What To Do When Business Failure Looms
Business failure?
You’ve hit a brick wall and have lost direction completely. Business failure looms. You’re spinning your wheels and struggling to get through the days. We had all these objectives and set ourselves on a particular path, but we’ve made so many adjustments along the route that the goals no longer seem important. You don’t have any idea where to go from here. The world is full of people who have never succeeded at anything all because they did’nt have a plan B. Don’t be one of them. But you were certain. You’re sure that the plan was correct.You are not going to take responsibility for this error.The original plan took a surprise turn. OK, now may be the time to reassess your original plans. You’ve lost confidence now the plan has failed and feel paralysed and now you may see the influence of other people as weakness or worse a pollution of your own innate ability. This is nonsense. Nobody achieves anything without the assistance of others. Welcome and accept new perspectives on your plan. Accept graciously what is offered. You don’t have to accept every suggestion offered just listen seriously and weigh up your options. Right now you may be at your lowest point. You are feeling an absense of reserves whether time , capital or most importantly of you energy. This as a dangerous place to be. An error that is easily recovered under normal circumstances becomes overwhelming when you find yourself too exhausted or out of money to react. Take stock of where you are, materially and emotionally and seek opinion before you find that you are too worn down to soldier on. If this is where you are right now read on. Failure is inevitable in life, expecting to glide through without a hiccup is unrealistic and sets you
up to fall harder when obstacles do occur. The reality is that failure is commonplace but so is overcoming it. “If you cant accept failure you cant win. ” Vince Lombardi. Take responsibility for our own life. Stop blaming other people, circumstances, fate, or even luck for your problems and your choices; to do so is self-defeating because it releases you from taking responsibility for your own thoughts and behaviours. Take responsibility for your choices or you remain a victim in life and you on keep blaming your hardships on the world and everyone around you. For good or bad, the world doesn’t work around any one of us; we have to work with what the world provides to us and pave our own way. Don’t get angry with other people. Don’t bottle up you feelings. Go for a walk, a swim or a run. Give yourself space to think. Forget about what other people may be thinking. Not only will any very obvious failure soon be yesterday’s news, but also if you think other people are judging you (and maybe they are, maybe they aren’t), it won’t be long before they’re too busy worrying about their own failures to be concerned about yours. Use constructive criticism as a way forward do’t get defensive. Remind yourself that you are good enough. Feeling inadequate is a commonplace human feeling that even very public, very successful people feel but they don’t let it keep them down. Stop worrying, start laughing. Yes, the sun will come up again tomorrow. Yes, things might be miserable for a little while but how will worry help? Being able to laugh at yourself for mistakes can be an important part of the healing process, readying you for moving on again. . The negativity is in your head. The reality is that you will recover. And you will have the benefit by gaining knowledge, insight, and experience and wisdom that only those who tried can make claim to. Reach out to the people around you who care about you; enjoy their company Business failure can help you discover your best self. Failure is a signal that you’re willing to press on. Focus on trying again. When business failure looms persistence is the source of success for the majority of people on this planet. Overnight successes are rare; they are usually people who have been trying and failing and trying again many times.
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