2025 Spring Ministry Brochure

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The British have a colorful word for publicity materials: bumph (also spelled bumf). It refers to inessential advertising deserving of a glance before it is tossed away. The Spring 2025 Ministry Brochure is most certainly not bumph!

It is more like a curated guide to a special place, like Tripadvisor, or a map for a special hike, like Alltrails. The special place is VPC and the special hike is your spiritual journey. Inside you’ll discover exciting activities, special events, pathways to spiritual growth, avenues of service, and sage advice on how to navigate this particular Kingdom outpost.

Enjoy it, treasure it, pass it on friends as a short sample of God’s activity in our community! Let its possibilities entice you to try something new. Be blessed as you read and engage.

Belong A place where you




Sanctuary & Livestream

This service includes music, prayer, space for kids, preaching, scripture, and an emphasis on community. Music is commonly led by VPC’s Chancel Choir and accompanied by our organ.


Sanctuary & Livestream

Worship at this service contains many of the same elements as 9AM. Music is commonly led by VPC’s Worship Band with drums, guitar, piano, and bass.

Whether you decide to attend a service because of the time or musical style, you will find space to hear God’s Spirit and respond through Christ-centered worship to God’s acts of salvation and ongoing transformation in the world.

Awaken Café, 8AM—1PM




Monday-Friday 7AM-2PM

Saturday & Sunday 8AM-1PM




There’s something for everyone on Wednesday night! Planning a family night is challenging, that’s why VPC offers a place with food, connection, classes, and programs for kids, students, and adults. Food served starting at 5:15PM, $5/person, $20/family.

JANUARY 8, 15, & 22

The Sermons to the Seven Churches of Revelation With Dr. Jeffrey Weima, Calvin Theological Seminary

6-7PM, Sanctuary

A leading New Testament scholar, seasoned preacher, and experienced tour guide to ancient biblical sites in Greece, Turkey, Italy, Israel and Jordan, Jeff will explain the meaning of the first three sermons in the Book of Revelation and how these ancient messages are relevant today.

Dr. Weima is Professor of New Testament at Calvin Theological Seminary, where he has taught for 32 years and is a sought-after speaker and author of six books. Jeff and his wife, Bernice, have been married for 41 years. They have four children and eleven very cute grandkids.


29, FEBRUARY 5, 12, 19, & 26

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

With Larry Kerby II, MBA

6-7PM, Room B106

One reason couples get stuck in conflict is simply a lack of education and training. We train for marathons, seek education to further our career, or find a financial advisor to guide our investments. But we go into marriage with virtually no training or tools when the inevitable conflict comes.

In this workshop for couples, you will discover how to:

· Build friendship and trust

· Deepen your knowledge of one another

· Be open to influence

· Get through gridlocked conflict

· Create a special “Story of Us”

· Maintain your relationship

Gospel of Matthew: The First Five Chapters With Wally Larson, Jr.

6-7PM, Room C9

Wally will use an interactive format to get you talking and thinking about this powerful book of the Bible. All are invited!

Wally Larson, Jr. is an attorney in private practice whose core area of practice is professional responsibility the rules and laws governing lawyers. A Phoenix native, he lived and worked in the New York City Financial District for 25 years. He had the privilege of serving as an Elder alongside the late Reverend Dr. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Wally moved back to Phoenix three years ago and works remotely for his firm. He enjoys reading history, theology, and teaching God’s Word.

Spiritual Formation

With Kathy Oppenhuizen & Beth Allen

Questions? Email Kathy: kathyop1024@gmail.com or Beth: ballen4771@gmail.com

6-7:15PM, Admin. Conference Room

We will continue a study of the book Early I Will Seek You by Augustine. His writings will lead us into a deeper experience with God and deepen community. All are welcome on this spiritual journey.




Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter

With Pastor David Turner & Ed Glady

6-7:15PM, Sanctuary

The late Reverend Dr. Timothy Keller wrote this inspiring book that addresses the question of how we approach the current difficult times, including the loss of a vision for a shared common good. Keller answers that we need to reclaim and rely on the hope of Easter, which reminds us that the resurrection of Christ brings the future power of God – that someday will heal and renew the entire world – into our lives now, giving us a realistic and irrepressible hope that in our current lives we can participate in the fullness of paradise to come.

APRIL 23, 30, MAY 7 & 14

Intro to the Bible: God’s Plan, Our Book

With Pastor Chris Woodard

6-7PM, Sanctuary

66 books written thousands of years ago over many generations, in different languages by different authors speak to us today about God’s redemptive plan in this world through Jesus. This class will acquaint you with the major form and themes presented in our Bible and discover how God’s word is alive and active in our world and life today. If you have never read the Bible before or if you would like a deeper understanding of how scripture is used—this class is for you.

Risen with Him: Experiencing Christ’s Resurrection Power

With Pastor Tim Smith

6-7PM, Chapel

The risen Christ promises, “Because I live, you will live, too.” This post-Easter series explores what it means to come alive as Easter People, experiencing the day-to-day reality of the risen Christ living His life in and through us.

Spiritual Formation

With Kathy Oppenhuizen & Beth Allen

Questions? Email Kathy: kathyop1024@gmail.com or Beth: ballen4771@gmail.com

6-7:15PM, Admin. Conference Room

We will pick up our study of the book Early I Will Seek You by Augustine. His writings will lead us into a deeper experience with God and deepen community. All are welcome on this spiritual journey.

Book Club for Men & Women

Facilitator: Judith Robins, az29hiker@msn.com

January 7, February 4, March 4, April 1, May 6

10-11:30AM, Room C204

January’s book is West With Giraffes by Linda Rutledge. Read up and join us!





VPC has fun and meaningful opportunities for kids & students! Please register your child 0-5th grade: vpc.church/children

Nursery & Toddler Room: Infant—35 months

Here infants and toddlers are introduced to their church home. We provide a safe, enjoyable environment, giving you peace of mind while participating in church activities.

Sunday School: Three years old—fifth grade

9 & 10:30AM, Various rooms

No class April 20 (Easter) & May 25 (Memorial Day weekend) Each week children participate in interactive lessons to help them grow as disciples of Jesus. They play games, hear stories, make crafts, build relationships, and have fun!

Family Worship Sundays*

April 20 (Easter), May 25 (Memorial Day weekend)

*Childcare available for children 0-2 years old Parents, enjoy this special time with your children. Research shows the importance of childhood worship attendance for developing faith that lasts a lifetime. Check out more tips and resources on our website. Feel free to explain the parts of the service to your children and guide them to stand, sit, sing, or pray with the congregation.


Oasis Community Wednesdays have something for everyone. OasisKids! and Oasis Minis! are safe and fun environments to learn about the world in creative ways. Your child will build, draw, play, craft, sing, have fun, and learn more about Jesus. Register your child today: vpc.church/oasis

OASISKids! (K-5th Grades)

Wednesdays, January 8-May 7, 6-7:15PM, Room C204 No Oasis March 5 & 12, April 16

OASIS Minis! (3-5 years old)

Wednesdays, January 8-May 7, 6-7:15PM, Nursery No Oasis March 5 & 12, April 16


Email Tina to learn more about these events: tinag@vpc.church, or visit the website: vpc.church/children

Ash Wednesday/Lenten Launch

Wednesday, March 5, 6:30PM, Sanctuary

Children will have the opportunity to join us for special prayer experience to start the Lenten season following the children’s message in Ash Wednesday worship.

Bunny Business

Saturday, April 12, 9:00-10:30AM, VPC Campus

Join us for a walking Easter hunt adventure, including candy, Easter eggs, food truck, photobooth, Easter Bunny and fun!

Palm Sunday Processional

Sunday, April 13, 9 & 10:30AM Worship Services

Kids have the opportunity to bring Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to life. Watch for details and rehearsal information.

5th Grade Transition

Sundays, March 30, April 6, & April 27, 10:30AM, Room C204

Moving from Children’s to Student Ministry is a special milestone, and we want to celebrate it well! Students participate in four transition classes leading up to the Transition Banquet on April 27.


Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 8:30AM-Noon, VPC Campus

Open to kids 3 years old-5th Grade

Contact Tina Gilbreath tinag@vpc.church

Join us for Vacation Bible School 2025: True North, at VPC! As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows them that He is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North!




Sunday Morning Gatherings are an intentional time of Biblical discipleship for students to get rooted and grow deeper in their faith.

Middle & High School

Sundays, 9:15 & 10:45AM, Room B108

Except: First Sundays of the month (Communion Sunday, worship with your family)

Students are encouraged to sit with their families at the start of worship and be dismissed with Sunday School kids. On Communion Sunday, the first Sunday of each month, there is no Sunday Gathering, in order to encourage intergenerational corporate worship.


Connect and dig deeper with other students. Awaken Café will also be open as a homework room available for students and families to use after Middle School and before High School.

Oasis Students

Wednesdays, January 8-May 7

Middle School

6-7:30PM, Orange Room Homework Space, 7:30-9PM Awaken Café

High School

7:30-9PM, Orange Room Homework Space, 6-7:30PM Awaken Café


Yucatan Mission Trip

May 31-June 7, Sinanche, Yucatan, Mexico, $950

Experience life with our brothers and sisters in the town of Sinanche. This trip will be labor intensive; it involves a building project and running a Vacation Bible School.

Middle School Mission Days

June 16-20, 8am-3pm, Phoenix Metro, $175

This week of day trips will help students understand the needs in our area, the organizations that are meeting them, and the Biblical imperative to serve others.

Forest Home Summer Camp

Middle & High School

July 25-30, Forest Home Camp Forest Falls, CA, $700

Don’t miss this week where students will be known, loved, and transformed.


These events are opportunities to make new connections, outreach, and invite new students! Need-based scholarships are available upon request.

Register for these events: vpc.church/students


Secret Road Trip

Saturday, February 15, 8AM-8PM, $100

Who’s ready for an old fashioned roadtrip?! We’ll make our way to an undisclosed location with multiple stops for fun along the way!

Slick City

Saturday, April 15, 10AM-Noon, Scottsdale Pavilions

Let’s slide into some fun together!


Winter Retreat

Williams, AZ

Friday, January 17-Monday, January 20, $250

Step away from the pace of your everyday routine and embrace the rhythms of Jesus up north. This retreat will be filled with fun, food, and friends.

Youth New Members Class

Begins Sunday, January 26, 10:30AM, Room B108

This five-part class is open to all high school students. Designed to take students into a deeper understanding of VPC, Church history, and basic Christian doctrine. Each student develops a personal statement of faith.


Super Bowl Bake Sale

Sunday, February 9, before/after 9 & 10:30AM Worship

Bring a baked good to sell! This annual fundraiser benefits Student Scholarships for our summer experiences.

Meal Service for those experiencing Homelessness

Monday, April 14, 4:30-6PM

Community House

Once a month, VPC provides a meal for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Come serve and eat a meal with members of our community.

Student Sunday

Sunday, May 4, 9:30AM

Join us for a special student-led worship service.



Valley Day School

For kids 18 months—five years old Monday—Friday, 9AM-Noon, August—May 2025—2026 School year registration begins February 24, 2025

Questions or tour requests? Email Meghan: meghang@vpc.church

Valley Day School is a play-based Christian preschool for children 18 months old through age five. The number of days children attend is dependent on age. Our highly skilled teachers encourage developmentally appropriate learning and nurture the social and emotional development of every student. We value partnerships with parents, small class size, and the opportunity to share Jesus with each and every child.

If you have a little one ready for preschool or know someone who is searching for the perfect first school experience, we’d love to help navigate this process. Valley Day School is fully enrolled for the 2024-2025 school year, but we are scheduling tours for 2025-2026 now. We offer tours of our school throughout the year, and we’d encourage you to come see our preschool in action!




Families of Youth New Members:

Sharing your faith story with and supporting your Youth New Member

Facilitator: Tina Gilbreath

Sunday, January 26

10:30-11:30AM, Room B106

This one-time parent workshop is for parents of students participating in the Youth New Member Class. At this workshop, parents learn how they can support their student(s) throughout the YNM class and reflect on their personal faith story in preparation to share it with their student. Lunch with students will follow.

Families of 5th Graders: Blessing Your Child in Transitions

Sunday, March 30


RSVP to Tina Gilbreath: tinag@vpc.church

Parents of fifth graders will prepare a special blessing for their child to be presented as part of the milestone celebration. This blessing to helps kids remember that they have a solid foundation in our love and God’s love through this and all transitions.

Families of Seniors: Senior Summit

Sunday, May 4

4:30-6:30PM, Awaken Café & Sanctuary

Celebrating our Seniors with a baccalaureate worship service and meal together. Watch for more details.




Women’s Bible Study:

Book of 1 Samuel & Psalm 90

January 17, 31, February 14, 28

March 7, 28, April 11, May 2, May 16

9:30-11AM, Room C204

Join us each week as we dive into scripture. Come a little early for coffee, breakfast goodies, and some time to visit! Sign up on-line today.

Women’s Retreat

With Pastor Caitlin Rhodes-Karahadian

Saturday, February 22

8:30AM-1:30PM, Landes Center, Cost: $50

Join us for a day to refresh and rejuvenate yourself with other women. We’ll explore different daily practices that can create a deeper and daily connection with Jesus.

Fun Fri-YAY

Friday, February 28

9-11AM, Room C204

Take a few hours out of your day to be with other women and get your mind off things! We will be serving together and putting together items for those in need in our community. Watch for more details to come.

Ladies Night Out

Sunday, April 6, 4-6PM, Free Putt Shack Scottsdale, 15059 N Scottsdale Rd, 85254

RSVP Required: vpc.church/women

Join the ladies of VPC for some putt-putt fun! There will be food and fun for all ages. Event is free, but donations appreciated to help offset cost.


Fridays (see dates below), 9-11AM, B106

Cost: $70 for the spring semester Women, we’ve upgraded! Formerly MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), MOMS@VPC is a new program with a familiar vibe. Moms of all ages and stages are invited to create community and connection.

What is MOMS@VPC?

MOMS@VPC is open to all moms in the community, whether or not they attend VPC. We gather to enjoy coffee, learn from inspiring speakers, share our experiences, support each other, and build friendships.

Where do my kids go while I’m at MOMS@VPC?

Childcare offered up to five years on a space-available basis. Your child enjoys Valley Day School classrooms and playground VPC’s campus. All caregivers are background checked and fingerprinted.

MOMS@VPC Spring Schedule:

• January 10: Nic Kuck: New Year, New You

• February 7 - Entrepreneur Carly Whalen

• February 28 - Fun Fri-YAY

• March 21 - Tricia Mitchell: MBBC Dance

• April 4 - Birds & Bees & Kids: How to have that talk

• April 25 - Katey McPherson: Youth Digital Wellness

• May 9 - That’s a Wrap: Year-End Celebration!

MOMS@VPC Mom’s Night Out

Thursday, January 23, 5:30-7PM Grassroots Kitchen & Tap, 8120 N. Hayden Rd E-100, 85258 Trista Wesolowski: Faith & Fitness


Moderator: Wandie Hulick, 602-316-3372, wild4uofa@aol.com

Monthly Bible Study with Pastor David Joynt: Life Lessons from Psalms by Max Lucado

2nd Wednesday of the month, 9:15AM, Sanctuary

Bring the Bible to life in with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God’s Word. Don’t just read these Psalms, pray them along with the saints who composed them.

Luncheon & Speaker Series

Ruth Brannan, zrbrannan@q.com

Audrey’s Angels

Wednesday, February 26, 11AM, Landes Center

Singing for the Love of Jesus!

Wednesday, April 23, 11AM, Landes Center

Monthly Circle Meetings

Esther Circle

2nd Wednesday of the Month, 10:15AM

Admin. Conference Room

Kathy Arner: 602-739-4291, kathy.arner@gmail.com

Edie Kelsall: 602-505-9045, winrose@aol.com

Lydia Circle

2nd Wednesday of the Month, 10:15AM, Room B106

Sandra Gonzales: 602-616-0458, whiskchop@gmail.com

Debbi Courtright: 480-594-3079, debem214@gmail.com

Mary Circle

3rd Tuesday of the Month, 10AM, Westminster Village

Jeanne Campo: 480-994-4416, rjcampo@cox.net

Sandra Sturgeon: 480-451-2382, sturgeons3060@gmail.com



Men’s Breakfast/Coffee & Bible Study

1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 7-8AM, Room B106

Interested? Email Chris: chrisw@vpc.church

Gather at Awaken Café breakfast or coffee, followed by Bible Study. All men are invited to join!

Men’s Adult Basketball

Thursdays, year round, Landes Center, 6AM, Free Mike Bitticks; michael.bitticks@gmail.com

Looking for a way to begin your day with some great fun and exercise? Join us for a quick game before you head off to work. Showers and lockers available.

Saturday, February 22

8:30AM-1:30PM, Landes Center vpc.church/women


Men’s Cornhole Tournament

Sunday, February 2

4-6:30PM, Location TBD

Come for food, fellowship and fun! No cornhole experience needed!

Men’s Retreat

Friday, April 25-Sunday, April 27, 2025

Lost Canyon Young Life Camp, Williams, AZ, Cost: $210

Register: vpc.church/men

VPC will be joining Retreat316 for our annual men’s retreat. Come join us for a weekend of worship, discipleship, and fellowship.

Men’s Retreat

Friday, April 25-Sunday, April 27

Lost Canyon Young Life Camp vpc.church/men


MentorKids USA

Paiute Promise Neighborhood After School Program

Monday—Friday, 3-5PM

Volunteer opportunities available!

Chris Woodard, chrisw@vpc.church

MentorKids USA needs help with registration, food prep, and making sure everyone is having fun safely. This is a great opportunity to meet new friends and develop relationships with people from the Paiute Promise Neighborhood.


Community House

Meal service for those experiencing homelessness

Monday, January 13, February 10, March 10, April 14, May 12 4:30-6:30PM

VPC partners with Community House to offer volunteers serve those less fortunate in our community. Join us as we serve a meal and have fellowship time.

Nourish Phoenix

Food Drive: March 30-April 27

We will collect supplies to support food insecure families during Lent. Lists of needed items will be available in the church office and outside the Sanctuary.

Family Promise of Greater Phoenix


Ministry of Hope, Malawi, Africa ministryofhope.org

In 1999 Malawians established the Ministry of Hope (MOH) as a local, community-based response to meet physical and spiritual needs of orphaned and vulnerable children. Using crisis nurseries, community centers, scholarships, and mobile medical clinic programs, MOH provides care for those who would not otherwise receive it. VPC has provided support to thousands of orphaned children and widows since MOH opened in 1999.

Villages in Partnership, Malawi, Africa villagesinpartnership.org

Villages in Partnership is a community of people and organizations devoted to sharing God’s love and blessings with the poorest of the poor in the impoverished nation of Malawi, Africa. VPC’s work with Villages in Partnership has blessed many lives, and we are excited to be involved with the construction and opening of the One Heart Secondary School in Malawi. We are thankful for the time spent and efforts to all involved. God is amazing!

First Presbyterian Church

Tuba City, Navajo Nation PO Box 368, Tuba City, AZ 86045-0368

The Native American Ministry provides the opportunity to connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ on the Navajo Reservation. Together we build relationships and understanding.

Host Family Promise Families

February 23-March 2 & April 13-20, VPC Campus

Family Promise partners with VPC to provide safe overnight shelter, food, and compassion to families in crisis.


May 31-June 7

Sinanche, Yucatan, Mexico

Open to High School Students, College Students, & adults

Cost: $950 ($150 deposit required at registration) Register: vpc.church/students

Questions? Email Chris: chrisw@vpc.church

We will partner with a local congregation to finish their church roof, host VBS for community children, and enjoy fellowship with our brothers and sisters in the village of Sinanche.

We do this together

VPC is able to do God’s work because of you!

Your generosity creates opportunities for kids to hear about Jesus, helps bring people out of homelessness, allows our buildings to be spaces of praise and celebration, and so much more.

Support what God is doing at VPC:


Set up easy and secure reoccurring giving!

TEXT-TO-GIVE: 480-372-8548

Text the amount of your donation (First-time users will be prompted to visit a secure URL)


Takes you to VPC’s giving portal through the website





Contact: Wes Cates, wesc@vpc.church

We are excited to come alongside college students (near or far) as you continue your faith journey. Wes is available for oneon-one and group discipleship opportunities via Zoom or inperson meetings. Also, be on the lookout for possible in-person gatherings to hang out and spend time together.

Yucatan Mission Trip with Accion Ministries

Open to High School Students, College Students, & adults

May 31-June 7, Sinanche, Yucatan, Mexico

Cost: $950 ($150 deposit required at registration) Register: vpc.church/students

Questions? Email Wes: wesc@vpc.church

We will partner with a local congregation to finish their church roof, host VBS for community children, and enjoy fellowship with our brothers and sisters in the village of Sinanche. Contact Chris Woodard or Wes Cates for more information.


Contact: Chris Woodard, chrisw@vpc.church

Welcome to families with young kids! We know that when you have small kids, they drive your schedule. That’s why we want this group to be a convenient place to connect.

Learn Together

Join us at Oasis Community Wednesday classes. Have dinner on the plaza and take your kids to their activities before class.

Serve Together

Serve Family Promise families

February 23-March 2 & April 13-20

Fun Together

Family Fun Night

Sunday, January 26, 4-6:30PM

Pastor Chris & Brianna Maxwell’s home

Open Door at the Chris & Brianna’s Home

Sunday, March 30, 4-6:30PM


Contact: Ed Glady, beglady@outlook.com

Kaleidoscope strives to be a Christian community that embraces and encourages each other as we follow Christ on the path He sets before us. After every Sunday we send an email that summarizes class, gives updates about other opportunities at VPC, gives space for prayers, and provides a gentle thought for the week.


RSVP to Ed Glady at beglady@outlook.com

Hike in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve

Saturday, January 11, 9:30-11:30AM, optional lunch to follow Gather at the Pima Dynamite Trailhead and traverse a comfortable distance in the beautiful January weather.

Bunco at the Harrison’s

Saturday, February 8

5PM, Karen & Wyn Harrison’s Home

Join us for a night of fun and fierce competition! Come and feast on potluck appetizers and desserts and then get to work on rolling the dice!

Dinner & Feed My Starving Children Packing

Saturday, March 1

Dinner: 5PM, Red Robin, 1375 E. Elliot Rd., Tempe

FMSC Volunteering: 6:45PM, 1100 W. Grove Parkway, Tempe

Join us for a meal together then volunteer at FMSC’s new Tempe location. One two-hour shift can feed thousands of food insecure people around the world.

Dinner & Miniature Golf

Saturday, March 22

Dinner: 4:30PM

Carolina’s Mexican Food, 1450 S. Country Club Dr, Mesa

Tee Time: 6PM

Golfland Sunsplash, 155 W. Hampton Ave, Mesa

No golfing experience (or skill) needed as we putt-putt our way through eighteen holes of fun and fellowship in the amazing Arizona spring weather!

Potluck Brunch at the Glady’s

Sunday, April 13

Noon, Beth & Ed Glady’s Home

What could be better than spending a beautiful late spring afternoon with good friends, amazing food, and fun lawn games?

May the Best Beverage Win!

Saturday, May 10

6PM, Tom & Lou Ann Hillman’s home

Bring your favorite fermented (or non-fermented!) grape juice for a blind taste test. Will your choice be crowned the winner?






9AM, Room B106

Study of The Chosen, Season Four

January 5-March 2 (no class February 2), episode re-watch, 8AM, Room B106

This highly acclaimed series brings the Biblical narrative of Jesus to life, from His initial band of close followers to the unfolding ministry into which He leads them. Pastor Dave Turner and others will facilitate this study in which we will delve into the fourth season’s eight episodes that culminate with Jesus beginning His Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem.

Lenten Study: Are you stuck on the Saturday Between Good Friday and Easter Sunday?

March 9-April 13

For Lent we’re going to examine if we live life like the disciples after Good Friday but before Easter—frightened and confused, with no real understanding of what Jesus had done on the cross nor how he would rise the next morning. We will reorient our worldview and actions to fully embrace Christ’s victory on the cross and reconnection of Heaven to Earth with his resurrection.

A Prayerful Study

April 27-May 18 (no class May 4)

While talking to God should be easy, prayer often is cited as one of the most challenging and least understood aspects of our faith journey. This will be a “beginner’s guide to prayer” for some, a refresher course for others, but we pray that it will be a meaningful and productive study for all.


Contact: Cheryl Shaff, cherylshaff@gmail.com

Active since the 1980’s, members are 60 years and up, some working and some retired. Married couples, singles, and visitors are welcome. We support each other and use our resources to assist local charities.

First Friday Events: 5PM, RSVP for location

January 3: New Year Fellowship

February 7: A Stroke of Genius-Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

March 7: Good Friday; Both Horrible & Glorious

April 4: Easter Fellowship


Contact: Sarah Burnette


Join our email and invitation list! Join us for refreshments, fellowship, Bible study, and fun. All are welcome.


Coffee & Fellowship: 10-10:30AM Class: 10:30-11:30AM, Room C204

The Beauty of the Lord

With Gary Bender, former Suns sportscaster

January 19-February 9

This class will explore a definition of beauty, look at how to see God’s beauty, how to see with compassion, and the impact of our words. Based on Psalm 27:4. “…that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord, and to seek him in his temple.”

Paul’s Letter to the Romans With Dr. Jerry Burnette

February 16-March 9

Paul’s masterpiece offers us a breathtaking theological and spiritual vision for living a life of faith.

Shaping a Heavenly Imagination:

Building an Earthly Reality Rooted in Eternity

With Bill McKee

March 16-April 13

We will follow Cameron Cole through his book Heavenward: How Eternity Can Change Your Life on Earth. Through his painful experience of losing a child, Cole offers a vulnerable yet profound perspective on how the promise of heaven transforms our present reality, giving us joy and resilience.

Daily Time with the Lord

With Deborah Pettitt, Psychotherapist

April 27

Enrich and increase your daily time with God. Hear about other’s experiences and frustrations. Be encouraged to go deeper.

What About Doubts?

With Dr. Warren Pettitt, Associate Professor, Arizona Christian University

May 4

How do I respond when others doubt God?


vpc.church/opendoor CONNECT @VPC

VPC’s community extends far beyond the walls of the church! When we enjoy life together new friendships are built and existing ones are strengthened. Open Door connects people in a relaxed social atmosphere, where we have the time and ability to get to know each other better. Details and RSVP for each event will go up a month prior to the event date.

Want to host an Open Door event? Email Sarah Brammer: smurley47@hotmail.com.

Open Door at the Schumacher’s

Saturday, February 15, 4-7PM, Judy & Roy Schumacher’s Home

Roy and Judy are excited to host another Open Door event in 2025! Non-alcoholic beverages provided. This event is adult-only.

Open Door at Brianna & Chris’

Sunday, March 30, 4-6:30PM, Brianna Maxwell & Pastor Chris Woodard’s Home

Join Chris and Brianna (Max & Oliver, too) for an evening of fellowship, food, activities and fun! This event is family-friendly.

Open Door at the Turner’s

Sunday, May 4, 4-6PM, Dave & Stacy Turner’s Home

Enjoy the beautiful desert and a spectacular sunset with great food and even better people! This event is adult-only.



David Phelps

Speak of Love Tour

Friday, February 7, 7PM, Sanctuary

Tickets: vpc.church/music

David Phelps is among today’s most spectacular voices. His seemingly endless vocal range, coupled with his gift for communicating through song, has brought the house down in some of the world’s most prestigious venues. He has received numerous Dove Awards, Grammy Awards nominations, and multiple platinum-selling recording projects.

While studying vocal performance at Baylor University, David met Lori, who has been his wife and a constant source of support throughout his three-decade career. Together, they have four children and reside on their farm outside Nashville, Tennessee.

Grand Canyon University: Broadway, Opera, & All That Jazz

Featuring The Canyon Chorale & Critical Mass

Thursday, March 6, 7PM, Sanctuary, Free vpc.church/music


Chancel Choir

Weekly music leadership Sundays at 9AM service

Singing uplifting anthems and congregational singing each week, the Chancel Choir is open to all skill levels high school and above, and sing everything from classical to gospel music.

Worship Band

Weekly music leadership Sundays at 10:30AM service

The Worship Band is made up of vocalists, keyboard, bass, electric and acoustic guitar, and drums. We often add violin, trumpet, and cello. If you have or want more experience in a band setting and would like to share your gifts, let us know.

Questions? Email Kay Randolph: kcrandolph@cox.net






All-Church Prayer Gathering

With Pastor David Turner & VPC Deacons

Thursday, January 16, 7-8PM, Chapel

All are welcome to this time of support and gratitude. Please join us as we pray for VPC, our world, or anyone or anything that is weighing on our hearts.

Vitalant Blood Drive

Sunday, February 2, & Sunday, May 18 8AM-12:30PM, Landes Center

To schedule an appointment or to learn more visit: donors.vitalant.org

When you give blood with Vitalant, you have the potential to help hospital patients within your community and nationwide. Join VPC and save lives at our Deacon-sponsored community blood drive!

Beyond the Broken Heart: A Class for those Experiencing Grief

With Pastor David Turner

Wednesdays, February 26-April 16

4-5:30PM, Chapel, Free

Register with Tammy Gallagher: tammyg@vpc.church

VPC is a community where you don’t have to deal with the storms of life alone. We will walk alongside you in your journey. This eight-week course is for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Experience encouragement and support in this group setting and spiritual growth through the healing power of God’s presence.


Stephen Ministry: Faith Friends

Pastor David Turner: davidt@vpc.church

Stephen Ministers are men and women identified by the church as compassionate good listeners, grounded in the teachings of the Christian faith, and demonstrating the ability to carefully guard confidences.

Hundreds of our members and visitors have enjoyed the friendship of a Stephen Minister at some point in life. The services are free and everything you share will be held in strict confidence. They meet one-on-one with people of their same gender and become supportive friends in Christ.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Fridays, 7:30-9PM, Landes Center, aaphoenix.org

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees; it is funded through contributions. AA is non-professional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, does not engage in controversies, and neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Their primary purpose is to stay sober and to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.

Pickleball Drop-In Play

Every Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday 4:30-6:30PM, Landes Center

Join VPC and neighborhood community for some fun! Pickleball is a paddle sport that has taken the world by storm! Rules are simple and the game is easy for players of all skill levels.


Mental Health 24-hour Crisis Line 602-222-9444

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health) Support Groups namivalleyofthesun.org/support-groups

NAMI Classes namivalleyofthesun.org/classes

Grace Alliance Support Groups mentalhealthgracealliance.org/grace-group-locations


If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or harming themselves, please call the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988.

Helpers at the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline understand life’s challenges can sometimes be difficult. Whether you’re facing mental health struggles, emotional distress, alcohol or drug use concerns, or just need someone to talk to, their caring counselors are here for you. You are not alone.



Contact: Pastor David Turner, davidt@vpc.church

These ministries are run by VPC’s Deacons, who are nominated and chosen to serve three-year terms. They provide vital services to church members and our community. Our ministries are growing and need volunteers! Reach out if you are interested in serving in one of our 12 ministry areas (three are highlighted here):

Health & Wellness

Members of this team work with various community resources to provide health and wellness related events on-campus such as heart screenings, recreation activities, blood drives, informational speakers, and CPR/AED training. These events are open to all VPC members, and often the surrounding community. If you are interested in events that look after your body as well as your soul, we invite you to volunteer!

Memorial Receptions

This ministry is charged with hosting receptions following on-campus memorial services. The team prepares cookies and beverages or assists the family with other options. The team also arranges and decorates tables and prepares serving stations. Most importantly, this ministry provides additional comfort for the family and guests during a difficult time.

Tasty Spoon

Do you enjoy cooking as a way to spread God’s joy to others? Tasty Spoon ministry team members prepare and deliver cooked meals to community members in need due to illness, bereavement, hospitalization, financial hardship, or birth of a new baby. If preparing delicious food is your love language, this team is for you!



Tammy Gallagher: 480-991-6424, ext. 0163, tammyg@vpc.church

When we baptize someone, we witness an individual being brought into the worldwide community of faith and specifically recognized as a unique creation.


Tammy Gallagher: 480-991-6424, ext. 0163, tammyg@vpc.church

VPC’s staff is here to help support families and loved ones through this difficult time of transition.


Brianne Bergfeldt: 480-991-6424, ext. 0138, brianneb@vpc.church

VPC has several wedding venues. If you’re interested, please contact us early in the planning process. Celebrate with us!


Tammy Gallagher: 480-991-6424, ext. 0163, tammyg@vpc.church

VPC’s Memorial Garden is dedicated to its community and their families. One section has a Memorial Wall, where plaques may be placed in memory of a loved one interred or buried elsewhere. vpc.church/




The purpose of this Foundation is to do the long-term thinking and executing of plans for capital gifts that the congregation will need for the upkeep of VPC’s buildings and for the purposes of its life and mission in the decades and centuries ahead. We are a young church... but we must plan for the long future... This trust will produce income for our life as a congregation and for our support of the Mission of Christ throughout the world.

—VPC Senior Pastor L. Wilson Kilgore, March 22, 1976


A Jewel in the Desert Foundation Dinner

Friday, February 28

6PM, Orange Tree Golf Resort

Cost: $125, tickets go on sale January 5

You are invited to join us for a night of celebration and gratitude! For years VPF’s Dinner events have been a time to connect with the VPC family and to connect with a vision for how VPF helps God’s work in the community. This year we will focus our efforts to improve and enhance VPC’s Chapel, one of the most unique and beloved spaces in the Valley.

Valley Presbyterian Foundation Legacy Lunch

Wednesday, April 2

11:30AM, Landes Center Patio

VPF is blessed by the Legacy Society, people who have chosen to remember VPC in their will or trust. Each year we gather the Legacy Society to thank them for their generosity, which will enrich and support future generations.


For College, Graduate, & Seminary Students

Applications open March 1-May 15

Valley Presbyterian Foundation is proud to assist our college students in their educational endeavors as they prepare for productive and faithful lives and careers.

Our scholars have served their church and community by displaying their faith and using their God-given talents. Our goal is to offer financial help for students requesting help to further their studies and attain their career goals.


Contact: Kris Bahr, krisb@vpc.church

Leave your legacy at VPC

Learn more: christianwill.org/vpc

The Valley Legacy Society helps provide a long-term foundation for VPC. Members are able to contribute to God’s work past their lifetimes by providing financial support for VPC’s ministries and programs. There are no start up or annual fees. Simply name Valley Presbyterian Foundation in your estate plan.

A will or trust is the cornerstone of a well-organized estate plan, but it can also proclaim your faith, demonstrating your faithful stewardship to future generations.

The Legacy Society currently has over 100 members across all ages and walks of life. There is no minimum (or maximum!) contribution necessary to become a member.

Facebook: facebook.com/valleypresbyterian

Instagram: ‘vpc.church’

YouTube: youtube.com/vpcchurch.com

6947 East McDonald Drive, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253, 480-991-6424 vpc.church

Pastors: David M. Joynt, David L. Turner, Chris D. Woodard

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