Are You A Hedgehog Or A Fox

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Are You A Hedgehog Or A Fox Are you a fox or a hedgehog? A fox knows a whole lot of things but a hedgehog knows one big thing. In his book” Good To Great” Jim Collins introduced this business development strategy concept. The book has taken the world by storm and is a must read for anyone who wants to have a six or even an seven figure business. “The Hedgehog Concept” The story goes around that the fox is very conniving and smart and knows many things. It’s goal is to seize the hedgehog and he plans all the ways that he is going to do this. He’s going to surprise it, sneak up on it, come on it at nighttime, he’s going to dig up its hold and catch it. All these things he will do to get this hedgehog. The hedgehog, not as smart as the fox does not have as many ideas but it knows one thing and it does this very well. So, when the fox attacks the hedgehog says to its’self here we go again and curls up and puts out its spikes. The fox bite the hedgehog hurts its nose and goes running away howling at the top of its lungs. The next day the game starts all over. So, the question is are you a hedgehog or a Fox? Foxes chase many ends all at the same time. They are scattered or diffused at many levels. Hedgehog simplifies everything into one basic principle or concept that drives and unifies everything it does. So now we have three concentric circles that you will use in your business strategy. Number one is what you could be the best in the world at. Hedgehog concept is what you can do best or plan to be the best at. This is not an intention to be best or a goal to be best it is what you judge you can be best at. This means understanding the big picture and facing brutal facts saying” I can’t be best at that particular thing. I have to face the facts that this just does not come naturally to me.Other people find this very easy but i just don’t.That’s number one what you can be best at. Number two. What drives your economic engine. Here you understand that there need to be some economics involvedin your leadership strategies. Circle number three is what you are really passionate about. This means that if you were making all the money that you wanted doing this particular job you would wake up in the morning and say to yourself ” I can’t believe I’m making money doing something i would do even if it didn’t make me any money. If you are making monet right now and you cant say that , then you might have to face the facts that you need to find what it is that you are passionate about and then focus on different activities that ignite your passion. Before you review your business strategy be sure to read the book” Good to Great” by Jim Collins.

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