MY Voice Volume 8 Issue 1 Falling Together

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Quran Gems

FA ITH FOREVER Lessons from Ayoub (AS)’s Story NAJIULLAH SHAH, 15


he world is falling. People are losing hope. The COVID-19 virus is destroying the modern economy as we know it. But we still have inspiration. In the Qur’an and Hadith, we have many stories and sayings that can make us hopeful again. The stories show us we need to have faith and keep hope, like Yunus (AS)1 and Yusuf (AS)’s stories. However, one of the most well-known stories on hope in the Qur’an is the story of Ayoub (AS). Prophet Ayoub (AS) was one of the 25 Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an. He was blessed by Allah (SWT)2 with great wealth and fortune. He was also a very pious man and spent much of his spare time in Ibadah.3 People in the village were also told to pray to Allah (SWT). Over time, they grew jealous of Ayoub (AS) and then Shaytaan4 started whispering negative thoughts about Ayoub (AS) to them. The people began saying, “Ayoub (AS) only worships Allah (SWT) because he is rich, and he has time. If he were poor, he wouldn’t be able to worship Allah (SWT).” Allah (SWT) decided to meet the people’s challenge and took away all of the blessings bestowed

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upon Ayoub (AS) one by one. It was He made this prayer almost constantly, recorded that his house was destroyed ever since the first trial he received one night, most likely by lightning, from Allah (SWT). After a certain and all his children passed away in amount of time, the people started to the destruction. see that Ayoub After that, all In the Qur’an and Hadith, (AS) remained his wives, except steadfast in his one, died one we have many stories and f a i t h , e v e n after another. sayings that can make us though he was Then, after all in such horrible this, he obtained hopeful again. circumstances. an illness that Then, Allah stopped him from being able to move (SWT) relieved Ayoub (AS) from all without feeling pain, and he ended these trials and gave him more than up having to permanently stay in his what he was given before. hammock. We can clearly see that Ayoub Despite all of these trials, Ayoub (AS) stayed patient and firm in his (AS) stayed patient and steadfast in his belief, believing that Allah (SWT) religion, and continuously prayed to would help him in the end. We are in Allah (SWT) for his well-being. The troubling times but the COVID-19 Dua of Ayoub (AS) is stated in Surah trial is not even a fraction of what Anbiyya, Ayah 83: Ayoub (AS) went through compared to some of us who are losing hope. So, the takeaways are these: always have faith in Allah (SWT), as it will make things easier for you in these troubling times—and stay patient. And [mention] Job (Ayoub), when he called to his Lord, "Indeed, difficulties have touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful.”

AS: (‘alayhi-salam) Peace be Upon Him SWT: (subhan-wa-ta’ala) Glory to Him 3. Ibadah: worship 4. Shaytaan: Satan 1. 2.


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Rise and Fall of

Hijabi Influencers RAHIMA ADEEL, 26


Muslimahs are

and invalid ver the past decade, everyday hijabis have under intense c r i t i c i s m. become s e n s at ion a l i z e d i n flu e nc e r s , pressure and scrutiny N o doubt, enthusiastically becoming representatives of hijab demanding perfection and Muslims. Without revealing identities, to be both from hijabi influencers is prominent influencers have benefitted from the unapologetically unfair. However, when perks of the limelight—cultivating successful themselves and hijab is limited—even businesses and amassing a generous represent exploited—to being following—then publically removed the hijab, just a mere head while some even proclaimed it as a mere choice, 1.3 billion Muslims. covering, thus absolving rather than a commandment of God. the behaviour and This begins as a slow process wherein attitude that follows, it the influencer’s once graceful loose-fitting clothing exacerbates dissension and spreads warped ideas about becomes more form-fitting and revealing, while her what the hijab is within Muslim communities. Hijab, like headscarf begins to show her neck and a few harmless any tenet of faith, has its fluctuating lows and highs. strands of hair. Soon, her videos have licentious Sometimes, influencers portray hijab with expressions of background music and she begins to collaborate with what culturally, socially, and personally feels acceptable organizations that are incompatible with her once firm and fashionable, as opposed to authentic Islamic convictions. Take a moment to ponder the subconscious guidelines. During these instances, they must understand effects—confusion, misperception, questioning of the criticism they receive is imbedded with concern and faith—this sort of behaviour arouses in loyal followers, well-being, not only for them, but for their impressionable particularly young girls already starved for female Muslim followers and overall representation of Islam. In defence, role models. sometimes, we hear slogans like “only God can judge me.” For the record, removing the hijab is not the Ironically, this should serve as a reminder that God will issue. Someone who removes it today may choose to wear indeed be our judge. it again later in life and someone who struggles with the Appearance and conduct has and remains a decision for many years may discover she is more prepared touchy topic pertaining to Muslim girls and women. at a different stage. Hijab is a struggle for many girls as we Muslimahs are under intense pressure and scrutiny to be live in an era that is constantly redefining beauty and both unapologetically themselves and represent 1.3 billion pushing boundaries to fit sexualized, narcissistic, and Muslims. In the process of fitting in with everyone else, capitalist agendas. Both hijabis and non-hijabis should feel we are losing the essence of what makes Muslimahs empowered, confident, and safe despite the pressures they beautiful in the eyes of God—righteousness, piety, face in schools, workplaces, individual communities, and modesty, and steadfastness. To my sisters: whether you are on social media. However, a word of caution to girls who the one following or are being followed by others, be wise. are thinking of becoming influencers: purify your i nt e nt ion, e duc at e yourself, and prepare for both valid

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The Love Affair:

Can You Give While In Need?

“It is because of our pre-existing love for others, and for the sake of those we have given our hearts to, that we are willing to self-reflect.” AAMNA IDREES, 18


ove c a n b e d e s c r ib e d l i k e a t r a i n, s pl it i nto compartments based on type: self-love, familial love, etc. However, can you access each compartment on its own, or do you have to walk through one to reach the other? According to the saying, “you have to love yourself before you love others”, love should be treated as a linear journey that starts from yourself. But where is the destination? Is there really only one path towards loving others? Though love can be categorized, I find it is almost always intertwined with the state of your interpersonal relationships. Loving yourself less may be due to the intense love you have for others: for example, you may be harsh on yourself if you feel as though you have let a loved one down. Your levels of self-love can also independently fluctuate, affecting your love for another. You may feel more lenient and forgiving towards the mistakes of your loved ones after accepting your own mistakes, or you might react stricter towards someone’s disrespect when you are aware of your own worth. I believe the love you feel for yourself is directly linked to changes in your love for others, and vice versa. There is no order to follow when it comes to dishing out love; it simply exists in varying amounts depending on your current situation. The concept of loving yourself before you can love others stems from the idea of love itself.

The notion builds criteria for your relationships, an idea that people deserve the best of you, which is only possible when you are feeling the best about yourself. It is because of our pre-existing love for others, and for the sake of those we have given our hearts to, that we are willing to self-reflect. I do not think it is necessary to love yourself before you love someone else. As individuals who are dependent on relationships, we cannot help but appreciate others, even when we do not feel so great about ourselves. However, loving yourself is important when it comes to realizing and defining your love for others; in order to comprehend when to soften your heart in acceptance and when to draw the line to avoid unhealthy relationships. This realization of love is ultimately our destination, but there is no true path to reach it. It is up to us to unlock our own path. We may struggle to pass through some parts of this emotional train, or jump from compartment to compartment at the wrong times. However, we have enough love to start again and find our way to connect with others, as well as ourselves.

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Creative Writing

I'm Maryam MARYAM SHAH, 16


haven’t gone outside in 4 or 5 days now Usually, I go for a run every day Familiar faces lost their familiarity I’m sad, but it’s more complex I break down and cry at the drop of a hat because I’m so irritable And I fight with my siblings because dinner didn’t turn out like the recipe described I try to sew, paint, write, and draw Maybe this will make me happy, but I’m so tired I honestly just want to sleep I don’t wanna do anything I don’t remember what I used to like to watch or hear or do I can only mope around and not clean I understand that I’m allowed to be sad but I don’t want to be I’m unpleasant and hard to understand I’m Maryam, I feel too much but that isn’t bad I need to keep my head about and that can be hard But that isn’t bad, I’ll get there I’m Maryam, I wanna heal my head and heart I’m Maryam, I will heal Emotions can hurt but masks won’t f ix it Breathe, talk, it’s okay Okay, I’m okay, so no way am I gonna let this temporary emotion take over a permanent life I’m Maryam, I’m strong, I can do this I’m okay


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