PREVIEW MY WEEKLY FREE Take me home SUNSHINE COAST >> 100% LOCALLY OWNED styleplus TV what’sPROPERTYGUIDEon BEST FREE PUBLICATION My Weekly Preview 2021 WINNER ISSUE 719 AUGUST 18, 2022 worryingAustralia’seggshortageExpert advice on technologyoffswitchingfrom No yolking matterDigital detox this easy and delicious recipe is sure to become a family favourite Italian fare

houses to buy

 My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 | | PO Box 6362, Maroochydore BC, Qld 4558. PHONE: 5444 0152, DISTRIBUTION: PUBLISHERS: Anar Higgins, Darryl Olson, Michael Kramer, Noel Olson For publishers’ statement see “terms of use” tab at so important to have regular brain breaks as well as some great tips on how to take a digital detox. In other news, pop the champagne, we are delighted to announce that My Weekly Preview turns 14 this week! That’s 719 issues, thousands of stories and many years of delivering the Sunshine Coast’s only free weekly news and lifestyle magazine. Most importantly, cheers to you our loyal readers and advertisers, we would not be here today without your continued support.Here’s to the next 14 years. Cheers! FIRST WORD 55+ Retirement feature See page 34 > From the editor Puzzles See page 27 > My style See page 32> TV guide See page 62 >Follow us on social @myweeklypreviewmedia My Weekly Preview Scan to visit our websites.Sunshine Coast News My property See page 40> More local news See page 20> 8 FAST FACTS – Fascinating facts to sharpen your general knowledge. AGENDA – What’s causing Australia’s egg shortage? 10 COVER STORY – Top tips on how you can take a digital detox. 12 SOCIALS – Have you been spotted out and about on the Sunshine Coast? 24 WHAT’S ON – Your go-to entertainment guide. 28 OPINION –Enlightening insights from our regular trio. 6 THIS WEEK Ingrid Win! The Italian Food & Vino Festival is a celebration of Italian culture through a fun-loving and engaging culinary experience. From 26 to 28 August, indulge in authentic Italian food, drinks, live music and entertainment set against the backdrop of the spectacular Noosa River. The Festival is going to be everything we love about Italy – social, playful, stylish and truly delicious. We have two double passes to give away. A double pass to the Italian Food & Vino Festival Please dispose of this responsibly,magazinebyrecyclingafteruse. For your chance to win, visit our website ON THE COVER Our cover image features a delicious Italian meatballs recipe courtesy of Kim McCosker’s new 4 Ingredients book. Turn to page 30. CALL TODAY FOR AN OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE:made on the Sunshine Coast Window Furnishings SHUTTERSAWNINGS Proudly Australian! Visit our factory showroom Unit 3, 28 Premier Cct, Warana Introducing Jules Weatherstone to our iQ Shutters team! Jules has over 15 years industry experience and is happy to assist with all your window furnishing needs. MORE THAN JUST SHUTTERS. LOCALLYMADE100% 5437 6405ZIPGUIDESSECURITYSCREENS CURTAINSBLINDS
It’s no secret children need a balance of outdoor activity, exercise, and social interaction for a healthy lifestyle. But as the mum of a 14-year-old, I am all too familiar with the constant battle parents face to ensure their children are not spending too much time in front of a screen, particularly their mobile phone! And it’s not just the younger generation. Even adults, myself included, find themselves reaching for their phone to check their social media accounts first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and then wondering why we can’t get to sleep!So, what can we do to combat this increasingly worrying trend and how can we help our children to do the same? In this week’s feature story, Candice Holznagel chats with the experts to discover why it’s

WORDS: Flavio Macau Associate Dean, School of Business Law, Edith Cowan University. This article originally appeared at AAP
Shelves laying bare in the eggs section of the nation’s supermarkets can’t all be blamed on the fallout of panic buying associated with the pandemic or changing shopping habits.
Reasons egg-stremefor shortages
also increased. In 2018, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission introduced rules to police the marketing of eggs as “free range”. These rules mean hens need to have “meaningful and regular access” to an outdoor range during the daylight hours of their laying cycle (with a maximum density of 10,000 hens per hectare). This experience has likely influenced farmers’ reticence to increase their flocks, based on predictions of higher demand. Producing free-range eggs is more expensive, not just because it requires more land. Free-range hens are less consistent layers. Hens kept in cages or barns are more regular producers because conditions are optimised to stimulate laying. Temperatures are constant, and hens are exposed to 16 hours of light every day. Free-range hens are affected by hot or cold temperatures, wind and rain, plus length of daylight. In winter months, they have less energy and produce (on average) 20 per cent fewer eggs than a chicken confined indoors in controlled conditions. The egg industry is flexible and adaptable – but the confluence of economic and environmental events in 2022 has made things difficult. Farmers will want to meet demand, but face time lags and cost Increasingpressures.alaying flock takes about four months. An egg takes about three weeks to hatch. Under ideal conditions, chicks need another 17 weeks before they are ready to begin laying. Any farmer who has begun this process in the past month will be producing more eggs by December. But then it will be summer, when they won’t need 20 per cent more hens to make up for their winter slump. Feed costs, which typically represent 60-70 per cent of layer production costs, have been increasing along with transport, electricity and interest rates. So farmers must be cautious if they are to stay in business. It is preferable to under-supply than go bankrupt through over-supply.Arefarmers willing to invest in increasing production in an uncertain economic environment, with interest rates and costs going up and a recession on the horizon? Probably not. So a short-term fix seemsWeatherunlikely.forecasts are not favourable. The Bureau of Meteorology expects a wetter August to October, with “more than double the normal chance of unusually high rainfall”. That means less daylight and more cold. Come spring, with longer days and milder temperatures, along with an agricultural visa program, things should return to Unless“normal”.consumers are willing to pay more to ensure a constant supply in winter months, our shift to free-range eggs carries a higher likelihood of winter shortages. We must do what we have done through every disruption in recent times: endure, adapt and prepare for the next crisis.
6 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 AGENDA
A ustralia is experiencing a national egg shortage. Prices are rising and supermarket stocks are patchy. Some cafes are reportedly serving breakfast with one egg instead of two. Even Supermarket giant Coles has reverted to COVID-19 conditions with a two-carton limit. We became used to grocery shortages throughout the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021. These were due to changes in buying patterns, stockpiling and panic buying. Eggs were temporarily part of this, along with flour, as people at home started bakingButagain.withlockdowns long past, what’s causing this egg shortage now? News reports have quoted eggs producers blaming, at least in part, pandemic restrictions – because they reduced their laying flocks due to lower demand from restaurants and cafes. That was the case in countries such as India, where misinformation about poultry being a source of COVID-19 led to a sharp decline in demand. But in Australia, an initial 30 per cent drop from hospitality was compensated by a growth in retail sales. What changed during that time was the way people accessed their eggs. Food delivery, food boxes and home cooking exploded for a time. More fundamentally, this shortage reflects a long-term trend in egg-buying preferences, with a shift to free-range eggs, whose production is more affected by the colder, shorter days of winter. Australians consume about 17 million eggs every day. In the 2020-21 financial year, egg farmers produced about 6.3 billion eggs. Of those, 52 per cent were free range. This compares to about 38 per cent a decadeThisago.growth, however, has not been consistent. Between 2012 and 2017, free-range eggs’ share of the market grew about 10 percentage points, to 48 per cent. Growth in the past five years has been half of that. But with more rapid growth predicted and the promise of higher profits, many egg farmers invested heavily in increasing free-range production. In New South Wales, for example, total flock size peaked in 2017-18. Like many agricultural industries where farmers respond to price signals and predictions, this led to overproduction, leading to lower prices and profits. This in turn led to a 10 per cent drop in egg production the next year. Compliance costs
Immanuel’s scholarships program suits a variety of special interests. for a Sport or FoundationScholarship with up to 100% discount on fees. Applications close on 26 August. To apply, visit our website today. Achieve. 5477 3441

WHY FACTORY DIRECT? Professional service and advice at the best price. And as you see, we have a truly extensive range of shutters, awnings, blinds and curtains. Call and talk to one of your local, friendly team members today. CALL US TODAY ON 1300 077 125 |,awnings&blinds FACTORY DIRECT Sale ends 31 August 2022. OUR INDUSTRY IS A COMPETITIVE ONE AND TO BE VOTED BY QUEENSLANDERS AS THE BEST SHUTTERS AND BLINDS RETAILER IN THE STATE SPEAKS VOLUMES FOR THE QUALITY OF OUR PRODUCTS AND CUSTOMER SERVICE. FOR V TING US THE BEST Everything! OFF40 SALE EXTENDED FOLDING ARM AWNINGS CURTAINS PANEL BLINDS ZIPZIPSCREENS SHOPS INQLDBLIND & SHUTTER VOTED BEST

The number of blocks used to make the Great Pyramid of Giza.
The deepest freshwater lake in the world: Lake Baikal, located in Siberia.
2005 – Indonesia suffers a massive power outage. Thought to be one of the biggest power outages in recent history, this Java-Bali power outage affects about 100 million people. Electricity is restored to most areas within six hours. Today in history – August 18 Apple Pie isn’t actually American. Apples originally came from Asia. The first pies were actually baked in Medieval Europe. Even the concept of putting apples in pie traces back to a recipe from England in 1381. But nevertheless, the phrase “as American as apple pie” turned up by 1924 and became a common saying during World War II
8 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022
By the numbers 1612 – The Pendle witch trials begin. Eleven people, nine women and two men are tried for practising witchcraft in one of the UK’s most welldocumented and followed witch trials. The trial lasts for two days and 10 of the accused are found guilty and executed on August 20.
1887 – The Martian moon Phobos is discovered by American astronomer Asaph Hall. Phobos is one of the two natural satellites of Mars. Hall also discovered Deimos, the other Martian moon.
Did you know?the Juno Beach, Scotty
Switch your Home Care Package today. Home Care Assistance are changing the way we age through respect, compassion and real support. When you switch your Home Care Package to Home Care Assistance, a highly qualified carer will be at your door to help you with whatever you need most. Call us to make the switch and get real help from a real person, 24 hours a day. 5491 FAST FACTS
The longest reigning monarch, King Louis XIV, of France. 2.3 million
Canadian actor James Doohan, best known for playing Montgomery “Scotty” Scott on the original Star Trek series, served in World War II with the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division. He was wounded by friendly fire that caused the amputation of the middle finger on his right hand. On Star Trek, directors did their best to avoid showing the injury on is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own.”
– Bruce Lee you remember? Atari 2600 Word of the day Riposte A clever retort or retaliatory measure. In fencing, it refers specifically to a quick return thrust immediately following a successful defensive action.
One of the ancestors of the modern games console, the Atari 2600 was originally released in 1977 and was a cartridge-based home video game system loved and nostalgically remembered by many. Atari is also known for the creation of games such as Pong, Missile Command and Asteroids. These were true classics that were playable on the console. This early technology quickly became obsolete as game-console technology progressed swiftly forward.
Quote of the week 1620 metres 72 years

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10 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022
W hen young mum *Maree deleted her Facebook account, she was inundated with messages of concern: “What is wrong? Is everything okay? Did someone hack your account?” In reality, she was in dire need of a digital detox and a break from the incessant pull towards her social media accounts.“Ourkids started asking us to spend time off our phones and it really made me realise how sad that statement was, coming from them,” she explains. “I wanted to be more present and have them remember me for playing with them and being interactive, rather than filming to upload to my (social media) stories or spending that time scrolling through Facebook and missing out on the magic of their childhood.” Like so many people, Maree found herself starting each day by reaching for her phone and scrolling through her social media accounts. It was the same each night before she went to sleep. “It would take me a while to then get to sleep or I’d have an interrupted sleep and scroll some more,” she tells My Weekly Preview. This habit is not limited to a particular generation. Statistics indicate that social media addiction is prevalent across all age groups. University of the Sunshine Coast senior lecturer, social media and public relations educator Dr Karen Sutherland says many factors have contributed to our increased use. Those include the evolution and increased accessibility of smartphone technology, plus our need for connection, entertainment and distraction.“Therehave been many studies exploring the way the brain can receive a hit of dopamine when users check social media to see people engaged with their content in positive ways,” she says. “There have also been studies to show that FOMO is a very real phenomenon for some. The platforms have been designed to be sticky, to keep people coming back, and some have even been accused of rewarding people for the time spent on the sites by increasing the reach of their content. “The constant need to check can also become a habit if not approaching social media in a more mindful and intentional way. It becomes an easy go-to to relieve boredom or to pass the time.” Elizabeth Hughes is the founder of mindfulness mentoring and coaching business The Mindful Executive, and one half of The Digital Detox Project. Founded in 2016, the project was born out of a growing desire to slow down and switch“Theoff.Digital Detox Project enabled us to do this by combining ancient wisdom with contemporary learnings from neuroscience, cyber psychology, and experiential learning techniques and activities,” Ms Hughes says. “We now share these pragmatic and empowering ways with others to stay calm, get focused and build real relationships in our complex and ever-changing environment. “Most of us are in some ways looking for a level of peace, simple productivity,
Switch off to join the real world
• Limit your social media time during the day. For example, 20 minutes in the morning, lunchtime and evening.
• When you need to dive deeply into a task, put your out-of-office on (explaining why you will not be available until later in the day), put the phone on flight mode and put it in a drawer in another room.
BRAIN BREAKS Time to switch off? Here are some tips from Dr Karen Sutherland.
• Be more intentional when you pick up your phone. What exactly are you using it for? Approach social media as a tool, not just a mindless form of entertainment. Dr Karen Sutherland
Dr Sutherland says studies have shown the benefits of taking breaks from excessive smartphone use. “From my own experience, I definitely notice the benefits of spending regular time in nature and connecting with people offline. Sometimes I don’t remember and appreciate the benefits until I am actually undertaking these activities. It is too easy to become immersed into the online world, but social media should be used to enhance our offline world, not replace it.”
* The name has been changed to protect her identity. “Social media should be used to enhance our offline world, not replace it” and human relationships which nurture and support “However,us.for many of us, the one thing that is getting in our way is inability to escape technology. We feel anxious that if we disconnect from the chatter, ping, ring and buzz of our devices, our incredibly noisy world might just collapse. “As creatures of habit, who care about what others think, love novelty and have a fear of missing out, without clear intent as to our use of social media and boundaries around it, it can be tricky for us manage or reduce our use of social media.”
When left to our own devices, we have become socially programmed to reach for our smartphones and tablets to find comfort in social media. But the time has come to stop scrolling and make real connections.
• Turn on sleep mode when you go to bed.
WORDS: Candice Holznagel.

• Get outside, move and breathe – take a walk outside instead of cruising the internet during a break. Grab a tea, coffee or water while consciously breathing deeply and noticing your five senses.
• Neglect friends and family?
• Use technology as a way of escaping problems or relieving feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety or depression?
• Feel the need to respond immediately to your smartphone?
• Stay online longer than intended?
University of the Sunshine Coast senior lecturer in psychology Dr Rachael Sharman says it is possible to switch off, and the sooner the better when it comes to our kids and “Psychologistsscreens.arenow talking about Intensive Early Screen Exposure which is associated with altered brain trajectories in very young children in particular,” Dr Sharman says. “It is vital we don’t shape the human brain entirely around technologies – or it will miss out on the experiences it expects via evolution.“Toomuch too soon is very bad for young children, especially.”
• Constantly check the phone even when it does not ring or vibrate?
• Feel anxious when away from the device or computer?
Dr Sharman and USC Associate Professor Dr Michael Nagel invested time and research into the subject, which culminated in the launch of their book, Becoming Autistic – How technology is altering the minds of the next generation, earlier this disorder“Autismyear.isaneurodevelopmentalthatinvolvesimpairedsocial and communication skills and is usually accompanied by a deficit in theory of ‘VIRTUAL AUTISM’: WHAT ARE SCREENS DOING TO OUR KIDS? mind, or the understanding that we all share individual and different states of mind, emotions, thoughts, beliefs and knowledge,” Dr Sharman says. “The rise of over-exposure to screenbased gadgets appears to be also stunting the development of attention, theory or mind, and social skills in children. “It is a topic of increasing alarm among neuroscientists around the world as these deficits resemble those typically found in “Clinicalautism.psychologists have even coined the term ‘virtual autism’ to describe children displaying autistic-like behaviours as a result of over-exposure to screens.” The impacts appear to flow from childhood to adolescence, Dr Nagel adds.
• Skimp on sleep because you are on the internet or a device? My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 2 x Lunch Size Pies + 3 x Sausage Rolls Combo FOR ONLY $19.95 Your tastebuds will thank you... ANY 2 x Award Winning Lunch Size Pies + ANY 3 x Sausage Rolls FOR ONLY $19.95. Including Gluten Free. Not valid with any other offer. Hand in this coupon in store to redeem. Hurry... this deal must finish Thursday 25th August 2022.Gluten Free Options COMBODEAL! (normally up to $32.70) COVER STORY
• Establish tech-free times, such as the hour before bed or the first hour after waking up. If you think screens before bed aren’t a big deal, think again.
• Designate tech-free places, such as the dinner table, the car, the family room, or staff meetings.
Dr Rachael Sharman and Dr Michael Nagel with their book STRATEGY
“Worryingly, this is evident in the increasing number of adolescents having difficulties in understanding the perspectives of others, and in processing and incorporating ideas that don’t fit with their own,” he says. The book, which offers practical tips for parents and educators, is available at
If you answered yes to a number of these points, it might be time to consider a detox. Here are Elizabeth’s tips for a mini detox: Get clear on what matters to you: In today’s noisy, opinionated world we can get caught up in everyone else’s idea of what’s important. This is the time to gain clarity on what is important and meaningful to you and how you want to spend your time. Clear intention and commitment to what’s meaningful for you is key to the success of any time away from social media. Take the first step: Research shows that it is unplanned separation from our devices which causes us the most anxiety. However, most of us – we are talking 60 per cent – just don’t like giving up our phone. Start with proving you can do 15 minutes without technology, then move to 30, 60 minutes and then up to a couple of hours. Use this practice to help master these incremental changes and be kind to yourself. Set mindful technology limits:
• Set a timer for the amount of time you are really prepared to spend on the internet/social media/working on emails. Then stop when it buzzes.
• Ignore what’s happening in real time in favour of the virtual world?
Harvard researchers recently found our favourite machines can disrupt melatonin production, sleep quality and mood, which can encourage life-altering health problems.
• Try leaving your phone in the car or your bag, rather than your pocket, while you run errands.
• Feel restless, moody, depressed or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop internet use?
Recognising the signs of unhelpful social media use is the all-important first step to creating a digital detox strategy that works for you, says expert Elizabeth Hughes. She says everyone needs to ask themselves these questions, which were devised by leading internet addiction disorder experts Dr Kimberly Young and Dr David Greenfield. The questions give users an indication of how much they need to change in order to switch off. Do you or a loved one …
• Feel preoccupied with the internet (meaning thinking about previous online activity or anticipating the next online session)?

THRIVING THROUGH CHANGE BUSINESS EXPO IS BACK 3pm - 7.30pm, TUESDAY 23 AUGUST VENUE 114 BOKARINA Registration is free for this event that will connect YOUR business to local support and growth opportunities. The expo hosts over 35 exhibitors, including Chambers of Commerce, industry groups and government support agencies. Jetts Fitness Australia CEO Elaine Jobson will deliver an informative and inspiring talk. There’s a masterclass on social media delivered by Meta Boost (Facebook), growing your business and much more! Register by searching Thriving Through Change at Jetts ElaineAustraliaFitnessCEOJobson
The third Sunshine Coast Animal Refuge Society (SCARS) Paws for a Cause Long Lunch was held in Buderim on Saturday, August 6. More than 80 guests enjoyed fine food and drinks, raising in excess of $55,000 towards The Shelter the Sunny Coast Built.
The event was emceed by Caroline Hutchison, from Mix FM, with a visit from some furry rescue friends as special guests among the highlights. SCARS hopes to begin work on the new shelter later this year.
12 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022
SOCIALS SCARS paws for a cause long lunch
Images: Supplied Anna Tart, MP Fiona Simpson, Jacinta Elks Raelene Boyle, John Hutchinson Tanya Grant, Amy Holmes Eileen Loughrey, Penny Brischke (SCARS president) with Missy & Scruffy Danni Morrison, Kristy Tentori Pembroke the kitten Jane Connolly with Duke the Great Dane

 My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 SOCIALS SCAF local donors announced The Sunshine Coast Arts Foundation (SCAF) announced the first five local donors to the Gifted Patrons Group at Caloundra Regional Gallery last week. Donations will directly support local artists. The foundation has already supported 14 artists and groups over the past two years. Images: Chloe Horder Jo Duke, John Mainwaring Megan Williams, Jonathan Davies, Marvene AshLiz Burcham, Andrew & Ruth Van Kevin Radbourne, Jan & Jeff CornfootGretchen Keelty, Helen Perry, Wendy Roe Helping you get more from your home loan. If you’re buying, investing or switching loans, we’re here to help. As your local CommBank Mobile Home Lending Specialists, we have the expertise and resources to help provide: Free customised property reports For your target property or suburbs. Budget guidance Understand how much you can afford. Changes to your home loan Refinance, top up, switch or restructure your loan to suit your changing needs. Things you should know: Applications are subject to credit approval. Eligibility criteria and other conditions may apply to some loans. Full terms and conditions will be included in our loan offer. Fees and charges may be payable. Property information is obtained from third parties and is not intended to be advice or a professional property appraisal and should not be relied upon as such. You should also make your own enquiries and assessments before making any decisions. Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. Australian credit licence 234945 Samantha Anning Mobile Home Lending 0460Specialist028 Talk to us today. Sharon Finn Mobile Home Lending 0418Specialist879

“The mother and successful business woman has created a career she can be proud of” diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85.
“To be awarded as the Outstanding Business Woman of the Year by the SCBWN means that the drive, passion and integrity I bring to business must have been recognised and appreciated by the Network,” she says. “To have a group of talented women supporting you, uplifting you and your business and helping you to succeed is invaluable when you’re running a company and trying to juggle all your responsibilities at once.”
MAKING A DIFFERENCE A Sunshine Coast supermarket’s generous annual support is making a difference to the lives of patients and families facing a cancerEachdiagnosis.year,IGA Marketplace Wises Road donates $25,500 to Buderim-based Bloomhill CancerTheCare.donation helps fund vital local programs including counselling, dietetics and exercise physiology. “We are so pleased with the positive difference this contribution makes, as shown by the remarkable work Bloomhill does,” IGA Marketplace Wises Road store manager Adam Mennell says. “We also support Bloomhill through regular local barbecues and also through our Marketplace Member Program, where shoppers register their free member card and have the option to choose Bloomhill to donate their points to.” Bloomhill CEO Christopher John thanks the Wises Road store for its continued support.
14 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 NEWS
“The daffodil is the international symbol of hope for everyone impacted by cancer,” Ms Bush says. “We’re calling on Queenslanders to give hope to those impacted by cancer by funding vital cancer research that is saving lives every day.” She says every person who donates, volunteers or buys daffodils this month will be helping to continue investing in life-saving cancer research programs. “This gives hope for better treatments and early detection and ultimately, giving us hope for a cancer-free future.”
There is an extra special reason to wear yellow this month. The annual Daffodil Day Appeal raises much-needed funds for cancer research, and this year marks 36 years of the Cancer Council appeal, which culminates in Daffodil Day on August 25. In 2021, Cancer Council Queensland invested more than $7.6 million in cancer research. About 30,300 cancer deaths were avoided in Queensland between 1999 and 2018 – in part, thanks to research into cancer prevention, treatment and management. Cancer Council’s Meaghan Bush says one-in-two Queenslanders will be
Since launching the business on January 2, 2021, Ms Ogg says she is thrilled to be providing an efficient means for short-distance travel that is cost effective, sustainable and decreases unnecessary traffic congestion, parking issues and pollution. “The view from our office windows on Brisbane Road highlighted the everincreasing congestion and gridlock problems the Coast faces, and so we set about doing something to help alleviate it in a fun and ecologically sustainable way,” she Mssays.Ogg says Oggy E-Scooters is expanding into the new Maroochydore City Centre so staff, residents and visitors have a viable and sustainable transport option at their fingertips. “We are also focusing on expanding to fill the gaps in our service area between Maroochydore and Noosa,” she says. Visit
Bloomhill Cancer Care clinical lead nurse Helen Dunne and IGA Marketplace Wises Road store manager Adam Mennell
Maybe it was her time working in a mortuary in London that gave Ms Ogg this perspective, as she tells My Weekly Preview her husband soon stopped asking about her workday over dinner.
Sitting in her Mooloolaba accounting firm, overlooking the busy streets below, Kate Ogg (pictured) began seeing everincreasing congestion and the need for a fun and sustainable way to travel. Together with her husband David, they developed a zippy idea with a bright green colour that pops to make travelling a breeze at some of the region’s top holiday suburbs. You may have seen the Oggy E-Scooters cruising through coastal The 2022 Outstanding Business Woman of the Year is travelling a path towards more eco-friendly transport for us all.
WORDS: Caitlin Zerafa. Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Caloundra or Noosa. But what you may not know about is the incredible behind-the-scenes work that has seen Ms Ogg recognised as the 2022 Outstanding Business Woman of Year at the annual Sunshine Coast Business Women’s Network Awards. Going by her own advice: “If you were hit by a bus tomorrow, would you be happy with what you’ve been doing daily up to this point”, the mother and successful business woman has created a career she can be proud of.

It’s a breeze for this holiday park
Breeze Holiday Parks – Rainbow Beach has a Stay 7 Pay 6 and Stay 4 Pay 3 offer for Sunshine Coast readers! Head to for all the details!
“We’ve seen a huge upwards trend in stays at our Rainbow Beach Park. There are many people who have switched a bricksand-mortar home for one on wheels. We’ve found some people have been doing this already for the last few years and some are only just starting their road trip around Australia so there’s plenty more visitors to come over the next year or two!
Membership matters We invite you to become a member and be part of Team Sunshine Coast…For real!
DATE: Wednesday, 24 August TIME: 7am - 9am WHERE: The Lakehouse, Brightwater COST: Members $29 includes REGISTER:breakfast Making Headlines: The Power of PR
How to get involved Scan here to join This August, Visit Sunshine Coast’s Real Talks series is taking a deep dive into media and PR with the hotly anticipated panel ‘Making Headlines: The Power of PR’. This event will bring together some of Queensland’s leading travel publicists, editors and producers to discuss everything from what media are looking for in a good travel story to how to pitch your news to make headlines. The panel includes Tourism and Events Queensland Consumer PR Leader Shelley Winkel, who has more than 25 years’ experience working in PR and Corporate Communications for the tourism industry. She will be joined by Managing Editor of Escape Kelli Armstrong, who commissions all the brand’s cover and feature stories and is always on the lookout for unique travel story angles. Rounding up the panel is Television Producer Amy Field, who contributes to the ongoing production of the Seven network’s much-loved travel and lifestyle programs, Weekender and Creek to Coast Join us and hear first-hand how to find your story hook and nail the perfect PR pitch, what editors are looking for in a travel story, tips on hosting a newsworthy media visit and what makes great television.
“Our Visit Sunshine Coast membership has been a great asset to us. We find a lot of value in the networking, training, and marketing campaigns. We get involved wherever we can!
The park is also dog-friendly, accessible, has a brand-new camp kitchen, playground facilities, jumping pillow, pizza oven and more.BIG4
I t’s the holiday town favoured by the Hemsworths, and now Rainbow Beach can add another feather to its cap with the addition of 27 new beachside cabins at the BIG4 Breeze Holiday Park. Ranging in size from studios to three-bedroom cabins, they offer a mix of accessible, deluxe and budget options.
For more information
“Breeze Holiday Parks is a national company with parks around Australia, but we choose to base our head office and one of our biggest parks on the Sunshine Coast. There’s plenty of opportunity here and we have a lot of room to grow.”
The point of difference for BIG4 Breeze Holiday Parks – Rainbow Beach is the location – next to the boat ramp on Carlo Road, between the Australian bushland and right on the waterfront – making it truly an A-listQueenslandexperience.Operations Manager Nick Braun said they were able to utilise local trades and services for the recent expansion and the park proudly employs 26 people.
BIG4 Breeze Holiday Park – Rainbow Beach has the Great Sandy Strait on its doorstep.
Our membership programs provide tourism businesses with opportunities to access our programs and services and connects you with the Sunshine Coast’s tourism industry. It also contributes towards VSC’s ongoing efforts to promote the destination and support the sector.

A fter a devastating year on local roads, the annual Queensland Road Safety Week is a stark and timely reminder to everyone to driveThesafe.campaign is a road safety initiative of the Queensland Police Service and the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) and this year will run between August 22 and 26. With a theme of Road Safety Starts with Queensland Road Safety Week will see an increased police presence on our roads, with a big emphasis on motorcycle safety.
Speak to the Business Sales Specialists who make it happen. There has never been a better time to sell! Call Rod Russell and the Savvy Team on 5444 3300 today. Thinking about retiring?
WORDS: Caitlin Zeraffa.
Me, the Sunshine Coast Crime Prevention Unit is teaming up with Highway Patrol and the DTMR to deliver a series of key messages and education tools.
It comes as a stark reminder to all road users after 18 lives have been lost on Sunshine Coast roads since the beginning of 2022. This is eight more than the same time last Thereyear.have also been 462 people injured as a result of traffic incidents, averaging at 15 per week.
For information on local road safety events visit
16 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 NEWS TIMELY REMINDER TO REDUCE ROAD TOLL
Senior Constable Rebecca McMeniman says Sunshine Coast police will be saturating the district to educate road users, enforcement and conducting regular patrols.“Road safety is everyone’s responsibility but that starts with you,” she says. “Every decision you make behind the wheel counts.”SnrConstable McMeniman says the most common causes for traffic incidents include speed, failing to give way at intersections, tailgating, driving without due care and attention including failing to have proper control of vehicle, medical issues and alcohol or drug related driving. Throughout Queensland Road Safety Week local police will place a large emphasis on school zones, motorcycle safety and heavy vehicle safety. On August 21 officers will attend an event at Kenilworth at 7am for a barbeque breakfast to educate motorcycle riders on safety gear, motorcycle maintenance, road rules and road craft. “In the past year it has been disappointing to see motorcycle crashes being overrepresented on the Sunshine Coast,” Snr Constable McMeniman says. “Motorcycle riders of all ages should be encouraged to do a few simple steps to reduce the risk of being involved in a crash. “This includes riding to conditions, wearing adequate protection, being familiar with your bike and riding according to your skill level, ensuring your bike is road worthy and well maintained and ride so you and your motorcycle can be seen by other road users.
Motorists are also reminded to adhere to 40-kilomtre-per-hour speed limits in school zones, and to expect police anywhere,“Schoolanytime.zonesare a hive of activity for our young people, teachers and busy parents, so don’t let impatience impact your decision to drive safely in these zones,” Snr Constable McMeniman says. “Ensure you slow down to the zoned limit, before you enter it. Avoid distractions and stay alert for the unexpected.”

As an arm of the Butterfly Foundation, it is changing the eating disorder-treatment landscape in Australia and providing an individualised path to recovery.
Dr Stephen Cook has been in private practice for the past 12 years. He has a strong background in General, Cosmetic, and Preventive dentistry,with a special interest in fixed Prosthetic dentistry (crowns and bridges) My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 NEWS SUPPORT GIVES RECOVERY CENTRE WINGS TO FLY HIGH
Wandi Nerida director Jodie Ashworth says the past year has been an opportunity to learn and reflect on how to make recovery a reality. She says she is looking forward to seeing continued progress at the recovery centre and hopes its success will set a precedent for greater access to residential care across Australia. “While we commemorate this milestone, we also acknowledge the significant work that still needs to be undertaken to ensure eating disorder care and treatment in Australia is accessible to all,” Ms Ashworth says. “We are pleased Wandi Nerida’s model of care will be used to inform future residential centres, and we are looking forward to collaborating with stakeholders to bring them to life.” Ms Ashworth says ongoing support of public and private donors is integral to ensuring the facility can help as many people as possible.
Former Wandi Nerida participant, Hayley – whose name has been changed for the purpose of the story – says her time at the centre has made an immense difference to her eating disorderrecovery journey. “I don’t think words can describe what this journey has been like,” she says. “It has been the hardest, most painful thing I have ever done, but also the most freeing. “As I prepare to leave today, I have the one thing that I didn’t believe is possible to have – hope.”
A ustralia’s first residential eating disorder recovery centre, based here on the Sunshine Coast, is marking one year of making a difference. Wandi Nerida is a 13-bed, purposebuilt facility at Mooloolah Valley and provides a much-needed bridge between Nation’s first residential care complex for eating disorders marks a major milestone at its Sunshine Coast hinterland property Wandi Nerida at Mooloolah Valley hospital admission and outpatient care.
Visit Anyone needing support with eating disorders or body image issues can call the Butterfly National Helpline on 1800 33 4673. For urgent support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.
5445 3110 | 98 King Street Buderim | Preferred providers for payment option available
Dr Stephen Cook
Smile ITS WORTH IT eal,th a ntistryok TH IT General Dentistry Dental CosmeticDenturesOralMouthguardsCrownsPreventativeImplantsDentistryandbridgesandsplintsHealthCareDentistry Services we provide:

Head down to Dicky Beach and take a walk or cycle along the newest link of coastal pathway boasting sweeping vistas! A 500-metre section of the pathway from Cooroora Street through to Dicky Beach skate park is part of the 73-kilometre coastal pathway network – extending from Bells Creek in the south to Coolum in the north. As part of the works, the Lower Neill Street car park was also upgraded, including two new car spaces and a motorcycle bay. Three picnic tables and three park seats were also installed.
P roject 24 at 2nd Space is a unique paid residency project inspired by the organic collaborations, ideas and projects that come from artists working in proximity. This paid residency is an opportunity for artists to develop, experiment and showcase their work and is open to artists nation-wide with a focus on projects that are experimental and collaborative in nature. Council received a huge number of high calibre applications after a recent call out - a nod to the current landscape of arts in the region. Sunshine Coast Council’s Arts Portfolio Councillor Rick Baberowski says the ArtsCoast residency program aims to build the capacity and recognition of local artists as well as encourage new artists to the Sunshine Coast. “We want to support artists to test, develop and realise ideas and build connections within and beyond the region for sector sustainability,” he says. During the 24 residencies, the artists will open their doors on the last Wednesday of every month for a public showing, which focuses on their time in residence. The first open door showing is Sharka Bosakova on Wednesday 24 August. This is the first time all ArtsCoast Spaces for Creatives residencies will occur under the one roof at 2nd Space, Nambour. Residencies are one month long and provide a space, financial support and mentorship. Residency opportunities are advertised in the ArtsCoast e-journal each month as well as ArtsCoast socials @artscoast. Project 24 and 2nd Space are supported by ArtsCoast through Council.
Horizon Festival runs from 26 August to 4 newherandhaveClarke,School’sDon’tSeptember.missPlayJustinewho’llkidssingingdancingtoclassicsandhits.Comedysketch show Holy Bin Amoley! will educate, while causing side-splitting laughter.Thekids will also love Babushka in Right to Party—think School of Rock meets Beastie Boys and the Spice Girls in a rebellious cabaret. Tickets from $10. Plus, save 15% when you book the above three shows. Book via
It’s bird nesting season.
Some native birds, like plovers, can act defensively to protect their territory and their nests and young. Learn about your native birds, their needs and how you can help protect each other. lapwing Vanellus miles exciting new residency and creative co-working space in the hinterland town of Nambour is about to host 24 artists in residence over the next year.
Down a Nambour side street, is a secret studio called 2nd Space
9C12/2C9C2/21122101227900110117 07 5475 7272 Learn more here! An
18 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022

Council holds free tree days every Wednesday between 1pm and 3pm at the Caloundra Depot, located on Industrial Avenue, Caloundra. Local ratepayers can collect two free trees six months just bringing along a current rate Trees an important element ecology great wildlife habitat, while shading and cooling our urban provides a selection of small, medium or large trees. with the Parks and Gardens team or Government’s
visit LAST CHANCE TO APPLY FOR A MAJOR GRANT FREE TREES ON WEDNESDAYS Pull PullPush Push Proudly funded by the Queensland My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022
HIGH PROFILE TEAMS BACK ANTI-RACISM CAMPAIGN JOIN CONVERSATIONTHE @sunshinecoastcouncil@sunshinecoastcouncil@sunshinecoastcouncil@councilscc@sunshinecoastcouncil FACT
Visit information.websiteCouncil’sformore
The South Sydney Rabbitohs and Vodafone Warriors have backed the Sunshine Coast’s homegrown Shine a Light on Racism campaign, following their local clash at Sunshine Coast Stadium earlier this month. Community Portfolio Councillor David Law says the campaign has received tremendous support. “We all have a role to play in addressing racism and I am confident this campaign will be a source of unity and inclusivity,” he says. Thank you to the South Sydney Rabbitohs and the Vodafone Warriors for your endorsement. Visit Council’s website to download your free digital campaign assets.
Hi Oneeveryone,ofthehighlights of my year is attending the Migrant Work Ready graduation, where I get to see first-hand how Council supports many programs which make a real difference to the lives of I’mmany.pleased to share applications are now open for the Migrant Work Ready and Migrant Business Ready Scholarship programs. They’re designed to give a helping hand to local migrants looking to enter the workforce or expand their smallThesebusiness.programs are also hands-on and aim to deliver practical work-ready skills and help micro or small businesses establish and plan for growth. They feature employment-ready workshops where professional experts, community organisations, business owners and mentors share how to prepare for the local job market. Since the program launched in 2018, Council has helped almost 100 people from a multicultural background improve their job prospects. I encourage local migrants wanting to develop confidence and connections to submit an expression of interest. Applications close next week.
If you register now through MyCouncil to receive future rate notices by email, you’ll go in the running to win up to $1000 off your next rate bill. Don’t delay. Rate payments are are due this Friday 19 August. MyCouncil also lets you to manage your pet registrations, set up a rate payment plan or make requests to Council. Local community groups with project ideas to make the Sunshine Coast more active, vibrant, creative, inclusive or resilient are invited to apply for a Major Grant, with applications closing on 29 August. Major Grant applications can be submitted in one of six categoriesCommunity Development, Community Facilities, Creative Development, Cultural Heritage, Economic Development and Sports and Recreation. For more information on how you can apply, visit Council’s website.
and provide
Suncity Tenpin in Alexandra Headland is now the sport’s first National AustraliatenpinandCommunityPerformanceHighandCentrewilldevelopthenextgenerationofbowlingtalentinAustralia.TenpinBowlingwillhostthe2022InternationalBowlingFederationWorldCupontheSunshineCoastforthefirsttimefrom11to23November.
areas. Council
Works for Queensland funding 2/2012/2021.210181B281B 07 5475 7272 Pull + Push = Pump Pumping = Riding without pedalling PUMP IT UP Try the NEW Pump Track at Sugar Bag Road Mountain Bike Trails Sugar Bag Road, Caloundra West. Use a pump motion to maintain your speed without pedalling and ride around the continuous loop of rollers, berms and jumps. @
to learn more

local news
fact that Geoff was able to pull me out of the water and Masako happened to be out in the surf that day is remarkable.”
As an ICU nurse at Brisbane’s Prince Charles Hospital for 14 years, Ms Gokita says it was a case of being in the right place at the right time. “I caught a glimpse of the scene unfolding while I was out in the surf and had a nagging feeling that something was very wrong,” she says. “It was evident that Tom was not breathing, and we weren’t able to find a pulse. I saw Tom start breathing again after the second defib shock, and I saw the paramedics arrive at the same time. “I thought, ‘I have done the job’. We made a 100 per cent result from a less than 1 per cent chance. “The fact that Tom is alive to tell the story is truly miraculous and I will carry this experience with me forever.”
Geoff Feeley, Masako Gokita and Tom Conwell at Moffat Beach |
SUPPORTING YOUR COMMUNITY Winner of our handcrafted ring made in our Moffat Beach Studio from ecologically sustainable recycled and refined gold. Features created emeralds and Western Australian sourced natural brilliant cut diamonds. Independently valued at $2,000. 2 Allen Street, MOFFAT BEACH
Masako Gokita was also surfing and witnessing the situation unfold. Instinctively aware something was wrong, she paddled into shore to find Mr Conwell unconscious, without a pulse. She began CPR as lifeguards rushed to the scene with a defibrillator, while bystanders called for an ambulance. “The last memory I have before my heart attack is paddling to catch my last wave,” Mr Conwell says. “I have no recollection of the events that followed. It all came as a complete shock to realise what had happened. The
A typical morning surf at Moffat Beach could have had a very different outcome for Tom Conwell if it was not for an off-duty nurse. The 68-year-old Dicky Beach man suddenly went into cardiac arrest last year while out with surfing buddy Geoff Feeley. Mr Feeley, who is also a volunteer surf lifesaver, noticed Mr Conwell paddling abnormally before finding him off his board and floating face down. Pulling him out of the water and yelling for help, Mr Feeley had no idea intensive care nurse a news journalist Caitlin Zerafa Phone 5444 0152
know about it!
tip? Let
20 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022
NEWSLOCAL Do you have
A Coast surfer is grateful for the quick action of his mate and the everyday hero who helped save his life. WORDS: Caitlin Zerafa.
SCHOOL TRAFFIC BOOST Works to improve traffic flow and safety at the intersection near a busy Caloundra high school is nowis underway.underway.TheQueen and Bower streetsThe Queen intersection will be upgraded with a new pedestrian crossing with signals topedestrian crossing help students and the school community cross Queen Street, improving safety for all pedestrians and cyclists. Division two councillor Terry Landsberg says the crossing will also help relieve traffic congestion at school drop-off and pick-up times, thanks to new dedicated turning lanes. “The works include two new signalised pedestrian crossings and a new three-metre-wide shared pathway between Bower and Ulm streets, running adjacent to the Queen Street Service Lane,” he says. He says some parking along the Service Lane and Queen Street will be reconfigured. A combination of day and night works will help minimise disruption during peak traffic periods. The works will continue through the September and October school holidays to ensure the project is completed as quickly as possible, with completion expected in November.
For her efforts, Ms Gokita has been nominated for the 2022 QBANK Everyday Heroes Awards, recognising and celebrating the hard work, dedication and service of Queensland frontline and public service workers. “It brings me great joy to see her nominated as a QBANK Everyday Hero, as there’s a strong chance that I probably wouldn’t be here today, if not for her,” Mr Conwell says. Mr Conwell says his recovery has had its ups and downs, but he is thankful for support encouraging him throughout the process – and back into the water. “Now, I’m thrilled to be back in the waves and surfing once again alongside my Dicky Beach surf community,” he says. “Life is too short to live in fear and I intend to make the most of every day.”
5491 1733 TRUST THE CELEBRATINGLOCALS50YEARSOpen 8.30am - 6.00pm Weekdays (closed Wednesday) Private appointments available SUNSTATE JEWELLERS Congratulations Brett K from Caloundra An amazing $1,270 was raised. Look out for our new raffle starting next week. All funds raised are donated to support Caloundra Meals on Wheels.
Nominations for the 2022 QBANK Everyday Heroes Award close on August 26. Visit

Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service (SCHHS) has joined the DV Safe Phone initiative, which recycles and distributes mobile phones to victims of domestic and family violence. With drop-off points at Sunshine Coast University Hospital and Nambour General Hospital, SCHHS donates decommissioned mobile phones or parts to DV Safe Phone. “Something as simple as a phone gives people access to support outside of the home; and we know that phones are often the first thing taken from victims of violence in the home,” delivery director of digital health and technology, Ashlea Jones, says. “We are pleased to support this fantastic initiative. It’s such an easyan thing for staff to bring their old mobile phones to one of our collection points in their workplace.” To donate a phone or nominate your organisation to be a collection point, visit My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 3/2 Dual Avenue, Warana today 5375 5013 BUILT LOCAL. BUILT STRONG. BUILT TO LAST. Australian-made External Shutters Transf m your h e WITH SHADEME TYPHOON SHUTTERS We'll beat any writtenquote by 5%* PRICE GUARANTEE!!BEAT FAMILIAR FACES AT SHADEMETYPHOONSHUTTERS ZIP SCREEN AWNINGS Find our latest installs and up to date photos on shademesunshinecoast LOCAL NEWS FIND YOUR WAY INTO NEW OUTDOOR ADVENTURE ACTIVITY
Participants in a popular adventure pastime for the whole family will converge on Caloundra later this month with an exhilaratingSunshineevent.Orienteers is hosting several orienteering events at Golden Beach on August 21 for families wishing to discover a new activity, through to competitive athletes wanting to challenge themselves in an interesting and thrilling format. Orienteering sees participants use a map and compass to navigate between checkpoints along an unfamiliar course. Queensland Orienteering’s master map maker Mark Petrie has created a series of Theseevents.include short sessions inside Golden Beach State School to long courses around the surrounding southern suburbs.“While enjoying themselves, from first-timers to serious competitors, there is something for everyone. Those are the main goals of these events,” Mr Petrie says.He says the short course will use official orienteering controls and recorders, which will introduce participates to the format used in most races. The long-score event will use the phone app MapRun6. For more information, find Sunshine Orienteers on Facebook or email info@
Maleny RSL Sub-branch has reason to celebrate after recently receiving a major grant through the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. Sub-branchFund. president George ThomasSub-branch says the $37,084.42 funding, presented bysays Member for Glass House Andrew Powell, will help improve amenities within the club. “The money is headed towards refitting the RSL bar, upgrading our water tanks and installing external speakers for Anzacexternal services,” Mr Thomas says. Mr Powell says the upgrades will also help create a more functional event space: “Anzac services at the RSL are already brilliant, but the speakers will mean more people can attend and spread out without crowding into the front rows to hear.”
Legend map maker Mark Petrie with his wife Kathy

I’m pleased to advise the Warrack Street Park play equipment renewal project at Mount Coolum has been completed after installation of a new multi-play unit, rubber soft fall, trike track and shade plantings. The local kids are lovin’ it, so take a walk or ride and check it out if you haven’t done so Teachers,already.register now for the Sunshine Coast Schools Beach Clean-up. Only 15 spots are available. Help us clean up the beach for the nesting mumma turtles before they arrive to lay their eggs. Learn about coastal processes and the impact of marine debris on our environment. Pick a date between October 17 and November 4. This is suitable for Year 4 and higher. Search ‘beach clean-up’ at many opportunities for sport lovers. In huge news for tenpin bowlers, Suncity Tenpin bowling centre at Alex will be the venue for the 2022 International Bowling Federation (IBF) World Cup in November. Did you know Suncity Tenpin became the sport’s first AUTHENTIC FOOD AND TRAVEL GO TOGETHER, JUST LIKE PRAWNS AND MOOLOOLABA If an army marches on its stomach, so do travellers. Authentic food is a critical ingredient of travel these days. And fortunately for us, this is where the Sunshine Coast really shines. We are spoilt with our exquisite seafood that is highly sought-after by visitors as well as diners around Australia. We are equally renowned for our dairy products from Maleny and Woombye, our world-famous markets, our paddock-toplate experiences, our ginger and now our newly minted position as Australia’s craft beer capital, which is brewing a whole new audience for the region. There was no better way to shine the spotlight on our produce than at the Curated (side) Plate earlier this month. For anyone who attended one of the 80 incredible foodie events, you would know what I mean. The diversity of the festival really showcased the destination, including a sold-out Trawler to Table experience that National High Performance and Community Centre, which aims to develop the next generation of tenpin bowling talent in Australia? After little more than a decade of growth from regional foundations to interstate and then international competition, Veterans Cricket Australia will host the inaugural Over 60s Cricket World Cup on the Sunshine Coast. Maroochydore, Caloundra and Yandina cricket clubs will host matches from September 3. Business owners, make sure you take some time to check out the Coast’s biggest business event of the year – Thriving Through Change Expo on August 23 at Venue 114, Bokarina. The focus is on business resilience and growth, so you can listen, learn, connect and grow with a network of support on the Sunshine Coast. See you ’round div eight!
Cr Jason O’Pray Division Eight took guests from the trawlers and fisheries harvesting world-class prawns to See Restaurant at The Wharf, where the seafood was curated in classic style. The Curated Plate builds on a rich heritage of food produced across the SunshineArguably,Coast.the pineapple is our most famous symbol, with The Big Pineapple attracting millions of visitors – including Prince Charles and Princess Diana – since it was launched 51 years ago. As a local, I sure do take advantage of our great produce – whether it’s picking local strawberries with my kids or enjoying one of our amazing restaurants. And just in case you needed further inspiration, check out the large number of local restaurants featured in the recent Delicious Queensland Top 100.
No Salesmen No Hype... Just quality Patios & Pergolas built to STAND THE TEST OF TIME SUNCOAST PERGOLAS 5492 3954 | 0412 415 644 e: QBCC 51514 Patios | Pergolas | Decks | Carports Deal with one person, the owner from Concept to Completion. Over 300 images to showcase our work on our online gallery. CALL Brendon Maddock for an Obligation FREE Design & Quote SAME OWNER SAME ProudlyWORKMANSHIPQUALITYServingtheSunshineCoastfor33years WILLS, INHERITANCE AND DECEASED ESTATE LAWYERS FOR 44 YEARS GEOFF LYONS (Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws majoring in Wills & Estates) • SIMPLE WILLS • COMPLEX WILLS • WILL DISPUTES P: (07) 5491 2422 Cnr. Centaur St & Omrah Ave CALOUNDRAin Wills & Estates) 2 ve A Peter Simpson 0429 888 207 Corner Production & Tandem Ave, Warana (by appointment only) LOCAL HAIL REPAIR CENTRE Offering Discounted Insurance Excess • Workshop and Mobile Repair Service • Maintains your vehicles original factory paint work • No putty, fillers or spray painting required • Insurance industry approved • Environmentally friendly • HAIL DAMAGE • CAR PARK DENTS • MINOR DOOR DENTS • PANEL DENTS Dent Dynamics Paintless Dent Repairs Up to thancheaper80%panelshops!
Matt Stoeckel, Visit Sunshine Coast CEO
22 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 PLAY TIME AT MT COOLUM

16” Alloys, 2009 Hummer H3 $45,490 The Hummer H3 offers plenty of room & comfort for the family to enjoy. This car has been well maintained, always garaged & has extremely low mileage for the age of the vehicle only 27,000 km’s on the clock, Powered by a 3.7Ltr 5 Cylinder petrol motor. 16” Alloys. 2014 Isuzu D-MAX $54,990 This Dmax is the ultimate weekend warrior setup to do a lap around the country, fitted with tons of extras & not a cent spared in doing so. 2” Lift Kit with remote res shocks, Fuel management system, Catch can, MSA Rear sliding drawers with fridge slide, Electronic brake system, GME Uhf. 2011 Toyota Aurion $14,990 Petrol - Unleaded 3.5 Litre V6 FWD 6 Speed Sports Auto Sedan, Full service history & low ks. Great car for family & travelling in good condition ready for its new home. Fuel Consumption (Combined) 9.9L/100km,Towing Weight Braked 1600kg.
PROFESSIONAL MARKETING OF YOUR CAR AUSTRALIA’S CONSIGNMENTLARGESTDEALERQueensland’sBestVariety&Value CALL OR VISIT US TODAY - 460 Gympie Road, Kedron. Ph: 07 3359 2477 • 12 MONTH WARRANTY • DRIVE AWAY PRICES • SAFETY CERTIFICATE & CAR HISTORY PROVIDED Take the hassle out of selling your car... LET US SELL IT FOR YOU! Better $$$ than trade-in or wholesale, you’re the ‘Boss’ we work for you! Vote online Voting closes August 22, 2022 at 5:00pm Vote for your favourite custom built project from the exceptional entries received in this years HIA Bluescope TRUECORE® steel Sunshine Coast & Wide Bay Housing Awards. 2022 HIA BlueScope TRUECORE® steel Sunshine Coast & Wide Bay Housing Awards VOTING NOW OPEN SPONSOREDPROUDLY BY My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022
The Mini Cooper S is an absolute icon which will always bring a smile to your face everytime you get behind the wheel. Powered by a supercharged 1.6Litre 4 Cylinder motor which produces 120KW.
A new centre is set to provide mental health and wellbeing support to young people on the Sunshine Coast. The headspace centre in Caloundra is expected to open in mid-2023 and is one of 10 new centres funded in the 2021-22 Federal Budget, as part of a plan to strengthen, enhance and expand the national headspace network. It is estimated that one-in-four people aged 16 to 24 experience some form of mental illness every year and that 75 per cent of mental health issues develop before the age of 25.
2013 Honda CR-V $17,990 Petrol - Unleaded 2Ltr 4 Cylinder FWD 5 Speed Auto Wagon. One owner from new, full service history & always garaged. Selling as owner upgrading to a New Electric car. Low kms & in excl cond inside & out. Reverse Camera & Tint windows. Perfect for an expanding family. 2004 Mini Hatch R53 $12,990
Sunshine Coast MP Andrew Wallace says it is a priority to ensure young people have access to care that reflects the needs of the“Wecommunity.wantyoung people to receive the help, support and care they need, where and when they need it,” he says. “With its accessible and confidential mental health services, this new headspace centre will play an essential role in keeping young people in our community safe and well.”
For more information on the centre, visit NEWS

Tickets: Adults $27.20, children $11.25, via
Aug 19 Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug 19-21 8 the avenue, birtinya (stockland birtinya) - book a table now!@MALTSHOVELTAPHOUSESC weekday special offerweekday special offerweekday special offer rotisserie for two $40 (usually $52) available mon-thurs 5PM-9pm
When: Saturday, August 20, 7.30pm. Where: 1 Etheridge St, Eumundi. Tickets: $34.70, via
Where: Lake Kawana Boulevard, Bokarina.
Tickets: $3, via
When: Friday, August 19 – Sunday, August 21, 9am-5pm. Where: Nambour Showgrounds, Coronation Ave, Nambour. Tickets: $14, kids free, via
24 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 MY TIME on WHAT’S
When: Saturday, August 20, and Sunday, August 21, 10am.
A night with Dave Graney and Clare Moore is always an adventure, with their warmth, dry wit and great songs. However they choose to play, they bring their story and their songbook which stretches to more than 40 albums. They make a show like few others. The duo’s latest album is a classic compact disc packed with too many songs for vinyl. They’ll be playing plenty of the new collection – mixed in with old classics from their songbook – along with some choice interpretations of other people’s songs for this album launch.
Aug 20-21
Be taken on a spectacular musical and visual journey from Pink Floyd band members’ earliest days as darlings of the 1960s London psychedelic underground, all the way to their 1990s powerhouse performances as the undisputed masters of stadium rock. The show will provide insight into the amazing evolution of the seminal English prog rockers throughout their history. The searing, soaring music and heart-wrenching but deeply contemplative lyrics reflect Pink Floyd’s own journey as the band charted its way through life’s twists and turns, as well as triumphs and disappointments.
The Let’s Go Sunshine Coast Caravan and Outdoor Expo has returned to the Nambour Showgrounds. Hundreds of exhibitors will showcase the very latest models of caravans, motorhomes, campervans, camper trailers, tent trailers, recreational products and accessories. There will also be plenty of tourism information and interactive seminars.
When: Friday, August 19, 8pm. Where: The Events Centre, 20 Minchinton Street, Caloundra. Tickets: $75, via
JAZZELLA AT NIGHTQUARTER Taking to the stage with an explosion of personality, JaZZella connects with listeners on an intimate level through songs about her life, self-reflections and big dreams. Her music is a flirtatious fusion of soul, RnB and jazz that totally captures the laid-back Sunny Coast vibe.
JaZZella’s voice shines with individuality and attitude. She has a natural gift for songwriting, and her self-taught guitar skills will make you melt.
Be under no illusion and prepare yourself for the glitz and glamour, vivacious energy and extravagant party that is Australia’s original, multi-award-winning busking festival.
There’s loads to explore and plenty to do on the Coast, so pop these fun events into your diary so you don’t miss out.
More than 250 performers are set to entertain along the Lake Kawana foreshore. From renowned musicians to circus stunts, comedy, teen prodigies and sword swallowing, Buskers by the Lake this year will see even more incredible entertainment, jaw-dropping tricks and daring world-record attempts.
When: Friday, August 19, 4pm.
Where: NightQuarter, 8 The Avenue, Birtinya.

 My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 MY TIME
Here’s your chance to experience the live performance of Mozart’s Jupiter Symphony – his final symphony and one of the greatest pieces ever written. The Australian Romantic and Classical Orchestra, directed by Rachael Beesley, will perform this work in the latest stunning program which also includes Mozart’s beloved Piano Concerto No.23, featuring internationally renowned fortepianist Neal Peres Da Costa. When: Sunday, August 21, 3pm. Where: The Events Centre, 20 Minchinton St, Caloundra. Tickets: $65, via
The aptly named DeJa Voodoo –Resurrected is guaranteed to shock and mesmerise audiences, with 55 Guinness World record-holder The Space Cowboy producing and performing in this all-new show. World-renowned freak performers will bend their bodies as they contort your mind, performing side-splitting comedy and dangerous acts of the unimaginable using swords and power tools, sparks and flames. When: Saturday, August 20, 5pm. Where: Venue114, 114 Sportsmans Parade, Bokarina. Tickets: $31.30-$41.50, via
Dirty Dick’s Theatre Restaurant is a fantastic night of old English fun and feasting with a brilliant comedy stage show. Laugh, sing and clap along in this side-splitting comedy adventure. Madcap games, witty songs and audience involvement are part of the riotous evening, set in the days of yore. Be thoroughly entertained by jovial noblemen, rascally troubadours and lusty wenches while enjoying a three-course meal – all presented with a fabulous Elizabethan era theme. When: Thursday, August 18, 6-10.30pm. Where: Mooloolaba Surf Club, The Esplanade, Mooloolaba.
Tickets: $59, via
Aug 20 Aug 21Aug 18
Artists from across the Sunshine Coast will be exhibiting their creations at the Coolum Civic Centre at ArtWorkz – Art for Everyone. The artists are still riding on the exhilarating success of their inaugural exhibition last year. So, this second year is set to be even bigger and better, and full of community spirit. Hosted by local disability support organisations, Equity Works and Spiral, the event celebrates the valuable contribution people living with disability make to all aspects of community life. When: Saturday, August 20, 9.30am. Where: Coolum Civic Centre, Park Street, Coolum Beach. Tickets: Free entry.
Aug 20

When: August 12-September 22. Where: Cool Art Gallery, 5/43 Access Ave, Coolum. Tickets: Free event.
WORLD-RENOWNED SONGBIRD Join Queensland’s international star soprano Mirusia for this joyous concert featuring some of the most-beloved songs in existence today. From humble beginnings as an aspiring young singer of Australian and Dutch heritage to touring stadiums around the globe with the “King of the Waltz” André Rieu, Mirusia and her band perform the music that most inspired her on her journey to become one of the world’s favourite classical crossover artists. When: Friday, August 26, 7.30pm. Where: The Events Centre, 20 Minchinton St, Caloundra. Tickets: $69.90, via theeventscentre. Aug 26
26 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 MY TIME PAM WALPOLE EXHIBITION Don’t miss seeing renowned Sunshine Coast visual artist Pam Walpole’s latest collection of work: It Started With a Trickle this month at Cool Art Gallery, Coolum. Walpole’s artwork is defined by her bold contemporary land paintings depicted in her signature minimalist, yet vigorous style. Although her works portray world-wide landscapes, closer to home she is attracted by the coastal dunes and estuaries, and she portrays vignettes of the reflections that they inspire.
* All events were correct at the time of printing.
Aug 12-Sept 22

PISCES (FEB 20-MAR 20) The new moon encourages you to get a romance, business partnership or joint venture moving. But do you have ridiculously unrealistic expectations about a close relationship? It may be time for a reality check.
6. According to the Greek myth, which river was Achilles dipped into in the hopes of making him immortal?
HOROSCOPES 1234567 8 910 1112 131415 1617 18192021 2223 2425 1 Secret (6) 4 A bite (6) 9 Branch of mathematics (7) 10 Unexpected development (5) 11 Incantation (5) 12 Official reprimand (7) 13 An extremist (3-3-5) 18 Guilty-looking (7) 20 Capital of Afghanistan (5) 22 Carried (5) 23 Keepsake (7) 24 Disinclined (6) 25 Impassive (6) 1 Unrefined (6) 2 Indistinct (5) 3 German measles (7) 5 Frequently (5) 6 Confiscation (7) 7 Second-mentioned of two (6) 8 Portuguese explorer (5,2,4) 14 Deprive of courage (7) 15 Scruffy (7) 16 An irrational fear (6) 17 A nut (6) 19 Most undesirable part (5) 21 Lacking originality (5) ACROSS DOWN CROSSWORD Complete the list by changing one letter at a time to create a new word at each step. One possible answer shown below. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WORDSTEPBREAK_FLOUT 1908 SOLUTIONS WORDSTEP:FLOUT,FLOAT, BLOAT,BLEAT,BLEAK,BREAK 647295381 538764192 756981243 382146975 471529836 913472568 195837624 269318457 824653719 SUDOKU 69 562 83 8295 5983 158 152 6938 8471 MEDIUM MY FUN
7. The terms ante and post meridiem originated in what language? A guillemot is what kind of animal?
ARIES (MAR 21-APR 20) New moon week is the ideal time to ditch bad habits and start afresh. It’s a juggle to get everything done, but keep calm and don’t lose your cool! You’re unusually focused, but are you focusing on the right things? Work, diet and/or fitness are the main areas to make changes
CANCER (JUN 22-JUL 23) This week, the new moon activates your desire to assist a friend, neighbour or family member in a practical and hands-on way. Plus, Mercury and Pluto help you resolve an issue (at home or within your community) in a strategic and satisfying way.
10. What is the skin pigment that makes up freckles? QUIZ:1.Adjectives2.306km3.Arabic4.NewSouth Wales5.Carlyle6.RiverStyx7.Latin8.Seabird 9.Peseta10.Melanin LIBRA (SEP 24-OCT 23) With the new moon stimulating your self-sabotage zone, are you being your own worst enemy? Stop being an over-accommodating Libra who’s trying to please everyone and instead start focusing on your future health and happiness. SCORPIO (OCT 24-NOV 22) Education, joint ventures and group projects are favoured this week. There are opportunities for advancement via connections within your local community, but it will take creative teamwork and sustained effort to turn a lucky break into long-term success.
9. Before the euro, what currency was used in Spain?
5. What does the C in the name of actor Michael C. Hall (pictured) stand for? My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK SINCLAIR TOUR & TRAVEL 2 28/293124215811810SepSeptSeptOctOctOct&19NovNovNovDecApr Sinclair Birthday Party Blackbutt Avo Festival - Only 1 Left! Girl from the North Country – QPAC Your Song - Elton John Tribute - QPAC Qld Ballet’s Manon – QPAC Kalbar’s Country Day and Hay Bale Festival Mary Poppins – QPAC James Morrison/Big Band – QPAC Phantom of the Opera – Twelfth Night Theatre Qld Ballet’s The Nutcracker – QPAC London Symphony Orchestra – QPAC -BOOK NOW! Norfolk Island 8 Days Toowoomba Carnival Flowers O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat Launceston to Hobart Grafton Jacaranda Festival Tassie’s East Coast Drive Stanthorpe – Steam Train and Christmas Fruit Lord Howe Island Lady Elliott and Fraser Islands Hawaiian Island Cruise Kununurra and NT Adventure 6 23Sep&27 Sep 18 Oct 26 Oct 3 301323201618NovNovDecFebMarAprilJun Extended Tours - Small Groups!Day Tours - with Pick ups SMALLER GROUPS MORE FUN! Ph: 5494 5083 | 3 nights Launceston visiting Beauty Point’s Platypus House & Seahorse World, Beaconsfield Gold Mine, Georgetown & Low Head, Trowunna Wildlife Sanct & Sheffield, See the amazing Silk Yarns Tapestry-Deloraine, 2 nights in Hobart. Perth & Longford & Woolmer’s Estate, Ross & Oatlands & hopefully to Mt Wgton. Maybe see snow – even in Oct! MONA Gallery & free time in the city Sunday. End with a Scenic Seaplane flgt over Hobart. Wednesday 26th October Tassie Highlights - 6 Days QUIZ CROSSWORD:oss:1AcrCovert4Morsel9Algebra 10Twist11Spell12Censure13Out-and-outer 18Hangdog20Kabul22Borne23Memento24Averse 25Stolid Down:1Coarse2Vague3Rubella5Often6Seizure 7Latter8VascodaGama14Unnerve15Unkempt 16Phobia17Almond19Dregs21Banal 1. What are words that describe nouns called? 2. How long is the ACT’s border: 306km, 489km or 601km? 3. What is the official language of Egypt? 4. Which Australian state/ territory was the last to officially abolish capital punishment in 1985?
TAURUS (APR 21-MAY 21) This week, the new moon’s in fellow earth sign Virgo, so it’s time to be the practical and productive Taurus you were born to be. But don’t just focus on facts, figures and the minutiae of daily life. Mercury and Pluto encourage you to expand your creative horizons. GEMINI (MAY 22-JUN 21) The new moon promises a fresh start on the domestic front, as you entertain at home or tackle a DIY project. Plus Mercury (your patron planet) activates your entertainment and creativity zone. Sharing a sport or hobby with a loved one will bring mutual benefits.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV 23-DEC 21) This week, revisit your career goals and take steps to make them a reality. But, when it comes to close relationships, keep your cool and avoid the temptation to over-talk and overreact. You can’t control what others say, but you can control your response. CAPRICORN (DEC 22-JAN 20) Pluto is still transiting slowly through your sign, which boosts your drive and amplifies your ambition. But this powerful planet also cranks up your controlling side. This week, the Pluto/Mercury trine helps you balance determination with a more diplomatic approach. AQUARIUS (JAN 21-FEB 19) Each new moon indicates a shift of gear in a particular area of life. This week, the heavens highlight a fresh start involving money, an intimate relationship or trust issues. And you’ll be extra curious mid-week as you dig up gossip, uncover a secret or study up a storm.
VIRGO (AUG 24-SEP 23) The silvery new moon lights up your sign, so it’s the best week of the year to update your wardrobe, launch a project, apply for a job or start a new phase of your life. Not sure where to begin? Powerful Pluto trines your ruling planet Mercury on Monday and Tuesday.
LEO (JUL 24-AUG 23) The new moon and Mercury shift the focus to financial matters. Lions are drawn to luxury-living and you’re inclined to buy expensive things that you don’t really need. This week, do your best to avoid being an impulsive binge shopper.

Owords on the caboose of the newly contracted trucks that handle the Sunshine Coast’s waste are missing a little something. In freshly painted big, bold, black letters, the trucks declare: “Lets get waste sorted”. No apostrophe. The council’s dedication to creating a circular economy for waste and to be a net zero-emissions organisation by 2041 is admirable, and maybe getting zero for the signage is their first step in that direction. The trucks, which started work last month when JJ’s Waste & Recycling got to work, are ubiquitous, presumably because our waste needs are many and varied these days, so the textual omission is repeatedly glaring. Call me a pedant, but punctuation still matters. It shows care and attention, and if one prominently displayed word is wrong, it makes people wonder what else is being shoddily done. ‘Lets’ without the apostrophe is straight, flat-out incorrect and if governments and other authorities can’t get it right, what hope will the average Joe and Joanne have? Including or omitting those little squiggles and blobs can make a world of difference to meaning. It’s one thing to see apostrophes thrown around like confetti on fruit shop chalkboards (although I can’t resist using my finger to erase them when I get the chance), but professional signwriters have no excuse. Commas also matter. “Let’s eat, Grandma” is a lovely invitation to dine, but “let’s eat Grandma” indicates you consider her a tasty treat. That little dash, the hyphen, also punches above its weight in message delivery. There is an enormous difference between a businessperson re-signing and resigning, for example. Great-grandfather might not be a great grandfather, but leaving out the little splodge makes him so. A red-haired girl without the hyphen is a red and hairy female. Our written words and how they are presented link us, help define our culture and indicate the richness of our communication. In this very visual era, messaging and presentation matter. In the case of the errant garbage truck signs, it is the difference between knowing you’re rubbish and knowing your rubbish.
Jane Stephens is a USC journalism lecturer, media commentator and writer. in pain? We can help Current treatment not treatment not pain, there is still hope” is one of Australia’s leading specialist pain clinics, offering: 7275 Vitality Village, Birtinya Dr Frank Thomas, Pain Specialist QPain (Pictured) mayon Fin531 Dr
Find out more:
Ashley Robinson is the manager of Alex Surf Club and the chairman of the Sunshine Coast Falcons.
effectively managing your
A ugust is halfway over and we will all be getting excited with spring just around the corner. But I must say, last week I was wondering what had happened to our usually miserable westerly winds and chilly conditions which we usually get around EkkaEarlytime.last week was quite hot, which lulled me into a false sense of security. But not to let us down on the People’s Day public holiday, the westerly winds arrived just like clockwork and brought back memories of past Ekkas. It actually helped me figure something out. It has never been a great month for me. About 40 years ago, I had pneumonia and ended up in hospital for a week. Every year after, for about a decade, I got the ‘man flu’ bad in August – probably from where my psychosomatic disorder blossomed.
Fr • Advanced pain management techniques • Innovative interventional treatments • Multidisciplinary assessment & management Now offering consultations and procedures right here on the Sunshine Coast.
Jane Stephens punctuates the need to ensure everyone gets their message across clearly, without any dash of ambiguity.
working? “If your current
Ashley Robinson finally understands why the Ekka may have left a lasting impression on a ‘short, fat, country kid’ from Eudlo.
I also have this recurring dream that pops up about this time of year, where I am lost on a train (which is weird). But last Wednesday night, while I was walking George the dog, I had an epiphany. I was about four when I went down on the train with mum and dad to the show on my very first trip to the Ekka. I had no experience of ta show, apart from the Eudlo May Day Sports and the Nambour Show where I was age champion for eating hot dogs and toffee apples. So it was a bit of a shock to all of a sudden be in Brisbane with thousands of people – a short, fat, country kid looking for food. We had been there about an hour and I somehow got separated from my parents. I was found bellowing like a foghorn on steroids by a concerned citizen and taken to the police office (not the last time in my life). I did get an ice cream which served the purpose of shutting me up and, about half an hour later, my parents turned up and all was good. But 60 years later, it probably does explains a few things. I hate crowds and I am claustrophobic – both probably because of that short fat kid getting buffeted by the masses, trying to find his mum and dad. It also explains why I like ice cream, and I guess the train dream is a combination of the whole experience. Thankfully, the ‘man flu’ has left me, but the next time you see me in a crowd looking stressed, hand me an ice cream and tell me it will all be okay. Just don’t mention trains. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. These are not the views of My Weekly Preview publishers.
28 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022

Sami Muirhead is a radio announcer, blogger and commentator. Sami, | l t t e g e
For more from
n t
NORTH SHORE with Andrew MacCulloch... A D a y i n T h e L i f e o f a Re a
I typically spend an hour or two in the Aura office checking emails, making calls, booking appraisals, reviewing contracts, writing reports and scheduling open homes. Because the real estate life is so itinerant, it’s great to have an office-base where I can check in with colleagues and get organised for the day and week ahead.
E s
Enter the boxing ring. Pick your side. Suit up for battle because I have a big topic to bring to the table this week: are you a spaghetti in a bowl or a spaghetti on a plate kind of person? Because I am a sensible human, and not a serial killer, I opt for pasta in a bowl. Obviously. It takes the stress level down a notch or 10 as you do not have to worry about the pasta snaking off the side of the plate and onto the floor. It sits all curled up and cosy, waiting to be inhaled into my stomach. The bowl sits nicely in my lap, warming me up as I eat my favourite comfort food and watch some mindless show on the television at the same time. Good times, indeed! I could swing either way (music to my husband’s ears) and eat spaghetti off a plate, but why would I do that in an already crazy world that is at times lacking order, manners and sensibility? No thanks. A bowl is simply perfect for all types of pastas such as tagliatelle, fusilli, fettuccine, penne, gnocchi and linguini. All these little tasty swear words should always be bowl bound. Even poor old rigatoni (the last pasta left on the shelf during COVID panic times) just doesn’t work on a plate. Anyway, to sort this plate-versus-bowl debate, I turned to some experts. One of my friends, Tony, owns Bocca Italian restaurant. TK surely has the credibility to weigh into this debate. “So, traditionally, the way spaghetti should be served is on a plate. However, we serve it in a coupe bowl which is a shallow main course-size bowl,” Tony said. “We do this so it is easier to twirl the pasta around your fork,” he added. Hmmm, not exactly a glowing endorsement of my theory. Unmoved, I then turned to my friend Tricia, who is married to an Italian. Tricia says bowl or plate all depends on a stack of variables including the size of the serving, if you have sauces that need “elevation” so they don’t leak off the plate. Does the pasta require some cutting or are the ingredients all bite sized? It all got extremely complicated quickly. I say a good pasta sauce should be celebrated, not elevated. I wanted to take my bat and ball and go home (or should I say my bat and bowl). Support for my theory from these so-called experts was vague at best. In the end, I say I am right. Pasta should be served in a bowl. Remind me not to ask anyone if they’re spoon or no spoon. up to the plate offer your opinion as Sami Muirhead uncovers an important foodie debate that’s sure to bowl you over.
The rest of the day is usually spent out and about doing appraisals, meeting with clients, working with photographers, showing homes, distributing marketing material and taking calls. The car and mobile phone are a necessary evil in the world of real estate, but the best parts of my days are when I get face-to-face time with clients, colleagues and contractors. Connecting with people, building relationships and being of service is really what being a real estate agent is all about. A little-known fact is that being a real estate agent makes you an expert in several niche areas. I can navigate my way around the Sunny Coast better than any Uber driver. I can walk into a property and instantly identify inexpensive quick fixes that will make the property more appealing to buyers. I can befriend the scariest of dogs and most aloof of cats. I can iron a shirt in two minutes flat if I need to dash to an impromptu client meeting. I’m still trying to convince my wife and kids that these are indeed superpowers! So, there you have a day in the life of a real estate agent (and a little insight into our ‘superpowers!’). Working in real estate is busy, exciting, challenging and rewarding. Peak behind the blazer and the salesspeak, and you’ll find that most agents are hardworking, dedicated professionals who are committed to delivering the best service and results for their clients. My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 MY OPINION
As Modern Family’s Phil Dunphy said: “Today I get to talk about the love of my life. Residential real estate”! Every day in real estate is different, but my day always starts with a strong coffee from one of my favourite local cafés. Caffeinating is a non-negotiable!
Andrew MacCulloch Aura Property Ord Australian Licence 237121
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30 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022
About Noosa Chutney Company
Visit noosachutneycompany. Wholefood snacks, such as those containing chickpeas, are great for late-nightChickpeascravings.area good, healthy source of protein, carbohydrates and fibre and contain Vitamin B6 and the amino acid tryptophan, which is helpful for bodies ready to rest. Vitamin B6 essentially helps our bodies to convert tryptophan into serotonin, which in turn is converted to melatonin. When melatonin levels rise in our bodies at night, it can help put us into a state that promotes sleep. Did you know the Happy Snack Company, based at Landsborough, has a range of delicious snacks, including dark chocolate and raspberry chickpeas –ideal for late-night munching.
Got the late-night munchies?
3. Season and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
• 500g lean beef mince • 1 egg • ¾ cup basil pesto, plus extra to serve • 500g jar of pasta sauce Italian IngredientsMeatballs
The Sunshine-Coast based business makes small-batch chutneys and relishes to add to any dish. Find the company stall at various markets, at one of the local stockists or online.
Noosa Relish – Tomato 300g, $15, available from Noosa Chutney Company. This gourmet Tomato Relish is hand made in small batches and is a sweet, smooth flavour that can be added to enhance pastas, pizzas and mince dishes. It makes the ideal condiment for burgers, toasties, egg dishes, grazing platters and almost any snack. This very versatile condiment is a must to have in every kitchen.
This recipe is from Kim McCosker’s new 4 Ingredients book The Easiest One Pot Cookbook Ever. With Father’s Day around the corner, it’s the ideal gift that will be used year-round. It includes more than 100,flavour-packed,one-potrecipeswholefamilywillenjoy.Visittopurchase
Support local products
4. OPTIONAL: Sprinkle with mozzarella and grill for 2 to 3 minutes or until the cheese is bubbling. Serve scattered with extra basil leaves and over a mound of boiled rice.
Method Serves 4 homegrown Eat local
1. Combine the mince, egg and basil pesto. Season and then form into 6cm meatballs. 2. In a non-stick frying pan over medium heat, add the meatballs and cook, turning for 6 to 7 minutes or until browned all over. Reduce the heat and add the pasta sauce.

2. In a large mixing bowl, add the chopped butter and spelt flour. Use a fork to work the flour into the butter gradually until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add the salt and continue to mix.
3. Stir in 4 tablespoons of ice-cold water and bring the dough together with your hands, adding an extra tablespoon of water if the dough is too dry.
5. Press the pastry in and around your dish using your fingers. Cut away any pastry overhangs and reserve these for the lattice design.
6. Prick the pastry base with a fork five times, line with greaseproof paper and fill with uncooked rice to bake blind in the oven for 10 minutes.
7. Remove from the oven and allow to cool while you prepare the filling. Leave the oven on 180°C.
The aim is to form a smooth ball of dough.
9. Pour the filling into the pie and spread out evenly with a spoon.
8. Add the filling ingredients to a medium-sized saucepan over a lowmedium temperature and bring to a simmer for 10 minutes or until the fruit has softened evenly throughout. Stir every few minutes to prevent the fruit from sticking to the bottom of the saucepan.
10. Roll the remaining dough out and cut into even strips to form the lattice. Carefully weave the lattice in and out of each other on the top of the pie filling. My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 Serves: 1 large pie (8 serves) | Time: 1 hour Colourful, tart, sweet and warm – everything that you would want on a cold winter’s day. Pair this homemade rhubarb and apple pie with the Sunshine Coast’s very own Coyo Vanilla Bean Coconut Ice Cream – delicious! HOMEGROWN veganGluten-free Dairy-free Vegetarian Refined sugar-free This recipe was supplied @fooddesignstudio for Kunara Organic Marketplace. Visit Spelt shortcrust pastry • 100g unsalted organic butter, chopped into small cubes • 200g Bob’s Red Mill Spelt Flour • 1 teaspoon salt • 8 tablespoons of ice-cold water • 1 organic egg, lightly beaten Filling • 1 bunch rhubarb (about 6 stems), diced into 1cm thick cubes • 3 large green apples, peeled, cored and diced into 1cm thick cubes • 2 tablespoons Chef’s Choice rose water • 2 tablespoons maple syrup • Zest of an orange • Juice from an orange To serve • Coyo Vanilla Bean Coconut Ice Cream Rhubarb and apple pie dish.
1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease a large round pie dish with butter.
* Note: Use fresh organic produce where possible for maximum nutrients. Wellbeing *ForSAVETheWednesdayfirstWednesdayofeverymonth20%offallvitamins&supplementsmembersonly,it’sfreetojoinin-store|Notinconjunctionwithotheroffers. 330 Mons Road, Forest Glen, QLD 4556
12. Enjoy with Coyo Vanilla Bean Coconut Ice Cream to cut through the tartness of the rhubarb. Did you know? Spelt is an ancient grain that provides a nuttier taste than traditional wheat flours. It’s an excellent source of dietary fibre, which is important for gut health.
11. Brush the lattice with a lightly beaten egg and bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown.
4. Dust a large flat surface with a little flour and use a rolling pin to roll the dough out into a large, even circle. Your circle will need to be larger than your dish, allowing for the sides to be bought up around the dish and a lattice design for the top of the pie (if you wish).

32 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 MY STYLE This gorgeous chiffon, one-shoulder dress has a tiered layered skirt with asymmetrical hemline and sheer sleeve, that can be pushed up on the arm. This old world floral print has been used in a modern design. Also available in royal blue colourway with white background. Sizes 6-16 $99. Treasure Store, The Wharf Mooloolaba, 0488 288 250. Garden party Vintage inspired Whether you are looking for a bespoke, hand-crafted piece or one from the delicately selected retail brands, all of the knowledgeable team is excited to help you find what you desire. Above Peridot and Morganite Vintageinspired Rose Gold Pendant, $950. Morganite and Diamond Pendant, $1,300. To Hold & To Have, Buderim, 5477 0561. Casual chic SAGE+CLARE Savannah quilted reversable jacket, $269 Available now online and in store at Coast Store, Cotton Tree, 0423 247 372. COUNTRYmystyle.Event Pretty Shop Onyx Poppy Boutique for your next luncheon or event-wear dress. We welcome Spring 2022 in Store NOW! Shop at Onyx Poppy Boutique, Buderim, 5477 0902, Before After Before After Feeling Old? Need a Lift? HIFU stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. It’s a non-invasive skin tightening procedure with no downtime. Book a treatment with the best in the business. SafeLiftsNon-Surgical&Tightens&Effective Lasting Results Fast & SuitableAffordableforMen & Women Scan here to find out more about HIFU Look and feel younger today! Call today to book 0408 200 059 Birtinya I Wynnum I Hamilton @australiahifu k and feel o nger toda ! Full FacewasNOW$1500 $590

● Undefined or saggy jawline ● Droopy eyelids ● Crows feet ● Forehead wrinkles
● Wrinkles on décolletage You may notice your skin is smoother and tighter immediately after the treatment. Best results will be seen after three months. Book a consultation at Australia HIFU, 0408 200 059 or ,
Pink S apphire, Diamond & Autore White South Sea Pearl Drop Earrings, $5,700 Lift & tighten Areas that can be tightened and lifted with HIFU include: ● Loose skin on cheeks/jowls/neck ● Double chin (removes unwanted fat cells) My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 Simply stunning Tracey G stocks a great range of large cup sizes, maternity and sports bras. There is something for every woman. Tracey G, Maroochydore, 0466 828 144, Gorgeous colourway and flattering! Hammock & Vine Hayley dress in lagoon, $169.95. Available now online and in store at Boutique Bliss Fashions & Accessories, Cotton Tree, 5479 1876. Spring hues Rose oil tan Designer eyes We stock a selection of peachy, pink and champagne crystal frames. See us in store for a personalised frame selection so we can find your perfect shade. Buderim. Eyes on Buderim, 5477 0293. MY STYLE , Spanish style New Spanish Zeta statement wedge sandals have just landed in time for Summer. Beautiful styles and colours to complement your wardrobe. Shop now at Pure Footwear, Buderim, 5456 4440. Statement separates The Italians ooze effortless style with their lifestyle pieces. This kitty bow blouse and flowy wide-leg pants can be worn separately or together as shown. Gorgeous colourway of salmon pink with rust brown in a modern geometrical check print. S/M/L sizing and you should see the black and white version! Italy & Co Fashion, Sirocco Resort, 0456 693 329. BY KATIE LAWRENCE has been designed for all skin types and features two products –tanning mousse and tanning water. Both are enriched with Moroccan rose oil and smell delicious on the skin. Stocked at Katie Lawrence + Co, bykatielawrence.comMooloolaba 9ct Rose Gold Amethyst, Rhodalite Garnet, Tourmaline & Diamond Ring, $2,200 Precious pinks
Our Precious Pinks from the Ocean to the Desert! We have an exquisite collection at Avenue J Jewellery, Mooloolaba 5444 4 422,

At the southern end of the coast is Halcyon Nirimba, located in the heart of Aura, Australia’s largest masterplanned community with shops, restaurants and medical facilitiesThroughnearby.thoughtful planning, homeowners are connected to Aura’s wider network of parks and cycling trails and are within walking distance of the future city centre. Inside the gates, homeowners enjoy exclusive access to the Coast’s “best backyard” in the form of the community’s lifestyle facilities. A modern take on the traditional Queenslander, The Clubhouse includes sweeping outdoor verandas with a variety of indoor and outdoor spaces including a Gold Classstyle cinema, heated swimming pool, library, multi-purpose room, gym, bowling green and pickleball courts.
About 1.8 million Australians have diabetes, with 280 Australians developing the disease every day. Diabetes is the leading cause of preventable blindness in Australia with nearly half of all diabetic Australians not attending regular diabetic eye checks. Anyone with a form of diabetes (including gestational diabetes) can develop diabetic retinopathy (DR). DR is caused by high blood sugar damaging blood vessels in the retina (a light-sensitive layer of cells in the back of the eye). Damaged blood vessels can swell and leak, causing blurry vision or stopping blood flow. DR symptoms include: • blurred, distorted or patchy vision that is not corrected with prescription glasses
To visit Halcyon Nirimba or B by Halcyon, call 1800 050 050.
Staying true to Buderim’s spirit, the expansive lifestyle facilities within the community have created a true village atmosphere with carefully designed spaces that invite the outside in. The Wellness Centre is the Coast’s largest private day spa facility. From a heated magnesium salt pool to luxurious private spa rooms and a fully equipped gym, homeowners can simply relax and refresh.
At the other end of the region, nestled in the foothills of Buderim, is B by Halcyon. Surrounded by the lush natural rainforest, B by Halcyon is a premier over-50s lifestyle community, offering homeowners a real sense of luxury.
For homeowners looking to get active or discover their creative passions, B by Halcyon features an expansive Village Hub, Creative Arts Pavilion, and flood-lit pickleball and tennis courts. Designed for living, the open-plan homes feature state-of-the-art fittings and superior finishes for minimum maintenance and maximum style.
Over the past year, Stockland’s Halcyon Communities has expanded its offering to provide community-living options that suit any over-50s lifestyle. On the Sunshine Coast, two unique communities provide something for everyone.
• problems with balance, watching TV, reading or recognising people • sensitivity to glare • difficulty seeing in dim light or at night. The good news is, most vision loss from diabetes can be prevented with regular eye checks and early treatment.
34 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 Retirement living just got more affordable Introducing youfirst. New flexible pricing to make the most of your retirement with Lutheran Services. You can choose topay less when you move in and focus more on the things you love to do. So why wait? Village bus Heated pool Pet Co-locatedfriendly aged care Now it’s even easier to call ImmanuelGardens home IG_MWP_LAM32930 years in the Buderim community Phone 1800 960 433 for more information. New flexible pricing 2 bed availablevillasoon! 10 Magnetic Dr, Buderim Qld 4556 w.
The alfresco entertaining area completes the space with a communal kitchen, pizza oven and barbecue facilities providing the ideal place for homeowners to connect with family and Masterplanningfriends. and house design have delivered contemporary Australian architecture. Halcyon Nirimba resonates with the unique lifestyle that the Coast offers.
Dr Sonia Moorthy is an adult and paediatric ophthalmic surgeon at the newly established EyeHub in Buderim. Call 5220 8990 or visit
Diabetes is the epidemic of the 21st century and the biggest challenge confronting Australia’s health system.

The news is music to the ears of future GemLife Palmwoods homeowner Susan Fredrickson, who is a strong supporter of everything eco friendly. “What this fabulous over-50s lifestyle resort company is doing for the good of the environment is trendsetting, and I support it 100 per cent,” she “Isays.plan to buy an electric car later this year and have requested a charger point be installed in my garage, which will save me so much money compared to petrol vehicles.”While her personal experiences of driving an electric vehicle are still ahead of her, she says a close friend had driven one from Melbourne to Canberra and it had only cost $16 to recharge it for the trip, making it cost effective and good for the environment.“Thebiggestoutlay will be for the vehicle itself, although they are gradually coming down in price and there are more of them on the market with models now available from Tesla, Mini Couper S, Volvo, Mazda and Toyota Rav,” she says. The initiative to introduce EVs to its fleet and provide built-in charging facilities in the company’s homes and resorts has also been applauded by former Australian rally driver-turned EV dealership owner Rob Ogilvie, who says that creating the infrastructure for EVs is setting a great example for others to follow. Call GemLife 1800 317 393 or visit Dr Allan Clarke,
GemLife is all charged up to get its over-50s lifestyle resorts `future ready’, embracing innovative, sustainable ideas and practices, including making its communities electric vehicleAmongfriendly.keyinitiatives being considered are electric vehicles (EV), GemLife director of sustainability, renewables and energy Mark Langdon says. “At GemLife, we are keen to make our future over-50s lifestyle resorts EV ready with such innovations as EV chargers and a transition to electric resort buses and cars, as the current fleet reach the end of their service,” he says.
Orthopaedic Surgeon. Wereplacement?afterweaknessMusclejointcanhelp. • Total Knee Replacement • Total Hip Replacement • ACL Reconstruction • Rotator Cuff Repair • Relieves low back pain through strengthening core abdominal muscles truSculpt Flex strengthens muscles following: BODY+MUSCLECONTOURINGREHAB Only provider of truSculpt Flex treatments on the Sunshine Coast 0448 441 509 Ph. 07 5220 8990 Unit 1, Nucleus Medical Suites, 23 Elsa Wilson Drive, Call our friendly ‘EyeHubbers’ for an appointment today Here at EyeHub we specialise in a range of eye conditions for adults and children alike. We help you maximise your full visual potential. We specialise in the following: day reimaginedVISIONYOUR Expert Advice. Leading Technology. Personalised Care.EtAdiLdiThlPli Cataract surgery and Advanced technology lenses Strabismus Surgery Paediatric Ophthalmology Laser treatment for glaucoma Injections for macula disorders Pterygium surgery with graft Lid biopsy, blepharoplasty, ectropian DrrepairSonia Moorthy Adult and OphthalmicPaediatricSurgeon The latest children’s eye sub-specialist on the Sunshine Coast The Hearing Centre, 5/56 Landsborough Parade, Golden Beach. Ochre Health Hub, 20 Kalinga Street, Caloundra. Ph: (07) 5477 0144 Did you get a nasty surprise when you visited the retail hearing aid shop? Did they want you to spend a lot of money on hearing aids? Do you wish you had of seen the local and independent team at Hear4Good? You could save a lot of hard earned money! Choose the no surprise hearing specialists $800 We have Digital Bluetooth hearing aids from only We are the best place to get honest advice and a second opinion that will save you money.
Suite 505 Pulse Medical Building 11 Eccles Boulevard, Birtinya Treatments on post-op or post-injury patients are performed by a trained health professional in collaboration with Dr Allan Clarke. Sun Sculpt offers cutting-edge muscle stimulation treatments as recommended by My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 55 PLUS

Soft sounds should be soft but audible, moderate sounds should be comfortable, and loud sounds should be loud but not Technologyuncomfortable.hasadvanced and these days a proper hearing test will measure how much sound you need at specific frequencies to ensure clarity, with those figures programmed into the hearing aids. A properly fitted hearing aid will be matched to your hearing loss. Technology also allows the hearing aids to learn about your hearing environment and make changes automatically to match.
Andrew Paton is a senior clinician at local and independent hearing clinic Hear4Good. Call 5477 0144 for an appointment or read more at a hand around the house.
Muscle wasting and weakness due to ageing, injury and surgery is common and often difficult to reverse with current rehabilitation therapy. Strengthening exercises can be painful and reinjure healing joints. But new neuromuscular electrical stimulation technology is an efficient way to rapidly make those muscles active and strong again.
36 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022
IRT has been around for over 50 years. Our highly trained home care team are more than just an extra pair of hands, they’re a shoulder to lean on. householdandtasks Getting out and about
The truSculpt Flex muscle stimulator deploys a unique method of electrical muscle stimulation to target specific muscle groups. It delivers electrical impulses through electrodes deep into underlying muscles, with minimal discomfort or stress on the joint and no downtime. “The truSculpt Flex muscle stimulator has changed the rehabilitation process for my patients,” Sunshine Coast orthopaedic surgeon Dr Allan Clarke says. “I regularly recommend sessions on the truSculpt Flex for my patients following injury or surgery.”
care Cleaning
You can still have fun and venture outside the home, even if the days of running marathons are in the past and a little extra time is needed to walk up steps. Suncare recognises that social interaction and positive activity contribute to healthy minds and bodies, regardless of age. Whether you need a friendly support worker to come to the house for help walking the dog, or the transport service is required to take you to the doctor, Suncare is able to help. And it’s not just customers who are happy. Support worker Carrey goes home every day knowing she has made a real difference for the customers she works with. Before Carrey joined the team as a ‘Suncarer’, she knew she wanted a fulfilling job that gave her a sense of purpose. “I met a couple of people who worked for Suncare and, firstly, they seemed to love their jobs, and secondly, they were really happy, outgoing people. I knew immediately that’s what I wanted to do,” she says. To become a customer or Suncarer, call 1800 786 227.
Contact Emma at Sun Sculpt on 0448 441 509 or visit
PLUS WHY LOUDER IS NOT CLEARER Old-fashioned hearing aids (and some of the cheap ones you can buy on the internet) were quite often perceived as being too loud in all but very quiet surroundings. That is because they are quite often flat-line amplifiers, increasing all sounds by the same amount. The vast majority of hearing loss occurs in the mid to high frequencies: the bass sounds are usually perceived well. If you apply a flat line amplification to a loss like that, by the time the high frequencies (needed for clarity) are loud enough, the low frequencies are way too loud. The natural reaction to that is to turn the device down, then the speech sounds are too soft and the cycle continues. A whole new life. Over-50s GemLife offers luxury resort-style living with premium lifestyle facilities on your doorstep. No entry fees, exit fees or stamp duty Friendly community Pets Ph:Ageing-in-placeRetainCaravanLuxuryExtensiveGatedwelcomeneighbourhoodpremiumfacilitieshomesandboatstorage*yourcapitalgainsolutions 1800 317 393 *Terms & conditions apply *Terms & conditions apply • BRIBIE ISLAND • MAROOCHY QUAYS • PACIFIC PARADISE • PALMWOODS • Moreton Bay and Sunshine Coast locations GemLife over-50s lifestyle resorts. New homes now selling.

DR SONIA MOORTHY ADULT & PAEDIATRIC OPHTHALMIC SURGEON UNIT 1, NUCLEUS MEDICAL SUITES 23 ELSA WILSON DRIVE, BUDERIM, 5220 8990 EYEHUB.NET.AU OPHTHALMOLOGY SUNSHINE COAST UNIVERSITY PRIVATE HOSPITAL Don’t put up with teamholisticOncologylifemanagingexercisespsychologicalside-effects.treatmentsqualityleadingtheirduewomenareside-effects.distressingchangessuchtherapyradiotherapy.cancerperceptionfortherapy,Endocrineside-effectstherapy,orhormone-blockingisanessentialpartoftreatmentmanybreastcancers.Thereisoftenathatthisisthe“easypart”oftreatment,afterchemotherapyandUnfortunately,endocrinecancausesignificantside-effectsasjointpains,hotflushes,moodandsexualchangesthatcanbeformanywomen.ManywomenputupwiththeirTherealityistheseside-effectsincrediblycommonandathirdofreporttakingtabletsintermittentlytoside-effects,andalmostathirdceasetreatmentearlierthanrecommended,topooreroutcomes.Cancertreatmentisabalance,andoflifeisessential–therearemanyavailableformanagementofExercise,physiotherapy,diet,supportandmindfulnesshaveprovenandessentialrolesintoxicityandimprovingqualityofforourpatients.AtSunshineCoastHaematologyandClinic,weareproudtoprovideaapproachtocancercare,withaofexperts. DR BRENTON SEIDL MEDICAL SUNSHINEONCOLOGISTCOASTHAEMATOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY CLINIC 10, KING STREET, BUDERIM 5479 0000, SCHOC.COM ONCOLOGY
Brain above-mentionedSunshineinterventionssurgeryregularandbycalledexcessheadonsizeproducebenignthatthelimbs,headaches,andbrain,allbodyThesurgerytreatments,availablemostcomplexorganinthehumanisthebrain,whichisresponsibleforaspectsofhumanlife.Whenthereisanabnormalityintheitcanbedetrimentaltothehealthfunctioningofaperson–fromweaknessorspasticityofthebehaviouralchanges,seizuresanddysfunctionofthesenses.Therearemanytypesofconditionscouldaffectthebrain:tumours–bothandmalignant–havetheabilitytosymptomsdependingontheirandlocationwithinthebrain,bleedingthebrainwhichcouldbetheresultofatraumaorsomemedications,andanvolumeofthefluidwithinthebraincerebralspinalfluid(CSF).TheseconditionsareusuallydiagnosedaneurosurgeonthroughtheuseofCTMRIscans.Thetreatmentoptionsrangefrommonitoring,keyholeorendoscopictoopenbrainsurgery.ThesetreatmentsandsurgicalareavailableontheCoast.Ifyouareconcernedaboutanyofthesymptoms,areferral
Surgery should be a last resort when it comes to joint paincataractmodern-dayPhacoemulsification:surgery
38 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 INDUSTRY EXPERTS 55 PLUS ORTHOPAEDIC
Pain in the joint can be caused by many different conditions, and one of the most common is osteoarthritis. The pain caused by osteoarthritis can often cloud a patient’s judgment when it comes to seeking advice and treatment. It can feel like there is no help available, or there is so much information but none of it makes any sense. This can often result in poor decision making or incorrect treatment of your symptoms. A very effective way to treat osteoarthritis is with a correct diagnosis and the right education provided by a health professional. Talking to a specialist will enable you the best possible treatment options to help with managing your pain. Often it is recommended to seek treatment with an allied health professional such as a dietician or physiotherapist.Surgeryshould always be the last option to treat joint pain. With the right tools and education, surgery can be delayed or even avoided. I would recommend speaking to a specialist about your joint pain today. Remember to never be afraid to ask questions. Modern-day cataract surgery, also known as phacoemulsification, has a very grounded history. The term originates from the Greek word “phakos”, relating to a lens, hence the term phacoemulsification aptly describes lens emulsification during cataract surgery. Dr Charles Kelman, an American ophthalmic surgeon and inventor, first introduced phacoemulsification in 1967 after being inspired by his dentist’s ultrasonic probe. phacoemulsificationModern-daymachines have evolved considerably since and are now highlySmallsophisticated.cornealincisions (on average 2.2-2.4mm) are made initially. The lens is then mobilised from its support structure, the capsular bag. The phaco, or ultrasonic probe, is then placed in the eye and used to emulsify the lens efficiently with constant irrigation that ensures the stability of the eye is maintained throughout. Following clean-up of remaining fine lens material (cortex), a new intraocular lens (IOL) is then implanted into the capsular bag. The eye is then sealed with gentle fluid irrigation at the corneal wounds. That concludes the procedure.

Wellness Centre now open, scan QR code to see more WHERE ELSE WOULD YOU RATHER BE? Explore our exclusive 5-star facilities. Buderim’s only luxury lifestyle community for over 50s, B by Halcyon, has been thoughtfully designed with an array of meaningful spaces so you can take it on or take it Featuringeasy.aWellness Centre, Recreation Club and Creative Arts Pavilion, B by Halcyon provides you with everything you need and then leaves it all up to you. Visit our display centre - Call 1800 050 050 9am to 4pm Monday - Saturday | B by Halcyon 2 Retreat Drive, Buderim, Qld, 4556 Stage two includes Creative Arts PrecinctWellness Centre now open

40 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 3/100 Rene Street, Noosaville I 5455 5015 I Blink Living has the furniture solutions for you: ● Property styling to help you sell ● Home and holiday furniture packages ● Designer only furniture suppliers such as GlobeWest Visit our retail showroom in Noosaville for your complimentary one-on-one consult with an experienced designer. Open Mon to Fri 10am-4pm or by appointment. Free Property Styling Quote + 8 Weeks for the Price of 4 PPAY-LATER property styling | design | furniture packages PREVIEW PROPERTY ACREAGEESCAPESEEPAGE60>

Price SAuctionat10th September @ 9am Inspect Sat 20th Aug @ 10:15-10.45am by prior registration only Karen Jones 0405 122 526 • Prestigious, architecturally designed beachfront home • Backs directly onto dunes with private beach access • Intelligently executed for low-maintenance living • Beautifully appointed designer salt-water pool • Entertainers delight with covered alfresco luxur y • Stunning bespoke kitchen with quality fixtures & fittings • Ducted reverse cycle AC and ceiling fans • Minutes to pathways, shops, restaurants & SCUH Residence Two 165 Oceanic Dr 4WARANAbed|2bath | 2 car

07 5445 TANAWHA STRICT INSTRUCTION TO BE SOLD! BARGAIN TANAWHA MANSION! We can’t make it any clearer, our instructions are this property MUST be SOLD! This is the acreage opportunity you have been waiting for! At approximately $1,000,000 below replacement value to rebuild new, this exceptionally large tri-level mansion is move in ready with potential to personalise! Reap the benefits of purchasing this home at a once in a lifetime price point, representing the best value acreage on the Sunshine Coast! Boasting a grand appeal, this expansive Tanawha residence is positioned in an elevated court location in an exclusive acreage enclave. • Tri-Level Master Built Residence • Dual Accommodation Potential • Up To Five Internal Living Areas • Commercial Sized Island Kitchen With Walk-In • 200m²+ Of Decking • Roman-Style Pool With Water Feature • 4,135m² Elevated, Acreage Allotment 7 Anna Close GRANT SMITH & DARREN MARTENS 0410 21 21 21 FOR VIEWSALE Thurs 18 Sept 4:30-5:00pm Sat 20 Sept 10:00-10:30am 4,135m2 BEDBATHCARPOOLLAND 5 441

MARKETING & HOME IMPROVEMENT FUNDS AVAILABLE Get up to $25,000 (no cash up front) Interest free & fast approval. SELL FOR THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE The difference may be the presentation of your home. Let us show you how we can access immediate interest free funds to help prepare your home for sale and implement an effective marketing strategy to get more buyers, multiple offers and a premium price. Don’t risk selling below your best price. Ask us how – Improve and Market Now, Pay Later. T 07 5438 8005 | E OFFICE LOCATIONS BARINGA | CALOUNDRA WEST | MAROOCHYDORE | NORTH SHORE THE AGENCY We’re serious about getting you the BEST price. Tarley Osborne Kingsley Elmer AJ Milner Adam Morris Vivian LeighArmin Ataei Andrew GoochMadeline Fabian Andrew AquilinaLeisa Thomas-LarkAndrew MacCulloch Scan the QR code to watch the video

46 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 T 07 5438 8005 | E OFFICE LOCATIONS BARINGA | CALOUNDRA WEST | MAROOCHYDORE | NORTH SHORE • Absolute waterfront land • 696sqm freehold land • Low set home, DLUG • Large outdoor area overlooking water • Perfect Sunshine Coast location AUCTION Saturday 17th September at 4:00PM On Site INSPECT Saturday 20th August 12:30 - 1:00PM AGENT Tarley Osborne 0499 368 164 4 BED | 3 BATH | 2 CARAUCTION Allow Your Mind To Wander 8 WATERVIEW CRESCENT, BLI BLI As waterfront as they come, this property is truly one of a kind. Situated on the banks of Maroochy River, on a fl at 696sqm block, this property offers the perfect Sunshine Coast lifestyle, and with direct water access, it is ideal for fi shing, paddling and boating. Site T 07 5438 8005 | E OFFICE LOCATIONS BARINGA | CALOUNDRA WEST | MAROOCHYDORE | NORTH SHORE • Huge deck with built-in BBQ and bushland views • Downstairs retreat with lounge, bedroom, ensuite and kitchenette provisions • Large open backyard, with side access and generous shed PRICE Offers Over $749,000 INSPECT Saturday 20th August 11:00 - 11:30AM AGENT Tarley Osborne 0499 368 164 4 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CARFOR SALE Elevated on a Big Block with an Entertainer’s Deck! 9 CAMPESE TERRACE, NAMBOUR Spread out over two levels, this home has more than enough room for any family looking for space - there’s even room for a grandparent or two. Situated on a large 755sqm block and in a quiet cul-de-sac, you should grab this one before it gets snapped up!

 My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 T 07 5438 8005 | E OFFICE LOCATIONS BARINGA | CALOUNDRA WEST | MAROOCHYDORE | NORTH SHORE • With approx $670pw in rental returns, also suited to investors alike • Ducted air-conditioning throughout • Main bedroom with direct access to covered patio PRICE Offers Over $760,000 INSPECT Saturday 20th August 10:30 - 11:00AM AGENT Armin Ataei 0499 470 295 4 BED | 2 BATH | 2 CARFOR SALE Wide Appeal, Minimum Upkeep 11 CLARENCE PLACE, SIPPY DOWNS This single level layout will impress with its ideal fl oorplan, quality fi nish and light-fi lled design. With a easy-care lifestyle, making it a desirable property for all ages and stages from young couples and small families to downsizers and retirees. M T 07 5438 8005 | E OFFICE LOCATIONS BARINGA | CALOUNDRA WEST | MAROOCHYDORE | NORTH SHORE • Open plan living with high ceilings all throughout • Private grassed yard with plenty of room for swings or vegie patch or both • Air-conditioned on both levels PRICE Offers Over $625,000 INSPECT Saturday 20th August 11:00 - 11:30AM AGENT Leisa Thomas-Lark 0498 848 095 3 BED | 2.5 BATH | 2 CARFOR SALE Mountain Side and Just Minutes to the Beach 27/78 TANAH STREET WEST, MOUNT COOLUM Idyllically located within footsteps of Mount Coolum, this well presented townhouse is for easy living. Welcome to Number 27 ‘Coolum Rise’, a gated complex within a fl at 650-metre walk to Yaroomba Beach and stunning views of the magni fi cent Mount Coolum. u

‘RIVER HOUSE’ ABSOLUTE RIVERFRONT IN SOUGHT AFTER MINYAMA If you’ve been looking for the ideal riverfront home in one of the Sunshine Coast’s hottest suburbs, then look no more! This is a beautiful home, tastefully modernised and ready to move in to. This family home will suit almost all buyers or savvy investors. The home fronts stunning parkland and is lapping the edge of the majestic Mooloolah River which is ideal for a young family to sit back and enjoy the Sunshine Coast lifestyle. 24 Mooloolah Drive, Minyama • Huge open spaces • Prestigious Mooloolah Drive address • Space for the caravan or boat • Multiple living spaces • Secure gated property Price: Offers Over $2,950,000 Inspect: Saturday 20th August 10-10:30am Richard Scrivener 0416 799 188 Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222 432 1300 400 NORTH FACING ALEXANDRA HEADLAND HOME WITH BREATHTAKING VIEWS This is a stunning contemporary beach house with breathtaking panoramic views of the Alexandra Headland coastline, Mount Coolum and beyond. Commanding a desirable northern aspect, this perfectly positioned elevated home, in one of the Sunshine Coast’s most prestigious addresses is sure to leave you breathless. Sitting in an elevated position above the treetops, this magnificent family abode captures the Sunshine Coast lifestyle to perfection. 44 Tantula Road East, Alexandra Headland • Beautiful designer home • Perfect northerly aspect • Amazing panoramic views • Resort style in-ground pool • Multiple living zones Auction: Saturday 27th August at 11am Onsite Inspect: Saturday 20th August 12-12:30pm Richard Scrivener 0416 799 188 Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222 432 1300 400 AUCTION

MAGNIFICENT MINYAMA MASTERPIECE – STUNNING RENOVATED HOME After undergoing an outstanding full renovation, 31 Coomaroo Crescent is the epitome of elegance and waterfront living. This is a well-constructed home and has now been brought up to 2022 standards. The clever design offers an abundance of living spaces both inside and out, and has some of the most spectacular views out to the pristine waterway. With deepwater access straight out to the Pacific Ocean, quality homes like this one are few and far between. This property must been seen to be appreciated. 31 Coomaroo Crescent, Minyama • 8m (approx.) pontoon, jetty & boat ramp • Stone fireplace • New inground pool • Quiet cul-de-sac location • High end appliances • Ducted & split system air-conditioning Price: Offers Over $4,950,000 Inspect: Saturday 20th August 11-11:30am Richard Scrivener 0416 799 188 Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222

34 DUNNE, is tightly-held parcel of land, held by the same family since 1981, and rich in history – offers a rare opportunity to purchase a significant sized rural holding in a sought a er dress circle acreage belt, just 18 minutes to coast beaches. e 63.7 acres has diverse topography with flat grassy paddocks suitable for livestock, gentle undulating hills, rainforest pockets, and stands of giant native hardwood trees; over the years the property has been used for dairy farming, timber milling, as well as growing pineapples and bananas.
Tucked away at the very end of Dunne Road with two street frontage - also offering entry from Isambert Road, there is easy access to the property for heavy machinery. Exceptional offering, one of the very few land parcels of this size so conveniently located.
LANDMARK ACREAGE PARCEL – 63.7 ACRES • Paddocks, rainforest, gentle hills • Sites suitable for building a home • Dam, permanent creek, waterfall • Former working farm • 2-road frontage – easy vehicle access • 3 mins to highway, 18 mins to beaches • Privacy, peace and natural SATVIEW:20TH AUGUST 10 10:30AM SATAUCTION:3RDSEPTEMBER AT 1PM ON SITE CRAIG MORRISON 0407 142 027

Alexandra Headland 5/174 Alexandra Parade 2 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 10-10:30am 212/180 Alexandra Parade 1 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 10-10:30am 12/29 Edward Street 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 12:30-1pm 22/4 Buderim Avenue 2 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 1-1:30pm 212/180 Alexandra Parade 1 bed 1 bath 1 car Wed 24th 5-5:30pm Baringa 51 Paddington Circuit 4 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 1:30-2pm Bir nya 34/67 Rega a Boulevard 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Thurs 18th 5-5:30pm 40/67 Rega a Boulevard 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 9-9:30am 22 Waterway Drive 5 bed 2 bath 2 car Jus n Wijaya 0479 135 990 10 Sunny Lane 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Jus n Wijaya 0479 135 990 24/99 Bir nya Boulevard 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Jus n Wijaya 0479 135 990 58/15 Shine Court 1 bed 1 bath 1 car Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188 Bli Bli 4 Currawong Place 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 11:30am-12pm 25 Bli Bli Road 4 bed 2 bath 3 car Natasha Hackenberg 0401 601 691 1/69 Clearwater Circuit 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Natasha Hackenberg 0401 601 691 57 Clearwater Circuit 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Natasha Hackenberg 0401 601 691 34 Cu ers Way 4 bed 2 bath 4 car Natasha Hackenberg 0401 601 691 4 Do erell Drive 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Ma hew McAuliffe 0412 111 608 10 Jacana Avenue 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479 2/21 Kay Avenue 3 bed 2 bath 4 car Ed Hackenberg 0499 199 360 34 Wharf Road 4 bed 3 bath 4 car Rachel Meyers 0411 699 619 15 Whistler Street 5 bed 2 bath 3 car Cameron Hackenberg 0421 504 479 22 Whitecross Road 3 bed 2 bath 3 car Rachel Meyers 0411 699 619 27 Willis Road 4 bed 3 bath 3 car Rachel Meyers 0411 699 619 17 Woodswallow Crescent 4 bed 3 bath 3 car Natasha Hackenberg 0401 601 691 958 Yandina Bli Bli Road 4 bed 2 bath 3 car Natasha Hackenberg 0401 601 691 Buddina 25/3 Pacific Boulevard 4 bed 3 bath 2 car Sat 11-11:30am 6/99 Lowanna Drive 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 11:30am-12pm 11 Yaringa Avenue 4 bed 3 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm Buderim 8 Brushwood Court 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Thurs 18th 12-12:45pm 16 Wian Street 6 bed 2 bath 3 car Thurs 18th 1-1:45pm 8 Quorn Close 4 bed 2 bath 3 car Thurs 18th 2-2:30pm 22 Royal Drive 4 bed 2 bath 3 car Thurs 18th 3-3:30pm 2/26 Amaroo Drive 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Thurs 18th 4:30-5pm 1 Melaleuca Avenue 3 bed 1 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am 8 Brushwood Court 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:45am 17 Water Street 3 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 11-11:30am 16 Hoop Pine Court 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 11-11:30am 83 Buderim Pines Drive 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 11-11:30am 16 Wian Street 6 bed 2 bath 3 car Sat 11-11:45am 198 Starling Street 3 bed 2.5 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm 10 Wyndlorn Avenue 3 bed 3 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm 18 Oakmont Drive 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm 8 Quorn Close 4 bed 2 bath 3 car Sat 1-1:30pm 18 Elizamay Close 5 bed 4 bath 4 car Sat 1:30-2pm 22 Royal Drive 4 bed 2 bath 3 car Sat 2:30-3pm 2/124 Golf Links Road 3 bed 2.5 bath 1 car Jodi Price 0412 278 658 Caloundra 405/115 Bulcock Street 1 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 9-9:30am 38/34 Canberra Terrace 4 bed 3 bath 2 car Sat 2-2:30pm Caloundra West 15 Gipps Street 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Ma hew McAuliffe 0412 111 608 Chevallum 247 Dales Road 5 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am Currimundi 1/1 Kalana Road 3 bed 2.5 bath 2 car Sat 11-11:30am Dicky Beach 2/13 Wilson Avenue 2 bed 2 bath 1 car Fri 19th 1-1:30pm 25 Ann Street 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am 2/13 Wilson Avenue 2 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 1-1:30pm Diddillibah 24/38-46 David Low Way 2 bed 1 bath Ma hew McAuliffe 0412 111 608 285 Diddillibah Road 4 bed 2 bath 8 car Greg Clarke 0418 239 067 Dulong 69 Bushland Place 5 bed 2 bath 4 car Natasha Hackenberg 0401 601 691 Glenview 297 Glenview Road 4 bed 2 bath 5 car Sat 2-2:30pm Golden Beach 26 Wavell Avenue 3 bed 1 bath 2 car Fri 19th 11-11:30am 33/1 Raleigh Street 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Fri 19th 12-12:30pm 26 Wavell Avenue 3 bed 1 bath 2 car Sat 9:30-10am 33/1 Raleigh Street 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm Highworth 10 Bangalow Street 5 bed 3 bath 1 car Sat 10-10:30am Kawana Island 29/1 Grenada Way 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 11:15-11:45am 23 Seychelles Place 2 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 1-1:30pm Kings Beach 8 Upper Gay Terrace 7 bed 2 bath 2 car Fri 19th 10-10:30am 23 Saltair Street 5 bed 2 bath 4 car Fri 19th 11-11:30am 11/44 Edmund Street 3 bed 2 bath 1 car Fri 19th 12-12:30pm 5/9 Dingle Avenue 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 9-9:30am 8 Upper Gay Terrace 7 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am 23 Saltair Street 5 bed 2 bath 4 car Sat 11-11:30am 11/44 Edmund Street 3 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 12-12:30pm Marcoola 1/1133 David Low Way 2 bed 1 bath 1 car Rebecca Risson 0419 045 697 Maroochy River 2 Mount Coolum Close 3 bed 2 bath 4 car Thurs 18th 11-11:30am 2 Mount Coolum Close 3 bed 2 bath 4 car Sat 11-11:30am Meridan Plains 13/5 Forest Park Street 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Thurs 18th 5-5:30pm Minyama 8A St Vincents Court 5 bed 3 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am 9-11 Balemo Street 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 11:30am-12pm Moffat Beach 15 Fairlie Crescent 4 bed 3 bath 4 car Fri 19th 11-11:30am 10 Roslin Street 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Fri 19th 12-12:30pm 17a Maltman Street 4 bed 3 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am 15 Fairlie Crescent 4 bed 3 bath 4 car Sat 11-11:30am 10 Roslin Street 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 12-12:30pm Montville 202 Western Avenue 3 bed 2 bath 6 car Sat 9:30-10am 202 Western Avenue 3 bed 2 bath 6 car Wed 24th 11-11:30am Mooloolaba 3/2-6 Douglas Street 3 bed 2 bath 1 car Sat 12:30-1pm 4/19 Carinya Street 2 bed 1.5 bath 2 car Sat 2-2:30pm 129 Amarina Avenue 4 bed 2 bath 4 car Greg Clarke 0418 239 067 204/25 First Avenue 2 bed 2 bath 1 car Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188 Mooloolah Valley 30 Suzen Court 6 bed 2.5 bath 4 car Sat 11-11:30am 9 Sugar Gum Drive 4 bed 2 bath 4 car Sat 12-12:30pm 9 Sugar Gum Drive 4 bed 2 bath 4 car Tues 23rd 5-5:30pm Mountain Creek 13 Parrot Place 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 9-9:30am 12 Frangipani Place 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188 4 Corkwood Court 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Dianne Deem 0434 581 365 Nambour 28 Na onal Park Road 3 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 9-9:30am 11 Elizabeth Street 3 bed 1 bath 4 car Sat 9-9:30am 3 Elizabeth Street 3 bed 1 bath 1 car Sat 10-10:30am 7 Loparo Court 4 bed 2 bath 4 car Sat 10-10:30am 12 Presenta on Boulevard 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 11-11:30am Ninderry 72 Jensen Road 3 bed 1 bath 2 car Ed Hackenberg 0499 199 360 North Deep Creek 288 North Deep Creek Road 4 bed 3 bath 6 car Ma hew McAuliffe 0412 111 608 Pacific Paradise 524 David Low Way 3 bed 1 bath 1 car Natasha Hackenberg 0401 601 691 Palmview 46 Tranquillity Way 3 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am 28 Greenhaven Drive 4 bed 3 bath 4 car Sat 1-1:30pm 22 Moorhern Street 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 1-1:30pm 10 Amber Place 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 3-3:30pm 28 Greenhaven Drive 4 bed 3 bath 4 car Wed 24th 5:30-6pm Palmwoods 16 Primrose Court 3 bed 1 bath 2 car Sat 9:30-10am 146-148 Woombye Palmwoods Road 3 bed 2 bath 4 car Sat 10:30-11am 38 Paskins Road 7 bed 4 bath 7 car Sat 12:30-1pm 25 Old Orchard Drive 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 1:30-2pm Parrearra 2 An gua Court 5 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 10-10:30am Rosemount 199 Panorama Drive 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Sat 12:30-1pm Warana 17 Coonang Crescent 3 bed 1 bath 2 car Sat 12:30-1pm 253 Nicklin Way 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Adam Budd 0411 808 595 7 Langura Street 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Will Van den Dungen 0438 130 188 Woombye 30A Kiel Mountain Road 6 bed 4 bath 7 car Sat 9:15-9:45am Wurtulla 10 Chine Place 4 bed 2 bath 2 car Adam Budd 0411 808 595 Please call the agent for details to register for online and in room auctions. Beerwah 5439 0300 Bli Bli 5450 8111 Buderim 5445 6088 Caloundra 5491 5055 Golden Beach 5492 2100 Kawana 5354 6012 Maroochydore 5443 2000 Mooloolaba 5444 3455 Mooloolah Valley 5306 1700 Mountain Creek 5477 7600 Nambour 5354 6000 Pelican Waters 5343 6900 this week’s auctions this week’s open homes & private inspections You are welcome to attend our open homes or please call the agent to arrange your private inspection or virtual tour.
from 5pm
ffice Registra on from 1:30pm 6182 Burrum Crescent, Nirimba Dallas Foster 0426 817 163 Sat, 20 Aug, 2:30pm In Rooms, Ray White Buderim Office Registra on from 2pm 7741 Cocos Crescent, Banya Dallas Foster 0426 817 163 Sat, 20 Aug, 3pm Open from 2:30pm 22 Royal Drive, Buderim Lew Po nger 0419 788 547 Judy Wild 0419 798 905 Wed, 24 Aug, 5pm Sold prior to auction 39 Ferguson Avenue, Buderim Lew Po nger 0419 788 547 Judy Wild 0419 798 905 Thurs, 25 Aug, 5pm Open from 4:30pm 6/158 Mooloolaba Road, Buderim Gregory Ward 0497 659 029 Online Auc on - register from 4:30pm 405/3 Meta Street, Mooloolaba Steven Allen 0416 110 918 James Goldsworthy 0400 635 141 Thurs, 25 Aug, 5:30pm Online Auc on - register from 5pm 12/14-16 River Esplanade, Mooloolaba Steven Allen 0416 110 918 James Goldsworthy 0400 635 141
2/26 Amaroo Drive, Buderim Lew Po nger 0419 788 547 Judy Wild 0419 798 905
Thurs, 18 Aug, 4:30pm Thurs, 18 Aug 5:30pm Open 13/5 Forest Park Street, Meridan Plains Jus n Wijaya 0479 135 990 Sat, 20 Aug, 9:45am Open from 9:15am 30A Kiel Mountain Road, Woombye Adam Budd 0411 808 595 Sat, 20 Aug, 10am Open from 9:30am 6 Avocet Street, Forest Glen Gregory Ward 0497 659 029 Open from 9:30am 12 Maltman Street North, Moffat Beach Dan McNamara 0458 010 889 Luke Dunbar 0435 371 887 Sat, 20 Aug, 10am Open from 9:30am 26 Wavell Street, Golden Beach Ray Daniels 0408 819 276 Linda Daniels 0412 072 805 Sat, 20 Aug, 11am Open from 10:30am 146-148 Woombye Palmwoods Road, ChevonnePalmwoodsRees 0473 810 820 Open from 10:30am 3 Triumph Street, Bir nya Dan McNamara 0458 010 889 Luke Dunbar 0435 371 887 Sat, 20 Aug, 12pm Open from 11:30am 11 Balemo Street, Minyama Brent Higgins 0414 775 133 Sat, 20 Aug, 1pm Open from 12:30pm 199 Panorama Drive, Rosemount Mitch Rowe 0418 456 176 Open from 12:30pm 3/2-6 Douglas Street, Mooloolaba Steven Allen 0416 110 918 Open from 12:30pm 17 Coonang Crescent, Warana Adam Budd 0411 808 595 Sat, 20 Aug, 2pm Open from 1:30pm 18 Elizamay Close, Buderim Kathryn Willshire 0437 434 648 Open from 1:30pm 51 Paddington Circuit, Baringa Peter King 0408 798 346 In Rooms, Ray White Buderim O
5pm Open from
6 PROPERTIES WILL GO UNDER THE HAMMER Join us at our next Ray White Caloundra 5491 5055 | AUCTION EVENT Sunshine Coast Function Centre 19 West Terrace (Caloundra RSL), Caloundra THURSDAY, 8 SEPTEMBER, 11AM 2/13 Wilson Avenue, Dicky Beach Andrew Garland 0403 851 777 2 2 1 8 Upper Gay Terrace, Kings Beach Natascha Drexel-Munro 0410 081 970 Carola Drexel 0417 608 466 7 2 2 10 Roslin Street, Moffat Beach Andrew Garland 0403 851 777 3 2 2 23 Saltair Street, Kings Beach Natascha Drexel-Munro 0410 081 970 Carola Drexel 0417 608 466 5 2 4 15 Fairlie Crescent, Moffat Beach Andrew Garland 0403 851 777 4 3 4 33/1 Raleigh Street, Golden Beach Ray Daniels 0408 819 276 Linda Daniels 0412 072 805 3 2 2

Unit 2/13 Wilson Avenue, Dicky Beach Act quickly to secure this beautiful absolute beachfront apartment, blessed with rare beachfront privacy, situated in Caloundra’s most sought-after address. • Small complex of three units sharing 607m2 absolute beachfront land • Beautiful apartment with ocean and beach views with direct beach access • Large master bedroom with ensuite, ducted air conditioning throughout • Remote lockable garage with direct access to the apartment for added security • A short stroll to cafés, restaurants and the beach Auc on In SunshineRooms Coast Function Centre 19 West Terrace, Caloundra Thurs, 8 Sept, 11am View Fri & Sat 1-1:30pm Andrew Garland 0403 851 777 Auction 2 2 1

54 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 16 Wian Street, Prime Central Buderim • Much prized ‘On Top’ position • Affordable family home ready to add value • Easy to manage 809 sqm level site • Dual living opportunity • Ideal home business base • Walk to Buderim Mountain Primary School Auc on On Sat,site3Sept, 11am View Thurs, 18 Aug, 1-1:45pm Sat, 20 Aug, 11-11:45am Robert Horne 0429 508 705 Sally Horne 0409 561 638 Auction 6 2 3 1 747 ‘High View’ Diddillibah Road, Diddillibah • 6001m2 block with potential to build a second dwelling • Dual living set over two levels with perfect separation • Four bedrooms plus a study with northerly aspect with amazing views • Inground pool and spa • 8 car garaging with three phase power and workshop • Half size tennis court or perfect pad for the kids to ride their scooters or kick a ball • Short 10 min drive to the beach, Maroochydore CBD & 5 mins to Bli Bli village Auc on On Sat,site27 Aug, 11am View Sat, 20 Aug, 11-11:30am Natalie Sinclair 0408 439 147 Mitch Sinclair 0439 206 626 Auction 4 2 8 1 1 My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 1 Melaleuca Avenue, Buderim’s Best Buy • Entry level buyers, first home, renovators • Neat and tidy, needs some TLC • 822m2 block, north facing • Walk to Coles and IGA • 10 minutes to beach & Maroochy CBD Auc on On Sat,site27 Aug, 10am View Sat, 20 Aug, 10-10:30am Mitch Rowe 0418 456 176 Auction 3 1 2 199 Panorama Drive, Value, Affordable, Immaculate • Big living, 3 bedrooms upstairs • 2nd living, workshop downstairs • Huge covered deck, huge fenced backyard • Legal height, potential dual living • Private gardens, feels like acreage Auc on On Sat,site20 Aug, 1pm View Sat, 20 Aug, 12:30-1pm Mitch Rowe 0418 456 176 4 2 2 Auction this weekend 2 Mount Coolum Close, Maroochy River Spectacular panoramic coastal views from the comfort of your deck chair you can watch the Maroochy River wind its way to the Pacific Ocean. The panorama takes you from Maroochydore to Maleny. An immaculately maintained low set brick home on 5,000m2 near the top of Mt Ninderry between Noosa and Maroochydore. Auc on On Sat,site3Sept, 4pm View Thurs, 18 Aug, 11-11:30am Sat, 20 Aug, 11-11:30am Judy Wild 0419 798 905 Lew Po nger 0419 788 547 Auction 3 2 4 1

The Beach House Marcoola, 2 Taylor Street AUCTION OPEN HOME: Saturday 20th August 10-10.30am VIEW AT: at 10am AGENT: Brooke Hade 0481 858 4213531 Situated confidently in the unbeatable location of Marcoola and within a short stroll to Mudjimba, two of Sunshine Coast’s pristine beaches just footsteps away from unspoilt vast stretches of white sand and surf in a family friendly community. • 4 generous rooms with light and bright coastal finishes • Multiple living areas with a large expansive kitchen and benchtop space • Alfresco area and second entertainment deck plus pool area with plenty of space • 8.1 Kw solar electricity • Fully fenced with remote controlled gate • Water tank for outdoor gardens and pool • Split system air-conditioning • The pinnacle of family living from the inside out Location is Everything! Massive Block in Mooloolaba Mooloolaba, 3 Applegin Court AUCTION OPEN HOME: Thursday 18th August 4-4.30pm & Saturday 20th August 12.30-1pm VIEW AT: at 1pm AGENT: Matt Dellow 0435 403 4222361 As soon as you arrive at this property in this quiet and peaceful cul-de-sac you instantly feel like your home. Set on a massive 858sqm block, this property will be sure to impress any family, couple or investor looking for that perfect piece of magic. • 4 generous size bedrooms with built ins • Large ensuite & walk in robe to main bedroom • 2 living areas with separate dining • Double garage with remote & internal access • Within Mountain Creek & Mooloolaba State School zone • North facing with loads of natural light • 3.6x6 shed & side access for boat or caravan • Fully fenced yard with ample space for a pool AUCTIONSATURDAY

Spacious Top Floor Apartment With Private Rooftop Terrace Maroochydore, 13/1 Mai Street OPEN HOME: Saturday 20th August 1-1.30pm VIEW AT: PRICE: AGENT:$1,300,000GregTurnbull 0499 455 3222574 Immaculate in presentation and spacious in design, this three bedroom (or two plus second living area), two bathroom, two car apartment ticks all the boxes. Set on the gorgeous Maroochy River, minutes to everything the Sunshine Coast has to offer. • Spacious living area which flows out onto the wrap around balcony • Incredible North-East facing rooftop terrace with spectacular river views • Functional modern kitchen with plenty of bench space and cupboard storage • Separate private closed-off study • Master bedroom with generous walk-in robe and modern ensuite • 125m2 of private outdoor living to enjoy the sun all day round • 2 car secure tandem parking (one spot is currently configured to be storage) • Fully secured complex fitted with lift access & sparkling pool on the first floor

Mooloolaba, 14/22 Meta Street AUCTION
Mooloolaba, 5/20 Burnett Street AUCTION
AGENT: Ross Cattle 0410 625 758
OPEN HOME: Contact Agent VIEW AT: at 12pm
VIEW AT: at 5pm AGENT: Grant Whisker 0415 856 575
Parrearra, 2 Lanai Close AUCTION
Perfect Family Home or Investment in Central Location!
OPEN HOME: Saturday 20th August 3-3.30pm VIEW AT: at 12pm
Registered Land Across From Tranquil Nature Reserve! Palmview, 23 Felicity Way AUCTION
OPEN HOME: Thursday 18th August 12-12.30pm & Saturday 20th August 11.30am-12pm VIEW AT: at 12pm AGENT: Grant Whisker 0415 856 575
LAND: 322m2
This gorgeous family home is located in a quiet cul-de-sac in a beautiful tree-lined street and adjacent to the walkway through to the canal. The home is an entertainer’s dream consisting of open plan living and dining, an effortlessly integrated kitchen, three good sized bedrooms and two bathrooms making this a practical family home, without compromising on style and comfort. This is the perfect first home or an investor’s dream, located close to shops, schools and an easy drive to the beautiful beaches of the Sunshine Coast. 3212
A Renovated Delight Located only 200m from Mooloolaba Beach!
A Quaint Oceanic Lifestyle Featuring a Private Rooftop Terrace!
Freshly renovated living, contemporary finishings, along with charm and location, complete with a private rooftop terrace perfect for the entertainer. We welcome Apartment 14/22 Meta Street to the market. Oozing style and comfort, Apartment 14 is located at the top of the Admirals Court complex and covers a total of 176m2, with only a short 300m stroll away from stunning Mooloolaba beach! Will suit whether you’re looking to owner occupy or for an investment property to add to your portfolio. This property will always be in high demand as a holiday rental or with permanent tenants. 2212
Welcome to Mainsail Mooloolaba, a boutique complex comprising of only 10 apartments in absolute location excellence. Positioned on the corner of Burnett and Hancock Street and only a short 200m stroll to magnificent Mooloolaba beach at the end of the street. Apartment 5/20 Burnett Street is situated on the second level of the building, presenting 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms covering 129m2. Walk into this freshly renovated apartment, offering open plan living, dining and kitchen all naturally sun-lit. A prospect such as 5/20 Burnett Street won’t last long. 3211
No need to wait for Council registration, this lot is ready to build on today! Positioned on a quiet street across from peaceful bushlands, 23 Felicity Way is the blank canvas you’ve been looking for to build the home of your dreams. Situated in the Tranquillity Release of the master-plan development, this northfacing 322m2 parcel of land borders existing bushlands for a peaceful surround and leafy outlook. Felicity Way is located on the edge of the estate closest to Sippy Downs, with established walking and bike paths making this a prime location for your family.
OPEN HOME: Friday 19th August 12-12.30pm
AGENT: Amber Tucker 0478 700 644

Total Penthouse Opulence over Two Levels - Oceans Mooloolaba Beach! Mooloolaba, 1003/101-105 Mooloolaba Esplanade AUCTION OPEN HOME: Thursday 18th August 5-5.30pm VIEW AT: at 10am AGENT: Grant Whisker 0415 856 2211575 Magnificent Penthouse living spread over two levels on the 10th floor with an exclusive rooftop terrace. Welcome to apartment 1003 in Oceans Mooloolaba Beach - everything you have been looking for in a luxury Coastal lifestyle escape. Consisting of 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms on the lower level and a sensational private rooftop terrace above, providing 185m2 of living extravagance! • North facing on the Penthouse level • 180 views from Point Cartwright to Noosa • Private rooftop terrace featuring BBQ and lounge area with private hot tub • Total of 185m2 • Open plan living and dining space • Quality fixtures and fittings • Ducted air conditioning throughout • Fantastic investment potential An Idyllic Oceanfront Lifestyle Awaits! Mooloolaba, 93/13 Mooloolaba Esplanade AUCTION OPEN HOME: Friday 19th August 1-1.30pm & Saturday 20th August 9.30-10am VIEW AT: at 10am AGENT: Grant Whisker 0415 856 3211575 Welcome to Apartment 93 in the magnificent Peninsular Beachfront Resort, located directly opposite the steps to the beach on the edge of the Mooloolaba Esplanade. North facing, immaculately kept and an absolute beachfront position, all that’s left for you to do is relax and enjoy. • 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms covering a total of 119m2 on the 8th floor • Open plan living and dining area with a well-appointed kitchen • Stunning water views and cool sea breezes • Main king size bedroom features its own ensuite bathroom • All 3 bedrooms are carpeted with air conditioning and ceiling fans • Fully furnished • Car space in the secured basement area along with a storage room • Absolute beachfront location AUCTIONSATURDAY

60 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 PROPERTY From page 40 THE ULTIMATE IN FAMILY LIVING This is the acreage opportunity you have been waiting for. At approximately $1 million below replacement value to rebuild new, this exceptionally large, tri-level mansion is move-in ready with potential to personalise. Reap the benefits of purchasing this home at a once-in-alifetime price point, representing the best value acreage on the Sunshine Coast. Boasting a grand appeal, this expansive Tanawha residence is positioned in an elevated court location in an exclusive acreage enclave. Constructed to an immense proportion, the sheer size of this residence epitomizes family living of epic appeal. 7 ANNA TANAWHACLOSE, 5 bed, 4 bath, 4 car $1,695,000 Century 21 Grant Smith Property 07 5445 8505 Grant Smith or Darren Martens 0410 21 21 21 AUTO ➤ CONCRETE SERVICES ➤ HANDY WOMEN ➤ DRIVEWAY CLEANING ➤ DOG WALKER ➤ TRADES & SERVICES HOME HANDYMAN ➤ CALL FRASER 0434 685 009 07) 5456 Domestic & DECORATIVESpecialisingCommercialin&STENCILLEDCONCRETEDRIVEWAYSPATHWAYSSLABS Plain & Exposed Aggregate Decorative Seamless Flooring Concrete Cleaning & Resealing Phone Darren 0418 157 livingstoneconcrete@hotmail.com998A/H54967155 QBCC Lic No. 700727 FREE QUOTES & ADVICE p. 0417 709 182 e. NAMBOURSERVICESHANDYMAN Willem Lombard 0435 576 822 QBCC rules apply We Love the Jobs You Hate! Servicing Nambour and overcommunitiesneighbouringalltrades. Member Dog Walkerand Pet Minder Cotton Tree Available 7 days Contact Greg 0416 463 017 Phone Peter for a quote 0466 557 255 JUST PRESSUREDRIVEWAYSCLEANING Chemical free!! FROM $35 WAYSNG It’s nice to come home to a driveway!clean Sunshine Coast Car Buyers NEED TO SELL??? Your Car or Commercial If you have a surplus vehicle, can no longer drive or going O/S maybe I can help. NO RWC needed & I come to you! NO waiting around for people who don’t turn up. I’m a local motor dealer with 40 years experience. Call if you think I can help. Steve 0407 788 999 NO Obligation - LMD

 My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS GROUT CLEANING & RESTORATION ➤ SECURITY ➤ GARDEN SERVICES ➤ RUBBISH REMOVAL ➤ SCREENS, BLINDS & SHUTTERS ➤ CABINET RESTORATION ➤ ELECTRICIAN ➤ BUILDER ➤ PLUMBING ➤ PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ➤ Ph: 0413 178 791 Call for a FREE No Obligation Quote Car Framing/Construction/DecksPorts&Pergolas Plastering HardRenovationsWorking & Reliable Experienced in Modern Architecture & Design Quote & 15049318QBCCCall for a FREE consultation Enrico 0451 717 076 PAINTING & DECORATING SAVE $$ NOW Cabinetry Repainting Give your kitchen & bathroom a new lease of life at half the price of replacing new cabinets. • Gloss hand painted - No spray • Painted Onsite • Over 30 years of Master Painter Experience • Exterior & Interior restorations • Domestic & Commercial • Lawns • Gardens • Pressure Cleaning • Soft Washing RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 0402 630 365 /jacksonandgoodmanpropertyupkeep Looking after your assets 2-GO RUBBISH CLUTTER CLEARED 0477 772 138 For Good Service & FREE Quote CALL NOW! Monday - Friday 6am - 6pm Saturday morning by arrangement Clear-Space!! Fridges • Beds • Lounges etc. NO CALL OUT FEE Hot Water Systems, Taps Toilets Water MaintenanceGasfittingFilters Work Water Leaks & Detection CALL FRASER 0434 685 009 07) 5456 15049318 MICK PLUMBINGBURKECommercial&ResidentialBlockedDrains•LeakingTaps•HotWaterUnits•Renovations24hrMaintenance Quality Service - Affordable Price 0407 738 025 Lic No 19698QBCC 1162630 Sick of Scrubbing with NO RESULT? Have your Tiles, Grout & Hard Surfaces Restored to Perfection GUARANTEED!! Leaking Shower Solutions Silicone Seal Replacement Slippery Surface Treatment Tile, Grout, Stone & Hard Surface Cleaning & Sealing Epoxy Grouting & Tile Re-Grouting Glass Restoration & Glass Protection Low Cost Shower Restorations For a FREE Quote Call 1800 959 697 Ask us about our Stain Free Grout Option s Terry Healion Licensed Electrical Contractor Lic: 36780 30 Years Experience tor Locally owned, meaning the person you speak to is the person doing your work. Prompt & friendly service. Servicing Caloundra to Maroochy and West to the Ranges. Specialising in: Household Repairs • Installations • Lights • Fans Power Points • Safety Switches SENIOR and PENSIONER Card holders discount. Eftpos | Credit Card Available 0432 278 487 | 07 5353 24/7 Emergency Service Services include: ● Electrical Health Reports ● All types of Electrical Work ● Lifetime Workmanship Warranty Local Electrician Old fashion values, modern day solutions Senior’s Discounts available Stirling Charlish Ph: 0403 428 922 E: (07) 5493 5077 or 0417 640 758 WAHOO PLUMBING ALL PLUMBING DRAINS & GAS OWNERSHIPUNDERNEWRHIPP 25 SUNSHINEONYEARSTHECOAST ToiletsTaps & Vanity basins L.P.G. gas, full installations Cooktops, BBQ points, heater points Emergency repairs All hot water systems replace/repair Gutters, downpipes All filtered/chilled/boiling systems installed Blocked drains cleaned & repaired Licensed & insured Member of the Master Plumbers Association We deconstruct and take away old solar power systems cheaply Call 0419 991 557 POWERSOLAR DISCOUNT SALE 6.6KW from $3,290 Secure cost-free electricity with a choice of affordable night batteries. GARDENINGJOSH’SSERVICES Garden Services Lawn & Hedge Cutting Planting & Weeding General Maintenance Certified Horticulturalist 0435 764 233 @joshs_gardens Trustworthy, friendly, hard working gardener. Specialising in working with over 55’s. No job is too small. ✓✓ ✓✓ Covering the Coast from Caloundra to Gympie Book your free quote today! SECURITYAWNINGSSHUTTERSBLINDSCURTAINSSCREENS Phone 5327 3414 Visit our 100m2 interactive AUSTRALIANMADE QUALITY SCREENS & CURTAINS AT GREAT PRICES A1 PROPERTYSERVICESCARE Contact Rob 0401 655 011 FREE QUOTES! GARDENMOWING LANDSCAPINGHANDYMANMAINTENANCE A1 Own ABN. Fully Insured

6pm The Drum. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 Gardening Australia. 8.30 Baptiste. (M) Julien Baptiste travels to Hungary. 9.30 Doc Martin. (PG) 10.20 News. 10.35 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (M) 6pm Seven Local News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 8.30 MOVIE Father Of The Bride Part II. (1995) (G) Steve Martin, Diane Keaton. A father is troubled by his daughter’s pregnancy. 10.45 To Be Advised. 6pm Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round23. Brisbane Broncos v Melbourne Storm. From Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane. 9.55 Golden Point. 10.35 MOVIE Snowpiercer. (2013) (MA15+) Chris Evans. 6.30pm The Project. A look at the day’s news and events. 7.30 The Living Room. Amanda Keller visits Robertson’s Big Potato. 8.30 To Be Advised. 10.30 Just For Laughs Australia. (M) 11.00 Just For Laughs Australia. (MA15+) 11.30 The Project. 6.30pm News. 7.35 Lost Treasures Of Ancient Rome. (PG) 8.30 Ross Kemp: Shipwreck Treasure Hunter: Kaiser’s Sunken Fleet, The. (M) Part 2 of 4. 9.25 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys: Scotland. (PG) 10.15 SBS News. 6.10pm Extraordinary Escapes: Jessica Hynes. (PG) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 Grantchester. (M) There is a murder at a local old folks’ home. 8.20 Endeavour. (M) Part 3 of 3.
9.50 MOVIE Here Out West. (2022) (M) Genevieve Lemon. A desperate grandmother kidnaps a baby. 6pm Seven News. 7.00 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 7.30 MOVIE Thor: Ragnarok. (2017) (M) Chris Hemsworth. Thor’s longlost sister Hela returns. 10.15 MOVIE X-Men: Days Of Future Past. (2014) (M) Hugh Jackman. 6pm Nine News Saturday. 7.00 Rugby League. NRL. Round23. Sydney Roosters v Wests Tigers. From the SCG. 9.30 NRL Saturday Night Footy 9.50Post-Match.MOVIEBe Cool. (2005) (M) John Travolta, Uma Thurman. A former mobster enters the music industry. 6pm Luxury Escapes. 6.30 Wildlife Rescue Australia. (PG) 7.30 The Dog House Australia. (PG) Narrated by Dr Chris Brown. 9.30 Ambulance. (M) A burglar breaks his leg. 10.30 To Be Advised. 11.30 NCIS. (M) 6.30pm News. 7.35 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys. (PG) 8.30 Secrets Of The Tower Of London. (PG) Takes a look at the Tower of London. 9.25 Gone Fishing With Mortimer & Whitehouse. (M) 6.30pm Compass. (PG) 7.00 ABC News Sunday. 7.40 Spicks And Specks. (PG) Hosted by Adam Hills. 8.30 Vera. (PG) A local GP is murdered. 10.05 Miniseries: The War Of The Worlds. (M) 11.00 The Capture. (M) 6pm Seven News. 7.00 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) 8.30 7NEWS Spotlight. Takes a look at an investigation. 9.30 Homicide: With Ron Iddles: Gary Adams. (M) Former detective Ron Iddles helps a mother. 10.35 Undercurrent: Real Murder Investigation. (M) 6pm Nine News Sunday. 7.00 The Block. (PG) 8.30 60 Minutes. Current affairs program. 9.30 Nine News Late. 10.00 After The Verdict. (M) 11.00 Suspect Number 1: Violent Strangers. (M) 11.50 First Responders. (M) 6.30pm The Sunday Project. 7.30 The Masked Singer Australia. Hosted by Osher Günsberg. 8.30 NCIS: Hawai’i. (M) A navy engineer’s death is investigated. 9.30 FBI. (M) The son of a retired FBI agent is kidnapped. 11.30 The Sunday Project. 6.30pm SBS World News. 7.30 Nazis, Treasures And The Quest For Celts. (PG) Presented by Ardal O’Hanlon. 8.30 Revealed: The Hunt For Bin Laden. (M) A look at the hunt for Osama bin Laden. 10.05 Curse Of King Tut. (PG) A look at Tutankhamun’s tomb. 7pm ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Great Landscapes.Southern (PG) 8.30 Australia’s Favourite Tree. Part 2 of 2. 9.30 Science Of Drugs With Richard Roxburgh: Medicinal Mindbenders. (MA15+) 6pm Seven Local News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) Hosted by Manu Feildel and Matt Preston. 9.00 Harry Palmer: The Ipcress File. (M) Harry and Jean head to Beirut. 11.20 The Latest: Seven News. 11.50 Celebrity Obsessed. (MA15+) 6pm Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 The Hundred With Andy Lee. 9.40 My Feet Are Killing Me. (M) 10.40 Nine News Late. 11.10 Law & Order: Organized Crime. (MA15+) 11.55 Game Of Silence. (M) 6.30pm The Project. 7.30 The Masked Singer Australia. 8.30 The Cheap Seats. (M) Presented by Melanie Bracewell and Tim McDonald. 9.30 NCIS. (M) The team pursues a dangerous arms dealer. 10.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 11.30 The Project. 6pm The Cook Up. (PG) 6.30 News. 7.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys. (PG) 8.30 Insight. Presented by Kumi Taguchi. 9.30 Dateline: Love And Race In South Africa. 10.00 SBS News. 6pm The Drum. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG) 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (M) Hosted by Shaun Micallef. 9.00 Aftertaste. (M) 9.30 Win The Week. (PG) 10.00 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 6pm Seven Local News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) Hosted by Manu Feildel and Matt Preston. 9.10 Martin Clunes: Islands Of The Pacific: South West Pacific. (PG) Part 2 of 3. 10.20 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 6pm Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 After The Verdict. (M) Clara investigates a new suspect. 9.40 Family Law. (M) Abigail defends a gaming addict. 10.40 Nine News Late. 11.10 Chicago Med. (MA15+) 6.30pm The Project. 7.30 Shaun Micallef’s Brain Eisteddfod. Quiz show featuring schools. 8.30 Ghosts. (PG) Sasappis divulges a secret. 9.30 Bull. (M) Bull and Benny defend an estranged couple. 11.30 The Project. 6pm The Cook Up. (PG) 6.30 News. 7.35 Tony Robinson’s History Of Britain. (PG) 8.30 Secret Scotland: Galloway And The South. (PG) Susan Calman heads to Galloway. 9.20 The Stranger. (MA15+) 10.20 SBS News. 6pm The Drum. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Foreign Correspondent. 8.30 Q+A. Public affairs program. 9.35 Courtney Act’s One Plus One. 10.05 ABC Late News. 10.20 The Business. 10.35 Australia’s Favourite Tree. 6pm Seven Local News. 6.30 News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 Home And Away. 8.30 Crime Investigation Australia: Almost A Perfect Murder – Bill And Pam. (MA15+) A look at the murders of the Weightmans. 9.50 Police Strike Force. (M) 6pm Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round24. Brisbane Broncos v Parramatta Eels. From Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane. 9.50 Thursday Night Knock Off. Post-match NRL news and analysis. 10.35 Nine News Late. 11.05 The Equalizer. (MA15+) 6.30pm The Project. 7.30 The Dog House Australia. (PG) 8.30 Gogglebox Australia. (M) Opinionated viewers discuss TV shows. 9.30 Law & Order: SVU. (M) 10.30 To Be Advised. 11.30 The Project. 6pm The Cook Up. (PG) 6.30 News. 7.30 World’s Most Scenic River Journeys. (PG) 8.30 Scotland’s Sacred Islands With Ben Fogle: Northern Outer Hebrides. Part 3 of 4. 9.30 Suspect. (MA15+) 7pm ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Back Roads. 8.30 Four Corners. Investigative journalism program. 9.20 Media Watch. (PG) 9.35 China Tonight. 10.05 News. 10.20 The Business. 6pm Seven Local News. 6.30 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 My Kitchen Rules. (PG) Hosted by Manu Feildel and Matt Preston. 9.00 9-1-1: Lone Star. (M) Owen has a breakthrough in therapy. 10.00 S.W.A.T. (M) 11.00 The Latest: Seven News. 6pm Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 Emergency. (M) Andrew treats a young footballer. 9.40 100% Footy. (M) Features the latest rugby league news. 10.40 Nine News Late. 11.10 Fortunate Son. (M) 6.30pm The Project. 7.30 The Masked Singer Australia. Hosted by Osher Günsberg. 8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) Hosted by Tom Gleisner. 9.30 The Bridge Australia. Twelve strangers try to build a bridge. 11.00 The Project. 6pm The Cook Up. (PG) 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Saving Lives At Sea. (M) 8.35 DNA Family Secrets. (PG) Stacey Dooley meets Liverpoolborn Maureen. 9.40 24 Hours In Emergency: Everybody Needs Somebody. (M) 10.35 SBS News.
Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the networks.1908 YOUR PRIME TIME TV GUIDE TV GUIDE AnBELLISSIMO!!!!ItalianFeastawaits you Enjoy a taste of Italy at Twin Waters Golf Club! Italian Buffet Feast includes main courses & desserts SUNDAY AUGUST 28 FROM 12PM Adults $38. Children $20. Children Under 5 Free CIAO BELLA! 151 Ocean Drive, Twin Waters Tel. 5457 2444 Email
62 Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022

ABC PLUS (CH22) 7TWO (CH72) 7MATE (CH74) 9GO! (CH82) 9GEM (CH81) BOLD (CH53) PEACH (CH52)
in the water TV GUIDE Looking for the latest information on retirement living? Visit On display will be the latest resort style developments as well as established villages from different organisations. All offering a wide range of services & facilities, sizes, prices and locations, all under one roof. Sunday 21st & Monday 22nd August 2022 Maroochy RSL Club (Memorial Ave, Maroochydore) 10am-3pm both days | Free The Sunshine Coast Retirement Village & Resort Expo for the On be offe MaroochySundayRS10amADMISSIONFREE missDon’tthischanginglifeevent!
9.30 American Pickers.
7.30 MOVIE Tomb
7.30pm Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PG) 8.00 Art Works. (PG) 8.30 Civilisations. (PG) 9.30 Great Landscapes.Southern(PG) CelebrationBeethovenBerlin. Talking Heads. 6.30pm Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG) 8.30 Lewis. (M) 10.30 Miniseries: Bancroft. (M) 11.30 Autopsy USA. (M) 6pm American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Family Guy. (M) 8.00 American Dad! (M) 8.30 MOVIE The Dark Knight Rises. (2012) (M) 11.50 Billy The Exterminator. 6pm 3rd Rock. (PG) 6.30 That ’70s Show. (PG) 7.00 Young Sheldon. (PG) 7.30 MOVIE The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) (M) 9.50 MOVIE Death Wish V. (1994) (MA15+) 11.50 Young Sheldon. 5.30pm Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 6.30pm Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 As Time Goes By. 8.10 As Time Goes By. (PG) 8.50 Midsomer Murders. (M) 10.50 Chicago Fire. (MA15+) 11.50 Footy Classified. 6.30pm MacGyver. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 8.30 Hawaii Five-0. (M) 10.20 Blood And Treasure. (M) 11.15 Evil. (MA15+) 6pm Friends. (PG) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG) Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Spicks And Specks. 8.30 Would I Lie To You? 9.00 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. 9.30 Win The Week. 10.00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. 6.30pm Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Father Brown. (M) 8.30 Mysteries.Murdoch(M)11.30 Father Brown. (M) 6pm American Pickers. 7.00 AFL Women’s. Round1. Carlton v Collingwood. 9.00 Storage Wars. (PG) (PG) 3rd Rock. (PG) That ’70s (PG) Young Sheldon. (PG) Raider. (2018) (M) Species. (1995) (MA15+) Young Sheldon. Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 6.30pm Roadshow. RBT. (M) Paramedics. (M) 9.30 New Amsterdam. (M) 10.30 Law & Order: SVU. (MA15+) 11.30 House. (M) 6.30pm MacGyver. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 8.30 Bull. (M) 10.30 Elementary. (M) 11.30 48 Hours. (M) 6pm Friends. (PG) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Seinfeld. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 1908 My Weekly Preview (“MWP”) is locally owned by Sunshine Coast Alliance Publishing Ltd ACN 124 476 142 and is published by 20/20 Publishing Pty Ltd ACN 131 089 793 (the “Publisher”). The contents of MWP are subject to copyright. Reproduction in whole or in part without the written permission of the Publisher is prohibited. The publication of editorial in MWP does not necessarily constitute endorsement of the views or opinions expressed by the Publisher. The Publisher does not accept responsibility for statements made by advertisers. All prices in MWP are correct as at the time of printing but are subject to change. Refusal to publish in print and or online The Publisher reserves the right to and may without prior notice refuse to publish; or cease to publish any advertising material in print and or online or inserted within the without providing a reason. MWP’s man
7.30pm Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Hard Quiz. 8.30 (MA15+)Booksmart.MOVIE(2019)
10.30 Restoration.American 11.30 Desert Collectors. 6pm
10.10 Doctor Who. 10.55 QI. 11.25 Red Dwarf. 11.55 Ross Noble: Stand Up Series. 6.30pm Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Border Security: Int. (PG) 8.30 Escape To The Country. 9.30 Billy Connolly: Great American Trail. (PG) 10.40 My Impossible House. (PG) 11.45 Border Security. (PG) 6pm American Pickers. 7.00 AFL: Friday Night Countdown. 7.30 Football. LionsRound23.AFL.BrisbanevMelbourne. 10.30 AFL Post-Game. 11.30 MOVIE CHiPs. (2017) (MA15+) 7.30pm MeanGirls.MOVIE(2004) (M) Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams, Lacey Chabert. 9.30 MOVIE The DUFF. (2015) (M) Mae Whitman, Bella Thorne. 11.30 Up All Night. (M) 5.30pm Murder, She Wrote. 6.30pm Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Country House Hunters Australia. 8.00 Country House Hunters Australia. 8.30 MOVIE The Green Mile. (1999) (MA15+) 6.30pm MacGyver. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 8.30 Blue Bloods. (M) 10.20 Evil. (MA15+) 11.15 Star Trek: Discovery. (M) 6pm Friends. (PG) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Mom. (PGC) 10.30 Charmed. (PG) 11.30 Frasier. (PG) 7.30pm Spicks And Specks. 8.00 QI. 8.30 Live From The BBC. 9.20 The Stand Up Sketch Show 9.45 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 10.10 Would I Lie To You? 10.40 Doctor Who. 6.30pm The Yorkshire Vet. (PG) 7.30 The Yorkshire Vet. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 11.30 The Yorkshire Vet. (PG) 6.30pm Pre-Game.AFL7.00 Football. Round23.AFL.Essendon v Richmond. 10.30 AFL Post-Game. 11.00 Hardcore Pawn. 12am MOVIE Bullets For The Dead. (2015) (MA15+) 7.30pm MOVIE King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword. (2017) (M) Charlie Hunnam, Astrid Bergès-Frisbey, Jude Law. 10.00 MOVIE Gods Of Egypt. (2016) (M) Nikolaj CosterWaldau. 5pm Khartoum.MOVIE(1966) (G) 7.30pm MOVIE Four Weddings And A Funeral. (1994) (M) 9.55 MOVIE Two Weeks Notice. (2002) (PG) 11.55 Killer Couples. (M) 6.30pm Scorpion. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 8.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 10.20 Blood And Treasure. (M) 11.15 48 Hours. (M) 6pm The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 10.15 Friends. (PG) 7.30pm Compass. 8.00 You Can’t Ask That. 8.40 Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail. 9.40 Australia’s Favourite Tree. 10.40 Civilisations. 11.40 MOVIE Booksmart. (2019) (MA15+) 6pm Cities Of The Underworld. (PG) 7.00 Border Security. (PG) 8.30 Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railways. (PG) 9.30 Mighty Trains. (PG) 10.30 Train Truckers. (PG) 11.30 Heathrow. (PG) 6pm American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 MOVIE Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1. (2010) (PG) 9.50 MOVIE Ender’s Game. (2013) (M) Butterfield.Asa12.10am The Sunday Session. 7.30pm Oblivion.MOVIE(2013) (M) Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Kurylenko.Olga9.55 MOVIE Aeon Flux. (2005) (M) Charlize Theron. 11.40 Rise. (M) 6pm Rugby League. NRL BrisbaneNewcastlePremiership.Women’sRound1.KnightsvBroncos.8pm To Be Advised. 11.00 Chicago Fire. (MA15+) 6pm Bondi Rescue. (PG) 6.30 MacGyver. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 10.20 48 Hours. (M) 11.15 Star Trek: Discovery. (M) 6pm The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.40 The Big Bang Theory. (M) 8.05 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 10.30 Ghosts. (PG) 11.30 Friends. 7.30pm Attenborough’sDavid First Life. 8.30 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces. 9.15 Restoration Australia. 10.15 Catalyst. 11.15 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 6.30pm Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. (M) 8.30 A Touch Of Frost. (PG) 10.15 Confessions.Criminal(M)11.15 Autopsy USA. (M) 6pm American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Full Custom Garage. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE Die Hard 2. (1990) (M) Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia. 11.00 MOVIE The Towering Inferno. (1974) (PG) 6pm 3rd Rock. (PG) 6.30 That ’70s Show. (PG) 7.00 Young Sheldon. (PG) 7.30 RBT. (M) 8.30 MOVIE The Rhythm Section. (2020) (MA15+) 10.40 Young Sheldon. 11.05 Up All Night. 5.30pm Murder, She Wrote. 6.30pm Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Death In Paradise. (M) 8.40 Miniseries: Agatha Christie’s The ABC Murders. (M) 10.40 Law & Order: S.V.U. 6.30pm MacGyver. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 10.20 Blue Bloods. (M) 6pm Friends. (PG) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Seinfeld. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 7.30pm Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 9.15 Friday Night Dinner. 9.40 Rosehaven. 10.05 Aftertaste. 10.35 Motherland. 6.30pm Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. (PG) 8.30 Judge John Deed. (M) 10.30 Wild Bill. (M) 11.30 Autopsy USA. (MA15+) 6pm American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 Outback Opal Hunters. (PG) 10.30 Jade Fever. (M) 11.30 Jade Fever. 12am LPL Pro. Clash Royale. ANZ Cup. 6pm 3rd Rock From The Sun. (PG) 6.30 That ’70s Show. (PG) 7.00 Young Sheldon. (PG) 7.30 JoelRoboCop.MOVIE(2014)(M)Kinnaman. 9.50 MOVIE RoboCop 2. (1990) (MA15+) 5.30pm Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 6.30pm Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 New Tricks. (M) 8.40 The Closer. (M) 9.40 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 10.40 Law & Order: S.V.U. (MA15+) 11.40 Chicago P.D. (MA15+) 6.30pm MacGyver. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 8.30 Bull. (PG) 9.25 Bull. (M) 10.20 48 Hours. (M) 6pm Friends. (PG) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 9.30 Mom. (M) 10.20 Mom. (PG) 11.10 Frasier. (PG)
63My Weekly Preview | August 18, 2022 Well, my surfing peeps, how good are these conditions? This weekend will be more of the same so head north and see if you can find some banks to yourself. Remember, we are heading towards 8 to 10 weeks of ugly NE winds with weak wind swell soon. So get up early and get as much as you can as the these conditions will not last. If you have time, grab a flight back to Indonesia as things are opening up.
9.45 MOVIE

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