, & Receptions
Tammy Gallagher: 480-991-6424 ext. 0163
VPC’s staff is here to help support families and loved ones through this difficult time of transition. Services can be held in the Chapel or Sanctuary.
Interment & Memorial Garden
Tammy Gallagher: 480-991-6424 ext. 0163
VPC has a Memorial Garden dedicated to its community and their families. One section has a Memorial Wall, where plaques may be placed in memory of a loved one interred or buried elsewhere.
vpc.church/vpf Foundation
History of the Foundation
The purpose of this Foundation is to do the long-term thinking and executing of plans for capital gifts that the congregation will need for the upkeep of VPC’s buildings and for the purposes of its life and mission in the decades and centuries ahead. We are a young church... but we must plan for the long future... This trust will produce income for our life as a congregation and for our support of the Mission of Christ throughout the world.
—VPC Senior Pastor L. Wilson Kilgore, March 22, 1976
Leave a Legacy
Kris Bahr Director Finance & Operations: krisb@vpc.churchEvents
Estate Planning Seminars
With Sam Kelsall
Tuesday, September 26 OR Tuesday, October 10 3PM, Sanctuary, VPC YouTube channel, & Zoom Questions? Email John Voris: voris@cox.net
These seminars will help ensure your assets transition quickly and reliably to your beneficiaries. VPC is lucky to have Sam Kelsall to help you understand legal implications and what you can achieve with the surplus God has blessed you with.
Since 1976, the Valley Presbyterian Foundation exists to:
• Support the ministry & mission of VPC
• Educate about capital needs of VPC
• Secure gifts & bequests
• Invest funds with sound judgment
• Distribute income as instructed or as needed by VPC
The VPF Legacy Society is made up of people who have chosen to remember VPC in their will or trust.
CURRENT LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP: 103PEOPLE LEGACY GIFT CONTRIBUTION: $4MILLION Gifts support ministries and change lives for generations.
What legacy will you leave?
Email Kris Bahr to learn more about VPF's Legacy Society: krisb@vpc.church
Valley Presbyterian Foundation: Funds managed by Autus Asset Management. Current portfolio value: approximately $5.5 million.We do this together
VPC is able to do God’s work because of you!
Your generosity creates opportunities for kids to hear about Jesus, helps bring people out of homelessness, allows our buildings to be spaces of praise and celebration, and so much more.
There are several ways to support what God is doing at VPC: Securely Give Online: vpc.church/give Set up easy and secure reoccurring giving!
Text-to-give: 480-372-8548
Text the amount of your donation
(First-time users will be prompted to visit a secure URL)
VPC’s Mobile App
Takes you to VPC’s giving portal through the website
Valley Presbyterian Church 6947 East McDonald Drive, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253, 480-991-6424
Pastors: David M. Joynt, David L. Turner, Travis W. Kingma, Chris D. Woodard
Facebook: facebook.com/valleypresbyterian
Instagram: ‘vpc.church’
YouTube: youtube.com/vpcchurch.com